FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE FIFTEEN COMMUNITY, INC. ACTIVITIES (These Are Red Feather Community Services) FRIDAY, MAY 11TH Close of Spring Activities All Day -- Art Exhibition "Cera- mics by Picasso" from the Toronto Art Gallery. : 9 am.-9 pm. -- Lions Club Rec- reation Room for the Blind open. 8:00 p.m.. -- East Area Teenage Dance in Harmony School. SATURDAY, MAY 12TH 9:45 am. -- Oshawa Children's Theatre of the Air presents "Rose Red" directed by Louise Thomson. CKLB 1240 on your dial. 2:00 p.m. -- Oshawa City Soccer Club Training. 8:30 p.m. -- Neighbourhood As- sociation Square Dance -- Hosts: S.8. No. 6 Recreation Club. London, England, was described as "a busy emporium for trade and traders," by Tecitus who died in A.D. 120. FRIDAY, MAY 11 4-5:30 pm. Junior Leader's Corps -- girls 13 to 17 years of age. 8:00 p.m. -- Oshawa Chess Club. All Day -- Oshawa Camera Club Exhibit. SATURDAY, MAY 12 10-11:30 a.m. SAT-R-DAY Camp -- girls 9-12 years. Program of games, etc. All Day -- Harvey Dance Aca- demy. 9:00 p.m. -- Over-20 Club Dance. All Day -- Oshawa Camera Club exhibit. , SUNDAY, MAY 13 3-5 pm. and 7-10 p.m. -- Camera Club exhibit and library available. 8:30 p.m. -- After-Church Musi- cale. Public Cordially invited. \ FRIDAY, MAY 11TH 4:00 pm. -- RCMP. -- Youth Program -- boys and girls all ages. 7:00 p.m. -- Simcoe Hall Division Cadet Corps -- drill, First Aid, hygiene, punch work, weaving, pho- tography classes, sports, nature study, art, canteen, business meet- ing. 8:15 p.m. Co - Educational Group -- Cpl. Holman, R.CM.P. SATURDAY, MAY 12TH 9-12 noon -- Speech Training Classes. 9-12 noon -- Piano Lessons. 9-12 noon -- Public Library -- Children's Dept. 9:30-11:00 a.m. -- Library Club. 10:00 a.m. -- Open House -- girls all ages -- art, crafts, music appre- ciation. 10:00 a.m. -- Boys' Second Aid Club -- boys, 6-10 years. 11:00 a.m. -- Story Hour, -- PLUMBING and HEATING on the beautiful, new CLOVERLEAF MOTEL were done by us! BEST WISHES FOR SUCCESS 251 SIMCOE ST. S. H. R. STARK PLUMBER DIAL 5-0243 a: a. (Congratulations ! TO THE MANAGEMENT OF CLOVERLEAF MOTEL Installations new building! ( We were glad to have the oppor- tunity to do all the Electrical in this beautiful, * 385 KING ST. E. TOWNSEN ELECTRIC Established 1923 PHONE 3-2343 Female Farm Labor Best Wishes! CLOVERLEAF MOTEL The plastering in all parts of this magnificent structure was done by us. TO THE GIRL GUIDE ACTIVITIES FRIDAY, MAY 11 pm. -- Guider's Club. SATURDAY, MAY 12 Proficiency Tests. Commie Clown Can't Copy Capitalism Moscow, May 11 -- (Reuters) -- Clowning is a serious business in Russia these days. Circus clowns were told they must have special Communist training to improve their perfor- mances and stamp out old fashion- ed capitalist funny business. The Soviet Literary Gazette call- ed for a school of clowning, with satirical writers at its head. In it circus comics would get training in "political, social and aesthetic disciplines, which are no less important for them than for stage, screen and opera artists." The magazine said: "The Soviet circus inust flatly renounce vul- gar, bourgeois acts and cosmopoli- tan mountebank masques which still persist in its performance and which hinder the correct develop- ment of clowning." Lose Nearly Third Toronto, May 11 (CP)--the girls just won't stay down on the farm. Since 1945 Ontario has lost near- ly a third of its female farm la- bor force. The male force dropped only two per cent. The third annual economic sur- vey filed by the Ontario govern- ment shows there are 20 times as many women in industry as on the arm, Men outnumber women 11 to Officials said Ontario's labor force totals 1,821,000, or 40 per cent of the province's population, That is a rise of 18 per cent over the 1945 level, To meet future demands, the gov- ernment says it is increasing the size and skill of the working force through selective immigration, re- nabilitation of handicapped persons a gradual reintroduction of women into industrial occupations. O0.K. PROMOTION Washington, May 11--(AP)--The Senate Thursday. approved the promotion of Lt.-Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway to the rank of four-star general in his posts as successor to General Douglas MacArthur. The action was by unanimous non- record vote. White Elephant Sale Planned For Kedron Kedron, May 9--Rev. C. E. Fock- ler, Markham, on Sunday present- ed -some straight facts re the liquor situation in Canada which should lead people to realize the seriousness of conditions. Mr. 