Daily Times-Gazette, 7 Jun 1951, p. 19

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* zonto. L 4 L] THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Tnoland --{ CP)==|not. Lo. forbi PAGE NINETEEN USE oy FIED FOR QUleK Er CK ESYL . Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1--Architects ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, 47 Princes Street, Oshawa. Phone 3-0732. Also 2848 Bloor 8t. W., To- Phone LY. T7785. (Jel2) ja--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITH AND MONTEITH, Chartered Aecoustants, #7 King St. BE. Di Gordon W. Rieht, al Lo) C.A., Resident Partner. (Jun9) 1b--Accountants LYNCH AND CO., ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping services, payroll work, accounts receivable, income tax returns. 20 Albert St. Dial 5-5411. uly 8--Building Trades UNITED TRUCKING, OWNED & operated by F. Baumgartner, Dial 5-2951, Sand, gravel, fill, also cus- tom loading. Jy? INSULATION--WOULD' YOU LIKE your home cool in summer - warm in winter? Have our insulation ex- pert call and give free estimate; no obligation. McLaughlin Coal & Sup- plies Ltd. Office: Dial 3.3481, Even- ings: Mr. Hare, dial 5-2374. (Jy7) ROOFING AND CHIMNEY WORK of all kinds, Free estimates; work guaranteed. Dial 3-9302. Jy8) HOUSES Raised, Moved Repaired DIAL 5-2621 {Je30) 3--Barristers : {OUTS 8. HYMAN, K.C., BARRIS- ter, etc., Alger Bldg., 37 King Street East, Mortgage Loans Arranged. Phones: ffice 3-4943; Residence 5-0254. Jy» CONANT & CONANT, BARRIS ters and Solicitors. Gordon D. Con- ant, K.C. Roger G. Conant; B.A. Of- fices: Oshawa, Ont., 7! Simcoe St. 8., Dial 3-2227; Ajax, Ont. phone 25 (Jel3d) RD. HUMPHREYS, KC. BAR. rister, Solicitor, etc, 6 King St West ®hones: Office Dial 5-177; Residence Dial 65-4604. Money to loan George 8. Boychyn, B.A. Associate. yn ALLIN F. ANNIS, K.C. - RALPH S. Jones, B.A., 18% King St. E. Dial 3-2260, Res. 5-1235. Money to oap. ; y A. W. 5. GREER, K.C., BARRIS. ter. Solicitor, ete. 6 King Street East. Dial 5-4717, Residence 3-4759. John M. Greer, B.A.Sc. (Jun10) Z. T. SALMERS, BA. BARRIS. ter, Solicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street COMPETENT BRICKLAYER AND stonemason desires private building contracts or repairing stone or brickwork. 'Apply ' Stefan Nadajew- ski, 356 Ritson Road 8S, (Jes) 8--Building Trades all makes washers, all types elec- trical wiring and repairs. Dial 3- 9335. WJy2) GRAVEL AND FILL. UNITED Trucking. Dial 5-2051. (Je24) 9--Business Opportunities a "BEAUTY SALON Prosperous, well-established business, centrally located. Write Box 703, Times-Gazette. (133c) 11--Dressmaking ALTERATIONS, DRESSMAKING. reasonable. Dial 5-1538. (1311) Dial: office 5-3741, idence 3300. J (Je21) CREIGHTON, FRASER & DRYNAN. $5. iing. dc, Bank of Commerce 'Buil 'f. K. Creighton, K.C., N. C, Fraser, K.C, G. K. Dryoan, y JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C.,, BAR- rister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Of- fice 14% King Street East, Oshawa. Dial 3-8232. Residence Dial SU . y ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER. Solicitor. 11 King Rast, Room 2. Dial: Office 3-4211; Residence i- A Jy) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A Yanch, Barristers. Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Sim. coe North. Dial 3-4619. Res. ey. ' ud : y MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- tef, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bassett Block. Suite No. ¢. Phone 3-2022, Res. 3-4029. ((Julyl) 4--Chiropodists T. M. VANT, BC CHIRDPO. dist, specializin seases © 3 foot and leg. ri Fh chiropodv work. Suite 3, 47: Prince St. Dial piers 1 4a--Chiropractors 'LEO. L. KRANTZ, D.C., 47 PRINCE st. C 'ednesda. losed. W y afternoons. Open evenings. Dial 3-2634. E--Dentists PETER B. WILLSON, DENTIST, shawa Clinic, Hours: 9 to 6 every Hii Dial 3-8632 or 3-3792. (JyD 7--Optometrists (Je23) 12--Gardening & Supplies CITY WIDE SODDING Fresh cut daily, no weeds, guaranteed, 25¢ per squure yard. Prompt del- ivery. Toronto, PRincess 1429 collect. (Jeld) 13--Household Repairs CHESTERKIELDS REBUILT, RE- covered. Like new. Why pay more! Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebui't. Oshawa (pholstering Co., 8 Church St. Dial 5-0311, Jy3) bir SLT FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE upholsterec, See our materials for recovering Bruce R. Dalton. 7 Charles. Dial 3-7212. Jy3) 14--Instruction SUMMER SCHOOL--JUNE, JULY, August. Enrol any school day. Hours 8 to 1 during summer. Oshawa Busi- ness College. Phone 5-4343. 