Daily Times-Gazette, 30 May 1951, p. 19

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« 'WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1951 a gin SH THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE NINETEEN ~ | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 39--Articles for Sale 42--Female Help Wanted -------- otra $19.95 UP, VACUUM' CLEANERS, Hoovers, Electrolux, Rexajr, Gener- al Electric, tank, floor models, guar. anteed, reconditioned. Dial shiz (Jed) NEW, SENSATIONAL PRESTE- line refrigerators. Save $60. 9 cu. ft. frotén food chest capacity over 50 ibs. ; adjustable shelving, full length door. Regular $4590.50. Sale price $399.50. While they last. Barons' Ra- dic & Klectric, 426 Simcoe 8. Dial B5-4822. J10) MANURES! FRESH OR WELL rotted, weedless, cow, horse or mushroom manure, also black loam and top soil. Oshawa Nursery. Dial 3-2491, (June2) RENT A SINGER ELECTRIC POR- table in your own home, $6 per month. Singer Sewing Center. Dial | 5-5443. (June?) | WELL ROTTED MANURE FOR | lawns, shrubs, gardens, flower beds. 95c bushel, three for two dollars. | Dial 3-2491. (M30) | JVENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start- ling development in Venetian Blind | history. lattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- | closure. We are sure these blinds | will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without ob- | ligation. George Reid. Dial 5-0633 | ' 66 Bond St. est. (Jeld) PERENNIAL FLOWER PLANTS, $ different large flowering size plants (our selection) $1.50; 12 for $3.50. Violas 20c each, 6 for $1.00; double | Shasta Daisies (two varieties) 50c each or 6 for $2.50. Delphiniums (Pa- cific Giants) 50c each, Delivery free. Order now, as supply limited. Dial 65-2609. (M30) | ALL MAKES OF VACUUM CLEAN- | ers and polishers, new and used, for rent, sale and repaired. Dial 5-6423. (Jeld) FOR YOUR COTTAGE, ELECTRIC ranges from $29.95; ice boxes, from $5. Rangettes, from $19.95. Radios, from $9.95. Barons' Radio & Elec- tric, 426 Simcoe S. Dial 5-4822. (June3) | DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO. Dial 3-3833. Smith-Corona Typewri- ters, Adders ,Cashiérs, Sales, serv- ice, rentals. New and used machines. : (Jell) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed in every way Also complete repair | service. Dial Merv. Tuck, 5-3492. (Jed) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and beits for all makes of washers Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe Bt. N. Dial 5-117. (Je25) | NEW ELECTRO : AIRE VACUUM | cleaners, complete with attach- | ments--$§49.95. Free demonstration in your home. Easy terms. Barons' Ra- | . dio & Electric, 426 Simcoe S. Dial © 5-4822, Www) | SAVE $8. WALNUT FINISHED | record cabinets, reg. $19.95 for | $11.95. Meagher's, 5 King West. | (125¢) BEATTY WASHING MACHINE; double bed complete; ice box, 50-lb. capacity; kitchen cabinet. Apply 333 | Lakeshore. (125¢) | PUMP FOR WBLL, INCLUDING | 30-ft. pipe; also round dinifig-room | table. Apply 158 Gibbons St. (125b) PHILCO CAR RADIOS, FITS IN-| strument panel of '49 and '50 Chev. | Priced at $81.50 and $91.50 for push- button model: 2 only, at old price. . Meagher's, 5 King St. W, 261) ELECTRIC RANGETTE, FORCE, good condition; 3 bed and spring; evehing gown, turquoise, size 18. Dial 5-0336. (126a) TABLE ANC 3 CHAIRS, TABLE lamp, new baby woollens. Apply 197 Célina St. (126¢) TRAILER, FURNISHED, WINTER- ized; sleeps two. Apply T. Down, 138 King E. (126¢c) QUANTITY 8° CEMENT BLOCKS. Dial 5-0659. (1262) ORIENTAL INDIAN SUROUK rug, 9 x 12', $300. Dark blue and red. Dial 3-3280. (126a) OUTBOARD MOTOR, EVINRUDE, 2% h.p., good condition; generator | and power plant. Phone B-A Servicé Station, Pickering 141. (125¢) KITCHEN COAL STOVE, WILL sell cheap. Apply 330 Simcoe St. S. (126¢) JACKNIFE EXTENSION TABLE, birch; buffet, birch; 4 chrome chairs; china cabinet, walnut; coffee table, round; small dresser; silverware chest. Dial 5-6280. (126¢) TWO-WHEEL TRAILER WITH steel box, for sale. Dial 3-7039. : 4 (126¢) MAN'S USED BICLCLE, 28x1% tires, excellent condition, B. F. Good- .rich, 453 SimcoeS. (126b) FOUR 760 x 16 GOOD USED TIRES, gone only 2,000 miles, $100 for