Opposition Parties Fail In Effort To Shake New Tax Set-Up THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE |COMMUNITY INC. ACTIVITIES Conservatives Side With Abbott In Vote On Measure PS 4 Ottawa (CP)-- Opposition groups |, tried unsuccessfully in the Com- mons yesterday to have the federal government alter 1951-52 tax pro- posals. Some members protested against increases in the sales and excise taxes, others sought to have an excess-profits tax imposed on cor- porations to relieve the income- tax burden on persons in the low- income group. The government -- once with the aid of the progressive conservatives -- rejected suggested changes. Finance Minister Abbott said re- venues are needed to meet addi- tional defence expenditures and the government has tried to spread the burden as evenly as possible. The official opposition voted with the Liberals to defeat 129 to 19 a CCF motion calling for a graduated The Social Credit party voted with the CCF. The motion was sponsored by H. W. Herridge (CCF -- Kootenay West) after Mr. Abbott called for second reading -- approval in prin- ciple -- of a bill giving legal effect to the income - tax changes an- nounced in the budget. The bill was given the reading following defeat of Mr. Herridge's proposal. Given second reading and passed through committee was a bill pro- viding for changes in the excise and sales tax. Members voted 42 to 28 against a move to force re- peal of a 25 per-cent increase in the sales tax. The budget boosted the tax to 10 per cent from eight per cent. Given third reading and sent to the Senate was a bill providing for a number of minor changes in customs: tariffs. In moving his motion, Mr. Her- ridge said that the budget slapped | a 20-per-cent defence tax on the amount people already pay in per- sonal income taxes. The CCF be- lieved this would work hardship on those in the low - income groups. An excess profits tax on corpor- ations would reduce inflation and would allow the government to ease the burden on those earning small incomes. There should, said Mr. Herridge, be equality of sacrifice in the mat- ter of taxation. Spokesmen for all opposition groups called for repeal of the in- crease in the sales tax. Mr. Ab- bott said he considered it prefer- able to another increase in income taxes. Progressive Conservative, Social Credit and CCF members voted against the increase and won sup- port from Matthew MacLean (L -- Cape Breton North Victoria) and J. L. Gibson (Ind -- Comox-Al- berm), Other Liberals supported Mr. Abbott said that unless over- all production is increased taxes ""must and should" reduce the con- sumption of everyone if the de- mands of defence production are to be met. Living standards must be reduced. M. J. Coldwell, CCF leader, termed the sales tax "oppressive" and said that if Canada is going to have such levies she should also have a line of tax - free utility goods, especially in clothing for working people and children. Donald Fleming (P.C. -- Toronto Eglinton) said Mr. Abbott had made no case for raising money through the "iniquitous' sales tax. What the minister had said about the need for additional revenues to been swept aside by the surplus in April. (Mr. Abbott, who budgetted for a $30 million surplus for 1951-52, reported a surplus of $121 million for April, the first month of the fiscal year.) Want fo buy, sell or trade -- A | classified ad and the deal is made. Ontario Spotlight SOW SAVES WORK Peterborough (CP)--Butchers at a packing plant were saved some work yesterday when a large sow escaped through an up-stairs window of the plant. The sow rushed across the rooftops and managed to find a way to the street. It ended up in the Otonabee river and was drowned. SHOOTS BEAR Lindsay (CP)--Mark Schell, Haliburton lumberman and woodsman, has a new bear pelt among his trophies.. The animal was' floundering through the bush dragging a trap chained to a log. When Schell shot it. WILL PROTECT CHILDREN Hamilton (CP) -- Mayor Lloyd Jackson said yesterday he will press for a crackdown on motorists who endanger children's lives by using residential streets as speedways. "Children are just like