18 Simcoe St. North, Jy6) THE HARVEY DANCE ACAD- emy Ballet, Character, National, Toe, Tap. Register for the coming season Saturdays, Adelaiie House. Irenie Harvey. (Je?) LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING School = ballet, tap, toe, character. Masonic Temple, Saturday. Business girls, Tuesday. 3-7253. (Jun3d) ¥OX - TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Samba, Swing, taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class 'nstruction. 47 Prince St. For appointment dial 5-0841. (Jun3) A. B. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST - Jury & Lovell - Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Dial 3-2721. . Jy C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, to 12. 2 to b and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Dial 5-6143. Jy1) 8--Building Trades 15--Insurance COMPLETE INSURANCE SERV- ice. McMurtry 'Insurance Agency representing The Imperial Life, 21 King St. W. Dial 3.3722. (Jel?) PEACOCK"S INSURANCE SERV. ice for better insurance in all classes 22); King St. E. Dial 3-4667. Res. 65-4330. Jy1) WHY PAY FOR A NEW ROOF. We can fix your old roof, tin, steel, tar, stone, eter, good as new for less than half the cost. Phone 2820 Whit- by. A : 3 (132¢) SCREENED SAND, GRAVEL, loam, fil, gop soil and manure. Bud Galt, phone 35-4408. (Je30) GENERAL HAULAGE. -- GRAVEL anure and fill. Call 5-1687. sand, m (328) TERIOR AND EXTERIOR en. and decorating. Estimates ree. Dial 5-2467. ( 12) DIAL 3-9348--GLOVER & SMITH, for estimates on excavating. Bull- dozer for hire. Gravel, loam and fill. en idNED) ALTERATIONS AND REMODEL- ling bathrooms, kitchens, dinettes, archways, etc. Hardwood floors laid, first-class workmanship. Glen Parks, dial 3-2631. J9) eo er -- tL ee CARPENTER WORK, ALTERA- tions, roofing, fencing, screens made, and general repairs. Dial B- (Je?) 1500. : (Jel 8. G. PRESTON &.SON -- PAINT- ing and. paper-hafiging, work guar. anteed. For estimates, samples phone 3-3752. ay e21) PROVINCIAL TILE COMPANY-- tile flooring. ' Plastic and Barker Wall Tile. Free estimates. Dial 5- 1853, 179 Olive. rH (Jes0) A W. POWELL AND SONS. CUS- tom tractor work. Plowing, discing. cultivating, scuffling, mowing, grad. ing. Oshawa. Lial 5-4004. (Je26) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT shingles, built-up Tooling ang siding Work guaranteed. H. . Tucker ' 0 85-6161. ' CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR. ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry re Gordon May. Phone 3-9011. Jed) /JOR THE BEST IN LOAM, MAN. ure, gravel, fill, washed stones, general trucking, call Jim Love, 3- 2164. Jo .GARPENTER AND BUILDER -- New homes bullt, cupboards, steps, trim, door frames. Dial 5-1971 even- ings. (Jeld) FOR BULLDOZING, EXCAVAT. etc. Call Taylor Bros.,, Oshawa 1, or Whitby 267. (Je22) MODERN PAINTER, DECORATOR and wallpaper hanger. W. Thibert Dial 5-1356. Ji) INTERIOR PAINTING Expertly done at reasonable price. Phone .5-5786 or 3-2008 (131) 16--Lawn Mower Service LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED & repaired, Make mowing your lawn a pleasure instead of a task. Our business is making dull lawnmowers sharp at remarkably low cost. Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond St. E. Dial 5-6344. (Je26) 18--Lost and Found LOST--YALE LOCK WITH SEVER- al keys, somewhere in Oshawa. Ap- ply H. Hutchinson, 53 Nassau. Dial 3-3659. (1332) LOST--DIAMOND RING, VICIN- ity King St. or Regent Theatre. Liberal reward. Write Box 706, Times-Gazette. (133¢c) LOST-LADIES WALTHAM wristwatch on Mary, Elgin or Sim- coe Sts., Tuesday afternoon. Finder please dial 3-2884. (133c) rier, Saturday, Highland Ave. dis- trict. Answers to "Chips". Dial 3- 3513 (132b) LOST--PR: GLASSES, VICINITY Albert and Court Sts., Friday night. Reward. Dial 3-2604. (131c) 19--Money to Loan RESIDENTIAL AND COMMER- cial Mortgages. Funds available on first-class properties; also fire in- surance. Murdoch's, 121; Simcoe St South, Oshawa. (Je) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first and second' mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.HLA. and Builders Loans arranged. Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Dial 3-2022, Wyn FIRST. MORTGAGE MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND AGREEMENTS OF SALE 112 SIMCOc ST. NORTH North Shore Realty Co Ltd DIAL 5-3568 Oshawa, (Tues.-Thurs.