ser, B. F. Goodrich Store, 453 Simcoe | Street South. (126b) GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE, IN _ good condition. Apply 95 Cadillac S. - (126¢) MOTORBIKE, Al CONDITION, also Coffield washer in good condi- tion. Apply 300 Albert St. Dial 5-6491. (126¢) EATON ELECTRIC WASHER IN good shape, also 2 laundry tubs. $25 complete. Dial 3-9354. (126¢) MAN'S USED BALLOON TIRE BI- "cycle, white walls, good condition, _.B. F. Goodrich, 453 Simcoe S. (126b) 41--Articles Wanted LILY OF THE VALLEY. PHONE Henry Reed, 5-1132. (126a) OLD FUR COATS, HUDSON SEAL and Persian, especially. Apply Box 513, Times-Gazette. (123d) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW gobse and duck feathers, also fea- ther ticks of a description." Live ultry, scrap iron and metals. al I. Turner, North Oshawa 5-4912 collect. (Juné) PIANQS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now, Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe \ .. Dial 5-2822. (Jel6) |. GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT. - ved. Dressers, beds, stoves and heat- ers. '56 King West. Dial 5-0132, (Jeld) | WOMAN OR GIRL WANTED FOI | 43--Male Help Wanted CLEANING WOMAN TWO DAY weekly. Reférences, Phone "3-7244. | 5 (M30J2) while mother works. Phone 3-7723. (126a) EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER, also excellent opening for appren- tice; single preférred. Phone 3-9411. 3 (126¢) WOMAN TO HELP WITH HOUSE- work, three half days a week. Dial 5-417, (125tf) SALESLADY, INTELLIGENT GIRL interested in selling, good salary; opportunity for advancement. Apply in own handwriting, Box 620, Times- Gazette. (126¢) WAITRESSES WANTED, EVEN- ings or night work, experienced pre- ferred but not essential, Apply Gen- osha Grill: 25e) GIRLS, WOMEN, PART TIME OR steady. For counter service. Apply in person Jubilee Pavilion. (124d) | centum .per annum, kitchen - work. Apply Balmoral | Hotel, Bowmanville. (124c) | EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES, $25 | a week: also dishwasher. Apply | South End Grill. Phone 5-3433. | (124c) | SALES HELP REQUIRED PART-| time, including all day Saturday. | Apply The Food Shop, 42 Simcoe N. | (124) | MORNING NURSERY SCHOOL | SUPERVISOR WANTED At Adelaide House, 1951. Apply by letter to YWCA, | Personnel Chairman. { (126a) | starting Sept., | NEAT, COURTEOUS AND RELI- | able taxi drivers wanted. Apply 9 Prince St. (126d) | YOUNG MAN, 17-22, FOR POSI- | tion as junior rate clerk, experience | not necessary. Apply Smith Trans-| ., 637 Simcoe St. 8S, Osha-| ' (126t1) | DRIVER-SALESMAN REQUIRED | for well-established city route. Ap-! ply Mr. Gray, Tod's Bread Ltd. t + (125c) [BUTCHER TO TAKE FULL] charge of meat department. Salary | and commission. Apply Stroud's Food Market, R.R. 3 Pickering, phone Pickering 93J12. (1241) | CAPABLE MAN WANTED FOR | modern tire shop. Experience pre- ferred, but not essential. Permanent | position to right party. Apply to| Box C08, Daily Times-Gazette. { (1221) | and Saturday all day. The | Food Shop. (124c) | YOUNG MAN TO LEARN MEN'S clothing trade. Write Box 542, Times- | Gazette. (118t1) | WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY | travel among consumers in Oshawa. | Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered, Write Rawleigh"s Dept. MIL-C-310-131, Montreal. Apply (MWF-MI0) | YOU CAN GET INTO RADIO AND Television, Wireless Operating and make good money without previous radio experience. Qualify through a recognized and proven course by correspondence, also day and night classes starting. shortly. Placement Bureau assists graduates. Low monthly terms. Write for free book- let today, no obligation, state age, education. Radio College of Canada, 86 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ontario. (My14,16,21,23,28,30) (Jed ,6,11,13,18,20,25,27,30) 44--Male or Female Help CLERK WANTED, MALE OR FE- male, Apply Dominion Bank, Whit- by. (1211) AMAZING GUARANTEE GIVES free Nylons if hose runs, snags' or just wears out within period to two months. Not sold in stores. Also lingerie, full line men's wear includ- ing shirts and socks guaranteed for one full year. Men and wo-| men -- earn wonderful steady in. come writing orders