Daily Times-Gazette, 2 May 1951, p. 17

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A THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE * PAGE SEVENTEEN WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1981 S-- USE Tg CLASS/F/£p FOR Quick ESYL 39--Articles For Sale 39--Articles for Sale BEATTY WASHING MACHINE, copper tub, good working condition. Reasonable. Dial 5-6187. (102b) PRIVATE SALE -- TELEVISION set 10 inch, $200; pump action .22 rifle, new, $50; heavy duty electric range, $100. All above American- made and used only 3 months. Also girl's bicycle, $15. Write P.O. Box 54, giving phone number. (102b) WOOD AND COAL STOVE, LIKE new. Apply 401 Ritson Rd. S. : (102) COAL RANGE, IN GOOD CONDI- tion, cheap. Dial 3-3591. (102b) 5 H.P. JOHNSON OUTBOARD, model T.D., like new. Dial 3-7486 after 6. (102b) ACCORDIONS, PIANO & CHRO- matic type, new and used, all in- struments guaranteed. Sent on ap- proval. Phone or write The Accor- dion Shop, Room B, Yonge St. Ar- cade, Toronto. EMpire 4-0046. adc) c CLARINET, USED 6 MONTHS. 313 Ritson Rd. S. (102¢) TWO GREENHOUSES, 90 FT. X 20 ft, 90 ft. x 16 ft., also two hot water boilers and about 2300 ft. pipe. Dial 3-9855. Apply Wm. Goyne, R.R. 4, Oshawa, after 6:30 p.m. (102b) FURNACE, HOT-WATER HEAT- er with attachments, cistern pump with attachments. Apply 608 King East. (102¢) COAL & WOOD STOVE CHILD'S crib and baby carriage. 116 Mill St. Dial 3-3548. (102) GOOD MANURE, FOR SALE; TO be picked up. Dial 5-3880. (102c) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers, Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Dial 5-1179. (M25) VACUUM CLEANERS, NEW AND used, for sale, rent or repaired. Dial 5-6423. (M5) SUNBEAM MIXMASTERS, ALSO meat grinder, shredder, churn at- tachments, Meagher's, 5 King St. West. (My4) CURTIS REFRIGERATOR, NEW- ly overhauled. Phone 2900-J, Dial 5-4505. (1001) RENT A SINGER ELECTRIC POR- table in your own home, $6 per month. Singer Sewing Center. Dial 5-5443. (June2) NINE PIECE OAK DINING ROOM suite, practically new. Apply at 81 Oshawa Blvd. (101¢c) PERENNIAL FLOWER PLANTS, 5 different large flowering size plants (our selection) $1.50; 12 for $3.50. Violas 20c each, 6 for $1.00; double Shasta Daisies (two varieties) 50c each or 6 for $2.50. Delphiniums (Pa- cific Giants) 50c each. Delivery free. Order now, as supply limited. Dial 5-2609. (M30) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed in every way Also complete repair service. Dial Merv. Tuck, piu. ) BUS REMODELLED INTO A TWO- room trailer. 69 Cordova Rd. (ioe) C EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS. We are the authorized dealers for this very powerful make of vacuum cleaner. o Purchase now before a probable increase in price. Meagher's Electric. (M6) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUT- tings. Clean and dry for furnace, range or jacket heater. $5 or $3 lots delivered. Dial 3-7391. (My20) AWNINGS -- SELECT YOURS from gay stripes or plain colors. Free estimates. Folding chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (My5) VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to mbaty; nds repaired, drape arms 3 ar Ron Trewin, 5-3322, (M19) GOBLIN VACUUM CLEANERS, British made, two sizes, $79 and $99. Terms, fully guaranteed. Meagher's Electric. (M2) HARDWOOD KINDLING FOR jacket heater, stove or furnace, 12 bags $4. Dial 5-0811 (M16) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, IN- cubator, typewriter, sewing machine, quantity raspberry and strawberry crates. Dial 5-0317 after 6. (10ic) AWNINGS NOW AVAILABLE, selection of colours, Order now for early delivery. Free estimates. Dial Merv. Tuck, 5-3492. (M7) 9-PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE, walnut. Dial 3-3280 and 3-712. (103c) COLUMBIA RASPBERRY CANES for sale, $1.25 dozen. Wm, Barker, 197 Verdun Rd. Dial 3-8219. (103c) QUAKER OIL SPACE HEATER, small size, used '3 months; also 45 gallon drum. Dial 5-1333; after 6 p.m. Dial 