Daily Times-Gazette, 7 Jun 1951, p. 12

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' PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1951 MUNICIPALITIES TO RAISE §136 MILLION IN TAXES | to last year's 59-mill rate, is aiming {11 at $230,000 added revenue. Of this, 1 $86,660 is earmarked to cover hos- pital debt charges and $135,887 for salary increases. - Kitchener and Waterloo are spending most of their six- and 5.5-mill rate raises for salaries and 'social services. The boosts will net them some $300,000 BY TH.. CANADIAN PRESS Ontario's municipal taxpayers w pay a whopping $136,138,009 this year to cover the cost of education and city services in the province's major urban areas. A Canadian Press survey of 26 municipalities showed all but one with higher tax rates in 1951 than | oq $250,000, respectively. 1950, Some $13 million more nan Several cities have increased taxes last year will be needed to mee {to supply the needs of extra popula- rising local government costs. tion. Kingston, in the midst of a The most expensive item ON |p,ii4 jndystrial expansion, plans municipal budgets again oe annexation o adloining Suburbs, tion. id t t of 9.5 m 10] $36518.190- - of the tax total is ear- i hi city will raise a marked tor pubis and Jigh School | record 229288, Muen of ths is projects. Cost is up som {planned for public works as well as from last year, most of the INCrease |g. salary increases, additions to dye 18 seat galary bovets aie fhe Je fire department staff and debt Adding to e : charges. new schools being built to gecom Criticism of the mounting taxes modate the increasing num id > |in the municipalities was voiced school-age children in the province. |g, ing last week's meetings of the Classroom equipment and maimen | Ontario Association of Mayers and have gone up ¢ {Reeves at Owen Sound. ere, Aer municipal responsibilities | premier Prost of Ontario, in the -- police and fire protection and | einote address of the conference, public utilities such as sewers and | called for a meeting between pro- water -- are more expensive. Rising |yincial and municipal officials to costs of materials, salary boosts tO giseuss re-assessment, equalized tax | meet cost-of-living Reeds 254 large burden and a shift in social sexvies / outlays for new equipmen "= | responsibilities. ing into the tax dollar. : al Mayor McCallum of Toronto, in In an effort to keep spending and | his annual report as president of taxes to a minimum, many cities ihe association in 1950, stressed the have cut out or Josiponed_pilic need for immediate action on the , As a result most bu municipal tax problem. Wotlk little increase in capital] P P i t and construction such as | : pi hgh pics public works equip- | Research Benefits men. By Unusual Products Of London Chemist Taxes, however, have jumped anywhere from one to 22.5 mills across the province. The Jone gxvess tion, Niagara Falls, manag 0 cu taxes 19 mills on the dollar this| LONDON, June (Reuters) --A | year when re-assessnient added $18 [London chemist who makes the | million in taxable property to the "impossible" possible is today oper- | city rolls, : ating a Myshioouiing export iit Sudbury, in Northern Ontario, | ness to almost every country in the boosted its rate from 60 to 77 mills | world. for public school supporters to raise | mqward Gurr started off five a record $1,836,644 in taxes. Most years ago in a cellar under his Lon- of the extra $478,711 raised will 80 | Gon apartment. He built up a repu- to cover wage increases and a major tation by tackling jobs turned down program of street repairs. [by competitors as "impossible" or Elsewhere in Northern Ontario. | "commercially unprofitable." wn oe in OD Tale Oe | Specialising in shemical Stains | embracing ae, ed | and re-agents used for medical re- | taxes from 68 to 81.5 mills to raise | eqroh Gurr worked on the assump- $1,002472 and Sault Ste. Marie | that although the original upped its levy to 62.5 from 53.5. By paring school estimates as closely as possible to last year as Bay held its tax rate to a 1.3- mill rise for a 54.5 level. Peterborough, faced with costs of financing a new civic hospital, jumped its public school supporters' rate from 39.5 to 55.5 and ils sep- arate-school levy from 505 to 57 mills. Toronto, Hamilton, Windsor and London, relying on a large tax- paving population and having tra- ditionally big budgets, managed to hold tax increases below the 10- mill mark. Hamilton made the largest in- crease with a new rate of 56 mills. The rate, which will bring in $19,604,452 -- some $13 million more than last year -- reflects an added 95 mills. Even with this increase city council was forced to poctnone seve eral public works projects and to maintain city services at much the same level as last year. Toronto boostted its taxes six {orders were minute, success would be followed by demand for the new product, He was right. Today he |owns and operates a full-scale la- | boratory. | | One