PACE EIGHTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, MAY 11,.1951 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) 39--Articles for Sale RUTHERFORD'S 156 Simcoe St. S. May Inventory Sale Oshawa"s Largest Display of Moderately-Priced Furniture | sewing machine, excellent condition, iano, 3 FLOORS 3-Re. Chesterfield Group--Smart new modern styling. Red ond gray. | Rutherford's Special $149.00 2-PC. Suite--Pillow back, brocatelle | in your choice of colors, silk fringe. Rutherford's Price $159.00 3-Pc.. Suite--Double arm Ye, Mie d green. doeskin Rutherford Price re $169.00 10-Pc. Living Room Group--Includes chesterfield suite, table lamp, end table, coffee table, coshioh \Suiolees d hassock. Rutherfor alue, pie on $179.00 2-Pe. Suite--Eye catching Lawson de- sign, guaranteed construction--cov- ered in nylon frieze, silk fringe. Ex- clusive Rutherford Value--Sofa and chair in your choice of colors $219.00 2-Pc. Sofa Bed Suite--Modern design, upholstered arms, daveno chair. Ruth- erford Value $99.50 os--Upholstered arms, all colors Daven 2 $68.00 10-Pc. Bedroom Group--Includes-- smart dresser, chest, bed, spring, mat- tress, 2 pillows, 2 dresser lamps, bedlamp. Rutherford Value $119.00 Same group as above with Mr. and Mrs. Dresser, choice of blonde or Inut. Rutherford Value, piece bb $139.00 See the beautiful new blondwood open stock bedroom group--quality con- struction, clean, modern lines, a Rutherford Feature Value. Dresser, Chest and Bed . .. $129.00 Vanity Benches Vanity, Chest and Bed . . . . $139.00 Chest and Mr. and Mrs. Dresser, : $149.00 | Night Table Beds available in all standards widths. | 4 BURNER TABLE TOP WEST- 39--Articles for Sale HARDWOOD FACTORY CUT- tings. Clean and dry for furnace, range or jacket heater. $5 or §3 lots delivered. Dial 3-7391. (My20) AWNINGS -- SELECT YOURS from gay stripes or plain colors. Free estimates. Folding chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Jun5) WELL ROTTED AND FRESH manures, black loam, sand, gravel, fill, cement mixer for rent. Dial 3-3096, J1) MIXED HARDWOOD, $18.00 PER cord; re-sawed into 1-ft. lengths, delivered. Neil Curtis, Pontypool Phone Orono 81R10. (My20) WELL ROTTED MANURE FOR lawns, shrubs, gardens, flower beds. 95¢c bushel, three for two dollars. Dial 3-2491. (M30) CALL A SINGER EXPERT WHEN your sewing machine needs repairs. Singer Sewing Center, 14-16 Ontario St. Dial 5-5443. (June2) VARIETY BOXED FLOWERS, cabbage, tomato, cauliflower, pepper plants. Ferguson's Greenhouse, 296 | Pacific. Dial 3-3052. Jn | 3 PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, wine repp; Moffat 4 burner Electra | range with annex, separate if desir- led; 4 kitchen | black and white. Dial 3-3580. and buffet, (1061) KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR, chairs | 5 cu. ft, good condition, $125. Dial | 3-3957. (109¢) | $25 each. Apply 461 Jarvis St. | (109¢) 23 CU. FT., GILSON REFRIGERA- | tor, used 6 months. Dial 5-6085. (109¢) WALNUT FULL - SIZED BED, | complete with spring and mattress, | good condition, 18 Buckingham Ave. | (109¢) RANGETTE. TENT (T" X 7, white, 2' walls). Two sleeping bags. | Two air mattresses. One 8 x § | ground sheet. One pair riding boots, size 9. One pair riding breeches. Dial 3-2849, (109¢) | PIANO, PRICED FOR QUICK sale, $99; fully reconditioned and guaranteed; includes tuning and local delivery. Wilson and Lee, 79 Simcoe St. N. Phone 5-2822. (109¢) TRAILER, EXTRA LARGE, SUIT- able for family or contractor; 350 sq. ft. of living-room, insulated, wired, built-in cupboards, Phone 2861 Whitby after 7. (109¢) SOLID WALNUT, 9-PC. DINING- room suite. Call after 6, at 99 Wood St. (109c) BARNYARD MANURE, NO straw or shavings, $5 truckload. Dial 3-8133. (109c) 2 GIRLS' BICYCLES, NEARLY new, one C.C.M., $30; English make, $25; full size bed, spring and mat- tress, maple finish, nearly new, $25; blue enamel top kitchen table, $8: English dye cast aluminum folding go-cart, 87. 