ata lectric Ltd., 50 Prince St, "48-2248. 5 BURNER ELECTRIC RANGE, PAGE TWENTY "HE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1951 USE Tne CEASSIF/Ep » FOR Quicx ESV, 39--Articles for Sale BEATTY COPPER TUB WASHER, In excellent condition. Priced to elear, $20.50. Terms. Hill-Cornish Phone (104b) ; spring-filled mattress & springs. 1050 ttac coach. 121 Yonge St. ; Eon 4 (104b) DINING-ROOM SUITE, EXCEL- lent condition. Reasonable, Dial 5- 6410. (104b) FLOOR POLISHER, ELECTRO- Tux, nearly new; sacrifice. Dial 3- 4729. (104b) BOAT, 14 NOVA SCOTIA DORY, nearly new. Dial 3-4202, after So ; : ie GAS STOVE, 4 BURNERS, GOOD condition, $30; "36 Dodge, running condition, $100. Dial 5-5965. (104b) USED, PRINCESS PAT COAL AND wood range, warming oven, reser- voir, cream porcelain, enamel fin- jsh. Priced to clear, $40. Hill-Cornish Electric Ltd., 50 Prince St. Phone 3-2248. (104b) REGISTERED SET OF GOLF clubs. Apply 275 Drew Street. (104¢) VACUUM CLEANER, ALL AT- fachments, new condition, $30. Rac- ing model bicycle, excellent condi- tion, $45. Dial 3-4477. (104c) SMALL KITCHEN TABLE, 50-LB. ice box; 8-day chiming wall clock; R.C.A. Victor table model combina- tion radio, best offer. Dial 5-1245, after 6. (104c) MAN'S C.C.M. BICYCLE, JUST like new. Dial 5-2041 between 5:30 and 7 p.m. (104b) BOAT, 17 FT. LONG, WITH JOHN- son outboard motor, 3.5 h.p., $75. Apply 139 Albert St. (104c) FOR YOUR COTTAGE, ELECTRIC ranges from $29.95; ice boxes, from $5. Rangettes, from $19.95. Radios, from $9.95. Barons' Radio & Elec-| tric, 426 Simcoe S. Dial 5-4822. (June3) RFIELD SUITE, 2 PCS, excellent condition. Set of matched electric fixtures. Dial 8-124. . (104c) BEATTY WASHING MACHINE, IN real good condition, $35. 18" tire, one only 200 miles; Whiteman man- el radio. Apply 278 Albert St. Dial 8-3067. (104¢) 6 DUNCAN PHYFE CHAIRS, EX- Gellent condition. Dial 5-1520. (104¢) USED, HOTPOINT ELECTRIC range, apartment model, 3 high speed ealrod elements, guaranteed condi- tion, $39.50. Hill-Cornish Electric Ltd, Phone 3-2248. (104b) CHESTERFIELD SUITE; SINGER sewing machine; Acme rangette; CHES slip-covers, piano; all good condition. Dial 5- 0965. (104c) REFRIGERATOR, 8); CU. FT. mever used. Bargain for cash, Dial $-2036. (1041) | * TATE MODEL 5 H.P. VIKING | also rangette. Both Phone 78w (1042) outboard motor; Beauty automatic articles as good as new. Brooklin. Canadian | 39--Articles for Sale 39--Articles for Sale 41--Articles Wanted UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, IN good condition. Dial 5-1670. (104c) USED, MOFFAT COMBINATION coal-electric range, cream enamel finish, high speed closed elements, guaranteed, $99.50. Hill-Cornish Elec- tric Ltd, 50 Prince St. Dial 3- 2248. (104b) DROP-SIDE DAY BED, GOOD mattress; 50-1b. capacity white ice box; small velour chesterfield, suit- able for cottage; all reasonable. Dial 3-3107. (104c) MODERN ICE BOX, A-1 CONDI- tion, Cheap. Dial 3-8492. (104c¢) MARINE TRANSMISSION SUIT- able for Star motor, $25; also twenty pound anchor, set of chrome plated cleats and chocks, hand bilge pump. Dial 35-3482. (105b) COAL AND WOOD STOVE, WITH water front, good condition; Vaif oil heater; also kitchen table. Dial 3-8366. (105a) VACUUM CLEANER, CYLINDER type, in perfect condition, $25. Dial | -6423. (105b) BLACK AND WHITE KITCHEN buffet, grey pram, also iron, Dial -0844. (105¢) COLUMBIA RASPBERRY CANES for sale, $1.25 dozen. Wm. Barker, 197 Verdun Rd. Dial 3.8319, (104c) PLANKS, 21 PIECES 2x8x12, 21 pieces 2x8x14. Apply 124 Agnes St. (105¢) GURNEY COMBINATION COAL wood and electric range, cream and black. 