spare or full | time. No money or experience need- | ed. We - deliver-collect, Post card brings. free money making sales! outfit. Duro-Test, Hamilton, Ontar- io. (W.S.M30) 46--tmployment Wanted YOUNG LADY, 23, WILL BABY- sit any afternoon or evening. Charge | 35c an hour, 50c after twelve, even- | ings. Dial 3-7979. (Je8) | YOUNG WOMAN WITH 10 YEARS | clerical experience, several yrs. art training including fashion drawing | and chart making, desires responsi- ble position. Write Box 617, Times- Gazette. (124c¢) OSHAWA ODD JOB : SERVICE, landscaping, cement work, rubbish removed, cellars and yards cleaned, storm windows removed. No job too large or small. Phone 35-5215. : (1221) 47--Legal Notices CHANGE OF NAME ACT, RS.0, 1 1950, CHAPTER 47 In the matter of the application of ANTONI GOLEMBIOUSKI, some-4 times referred to as GOLEMBIOW- SKI, and his wife, PAULINE GO- LEMBIOUSKI and STEPHEN GO-' LEMBIOUSKI and BERNARD, GO- LEMBIOUSKI, his infant. children, and in the matter of the applica of JENNIE GOLEMBIOUSKI STANLEY GOLEMBIOUSKI, and | credit of The. Board of Trustees of | THE BOARD OF: TRUSTEES | ARATE SCHOOL FOR 111953 | 1955 tion | chil- 47--Legal Notices" THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPAR- ATE SCHOOL' FOR SCHOOL SEC- TION NO. 1 IN THE IMPROVE- MENT DISTRICT OF AJAX BY:LAW NUMBER 2 A 'By-law to authorize the issue of |' Debentures in the principal amount of $51,000.00 for school purposes; the acquisition, remodelling, furnishing and equipping of a school building. WHEREAS The Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic "Separate School for School Section No. 1 in the Improvement District of Ajax have decided to acquire, remodel, furnish and equip a school building in Ajax and have decided for such purpose to issue Debentures there- fore in the sum of $51,000.00 bearing interest at the rate of Four and three-quarters; ¢P.K., .J.J.F.) per which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-law; AND WHEREAS it 1s expedient that the principal of the said debt shall be repayable in twenty annual instalments during the years 1952 to 1971 both inclusive, in the respective amounts set forth in Schedule A" hereto attached; AND WHEREAS it will be neces- sary to raise during' each of the years 1952 to 1971 both inclusive, the amount of $4,006.53, as set forth in said Schedule "A" for the pay- ment of the principal and interest of the said debt. THEREFORE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL FOR SCHOOL SECTION NO. 1 IN|. THE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF AJAX enacts as follows: 1. THAT for the purposes afore- said there shall be" borrowed oh the the Roman Catholic Separate School: for School Section No. 1 in the improvement District of. Ajax the sum of $51,000.00 and Debentures shall be issued therefore in sums of not :less than $50.00 each, The said Debentures. shall . bear interest at the rate of Four and three-quarters (P.K.,' J.JJ.F.) per cent per annum payable annually and. shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of the interest. 2. THAT the Debentures shall be dated the 15th day of May, and shall be payable in twenty an- nual instalments 'on the 15th day of May in each of thé years 1952 to 1971, both inclusive, and the respec- tive amounts of principal and inter- est payable in-.each of such years shall be.as set forth in Schedule | "A" to this By-law which is hereby | declared to be and to form part of | this By-law. . 1 3. THAT the said Debentures as | to both principal and interest shall | be payable in lawful money of Can- | ada. and .may. be. made payable at | { such place or places in Canada as | shall be. designated theyein. | 4. THAT the Chairman and Sec: | retary-Treasurer of the said Board shall sign and 'issue the Debentures | | BOY REQUIRED, AFTER SCHOOL | and the Debentures shall be sealed | with the Corporate Seal of the said | Board. The interest coupons at-| tached to the 'Debentures' shall be! signed by the Chairman and Secre- | tary-Tregsurer and their signatures | thereon may be written, 'stamped, | lithographed or, engraved. 