Daily Times-Gazette, 7 Jun 1951, p. 21

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. , self starter, iii toi meeinmen Fina land --{ CP) Lnot. to. forbid their daugh ters PAGE TWENTY-ONE 2 Architects 1 Articles for Rent #0 Articles for Sole . 39 Agents Wanted .. 45 Articles Wanted , 41 Auction Sales .., 48 Auditors ......... 2 Autumobile Wanted For Rent Supplies Household Repairs Instruction Insurance Repairs .. Automobiles for Sale ........ 32 Automobiles Wanted 3 Barristers 3 Building Trades , $8 Businéss Opportunities .. § Business Opportunities Wanted ........ 10 Chirppodists 4 | Dentists Dressmaking ..... 11 Male Help Wanted Subsequent inseriions ordered of publication. Office hours REGULATIONS-- The Daily Times-Gazette shall error occurs. INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Farmers' Column 37 Female Help Gardening & Lawn Mower Service . Legal Notices .. Loan Wanted ... Lost and Found .. 18 Male & Femole Help Wanted .. Market Basket . 38A 5 | Money to Loan . | Nursing Services . § CLASSIFIED AD RATES THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ... SIX CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION . Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. new original order, Professional and Business listings, $5.00 per month for 20 words or less. 20c additional for all words over 20. initial letter, abbreviation, $§ and c si n, figure, count as a Each full word. Byx charged 15c additional. d Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day All Classis : Daily, 8-6 Saturday, 8-12. advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorreet insertion of any advertisement, nor buyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classifications. Optometrists Personal Personal Services 21 Pets & Livestock 36 Physicians Radio Repairs ... 22 Real Estate Agents ........ Real Estate For Sale Real Estate Exchange Real Estate Wanted Room and Board 30 Room and Board , Wanted a Summer Resorts 3A Veterinarians .... 8 Wanted to Rent .. 29 Wearing Apparel 38 Women's Column 23 veven vee 18 .. 47 17 " 19 Each Add'l Word 05% 10 01% Words or Less 1.26 2.15 .30 at a later date constitute a not be responsible for errors in 33--Automobiles Wanted ANY CLEAN CAR OR TRUCK with or without payments owing: Bowmanville 3263. (127t1) '41.'51 CARS BRING MORE CASH for you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Rd. 8. Dial 3-0421. Jy) "Canada's Longest CAR MARKET" 'ON CANADA'S BUSIEST HIGHWAY § Cars Sold on Consignment! Give Us a 7-Day Trial! HARRY BENNETT MOTORS WEST HILL, ONTARIO (127TF) $i ASH FOR BEST CAR OF- ig An Box 709, Times-Gagstie, 36--Pets and Livestock COCKER SPANIELS, RED AND blonde; also Labrador retrievers. Knowlton Kennels, Dial 3-8932. (Jel COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIE also few older dogs, boarding, trim- ming bathing. de-fleaing, tattooing. Waubena Kennels, new highway, near Drive-In Theatre. Jyl) BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR training, all colors, summer sale, 114 Elgin E., Dial 3-9767. 1280) COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, black, Labrador retrievers. Board- ing and trimming, Knowliton's Ken- nels. Dial 3-8032. (Je30) 37--Farmers' Coiumn WANTED--DEAD FARM STOCK, picked up promptly. Horses, cows, calves, sheep, pigs (we pay for horses and cows). As an added ser- vice we will co-operate with your veterinary in post mortems. 2%c. per pound for live horses. Call col- lect Bowmanville 2678, Margwill- | Fur Farm, Tyrone, Ont. (Je27) | 48 MODEL V8 CASE TRACTOR, | lights, including plow and disc. Phone 5-5802. (133¢) 38--Wearing Apparel SEVERAL SUMMER DRESSES, Alke new, size 18. Dial 3-9403. (133a) 38a--Market Basket YEARLING HENS DRESSED AND delivered. Dial 3-9935. (133a) DID YOU SAY OLD CHEESE? "It's out of this world" "SNAPPY, tangy, delicious', made way back in '48--goin' on 4 years old. You get it only at Glecoff's Super Market-- open every might till 10 .m. 174 Ritson Road Bouth, Glecoff's 1.G.A. Super Market. $ (Jy) FOR THE FINEST FOODS AT every-day low prices shop at Gle- coff Super Market. 