THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE « PAGE NINETEEN THURSDAY, MAY Fg 1951 | on The | | dome aad Principals in Recent Ceremony DR. AND MRS, "V. KEITH MOUNTJOY Whose marriage was solemnized recently in the manse at Columbus. Formerly Miss Evelyn Jones, the bride is the daughter of Mre, Floyd Jones, of Brooklin, and the late Mr. Jones, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. H. Moun'joy, »f Kedron, and the late Mr. Mountjoy. --Photo by Hornsby Studio. Spring Tea Attracts Nearly 300 Visitors N. Simcoe St. Home Mrs. D. M. Rose, Mrs. H. A. Sud- dard, Mrs. F. J. Rundle, Mrs. Eric Green, Mrs. J. J. Burns, Mrs. W. P. Whittington, Mrs. J. J. English and Mrs, T. M. McDowell presided at the tea tables for the Spring Tea held at the home of Mrs. Edward Robson yesterday afternoon. The guests strolled on the ter- race and on the lawn and took tea in the spacious, cool reception rooms fragrant with the massive bouquets of lilac and bowls of lilies of the valley and tulips. s, Edward Robson and Mrs. S. T. Hopkins received the visitors who Were served by the following mem- bers of t Hart Group. of 8t. George's Anglican Church: Mrs, Harold Armstrong, Mrs, Douglas Bailes, Mrs. Leonard Brash, Mrs. Donald Burns, Miss Nancy Burns, Mrs. Donald Crothers, Mrs. Jackson Dinsmore, Mrs, E. .G. Hig- gins, Mrs. A, E. Johnson, Mrs. Rus- sell Learmonth, Mrss Charles Mc- Gibbon, Mrs. Angus McDonald, Mrs, Robert Patte, Mrs. Leon Nash, Mrs. F. C. Piper, Mrs. James Skin- ner, Mrs. Stanley Willson, Mrs. William Wobdcock. Mrs. W. H. Stanley was general convener assisted by a committee of three, Mrs. S. T. Hopkins, presi- dent of the group, Mrs. J. A. Mit- chell and Mrs. William Holland who acted as hostesses. Mrs. Haydon Macdonald and Mrs. David Lander received the tickets and the much admired flower ar- rangements were the creations of Mrs. George Farncomb of New- castle. FINE FISH The River Tay, noted for its sal- mon, flowing 117 miles is the long- est river in Scotland. Various Activities Of Prince Philip Ch. Reported at Meeting The Regent, Mrs. F. N. McCal- lum, thanked all the members for the effort they put fourth on the Tag Day at the monthly mee! of Prince Philip Chapter, 1LO.D.E. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Ernest Reading, and the treasurer, Mrs. Fred Fordham, reported that the proceeds of the Annual Tag Day amounted to $1,029.80. ; Plans were discussed regarding a patriotic float to be entered in the Rotary parade on June 18. The committee in charge is as follows: Mrs. Frank Godden, Mrs. B. J. Logan, Mrs. R. L. Shupe, Mrs. W, L. Eagleson, Mrs, Ernest Reading and Mrs. Wallace Butler. A motion was made and carried that Mrs. C. G, Luke, post-war con- vener in charge of overseas par- cels, be allotted a specified amount of money to enable her to continue sending parcels overseas during the summer months, Mrs. Luke read letters of thanks from three men in the services in which they ex- pressed their sincere appreciation for the parcels sent them by this Chapter. p Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, educational secretary, reported that citizenship cards were distributed in Grades VII: and VIII in the public and separate schools in greater Osh- awa, ' It was SMiggested that Mrs. W. B. White, welfare convener, contact Simcoe Hall, as to their require- ments as this Chapter would like to donate something useful, Mrs. Harold Luke, post-war con- vener in charge of knitting, will make a large shipment of knitted garments, quilts and children's clothing, in the very near future. A new member, Mrs. E, J. Luke, was introduced by Mrs. Frank Taylor, membership convener, and inducted by the Regent. The Ways and Means convener, Mrs. C. B. Deyo, suggested that juvenile books be donated by the members for the Northern School this Chapter is going to adopt. The Regent stressed the point that all used clothing must be clean and wearable. Also, she hoped the members were busy making their talent money as it was now due. At the June meeting a delegate will be appointed to attend the semi-annual meeting to be held at Niagara Falls on October 26 and 26. Mrs. Frank Godden, ex-person- nel convener, collected books and magazines, which she took to SBun- nybrook Hospital, and told the |W members how grateful the patients were for good reading matter. With regard to the books and magazines for the hospital, would anyone whether a