5. THAT in each of the years 1952 to 1971. both inclusive, the re- spective sums set forth in the fourth column in Schedule "A' hereto shall be levied and collected annually by a special rate . sufficient "therefore over and above all other rates in the same manner and from the like per- sons and property by, from, upon or out of which. othér separate school rates may be levied and collected. 6. THAT the said sum of $51, 000.00 so borrowed and' the interest thereén and the said Debentures shall be and the same are hereby made a charge upon the school house property, and premises and the real and personal property vested in The Board -of Trustees of the Rgman Catholic Separate School for School Section No. 1 in the Improvement District of Ajax and upon all the separate school rates until each and | every one of them, together with all interest thereon, shall fully' paid 'and satisfied. 9: THAT thé said ' Debentures may centain any clause providing | for. registration thereof authorized | by any Statute relating to Municipal | Debentures in force at the time of | the issue thereof. | READ. a FIRST, SECOND and! been | have | | THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASS. ED this 25th day of May, 1951, : PAUL T. KIRBY, Chairman. J.»J. FINNIGAN, | Secretary-Treasurer. | OF | CATHOLIC SEP. | SCHOOL SECTION NO, 1 IN THE IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT OF AJAX | BY-LAW NUMBER 2 | SCHEDULE "A" | : Total Annual Year Principal Interest Payment | 1952 - § 1,584.03 §$-3,422.50 $ 4,006.53 4,006.53 4,008.53 ,006.53 THE ROMAN \ 1954 1956 1957 1958 1959 - 8 S on 8 b= oo a8 8835335353382 Sabthaboh Hzes --- over or S&L BERS anSSSE: SRINVHIBR 1961 1 2 a i 2% RO ROR IS he ---- 1] Co DoW EERIE BERNER Pata aatalal al TT NTS (M23,30) dren of the said Antoni Golembiou- | ski, over the age "of twenty-one years -- to change their surname to GOLESKI. TAKE NOTICE that the above ap- plications for change of name as in- dicated will be heard by His Honour Judge F. J. MacRae at the old City Hall, Richmond and Simcoe Sts, Oshawa, Ontario, on Thursday, the 12th day of July, 1851, at 10:15 o'clock in the forenoon. DATED at Oshawa, this 28th day of May, 1951. _R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C, Solicitor for the Applicants. (My30-Je6,13) 48--Auction Sales HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls icked up free. Dial 5-3432, Cedardale ron and Metals. 100 Annis St east of C.N.R. Station. (Jun3) . CASH FOR GOOD USED FURNI- ture, beds and. cribs, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond St. W., dial 3-4863. (Jeld) 42--Female Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER To assist accountant, experience pre: ferable, but not essential. Full or part " time. Good salary and working con- | ditions. Apply C. G. Shier ' WALMSLEY & MAGILL (126c) STIRTEVANT'S AUCTION ROOM, 33 Hall St., Thursday evening, May 31, at 7:30 p.m.--3-piece velour ches- terfield suite: 6-piece difiette suite; end tables; table lamps, floor lamps; studio couch; electric stove; Quebec heater; coffee table; drapes; hall table and nice rugs; bed couch: Hoover vacuum; Philco radio; 3 beds, springs and spring mattresses; dressers; chiffonier; library table; wardrobe; ice box; kitchen cabinet, kitchen chairs; dining room chairs and tables; feather pillows; garden tools; dishes and many other arti- cles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer, phone 5-5751. (M30) Victoria, B.C. -- (CP) -- The search for oil and natural gas will be pressed in British Columbia this year, it was announced by Dr. T. H. Williams, oil controller. A party will inspect remote areas of the Peace River where the main survey is centred. 3 Young Admirer ~-Central Press Canadian A young subject hands a spring bouquet to King Gustaf Adolf of Sweden. The -sovereign, who wears a mourning band for the late king, 1951, | 'er Mosquitoes. was on his annual tour at Uppsala. CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer | HORIZONTAL 43. 1. past 4. equal: comb. form . puff up 12. anciént nomad Arab 14. cabbage- like plants 15. fixed gazers 16. showers . fished for mail again eagle's nest diffuse lingerer furhish with new erew renters 51. scents 52. bitter vetch 53. a lixivium" 45 46. 47. 49. 