3-4870. (103b) model, silver grey, practically new. Apply 135 Alexander Blvd. (103c) GURNEY COAL & WOOD RANGE, with reservoir and warming closet, good condition. Apply 496 Fairleigh Ave. (103¢) OUTBOARD MOTOR, 14 HP, also boat, new condition. Apply 50 Greta Bt. (103¢c) WE ARE AGAIN ABLE TO SUP- ply Senator Dunlap strawberry hundred, Wo rotted, mushroom manure, also black loam and top soil. Oshawa Nursery. Dial 3-2491. (June2) KITCHEN TABLE WITH EXTEN- sion leaf; baby cart; also extension gate. Dial 5-2394. (103b) VARIOUS TOOLS CONSISTING of completé carpenter tool chest and tools, $110; steamfitter"s tools, me- hanic"s " ble. 1 com- plete saw bench, Pe blade % ey . Apply 29 indsor Ave. ax. » (103a) MARTIN OUTBOARD, .7i3' H.P., good as new, $200. Dial 3-2794 after Ss. (103¢) QUANTITY USED 2X4's, OR WILL exchange for fuel wood. Apply 164 Elliott Ave. Dial 3-2336. (103a) GRAGG AND COLUMBIA RASP- berry bushes. Dial 3-8563. (103b) FRIGIDAIRE, 6 CU. FT.,, EXCEL-~ lent operating condition. Phone Ajax 156. (103a) MAN'S B.S.A. ROADRACER, 3-| speed gear. Dynamo tail light, ex- cellent shape, $40. Phome ir HEINTZMAN PIANO, $20 FOR quick sale. Dial 3-2625 before 5. (103c) 500-WA'TT, ELECTRIC HEATING unit, casing, insulation and tank. Dial 3-9635. : (103b) 6 H.P. JOHNSON OUTBOARD motor, recently overhauled, Dial 3- 2139. (103a) MAN'S BICYCLE, LIKE NEW. Dial 3-2501. (103a) DAHLIA BULBS, MIXED COL- ours, ornamental spruce trees; also '34 Chev. Coach, good condition. Dial 3-9341. (108c) LAWNMOWER, GOOD CONDI- tion, 18" cut, $5. Apply 15 Charles St. (103a) WELL ROTTED MANURE FOR lawns, shrubs, gardens, flower beds. 95¢ bushel, three for two dollars. Dial 3-2491. (M30) CALL A SINGER EXPERT WHEN your sewing machine needs repairs. Singer Sewing Center, 14-16 Ontario St. Dial 5-5443. (June2) USED DOORS, WINDOWS, PLUMB- ing, cupboards, screens, hardwood flooring, etc. Apply 190 King St. E. (103d) FOLEY LAWNMOWER SHARPEN- er, perfect condition. Apply 16 Oshawa Blvd. . (103b) 41--Articles Wanted SINGLE OR 3% BED AND MAT- tress, dresser, chest drawers, chairs, bedding, electric range, refrigerator, radio, suitable for summer cottage. Dial 5-1572 (101c) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, . mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Dial 5-3432, Cedardale Iron and Metals, 100 Annis St east of C.N.R. Station. (Jun3) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822. (M16) CASH PAID. FOR GOOD USED furniture, used tools, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond West, dial 3-4863. (M14) PIANOS WANTED, CASH FOR your piano, up to $250 allowed on new piano. Charles H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe N. Dial 5-5212. (M22) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT- ed. Dressers, beds, stoves and heat- ers. 56 King West. Dial 5-0132. (M15) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea- ther ticks of a description. Live poultry, scrap iron and metals. Dial I. Turner, North Oshawa 5-4912 collect. (M6) 42--Female Help Wanted LADY FOR HOUSEWORK, ONE morning or afternoon each week. Dial 3-3792. (103b) PART - TIME WORKER FOR grill. Apply Harmony Grill, 555 King St. East. (103d) SECRETARY- STENOGRAPHER Wanted by large financial firm. Must have typing ond some short- hand and be able to meet the public. Good starting salary, many employees benefits. For a personal interview contact MR. C. DOUGLAS AYERS PERSONAL FINANCE CO. OF CANADA 11%: SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA Dial 3-4687 - (102e) |] Office help required by expanding organization. Experienced and in- experienced daytime and evening staff required. Reply, stating age & qualifications if experienced to BOX 238 TIMES-GAZETTE (97tf) TELEPHONE OPERATORS FOR TORONTO ~~ | PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT | NECESSARY | | Transportation to Toronto | Will be Provided APPLY IN PERSON TO Miss H. C. Robertson CHIEF OPERATOR THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA 61 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa (1011) SENIOR TYPIST : with a good TELEPHONE PERSONALITY Interesting work in printing office. - Apply to - R. J. Britton GOODFELLOW PRINTING COMPANY 57 Simcoe St. South " SALESLADIES For better coats, suits and dresses. Experienced only. Write BOX 416 TIMES-GAZETE (103c) EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL For ladies' ready-to-wear. 03c) Must be a humdinger. Starting salary $40.00 per week. All kinds of possibilities for the future. All replies confidential. BOX 419 TIMES GAZETTE (103b) + May 15, 1951, 42--Female Help Wanted GIRL FOR HAIRDRESSING AP- prentice. Apply in person to 1813 King St. E; Hours.11 to 1 p.m. for interview. (103b) WOMAN FOR WASHING DISHES .and help in kitchen. Apply Y.W.C.A. cafeteria. (103b) GENERAL WOMAN FOR HOUSE- work mornings, Monday to Satur- days. Dial 3-7322. (103a) WOMAN TO ASSIST WITH h 1 i dnesday & Thurs- day this Dial 5-4555. Mrs. Kent. (102b) EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR COUN- ter and store. Good wages to right party. No night work. Apply 86 William E. (101£) TYPIST WITH KNOWLEDGE OF bookkeeping, must be accurate with figures (married or single). Apply in own handwriting. Appointments arranged. Harold R. Stark, 251 Sim- coe S. (94tf) TYPIST, WITH DICTAPHONE EX- perience, shorthand not necessary. Apply Box 306, Times-Gazette. kl (92tf) MORE MONEY SELLING NYLONS covered by amazing guarantee giv- ing FREE hose if they run, snag, tear. Every woman your customer. FREE Sales kit. Kendex, Hamilton. (Apri8-My2) STENOGRAPHER, EXCELLENT future for someone capable of as- suming responsibilities. Must like working on figures and payroll. Ap- ply by letter to Business Manager, Oshawa General Hospital. (101tf) 43--Male Help Wanted WANTED--MAN FOR STEADY travel among consumers in Oshawa. Permanent connection with large week. .manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-E-310-131, Montreal. (May2,7,9,14,16,21,23,28,30) WANTED -- MESSENGER BOY, good. chance to learn telegraphing & railway work. Apply Canadian Paci- fic, 111; King E. (103tf) sistant stockkeeper for large Osha- wa retail store, good starting salary and opportunity for advancement, chauffeur's license and one-year high school essential. Write Box 417, Times-Gazette. (103c) 47--Legal Notices Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 12 noon, for the purchase of the Anglican Church Rectory at Brooklin, Ontario, with a lot 80'x190'. Inspection of the property by ap- pointment with the wardens. Terms: 5% at time of tender and the bal- ance upon acceptance. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Richard Wheeler, phone 156-J, Peo- ple's Warden, Brooklin, Ont~ (103f) CITY BY-LAWS RE TREES The following is a copy of BY-LAW NUMBER 2613 OF THE CORPORA- TION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, which was passed on the 2nd day of September, 1947, being a By-law to govern the planting, maintenance and removal of trees on Highways. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPOR- ATION OF THE CITY OF OSHA- WA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:-- 1. "TREE" wherever used in this By-law shall include a growing tree or shrub planted or left growing on either side of a street or highway for the purpose of shade or orna- ment, "HIGHWAY wherever used shall include street. 2. Every tree upon a highway shall be appurtenant to the land adjacent to the highway and nearest thereto and where the word "owner'" is hereinafter used it shall refer in the case of each tree to the owner of the land to which the tree is appurten- ant. 3. No person shall plant any tree upon a highway within the City ex- cept after having first obtained a permit for such purpose from the City Engineer and such planting shall be in conformity with the terms of such permit. 