PAGE EIGHT -------------------- THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1951, In Jhe dome To Live In Bowmanville MR. AND MRS. CONLEY JAMES 1-ATTAMS Whose marriage was solemnized recently at Bowmanville Presbyterian Church. Formerly Miss Verna Muriel Nicholls, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James L. Nicholls, and the bridegroom is the sqn of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Battams, Jr, all of R.R. 2, Bowmanville. --Photo by Hornsby Studio. L.O.D.E. Making Plans to Sell Copyright for Royal Carpet Designs Toronto, May 19 ghia Jue 0) ht for Queen Mary's carp pop assigned to the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire and will be sold to the highest bid- a Ww. R. Walton, Jr., of Oak- ville, Ont., who has been in charge of the handsome piece of needle- work since the Order took charge of it 10 months ago, said today in an interview that money from the sale of the copyright will go to swell the DoHars-for-Britain buy the carpet for Canada. The carpet, 10 feet two inches by six. feet 9% inches, was donated by the Queen Mother to the Brit- ish Government to raise dollars for her country. The original inten- tion was to auction it to the highest bidder in Canada or the United States on the understanding that it would be placed eventually in a public institution, _ It was taken on a tour of 28 U.S. cities and six in Canada, but the bids resulting from the tour were not suitable. The I.OD.E. of- fered to establish a public fund of $100,000 to buy the carpet for Can- ada. Sale of the copyright means: that the unusual floral desigm of this carpet which the Queen Mother, in her 80s, worked on during the second world war, even- tually may appear on china or on furniture. The designs were adapted, on the Queen's instructions, by the Royal Scheol of Needlework from 18th- century originals at London's Vic- SMYTH-GRAY The marriage of Isobel Sheila Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gray, to Mr. William and the late Mr. Robert Smyth, Lester Smyth, son of Mrs, Smyth was solemnized in St. John's Chap- el, St. Michael's Cathedral, Toronto, by the Very Rev. B. T. Kyte on Saturday. Mr. Harold Armstrong played the wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in pale blue imported French lace with net over taffeta, with matching taf- feta bonnet, and carried a cascade bouquet of swansonias, butterfly sweetpeas and Pinnocchio roses. Miss Molly Gray was maid of honor for her sister in Shelley pink lace over taffeta with matching bonnet and carried white sweetpeas and Eleanor carnations. The best man was Mr. Robert Smyth and the ushers were Mr. D'Arcy Smyth and Mr. George Knowles. Guests were received at the home of the bride's parents and later the couple left by motor for a trip north, ASPARAGUS TIME This is asparagus time and fund establishedsby the LOD.E. to | toria and Albert Museum and elsewhere. They have never be- fore been used in their present form. The price the I.O.D.E. hopes to get for the copyright was not men- tioned but it will be as high as possible. At present the general carpet fund is some $13,000 below the $100,000 minimum which the I1.O.D.E. was pledged to raise with- in a year of the carpet's purchase. Donations Solicited "We have solicited donations from prominent Canadians and we expect that I.O.D.E. chapters will send in contributions," said Mrs. Walton, She hoped the minimum would be met by the time the IODE. national annual meet- ing gets under way at Saskatoon May 26-30. The carpet, which has travelled some 15,000 miles, has been seen in 63 cenfres by more than 300,000 Canadians. "We've recelved hundreds of poems and songs about Queen Mary and the carpet," said Mrs. Walton. "It has been simply amazing the way people have queued outside fire-halls, high school auditoriums -- in all wea- ther -- to see this royal treasure." It also was taken outside Canada -- to the Bahamas in February and Bermuda in April The carpet still is travelling. In Sarnia May 16-19, it will visit Estevan, Sask. May 23-24, Possibly it will be on display .in Saskatoon at the Order's annual meeting. It will arrive in Winnipeg June 17. Brandon residents will see it June 11-13, The famed piece of needlepoint is destined eventually to be placed in the National Gallery at Ottawa, but