234 Bruce St., Oshawa, phone 2119 Bowmanville. (105b) | WINCHESTER .22 REPEATING rifle, almost new, $25. Dial 5-3873. | (105¢) | WHITE ENAMEL ICE BOX, 50 lbs., used 8 months; 3 penny peanut machines, good money-makers. Dial 5-2642, (105b) PERENNIAL PLANTS FOR SALE: | Canterbury Bells, Delphiniums (Pa- cific Giants), Oriental Poppies and Mullin Pinks. All good, sturdy, | healthy plants. Twenty cents each, six for dollar. 176 Burk St. (105b) FOR YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE, | we have good used equipment-- | electric ranges, rangettes, ice boxes, | washing machines. We suggest you | buy now. Home Appliances, 80 Sim- coe St. 8. Phone 5-5332. (105b) | 8-PIECE WALNUT DINING-ROOM | suite, Reasonable. Dial 3-2357. 58 | Kenneth Ave. (105¢) NEW LARGE WARDROBE, LIGHT | stain. Reasonable. Apply 73 Queen St. : (103b) RAILROAD WATCH, HAMILTON | 21 jewels, slightly used. Paid $95; will sell for $50. Apply 16 Valencia Rd. (105a) | SMALL COOK STOVE, EXCEL- lent cendition; wanted small annex, white preferred. Dial 3-9626. (105¢) stove, with side oven and warming oven, good condition. Dial 35-2003. (105b) COLEMAN 3-BURNER RANGE; 10-tube cabinet radio; drophead Singer sewing machine. Dial 3- 8283. (105b) | | drums, | drapes. Dial 5-6106. | ICE. CREAM CABINETS, CASH | tures, | $19.95 UP, VACUUM CLEANERS, |41--Articles Wanted | WANTED--200 FENCE POSTS, -9 | ronto. ME. 8997. | {BURNER MOFFAT ELECTRIC | OUTBOARD MOTOR, VIKING 5 h.p., used one season, $125 cash. Dial -3-9248. (105b) GENDRON CARRIAGE, MAROON. Apply 187 Annis St.,, back door. (1058) METAL ICE BOX, WHITE, 50-LB. capacity, good condition. Dial 5- 5294, (1058) KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR, also Viking refrigerator, both newly overhauled; also 4-ft. glass show case, Dial 3-9868. (105¢) NORGE TABLE TOP ELECTRIC range, complete with deep well cooker. The 4th burner can be used if the cooker is not in use. Like new. This range can be bought for a large reduction. Phone 3-8634. (105a) NORGE REFRIGERATOR, 6% CU. feet, nearly new. Phone 3-8634. (105a) BABY CARRIAGE, SILVER GREY, good condition. Dial 3-2479, (105b) GREY CONVERTIBLE GO-CART, good condition. Apply 364 Gliddon Ave, Dial 3-4166. (105b) OUTBOARD RUNABOUT BOAT, 14' long, 5 wide. Can be seen at 113 Warren Avenue. (105a) TWO C.C.M. BICYCLES, MAN'S and lady's, both excellent condition. Dial 5-0714. (105a) RANGETTE, "CANADIAN BEAU- ty", good condition. Dial 3-9831. (105a) COMPLETE SET, PROFESSIONAL good condition, large selec- tion of cymbals, tom toms, snare, bass, accessories, Dial 3-4945, (105¢c) FURNACE, A-1 CONDITION, 20- inch firepot; cheap for quick sale. Dial 3-3512, after 6 dial 5-3601. (105¢) 3-PIECE BATH, KITCHEN TABLE and chairs, writing desk, two pairs (105a) register, swivel stools, show cases, Neon electric clock, scales, large electric fan, fluorescent light fix- whipping machines. Dial 3- 8157. (105b) NORGE REFRIGERATOR, 5 CU. ft., very good condition. Dial 3-8267. (105c¢) ICE BOX, 25 LBS., GOOD CONDI- tion; girl's scampers, size 4; ox- fords, size 6; dresses, jackets, size 10-12. Dial 3-3846. (105a) Hoovers, Electrolux, Rexair, Gener- al Electric, tank, floor models, guar- anteed, reconditioned. Dial 5-5121. (Jed) | 312" or more in diameter. Posts to be delivered 3 miles east of Oshawa. John Haltiuk, 2A Golden Ave., To- (104b) PIANOS WANTED, CASH FOR! your piano, up to $250 allowed on | new piano. Charles H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe N. Dial 5-5212. D ! (M22) | CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, used