-Sat.) 20--Personal | MADAME DELAINE, TEA CUP reading, 11 to 10 Thursday and Fri- day. Dial 3-8841: (132b) SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EFFEC- tive. 2 week's supply $1; 12 weeks $6; at all druggists. (Je6,13) SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN § to 15 1bs.; new pep. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new, healthy flesh; new vigor. Introductory, "get-acquainted" size omly 60c. All druggists, (Je6,7,8) MOTORING, REGINA, BANFF, June 16, room for two passengers, new car, Write Box 704, Times-Ga- zette. A £133b) SU READ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MER RESORTS ADVERTISEMENTS BARTWOOD MANOR, Carling, Muskoka, offers you the best in d dation and meals. For folder write Bill Hender- son, manager, (ThJy12) WASAGA -- CENTRAL, CABINS, rooms, dollar per day each person, also cottage, $200 for season. Write Box 92, Wasaga. (ThJy28) VACATION AT IRIS LODGE, PORT Elgin, on Lake Huron; three-room cottages, completely furnished. Mrs. Rowse, Box 277, Port Elgin. (ThJy12) ON LAKE OF BAYS, CLEAN MOD- ern housekeeping cabins and cot- tages. Safe beach. Meals at near- by lodge. Write Glen Manor, Dwight, Muskoka. (ThJ14) CAMP RAWLEY LODGE---ENJOY Georgian Bay and Severn River fishing or relax on spacious lawns. Write Port Severn. Telephone Wau- baushene. (ThJy12) MUSKOKA -- 6-ROOM LOG COT- tages, electrically equipped, bath- room, safe beach; month or season. Apply Allie Johnston, R.R, 1, Brace- bridge. - (ThJy12) IF LOOKING FOR A REAL HOLI- day write Stan Harris, Miramichi Lodge, Gravenhurst, for full in- formation. Don't delay. (ThJ14) BALM BEACH, FULLY EQUIPPED housekeeping cottages, electricity, safe sandy beach. Write J. Scott, Scarboro, Bluffs Post Office, Ont. (ThJ14) $17.50 COUPLE WEEKLY, HOUSE- keeping cabins on Lake Huron. Ev- erything supplied. Good beach, Write G. Hazelwood, R.R. 1, Bay- field. (ThJy5) WYLDEWOOD LODGE -- HOUSE- keeping cabins, June-September, $12 week, * couple; July - August $18. A. Henry, 70 Wellesley W., Toronto. (ThJy5) SINGLE AND DOUBLE HOUSE- keeping cabins, running water; spring-filled mattresses. The Cardi- nal Cabins, Wasaga Beach, Ont. : (ThJy5) PIKE BAY -- WRITE WARREN Lawrence, R.R. 1, Mar, Ontario. Furnished cottages, boats, motors, for rent; electricity, good fishing. (ThJy5) NOR'LOCH ' LODGE ' AND 'COT- tages on Lake-of-Bays. Safe, sand beach, $30 week. Also housekeeping cottages. George Hannant, Dwight. (ThJy5) BONSECOURS BEACH, LAKE Siméoe, 3 and 5 room apartments, 4 and 5 room cottages, Safe beach. Baillie, 8 Rushbrooke, Toronto. (ThJ14) BLUE BONNET COTTAGES, WA- saga Beach--Central, private beach, modern conveniences. June honey- mooners special--half rate. Golfing, dancing, etc. Reserve early. . (ThJy5) LAKE MUSKOKA, DIAMOND Ridgé Cottages. Privacy, excellent meals, modern conveniences. Fish- ing, swimming, boats. Write. c/o 262 Hiawatha Rd., Toronto. ; ta (Thly5) GEORGIAN BAY, FURNISHED housekeeping cottages, sandy beach, small boats, good fishing. Apply Beach Camp, Lions Head or phone 58. (ThJ14) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, ON Lake of Bays. Special rates for May, June, September. Write Lakeside Cottages, Dwight, Ont. (ThJ21) BULL LAKE HOUSEKEEPING cottages, fishing, boat, ice, wood supplied, $25 week. Charles Wilson, 182 Mulock, Toronto. (ThJ21) BALA PINES, COSY, COMFORT- able, double and single cabins, housekeeping. Only 5 minutes from stores, churches, boats, C.P.R. sta- tion. Write W. J. Rosser, Bala, Ont. (ThJ14) BELMONT LAKE, HOUSEKEEP- ing cottages with boat, barbecue, fireplace, good fishing, safe swim- ming, $35 week. Write Trentonia, Havelock, Ont, (ThJ21) WASAGA BEACH, SMART FAM- ily apartments, also cabins, modern convehiences, central, no vacancies July 21 to' Adg.'4! 'Write' Mid. 'Grab- ham, Parkview Apartments, (ThJ21) WASAGA, $20 WEEKLY, CABINS, apartments, small and large cot- tages, by month. Near lake, all ac. tivities. Beth 'Selfe, 679 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto. (ThJ21) WASAGA BEACH, 3 BEDROOM cottages,' wll * conveniences, spring filled mattresses, monthly or season. R. W. Soper, 81 Manor Road, To- ronto. (ThJ21) LAKE DALRYMPLE, FURNISHED cottages, hydro, ice, boat, $20 and up weekly. Good fishing. Write Thompson's Lodge, Seabright. (ThJ21) HALIBURTON, HOUSEKEEPING lakefront cottages, spring mat- tresses, electricity, swimming, boats, tennis, 'store.' 