member or not. having any books, especially poc- ket size paper-covered ones, and magazines such as Life, Time, Reader's Digest, and Star Weekly stories, please telephone Mrs, Frank tng | Godden at 3-8746. Mrs. M. McIntyre Hood, convener of world affairs, gave a most en- lightening resume of news of today. Mrs. Hood discussed the situation involving Britain and Iran in a dispute over the nationalization of the Iran oil fields, also that Britain has placed the whole issue before the International Court of Justice for arbitration, because the action of Iran constitutes violation of a solemn international A agreement, and the International Court of Jusfice is the only body which can give a legal .ruling on such matters. A letter was read by the Regent from Mr. J. H. Biggar, organizer of Visites Interprovinciales, in which he expressed the hope that the Daughters of the Empire would take an increasing interest in "Visites Interprovinciales," which encouragés and arranges visits by French speaking people, mainly those of high school age, to Eng- lish-speaking homes and vice versa. The society has no religious, poli- tical or commercial affiliations and makes no charge for its ser- vices but is supported and endorsed by provincial governments and public spirited firms and indi- viduals. Mrs. H, C. Hainer, publicity con- vener, reported that letters of ap- preciation had been sent to all those, other than members, who helped make the Tag Day such a success. WOMEN'S-- PROOF TO ALDWINCKLE-- SASKATOON--The Imperial Or- der, Daughters of the Empire, voted Wednesday to donate 11 bur- saries for Canadian university stu- dents in 1951. One bursary will be awarded in each province, with another for the Yukon. Delegates to the annual convention also voted to establish three annual post-graduate schol- arships for graduates of Canadian universities. Mrs. J. D. Detwiler of London, Ont., reporting on the organiza- tion's Second World War memorial fund, reported that six bursaries were awarded in 1950 to sons and daughters of men killed or seri- ously disabled in the Second World ar, Summer Duty-Beauty Bo pretty to see around the house! That's you in your new sun-and-housedress with princess lines. Has frills where frills flatter most, is sew easy. Sew segeral! Pattern 4551 comes in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 40. Size 16 takes 4 yards 35-inch; 34 yard contrast for ruffles. This pattern, easy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has complete {illustrated instructions. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35¢) 'In' coins (stamps cannot be accepbed) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE, NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Daily Times-Gazette, Pattern Dept, 57 Simcoe Street, South, Oshawa, Ontario. It's ready for you! Our new Anne Adams Summer Pattern Book! Read all about your new vacation wardrobe, how easy it is to sew Glamor-fashions, illustrations of thrift patterns in all sizes. Send Twenty-five Cents for your copy today! Free Pattern of a Jr. Miss sunsuit printed in book. ~ OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Letters from Sailors Thank IODE Chapter For Parcels Received Letters received by Mrs. C. G. Luke, overseas parcels convener for Prince Philip Chapter, IODE, show how much the boys in the armed forces appreciate a parcel from home. The following from sailors in the Royal Canadian Navy make refresh- ing reading: 14-5-51. A/B MO 1. Skea William B. 6468-H H.M.C.8.Magnificent. Mess 14-H. c/o Fleet Mail Office, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Dear Mrs. Luke:- I am writing to you at this time to express my thanks for your kind and thoughiful agt of sending your recent parcel to me. After two months away from Canada it is always good to receive something from home. I have been in the Royal Cana- dian Navy approximately four and a half years as an Able Seaman Meterologist's Mate, and two of those years I have spent on the aircraft carrier Magnificent. The remaining time was spent on De- stroyers and at the Naval Air Sta- tion "Shearwater" situated at Dart- mouth, Nova Scotia. It is surprising the number of Oshawa men who make up the complement of Magnificent and I |, suppose there are more joining every day. On our last cruise we visited Ham- ilton, Bermuda; Port of Spain, Trin- idad; Bridgetown, Barbados; and Boston, Massachusetts. The cruise