tools, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond West, dial 3-4863. | (M14) | PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANC now. Wilson and Lee. 70 Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822. (M16) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Dial 5-3432, Cedardale Iron and Metals, 100 Annis St east of C.N.R. Station. (Jung) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT- ed. Dressers, beds, stoves and heat- ers. 56 King West. Dial 5-0132, i (M15) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea- ther ticks of a description. Live poultry, scrap iron and metals. Dial I. Turner, North Oshawa 5-4912 collect. (Ms) 42--Female Help Wanted SALESLADIES For better ,coats, - suits and dresses. Experienced only. Write BOX 416 TIMES-GAZETE (103c) SENIOR TYPIST with a good TELEPHONE PERSONALITY Interesting work in printing office. - Apply to - R. J. Britton GOODFELLOW PRINTING COMPANY 57 Simcoe St. South " 03c) TELEPHONE OPERATORS FOR TORONTO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY Transportation to Toronto Will be Provided APPLY IN PERSON TO Miss H. C. Robertson CHIEF OPERATOR THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA 61 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 42--Female Help Wanted WARD AIDES, HOU 3 TO 11 p-m., 6-day week. Apply Superinten- dent at Oshawa General Hospital. (105¢) BABY-SITTER, 5 AFTERNOONS A week, Phone after 7, 3-7649. (105¢) WAITRESS WANTED, EXPERI- ence not necessary. Apply in person, Princess Grill, 17 Prince St. ~(105c) YOUNG GIRL. OR WOMAN, TO look after. house and four small children, 3-6 years, week to ten days, sleep in preferred. Dial 5-5936. (105b) WOMAN FOR GENERAL CLEAN- ing, one half day a week, Dial 5-5793. (1052) GENERAL WOMAN FOR GEN- eral housework, Monday to Satur- day. Dial 3-7322. (105¢) STENOGRAPHER, EXCELLENT future for someone capable of as- suming responsibilities. Must like working on figures and payroll. Ap- ply by letter to Business Manager, Oshawa General Hospital. (101tf) RELIABLE GIRL OR WOMAN, for general housework. Sleep in or out. Good salary, Dial 3-4029. : (104a) Unusual career opportunity for women, 26 to 45. We prefer married women, who need to earn real mon- ey, and who can operate from their home. Our saleswomen earn as much or more than the average family man in Ontario. Previous ex. perience not necessary, we train our own staff. No canvassing, no deliver- ies, no investment or collections to make. i Apply immediately, stating age, education, family status, and tele- phone number for friendly personal interview in your town early next week, to Box 425, Times-Gazette, (104c) SECRETARY- STENOGRAPHER Wanted by large financial Must have typing and some short- hand and be able to meet the public. Good starting salary, many employees benefits. For a personal interview contact firm. MR. C. DOUGLAS AYERS PERSONAL FINANCE CO. OF CANADA SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA Dial 3-4687 11% (102e) 42--Female Help Wanted PART - TIME WORKER FOR grill. Apply Harmony Grill, 555 King St. East. (103d) GIRL OR WOMAN FOR LAUN- dry work. Apply 13 Celina St. + (104c) FOR HOUSEWORK, district, every Thursday or Friday. Dial 3-2643. ; (104c) CLERK-TYPIST, SINGLE, AGE 20- 25. Preferably with accounts re- ceivable experience, Good wages, position permanent. In reply state age and when available. Write Box 421, Times-Gazette. : (104c) WOMAN, 2 FULL DAYS EACH week, for general housewcrk. Dial 3-4407. (104b) TYPIST WITH KNOWLEDGE OF bookkeeping, must be accurate with figures (married or