2 Churchill Ave., Ajax. Phone Ajax 155. (109c) 2 USED 600x16 6-PLY TRUCK tires, like new, Morey's Garage, 110 Verdun Rd. (109d) | EXCELLENT FOUR BURNER | Moffat electric range; also indirect ceiling fixture, reasonable. Dial 3-4254. (109¢) ASPARAGUS PLANTS FOR SALE, | | 3c each; pear trees, $2 each. Joseph | Emry, R.R. 4 Oshawa. (1091) | GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGER- | ator, electric range with oven con- | trol, woed stove, steel top; chiffon- ier, kitchen cabinet unit, brass bed | with spring, practically new, wood- | en bed, hand made, with springs. Apply 603 King E. after 6. (109¢) inghouse range, used one year, Gen- | eral Electric portable hair dryer. | Apply 332 Elgin W. Dial 5-5849. | ' (109¢) | NUMBER OF GOOD QUALITY cedar posts. Apply H. T. Webster, Port Perry, phone 339-J. (108¢) $19.95 UP, VACUUM CLEANERS, | Hoovers, Electrolux, Rexair, Gener- al Electric, tank, floor models, guar- { washing machines. We suggest you | chiff-robe, all | awa Blvd. | stoves. | week, to do regular weekly cleaning, | work. | keeping experience desirable. | stating age, experience, availability | and salary expected, | SUMMER HELP FOR KITCHEN & lete, limited! 3-pc. bed outfit, complete, $29.50 anteed, reconditioned. Dial 5-5121. (Jed) |AWNINGS NOW AVAILABLE, | Simmons Spring-Filled Mattresses--A | good solection of colours. Order now good quality mattress by a nationally- | for early delivery. Free estimates. | known manufacturer. Rutherford | Dial Merv. Tuck, 5-3492. Value. All standard sizes $29.50 | BLANKETS, RUGS, FROM YOUR old materials, allowance on old mat- tress for new. Nylon Scatter Rugs, $5.95. Dial 3-9694. (My19) | SERVEL ELECTRIC REFRIGER- ator, 6 cu. ft., lovely condition, abso- (M7) | CHROME DINETTES Di in-resistant, 3 lee, reat ons . diners. | lutely noiseless, $225. Dial 5-3482. Rutherford Value $49.00 | rm (111a) BOY'S . "ROLLFAST' BICYGLE, Other suites at $79.00, $99.00, | needs no repairs. Apply 239 Bruce $109.00. Choose from Oshawa's most | or Dial 56138. ~~ (lle) complete display. COMBINATION TELEVISION, radio and record player, used thrée months. Sacrifice. Dial 5-3125. (111c) COLUMBIA RASPBERRY CANES, $1.25 dozen. Wm. Barker, 197 Ver- dun Rd. Dial 3-8319. (111a) WALNUT BUFFET, PERFECT condition. Apply 130 Roxborough. (111b) from | TWO . BURNER HEAVY ELEC- 49.50 | tric range, excellent condition; rea- | sonable. Phone 35-5362. (111¢) | COMBINATION WOOD AND COAL and electric range. Apply 132 Alice | St (111b) PIANO FOR SALE, IN GOOD CON- dition. Apply 585 Oxford St. (111b) SOLID WALNUT BUFFET. AP- ply 20 Centre St, Bowmanville. Phone 546. (111a) TROPICAL WALL TENT, 7 X 9, sewn-in floor, 2 screened windows, zippered screen door, with storm flaps, with metal poles, ridge roll and pegs; sandwich toaster; electric iron, coil and grates for furnace. Apply 93 Elgin E. (111h) KITCHEN CABINET, COPPER | boiler, good condition. Apply 304 Special--Canvas back inlaid, 2-yards | French st. (H1c) wide, per running foot 80c | 100 USED RED RUG BRICKS, 225 white bricks; also French chestnut door. Dial 3-9215. (111b) FROST KING ICE BOX, 75-LB. capacity; excellent condition--$20. Dial 5-0429. (111c) QUANTITY LUMBER, 2 X 8". 2 x 6", twelve and fourteen feet long. Apply 5th house, 'west side, Stephenson's Rd. S. (111a) GREY GENDRON CARRIAGE, good condition. Dial 3-7728. (111b) BETTER TRY SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Large National Cash Register $450 Rutherford, = te blank f $75.00. FURNITURE CO. ig nang Underwood Type- 2 writer $45.00. 156 Simcoe St. S. MOTHER'S DAY SUGGESTIONS You. buy mother a cedar chest and we'll GIVE her a blonket, Lane, Heirloom, Hassocks, from Velour Occasional Chairs «+ $15.95 Remember Rutherford's Feature FLOOR COVERING Special--2-yard widz. cfearout pat- terns, per running foot 28c Hundreds of new Spring patterns for every room in the house. FOR A BETTER BUY Manbe front-end align machine | $1,000. | '41 Chev Sedan Delivery Truck $350. Lakefield Boat with, latest axleless| trailer $350.00. ; This equipment is all in first class condition and has to be seen to be | appreciated. ADANAC MACHINE CO. | 161 King St. West BUDGET TERMS L 3-9614 IEE STORAGE | Varcoe"s Dance Pavilion, | 4752. | GENERAL WOMAN FOR MORN- | urday. | cashier in groceteria for part-time | Times-Gazette. | PERMANENT POSITION, KNOWL- | For large Oshawa chain meat market. 