'Wtite Lynden' Lea, Minden. Phone Toronto GLadstone 0600. (ThJ21) SAND BAY CAMP, PICKEREL fishing opens May 14, cosy cabins, excellent meals, daily, bus service. Write W. B. Oram, Combermere, Ont. (ThJ21) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, hydro, boat, ice supplied, inner. spring mattresses, good fishing, safe beach. Write Clarence H. Wat- son, 75 Kent St., Lindsay, Ont. SE (ThJ14) ISLE O' MANN LODGE -- BEST accommodation, pickerel May 12, bass, lunge fishing July 1. Write M, Mann, Burleigh Falls, Ont. (ThJ21) WASAGA BEACH, 5 ROOM COT- tage, $30 weekly, cabins $15. Mrs. Nixon, 32 O'Hara Ave., Toronto. gl (ThJ21) LAKE FRONT. LOTS, CRYSTAL Lake, eighty x two hundred, - $200, baif down, ten monthly, no interest. wildam Ashforth, Kinmount. (ThJ21) SUNSET LODGE, LAKE ST. PE. ter. Housekeeping cottages, safe beach, fishing, dancing. Open May 12. For folders write W. E. Cole. (ThJ28) $15 820 WEEKLY; 2-3 ROOM housekeeping cabins, hydro, good fishing, safe bathing, boats. Dusty Bend Cabins, Brighton. (ThJ14) GRANDVIEW VILLA, STURGEON Lake--Ideal vacation spot, home cooking, 'all sports. Write L. Hillier, 23 Secord Ave., Toronto. (ThJy19) PORT |" Holidaying in Ontario The glamour of the holiday season is reflected in many ways. Scooting across the beautiful waters of Ontario's rock-bound lakes and rivers is but one of the many attractions. ----_ Photo courtesy of Ontario Department Travel & Publicity. COMFORTABLY .EQUIPPED housekeeping" cottages with boat, safe sandy beach (tuck shop). Twenty-five, thirty-five, forty per week. Camp Bevaline, Barry's Bay, Ont. (ThJ28) THE CAMPBELL HOUSE HOTEL, Rosseau, Muskoka, for home-cooked meals, comfortable rooms, modern conveniences. Licensed, convenient to all summer activities. Rates from $28 weekly. (ThJy12) "HIGH FALLS CABINS," FULLY equipped for housekeeping, running water, spring mattresses, sandy beach, 3 miles from Bracebridge. Write Mrs. D.: Flumerfelt, High Falls Cabins, Bracebridge, Ont. (ThJ14) BIRDSEYE CENTER CABIN Park, Port Perry, housekeeping cabins, swimming pool, fishing, boats. on Lake Scugog. Write for free folder. (ThJ14) TOM THUMB BUNGALOWS, ONE minute from bay or river in the heart of Wasaga Beach. Housekeep- ing, one and two room cabins, with running water. 'Write direct. (ThJy19) MUSKOKA RIVER COURT, Bracebridge, fully equipped house- keeping cottagettes, private conveni- ences, showers, quiet, restful, han- dy to town, swimming, boating. fish- ing. (ThJ28) FURNISHED COTTAGES, BOAT, hydro, spring mattresses; convenient for golf, dancing, boating, fishing, swimming. Folders -- write North Star Cottages, Haliburton, Ont. * (ThJ28) WASAGA BEACH, DYCONIA VIL- la -- The young business Peoples hotel, cabins, excellent meals, hot, cold running water, showers, danc- ing. Folders on request. (Je22) CRYSTAL LAKE, COTTAGES twenty-two and twenty-four weekly including ice, boat, wood. William Ashforth, Kinmount, Ont. (ThJ21 FAMILY COTTAGES ON KINGS- cote Lake, "Haliburton, best trout lake, weekends and vacations, May to October. Write W. A. Moore. Harcourt. (ThJ14) HASTINGS, TRENT RIVER, "Camp Bonnie Brae," 5 room cot- tages, electricity, septic toilets, boats. Write Mrs. J. G. McGregor, Hastings, Ontario. (ThJ14) MOUNTAIN PARK LODGE, MIN- den, beautiful Mountain Lake, 3 miles north of Minden on highway 35. Good fishing, clean sandy beach, cottages, cabins. James Wright. (ThJ14) FISHERMAN"S PARADISE, FURN- ished cottages, $20 week, boat, ice supplied. Folders, D. MacPherson, Box 430, Carleton Place, Ont. ¥ (ThJ14) DURF'S CAMP, GOOD FISHING, Peterboro boats, housekeeping cot- tages, modern house, rooms, meals, all conveniences. Write Durf's Camp, R.R. 3, Napanee.. Phone 909R1-4. (ThJ28) HAZEL BRAE, HALIBURTON, housekeeping cottages, em Spruce and Drag Lake waters. Apply C. Taylor, 101 Galt Ave. Toronto. (ThJ14) FOR SALE OR RENT BY SEA- son, large winterized cottage at Port Bolster, for rent 4 room cottage at Lake Dalrymple. Apply Box 100 or Phone 50 Pefferlaw. (ThJ14) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES ON Kawartha Lakes, choice locations for fishing and swimming. Reason. able: rates. Everything supplied. Phone or write Lakefield Hotel, Lakefield. (ThJ14) PAUDASH LAKE FOR THAT week-end trip, housekeeping cot- tages, ten dollars, four persons, fishing, swimming, Ruthven's, R.R. 3, Bancroft, Ont. (ThJ14) WASAGA BEACH, FULLY equipped, housekeeping cabins, $20 week, store, central. Write Ray Marjoram, Box 107, Wasaga Beach P.O. (ThJ14) NEW FURNISHED HOUSE. keeping cottages and cabins, sand beach, boats, trout, bass fishing. Birch Haven, Lake St. Peter. (ThJ21) CAMERON LAKE; 2 AND 3-BED- room cottages