'and. Mrs. Grant Ormiston, Wick, were Sunday evening visitors at Mr. C. BE. Love's. Mrs, Ross Clark, Bruce, Carl and Wayne Clark, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests at Mr. Des. McGrath's. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ayre and Stuart Ayre, Zion, were Sunday tea visitors at Mr. Harvey Crossman's. Mr. and Mrs. M. Walter, Mrs. N. Allin, called on Misses Louise and Dorothy Trenwith, Newcastle, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cameron vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gagnon, and little Bruce Gagnon, Malton, and called on cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Cragg Wakeley, Bolton, at the weekend. Mr. George Cameron has gone west for the summer. Word has been = received from Glenavon, Sask., of his locating there. Mrs. J. Rouston is spending & few days in Port Perry. A euchre will be held at Con- lin's school Friday evening under CRA. Encouraging reports are coming in of contributions to the White Elephant sale to be held in Ked- ron shed on Wednesday evening, May 30. The committee in charge, Mrs. H. A. Werry, Mrs. H. Rose, Mrs. H. Crossman and Mrs. J. Glover, will be glad to hear from anyone having articles to spare for this project. Proceeds for the Building Fund. Mr, and Mrs. A. Tregunna, Lorne, Jack, Mavis, Keith and Rae Tregunna, called at Mr, Elsie Oke's and Mr. A. Found's, Ebene- zer, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sharp are mov- ing into their newly equipped home today. This leaves a lovely home vacant for someone who is looking for such a place. Generally speaking, people seem to be appreciating the dial phones. At least we cannot say things about operators, and it certainly speeds up operations when one has a number of calls. Many thanks to patient operators who had much to put up with. Farmers are busy and seed is going in well, The fall wheat fields are thickening up and the thin spots are not quite so much in evidence. In walking across a field there were some discourag- ing patches, but we do not have experience enough to know how many such spots one may expect every year. Mrs. Kay is entertaining her mother, sister and friend, of King- ston. Mr. Alan Cameron and friends visited Peterborough and called on his uncle, Mr. Garnet McKinley, Lakefield, Sunday. Dwight Cameron is still confined to hospital. However hopes are entertained that he may be home in another fortnight. Remember special Mother's Day service at 2 p.m. on Sunday. The first 8.8. practice for the anniver- sary will be held at the usual Sunday School time. Mrs. - E. Mountjoy visited her mother," Mrs, M. H. Langmaid, Oshawa, Tuesday and for dinner, and attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Robert Boddy. Word has been received of the death of Christena Kelly, beloved wife of Rev. J. P, Berry, 9941--87th Ave., Edmonton, Alta., following an illness of over four years. Though confined to bed with a back af- fliction the late Mrs. Berry bore er suffering patiently and wrote some articles on Bible themes, one of which was adapted for radio and was on the air some time in March. Besides her husband the late Mrs. Berry leaves two talented daughters, Helen and Doris, both of whom are engaged in education- al work in Edmonton, and her only remaining sister, Miss Kelly, who has made a valuable contribution in the home especially during Mrs. Berry's illness. Rev. J. P. Berry was a Clarke Union, Durham County boy, and a member of Oshawa Presbytery when on the Hampton Circuit where he and the late Mrs. Berry made many lasting friendships. ; Mrs. Percy Mountjoy joined her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. Parish, and spent Tuesday in Toronto. Mr. W. A, Werry was in charge of Study at Y.P.U., on Sunday eve- ning at Columbus. EXPEL 200 MISSIONARIES Vatican City, May 11--(Reuters) --Vatican sources said Thursday more than 200 foreign Roman Catholic' missionaries have been 'expelled from Communist China since the beginning of this year, In most cases Communist soldiers or police escorted them to the Hone Kong border, informants said. Congratulations to CLOVERLEAF MOTEL -- on thé occasion of their opening -- \ -- We are P : a part in its doing all CONCRETE oud in ha . 