«ME DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1951 Year of Economic Warfare Sees Canada in Good Spot Ottawa -- (CP) -- Canada has emerged from the first round of the war against communism as a strong, gathering economic force. In the first year of the Korean war, government economists con- side that Canada has successfully met her greatest economic chal- lenge -- to produce war materials in peacetime with the smallest pos- sible impact on domestic wants, even though some pains of re-ad- justment are being felt at the mp- ment. : A $3 billion expansion of total production and services has been put under way since the Korean fighting started, to meet world and domestic demands for such things as steel, aluminum, lumber and nickel. ; INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION The result is the beginning of what government economists pre- diet will entail a virtual industrial revolution for this country of 14 million -- continued expansion for a generation or more. But all this has engendered some effect on the population. Since Korea started taxes have been rais- ed and controls and restrictions im- posed to maintain the industrial effort. Only the fringe has been touched. The end could be a to- tally-controlled state prepared to battle Communist aggression to the finish. Korea has shown that economi- cally Canada has not much to fear. Rather than draining, Korea has pumped new blood into the indus- trial heart. FIGURES SHOW STRENGTH The following statistics pinpoint Canada's economic strength: Steel production, in the first quar- ter of 1951, increased by 8 per cent to 906,000 tons compared with the corresponding period last year; aluminum, 19 per cent to 200,000 tons; lumber, 27 per cent to 1,400,- 000,000 board feet; newsprint, 7 per cent to 1,400,000 tons; nickel, 10 per cent to 64 million pounds. Canada, too, is in a healthy posi- tion regarding crude oil. For in- stance, on May 7 oil production was 117,000 barrels, 85 per cent higher than on the corresponding date last year. Last March hydro installations produced 4,900,00 kilo- watt hours of electric power, a gaingof 17 per cent over March, 1950. mrjgTioy THREAT However, hovering over this buoy- ant position, has been the threat of inflation. For instance, the cost of living in the first quarter of 1951 climbed 11 per cent to the highest figure in history. The result was a squeeze on the family budget and a cry for more > wages and price controls by the 5 million man labor force. A series of so-called anti-inflationary mea- sures were introduced by the fed- eral government, but these did not completely arrest or contain the problem. : The government boosted taxation to its highest peacetime rate, placing Canada on a "pay-as-you- go" basis to meet an unparallelled $1,600,000,000 peacetime defence budget. It committed Canada to similar expenditures for three y;ears. Economists predict that no matter what happens in Korea, Canadians may not again see a defence budget lower than $1 bil- lion -- at least as long as the Communist menace exists. The government also attenipted to discourage spending by apply- ing instalment-buying restrictions. Bank borrowing also was discour- aged and so was house building by the elimination of government second-mortgage loans. Controls on scarce materials, such as steel, aluminum, copper and brass, were imposed. Steel was withheld from non-essential construction. The government began to study of over-all price controls and en- acted emergency legislation to im- plement such power, if necessary. Despite pressure by labor and some other organizations, the government has not gone that far. Alberta Sand 'May Be Major Font of Oil | Winnipeg (CP)-- 8S. M. Blair, To- ronto consulting engineer says that the bituminous sands of northern Alberta will serve as a major source of liquid fuels. Mr. Blair addressed the chemical engineering division of the Chemi- cal Institute of Canada at its 34th annual conference here. Mr. Blair said the size of the resource is still unknown. However sufficient rich bituminous sand has been shown by outcrops and dril- lings to place the formation in the category of one of the major oil resources. The main problem is not one of proving the extent of the reserve, but of establishing the efficiency