39--Articles for Sale 43--Male Help Wanted 46--Employment Wanted 48--Auction Sale 44' OF 36" and 12' of 30" CON- crete pipe, unused but slightly dam- aged. Suitable for well facing or culverts. Dial 5-4522. (11fc) KITCHEN CABINET, STEEL TOP, extension leaves; small cook stove. Cheap. Dial 3-4344. (111b) HOUSEKEEPING TRAILER, GOOD conditiop. Apply 84 Westmount Ave. (111c) GURNEY GAS RANGE, TABLE top, like new, white enamel; Thor washer, reconditioned, guaranteed. Stromberg-Carlson combination ra- dio, year old, 3-speed changer. Rangette, used one month; daveno bed, like new. Murphy Appliance and Furniture, 117 Simcoe South. § (111a) GOOD USED APPLIANCES, SUIT- able for summer cottage or home: rangettes, healy duty ranges, com- bination and coal and wood ranges, 'washers, radios. All appliances guaranteed for 90 days. Sessin Ap- pliances, 504 Simcoe S. Dial 3-2802. . (111b) IM- CEMENT, ANY QUANTITY. mediate delivery, Dial 3-2762. (Jell) FOR YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE, we have good used equipment-- electric ranges, rangettes, ice boxes, buy now. Home Appliances, 90 Sim- coe St. S. Phone 5-5332. (111b) SMALL ELECTRIC STOVE, ONE large burner with grill; kitchen range with oil burners; excellent condition. Apply 107 Fernhill Blvd. Dial 3-3707. (111a) BEAUTIFUL MASON & RISCH mahogany finish; must be een to be appreciated. Dial 5-0879. (111c) MAHOGANY BEDROOM one mahogany . dresser and excellent condition. Apply 25 Fairbank St., between 6 and 7 p.m, (111b) 41--Articles Wanted SMALL INBOARD MOTORBOAT, beam 5' tor less; give particulars. Write Box 507, Times-Gagzette. (111a) OUTBOARD MOTOR, GOOD CON- dition. Phone 3-2305. Apply 180 Osh- (111a) PIANOS WANTED, CASH FOR your piano, up to $250 allowed on new piano. Charles H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe N. Dial 5-5212. (M22) CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, used tools, heaters, cook 24 Bond West, dial 3-4863. (M14) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea- | ther ticks of description. Live poultry, scra iron and metals. Dial I. Turner, North Oshawa 5-4912 collect. (Juné) TWO suites, MAN FOR OFFICE WORK, HON- est responsible young man. Apply Mr. Kirk, 40 Albany St. (111c) WANTED--EXPERIENCED WAIT- ers, part time and full time. Apply Queen's Hotel. (111c) WANTED--MARRIED MAN, EX- perienced in gardening and farming; house supplied. Phone Pickering 284W1, or write Box 440, Times-Ga- zette. (109¢) WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR 1951? A good Rawleigh business is hard to beat--big line, well estab- lished, good profits. No experience required. Write today for informa- tion on how to get started. Raw- leigh's Dept. ML-E-310-216, Mont- real. (May4,11,18,25) EASY WAY TO MAKE MONEY: Become a Familex dealer. We need agents in your surroundings. Car needed for rural route. Experience not necessary. Very little capital re- quired. FAMILEX, 1600f Delorimier, Montreal. (110¢) GARDENER AND HANDYMAN, to look after garden and property. Dial 3-2833. (110c) JANITOR FOR NIGHT WORK, must be good cleaner, honest and reliable. Steady employment. Apply Commercial Hotel. (108f) UNLIMITED EARNINGS On salary and commission for an enthusiastic, top-notch salesman or saleslady for the Peterboro-Oshawa area. Our product is semi-tangible and is used and endorsed by busin- ess men throughout Ontario as a money-saver, If you own a car, have ambition and can 'work without con- stant supervision, wite in confidence to BOX 447 TIMES-GAZETTE 3 (110c) FOREMAN for Automobile Body Line Must have automobile body building | experience and be