4. Where all, or more than one- half of the total number of the trees planted on any street, or on one side thereof, | 43--Male Help Wanted STATION ATTENDANT WANT- ed. Apply 78 Bond West. (103b) SALESMEN FOR WELL-ESTAB- lished truck routes. Apply Mr. Gray, Tod's Bread Ltd. (103c) JANITOR - CLEANER, NIGHT work. Must be honest, reliable and able to furnish good references. Ap- ply Commercial Hotel. (1021) MAN WANTED BY BRANCH OF- fice of large international reporting agency to be trained as part-time insurance inspector. Must be able to meet public. Reply giving full details of schooling, experience . in first letter to Box 482, Toronto. (101d) TEMPORARY--PART TIME Two to wash walls, equipment provided. Ap- ply J. E. Gillette, Oshawa Clinic, 117 King St. E., Dial 5-3571. (102b) men evenings Radio & Television Servicing Men--One Ontario district has re- cently paid one type of serviceman $125 a week. You will make no mis- take (if you want a type of job that offers you big wages from the start, with a secure future) if you investi- gate what a course in Radio .and Television Servicing from Radio College of Canada can do for you. You've seen training courses offered before! This one is proven up to the hilt by the success of many other men like you, who knew nothing about radio when they started, but now have interesting, highly paid jobs. Have no doubts--we can train you! An excellent kit of radio parts goes with your course, and helps you learn by actual practical work in your home. This is a home-study course, learn at home in spare time, with no interruption in your present earning. Free 40-page book shows you the facts. Write today, stating age and education, to' Radio College of Canada, 86 Bathurst Street, To- ronto 2B. (W,S,M,My30) 44--Male or Female Help COUPLE FOR CARETAKERS FOR | church property. Write Box 414, | Times-Gazette. (102¢) cini might have grabbed the cere- monial dagger and committed hari- kari had he caught "Madame But- terfly" munching a big red Annap- olis Valley apple on a squeaking stage here recently. It's more likely that he would have applauded what followed when Audrey Farnell, soprano choir singer of Amherst, N.8., swal- lowed the last bite and then gave a beautiful rendition of the closing aria "My Son Sent Me From Heav- en." For Nova Scotia apples and opera singers are all mixed up when it comes rehearsals ror the Grand Opera productions of the young but highly successful Nova Scotia Opera Association. Rehearsals sometimes' start at two o'clock in the afternoon and go cn until close to midnight, with no break for lunch. That's where the apples and the odd chocolate bar come in. The Madame Butterfly production, scheduled for a three-night run in the city's biggest theatre in mid- June, is designed to be as profes- sional sounding and as professional looking as the previous three sell- out efforts of the community comp- any--Don Giovanni, the Tales of Hoffman and La Traviata. The opera program is part of the big cultural movement sweeping the Maritimes and sparked from Hali- fax where the aftermath of the war deposited a group of talented Lat- vians from the National Opera of Riga. They have provided the know- how for opera, ballet and a sym- phony orchestra. \ In Saint John there is a large- scale symphony orchestra and in 48--Auction Sales 45--Agents Wanted BUILD YOUR FUTURE! IN- crease your income! Become our agent. We offer you the best deal on the market: 250 all Canadian prod- ucts. Not a lexury line but necessi- | ties with repeat business even in | hard times. We have territory to suit you. FAMILEX PRODUCTS, 1600c Delorimier, Montreal. (102b) 46--Employment Wanted | WINDOWS CLEANED, STORMS removed, and odd jobs done. Dial 5-6017. (101c) LOTS, GARDENS PLOUGHED AND harrowed by tractor. Dial 3-3078. (My24) SMALL GARDENS PLOUGHED with small tractor, Dial 5-4506. PART-TIME WORK, EXPERI- enced man in country or town, ab- stainer. Write Box 411, Times- Gazette. (102b) JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! DIAL 5-1169 241 KING ST. EAST (102¢c) | | AUCTION SALE, STIRTEVANT'S | Auction Room, 33 Hall St.,, Oshawa, | Thursday evening, May 3 at 7 p.m.: | Moffat electric range, chest drawers, 2 dressers, Bendix electric washer, | 2 beds, springs and mattresses, 4 | chrome chairs, rug, 3-piece chester- | field suite, floor lamp, end tables, | chrome table, 2 baby carriages (good), ice box, kitchen cabinet, buffet, single bed, spring and mat- tress, chesterfield bed, rockers, kit- chen tables and chairs, radio, dishes and many other articles too numer- ous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer, Oshawa, dial 5-5751. (102b) Repuirs and Service COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK and EFFICIENT SERVICE DIAL 3-7752 WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N. Rebirth of Music Sparked in East By Former Latvian Opera Stars other points there are various sim- ilar groups. Latvian Leader Big, bald Mariss Vetra, star of the Riga, opera, is the production chief of the Nova Scotia Opera Association and it is largely through his infectious enthusiasm that this cutural form of entertainment has been firmly established. ' Like the rest of his small band of New Canadians, he has surrounded himself with local Maritime talent that had little outlet ..~vond the chureh choir, school concert or military band. "The talent was easy to find," he says, "and we soon interested a group of citizens who found the money and provided a business setup." It's a community effort and the association decided thé other day that association members--who pay anything from a $2 family member- ship up to a $500 patron's fee-- should be allowed to feel they are an integral part of the movement. They were invited to come to work- ing rehearsals--possivly a new de- parture in opera production in Canada. Already the members had raked their attics in a treasure hunt for props and costume material. The women had formed sewing teams and the men helped with adminis- tration and stage mechanics. The principals, drawn from var- ious parts of the Maritimes, get paid as much as the budget can afford, the musicians get paid at union rates, the chorus and the rest of the workers are volunteers. Most of the cast make their living in various vocations. Only a few concentrate on music, and these are teachers. Right Spirit At rehearsals the cast used the inadequate stage of an institution. Here members of the association drop in and sit for an hour or so watching Miss Farnell and Earl Doucette, Glace Bay tenor playing the role of "Lieut. Pinkerton,' and other members of the cast effectively singing their parts. Their actions are a little out of keeping with the story. For in- stance, when baritone Raymond Simpson of Halifax goes through the oriental motion of leaving his shoes at the rod to reveal a pair of blaz- ing socks that are most unoriental. But the rehearsal goes on with | Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E., Whithy Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are vour assur- ance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and Somastie Granites and Marbles =n st Producer Vetra and Conductor Al- fred Strombergs halting it from time to time to give advice and im- prove presentation. The pruse for a bite of food add to the homey, community effect that makes opera seem closer to a lot of people whose only previous experience, in many cases, was listening to it on the radio. May Search Home For $100,000 Hoard Victoria, May 2-- (CP) --A for- tune in excess of $100,000 -- the hoard of an aged recluse -- may be concealed in a ramshackle home in neighboring Saanich, it has been disclosed by an estate administrator, The solitary home, surrounded by a 17-acre orchard and weed-ridden gardens, was the retreat of Leonard Leney, 71, reputed heir of a wealthy English family, who died here recently, Alan E. Bigelow, administrator of the estate, said there was a possi- bility that considerable money and valuable might be hidden in the junk-filled house. He added