'Open to 10 p.m. eyery night. 174 Ritson Road South. (Jell) 39_Articles for Sale BATHTUBS, TOILETS, WASH BA. | sins, sinks, motor boat, steel trailer, | used lumber, new pine trim. Dial] 3-7088, (131¢c) HARDWOOD KINDLING FOR acket heater, stove or furnace, 12 ags $4. Dial 5-0811. (je 19) CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE; kitchen cupboards made to order, sash and doors, workmanship guar- anteed. Jeffrey Woodworking Shop, 160 King St. W. Dial 3-7361. Jys) CAR TRAILER, $20; MAN'S BICY. cle, $20; large ice box, $12." D. Bur- leigh, Brooklin. Phone 50-J. (131c) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR old rugs and clothing ersible and seamless broadloom solids, Tone-on- tone and patterns. For information phone 05-2864, Continental Rug Co. Lita. Jyd) . HOUSE TRAILER, 16 FT.; SLEEPS 2; wired, new tires. Apply Don Mac- Burnie, R.R. 2, Oshawa. (130¢) 3-PIECE CHROME & WHITE DI- nette suite; trilite; magazine table; bed and spring. All practically new, Phone 5-4028. : (131¢) BABY'S PLAY-PEN .AND COM- mode chair. Apply 115 Albert St. (131¢) DOUBLE GARAGE DOORS, FOUR storm doors; also wood saw. Apply 225 Fourth Ave (131c) 150 USED WOODEN CHAIRS WILL be sold in minimum of 50 chair lots. Apply Commercial Hotel, (131¢c) HEINTZMAN PIANO, GOOD TONE, $75. Apply 360 Drew St. (131c) NAYS BICYCLE 33, LIKE NEW. Hall St, or dial 3-4783. (1311) | bearing wheels, all the extra trim-| 39--Articles For Sale SUPER DELUXE NORGE REFRI- gerator, 81; cu. ft. self-defrosting, like new. Phone 5-6046. (130d) RECORD PLAYERS, ATTRACT- ive luggage type carrying case, auto- matic and 3 speed models, wide vari- ety of prices and models. Meagher's, 5 King St. W. (Je23) NEW ELECTRO - AIRE VACUUM cleaners, complete with attach. ments--$49.95. Free demonstration in your home. Easy terms. Barons' Ra- dio & Electric, 426 Simcoe 8, Dial 5-4822. J10) ORDER YOUR VENETIAN BLINDS while stock available. Canada's finest by Met-Wo Industries of steel and Flexalum. Genuine Flex stamp- eld on every slat. Accept no substi. tute. Free estimates and installa- tions anywhere. J. W. Melley. Dial 3-2811. J9) 2 LARGE LAKE SIMCOE TYPE boats, built for outboard, practically new. $200 each. For appointment Dial 5-2415. (132¢) JACKET HEATER, IN GOOD | condition. Dial 3-9800 after 6. (133a) ELECTRIC RANGE, TWO BURNER heavy duty model, good condition, reasonable. Dial 5-5362. (133b) RANGETTE, LARGE OVEN, white enamel, utility drawer, $20. Apply 480 Miller Ave. (133¢) De Wilson Says "IT'S FUN SHOPPING AT WILSON'S" JUNE CLEARANCE SALE Walnut Cedar Chests - It's a beauty, genuine walnut lined in red Tennessee cedar, equipped with drawer. Greet Saving. Only $44.50 CARPET RUG Smart tone-on-tone patterns. A real durable 100% wool faced rug, a large size 9 x 12. A very low price. $49.50 BABY PRAMS Join the parade of baby prams with our complete selection of latest styles. This is a dilly of a bargain. Folding | pram with 4 chrome fenders, ball] mings. Floor sample clearance. $27.50 CHROME TABLE Serviceable and. good looking, arbor- | ite top, heavy chrome "legs, greatly | reduced. «iv $29.50 DOUBLE DRESSERS We offer you two only, double dréss- ers. These are from expensive bed- | room suites. To clear at a great re-| duction. | $49.50 COFFEE TABLES Really beautiful tables, genuine wal- | nut, removable glass trays. A perfect gift. Very low price. $19.95 ED. WILSON COVERS YOUR FLOOR EVERYTHING IN FLOORCOVERING. | LSON! FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH STREET DIAL 3-3211 (133a) 1 | | 885. 