able to handle men. Steady position with good futlire for experienced man, apply either in writ- ing or in person to PERSONNEL MANAGER NASH MOTORS OF CANADA 2951 Danforth Avenue Teronto (111b) 46--Employment Wanted BABY-SITTING & LIGHT WORK | Dial 3-2885: (111a) for glderly widow. PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe N. | Djal 5-2822. (M16) | HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR| paper, rags, mattresses, iron and | metals. Local and out of town calls | picked up free. Dial 5-3432, Cedardale Iron and Metals, 100 Annis St.. east | of C.N.R. Station. (Jun3) | BY MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, PO- sition as housekeeper. Would take care of motherless home. Write Box 506, Times-Gazette. (111a) TEACHER REQUIRES WORK FOR July and August; clerical experi- ence, Write Box 235, Times-Gazette. (110¢) | 6017. WINDOWS CLEANED, STORMS taken down; odd jobs done. Dial 5- (111c) YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN WILL baby-sit afternoons or evenings. Dial 3-7724. (108¢) WORK DONE--LOTS PLOUGHED by tractor. Dial 3-8085. Joe Galka. a fre (1071) LOTS, GARDENS PLOUGHED AND harrowed by tractor. Dial 3-3078. (My24) 47--Legal Notices TENDERS FOR ADDITION TO CITY DOG POUND Tenders will be received by the under- signed, up until five o'clock p.m., May 21st, 1951, for the construction of an addition to the City Dog Pound. Plans may be seen at the City Engin- eer's office. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. E. HARE, City Clerk. | (111b) IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF | THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO IN THE ESTATE OF COSY OLIVE COCHRANE, DECEASED, CREDITORS of COSY 'OLIVE COCHRANE, late of the Township of East Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Widow, ' who died on or about the 31st day of March, 1951, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned before the 1st day of June, 1951 after which date her estate will ba distributed among the parties en- titled thereto and the administrator will not be liable for any claims of which he has not then received notice, : DATED at Oshawa this 3rd day of May, 1951. RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., Barrister, ,etc, 6 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator, Edwin Milton Cochrane. (M4,11,18) MY CUSTOM-MADE FURNITURE ® KITCHEN CUPBOARDS MADE TO ORDER ® SASH AND DOORS Workmanship Guaranteed JEFFREY WOOD-WORKING SHOP 160 KING ST. WEST DIAL 3-7361 Auction Sale--I have been authorized to sell by public auction, for Wil- liam Sharpe, !2 mile east of Five Points (North Oshawa), on Wedngs- day, May 16, at 6 o'clock in the evening, the following: Garden trac- tor, Roto-Tiller, Gibson 4-wheel garden tractor on rubber, good, 3 h.p. Empire garden tractor, plough and cultivator, one new mower, two used mowers, horse rake, nearly new, one used rake, one seed drill, 13 hoe M.H. steel roller 3 drums, Iron-age transplanter, oinder 6 ft., 2 brooder stoves, cream separator, quantity used tires, quantity cedar posts, 8,000 ft. used lumber, quantity good used doors and windows, auto- mobile parts and accessories, Ford car '35, Plymouth coupe '32, Olds. sedan '34, Dodge coupe '34, all 'in running condition. And many other items. Don't forget the time, Wed- nesday, 6 o'clock. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. (May15) VIDEO DEMONSTRATION Wellington, N.Z. -- (CP) -- Tele- vision demonstrations were given in several centres recently by the state-owned radio service. However, the government will not introduce a permanent television service until thorough inquiries have determined whether the expense is justifiable at present. JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! DIAL 5-1169 241 KING ST. EAST Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E., Whithy Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail ate vour assur- ance when you choose from the wide selection of impurted