for rent, by month or season; furnished for housekeeping; hydro. Guy Graham, Fenelon Falls, Ont. (ThJ14) BONNIE VIEW, HOUSEKEEPING cottages, River Trent, half mile from town electricity, running wat- er,' safe beach, boats. Thos. Craig- head, Campbeliford. _ 4 (ThJ14) FOUR COTTAGES TO RENT FOR summer, Beaver Lake on Highway 41; Sandy "beach; +good--+fishing- Write Clarence Neville, Erinsville, Ont. ) (ThJ14) CEDAR NOOK, HOUSEKEEPING cottages and cabins, excellent Mus- kie and Bass fishing, safe beach, electricity, flush toilets. A. Mor. ton, Norlahd, 'Ont. (ThJ14) FAIRY VISTA, HUNTSVILLE, housekeeping cottages, cabins, hy- dro, screened verandahs, safe beach. Before July 21, after Aug. 4. Write above address. (ThJ14) GLENROSS FISHING CAMP, CAB- ins, good fishing, pike, pickerel, bass, lunge, beautiful scenery on Trent River. Enquiries, Wm, Mur- ray, Stirling, Ont. (ThJ21) GROVES TOURIST HOME, HAY 'Bay, Cillsville, Ontario, family cot- tages, electricity, good fishing, safe swimming, spring filled mattresses, $25 per week. (ThJ14) LOOK -- SINGLE AND DOUBLE housekeeping cabins overlooking Trent River. Excellent fishing, boats. H. Clements, River View, R.R. 4 Campbellford. (ThJ14) GRAHAM'S COTTAGES, CROSS Lake, Arden. Sleeps 5, boat and ice, $22.50 weekly. Dial 5-1763. (ThJy19) EARNSCLIFFE LODGE Sturgeon Lake 50 miles from Oshawa, has every- thing for a real holiday. Folder tells complete story. Write 43 Play- ter Cres., Toronto. Phone HArgrave (ThJ21) MUSKIES ---- BASS -- PICKEREL Rice Lake's most modern cottage court, Large clean cottages; private flush toilets--running water; safe beach, $30.00 per week, also special June rate. For folder write CEDAR COVE, HARWOOD, ONT. CANADA (ThJyb) 60 miles N. of Napanee, Highway 41 WHIPPOORWILL LODGE Fishing, excellent beaches, scenic beauty, mountain air, cottages, meals, boats, motors, canoes. G. E. WALDIE, CLOYNE, ONT. (Th.J14) WHITE PINE LODGE Is the place you have been looking for. It is situated on beautiful Paudash Lake in the highlands of Haliburton. Bathing, boating, good fishing, electricity, inner spring mattresses, showers, indoor and out- door games and excellent meals. Folders write or phone direct R.R. No. 3, Bancroft, Ont. (ThJ21) FISHERMEN ! ! Casa Blanca Lodge, French River via North Bay. Lunge, bass, wall- eye, pike fishing never better; ace commodation odern 'cabins, elec- tricity, inner-spring mattresses, screened porches, excellent food, boats, motors, guides available; American plan or housekeeping fa- cilities as desired. Write T. A. HINCH 536 Broadway Ave., Toronto, Ont. . Canada (ThJ14) 'Your Honeymoon Must Be Perfect. Special Bungalows for Honeymoon. ers at GOLDEN PHEASANT LODGE FAIRY LAKE, HUNTSVILLE, Ont Season May 5 to Oct. 15 Safe sandy beach. All sports ac- tivities. 80 acres wooded trails, beau- tiful scenery. Make reservations now. It's later than you think. $30 to $50 weekly meals included. Write for Folder. (ThJ14) WASAGA BEACH GEORGIAN BAY Family cottages on lovely spacious grounds accommodate 4-8 persons. Heated, water inside etc. Every- thing supplied except bedding, $25- $40 weekly. Mrs. Thelma Morris, 1239 Lansdowne Ave., Toronto. . (ThJ1t) ELIM LODGE Pigeon Lake The best in holiday enjoyment. Christian fellowship, excellent food, modern ' accommodations, fishing, sports. Write Elim Lodge, 213 Kent St. W., Lindsay, Ont. (ThJ21) MINERS BAY LODGE Located on Haliburton's most beau- tiful lake. Accommodation and fun for all the family. Come to rest or play. For folder write W. H. WUNKER & SONS MINERS BAY, ONT. (The) Come to WHITE-BIRCH HAVEN on Beautiful Long Lake Lodge and furnished housekeeping cottages, ice and boat supplied. Ex- cellent fishing, 'safe sandy beach. Write W. CHANDLER, McArthur's Mills, Ont. (ThJ14) HALIBURTON, QUIET HOUSE- keeping cottages, sandy beach, store, trout, bass fishing. Redstone Lake area. Folders, C. Lynn, 52 Margery, Welland. (ThJ21) FENELON FALLS, WATERFRONT housekeeping cabins, sleep 2, 3 or 4. Heated showers, flush toilets, mod- erate rates. Flitts Cabins, Fenelon Falls, phone 121. (ThJ2n HALIBURTON "THE GLENVER- dean" housekeeping cottages, Halls Lake. June to Sept. Information write Mrs. D. Hodgson, Box 231, Bowmanville, (ThJ14) BOW LAKE LODGE WOODLAND cottages, meals optional, holiday in comfort, bus from Oshawa. Write Jean and Laurie Hook, Bancroft. (ThJ14) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES AND modern cabins on Trent River, June to September. Fqr reservation write Trentonia