® stsgsane nas FERER YROON STEERER IRERS I FEDREEDEDENo SEER ERDAS prsgaIean EBER BER RERT ATRERS : i : i i : FERRARA PAL NNER AN FN RIGA NRL PSU OES RR SUPER E NACL REEF TER ERR BANS FSR LAT SEERY BEY WERE yieeme Dang! IL BRE ERR . ment control. PAGE YEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1984 Canada Clamping Controls On Newsprint Production To Allocate World Supply Ottawa, April 19 (CP)----Canada, the world clamoring for her news- print, took an initial step Wednes- day to prepare for a more balanced international distribution of her huge production. ! In a move unprecedented in peacetime, newsprint and mechani- cal and chemical pulps were declar- ed essential materials. The defence production department was empow- ered to bring 'them under govern- R. M. Fowler, 45-year-old. presi- dent of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, was named di- rector of a newly-formed depart- mental branch which will have authority to regulate and control exports. F. L. Mitchell, 55, and J. M. Smith, 29, will join him in the new branch. Mr. Mitchell was deputy pulp and paper co-ordinator in the Second World War. A . 10-nation international pulp and paper committee now is being set up in Washington. Canada wilx be a member of that group, part of an International Ma- terials Conference considering em- ergency allocation of materials to meet the needs of rearming demo- cracies. However, officials pointed out that any recommendation by this committee to rechannel Canadian supplies likely will be at the expense of United States customers. Canada, which produced approx- imately 5,275,000 tons of newsprint last year, likely will boost produc- tion slightly this year, bringing her output to the highest level in his- tory. But it still won't be sufficient to meet all the demand. And, experts say, cutting .of pulpwood has just about reached its peak. The news- print industry soon may be reach- ing the limit in its expansion. If there is to be any redistribu- tion of Canadian supplies, it will have to be through U.S. agreement to accept reduced supplies. Another significant development is the possibility that the U.S. may put a price ceiling on climbing newsprint prices. This could be getrimental to Canadian news- t interests. If the price gets out of hand, the Canadian government will have power to invoke price ceilings of its own. Kinsale Man In Toronto Wedding MRS. J. NEWPORT Correspondent Kinsale, April 19--The dance on Friday night was well attended. Those present had a very enjoyable evening. A pretty wedding took place in Toronto on Saturday, at St. Lau- rence Anglican Church when Eve- lyn Noreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Harris became the bride of Howard Arthur, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stell, Kinsale, The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. E. Clifford. Mr. H. Phillips presided at the organ. The bride wore starched Pale Blue Organdie over taffeta, small matching hat and a corsage of red roses. She was attended by Miss Gwen MacDonald who wore a white silk dress with black trim, small black hat and corsage of red roses. Mr. Gordon Stell was best man for his brother. Following the ceremony a recep- tion, for the immediate relatives, and a few close friends was held at the home of the bride's parents, When the bride's mother received the guests, she wore a black and green dress, black hat and corsage of pink carnations. The groom's mother had chosen & black figured silk jtrsey dress Skinmymen, women gain5,10,151bs. (Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor © longer scrawny; body loses half-starved, sickly "'besn-pole'" 1 fore, are mow proud of shapely, healthy-looking bodies. thank for normal weight, Costs little, New "'get acquainted'" size only 600, Try famous Ostrex Tonio Tablets for new o- with black hat. She also wore deep pink carnations. Later the young couple left on a short honeymoon to northern points and on their return, they will reside in Toronto. i The many friends of Mrs, Arch Bunker will be sorry to hear that she is in the Oshawa General Hos- pital. We wish her a successful operation and a speedy recovery, Mrs. Jack Hooker and daughter Nancy are home from the hospital. Both are doing very well. Mrs, Violet Pilkey of Toronto was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Parkin, Mr and Mrs. Charles Rate of Fairport Beach were Saturday callers of Mr. and Mrs. J. Newport. Mr, and Mrs. Anson Balson of Richmond Hill spent the weekend with their daughter Mrs. Jack Hooker, and a peek at their granddaughter. Some very nice Jersey cows of Mr. Arch Bunker were recently sold and are being shipped to Miami, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Cowling of Hamilton were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al Hobden. Mrs. J. Johnstone, Gary and Carol spent Saturday with the children's Great Grandmother, Mrs. Eva Johnstone of Toronto, Mr. Dave Hockaday will be tra- velling down east this week on business. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Al Hobden were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brougham, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Tay- lor of Oshawa. Master Andrew Stuart is quite sick with the measles, we wish him a speedy return to health. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Stell, Mr. Gordon Stell and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hooker attended the Stell- Harris wedding on Saturday in To- ronto. Mr, and Mrs. Len Stephenson of Enfield were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Keith Hobden. Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Elliott and son John, Mrs, Gordon Barker and daughter Cheryl of Oshawa were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hooker, MacArthur. First Test of Agreement Lieut.-General James A. Van Fleet, the new commander of the 8th U.S. Army, bends forward as he answers questions thrown to him by members of the press upon his arrival at Haneda air force base in Tokyo, Japan. Van Fleet replaces Ridgeway, who in turn replaces the dismissed Gen. --<Central Press Canadian. POLICE CONTRACT "Weyburn, Sask, -- (CP) -- City council has" authorized a new one- year contract with the Royal Ca- nadian Mounted Police to police the city. The agreement calls for six men instead of five as previous- ly, with the cost to the city at $1,- 400. for each man. ALASKA DISCOVERER 0 ---- Alaska was. discovered in 1741 by Vitus Bering, a Dane employed by Russia who had explored Bering Strait a few years previously. SATURDAY! = THE Stardusters Admission $2.50. Per Couple Dancing 9 to 12 fee CZ Sider HANDY HELPER Vanscoy, Sask. -- (CP)--O. E. Allen has been telephone operator here for 32 years. On the side he runs a free labor exchange during harvest time. Farmers simply teléphone in their requirements for harvest help. LIVE LOBSTERS First attempt to ship live lob- sters was made from Nova Scotia to the Boston market in 1872. "- THEATRE OPENING a ad 2 Miles West on the Double Lane Highway NEVER TOO OLD Fergus, Ont, -- (CP )-- Mrs. James Skeoch, '84, who "just got tired of knitting and sewing," has started painting. After four weeks' lessons in a recemtly-formed art class she is doing good work and eager for new things to try. AUDUBON CENTENARY John James Audubon, celebrated naturalist and painter of birds, died in 1851. CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer HORIZONTAL 47. Basilica of] 1. variety of", Roman - 4 © cathedral 60. Turkish decree 51. forest tree 52. marble 54. cyprinoid fish | 55. piece out 56. theater boxes $7. doze VERTICAL), "u," pishop's" . fiche, fi lettuce 4. declaim \ 9. beaded moisture | 12. eggs 13. eats dinner 14. masculing name 15. whitened 17. bed canopies |19. escapes 21. come together 2 slightly(4 elliptical , menus f;. greeted €l '10. mistake t. more unique; 11. had been 5. New Eng." 16. redact vs Jand state 18. lacerate, /(abbr.)" 20. Spanish "8. insect 7 gentleman {7. abound 23. lateral 8. ancient' boundaries & : 125. loyal * Jewish 26. royal house 'ascetics of England, 9. restricted 22. wearies 24. disagreeable b| 27. root vegetable 29. river in Africa 31. international language .32. finish 33. mineral veing 34. mongrel 35. near 36. legendary | * nymph"; 37.peep A 38, refute _* 40. bookbinding * material 42. god of war ;* 44. official "~lists of ." vigor and added ds, this h verz day, a4 i usin candidates) Answer to yesterday's puzzle. Average time of solution: 22 minutes. \ Distributed by King Features Syndicate ~ sie' 27. SUStain 28. grafted (her.) 30. class 33. word for wo 34. positive 36. infallible 37. fleshy fruit 39. wash 41. folds 43. farinaceous food 45. Icelandic literature 46. percolate 47. former New Guinea base 48. inquire 49. find fault ( continually' . symbol for ~ tellurium SPECIAL SUMMER RESORT INFORMATION may be yours by consulting The CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PAGES of The TIMES -GAZETTE Today and every Thursday through the summer months. SEE THE VACATION SUGGESTION FOLDERS ON DISPLAY AT OUR OFFICE The CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE NOW pLAYING fearful killer who ever 1 stalked more deadly than a gun... it STRATEGY FOR VICTORY Cr . " Sa SB as ROBERT L. LIPPERT "8 SHE DEFIED THE LAW 0 ""BANDIT Willard Parker @ Barbara HELD OVER! TEEL «..0f COURAGE IN ComBaT! Added Thrill Hit! Starring THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ed F GREED AND GUNS! QUEEN" Britton @ Philip Reed ORDION MUNDINGER ACCORDION BAND Central Collegiate AUDITORIUM Friday, April 20 at 8:15 p.m. ADMISSION 50: Proceeds in aid of Women's Welfare League "A Program the Whole Family will Enjoy" Featuring the Building Fund CONCERT! Regent--"At War With The Army", 1.30, 3.0, 5.20, 7.25, 9.30. Last complete show, 9.30. | Marks -- "Steel Helmet" -- 2.10, 4.50, 7.25, 10.25. "Bandit Queen" -- 1.00, 335 6.10, 850. Last complete show, 8.50 p.m. Plaza -- "The 13th Letter," 1:30, 3:33, 5:36, 7:39 and 9:42 p.m. Last show at 9:03 p.m. Biltmore -- "Rocketship", 1:00, 3:09, 5:22, 7:31 and 9:52 p.m. "Mars Attacks the World," 2:00, 4:13, 6:22, 8:43 and 10:52 pm. Last complete show at 9:52 p.m. The first training for a librar- ian in Canada was a summer course at McGill University in 1904. OSHAWA PUBLIC SCHOOLS 19th Annual MUSIC FESTIVAL ! 0.C.V.I. AUDITORIUM Tuesday May 8 8 p.m. BOX LUNCHES Delivered Anywhere In Oshawa on 2-Hour lotice! 25: ® 1 Sandwich ® Fruit ® Dessert a 35: 2 eo Sandwiches ® Dessert 50 * Sandoncs ® Fruit! ® Dessel nse ---- 40 2 © Sandwiches ® Fruit ® Dessert FREE DELIVERY SERVICE 8 AM. TO 6 P.M 102 'WILLIAM ST. E. Telephone 672-J ART'S BOX LUNCH OSHAVA IN THEIR NEWEST, MOST HILARIOUS HIT! NOVELTOON IN COLOR "CINEMATOGRAPHER" LATEST WORLD FEATURE TODAY AT... 1.30-3.30-5.20-7.25-9.30 A Paramount Picture SMOKE ~ me LOGES V {LULA A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE ) ) SEA HARD BOILED HEROES OF LAND AND .... HEADING FOR TROUBLE ON THE FAR-FLUNG SHORES 0F THE WORLD! HAVE LANDED : JIMMY ELLISON « JAMES BURKE - J. CARROL NAISH BILTMORE Last Day ROCKET SHIP ial MARS ATTACKS THE WORLD.