the extent of the reserve, but of The main problem is not one of proving the extent of the reserve, but of establishing the efficiency with which desirable oils can be recovered from this source. Local Building Standards Are Maintained By Codes Building codes are essentialy local ordinances designed to main- tain standards of construction ap- proved by the municipality and the province. They are intended to protect the public in regard to safety in building with special reference to health, structural soundness and fire hazards. Some municipalities have adopt- ed the National Building Code as a basis for their local codes. A responsibility of the National Re- search Council, the code is intend- ed to assist municipal and pro- vincial authorities and is a result of years of study and constant re- view, The National Building Code specifies minimum room sizes and window areas, besides laying down rules of construction for founda- tion walls, basement floors, exterior walls and roofs, fire protection, and all other phases of building. Minimum requirements for plan- ning construction, and materials for buildings upon which loans are made under the National Hous- ing Act have been published by Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation in a booklet entitled 'Building Standards". These stan- dards are intended to apply in all cases except where provincial or municipal codes are more exacting. In such cases the provincial or municipal codes apply. The Central Mortgage building standards require the use of ma- terials that are structurally sound for the purpose for which they are to be used. Nothing is required that will cause a builder to spend a dollar extra that is not amply jus- tified from the standpoint of health, safety and convenience, Report Provides Building Figures In Many Lands Ottawa--In its most recent quar- terly review of housing progress abroad, the Economic Research Di- vision, Central Mortgage and Hous= ing Corporation here provides sta- tistical information on home build- ing in the United Kingdom, the US. Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Sweden. The end of 1949, reveals the re- port, saw the completion of the mil- lionth post-war dwelling on the United Kingdom. The first half of 1950 saw 106,300 dwellings built. Shortages in cement and lumber, however, showed their effects. VALUATIONS INCREASE In the U.S. the total value of | construction work put in place in- creased by 18 percent from $9,993, 000,000 in the first half of 1949 to $11,789,000,000 in the first half of 1950. Total non-farm dwellings started in the first seven months of 1950 jumped from 545,000 in 1949 to 838,000 in 1950. Defence was Production Act of passed trolling installment, consumer and PHONE 5-2951 75 ORCHARD VIEW BLVD. UNITED TRUCKING Sand - Gravel - Fill - Custom Leading Owned and Operated by FRANK BAUMGARTNER OSHAWA, ONT. On September 8th, however, the | 1950 | channelling essential | materials into war production, con- | real estate construction credit, and establishing controls on labour, and prices, Australia's immigration plans call- ing for 200,000 migrants annually will, it 1s estimated, require 95,000 houses yearly. Dwelling units com- pleted in the first half of 1950 totalled 27,700, an increase of 11 percent _over the corresponding 1949 period. Tq assist housing construc- tion the Government removed the sales tax on some bathroom fit- tings, builders' hardware, electrical fittings, etc. IMPORT PREFABS In New Zealand dwellings started in la urban centres for the first half /Jof 1950 numbered 3,792, a 2 percent decline from the corres- ponding 1949 period. A total of $38,- 346,000.00 was provided for 1950 house construction as compared with $35,050,400.00 in 1949. Licences have been issued for the import of several types of prefabricated houses from Great Britain and Sweden to ascertain their suitability for New Zealand conditions. South Africa, unlike its sister members of the Commonwealth, has decided against further large- scale immigration as it has become a strain on housing. The housing of native workers near larger urban centres is a particular problem. Cape Town, last year, construct- ed native huts of corrugated asbes- tos with two bedrooms costing $380.00 each, and having an esti mated 