50. S- 9 vender (law) capable of extension S-shaped worm . sharp moun- tain spurs South American monkey . frames for VERTICAL piece of © property alligator (collog.) . papal veil frosted . Anglo-Indian weight . onslaughts unbleached . burdens lampreys 18. musical studies 20. allowance for waste 21. summer (Fr.) 22. 24. 27. 28. ARIEIVI1 [VIE] clip effaced . palm leaf passes gradually away . journeyed (TIAIW EIKIEIR] EILIAIN] BAIT] sob . units of acoustics . shelter . twenty. seventh U.S. president Answer to yesterday's puzzle. GRAGEEHLARIER] [1R[O[NIEID)] ATONEDMTIEE MED] RIAICIE[SIMAIDIE! NOIR [TEER] WIAINMBEIRS! RIL EE] FlEAJL IO! CI ARISIMTILE] IMIOIR]AIL |E]| EET EEMORIATEID EIRIRIAINIDIBRIAIGIE IRIS] Average time of solution: 26 minutes. 48 air: comb. Distributed by King Features Syndicate. holding pictures . cushion . primary color . June bug . tennis stroke . warded off . city in Sicily . speaks . colonize . pointed weapon . apirit of the air . glowing . compact . has . macaws 46. theater sign (abbr.) LIojo]P 5-30 form 'Umbrella' Tests Air At the end of this month West- ern Europe will again be testing out its combined and co-ordinated air defences, says a British release. Once again British, American, French, 'Belgian and: Dutch jet fighters with, for the first time, a Danish squadron, will put a four- day umbrella ef defence over a line from' thé Daiteh 'doast to the Alps and for 8300 miles back over its hinterland. »*~ 2 Last year this exercise was call- ed "Cupola" and was directed by the Western Union staff at ¥on- tainebleau with the U.S.A. playing almost an. unofficial. role. This year the exercise is a fully-fledged North Atlantic Treaty affair under General Eisenhower. and. his air chief, central: sector, General Naor- stad, who will have operational command of the trials. | CALLED 'SUNSHADE' "Cupola" was stage one in the United Air 'Defence * of Europe. Stage two, which we shall see this | month, has been . given the code | name "Ombrelle" which 'is 'French When an" official for "sunshade," I offic of the North Atlantic organization | was told-that "Ombrelle' sounded less weighty and all-covering than "Cupola" he replied, "Yes, but an it is flexibility of handling which 'ombrelle' is easier to handle and we want to try out." : In actual 'fact, the scale of "Ombrelle" will be about the same as for "Cupola" but there are in- dications that the attack will be heavier and the main defence sec- tors will take in a larger area, Belgium and Holland. will have the biggest concentration of fight- ers. There "are four day-fighter airfields set aside in Belgium for Belgian and American units and one airfield for' Belgian night fight- In Holland ' will be 'two :airdromes housing 'Royal Air Force Vampires and 'a third for Dufch and Danish Meteors. France will man only two fields-- Rheims' and 'Luxeuil--the former for American Thunderjets and 'the latter for tsemselves, while French Vampire units will also be in Lux- emburg, GUARDS THE EAST / A glance at the map will show this as a realistic placing of de- fence along the classic line from the Low Countries, south through Luxembourg, to Luxeuil. It is a line against attack from the East --and doubtless that is where the "Ombrelle" attack will come from --from British and American bombers based in Germany, Unlike "Cupola" there will be no groups of . fighters back near Paris-- everything will .be in the "front line" and one of the objectives will be to bring off interceptions at the remotest possible points from the industrial areas and to engage the "enemy" on his own side off the fence. Once again the actual numbers of aircraft employed are not the main thing. No one pretends that the N.A.T.O. powers have yet got the modern aircraft they need. The manufacture all over Eyrope of jet fighters is a slow business which, though getting under way, will not become formidable for some years. Britain's own air rearmament pro- gram cannot, as has been announc- ed, reach a peak before 1953--and the U.S,, although currently in a better position, has also consider- able expansion ahd other demands on its resources. But it' would be unforgivable if, when the air ar- madas are ready, the ground or- ganization was not. Radar screens, radio