of his first tasks in his cellar | days was to develop a special stain for a French doctor to detect the {early stages of cancer in women. | Another was a "pocket laboratory" | kit for testing drinking water. He |now turns out large quantities of | both these items. | ONUSUAL JOBS | Other jobs tackled by Gurr were: | producing a dye that makes in- | visible light rays visible; catching | thieves with a "ghost dye" which | becomes visible on contact with the sweat glands 'of the hands; invent- | ing a microscopic stain to tell the ages of trees,; making a skeleton- softener which enables bones to be | cut into then slices for examination, | Fis latest success has been the | collection of a microscopic "zoo" of | elephants, lions, tigers and leopards. { Gurr's "200" animals, are unborn Id Answers Call for Recruits f BE # mini Female recruiting for RCAF's women's division is now under way throughout the province of Ontario. Here Teresa Heffernan of Peterboro, | more applicants than there were one of 150 applicants to register on opening day of drive, is seen in| jobs. Toronto looking over her papers prior to signing up for service, WANTED: A HARPIST New Tire Plant Shatters Quiet 0f 01d Village By ALFRED CHEVAL Colmar, Luxembourg (AP) -- P. Eischen, the mustachioed station- master of this ancient spot 18 miles from Luxembourg city, is a worried ing his days quietly in an easy spot with few trains and no worries. Since Colmar became the site of a new American tire plant the old village has become the "Little Akron" of Luxembourg. The station is the stopping point for more pas- sengers and freight trains than ever before. * A nearby Alsatian farmer quit the farm he had rented from the prop- erty administrations of the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg. He said he didn't want to be atom-bombed. His farmhouse will be turned into a cafe for the rubber plant workers. But many others think the de- velopment is a good thing, promis- ing prosperity for the ancient cen- tre. When the American firm (Goodyear) called for local man- power to start the new plant here, its 16th outside the US., there were OTHERS BENEFIT | Luxembourgers were not alone to | benefit from the $5,000,000 invest- |tour of Africa. On returning here ment made by Goodyear in Luxem- = he said: "African musicians heard | bourg. Managing Director Harold London (CP) -- Colonial Secre- tary James Griffiths was present- ed with a harp during his recent that the national instrument of my |C. Pownall from Akron said "we country, Wales, was the harp. But | bought all the equipment we could unfortunately, I don't play." in Europe. We bought some of it in man. Gone are his dreams of end- | France, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland." Pownall .is aware of the economic union plans between Belgium, Hol- land and Luxembourg, known as Benelux, "This is really a Benelux plant," the said. "Our production is for the time being aimed at Benelux customers. Our main raw material, rubber, comes from Indonesia and a smaller quantity from Malaya, through the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp. We buy all the rayon we can get from Belgian textile manufacturers." Pownall hoped to be able to pur- chase rubber from the Belgian Con- go if the price can be agreed upon, but "so far it has been too expen- sive." + The site of the plant had been Preferred by millions of Canadians for its superb quality and flavour. "SALADA TEA the site of a blast furnace in 1656. : : ; The mansion of its first forge mas- | born. Fifteen American workers will ter, Piret, is to become a club and | 8° home after their job of training office building for the present plant, | 10¢al manpower is over. It was found in ancient records that | Pownall said: "This will not be the 18th century iron and ' steel long. The Luxembourgers are sur- made in Colmar went largely to the |Prisingly adaptable to United Colonial States of America where it States production methods." helped to manufacture the weapons | ------------------ used in the independence war ! against Britain, Record Cargo The first tire stamped. "Made in Luxembourg" left the Colmar vant | TREOUGH Canal recently. Production is on a trial basis. By July the plant is schedul- | ed to produce about 500 to 600 tires, Fort Colborne (CP) -- What is daily. {believed to be the biggest coal The equipment, most, of it im- cargo ever shipped through the ported from Akron, is set for car | welland ship canal on a ship of and truck production. Output of in- | : : {Canadian registry passed through es also 3s on the futire here today in the holds of the S.S. . . i overdale, huge upper lakes freigh- About 300 workers are on the pay- | ter of Canada Steamship Lines. She roll. This will increase later to 500. carried 20.062 tons of coal loaded Most, of the staff is Luxembourg- | at Ashtabula, O., for the Steel Com- pany of Canada at Hamilton, Marine officials here did not have the figures of the previous record