20 years' life, During 1950, some 50,000 dwell- ings were completed in Sweden, the last country reported on in the re- 160 KING ST. WEST J DOORS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED JEFFREY Woodworking Shop view. This was a 20 percent increase over 1949. A labour scarcity exists in this progressive Scandinavian country and pressure is being ex- erted to permit a larger influx of foreign labour from Europe. DANGEROUS PLANT The '"'dumb cane" is a tropical American plant with an acrid juice which paralyzes the powers of speech. SAWS FILED ~by machine. More precise work. Cut cleaner, truer, faster. All kinds, quicker service. Bring your saws to STAN FUDGE 236 Eulalle CONCRETE WELL CRIBBING CULVERT TILE All Sizes Weepers 3", 4", 6" AUSTIN SKINNER Thornton's Corners 14 MILE N, DIAL 3-8012 DIAL 3-7361 3) MR.28Y& BY ERNIE CAY <= fray I ® Appraisals ® Real Estate NATIONAL HOUSING ACT and COMPANY MORTGAGE LOANS We Are Official Representatives ® Property Management DIAL 3-2265 ASSOCIATES REALTORS YOU NEED A GOOD YARDSTICK ... to measure the quality of custom millwork. There are many homeowners in Oshawa who can recommend the OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS CO. for custom built windows, doors, screen, cabinets, etc. This is our twentieth year of satisfactory service to your community. ASK US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS COMPANY Phone 5-4443 84 SIMCOE ST. S. Belton OIL BURNER Better INSTALLATION OIL WA LL-F dN BYE YAY 7 . Se sel foelorrealee McLAUGHLIN COAL « SUPPLIES LTD. HEAT AME METHOD Dial 3-3481 The The different, b Py of svery fous, For the finest in heating, here's your winning com- bination--Timken Silent Automatic Oil Heat PLUS topnotch installation know-how! On both counts, our shop is Heating Headquarters, A Timken Silent Auto- matic Wall-Flame Oil Burner--installed by our fac- tory-trained experts--will give you constant, carefree comfort. What's more, this clean, convenient heat con- sistently saves up to 25% or more on fuel bills. You can enjoy these demonstrated savings, too. PHONE US TODAY for free fact-finding survey. wills Wakes The Dron / Timken Silent Automatic sa better wall-lame oil burner. Furnace walls are efficiently blanketed by a nat- ural, unhurried, high-intensity flame. Wall-Flame design saves as much as one automatic heating dollar evt "Either you fix the soof or buy more dishes!" LUMBER CC 2 You'll like our slick, quick service and nifty, thrifty prices - remember, . when it comes to building materials, what you want is what we have. OMPANY --ax- PHONE DIAL 5-0122 Sheet Metal 21 CHURCH ST. Authorized Dealer ® ESSO OIL BURNERS ® NEW IDEA FURNACES ® Gar Wood Tempered Air Units "Sales and Service to all Mokes* DIAL 35-2734 N. H. A. LOANS ® Real Estate ® Private Mortgages ® Company Loans ® Business and Property Appraisals Dial 3-3849 LEON B. NASH BROKER 13% SIMCOE ST. N. d Roof Moai Service 'W. D. PARKHURST Carpenter and Roofer 272 Grooms Ave. . Dial 3-4274 HARLEIGH KITCHENS b 160 KING ST. WEST ARE DESIGNED YOU ® 6 o THE HARLEIGH MFG. CO. Phone Evenings 35-3012 3-7589 Architects Engineers ««° Designe owners wh i& Patented | Ventlioting ORDINARY WINDOW AWNING ++. permits no ventilation... no circulation of air. Hot air stays under the awning and is trans mitted back into home not being able to rise through and escape. "There is no other aluminum or metal awning manufacturer in Canada with equal equipment, equal experience, or equal. quality at ony price. KoolVent is not best because it's the largest, but largest because it's the best, Insist on KoolVents! rs + + « Gd HOME o have KooLV Get the Facts, so... You Too Can KNOW Why KOOLVENT ane lope fon COMFORT - BEAUTY & ECONOMY QUALITY [a] KoolVents are the only loted aluminum awnings? KoolVents are custom-toilored to fit your particular windows, doorways and porches! KoolVents assure paint permanence through Alodizing...a process thot vents wind and weather oxidization! KoolVents give you complete year 'round protection! Yes, KoolVents give you all this and more...such as a choice of 16 beautiful colors and combina- tions...installation by our own factory-trained crews...and year 'round comfort. Get ALL the facts on KoolVents! Be in the KNOW... 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