Camp, Hastings, Ont. (ThJ14) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, Sturgeon ke, fully equipped, boat included, hydro, fishing. For in- formation Long's Cottages, Box 47, Fenelon Falls, Ont, ROCKRIDGE CAMP, BUCKHORN, housekeeping cottages, boats and ice. W. Wyatt, 3233 Giegerich Place, New York 61, N.Y. (ThJ21) LOOKABOUT ISLES LODGE, Bruce Peninsula's finest, recreation- al facilities, fishing, comfortable ac- commodation, excellent meals. Write Lookabout Isles Lodge, Stokes Bay, Ontario. (ThJib) MAZINAW LAKE -- PINECREST Villa, : completely furnished house- keeping cottages, one dollar day per | person. Trout, Bass, Pickerel, Write Walter Merner, Cloyne, Ont. (ThJ14) HALIBURTON, COTTAGES, sandy beach, boats, ice, hydro, till July 28, after Aug. 11. A.' Recalla, 5-6416. (ThJ14) TOURIST ACCOMMODATION, OLD Home historical background, Lake- field on Otonabee River, heated cab- ins, meals. Phone or write De Ayn- court, Lakefield, Ont. (ThJ21) SANDY SHORE, RICE LAKE, four room housekeeping cottages, good fishing, swimming. Twenty weekly. Write or phone Lloyd Hall, Harwood, Ont. (ThJ21) BALSAM LAKEFRONT COT- tages, 2, 3, 4 bedrooms; hydro, boats, sandy beach. Reduced June. Percy Ellis, 15 Fermanagh Ave., Toronto. v (ThJ14) ful holiday by small lake, boats, swimming, bass fishing, cabins by lake, rooms at Lodge. Home cook- ing, $23 up. H. Fudge, Glen Orchard P.O., Muskoka. (ThJy19) MIRAMAR LODGE ROOMS, light housekeeping apartments, ca- bins, modern conveniences, on beach front, central. A. S. Boyd, Wasaga Beach. (ThJy19) GEORGIAN BAY, BROCK'S BEACH --Cabins, cottages, electricity, sandy beach, ideal for kiddies. H. Kemp, 98 Poyntz, Lansing, Ont. (ThJy19) BLUE HAVEN, NORLAND, ON- tario Highway 35--Under new man- agement. Housekeeping cabins, run- ning water toilets, on Gull River, high-class restaurant. Write Harry Johnson. (ThJyl19) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, DE- lightfully located at Moors Falls. Haliburton Highlands, good fishing, safe beach, moderate rates. Write Graymoore Cottages, Norland. (ThJ14) BIRCH HAVEN COTTAGES' ON beautiful Paudash Lake, Haliburton, clean, comfortable, fishing, boating, swimming, hydro. T. Gibson, Ban- croft, Ont. (ThJ28) HOUSEKEEPING CAMP ON CAM- eron Lake, 2 miles north of Fenelon Falls, Highway 35. Fishing, swim- ming, boating. Hot showers. Phone 605R32, "Dunrovin Park'. (ThJy19) (ThJ14y | | L. King, Baysville, Ont. safe | 31a--Summer Resorts 25--Real Estate For Sale COTTAGES TO RENT--LAKE DAL- rymple. Cottage for sale. Chester Graham, Sebright, Ont. (1331) WATERSYLNN IN THE PINES Lodge, Port Sydney, Muskoka, mod- ern conveniences, comfortable beds, excellent meals, wonderful air, Re- servations. Communicate direct. (Th A2) FURNISHED COTTAGES, MUSKO- ka river frontage. Ten dollars up weekly. Frank Matthias, Box 521 Bracebridge, Ont. (ThA2) LAKEFRONT HOUSEKEEPING cottages, 22 miles north Minden, hy- dro, flush toilets, snack bar. Every- thing supplied. J. Berry, Dorset, er (ThAug2) LKYD IAL SPRING LODGE On beautiful Lake Nosbonsing. Fur. nished, equipped nousekeeping cot- tages for 2-8 persons. Excellent fish- ing, boats, motors, guides, bait. Re- duced rates until Juiy. Write or wire H. WALLBRIDGE Bonfield, On:. -~ (133¢) WASAGA BEACH -- Nancy Villa, lodge and cabins, excellent meals, centrally located, free use of boats. L. Dyer, Wasaga Beach, Ont, (ThAug2) HOLIDAY HOUSE Port Elgin, Ont, Overlooking the blue waters of Lake Huron, Ontario's best and safest sandy beach. Delicious" Food, Spring mattresses, running water. Lodge and Cabins. Special low rate for June, Write or phone Dora Mount- ford, Port Elgin. (Je7,9,11,13,16) LANGTON HOUSE HYDRO, inside conveniences, cabins, home-cooked food, bathing, boating, fishing, dancing, golf near hy. Folders. Bus from Bracebridge. John (ThS8Je21) © ROYAL VIEW LODGE Kashagawigamog Lake For a wonderful summer vacation come to Royal View Lodge Cabins and rooms in lodge accommodation. Safe sandy bathing beaches; golf course adjoining property; tennis; table tennis; dancing, etc. Fine meals and beautiful surroundings on the lake shore. Write: W. Wilkinson, Haliburton, Ont. Phone 7512, or se- cure our folder at The Daily Times- Gazette office. (T,Th,8,Je30) KIRKLAND KABINS, WASAGA Beach. Board or housekeeping--ac- commodates 2 - 6. Conveniences. Write or phone. (Je28) BONNY LEE---COMPLETELY FUR- nished cottages, free ice, boat and fuel, good fishing, Highway 62, North Lake. Write Wm. cGee, L'Amable. (ThJy26) WASAGA BEACH--ENJOY YOUR vacation at Myer's