fighter direction operations rooms, telecommunications all these things matter just as much in modern war as the aircraft themselves. : HOW IT WORKS Think what happens when a bomber raid is intercepted. The first warning comes from the radar chain. This has to cover the whole of Western Europe's frontiers and has to -be of the latest equipment and manned by skilled and highly trained forces. The radar chain has to report the raid back to the fighter control units and to the sector and area operations rooms. The actual fighters have to be "scrambled" maybe from several airfields, or patrols already flying have to be steered to the danger zone. Meanwhile, the fighters in 'the initial interception have to be di- rected onto the enemy--while for hundreds of miles around, the sec- onfl and third lines of air defence and all the ack-ack guns and mili- tary target areas have to be warn- ed to stand by. The main opera- tions rooms, too, must know in a flash what is going on so that they can piece 'this one raid into the over-all pattern-of a battle which may be raging along the whole frontier. Redeployments may be necessary quick adjustments made ta meet emelgencies caused by bombing. . And all this as the enemy approaches--maybe at 600 m.p.h. . Without these things a modern defence is useless, And it all de- pends upon telecommuniications-- upon radar, radio and a network of direct telephone and teleprinter circuits" duplicated and redupli- cated twisting and meshing all over Europe irrespective of pure- ly 'national boundaries. Sheet Metal 21 CHURCH ST. . Authorized Decler © £SSO OIL BURNERS ® NEW IDEA FURNACES © Gar Wood Tempered Air Units "Seles and Service to all Mokes" DIAL 5-2734 Repairs and Service COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK ond EFFICIENT SERVICE WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N. DIAL 3-7752 ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS FLOORS SANDED / WALL AND FLOOR TILE SUPPLIED AND LAID TILE CLEANER ond WAX SOLD DIAL 3-7251 By Douglas How Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's stow- away V.C. is back where he's | pined to be for seven restless years--back with the infantry. The army headquarters yester- day said Lt.-Col. John K. Mahony, 39, V.C,, has been named to com- mand one of the three infantry battalions in the new 27th Bri- gade. The quiet, solid - Irishman from New Westminster, B.C., is undoubtedly the happiest man in the army. .For he's been struggling for years against the "penalty" that says a V.C. can't fight again. There's one blot on the happi- ness of this man who neither smokes nor drinks nor utters strong profanity, this antithesis of the flambuoyant, swashbuckler of - military romance -- the 1st Canadian Infantry Battalion doesn't include a company from his own Westminster Regiment. Otherwise he would be as happy as army regulations allow a sol- dier. He might even go out and have a drink or smoke. Listen and we'll tell you why. WOUNDED THREE TIMES Seven years ago this month he won the V.C. by holding a bridge- head over the Melfa River in Italy against heavy odds. He was wounded three times, but he and his' company and a few armored corps men without 'armor saved the victory gained a few hours be- fore in the costly breaching of the Hitler line. The Germans, instead of being able to throw up another line on the Melfa; were driven in rout for many miles north. Those were the greatest 24 hours in" Jack Mahony's life. They became the cause of some of his worst frustrations. | "Where are you going ?", asked { Triquet. "Back to my unit," said Ma- hony. "That's what you think," said Triquet. Triquet was right. STOWED AWAY TO FRONT But Mahony wasn't licked. He put in a few restless days and then he vanished from the rein- forcement depot--went A.W.L. for the first time in his life. He stowed away aboard a truck head- ing for the front. When they got into the rear echelon area several days later, he heard queries being made about a missing Maj. Mahony. He slip- ped away and got all the way up to his unit. ; ; There the' commdnder, Lt.