single). Apply in own handwriting. Appointments arranged. Harold R. Stark, 251 Sim- coe S (941) 43--Male Help Wanted SALESMEN FOR WELL-ESTAB- lished truck routes. Apply Mr. Gray, Tod's Bread Ltd. (103c) WOMAN Westmount \| good chance to learn telegraphing & 43--Male Help Wanted 47--Legai Notices APPLICATIONS ARE BEING AC- cepted for the position of Chief Caretaker for the new Pickering Dis- trict High School. Applicant must hold a Firemans Certificate, Reply stating age, qualifications and sal- ary expected to Mrs. Irene White, Sec. Treas., R.R. 3, Pickering, On- tario. Applications close May 12th, 1951. (105b) WANTED -- MESSENGER BOY, railway work. Apply Canadian Paci- fic, 11}; King E. (103tf) START YOUR OWN BUSINESS. We need agents to sell our 250 guar- anteed products. Very little capital needed. Unlimited income. Details at FAMILEX, 1600d Delorimier, Mont- real. (104¢) SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT wanted. Apply 56 Bruce St. (104c) WAITER FOR BEVERAGE ROOM. Must be experienced, clean-cut and dependable. Apply Commercial Ho- tel. (1041) DRIVER WANTED, ABLE TO AS- sist in store. Write Box 420, Times- Gazette. (104c) YOUNG MAN TO TRAIN AS AS- sistant stockkeeper for large Osha- wa retail store, good starting salary and opportunity for advancement, chauffeur's license and one-year high school essential. Write Box 417, Times-Gazette. (103c) JANITOR - CLEANER, NIGHT work. Must be honest, reliable and able to furnish good references. Ap- ply Commercial Hotel. (1021) WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR 1951? A good Rawleigh business is hard to beat--big line, well estab- lished, good profits. No experience required. Write today for informa- tion on how to get started. Raw- leigh's Dept. ML-E-310-216, Mont- real. {May4,11,18,25) MAN FOR GLASS-WASHING IN bar. Must be clean, honest and de- pendable. Apply Commercial Hotel. (1041) ATTENTION SALESMEN Nationally-known company is ex- panding its sales organization, in this area. Our product is nationally known, and has been successfully marketed for a number of years. Remuneration is much above aver- age, $5,000 per year being possible. Applicants are thoroughly schooled, closely supervised and provided with samples. This is not magazines, cooking ' utensils, brushes, appli- ances or insurance. There is no can- vassing, all appointments being pre- arranged. Repeat business comes in automatically, providing a bonus over and above regular remunera- tion. You do not make any deliveries or collections. Our work is suitable to former teachers, former business men or salesmen. If there are limita- tions in your present employment or if you would®like to get into sales work, write immediately to Box 424, Times-Gazette, giving your age, name, family status, telephone num- ber, income requirements and, if possessing a car. Interview arranged locally next week. (104c) ENUMERATORS NEAT WRITING ESSENTIAL Apply in Own Handwriting to BOX 429 TIMES-GAZETTE (105a) 45--Agents' Wanted AUTOMOTIVE PARTS SALESMAN to introduce a new product to ser- vice stations and fleet owners. Lib- eral commission and protected terri- tory. An excellent sideline for a man presently contacting these out- lets which will add materially to your income. Write Box 427 Times- Gazette, (104c) 46--Employment Wanted small, by three young men; Oshawa, Whitby and vicinity; rate $1 per hour. Dial5-0285. (104c) | STORM WINDOWS REMOVED & | windows cleaned. Dial 3-9353. (104c) LOTS, GARDENS PLOUGHED AND harrowed by tractor. Dial 3-3078. (My24) POSITION, BY MAN 40 YEARS, with knowledge of accounting, gen- eral office work. Write Box 428, Times-Gazette. (105¢) 47--Legal Notices Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 12 noon, May 15, 1951, for the purchase of the Anglican Church Rectory at Brooklin, Ontario, with a lot 80'x190'. Inspection of the property by ap- | derson & Cochrane, pointment with the wardens. Terms: 5% at time of tender and the bal- ance upon acceptance. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. | Richard Wheeler, phone 156-J, Peo. | ple's Warden, Brooklin, Ont. it Want to buy, sell or trade? -- A | classified ad and the deal is mage. On and after this date, May 4, 1951, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife, Mrs. Anna Slobodian, 521 Rogers St., Oshawa. Signed: Roy Slobodian. (105¢) IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO IN THE ESTATE OF COSY OLIVE COCHRANE, DECEASED, CREDITORS of COSY OLIVE COCHRANE, late of the Township of East Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died on or about the 31st day of March, 1951, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned before the 1st day of June, 1951 after which date her estate will bs distributed among the parties en- titled thereto and the administrator will not be liable for any claims of which he has not then' received notice, DATED at Oshawa this 3rd day of May, 1951. RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., Barrister, etc, 6 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator, Edwin Milton Cochrane. (M4,11,18) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF Flavius Josephus Yourex, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Flavius Josephus Yourex, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, retired Civil Servant, deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of Septem- ber, 1947, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Rep- resentative of the said deceased om or before the 12th day of May, 1951, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said de- ceased having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice. DATED AT Toronto, this 17th day of April, 1951. Albert Miller Greenaway, 169 Yonge Street, Toronto, Executor, by San- his . Solicitors herein. (Apr20,27-My4) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Creditors of the estate of William Henry Annetts, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, Trimmer, who died on or about the 23rd day of March, 1951 in the sald city: of Oshawa, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned before the 15th day of May, 1951 after which date his estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto and the executor will not be liable for any claims of which he has not then received notice. DATED at Oshawa this 190th day of April, A.D. 1951, STEPHEN RICE, Executor, by his Solicitor, R. D, HUMPHREYS, K.C, Barrister, etc., 68 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario. (A20,27,My4) IT WILL PAY YOU TO PAY A VISIT TO... . f SPECIALS! 1934 CHEVS.--2 to choose from $150.- 00 each -- the money. good motors -- well worth 1934 FORD'S--2 to choose from -- good motor and bodies -- front fenders domayed -- ideal for hot rods $150.00 each, MODEL A FORDS--3 to choose from $100.00 each -- gli serviceable. Youll TRUCKS! ya SPECIALS FORD PRODUCTS! conditioning, licenced, tank full i $2380 1948 G.M.C. HALF-TON PICK UP--Deluxe, cab doors and motor and like new . . | $ body 1150 SEN Summer of Fun With These... METEOR--Custom 2 doors, air FORD DELUXE--2 door, air co FORD--2-door demonstrator METEOR CUSTOM--2 door, metallic green finish, over-drive, nditioning, licenced, gas $2230 filter, under- please phone the balance. premises and tee. Open 9 to Saturday. G. M.C PONTIAC COACH--A géod clean low mileage car . months on trucks. 