Lodge and ca- bins, city comforts, good food. Rea- sonable, Write for folders. (ThJy26) RANDOM HOUSE, LAKE-OF- Bays -- Housekeeping cottages, san- dy beach, good fishing and boating. Home cooking. Write Random House, Baysville, (ThJy26) BIRCH VILLA LODGE--BEAUTI- ful Grace Lake, Haliburton High- lands--Lodge 'and cottage resort, good fishing sandy beach. Descrip- tive folder--Wilberforce, Ontario. (ThJy26) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, lodge accommodation, Pigeon Lake, electricity, all conveniences, excel- lent fishing. Write H. L. Hook, Box 182, Bobcageon, (ThJy21) THREE LAKE SHORE LOTS oN south shore of Rice Lake, 20 miles from Cobourg, 4 miles off No, 48 Highway, all weather road to rear of lots. Lovely wooded property, good beach, well protected from west winds, Apply, Lyle Willson, Cos bourg, Ont., hone business 95, house 995M, (1291) - TWELVE CHOICE V.L.A. LOTS, tile drained, all within half mile north No. 2 Highway on good road. Oshawa- Whitby area. Good invest. ment. Phone 5-4009. (June 1,2,4,6,7,8) MANCHESTER $4 90 (Lovely 7-room frame ' home, with nice %-acre lot. This home is located on paved highway between Manchester and Port Perry, good well. Possession in 10 days. Reasonable down pay. ment required. PORT PERRY --8 2 1 $4,500 Eig nf bt Bh nd ter, }{-acre lot. This home has to be seen to be appreciated. Immediate possession. PRINCE ALBERT $ | ,000 DOWN -- 5 rooms, % floors, lovely %-acre lot, house in real good shape. Each house has daily bus service to Oshawa. . Phone or write W. T. Harris Solicitor & Barrister Port Perry (131e) Service Station -- Repairs $12,000 brick house and garage in lively Lake Simcoe summer resort village; gallonage 30,000; $15,000 general ree pairs plus accessories; modern equipe ment. year-round trade, Immediate possession. . Contact' A. E. MURDOCH Broker OSHAWA (132¢), $4 700 Ye=t section, 4 rooms, ' hot-air heating with oil; hydro, city water, shower; gare age; large lot. Possession 30 days. Terms. See NOLAN Broker 69 King St. E. Dial 3-3311 (Jes5,7) REDUCED --Hillcroft S8t.--8-room $10,50 brick, hardwood floors; hot-air heating; 5 bed rooms. Vacant now" See this today. ~Colb St. BE.--sixe $8,20 bk nly large oe ble lot; garage. House has new hot water system fired by oil. A real buy in a good locality Immediate possession. EVERETT G. DISNEY Real Estate ByoRer 82 Simcoe S., ol by 3.235 Evenings, 5-5108 -- 3-458¢ (132b) 31b--Summer Camps CAMP WA-YE-KWA -KANA --- children five to twelve. Safe beach, activities carefully supervised. 'Mr, Fred Johnston, John Wanless School, Brookdale Ave., Toronto. (ThJ14) CAMP SHARBOT, PRIVATE camp. Boys 6-16. North of King- ston. Trained leaders. C. L. Proctor, 86 Glendora Ave. Lansing, Ont. (ThJ21) 20--Personal GOING WEST? WE NEED EX- perienced drivers with good refer- ences to drive brand new cars to Vancouver for us. We will pay part of the gasoline expenses and will al- low you extra mileage for pleasure FURNISHED COTTAGES, ICE, boats. Moira Lake, $22 week. Write C. Pitts, Pine Point Lodge, Madoc, Ont. (ThJyb) THE BIG PICKEREL AND TROUT are yours if you come to Lingerlong Lodge in May. Write or wire D. J. McRae, Ardbeg, Ont. (ThJy3) BALSAM LAKE, FEW .VACAN- cles left for July and August. Lower rates June and September. Morley J. McKague, Kirkfield, Ont. (ThJ21) BURKE'S SUMMER RESORT AG- ency. Folders mailed on request. Reservations. No extra charges. Plaza 5735, 272 Yonge Street, To- ronto. (ThJ14) detours. Enjoy a real vacation trip now, this summer or in the fall. Write today. Box 441, Times-Gaz- ette. (Je29) 21--Personal Services PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. or free estimate call Wilson Lee, 79 Simcos on, oS ( 22--Radio Repairs TELEVISION AND RADIO SPE. clalists, custom antennae installa- tions, FM-television repairs and ser- vice. Dial 5-1685. Earl Fowler Television, 1086 King St. E. Js) $22 QQ(Beantiu brick home, ' immaculate condition throughout. Double brick garage, hot-water oil heating. Set well back from street on double corner, beaue tifully' landscaped grounds among many lovely old trees. Large Spa- cious rooms throughout. Living-room natural firepiace, study natural fireplace, dining-room, built-in china cabinet, large square kitchen. Beaue tiful sun-room. Entrance hall with lovely stairway to 4 large bed. rooms and ultra modern bathroom on 2nd floor, 2 rooms, bathroom and store room on 3rd floor. Partially finished apartment above garage. This home has many extras which can be appreciated only