-Col. Gordon Corboult, how in Korea, came to him as a close but em- barrassed friend to tell him to leave. It was orders, he 'said. They posted Jack Mahony to di- vision headquarters and told him to stay a discreet distance from the front. They gave him a jeep and made him a liaison officer. He hated it. He started slipping away and going back to his. unit. His superiors told him he'd have to cut it out. : This went on for weeks before it finally came to a head and he was paraded before Gen. Hoff- meister. In the general's caravan, Jack Mahony recalled later, he heard more good advice and coun- sel than he'd ever got before in a few brief minutes. The general, a born. fighter himself, explained why V.C.'s can't fight again. A V.C. might be killed or wounded and public reaction would be or so later. The commander, Maj.-Gen. Bert Hoff- meister came to the Westminsters' rest area and told him formality and Mahony stood there, quaking and thinking His V.C. was awarded a month | 5th Division's | without | somebody | PLUMBING & HEATING ® REPAIRS! eo NEW WORK! © LOWEST PRICES! ® GUARANTEED WORK! H. COLVIN DIAL 5-0733 sweat from ,an impossible dream --that he had won the V.C. The King came to Italy and made the formal presentation before the entire 5th Division. Mahony nearly collapsed from nervousness, It didn't help, he once said, to see that the King was almost as nervous. Then the trouble started. They told him he had to go to hospital. He knew it. He hadn't been feel- ing well for weeks. A few weeks later he reported to the reinforcement depot far be- hind the lines. people he met was another V.C. major, Paul Triquet of Cabano, Que., just back from Canada and "browned-off" over bond-tour sol- diering. : was pulling an enormous joke. For | weeks he woke up at nights in a | One of the first | JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! DIAL 5-1169 241 KING ST. EAST NORTH SIMCOE PHARMACY 885 SIMCOE ST. N. FOR QUICK DELIVERY FOR PRESCRIPTIONS DIAL 5-1253 for V.C. Who Smuggled Way to Front Finally Back With Troops Again bad. Or he might feel he'd done his bit and not try too hard. Or he might feel he had to live up to his decoration and take risks unfair to him- self and his men. The general got the major post- ed back tg Canada for a staff course with a promise to take him to the Pacific with the 6th Divi- sion. The 6th didn't get there he- cause peace came. Jack Mahony was the only V.C. to stay in the army, He wanted a job with the troops. For a time he worked with cadets and liked it. Then théy made him director of. public relations at army héad- quarters to use, his prestige. He never quite liked the job. : He had nothing against news- paper men but P.R. work wasn't soldiering. 'He wanted to 'be with the infantry. Now, at last, he's got his wish. Maybe the no-fighting ban will strike him again later; but for the moment he's a happy Irishman. RANKS THIRD Cyprus in the eastern Mediter- ranean is the third largest island of yisg sea, behind Sicily and Sar- nia. i Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. 'E., Whithy Phone Whitby $52 [ . 4 MONUMENTS AND 4 FINE QUALITY" MARKERS - Precise - workmanship and careful attention to detail are vour ossur- ance when you choose from the wide selection of 'imported, domestic Granites and Marbles in stoc! y CITY. OF OSHAWA TENDERS FOR BRIDGE Seoled: Tenders addressed to Chairman, Board of Works, </e City Clerk, and endorsed 'Tender Bridge : Contract' No. 51-1" will be. received until'5 p.m. : Friday, June 22nd, 1951" for the construction of a rein- forced concrete bridge of two 33' spans with a 33' roadway and sidewalks. All material to be supplied by contractor. Plans and specifications and tend- er forms may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. W. T. DEMPSEY, City Engineer, Oshawa, Ontario, 25 BOND ST. EAST - products. For interior walls, ceilings and trim, order Scarfe's Interior Gloss. A FINISH FOR Gery SURFACE GORDON'S PAINT STORE Fresh, clear bright colors are a joy in any home. Only the finest finishes can give you such brilliance : . . and keep on giving it long after ordinary paints have discolored or flaked off. Your paint money buys more and better service when you use Scarfe w EST. 1877 OSHAWA, . ONTARIO

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