308 Bloor E. | 39--Articles for Sale 6 CU. FT. SERVEL REFRIGERA- tor. Guaranteed 1 year, devano bed never used. Phone 3-8634. Cash or terms. (133c) RADIO "HALLICRAFTERS"' MOD- ed. (838), 7-tube, long and short wave bands or as amateur communi- cation receiver. Perfect condition. Phone 3-4819. (1332) FISHERMEN GET YOUR EQUIP- ment at Paul's. Rods, reels, baits, lines, tackle boxes etc. 589 Albert St. South, Open evenings. Jy? GENDRON CONVERTIBLE BABY carriage, used ten months. Al con- dition. Dial 3-2335. (Je7,9) McCLARY COOK STOVE, DIN- ette suite, blue and white, congoleum rug to match. Phone 3-7329. (133b) NEW NORGE 6!; CU, FT. REFRIG- erator $314.50, table top range $359.50 complete with deep-well cooker. A limited, supply available. Murphy's Appliances, 117 Simcoe S., across from Memorial Park. Phone 3-8634. (133¢) | BEES FOR SALE--BEE SUPPLIES frames, drawn combs shallow and full depth. Supers new and used all standard ten frame. Reasonable. Eric Lilley, Tooley's Road North, Courtice. (133¢) S8IX PIECE NATURAL DINETTE suite, very reasonable, Phone 3-8531. (133¢) REFRIGERATOR 9.5 CU, FT. DEEP freeze, 6 months old. Selling at wholesale price. Apply 926 Simcoe North, (133¢) STOKER AND BOILER SUITABLE | for large house or building. Perfect condition. Reasonable for quick sale. Apply Royal Theatre, Bowmanville. (133¢) LIGHT CAR TOP BOAT FOR PAD- dies or oars $40. Also man's bicycle, in good condition $20. Apply after 5 70 Wilson Road South. (133b) ACCORDION, 120 BASS, 7 COUP- ler. Apply 172 Celina Street. (133b) 7 CU. FT, WESTINGHOUSEs RE- frigerator, Super Deluxe, used less than 1 year. HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT, WALNUT, piano and bench, good condition, $75. Dial 3-3250. (133b) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers, St. N. Dial 5-1179. ash or terms. Dial 3- (133¢) | Jack Biddulph. €s Simcoe | (Je25) | 39--Articles For Sale 42--Female Help Wanted AWNINGS NOW AVAILABLE, good selection. of colours. Order now for early delivery. Free estimates, Dial Merv. Tuck, 5-3492. (Je?) AWNINGS -- SELECT YOURS from gay stripes or plain colors. Free estimates. Folding chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa, (Juns) BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, NEW & used, bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Also lawnmowers sharpen- ed and repaired. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Es corner Kenneth and Bond. Dial 5-6344. (Je28) MANURES -~ WELL - ROTTED horse, cow or mushroom manure. ldeal for lawns, shrubs, gardens, flowerbeds. Also black loam and top soil. Dial 721. (Jel6) VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy; blinds repaired, drape arms installed. Dial Ron Trewin, 5-3522 (Jel9) VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start. ling development in Venetian Blind history. lattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful én. closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without ob- ligation. George Reid. Dial 5-0633. 66 Bond St. West. (Jels) VARIETY BOXED FLOWERS, cabbage, tomato, cauliflower, pepper plants. Ferguson's Greenhouse, 296 Pacific. Dial 3-3052. an REFRIGERATORS, 85 & 95 CU. ®t, never used. Dial 5-2036. (1271) AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY THE FAMOUS Ma rtin Outboard Motors (4.5 HP. ..... . $220.00 {7.5 HP... cauennessvy $285.00 | BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED CEMENT, ANY QUANTITY. IM. Dial 3-2762. (Jell) VICTOR, WESTINGHOUSE AND Stromberg-Carlson portable also complete stock of Eveready mediate delivery, COMPLETE PARTS IN STOCK SERVICE BY QUALIFIED MECHANICS radios, | batteries to fit all makes. Meagher's, | 5 King St. West. frozen food chest capacity over 30 Ibs.; adjustable shelving, full length | Regular $459.50. Sale price hile they last. Barons' Ra- dio & Electric, 426 Simcoe S. Dial 5-4822, J10) CANADIAN BEAUTY RANGETTE door. $309.50. used one month. Apply 102 Elgin E. (132¢) THOWYSANDS OF OSHAWA CITI- work and travel under rotection. You too can in- i Murdoch. Office 1213 Si coe Street South, Oshawa. (Jy6) SAILBOAT, SNIPE CLASS, GOOD condition. $200 or best offer. Dial 3-7991 after 5. (132D) THREE MEN'S BICYCLES, GOOD condition. 