that a search of the home might be made before the estate is settled. + Leney came to Victoria 20 years ago and was comparatively wealthy at that time, Mr. Bigelow said. Mr. Bigelow said he was instruct- ed by a cousin, Eric Leney of Dun- can, B.C., to administer the estate. He said Leney has a brother and sister living in England. FREELY HEATED Hot 'Springs in a national park Little Rock, Ark. provide spring water as hot, as 14 degrees. Sheet Metal Extend Protection To All Veterans Ottawa, May 2--(CP)--The gov- ernment moved in the Commons Tuesday to extend civilian job pro- tection to some members of the armed forces besides the special Korean force. Under a resolution before the house, special force members are ensured of getting their old jobs back and are given concessions in unemployment insurance. Tuesday, Veterans Minister La- pointe had the resolution amended to take in "certain other members of the Canadian forces." He ex- plained it would apply to members of the reserve forces joining the active services for three-year terms. CHILD ALLOWANCE Under the family allowances act in Britain, about 4,700,000 allowan- ces were paid in 1949 to 2,970,000 families. NORTH SIMCOE PHARMACY 885 SIMCOE ST. N. © FOR QUICK DELIVERY © FOR PRESCRIPTIONS DIAL 5-1253 FLOORS SANDED /~ WALL AND FLOOR 'TILE SUPPLIED AND LAID TILE CLEANER and WAX SOLD DIAL 3-7251 21 CHURCH ST. Authorized Dealer ® ESSO OIL BURNERS ® NEW IDEA FURNACES © Gar Wood Tempered Air Units "Sales and Service to all Makes" ' DIAL 5-2734 PLUMBING & HEATING © REPAIRS! eo NEW WORK! © LOWEST PRICES! © GUARANTEED WORK! H. COLVIN DIAL 5-0733 190 KING STREET EAST House to be Wrecked and Removed Contact J.N. WILLSON ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 86 King Street East are of a certain | | species or 'variety, the City Engineer may require that all trees proposed | to be planted on such street or upon one side thereof, shall be of the same species and variety as the | trees, or the greatest number of the | trees, already planted thereon. 5. The City Engineer may refuse to permit the planting of trees, or the planting of any one or more species or variety of trees, upon any street or part thereof, where, by reason of the nature of the pavements, walks, sewers, and other works thereon, or the use to which the lands abutting on such street are put, or in conse- quence of the extent and nature of the traffic thereon, or the insuffi- cient breadth thereof, or by reason of the existence of rock or unfertile soil thereunder, the planting of trees thereon would be impractica- ble, or dangerous to traffic, or con- stitute a nuisance upon such street. 6. Trees planted on the street shall be located at such distance from the street line, or from the sidewalk, as may be determined by the City En- gineer. 7. The City Engineer may cause any tree upon a highway to be removed when he shall deem it to be neces- sary in the public interest, but the owner of the tree shall be given ten days notice of the intention to re- move such tree within which time he may appeal to the Council against the decision of the City Engineer. And if within such period of ten days an appeal is filed with the City Clerk then the tree shall not be re- moved unless and until the decision of the City Engineer is confirmed by resolution of the Council. 8. No species of tree shall be plant- ed except such as may be specified in the permit of the City Engineer and in no case shall any soft maple, poplar or willow tree be planted or any variety coming within the class known as soft wood: 9. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to supervise the planting of trees upon 'highways and the trimming of trees planted upon a highway or upon private property where the branches extend over a highway. The City Engineer is here- by further authorized to remove de- cayed or dangerous trees or trees | which have by By-law been directed { to be removed. 