and Sheet Metal 21 CHURCH ST. Authorized Dealer ® ESSO OIL BURNERS ® NEW IDEA FURNACES © Gar Wood Tempered Air Units "Sales and Service to all Makes" DIAL 5-2734 Granites ond Marbles n stock. Repairs and Service COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK and EFFICIENT SERVICE © DIAL 3-7752 WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N. 53 ALBERT PHONE DIAL 5-0122 ---------------------- i -------- 50 MON ARCH SPORT SEDAN LOW MILEAGE METALLIC BLUE-GREY Licensed Just Over 12 Months A and hanical new cor buyer . . * cludes air-conditioning, shield washers, oil wall tires . . . bors. New list over $3,600. '41 CHEV. COUPE CUSTOM With radio and heatér . . . interior and finish. SSONS' GARAGE 1 Mite South of Orono--Highway 35 n condition of this cor makes it attractive to a . the equipment in- clock, filter and undercoated before it was delivered to one of our neigh- wind- white $2395 ONLY $875 PHONE ORONG 86-2 A GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT. | ed. Dressers, beds, stoves and heat- ers. 56 King West. Dial 5-0132, | (M15) | 42--Female Help Wanted CLEANING LADY, ONE DAY A | in business couple's home, with all conveniences. Apply Box 509, Times- Gazette. (111c) WANTED, WOMAN OR GIRL FOR general housework. Live in, Private bathroom; good wages. Write Box 339, Times-Gazette. (111¢) RELIABLE HELP FOR LAUNDRY | Apply in person to Home Laundry. (111c) SALESLADY TO TAKE. CHARGE of cake-shop. Apply Mrs. Gray, Lit- tle Gray Cake Shoppe. Dial 5-0421. (111c) CLERK-STENOGRAPHER. BOOK- Reply to Box 505, Times-Gazette. (111f) counter work. Dial 3-9927, or apply Kingston Rd. E. (111b) MESSENGER WANTED BY CANA- dian National Telegraphs, Dial 5- (111b) ings for housework, Monday to Sat- Dial -3-7322. (110c) GIRL LOR WOMAN AS CLERK- work in evenings. Write Box 449, (110c) edge of bookkeeping, some typing. Must be accurate with figures. Ap- ply in own handwriting for appoint- ment. Write Box 448, Times-Ga- zette. (110c) YOUNG GIRL OR WOMAN FOR week-ends and evenings, for light lunch bar. Apply 87 Ritson S. Dial 5-0373. (110¢) SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR AND receptionist; must be experienced; 5%-day week. Dial Mr. Franklin, §- 3568. (110c) WOMAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF house. Dial 5-2058 or 3-9474. (110c) DINING-ROOM HELP NEEDED. Apply Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville. (109c) TYPIST WITH KNOWLEDGE OF bookkeeping, must be accurate with figures (married or single). Apply in own handwriting. Appointments arranged. Harold R. Stark, 251 Sim- coe S, (94tf) 43--Male Help Wanted REAL ESTATE SALESMAN, RE- quired full time only; experience not necessary. Commission. Apply to Box 508, Times-Gazette. (111c) Experienced Butcher Wanted IMMEDIATELY! We are looking for an executive man, one who likes the business and one who can assume future store manage- ment. Must be fully experienced. Salary to Start $55.00 Weekly This position offers exceptional op- portunities for the man who wants to go places. Write to BOX 445 TIMES-GAZETTE Giving, age, experience and any other personal data. All replies will be held in strictest €onfidence. (108d) 40 KING WEST DINERS ESTABLISHED 21 YEARS + MOTHER'S DAY SPECIALS ~ BRADLEY'S SPECIAL SUNCOT WALNUT 54450 In polished alumin- Adjustable re- clining back complete with spring - filled mattress in long- wearing covers. CHEST By Honderich with drawer in base. Cedar } lined throughout. Brad- ley Special. $4450 Duncan Phyfe CHROME SUITES Complete with double fringe shade. Note: These are in high grade polish- ed chrome. 'Hostess Chairs Only 2 to a Customer Bradley Special $12.95 Bookcase In Genuine 5-Ply Walnut $32.50 Telephone Set Table and Chair In Walnut Finish 514.95 COMBINATION SEWING CABINETS and TOOL STOOL In Grey, Green, Wine Velours Reg.15.50 512.95 Sandwich Cot rress 316.99 Arm Chairs WALNUT . ARMS $16.95 IN VELOUR GEN. ELECTRIC ' Floor Polishers es 564.50 Deck Chairs Very Special! $2.95 :