» SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE NINE forse nse mey Sats CRA SATURDAY, APRIL 28 © 2:00 p.m.-- Oshawa City Soccer 7 Training. i or p.m.--Storie Park Neighbour- hood Association Bowling Banquet e Oshawa Airpor! mus p.m.--Bathe Park Neighbor- i hood Association Night of Cards at the Orange Hall "8:30 p.m.--Neighbourhood Associ- . ation square dance = Hosts: Bathe = Park. : ey A. Oars ay--Art EX! on, - In o Picasso" from the Toronto allery. A -- p.m.--Lions Club Rec. reation Room for the Blind open. 2.00-4.00 pin.--Leathereralt and working for adults. hv 91 Sh -- C.R.A. Schools Program -- leathercraft, shellcraft, girl' gym, girls' dancing, boys gym, boys' boxing, archery and woodworking for elementary school ren. i p.m.--Oshawa Central Ath- Club. Teo p.m.--Oshawa. Little Theatre Studio Club rehearsal--(The Val- t). 9.00 p.m. -- Woodworking for adults. West area leathercraft pro- gram at Thornton's Corner school. 7.30-9.30 p.n--East area leather- craft at Harmony School. 730 pm--CR.A. Program Com- mittee Meeting. 800 p.m.--Oshawa Radio Drama League rehearsal. Oshawa Little Theatre "John Loves Mary" re- hearsal at O.C.CI North Shore Radio Club Executive Meeting. 9.00 p.m. --Community Stage of the Air presents, "The Sire de Maltroit's Door," directed by Don Dulmage. CKLB 1240 on your dial. 9.00-11.00 pm.--Blind Club Bowl- ing at Mayfair Alleys. Tuesday, May 1 All day--Art Exhibition, "Cera- mics by Picasso" from the Toronto Art Gallery. 9.00 am.-9.00 pm. -- Lions Club Recreation Room for the Blind open. + OF 00-400 p.m.--Leathercraft and woodworking for adults. 400-530 pm, -- CR.A. Schools Program -- leathercraft, shellcraft, girls' gym, girls' dancing, boys' gym, boys' boxing, archery and woodworking for elementary school children, 6.30 p.m.--West area program at CAS. building. 7.00-9.00 p.m --Woodworking for adults, CR.A. Girls' Athletic Club. West area leathercraft program at Westmount School. 7.00 p.m.--Children's Theatre of the Air rehearsal. . 800 pm. -- Oshawa Chapter, ° SPEBSQSA. Sunnyside Neigh- borhood Association Bingo in Sun- nyside parkhouse. Oshawa Little * Theatre "John Loves Mary" re- hearsal at O.C.C.I. Neighborhood Association Sports Committee Meeting. i Wednesday, May 2 All day--Art Exhibition, "Cera- mics by Picasso" from the Toronto Art Gallery. 9.00 am.-400 p.m.--Leathercraft ** and woodworking for adults. 1 2.00 p.m.--Sunnyside Park Ladies' Auxiliary Bingo in Sunnyside park- house. 4.00-530 pm. -- C.R.A. Schools Program -- leafhercraft, shellcraft, girls' gym, girls' dancing, boys' gym, boys' boxing, archery and woodworking for elementary school children. , 4.15-5.15 p.m.--Oshawa Children's Theatre ballet classes under the instruttion of the Volkoff School of the Ballet for under eight's. 5.15-6.15 p.m.--Oshawa Children's Theatre. ballet classes under the instruction of the Volkoff School of the Ballet for under 11's. 6.30 p.m.--West area program at C.A.S. building. 7.00-8.00 p.m~--Oshawa Children's |' Theatre ballet classes under the instruction of the Volkoff School of the Ballet, for over 11's. 7.00-9.00 p.m.--Woodworking and leathercraft for adults, West area boxing program at Thornton's Cor- ner Schol. 7.00 p.m.--Oshawa letic Club. 7.30 p.m. --Oshawa Little Theatre Studio Club meeting. wa Little Theatre Studio Club rehear- sals: "The Dear Departed" and "They Refuse to be Resurrected." 800 p.m --Central Council of Neighborhood Associations Meeting. Central Ath- Increase Price Of Cut Tobacco Montreal, April 27 --(CP)-- Edward C. Wood, president of result of the budget tax increases April 10. He said the increase is on stock manufactured on or before April 10 and therefore is subject to the higher excise taxes of the budget. He also announced that when this stock is "new sizes (of packages) will be in- troduced." He gave no further details. A package of cut tobacco presently sells for 25 cents. BIG SCHOOL The Belfast College of Tech- nology, one of the world's great technical schools, provides for more than 8,000 students: Saturday, April 28 All Day--Harvey Dance Academy. 9:00 p.m.