4 construction by ving played the « « WORK new building Feeder For Absolutism By JOSEPH LISTER RUTLEDGE To find some method of taxation that would be inconspicuous to the taxee has been the aim of politi- cians since taxation began. It is an understandable desire. It pro- vides the method of extracting the most feathers from the goose with the least possible amount of hiss- Ang that Colbert, the great finance minister of Louis XIV of France, urged as the perfect form of taxa- tion. Of course, Colbert was work- ing for an absolute monarch and hiding taxes are basic in any system of absolutism. But, for all his astuteness, Col- bert was a mere child in the prac- tical application of his theory. He had not dreamed of deductions at the source, which so usefully di- verts the hissing from the politi= cian to the creator of wages, by in- ducing a confusion between "take- home pay" and earnings. Then there is the question as to how many people when they speak of a $2,000 automobile, realize that they are actually speaking of a $1,660 automobile and $340 taxes; or, speaking of a 40-cent packet of cigarettes, realize that consider- ably more than half the amount is tax. Look down the list, of which 7 these are only relatively incon- spicuous examples, and it appears that there is hardly anything you buy that hasn't a heavy. percentage of tax masquerading as price of goods, That, because it confuses the thinking of the people, is high- ly dangerous to their well-being. Now we have a new proposal to allow a particularly sinister form of hidden taxation, which is called a "tax on turnover." This is sinister, for a number of very simple rea- sons, Among them, because it is the opening wedge for provincial tinkering with the B.N.A. Act so that provincial politicians also may enjoy the political privilege of hid- ing taxes from the people. It is sinister because turnover is some- thing that happens after sales and not before. Hence the merchant must estimate his year's business in advance, so that these taxes may be included in his sales cost. To under-estimate is .to risk the dan- ger of bankruptcy. Every careful dictum of sound business would demand that the merchant must keep prices high. Then, as neces- saries are the bulk of all produc- tion, this proposed 3% tax would load its estimated $270 million burden on those least able to bear it. But, forgetting such individual applications we might remind our- selves that the terms «of the B.N.A, Act -- which shrewdly re- stricted the tax field -- were framed by representatives of all Best Wishes for Success TO THE MANAGEMENT OF CLOVERLEAF MOTEL [ 1 [ [ 84 SIMCOE If we can be of service to you DIAL 535-4433 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS "COMPANY ST. SOUTH sections to assure the maximum responsibility of the politicians to the people. The new proposal would reverse that policy and, in expanding the field of hidden taxation, would limit the corrective influence of public hissing. That is the first step toward absolutism. Is that what we want? CHIEF GETS JAIL Chicoutimi, Que, May 11--(CP) --The Chief of Police of Chicoutimi, Gerard Desbiens, charged with drunken driving, was sentenced to 20 days in jail by Judge J. A. Met- ayer Thursday. He also had his driving permnit revoked for six months. He said he will appeal the sentence. We were pleased to do the excavating for the new CLOVERLEAF MOTEL R.R. 1, OSHAWA | F. F. WELCH "Best Wishes for Success" Excavating Contractors DIAL 3-2542 "KIRSCH" VENETIAN BLINDS were installed in the new CLOVERLEAF MOTEL BY US ~ "Best Wishes for Success" 66 BOND ST. W. DIAL 5-0633 at the new . . . Flooring CLOVERLEAF MOTEL was laid by us Ontario Floor Sanders R.R. 2, Oshawa Dial 3-7251 NOW OPEN... Oshawa's Newest Beautiful... CLOVERLEAF _MOTEL ® 18 Modern Rooms, complete with 3-piece bath . ® Open Year 'Round ® All Conveniences Located at RITSON RD. CLOVERLEAF (2A) HIGHWAY If unexpected company should arrive . . . let us accommodate them ! Our thanks to all our friends who helped in bringing. this project to a successful conclusion. : ; . . . for this BELKO & SON CONCRETE CONTRACTORS 15 GIBBONS ST. Thank you and best wishes! Horace BLOUIN & Son PLASTERERS 615 MONTRAVE AVE For Enquiries and Reservations -- Call A. S. SABO ; 214 SECOND AVE. DIAL 3-2606 DIAL 3-9733 DIAL 3-7272 N YY ALIIVS OIDIW ifD4