puppies and you can't keep them off the streets on days like these," he said. 1ST LAKE APPEARANCE Sault Ste. Marie (CP)=--Two converted war vessels put in their first appearance on the Great Lakes yesterday when they passed. through here. They are the barge Slovig, formerly the LST 1006 and the steamer Cliffs Victory, formerly the Vic- tory ship Notre Dame. TUMOR GALL PROBLEM Niagara Falls (CP)--An infesta- tion of mid-rib tumor gall has broken out in' red and black oak trees at nearby Chippawa village. The ugly-looking galls--the home of young cynipid wasps--literally cover every twig and branch in the area. NEW OBSERVATION PLAZA Niagara Falls (CP)--Visitors will have a brand new angle from which to photograph the falls after Labor Minister Daley officially opens a new observa- tion plaza here Saturday.. The plaza was constructed at the base of the horse-choe falls, 150 feet below the crest. TAKE SECOND LIQUOR VOTE Cornwall (CP) -- The second liquor vote within a year will be taken in Kenyon Township in Glen- garry County next Saturday. If the wet forces win, it will be the first time since 1918 that liquor will be sold jn public places in the township. A vote held last October was declared invalid. $10 Million Loot Sought in Detroit Detroit (CP) -- Internal revenue agents have moved into Detroit to try to find some $10 million which they believe Detroit racketeers have hidden. It is part of a nation-wide drive aimed to pry some $260 millon from racketeers of all types. ROCKTITE STUCCO AND CEMENT PAINT SEALS ° ECONOMICAL + EASY PROTECTS TO USE BEAUTIFIES * DRIES FAST ROCKTITE is the hardest, longest-lasting and most economico finish known for masonry and stucco. It bonds right on to the wall surface. Resists moisture from within. Use on all porous masonry, brick, concrete surfaces. Ask your paint dealer for colour card. cacy WAY T0 PAINT THE EASY WAY T0 PAINT WESCO WATERPAINTS 2100 ST. PATRICK (CANADA) LIMITED STREET MONTREAL | look to the sacrifice of Jesus as the released 26 patefts for licensing. L 4 OSHAWA Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle WHITBY VOL 10--No. 132 OSHAWA-WHITBY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1951 PAGE NINE GENERAL RAPS METHOD USED IN RECRUITING ..Ottawa (CP) - The commander of Canada's 6th division in the sec- ond world war says it is imperative that Canada bring its reserve forces to full strength now--and not tomorrow. Maj.-Gen. A.E. Potts, who gained fame and the nickname "Pirate' as leader of the Canadian raid on Spitzbergen, last night called for conscription of manpower for Can- ada's reserve troops. He told 200 former CWAC officers and other ranks at their annual re- union that the Army's method of gaining recruits by press and radio campaigns isn't good enough. The 60-year-old veteran of two world wars and now in charge or veterans affairs at Kingston, Ont, drew prolonged applause from his feminine audience. The former CWAC"s also respond- ed favorably to several new features which will be incorporated in uniforms for the Canadian Women's Army Corps reserve when it launches its expected recruiting drive soon. The uniform retains the peak cap brass buttons, form - fitting jacket, brown tie and shoés to match. But the skirt is three inches longer; nylons rgplace wartime rayon hosi- ery. The greatcoat is padded for extra warmth and a near - green khaki gabardine coat replaces the rubberized raincoat. "We're ready to join just as soon as they want us," a group of CWAC's said. Maj.-Gen, Potts in 'his address said it is a "pathetic sight' to see a reserve force unit on parade to- day. "For years our reserve force commanders and officers have been trying every possible means | to cajole men into joining their | units. . .for the most part it is a| dismal failure." "I am, convinced we will not bring our reserve forces up to strength by theuse means. I am equally convinced that it is imper- ative that we bring these forces up to strength now -- not tomorrow. "I believe that the only way this can be done is by some form of compulsory service." Anniversary Held By Audley Sunday School Audley -- The mumps have been prevalent here