288 St. Julien St. (132b) CEMENT MIXERS -- HAND OR electric powered, 21; cu. ft. and larger, also water pressure pumps. | Phone 5-3229. VICTOR TELEVISION (182d) SET, DE- monstration model, $195. Meagher's. | 5 King St. West. (132¢) BOAT, "PETERBOROUGH HAN- dy-boy", complete with steering wheel and tarpaulin, $235. Dial 3- 3259. GREY CONVERTIBLE CARRIAGE, one baby's walker. Dial 3-2304. 4 (132¢) USED, CONNOR WASHING MA- chine, completely - re-conditioned, Phone 5-5521. size. Phone 5-0102 after 5. (132¢) 15 FLATS TOMATO PLANTS. AP- ply J. H. Pascoe, Taunton. (133a) ICE REFRIGERATOR, LARGE | size; food capacity, about 6!; cu. ft. Holds 100-1b. ice, sufficient for one week. A-1 condition. Phone 5-1210. (132b) COOKSVILLE RED RUG BRICKS, 1,250 approx. Apply 70 Wilson Rd. S. anytime. 7 (132b) ALL MAKES OF VACUUM CLEAN. ers and polishers, new and used, for rent, sale and repaired. Dial 5-6423. (Jeld) DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO. Dial 3-3833. Smith-Corona Typewri- ters, Adders ,Cashiers, Sales, serv- ice, rentals. New and used machines. (Jell) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed im every way. Also complete repair service. Dial Merv. Tuck, 05-3492. (Jel) (132¢) | (131c) | { BASS VIOLIN, THREE-QUARTER (Je23) | NEW, SENSATIONAL PRESTE: | line refrigerators. Save $60. 9 cu. ft. | Victor's SPORTS and CYCLE | 34 KING ST. W. DIAL 3-7812 { (131e) WOOD'S APPLIANCES | Phone 5-5521, a salesman will pro- | vide transportation for you. ! Norge refrigerators, ranges, washing | machines. Terms and trade-in ac- | cepted. | (1321) {MODERN 8 - PC, DININGROOM suite, perfect condition. Apply 113 | Brock St. E. + (1301) { | SEE OUR OUTSTANDING SELECTION OF | NEW & USED BICYCLES PRICED FROM $9.50 UP | Victor's SPORTS and CYCLE | 38 BOND ST. W. (Corner of Prince) DIAL 3-314] (131e) {41--Articles Wanted | CHINA CABINET, OLD STYLE with all glass front and sides pre- ferred. Phone 3-2798. (133a) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW oose and duck feathers, also fea- her ticks of a 'description. Live poultry, scrap irom and metals. Dial I. Turner, North Oshawa 5-4912 collect. (Jun6) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now, Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822. (Je16) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT. ed. Dressers, beds, stoves and heat- ers. 56 King West. Dial 5-0132, . (Jels) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls HARDWOOD FACTORY CUT- tings, Clean and dry for furnace, range or jacket héater. $5 or $3 lots delivered. Dial 3-7391. (Je20) Gibson refrigerators, ranges. Terms 'ond trade-ins accepted. WOOD'S APPLIANCES Phone 5-5521, a salesman will pro- vide transportation for you. (1321) SCRAP FIREWOOD $5.00 Per Truckload S-gallon pails suitable for garbage, ashes, etc. M. GREENBERG & SONS Dial 3-7333 (T.T.S.TF | DEFOREST CROSLEY CONSOLE Radio, 8 tubes, all-wave, completely overhauled .............. . $69.50 SPARTON CONSOLE 5-TUBE Radio, good working order $19.95 BEATTY WASHING MACHINE Good running order $19.95 N.E. WASHING MACHINE Porcelain tub with automatic pump wen aan eri s oes nav 939.50 ROYAL VACUUM CLEANER Complete with attachments--late model $39.95 BARON'S RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 Simcoe S. Dial 5-4822 (133c) icked up free. Dial 5-3432, Cedardale Iron and Metals, 100 Annis St., east of C.N.R. Station. Jy3) CASH FOR GOOD USED FURNI- ture, beds and cribs, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond St. W., dial 3-4863. (Jeld) 