before it goes there, the 1.O.D.E. would like to see it travel a few more miles. "We would hope that it could be loaned to Britain, to give the British people a chance to see it," said Mrs, Walton. "Perhaps it could be taken for another visit to other parts of the Common- wealth." Personals Accounts of social events and of visitors to and from the city are appreciated by the Social Department. TELEPHONE 3.2238 Mr. Arthur Labrash recentlv vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald La Brash, Norwood, * + + Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hutton, re- cently visited Mrs. Hugh Heron, Guelph, : * * *» ' Mr, and Mrs, David Russell and daughter Jean, LaSalle Avenue, visited Mrs. Victor Johnston, Cold- water, recently. ; %» * Mr. Walter Mackey was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mackey and family, Norwood. * + +» Mr. Bruce Stewart, Connaught Street, was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stewart, Cavan. LE ER Mr. and Mrs, Murray Dines and son Billy, Nassau Street, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dines, Coldspring. * + Mr. Charles Clairmont, Brock Street East, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clair- mont, Marmora. * + * Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Adair, Colborne Street East, recently spent a few days with relatives in Tamworth, Ontario. * + » Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nichols spent last weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson, Brantford. * + + Mrs. Kenneth Jamieson, North Oshawa, visited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Craw- ford, Oro, Ontario. * + Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blakely and daughter, Ruth Victoria, King Street East, spent the weekend with relatives and friends in Guelph and Galt, * b+ * Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tanner and Sharon; Miss Shirley Tanner and Mr. Gordon Tanner were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Tan- ner, Marsh Hill + + Mrs. H. M. Hayes, formerly of Oshawa, is touring on the continent and her Oshawa friends have re- ceived postcards from Paris and Rome. + * Mr. and Mrs. family, were guests during the weekend of Mrs, Faith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Webb, Rose- neath. +» * * Mrs. E. Price, Mrs. M. Bennett and Mr. Jay Trull, Bowmanville, re- cently visited their sister, Mrs. A. F. McKnight and Mr. McKnight at Selby, Ontario, * + * 'Mrs. George Abraham, Fairview Ave., who motored with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Anderson, Toronto, to Salamanca, N.Y. this week to attend the Golden Wedding cele- bration of another cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stevens, is expected home some time this weekend. * + The Rev. 8S. C. H. Atkinson will speak on Religious Education at the Centre Street Home and School As- sociation meeting on Monday eve- ning. Mrs. W. P. Whittington will install the new officers and the Grade V pupils from Miss Rita Rob- inson's room will entertain with musical selections. * ' Ray Faith and * + 4 Mr. and Mrs. A, R. Alloway, Mr, James Burnside and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Davidson attended the graduation at the London Bible College, London, Ontario, held yesterday, Among the graduates were Miss June Burnside and Mr. William Davidson whose marriage takes place in Oshawa today. LA EE Mr. and Mrs, Archibald Black Sr. Cedar Street are leaving next Wed- nesady "for a three-months' visit in Scotland. They are sailing on the 8S. 8. Ascania from Montreal and DIAL 3-3012 FOR YOUR FUR COA PROTECTIO home economists of the Cor Section, Dominion Department of Agriculture, recommended buying only asparagus that's a good green color. It also should be crisp and moist. Asparagus may be [served hot with a cheese sauce, a cream sauce or just with a little lemon-butter. If any of the stalks are left over they are excellent cut up in salads. Asparagus sandwiches, either roll- ed or plain, also are tasty. Hamilton, England, will hold a municipal exhibition this month and an industrial exhibition in June as part of its Festival of Britain festivities, CHESTERFIELDS ® Recovered ® Re-built! : . $700" trodes on on your present suite! TORONTO FURNITURE MFG. CO. .315 Colina St. Dial 