by inspece tion, Choice residéfitial area. By ap- pointment only. $8 50 --Modern brick bunga- ' low, 3 bedrooms. This lovely home is only 8 years old, and has been exceptionally well cared for. All rooms artistically decorated. Landscaped grounds, back yard fenced; central. Choice location. Ime mediate possession. $5 20 --7 - room house, large ' bright living-room, dine ing-room, kitchen, utility room, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bathroom. Nearly new furnace. Extra large treed lot. Best: garden soil. Good Jocation. The low taxes and low down payment make this an excellent buy, Imme- diate p i HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES AND cabins, modern conveniences, make reservations now. Your Heart's Desire Cabins, Wasaga Beach, phone 107-W, (ThJ21) TRY THE EARLY PICKEREL fishing in Rice Lake, enjoy a cot- tage with all comforts of home. Elmhirst's Cottages, Keene, Ont. (ThJ21) WASAGA BEACH-HOUSEKEEP- ing cottages, central; flush toilets, swimming, boating, fishing; reason- able~ Write Mrs. Ferguson, 17 River Road West. (ThJe28) SUNNY-.-CREST LODGE, KASHE Lake--Cabins or lodge accommoda- tions, sports, sandy beach, $30 week; special rates for children. C. M. Rowan, 141 Eastwood Rd., Toronto. (ThJy19) ACCOMMODATION--PINE VILLA Farm, Port Bolster, excellent meals, pleasant, restful surroundings, mod- ern conveniences. Ethel King, Can- nington, Ont. Information, dial Osh- awa 5-4226. (ThJ; HAMILTONIA, WASAGA-- BEACH offers cabins, cottages, furnished 23--Women's Column CREAM PERMANENTS, $4.50 UP. School girls, $3. Paige Hairdressing, 394 Pine Ave. Dial 5-5363. (Jezy) PERMANENT WAVES AND ALL beauty-culture consult Miss Lila Hardy at-Edwards Beauty Parlour, 5 Celina St., Dial 3-7633. (Jys) PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON - OIL wave, $2.8 up; maehineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St., dial 3-4521. Je27) PRENTICE HAIRDRESSING COLD waves, $4.95 up. 10 Church St. Dial 5- 2241. (Je 24) ROSEBUD BEAUTY PARLOUR, North Oshawa, now open--Perman- ent Waving, Hair Styling. Rose Palmer, owner. Dial 5-0813. (Je22) CLARKE'S HAIRDRESSING, SPE- cial, Machinel per $5 and up. Cold waves, $5 and up 172 Gibbons St. Dial 38-2651. (Jel3) CHARIS FOUNDATION GAR. ments with money-back gusrantes. expertly fitted. Dial Mrs. Blatter at 5-3434. (JelD) for housekeeping, dates 3-6 persons, $18.50 - $20 weekly, July and August. Write 284 Broadway, Ham- ilton, Ont. (ThJy26) SIX POINT LODGE---Log cabin ac- commodation. Excellent food ap- proved by .National Sportsmen's Re- search. Folder--Mrs. L. B. Greene, Bancroft, Ont. (ThJy26) AVON LODGE Beautifully situated on Lake Sim- coe. Home-cooked meals, spring mat- tress, safe sandy beach, dancing, tennis, golf, Make reservations now. Phone HA. 9275, or write Dunsford, 200 Strathmore Blvd, Toronto 6. (ThJy26) 25---Real Estate For Sale BUILDING LOT, ELGIN ST. East. Phone 3-8056. (131¢) DUPLEX $3,200 DOWN 5 rooms and bath down, 3 rooms and bath up, oak floors, hot-water heat- ing, laundry tubs. Possession of downstairs in 30 days. Total price, only $6,200. : List your property with us DONALD SCOTT Real Estate Corner of Prince and Bond Sts. $7 300 Brick income house or ' large family home. Live ing-room, natural fireplace, - large bright dining-room, large kitchen & extra large room off kitchen. Hote air heating, 4' bedrooms and 3-piece bathroom. Central choice location. Immediate possession. Poultry Farm 7V42 Acres $ ] 3 60 5-room modern bun» ' galow with natural fireplace, complete with furniture and electric rangette, oil range and washing machine. Good poultry buildings and equipment, 400 hens, 1,000 young choice poultry. Incubae tor, separator, garden tools, 3-yeare old cow, fruit trees, strawberries Beautifully landscaped grounds, Vegetable garden. Located just off No. 2 Highway on paved road, Beau- tiful view. This is a bargain and a money-maker. Immediate possession. $2 450 Simmer cottage, Heye ' denshore Park. Furnishe éd. Immediate possession. BOWMAN & GIBSON Real Estate Brokers Whitby, 1st door south of Post Office MRS. P. R. MaclLEOD Real Estate Representative Phone 521 Evenings 544 (133a), Summer Home Location $1 00 --~An ideal location on ' which to build your summer or permanent home; § acres on county gravel road, 2 miles from Orono, twenty-foot trout stream, level land, well wooded. v LEROY HAMILTON Broker Phone M2612 Ml Orono -- Phone 32R 10 or 1R16 (133a), daughters to

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