was mainly for training but proved to be quite educational also. Every- where we went we were treated cor- dially and everything was done to give us a good time and make us feel at home. In closing I would like to thank you once again and let you know that the parcel was appreciated by both myself and the rest of the members of my mess. Thank you. Yours sincerely, William Skea. Sunday, May 12th. H.M.C.S. Nootka, At Sea. Dear Mrs. Luke:- Received your welcome parcel a short while ago and to say the least the chocolates were quite a welcome treat. As is the general custom aboard ship, my mess-mates joined me in eating them and all had a good word for the gift. At present, ship is at sea on coastal patrol and at present time fairly quiet out. In fact only have approximately three more trips and then we head back for Halifax. It give a person a warm feeling Curved or Straight NOMS WJ Vv SIX lovely edgings in this cro- chet pattern! Even more wonder- ful--some can be used on curved edges. All are most useful. For clothes, linens, shelving. Pattern 7024; crochet directions, six edgings from % to 4'4 inches. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps can- not be accepted) to (Name of Your Newspaper), Household Arts Dept. Address. Print plainly NAME AD- DRESS, PATTERN NUUMBER, Needleworkers! Have you seen our 1951 Alice Brooks Needlework catalog? Send Twenty-five cents for your copy today: Illustrations of patterns for crochet, knitting, embroidery, and other fascinating handwork. A Free Pattern is print- ed in the book. to know that, although you have been away from Oshawa for going on 9 years, you have not been for- gotten. Again I would like to say "thank you very much" for your considerate gift' and to wish you and your sister members the best of luck and continued success in your work for the future. Sincerely yours, E. A. W. Seeley, H.M.C.S. Nootka. Community | Social Notices Marriage $1.00 E ts $1.00 Baby Pictures $1.00 Wedding Pictures $2.00 Announcements t A ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nottingham announce the engagement of their daughter, Katherine Grace, to Lawrence Roy Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrison, Cress- well, Ontario. The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 186, at 230 p.m, in St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, Sonya. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Martin of Toronto announce the engagement of their only daughter, Mildred Emma, to William Richard Maid- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Maidman of Oshawa. The mar- riage will take place in St. John's Chapel of St. Michael's Cathedral on Friday, June 29, at 7 p.m. HOUSEHOLD HINT Househould pests live on grease, food stains and crumbg Eliminate them by wiping kitchen work sure faces, cabinets, doors, and floors often with a soapy cloth. Keep food containers tightly closed, and put iid cereals, sugar and flour in glass ars. . ANNOUNCING! Mrs. Emily Moore will be operoting full time of MODERN BEAUTY SHOPPE Open all day Seoturdey 8 Simcoe S. Dial 5.3053 (Next to Burns' Shoe Store) Miss Jean Williams Special Representative of DOROTHY GRAY COSMETICS will be at our store THUR. FRI. and SAT. to give FREE Facial And Advice on Proper Use of Cosmetics Call at Store or DIAL 3-3143 TAMBLYN Drug Stores 6 KING E. KROEHL chesterfiel if there ever was comfort . Construction and styling er can give lifetime d Suite : tiful one. This be he 5, Kroeh- satisfaction "Savings Galore at ED. Wilson's Furniture Eo Here's a real Bargain in g real lovely Bed- room Suite. mirror. / Reduced to half price for quick clear- ance. Don't miss out on this one! | --. YO FF Urnish y Bin and u The 3-PIECE M SUITE It's genuine walnut with plate $9.00 What Value! Walnut Sensational Saving! Chrome Tables A Gift Suggestion For the Bride! "It's a Honey of a Coffee Tahles Genuine Walnut. Equipped with removable glass tray. 'A wonder- ful gift for the June Bride. Only $10.95 Cedar Chests Genuine Walnut and lined with red Tennessee cedar. Equipped with Drawer. What a buy at . . . $44.50 OSHAWA SUITE Where else except at Ed. Wil- son's could you buy such a lovely suite as this for only $77.00 Very serviceable and extremely good looking. Arborite top and chrome legs. You just can't go wrong with this value, at only . . $20.50 WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. . .. sEERALTE VAN FALE ERLE