3-8549 STORAGE Make Sure Your Furs Have This Protection [J CONTROLLED REFRIGERATED ® FULL INSURANCE ® FINEST VAULTS IN OSHAWA OSHAWA FUR & COLD STORAGE LIMITED DIAL 3-3012 81 WILLIAM ST. WEST To Be Married at MR. ORLAND BROOKS ~ OF INTEREST TO WOMEN -~ Chatham in June MISS LAVERNE KEILLOR whose engagement is announced and whose marriage is to take place next month in ark Street United Church, Chatham, Ontario, Miss Keillor is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lorne Keillor of St. Thomas and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Brooks of Oshawa. Mrs. Black will be in mid-Atlantic for her birthday. She has several brothers and sisters to visit and also au elderly aunt, Mrs. Daniel Heron of Dumfermline whom she has not seen for fifty years. No Smoky Chimneys With Violet on the Job Glasgow,--(CP)--Miss Violet An- derson here has an unusual occu- pation. She's Glasgow's only wom- an caimney sweep, one of the few in Britain. A former shorthand clerk and typist, she decided to become a chimney sweep a few months ago. With her savings of $1,500 she bought a small motor truck and a chimney-sweeping outfit. With a male assistant, she now does about 20 chimneys a day. And she applies the feminine touch. Before leaving a house where she has swept the chimney, she sprays the room with scent to remove the odor of soot. O.L.C. Alumnae Group Elects Officers '51-'52 The Junior Group of Castle Chap- ter Alumnae o f Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, held an election of officers at the home of Miss Doris Bey Brooklin on Wednesday even- g. The slate of officers elected for next year is as follows: President, Mrs. Donald Wilson; vice-president, Mrs. Harry Taylor; corresponding secretary, Miss Anne Howden; re- cording secretary, Miss Hazel Wor- folk; treasurer, Miss Kay Campbell; program -secretary, Miss Audrey Lawler; press secretary, Mrs, Rob- ert Gray; wsocial convener, Mrs, Donald Brown; representative to council, Mrs. J. Carnwith. Following the election refresh- ments were served by Miss Batty and the co-hostess Miss Audrey Lawler and Mrs, T. J. Brant. The world's coal resources are es- timated at eight trillion tons. Combined Meeting of Girl Guide Groups 4 Mrs. E. A. Collins presided at a '| combined meeting of the Execu- tive Council of Girl Guides and the three Local Associations at Guide House, Thursday afternoon. Reports of the Provincial An- nual meeting held in Convention Hall, Lansdowne Park, Ottawa, April 5, 6, and 7 were given by Mrs. Frank Higginbottom and Mrs. E. A. Collins who were rep- resenting Oshawa Guiding at this Conference, Miss Vera Moyse, and Mrs. J. F. N. Kinder conducted an en- rollment for the following: Mrs. Clifford Kelly, Mrs. J. O. Coldrick, Mrs. Ross Cook, Mrs. W. R. Nor- ton, Mrs. O. H. Gifford, Mrs. W. H. Gibbie, Mrs. A. E. Derumeau, Mrs. D. M. Polson, Mrs. Mel Hodgson, Mrs, Frank Ebbs, Mrs. T. P. Peters, Mrs. W. A. Scott, Mrs. D. K. Mc- Laren, Mrs. W. F. Manuel, Mrs. J. E. Hawson, Mrs, Gordon Mec- Knight, Mrs, 8S. W. Wotton, Mrs. Allan Brown. The treasurer's report and the Cookie Day Report were read. Re- ports from the three districts given by Mrs. J. F. N. Kinder, Mrs, R. E. McMullen and Miss Vera Moyse showed most satisfactory progress in each area. Mrs. E. Jackson convener of the Good Turns Committee mentioned among the good deeds that were done by the 12th Oshawa Company who acquired new ties and sent the used ones to a Guide Company in England.' Mrs. Percy Thompson gave the Uniform Committee re- port and the Camp Committee re- port was given mentioning es- pecially the camp to be held at Tate's Point from July 3 to July 13. Tea was served at the close of the meeting, "Note: } Additional news of interest to women will Pages 7 and 11. COLLETTE SPECIAL! Half price on all work done by our two advanced apprentices on MON., TUES. & WED. Phone 3-9511 and ask for JEAN or MARGARET be found on! ALL AX IXXIIZIIXIXIXXIXIXXIXIXX Social Notices Marriage Announcements $1.00 Engagement Announcements $1.00 Baby Pictures $1.00 Wedding Pictures $2.00 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Everett W. Peebles, of Oshawa, announce the engage- men of their daughter, Loren: Mar- garet, to Walter S. English, son of Mrs. Walter English, of Orillia, and the laté Mr. English. The marriage