42--Female Help Wanted CLERK FOR INDEPENDENT GRO- cery store. Write Box 710 Times-Ga- Zette, (133c) LADY COMPANION TO CARE FOR | elderly lady during night time also | share large apartment, Dial 3-4378. (133¢) TT. GOOD TYPIST | Required by accounting department. | Opportunity for right girl to learn | bookkeeping machine. Apply to | Personnel Manager THE OSHAWA TIMES-GAZETTE i | . (133¢) | GLERKS FOR BVENING FILING, | must have speed. Write Box 701 Times-Gazette. (132tf) WOMAN TO WASH TWO STORE floors each week. Apply in, person at once to Atkin's Hosiery, 5 Simcoe South (132b) FIRST CLASS WAITRESSES wanted. Apply Spruce Villa Hotel, Whitby. (132¢) KITCHEN | .WOMAN, MUST BE good cleaner, steady position. Apply Queen's Hotel. (131t1) WAITRESS WANTED, 4-12 MID- night, Apply Oshawa Grill, 364 King EB. (131c) RELIABLE MIDDLE-AGED WOM- an, to assist in small home, 2 chil- dren; $50 monthly, live in. Apply 176 Humewood Dr., Toronto. (131e) RELIEF SWITCHBOARD OPERA- every other week and holidays. Typ- ing necessary. "Apply by letter to Business Manager, Oshawa General Hospital, 1291) STENOGRAPHER Preferably with experience, required for law. office. Must be able to take Apply to McGIBBON ond BASTEDO 20 Simcoe St. N. Dial 5-3566 (1321) dictation. 43--Male Help Wanted WANTED -- RELIABLE MAN AS Dealer in Oshawa. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products fur- nished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-F-310-163, Montreal. (Je2,7,9,14,16,21,23,28,30) BARBER WANTED, MUST BE first class, Apply Hutton's Barber Shop, Trenton, Ont. (133a) IMMEDIATE OPENING--FOR MAN or woman--full-time or part-time-- for Watkins Dealership in Oshawa. Enjoyable work. Steady earnings above the average, No experience or investment necessary. Write imme- diately to Dept. OC-O-6A. The J. R. Watkins Co., 350 St. Montreal Quebec. (JeT7,14,21,28) SALESMAN For route truck operation required by Oshawa branch of large organization. | y | | Knowledge of tires and automotive ac- | cessories on asset. Should be familiar with Oshawa, Peterborough and Hal- iburton areas. Company vehicle pro- vided. erous employee benefits, for appoint- ment phone 5-3022, Mr. Markoe. (133¢) JANITOR FOR NORTHMINSTER United Church. Apply National Em- ployment Service Order No. 1582, (132¢) YOUNG MAN FOR BAKER'S AS. sistant. Apply Tod's Bread. (13lc) MATRICULANT PREPARED TO register as student in accountancy required, Write Box 743, Times-a- zette. (131¢) TAXI DRIVERS WANTED, NEAT and courteous, 21 to 35 years old. Apply in person, United Taxi, 60 King E. (130tf) GLASS WASHER FOR BEVERAGE room. Honest, clean, and reliable. Steady employment. Apply Com- mercial Hotel. (1281) 46--Etmployment Wanted LAWNS MOWED WITH POWER lawn mower. Phone 3-3014. (133c) ODD JOBS WANTED, LARGE OR small, carpentry, painting, garden- ing, etc., $1 per hour. Dial 5-3105. (132¢) WINDOWS CLEANED, ODD JOBS and painting. Dial 56017. (July 1) YOUNG LADY, 23, WILL BABY- sit any afternoon or evening. Charge 35c an hour, 50c after twelve, even- ings. Dial 3-7979. (Je8) MOTOR CITY ODD JOB SERVICE Landscaping and cement work a No job too large (131)e) rubbish removal. or too small. Dial 5-0521. 47--Legal Notices I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife, Adele Patola, without my writ- ten consent, on and after this date, June 5, 1951, 3 Signed: M. PATOLO. (131c) 48--Auction Sale 3 Auction Sale--Stirtevant"s Auction Room, 33 Hall Street, Thursday even- ing, June 7 at 7:30 p.m. 3-piece ches- terfield suite, Moffatt gas range, buffet with large bevelled mirror, dining-room table and chairs, chest drawers, Quebec heaters, dressers, mirrors, tables, single bed, beds, springs and mattresses, ladies' bi-- cycle, table top, electric rangette, De Laval cream separator, ice box, 2 studio couches, gent"s bicycle, com~ mode chair, victrola, kitchen