10. Save as aforesaid no person except with the authority of the Council or of the City Engineer act- ing within the authority of this or some other By-law shall remove or cut down or injure or destroy any tree growing upon a highway. 11. Any notice required by this By- law By be given by leaving the same®with a grown-up person resid- ing on .the land or if the land is un- occupied by posting it in a conspic- uous place on the land. F. E. HARE, CITY CLERK (May2) Athol St. E. . Athol 8t. B. ..... Ballard St. Bloor St. E. ..... Cadillac Ave. S. .. Cadillac Ave. S. ........ Central Park Blvd. ..... Chadburn St. .......... . Chadburn St. .... Colborne St. E. Colborne St. E. Colborne St. E. Currie Ave, .... Drew St. Eldon Ave. Blgin St. B. ...oii0es00 Elliott Ave. Eulalie Ave. First Ave. Gliddon Ave. Gliddon Ave. Hibbert Ave, Highland Ave. . Highland Ave. ... Hillside Ave Mill St. Monash Ave. Richmond St E. ... Ritson Rd. 8. .... Ritson Rd. 8. .... Third Ave. . Willingdon St. S. .. Wilson Rd. S, Park Ave CEEET ETT RRR TREY R RRS 2 4 PX TL \ Oshawa Blvd. ...... PEER T EI LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS ..E. Limit Lot C-14, Sheet 12, Mun. Plan to W. Limit Lot C-13, Sheet 12, Mun. Plan. ..87.5' W. of E. Limit Lot Reserve, Plan 141 to 111.5' E. of W. Limit Lot 2, Plan 142 .. Willingdon St. S. to W. Limit Lot 4, Plan 427 .. Willingdon St. 8. to Chadburn St. Block A, Plan 238 200° E. of W. Limit Block A, Plan 258 to 32687' E. of W. Limit Drew St. ......vveesescsssssssssacsscnncssss Stacey Ave, to S. Limit Lot 445, Plan 148 ..Stacey Ave. to 8. Limit Lot 444, Plan 145 ..James St. to W. Limit Lot 467, Plan 145 severe rees Oshawa Blvd. to Roxborough Ave. .«W. Limit Lot 26, Plan 168 to E. Limit Lot 27, Plan 168 ..Cadillac Ave. S. to LaSalle Ave. ..Ritson Rd. 8. to Drew St. .. Willingdon St. S. to W. Limit Lot 31, Plan 427 ..Verdun Rd. to Chadburn St. ..Park Rd. S. to 188' E. of W. Limit Lot C-2, Sheet 24, Mun. Plan ..Eulalie Ave. to S. Limit Lot 80, Plan 305 ..Eulalie Ave. to S. Limit Lot 111, Plan 305 ..Lorraine 8t. to 171.50" W. of E. Limit Lot 9, Plan 62 .St. Lawrence St. to 87" W. of E. Limit Lot C-16, Sheet 22, Mun. Plan ..Ritson Rd: S. to 12' E. of W. Limit Lot 42, Plan 258 ..Alice St. to N. Limit Lot 187, Plan 150 .Luke St. to Cadillac Ave. N. ..105' 8. of N. Limit Lot C-3, Sheet 26, Mun. Plan to 8. Limit Lot C-8, Sheet 26, Mun. Plan ..Annis St. to Conant St. ..First Ave. to Beatty Ave. .. Beatty Ave, to George St. .Howard St. to Drew St. Athol St. E. to Gliddon Ave. ..Eulalie Ave. to S. Limit Lot 42, Plan 305 Drew St. to. Ritson Rd. S. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct as local improvements the following works and to especially assess lands abutting directly on such works, # Estimated i Total 'Cost part of the cost upon certaim &¥ Corporation's Share of Cost 5) 517.40 774.64 601.85 483.60 1,175.21 0 2,106.00 2,106.00 356.28 1,756.5 3 991.04 1,629.2 4 608.31 654.86 329.86 1919.45 1918.59 799.50 754.00 187.20 647.40 1,739.92 870.69 827.24 504.40 1,677.00 1,677.00 327.60 832.00 855.40 2,779.40 696.28 4,538.09 1,174.1 1,508.00 1977.04 605.02 1,804.45 1,781,00 1,750.89 ASPHALT PAVEMENTS FOR ARTERIAL STREETS The above costs are to be paid in ten annual instalments. Application will be made by the Corporation tp the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval to the undertaking of the said works, and any owner may within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice file with the Board his objection to the said work bemg undertaken. The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the said work will be considered. DATED AT OSHAWA THIS 2nd DAY OF MAY, 1951. PRE RA. 8. ,0 sericea isssonvrsvinnnss ......King St. W. to S. Limit Lot 3, Plan 248 151,740.75 46.80 579.15 500.31 449.88 427.16 319.15 430.95 430.95 90.68 229.61 412.75 975.65 37231 1,134.52 1 316.93 455.00 656.11 546.52 663.66 456.95 883.14 105,019.23 .F. E. HARE, Clerk.

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