immediately available, but ' said the Coverdale's cargo was de- finitely a record. It is believed she broke a mark set recently by her sister ship, the Hochelaga. .. COVETED JOBS Wellington, N. Z.,(CP) -- There are 40,000 jobs going begging in New Zealand, but the lighthouse | service has a waiting list. Radio, |good pay have made lighthouse- | keeping attractive, but with the | housing shortage the biz anpeal is; [that assured accommodation that goes with the job. 9 LUTHERAN SETTLERS The first Lutherans came to New York in 1623 but did not appear in Canada until the second half of the - 18th century, LIBBY'S (Pectin) 24-01. Jar 45: Don't miss this salel Scores of really outstanding special values (and IGA's regular everyday low prices, too, of course) await you this week at the friendly IGA store in your neighbor- hood. First Time in Canada! IGA DE LUXE "STEEPOLATOR" Sunny Morn . +. a mild, yet very rich tasting Santos blend that offers real quality at a rock bottom price. 1-1b. Baga 92- COFTEE mills to 39.3. A total of $69,631,281 | embryos in which all the physical is expected from Toronto ratepayers. characteristics of the adult animal London and Windsor met salary |are present. : demands from teachers, police and | Their purpose is to illustrate use firemen with one- and six-mill | of the stains by which scientists de- increases, respectively. The added | tect diseases at early stages of de- tax will net $142,777 for London and | velopment. $1,458,961 for Windsor. BE Social welfare measures --chil-| ASK TIPS ON PEACE PLAN dren's aid, hospital and ambulance | service, clinics and so on -- are prov- ing a heavy load for municipalities. SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE 15-0z. 25 Tins PARAMOUNT PINK SALMON ANGELUS--1-LB. CELLO PKG. Marshmallows 45- SARATOGA--5-0Z. PKG. Potato Chips 30- POST'S--12-0Z. PKG. Grape Nut Flakes 20- Dog Food 2%: 27- 21. WELCH'S--16-0Z, BOTTLE [J Grape Juice unt Simms' Rainbow BROOMS Each $1.75 BON AMI Coke 'or Powder 2 for 25: SPIC:SPAN CLEANSER REG. 25¢ PKG. No-Rubbing BAGS Just Like Tea Bags! - 69: Just what so many have been waiting for. Quick and easy to use -- no coffee grinds to mess with, no waiting for per- colating. BOIL YOUR WATER --- PUT IN A "COFFEE BAG" -- Let IT STEEP -- THEN . . . Hmm! Just Wonderful Coffee! Washington (AP) -- The United | States Tuesday asked representa- Many of them, despite dominion tives of countries with troops in and provincial grants, are having | Korea to inform it promptly of any | trouble meeting the rising costs of | hint of change in the Korean poli- upkeep. This is especially the case |tical situation. This means the U.S. "where city-run hospitals are oper- | wants to be tipped off quickly if "HEREFORD" CORNED BEEF 12-0z. Tin 143: / LIBBY"S CHOICE Mixed Vegetables 16- Tall 41 Tin g ated. {any of the nations see prospects Guelph, with an 11-mill addition |for peace negotiations. CLOVER VALLEY 3 CHEESE ROLLS ) o puttin er" ris. 49: 16-o0x. Tins "y.g" Vegetable Juice 2 20-oz. 31. y Tins Pkg. 9 15-02. Tin with your friendly J IGA BUTCHER YJ Ji TE ie \"" With Our Personalized' Store Service for Assured Satisfaction! 16-0Z. PEANUT BUTTER 2 AYLMER GOLD LABEL--EXTRA BITTER 'MARMALADE ~~" RIPE AND SWEET! PINEAPP LE each 29. FLORIDA--SWEET--RED CUTTING AVERAGE 28 LBS. -- $1.89 EACH FLORIDA--SEEDLESS--SWEET AND JUICY GRAPEFRUIT 3: 96's : ' J ONTARIO GROWN 93. FLORIDA PASCAL--GREEN CELERY STALKS 1b. 93 BLADE ROAST 1. 79: PREMIUM--SLICED NEW BRUNSWICK--NO. 1 KATAHDIN POTATOES 3% LUNCHEON MEAT ». 69- PREMIUM--SLICED Ib. 69- CHICKEN ROLL Braunschweiger. 2%; 45. SWIFT'S NARVO... for furniture and woodwork you can't match the beauty of easy-spread- 'ing NARVO--Canada's smartest enamel --which gives greater coverage and long wear. Available in 25 delightful colors. L] It will pay you to get acquainted with your IGA butcher! You can depend on him to treat you fairly and courte. ously . .. and he'll save you money, too. Cc : «+» MURPHY EXTERIOR PAINTS... beat the weather year after year } with smooth-flowing beauty that lasts logger. Murphy Paints are go easy to apply! * Qwatdz ..norenr PETAL TONE +. . finest of washable wall paints -- 14 charming pastel shades. Flat and semi- gloss availablé in identical colors, also gloss. 1777228 [1191] ll ITE Factories at MONTREAL - TORONTO - WINDSOR VANCOUVER Branches from Coast to Coast - SOLD BY: OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS CO. SIMCOE ST. SOUTH whe: 2 for 19 Round Steak 2 for 23: or Roast WING STEAK BLADE BONE REMOVED 15-0Z. TIN ALLSWEET a MARGARINE tod S< § AERO SWIFTNING : Pint 43 SHORTENING BEN y £ PURITAN Mea: Balls & Gravy 44.] OXY PURITAN Large 41 BOLOGNA ! Ho 43 Giant 81: 5 STORES TO SERVE YOU IN OSHAWA! ATKINSON'S IGA MARKET -- 42 KING ST. W. CHINN'S IGA MARKET -- 534 CUBERT ST. EASTVIEW IGA MARKET -- 120 WILSON RD. S. GLECOFF'S IGA MARKET -- 174 RITSON RD. S. HIGGIN"S IGA MARKET -- 166 ALICE ST.

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