5 perfect tires and are thoroughly check- ed mechanically in our own shop on the ISSONS GARAGE, ORONO AND TRUCKS SATIONAL NOTE! Sisson's Garage, Orono, phone 86-2 turn north from Newcastle, you see anything you like among these, three miles. If or come out yourself at your earliest opportunity as these cars are in top condition and priced right and will move fast. A fair allowance on your old cars or trucks, cash or terms on 12 months on cars, 18 All late models have carry our new car guaran a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday's PRODUCTS! .. $1895 CHEVY. STREAMLINED SEDAN--Very popular model, hg 22/4 this one CHEV. CLUB COUPE--Immaculate inside and out, low mileage, heater, undercoating, oil filter and white wall tires .... $1550 CHEVY. COACH--Oshawa blue, radio and heater . . . COACH--Marine blue, very clean CHEV. SEDAN ... $1495 oh nice clean CHEV. motor, $1550 radio, heater, white wall tires, life-guard tubes, oi e coating, etc. Only 8,000 miles--showroom condition, new list over $2,900. Our price $2095 FORD DELUXE SEDAN--2 interior, 5 new tires FORD CUSTOM CLUB COUPE--2 tone finish special, custom fitted, interior finished in leather at the factory, one of the sportiest looking cars we have ever offered for sale .. $1675 FORD DELUXE--2 door, radio, air conditioning, white wall $1595 CHEV. COACH--Shows good care throughout CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN---Immaculate built-in radio, underseat heater PONTIAC SEDAN--A good clean car CHEV. COUPE--One of these real good models, body very sound, custom radio and heater $875 CHEV. CONVERTIBLE--Automatic top, showroom condition, refinished airway blue, interior done in leopard skin and red plush, fully equipped with built-in radio, heater, clock, low pressure tires, etc. $1295 CHEVY. COACH--Refinished in original Oshawa blue, perfect mechanically, radio and heater $875 CHEV. COACH -- A good serviceable car ....... ., $795 CHEV. COACH--Straight axle--good body and motor and tires, hurry for this one $650 ---- -- -- -- 1948 MERCURY HALF-TON PANEL--Refinished original dark green, looks like new truck. Very good mechanically $995 1947 G.M.C. THREE-QUARTER--One-Ton Pick Up--4-speed transmission, heavy-duty truck tires, practically new. Showroom condition $1150 1947 INTERNATIONAL HALF-TON PICK UP--Reconditioned 1946 FORD HALF-TON PICK UP--Refinished original green, perfect motor, 6-ply tires, like new $895 1946 FARGO HALF-TON PANEL--Refinished, rebuilt motor ; inside end out, $1375 Chrysler Products! 1949 DODGE COUPE--a good clean car $1750 1946 PLYMOUTH. SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN $1295 1941 DODGE COACH--Light green--exceptionally 90) smooth motor--very clean interior $895 I i Chrysl nearly new tires, rysier $ MERCURY MODEL 114--2 door, perfect motor and tires, very clean interior, call 95. " FORD DELUXE SEDAN--Immaculate inside and out, completely reconditioned $1295 DODGE COACH--Dark blue, runs like ow... 1941 PLYMOUTH COUPE--Two-tone | . 1940 DODGE SEDAN--Radio ond heater, 1944 FORD THREE-QUARTER--Orie Ton Panel--32 x 6 heavy duty tires-- 1940 manufactured motor 4-speed transmission, good body and motor--price includes refinishing and lettering to suit buyer 595 SISSONS GARAGE, Chrysler $795 . $795 Remember We Don't Have The Cheapest Used Cars!--We Have Only the BEST at a Reasonable Price!