and several older people are sick with them Mrs, Pratt has recovered from her illness and resumed her duties at the school on Monday. Mrs. Hattie Willoughby of Pick- ering has been relieving the teacher at the school here for several days. Mr. Archibald, I.P.S., visited the school here last week and found things running smoothly. Mr. and Mrs. Betsom of Toronto visited at their son Bob's home here on Sunday. Many attended the Brooklin Fair on Saturday. It was the biggest fair that they have had. Mrs. Frank Wonnacott, mother of the late Sydney Wonnacott, pass ed away in the Brampton Hospital last week after a short illness, and was buried from Pickering on Mon- day at Bowmanville cemetery. De- ceased was a kindly quiet person who was well and favorably known here. Anniversary services were held here on Sunday for the local Sun- day School, when Rev. Mr. Pelly of Sunderland, delivered the sermon, He was assisted in the services by the pastor. A girls' choir led the song services, The address was from the text "These shall perish, but God will remain." In his argument, hetried to draw people away from the belief that human merjt and good deeds would save them and to burden-bearer and salvation, A number of visitors were present, in- cluding Warden Munro of Brock. The Audley Community Club m at the home of Charles and Mrs, Clemence on Wednesday even- ing, June 6, when Mr. William Mur- kar, Editor of The Pickering News, will address the members. a are welcome, ) General's Son Killed By Rebels Hanoi, Indo China (AP) -- The war against the Communist - led Vietminh rebels hds claimed an- other French general's son. Capt. Philippe de Lassus Saint Genies, whose father commands an armor- ed division, was killed in action in the Ninh Binh sector May 29. The 28-year-old paratroop officer was the son of Gen. Marie de Las- sus Saint Genies, head of the first French armored division. Last week Lieut. Bernard de Lat- tre de Tassigny, 23-year-old son of Gen. Jean de Lattre de Tassigny, commander of French forces in In- do-China, was killed on the north- ern Indo-China front. AEC RELEASES PATENTS Washington (AP) -- Energy Commiss Tuesday" re- Most are in field of chemical processing or /are for electrical- gauging es.. They are owned by the United States government Old Hand at Rescue Game The second rescue in the Welland months was accomplished by 12-year-old George Shook, Jr., of Welland, Ont, who swam across the channel at one of its widest points to save Diana Cutler, seen at right, from drowning. Unable to swim, the 11-year- old girl had been paddling at the east bank of the canal, near the intake of the Welland waterworks, when water. uearing her screams for help, the young swimmer stroked his way more than 350 feet across the canal to the floundering girl whom he directed to climb on his back and January, George rescued a five-year-old lad who had fallen through canal ice. This Week's Bridge We have run into a series of rather mediocre hands the last couple of duplicate games so there isn't anything to relate in regard to any particular outstanding deal. However we are overdue for some really good boards and perhaps next Monday night will produce a num- ber of them. Just to keep everything running true to form we also had new win- ners this week as has been the case for about four consecutive games. Miss Grace Burns and Mrs. N. H. Daniel were high pair for the nights play gaining 5 complete 'tops, 5 seconds and one tied for second. 'The greater majority of their good boards were well earned both on offense and defense as they played a very steady game throughout the full session. Miss H. M." Mackie and Mr. Eric Henry were second and gained; 6 complete tops, 4 seconds and 1 tied for second. These very good re- sults gave them a great advantage but unfortunately several bottom scores also were charged against them and these were just enough to offset their tops. Mrs. F. W. Frobel and Mr. M. Clarke were a close third and gain- ed 2 complete tops, 3 tied for top, 4 seconds and 1 tied for second. A strong game with the exception of canal by same person within five she slipped and tumbled into the thus