is to take place on Tuesday, June 12, at 6.30 p.m. in Christ Memorial Church. EE . Mr. and Mrs. C. Lorne Keillor of St. Thomas, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Miss La- verne Elaine, to Mr. Orland Gordon Brooks of Chatham, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J, Brooks of Oshawa. The marriage will be solemnized at Park Street United Church, Chat- ham, on Saturday, June 9, at 2:30 p.m. k * + + The engagement is announced of Beverley Joy Reynolds, daughter of Mrs. Lawrence Hart, of Oshawa, and the late Mr. Ormond G. Rey- nolds, to Harold Leon Knight, son of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Knight, of Bowmanville. The wedding is to take place on Saturday, June 9, in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, at 2.30 p.m. LE 2 Mrs. Jessie McLachlan Tooley announces the engagement of her daughter, Fay Lenore, to John Marshall Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clifford Henry, all of Oshawa. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, June 16, at 2 pm. in Centre Street United Church. In Jhe Community Zelda Mae Ingram, Alan G. Dionne Wed The marriage of Zelda May Ine gram and Alan Gilbert Dionne, both of Oshawa, was solemnized last Saturday afternoon in the pare sonage of Baltimore United Church, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ingram, of Balti more, the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dionne, of Oshawa. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A, C. Luffman and Mrs, Luffman played the wedding musio. The bride who was given in mare riage by her father, wore a street- length dress of dusty rose crepe with white accessories. Her flow- ers were yellow tea roses. Her only attendant, Miss Doro- thy Buttar, of Baltimore, was in mauve crepe with navy accessories and flowers similar to those of the bride. Mr. Donald Wotton performed the duties of best man. At the reception for 40 guests held at the home of the bride's parents, the bride's mother was in- navy blue crepe and the bride- groom's mother was in navy blue nylon. Both wore matching acces- sories. Later Mr. and Mrs. Dionne left and upon their return will reside on a wedding trip to points west in Oshawa, For travelling the bride chose a rust gabardine suit with green accessories and a beige whipcord top coat. Guests were present from Oshe awa, Brooklyn, Grafton, Cobourg, Young's Point, Lakefield and Peter borough. Classified ads are sure {0 pay == Phone 35 with yours today P0000 000009009000000 0000000000000 000000000000 04 25 BOND ST. E. CARPET CLEANING NEW F-A-S-T SERVICE 1 Week (TUESDAY TO TUESDAY) GORDON"S PAINT SHOP Agents For Deluxe Stair Cushion and Carpet Co., 40 Danforth Rd., Torente -- DIAL 5-4422 PSV 0000000000000001¢ 0008000000000 000000000090000000000000000000000 04 Fresh new fun fashions and dress-up fashions in a grand galaxy for your happy, * valueful selection in time for a glorious 24th of May holiday and Summer ahead! Piques, chambray's, American cottons, waf- fle piques, prints and checks in oll the season's gayest color. B Be here early Monday Morning , Here they are! Dozens and dozens of fresh new cotton street dresses. In gay colors and prints. In easy-to-don and easy-to-tend styles. With abso- lutely the tiniest price tags of the year. Hurry in! Priced from $7.99. Fussy little dresses for partying and ev- ening wear for all eh A colors. $ long "right dresses" our summer fun. ost of beautiful Priced from ... 'The for COME AND SAVE on the prettiest cotton sundresses of this Summer! Priced from $9.50. Come see . . . come choose from the gayest, most flattering, most color drenched col- lection of play and glamour clothes we've had in a long time. Choose for a day (or entire vacation) at the shore, the mountains o rright in your own backyard . . . sure of a most complete, most beschorming the price possible -- you've ever had! Summertime wardrobe -- at 24 SPECI Group of and be lowest uh 3 ' x7 OUR SPRING CLEARANCE IS STILL IN FULL SWING! Look At This Monday Morning OPENING AL! Only *9.99 You have only 2'2 days to do your buying before the 24th of May Holiday, so hurry to Black's early Monday morning. Be at Black's Early Monday Morning and Really Save! z BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR 72 SIMCOE ST. N. 'DIAL 5-1912