T¥'URSDAY, JUNE 14, 1951 THE W®AILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE NINETEEN Rightish Trend Forecast In French Voting Sunday By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer Paris (CP) -- With fingers crossed, French politicians cagily forecast a slight trend to the right ) the forthcoming national elec- ons. Intricate new electoral provision make predictions a gamble, but the guessing is that the biggest losses in the June 17 voting will be suffered by the Communists and the Catholic-supported Mouvement Republicain Populaire, the party of one-time Prime Minister Georges Bidault. The Communists with 28.2 per cent of the votes and the MRP with 26 per cent were the two largest parties in the last national assembly, which was elected in November, 1946, and was dissolved last month. e Communists are expected to be Rit hard by the new election law, which permits alliances against extremists, whle the MRP may suffer from the stigma which usually attaches to a government of the outstanding groups in the coalitions which ruled for the last 4%; years. The biggest new force in the elec- tion will certainly be Gen. Charles De Gaulle's Rassemblement du peuple Francais (rally of the French: people), running for the first time. The Gaullists are re- garded as likely to pick up any- where between 100 and 200 seats in the 621-member Assembly. Nobody ventures to say for cer- tain that any one party will win enough seats to govern with a clear majority. 1 That is partly because of the 15 "national" groups with candi- dates in at least 30 of the 90 de- partments. Though some of the weird characters which enliven French elections aren't running this time, there are still some laughs. In one constituency, a hus- band, wife and their three sons are grouped as a party dedicated to the "consolidation of Republic- an institutions." Champagne To Fisherman Auckland, N. Z. (CP)-- There is a case of champagne and a bottle of whisky waiting for a deep-sea angler at the Bay of Islands, north- ern New Zealand. It will be donated by the Moturoa Island fishing camp to the first fisherman who lands a broadbill swordfish. But the donors of the trophy are confident that it will lie unclaimed for years. Many broadbills have been seen in the area, but the last | one caught was in 1926. | Large numbers of swordfish are | caught off the Bay of Islands each year, but they are all either black, blue or striped marlins. The Bay of Islands is one of the world's finest deep - sea fishing grounds and anglers come from all parts of the world to try the sport. Many world's records have been estab- lished in the area. But the great broadbill swordfish continue to elude fishermen. On other fish the swords grow to about three feet in length, but on the broadbill the swords are always at least six feet long. To catch one is regarded as the pinnacle of ach- ievement for a deep-sea fisherman. The man who finally lands one will probably have to add a good deal to the case of champagne to pro- vide for the celebrations that will mark his catch. Ample Payment Ample reward for her services is the grateful expression on the face of 13-year-old Yuong Hun Ure, shown receiving medical aid from Capt. Toni Pagano, army nurse. The young Korean lad was wound- ed by a hand grenade when the area surrounding his home became a battlefield. --Central Press Canadian. Devil Legend Leads to Find 0f Tungsien Sydney, Australia (CP)-- A na- tive legend may lead to the dis- covery of tungsten deposits in New Caledonia, Pacific island off the east coast of Australia. For many ycars local natives have said that remote mountain regions near the little settlement of Canala, on the east coast, are in- habited by ghosts and devils. They have consistently refused to hunt or work in the neighborhood. Recently prospectors decided to investigate the reason behind the Kanaka superstition. They observed the fluorescent phenomena often associated with large tugsten deposits -- a weird, blue-green glow above areas where the ore has beén exposed by ero- sion, They took specimens and had as- says made. These showed promis- ing percentages of the strategic mineral. Mining rights in the region were owned by an old farmer. A lead- ing local business man quietly bought his concession, and now proposes to develop the lease with private capital. The whole island is experiencing an unprecedented mining boom. Australian interests have bought concessions near Canala to mine cobalt, another strategic mineral. The island already produces con- siderable quantities of nickel and chrome. » Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort FASTEETH, a pleasant alkaline (non-acid) powder, holds .alse teeth more firmly, To eat and talk in more comfort, just sprinkle a little FAS. TEETH on your plates. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Checks "plate odor (denture breath). Get FASTEETH at any drug store. f 3 Has all these features, too: © Space for 300 Ibs. frozen foods © "Finger-tip" balance lid © Extra-thick sealed-tight insulation © Two handy sliding baskets © Quick-freeze shelf © Automatic alarm signal © Interior light and priced at only 90 SIMCOE ST. S. A FRIGIDAIRE Food Freezer The only food freezer powered by the Meter-Miser $499.75 ME APPLIAN Enjoy out-of-season foods bought at thrifty in-season prices. Keep your own produce for many months ! DIAL 5-5332 Canadian Chipmunk Goes Indian India has begun production of 150 elementary trainers so similar to the Canadian-designed Chipmunk, seen above, that they may be copies. The chief difference between the two planes is the type of powerplant used. The work is being carried out at the Bangalore plant of the Hindustan Aircraft Co. --Central Press Canadian. GIFT FROM INDIA Montreal---CP)--McGill Univers- ity has been presented with two maruscripts of the famed Indian poet and philosopher, Sir Rabin- dranath Tagore, who died in 1941, IC.P.R. Says Canada Faces New Round of Wage Hikes Ottawa-- (CP) --One of Canada's largest employers of labor, the Canadian Pacific Railway, yester- day expressed belief Canadian in- dustry faces another round of in- creases. The CPR was opening its pre- sentations before the Board of Transport Commissioners for a new 15-par-cent increase in freight rates. It stressed higher wages as an element entering into the cost of materials bought by the rail- ways. "There is little doubt," it said, "but that industry in general is heading into another round of vage increases, occasioned by the sharp already taken place, and the effect raffle for prizes of more than $50 | flooded by a hundred rackets that through the mails "we will be should not go through the mails," rise in the cost of living that has on production costs will undoubt- edly be reflected in the general price level." The wage forecast did not apply to the railways themselves. Most of their employees are under con- tracts that do not expire until next year. . quick-drying Mipard's Liniment-- "rub it in well. You'll get relief, and quick, too! INARD'S "KING OF PAIN" LINIMENT $50 LIMIT FOR RAFFLES Ottawa--(CP)--Raffle tickets of- fering prizes valued at more than $50 are banned from the mails, Postmaster General Rinfret said Monday in the Commons. Replying to Dr. W. G. Blair (P.C.--Lanark), Mr. Rinfret said if the post office charitable institutions to conduct a at DOMINION CLARK'S Meat Spread CLARK'S IRISH STEW CHOICE CULVERHOUSE PEARS CULVERHOUSE CARROTS CULVERHOUSE CORN ® Features o OUTSTANDING VALUE! LENNOX--CHOICE APPLESAUCE LEON--CHOICE QUALITY PINEAPPLE coon DOLE--FANCY QUALITY ' FRUIT COCKTAIL 20 Own Tins 29 24 20 Oz. Tin 20 Oz. ASSORTED FOR SANDWICHES HEAT AND SERVE CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE ~-2 oe Culverhouse Quality Products e IN SYRUP CHOICE DICED GOLDEN CREAM STYLE eo Clark's Products eo CLARK'S PORK & BEANS: 20 Oz. Tins 2 2 33 29. 29: 25 302 Tins 15 Ox Tin 20 Oz. Tins DESSERT 2902, 1 Tin LS 20 Oz. 25 21 20 Oz. 2 Tins 33 STOKELY'S--SPANISH STYLE 150 Tins 2: 33 Tin 20 Oa. AYLMER--BOSTON BROWN--IN T.5. ' 2 Tins PORK & BEANS GOLDEN CORN 2 STOKELY'S--CREAM STYLE--FANCY AYLMER--CHOICE QUALITY PEAS & CARROTS I5 Oa, RIPE SWEET CUBAN - PINEAPPLE JUICY CALIFORNIA VALENCIA 1) TEXAS FIRM RED Values Effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 14th, 15th & 16th In Osh '/ SUNKIST ORANGES SOUTH CAROLINA NO. NEW POTATOES RIPE TOMATOES CATELLI--IN TOMATO SAUCE COONED SPAGHETTI 20 Oz. Tin ARRIVING DAILY--ONTARIO FRESH STRAWBERRIES Excellent For Preserving + 20: Doz. 20. 5.29. Cello Carton 25. DOMINION STORES LIMITED Size 288s 1 {t's nice to be waited on . . . promptly and personally . . . by the friendly, experienced meat clerks at DOMINION. It's even nicer to know that whatever you choose at DOMINION is guaranteed to please on the table! Yes, DOMINION gladly replaces, or refunds your money, if anything you buy is not 100% satisfactory. Shop where you get personal service . . . plus guaranteed satisfaction-- - MAPLE LEAF (SLICED) LUNCHEON LOAF MAPLE LEAF BAKED (SLICED) MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF PREMIUM BOLOGNA CORNED BEEF sic MAPLE LEAF POT SALAD 12 Oz. Pkg. 27 - COLE SLAW 12 Oz. Pkg. 27 - Lb. FRESH GRADE A BOILING FOWL BACON & LIVER SAUSAGE * 99: | SWIFT'S BAKED (SLICED) g bb; 59 PICKLE avo PIMENTO LOAF = 69 COOKED 49 59. PORK HOCKS 'b. Lb. PRE-DRESSED MAPLE LEAF WEINERS 1b. Cello ® Picnic and Cottage Requirements © 33 12 33c 33 3k ROSE--CRISP & CRUNCHY--MIXED SWEET PICKLE ROSE BRAND SWEET RELISH THINLY SLICED--ROSE SWEET 31c WAFER Pickles BUDGET WAX PAPER MeLAREN'S--ORANGE OR LIME PUNCH MIXES 27. DELICIOUS IN SALADS--RED SEAL Cohoe Salmon 35 ALLEN'S--CHOICE QUALITY APPLE JUICE "2 25 HORSEY--SWEETENED--FLORIDA Grapefruit Juice e SUMMER STORE HOURS - JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST MONDAY - - - 83am 106m. TUESDAY - = - 830am.10 6pm. THURSDAY - - 80am. 10 6 rm. FRIDAY - - - - 83am. 10 6PM. SATURDAY - - 85am. 10 bem. 16 Oz fis Jar Tin 16 Oz. 48 Oz Jar Tin 100 Ft. Rell LEMON 8 Oz, Bottle