made his way to shore. Last Mr. Clarke. Just a couple of more tops would have been sufficient for top standing. --Central Press Canadian. McKinnon Industries Case Is Before Privy Council London (CP) -- The judicial com- | mittee of the Privy Council today began hearing an appeal brought | McKinnon Industries before it by Ltd. of St. Catharines, Ont. The company, which manufac- tures steel and iron products, pro- tests an Ontario High Court ruling which ordered it to pay damages to William Wallace Walker, a flor- ist, for damage done to his flowers by smoke from the company's forge | and foundry, The Ontario judgment covered a period from 1945 to 1949 and was accompanied by an injunction re- straining the company from opera- First five pairs and their totals were: Pts. 1. Mrs. N. H. Daniel and Miss Grace Burns ....... Mr. Eric Henry and Miss H. M. Mackie . Mr, M. Clarke and Mrs. F. W. Frobel . Mrs, E. Wadsworth and Mrs. . Mrs. Mrs. 2. tions which would further damage | Waelker's flowers." The Ontario Court of Appeal upheld the ruling. J. L. G. Keogh and Stephen Chap- man of St. Catharines contend for {the company that no injunction | should have been granted in view | dilly Room of the Genosha Hotel. of a 1942 agreement for partial | Only three more games until fall so compensation entered into by Wal- | | everyone is urged to be in attend- ker and the company. ance for these last few sessions. Arthur G. Slaght of Toronto and | a | R. K. Ross of St. Catharines appear | for the florist. Although the Cana- | |dian Parliament has banned ap- peals to the Privy Council, cases which were begun before the ban R. Clarke and Adams Lake in the Kamloops district of British Columbia was {named after an Indian christened | Adam there in 1849. only two boards for Mrs. Frobel and | Next Monday night at 8 p.m. Du- | plicate Bridge Game in the Picca- | (These Are Red Feather Community Services) Wednesday, June 6th 3:30--5:30 p.m. Black Hawk Club, boys 12 yrs. and over, woodworking, games, sports, woodburning. 4:00 p.m. Piano Lessons. 7:00 pam, Girls' Teenage Club, pusiness meeting, choral singing, ballroom dancing. | * Charles C. Holman Division Cadet Corps, drill, First Aid, nature study, punch work, sports, canteen, busi- | ness meeting. THURSDAY, June 7th | 9-11.30 a.m.--Nursery School 4-year olds, free play, organized | ~raup er~mes, story and music per- | iod, craft work. | av ew Puduc--ouiicheon Meeting -- | | Junior Teen Club. | | 3.30-5.30 p.m.--Club for girls, all ages -- singing, organized games, ballroom dancing, square dancing. | Club for hays, woodworking, -dodge-~ | ball, ringers, sports, games. Public Library, Children's Dept. {1 4.00 p.m.--Piano Lessons. | 5.45 p.m.--Pee-Wee Softball Prac- | | tice, Cowan Park. { 730 p.m. -- Golden Age Club,| adults, euchre, bridge, checkers, | dominoes, chinese checkers, sing | | song, movies, refreshments. | FRIDAY, June 8th 9-11.30 a.m.--Nursery School 5-year olds, free play, organized | games, story and music period, | craft work. 3.30-5.30 p.m. -- Public Children's Dept. 4.00 p.m.--RCMP Youth Program, | | boys and girls all ages. 7.00 p.m.--Simcoe Hall Division | | Cadet Corps, drill, First Aid, hy- giene, punch work, weaving, sports, nature study, art, canteen, business | | meeting. | 8.15 p.m.--Co-educational Group | Cpl. Holman, RCMP, SATURDAY, June 9th | 9-12 noon--Speech Training Class- es. | 9-12 noon--Piano Lessons. | 9-5.30 p.m.--Accordion Lessons. 9-12 noon--Public Library, Chil- jdrens Dept. { 9.30. a.m.--Library Club. { 10.00 am. --Girls' Open House, | Girls, all ages, art, crafts, music| | appreciation. | Library, | ing, | way | Europe." | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 7-10 p.m. -- Craft Shop -- metal crafts only. - 7:30 p.m. -- Kiwanis Club meet ing 8 p.m. -- Oshawa Women Teach~ | ers' Federation All day -- Oshawa Camera Club Exhibit THURSDAY, JUNE 7 ; 2-5 pan, -- Craft Shop -- weav= leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, etc. 4-7 p.m. demy 7-10 p.m. -- Craft Shop -- weav= he, ete. All day -- Oshawa Camera Club Exhibit. FRIDAY, JUNE 8 9:30 a.m. -- Craft Shop -- weav- {ing, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft -- Harvey Dance Aca- | toys 5, ete. 5 pm. -- Craft Shop -- weav= ng, Tete, 4-5:30 p.m. Leaders' Corps. 