--Over-20 Club Dance. All Day--Exhibition of oils .and watercolors--Whitby Art Group. Sunday, April 29 3-5 pm. and 7-10 p.m.--Art Ex- hibit and Library a ilable. MONDAY, APRIL 30 9:30 am. -- Morning Nursery -- program of table work, singing, games, rhythmical dancing, for the preschool child. 9:30 a.m. -- Craft Shop -- weav- ing, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, etc. 1:30 pm. -- Craft Shop -- weav- ing, etc. 7:30 pm. -- Y-Ette Club. 7:30 pm. -- Ballroom Dancing Class -- under the direction of Mr. J. Cluff. 8:30 pm. -- Ballroom Dancing Class -- under the direction of Mr. J. Cluff. All day -- Exhibition of oils and watercolors -- Whitby Art Group. TUESDAY, MAY 1 9:30 a.m. -- Morning Nursery -- program of table work, singing, games, rhythmical dancing, for the preschool child. 1:30-6 p.m. -- Craft Shop weaving, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, etc. 7:00 p.m. -- Kinnette Club. 7-10 pm. -- Craft Shop -- weav- ing, etc. 7:30 p.m. -- Keep-Fit Class. 8:00 p.m. Rendezvous-Club 8:15 p.m. -- Keep-Fit Class. All day -- Exhibition of oils and watercolors -- Whitby Art Group. WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 9:30 a.m. -- Morning Nursery -- program of table work, singing, games, rhythmical dancing, for the preschool child. 1:30 p.m. -- Craft Shop -- weav- ing, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, etc. 4-7 pm. -- Harvey Dance Aca- demy. 7-10 pm. Craft Shop metalcraft only. 7:30 pm, -- Meeting. 8:00 p.m. -- Ballroom Dancing -- under direction of Mr. J. Cluff. 8:00 p.m. -- Federation of Women Teachers' meeting. All day -- Exhibition of oils and watercolors -- Whitby Art Group. Book Brantfordite For Manslaughter Oakville, April 27 --(CP)-- Leo Marion, 18, of Brantford, Thurs- day was' committed for trial on a charge of manslaughter in the death of two passengers in his automobile $n the Queen Elizabeth way April Kiwanis Director's Lois Young, 19, and Donna Har- ris, 16, both of Brantford, were kil- led and two other passengers were injured when Marion's car collided with a parked truck. Look at Your UPHOLSTERY . . Everyone Else Does! , Our new modern equipment cleans upholstery better, faster, 'and_ for less money than any other method we know. Fabric life is renewed. Original col. ors restored! Dirt disappears like magic. Call us for a FREE Estimate. There is no _ charge or obligation, Really Cleans Clean) Makes Upholstery LOOK LIKE NEW Work done at our plant, or in your home. If done at your home, in most cases, our meth. ods enable you to use your fur- niture same day. Satisfaction guaranteed ! DIAL 5-0433 NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS 174 MARY ST. COMMUNITY, INC. ACTIVITIES (These Are Red Feather Community Services) Saturday, April 28th 9-12 noon Speech Training Classes. 9-12 noon, Plano Lessons. 9-5:30 p.m, "Accordion Lessons. 9-12 noon Public Library--Chil- dren's Dept. ~ 9:30-11:00 a.m. Library Club, 10:00 am.-noon Open House-- girls all ages--art, crafts, music appreciation. 10 am.-noon Boys' Second Aid Club--boys, 6-10 yrs. 11:00 a.m. Story Hour. Monday, April 30th 9-11:30 a.m.--Nursery School, 5- year-olds, organized group games, story and music period, craft work. 3:30-5:30 p.m.--Melody Group, all Girls' Clubs, singing, ballroom danc- ing, square dancing. Indian Chief Club, boys, 6-8 years, woodworking, game:, ringers, sports. Public Lib- rary--Childrens' Dept. 7:00 p.m.--Radio Building Club-- boys all ages. : 7:30 p.m--PFirst Aid Course for men and women--S5th Lecture. Tuesday, May 1st 9-11:30 a.m. Nursery School--4 year olds--organized group games, story and music period, craft work. 3:30-5:30 p.m.--White Eagle Club --boys, 9-11 years--archery. Handi- craft Group--all Girls' Club--all types of arts and crafts. Public Library--Childrens' Dept. 4:00 p.m.--Piano Lessons. 7:00 p.m~--Sports Club--boys all ages. AJ Wednesday, May 2nd 9:00-11:30 a.m.--Nursery School-- 5 year olds--Organized group games, story and music period, craft work. 3:30-5:30 p.m.--Black Hawk Club --boys 12 years and over--wood- working, games, sports, woodburn- 4:00 p.m.