table (drop leaf) and 4 chairs, guitar, end table, table lamp, floor lamps, china cabinet, love seat, dishes, cooking utensils, dishes and many other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, Auc- tioneer. Phone 5-5751. (132b) Schoolboy Realizes His Great Ambition London (AP)--A shiny black rail- road engine gleamed in the sun- shine on a track in the yards yesterday. Steam hissed into the air to show. it was ready for work. Suddenly there was a grinding noise, the brake lever went up and the engine moved. It lumbered about 30 yards down the track. Then it stopped, churned back- ward and halted on almost exactly the same spot from which it start- ed. A small, sooty schoolboy peered from the engineer's cab, slid to the ground and slapped the dirt from his hands. "Sorry mister," he said to the red - faced station foreman who came running up" I always wanted to do it. But I put it back, didn't 1?" DO YOU HAVE A SKIN PROBLEM? You owe it to yoursell ((aticur SOAP wenicinal (oer Cuticura Soap and Ointment have been unusually successful in helping relieve many forms of skin discomfort-- itch of éczema, blackheads, { pimples, rash. Smoother, healthier skin usually starts in 7 days! Buy today. Roch Street, | Salary and expenses. Num- | to try CUTICURAI| | | | | | | | { | Sweden Ranks As Dark Horse Davis Cup Play ..bondon (Reuters) -- For the first time in 14 years Europe has more than an outside chance to provide a finalist in the Davis Cup -- at the expense of the United States. Advent of a new singles star in hard-hitting Sven Davidsson has established Sweden as the "dark- horse" entry in this year's world lawn tennis team classic. Since 1937 the trophy donated in 1900 by American Dwight F. Davis has crossed the Pacific between the United States and Australia. Last year the Swedes blasted their way into the inter-zone final where they gave Australia, north American zope winners, a gruel- ling time before bowing 3-2. Aus- tralia went on to win the cup by whipping the U. 8. 4-1. Pacing Sweden's challenge is stylist Lennart Bergelin, the blond giant who crowned an unbeaten Davis Cup singles run last year with victories over the star Aus- tralians, Frank Sedgman and John Bromwich. Dark - haired Davidsson, 21, played only doubles to oust stocky Torsten Johansson from the No. 2 singles spot. During the winter Davidsson won the singles title of India, with a final victory over the self-exiled Czech ace Jaroslav Drobny. He also took the Indian hard-courts title. In Egypt, on his way home, the tall Swede toppled Wimbledon champion Budge Patty. Bergelin and Davidsson have car- ried Sweden into the quarter-finals of the European zone, where they | meet Britain next week. And Swe- den should have an easy passage into the semi-final. The Swedes aren't worried about | the opposition in Europe. Their guns are trained across the At- lantic. NHL Owners Mum After Big Meet Montreal (CP) -- National Hoc- ke y League owners came out of a long meeting Wednesday amid a flock of reports and rumors about changes and player dealers. The owners had no announce- ment. But it seemed a good bet that least several rule changes will be made by the league's gover- nors when they meet today. What may be done about the| length of the playing schedule re- mained conjectural. There was some talk that the 70-game sche- dule, in effect two seasons, will be retained. There was also talk that American clubs which have suffered falling .off in attendance |the enterprise promises to solve | the present television dilemma of would be receptive to reversion to a 60-game schedule, | One rule change that appeared! most likely of going through would | replace the two face-off circles in| the ice corners at each end of the | ice surface with a larger circle in front of each goal. It is likely this scheme would | be tried out first in exhibition | specialty, yards and cellars cleaned, jSames and the all-star game be- fore next season officially opens. | There was a report that Tony | Leswick of New York Rangers | would go to the Detroit Red Wings {for Gaye Stewart. Linked with this | was conjecture that it would be a three-way deal with Harry Watson | of Toronto Maple Leafs filling out the threesome and winding up with Rangers. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT Detroit--Clarence Henry, 185%, | Los Angeles, outpointed Omelio | Agramonte, 188%, Havana, 10, ! Richmond, Va. -- Holly Mims, ! 160, Washington, outpointed Otis | Graham, 161 3, Philadelphia, 10. | .. Brooklyn Tommy Bazzano, 148, Meriden, Conn., knocked out NO Frankie Palermo, 144 4, Mt, Ver- non, N. Y. 4, .. Elizabeth, N. J. -- Polly Smith, 178, Hamilton, Bermuda, stopped Claude Rolfe, 185, Tampa, 8. FINE HARBOR The harbor of Sydney, Australia, perhaps the finest in the world, extends inland for 20 miles. Fastest Pacers Meet Tomorrow Westbury, N. Y. (AP) -- Six- teen of harness racing's fastest pacers headed by Good Time, world - record holder, will meet tomorrow night in two qualifying dashes for the $20,000 Benjamin W. Downing Memorial Pace at Roosevelt raceway. Eight horses will start in each heat, with the first five in both sections returning for the final dash of the 1%.-mile event the night of June 15 Good Time will race in the se- cond division, opposing such stars as Thomas B. Scott, Indian Land and True - Spencer. The first division of the Mem- orial probably will see Scottish Prince the favorite. Also in the first division is Dr. Stanton, the | cinderella horse of 1948-49, owned and driven by Lindy Fraser of Forest, Ont. Theatres Plan T-View of Fight New York (AP)-- Mike Jacobs' dream of a $10 million gate for a heavyweight championship fight may not be too far away after all. Four big theatre corporations -- Fabian, Loew's, RKO and United Paramount announced plans last night to televise next Wednes- day's Joe Louis-Lee Savold bout on a vast network of movie screens. | "This will mark the historical first network of theatre television," said Nathan L. Halpern, spokes- man for the theatre companies. James D. Norris, president of | the International Boxing Club, said the sports world -- a means of col- lecting T.V. revenue without ad-| versely affecting the gate. Norris took over the reins of bigtime boxing from Jacobs, who, before illness forced his retirement foresaw millions of fans swarming into movie houses and paying for the privilege of watching his gla- diators through T.V. The Louis-Savold bout at the Polo Grounds, matching the form- er heavyweight champion with the British - recognized king of the heavies, will not be televised gen- erally. YESTERDAY'S STARS Batting Dick Kryhoski, Tigers -- Doubled with bases loaded to set off five-run explosion in eighth for 6-4 victory. Pitching, Lou Kretlow, White Sox -- A non-winner since 1049, broke into the win column with a four-hitter against Washington 4-2 to make it 19 out of 21 PRESCRIPTIONS * Quizkly and Accurately Filled -- Gt -- MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE - 9 Simcoe N. Dial 3-3431 JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! DIAL 5-1169 241 KING ST. EAST Sheet Metal 21 CHURCH ST, Authorized Dealer ® ESSO OIL BURNERS ©, NEW IDEA FURNACES © Gor Wood Tempered Air Unite "Sales end Service to ofl Mekes" DIAL 5-2734 Repairs and Service COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK ond EFFICIENT SERVICE WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE . N. DIAL 3-7752 ~~ Pa Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E., Whithy Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are vour imported domestic Granites and Marbles stock, Tafa ? "¥. 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