PAGE EICHT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1951 ~. OF INTEREST TO MARGARET HART GROUP The March meeting of the Mar- garet Hart Group of St. George's Anglican Church Women's Guild was held at the home of Mrs. J. J. Burns, Connaught Street. The president, Mrs. S. T. Hop- kins, presided and the secretary's and treasurer's reports were read by Mrs. Angus Macdonald and Mrs. Harold Armstrong. The main items of business were plans for a Rummage Sale in the Parish Hall, Centre Street, on April 24, and a tea to be held at the home of Mrs. Edward Robson, Simcoe Street North, on Wednesday, May 30. Mrs. E. G. Higgins, Mrs. Hayden MacDonald and Mrs. 8. T. Hopkins assisted the hostess' in serving tea. N. OSHAWA H. AND S. ASSN. The Rev. W. P. Whiteley was guest speaker at the Father's Night meeting of the North Oshawa Home and School Association. He spoke on "Aims in Religious Educa- tion." Mrs. Whiteley was guest soloist. Mrs, David Hutcheon, president, presided. Mrs. Roy Bishop report- ed a profit of $121.12 on the euchres held every two weeks during the fall and winter. Mr. Frank Ross, principal, announced a music fes- tival will be held on Friday, May 11. Mr. Frank Ross and Mr. Carmen Waters were appointed as auditors. Mrs. Hutcheon requested all con- veners and special conveners to have their reports ready for the annual meeting in May. Miss Leona Stainton's room won the room prize for the month. Re- freshments were served by Mrs. Berwin Adams, assisted by the mothers of the pupils of Room 7. MARY STREET H. & S. ASSN. Interesting reports of the 32nd annual convention held recently at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, were given at the April meeting of Mary Street Home and School Associa- tion. The delegates were Mrs, Bert Montgomery, Mrs. Harold Wright, Mrs. Percy Fletcher, Mrs. George Hamilton, Mrs. Harold Donald and Mrs. C. M. McLean. It was decided to hold a rummage sale on April 27, with prizes to be given to the pupils in the room bringing most rummage. An article on "Citizenship" was read by Mr. Elmer Randall, citizenship convener. A letter was read from Grade VIII pupils thanking the Home and School Association for making it possible for them to go to Toronto recently, where they visited the Museum, Happy Gang, and House of Parliament, Several contests, with prizes awarded to the winners, were en- joyed. Refreshments were served by mothers of Grade II pupils. ALICE JACKSON AUX. The Alice Jackson Evening Auxili- ary of King Street United Church held its April meeting last Tuesday. The C.G.LT. girls conducted their regular meeting under the leader- ship of Miss Jean Battle. Stories of Japan were told and pencils for Japanese school children were col- lected by the Service Seekers. A candle lighting re-affiliation ser- vice was conducted by Miss Jean Battle and the C.GIT. girls with Mrs. Walter Ritzie representing the Auxiliary. World friendship insignia were presented to the girls by Mrs. George Werry. The theme of the worship ser- vice, "Recruiting for full-time ser- vice in the church," was conducted by the North Group under the leadership of Mrs. Merton Walter. The scripture was read by Mrs. J. Peaker and a poem "To My Son," by Mrs. Chester Robinson. Prayers were offered by Mrs. C. MacPher- son, Mrs. B. Brown and Mrs. C. Powell. A highlight of the evening was the presentation of a W.M.S. Life Membership certificate to Mrs. Meridith Moffatt by Mrs. Clifford Staples. The busjness was conduct- ed by Mrs. George Werry, president, and plans for the Rummage Sale were di d. Refr| ts were served by the North Group. VALLEYVIEW PARK AUX. The regular meeting of Valley- view Park Ladies' Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Pascoe on Thursday evening. The retiring President, Mrs. William Manuel, opened the meeting and after the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting the newly elected President Mrs. D. Hopps, presided. . Mrs. Charles Silver was chosen as press reporter; Social Convener, Mrs. G. L. Brown with Mrs. J. F. Britton and Mrs, Ace. Abbott as as- sistants; Sports Conveners, Mrs. R. Norris and Mrs, O. Dingman. The Dresden Plate quilt which was recently completed was dis- played and it was decided that the draw for such be held on May 24. It was voted that a coffee urn be purchased for the use of the auxi- liary at the Club House. It was also decided that a rummage sale be held in King Street United Church on Wednesday, April 11. DECORATIVE NOTE London -- (CP) -- Residents of -London's Lambeth Walk will be given 1,000 packages of seed with which to plant window-boxes, im- proving appearance of the streets for the 1951 Festival of Britain. + SHESTERFIELDS EB ERs TORT FURNITURE WF. co. 315 Celine St. Phone 2864M \ 10th Guides-Brownies Entertain Mothers Tenth Guide Company and Brownie Pack held their Mother and Daugh- ter Banquet last Friday evening at Guide Hall, Despite the rain there was a good attendance. Captain Ivy Maddock asked the blessing. The 'head table was attractively decorated with yellow daffodils and candles. Head table guests were Captain Ivy Maddock, Territorial Guide Director of the Salvation Army Guides; Mrs. J. F . C. Kin- der, South District Commissioner; Miss Vera Moyse, Central District Commissioner; Mrs. Gilbert Dock- eray, 10th Guides-Brownies chap- lain; Mrs. Charles Langfield, Brown Owl; Mrs. D. McEachern, Captain; Mrs. A. Gladman, president of the Mothers' Auxiliary. After supper, Mr. Gordon Butler showed three films entitled "The Children of Switzerland," and "The Little King," and one showing the historical places of Canada and a comedy. Captain Maddock spoke briefly about the Brownies and Guides of other provinces she had visited. She told the Brownies and Guides to remember their promise at all times and to live daily by their