8 p.m. -- Oshawa Chess Club All day -- Oshawa Camera Club Exhibit. SATURDAY, JUNE 9 10411:30 a.m. Junior SAT-R-DAY | Camp All &&y -- Harvey Dance Aca= {'demy 9 p.m. -- Over-20 Club Dance. All day -- Oshawa Camera Club Exhibit. | SUNDAY, JUNE 19 2-5 p.m, and 7-10 p.m. -- Camera Club Exhibit and Library avail- ave. 8:30 p.m. -- After-Church Musl« cale. ¢ D-DAY ANNIVERSARY Utah Beach, Normandy (AP) -- High French ang allied officers | came to this strip of sand Tuesday night where history was made seven years ago. It was the eve of the anniversary of D-Day, when al- lied troops swarmed over the Eng- lish channel and battered their into Hitler's "Fortress 10.00 a.m. --Boys' Second Aid Club, boys, 6-10 years. 11.00 a.m.--Story Hour. | may stil be heard by the Common- wealth's highest tribunal. World News In Brief M.P.s NOT FORGOTTEN Ottawa (CP)-- Members of par- liament, away from their homes | people are finding religion in their search for true reality of 'life, W. | R. Dalziel, newly-appointed com- this month, will not be forgotten missioner of the Salvation Army by census enumerators. George |for Canada and Bermuda, said Mcllraith, parliamentary assistant | Tuesday night. The commissioner to Trade Minister Howe, said Tues- | was returning to Canada aboard day in the Commons the members | the' Empress of Canada after 14 will be enumerated where they are years service in Australia, Britain living in Ottawa. Their cards will and France. He had been chief se- be sent to their local electoral dis- | cretary in Canada before his tour The Atomic |. and held by the AEC, tricts, . SEEK CLOTH BOOTLEGGERS Edmonton (CP)-- Police across the country Tuesday were asked to watch for cloth bootleggers at- | tempting to dispose of $28,000 worth | of imported fabrics stolen from a downtown Edmonton tailoring es- tablishment. Enough material for 800 suits was stolen while racks of finished clothing, desk drawers and the store safe were left untouched. TO PRODUCE TURBINE Toronto (CP)-- A. Lee Ainsworth vice-president of John Inglis Co. Ltd., Tuesday night said his firm will build a highly - secret steam turbine for use in new Royal Can- adian Navy sub-chasers. He said the engines will probably be pro- duced at a new plant under con- struction in suburban Scarboro Township. DEPRECIATION PROVISIONS Ottawa (CP)-- Finance Minister Abbott told the Commons Tuesday night he is amending new. depre- ciation write - off provisions an- nounced for. business iff the 1951-52 budget. He said the changes, to be announced within a few days, will be based on the finance depart- ment's observations since the bud- | get was brought down April 11. TURNING TO RELIGION Montreal] (CP) -- Young English | of duty. TOURS AIR FORCE BASE | St. John's, Nfld. (CP)-- Hon. Ray Lawson, lieutenant - governor of Ontario, Tuesday toured nearby | U. 8. Pepperell Air Force base as guest of the base commander, Col. J. Gordon Pratt. The lieutenant- governor and Mrs. Lawson are spending a short visit with Sir | Leonard Outbridge, lieutenant-gov- lernor of Newfoundland, and Lady Outbridge at government house. REINFORCEMENTS SAIL Seattle, Wash, (AP) -- A group of Canadian reinforcements for Korea has sailed from the Seattle port of embarkation. The size of the group and the departure time were withheld by port officials for security reasons. The Canadians will join the 25th Canadian Infantry Brigade. They trained at Camp Wainwright, Alta. UNFREEZING WAGES Washington (AP)-- The Ameri- can Newspaper Guild Tuesday urged the wage stabilization board to unfreeze the wages of newspaper workers because publishers are | free of price controls. The defence production act specifically exempts the newspaper and publishing in- dustry from price stabilization. The act is not clear about the stabiliza- tion of wages in those industries. URGE The most powerful gasoline your car 'activated' Shell Premium! CLEAN AN SATIN - 8 GENUINE can use... EXTRA MILD D FIRM with ax extra wide band MOOTH CORK FACTORY FRE ' A Ne ARSN SN ie ; AR SH