--Piano Lessons, 7:00 p.m. --Junior First Aid Course for boys. 7:00 p.m~--Girls' Teenage Club-- | Building Active In Harmony Area MRS. K. R. FLETCHER Correspondent Harmony, April 26 -- New resi dents of this community to whom a warm welcome is extended are Mr. and Mrs, William Masulka, sons Ronnie and David. Mr. Masulka, who operates a gravel and haulage 4 business, bought the property of Mr. Reg. Luke on the Kingston Rd. East, some months ago and moved in just lately. It is expected that Mr. and Mrs. Luke will be able to move into their new home, which will be built for them by Mr. Wm. Ridgely, late this summer, There is a great deal of building going on in this area. The basement for one new home on Harmony Rd. South, is being put in, while sev eral new homes are in various stages of construction on Hart's Hill, Kingston Rd. East. Next regular monthly meeting of the Willing Workers, will be held at the school Wednesday evening, May 2nd. Friends and former neighbors of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Rae and fam- business meeting, choral singing, ballroom dancing. ily, Burlington, were pleased to see them on Sunday when they drop- ped in for a visit. Local fishermen, who have eager- ly awaited "opening day" this com- ing Saturday, April 28th, and will be out bright and early in the morning, are hoping for a break in the weather. A day of warm sun- shine would certainly be most wel- come to all A glimpse of some of the hard- ships experienced by many unfor- tunate people living in flooded areas near the St. Lawrence River was seen by a group of Harmony ladies: Mrs. Gordon Bunker, Mrs. Frank Fleury, Mrs. Howard Stacey, Mrs. Reg. Luke and Mrs. Sid. Baldwin, who returned home Sunday night from a motor trip to Quebec. The trip was taken to enable this group to be present at the 25th wedding anniversary party held in honor of their sister, (and aunt of Mrs. Baldwin), and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Neilson McBain, Lor- retteville, Que. Over one hundred and sixty-five, of an anticipated number of two hundred and fifty, attended the event which was held in the Val- cartier Ski Lodge. Presentations to the happy couple, who were showered with congratu- lations, included flatware, silver pleces, money, flowers, and many other items. The event will be one long remem- Ottawa Asks More Orders From States Ottawa, April 28 --(CP)-- Cane ada will launch a drive to get more United States defence orders as a means of overcoming a worrisome trade deficit, trade officials sald here. The deficit, balance of imports over exports, has claimbed to al- most $125,000,000 for the first three months of 1951, the highest in history. Experts, deeply concerned over this trade pattern, said one reason for it is that Canada is not getting bered by all who were present, and especially to the members of the "Greentree Clan." The next Teen-dance will be held at the school on Friday, May 11th, this week's dance having been can- celled. Mr. Nathan Wagar has been on a business trip in Ottawa this week. Chris. Willoughby is getting along nicely after a recent operation, also Marshall Whattam, after a slight eye operation. , as much defence business from the Unita tes as had been expect- "We can handle more contracts for guns, electronics, aircraft and ammunition," one official = said. "The United States has given us some contracts, but they are not enough." Seriousness of deficit was pointed added, at meeting: of the ocontinuing up, the official a recent Washington lar the U.S. government is spend- ing for 'defence contracts in Can- a, Canada is spending sbout $8 in the US. ' MAKES FAST TIME I] ap ronto, am» (OP) a an-| t jet-prope hter arrived at Malton Friday, one hour and five utes after taking off from Minneapolis 700 miles west of here. The fighter, an Orenda-powered Sabre, was piloted by Lieut. James Nash of Sious City, Iowa, a member of the United States Army Air Force. Cnamnpolilon ~~ BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES / NORTH OSHAWA -- PHONE 3-4675 'WILLIAMS MOTOR SALES PORT PERRY -- PHONE 74