promise and motto. She then pre- sented the following badges Golden Hands: Carol Edwards, Carol Coty, Barbara Halliday; Skaters badge: Carol Coty, Barbara Halliday, Frances Fymkel; Health badge: Carol Cook. Mrs. Langfield introduced the head table guests. Each spoke very briefly. The National Anthem was sung and Mrs. Dockeray closed in prayer. Victory Lodge LOBA Holds Anniversary To celebrate the 27th anniversary of Victory L.O.B.A. Lodge, on March 28, the members met at the Grand Cafe, where dinner was served. Later at the Orange Temple, the evening was spent playing bingo, with many prizes awarded. There was no regular meeting that even- ing. Refreshments were served by the committee, with a birthday cake adorning the centre of the table. Before the party drew to a close Worthy Mistress Ellen McIndless presented Sister Elda Howard with a white evening bag, a present from the members for her many years of faithful service as the recording secretary of the Victory Lodge. The members of Victory Lodge extends a speedy recovery to all sick members and to Sister Ann McNiven and Sister Ann Foote, who are now recovering from operations in the Oshawa General Hospital. The next social evening will be held at the home of Sister Elsie Duke, next Monday evening, SPRING TEA AND SALE The Junior Women's Association of Cedar Dale United Church had a successful tea and home cooking sale at the home of Mrs. A. E. Worsley, Gifford Street, on Wed- nesday afternoon. The many visit ors were welcomed by the president of the group, Mrs, H, C. Andrews. Mrs. C. H. Mathews presided at the tea table which was attractive with an arrangement of spring flowers. The tea assistants were Mrs. Ar- thur Pitman and Mrs. Lloyd Step- henson. The home cooking table was con- vened by Mrs. Ralph Boneham and. Mrs. Angus McLean, Classified ads are sure to pay -- Phone 35 with yours today They're Easy Here's some colorful embroidery to make linens so pretty! Put these motifs on towels, scarfs, pillowslips. There are two of each. ak Simple embroidery for your lin- ens! Pattern 7116 transfer 6 mo- tifs 6%x7 to 5%x13% inches, a Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps can- not be accepted) to (Name of Your Newspaper), Household Arts Dept., Address. Print plainly NAME, AD- DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. Needleworkers! Have you seen our 1951 Alice Brooks: Needlework catalog? Send Twenty-five cents for your copy today; ..Illustrations of patterns for crochet, knitting, embroidery, and other fascinating handwork. A Free Pattern is print- ed in the book. "| MacDonald OME HEU Accounts of social events and of visiters to and from the city are appreciated by the Social Department. TELEPHONE 3 Miss Lynn Reeve visited recently with Mrs. Leona Mollet, Arkwright. ob Mr, and Mrs. William Calder spent the week-end with friends in Grafton. * + + Messrs. Tony Presiosi and Lyle Walton spent the week-end in Cast- leton. Se ee Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Grigg, Simcoe Street North, are visiting relatives and friends in Paris, Ontario. * + + Mr. Paul Switzer visited recent- ly with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Harwood. LEE. SE Miss Edna Wilkinson, Centre Street, visited with her parents in Cobourg over the week-end. LE BR Mr. Ernie Searle visited recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. Searle, Domville, ' * + 0b Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kapteyn were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Bowles, Nestleton. * ob Mr. and Mrs. Jack Risebrough and family, Gliddon Avenue, visited recently with friends in Orillia. * + * Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Turner, Eloi Avenue, had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adair, Newcastle. * + Miss Mary Barlow and Miss Bar- bara Lockwood, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Bob Barlow, Castle- ton. * Fd Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Twitchett had as their guest recently, Mrs. W. J. Crossen, Baltimore, Ontario. LE IR Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Savery Carnegie Avenue, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn, Salem. * + + Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogden, Ritson Road South, have as their guests, Mrs, Ogden's mother, Mrs. James Stone, Newtonwille. * ob Miss Jean Hunter and Miss Fler- ence Kerr left last evening for Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, where they have accepted positions . at the General Hospital. Ld a Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Brown, Connaught Street, had as their guests recently, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson, Nestleton Station. LR Miss Etta Holmes, Simcoe Street South, is visiting her sister, Mrs. H.. Rowland and Mr. Rowland, Orono. LE J : Miss Shirley Porter and Miss Laura Gegley spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Porter, Orono. A JER Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Royal Street, had as their guests recently, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, Nestle- ton Station. * + + Mr. and Mr§. Frederick Hurren and family, Simcoe Street North, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Leighton, Cannington. * ob Mrs. Glen Hoskin and daughter, Darlene Hoskin, Miss Donna Glover, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Marshall Matz, Lake St. George. + + * Mr. and Mrs. John Payne and son David, Kingsdale Avenue, were recent guests of Mrs. Payne's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Dowsett, Crosby. * + » Mrs. David Kemlo is the con- vener for the draw for the cedar chest to be held at the bazaar for the Sunshine Rebekah Lodge at the Masonic Temple on April 12, [BE J 4 Mrs. Stanley Gales will preside at a meeting of the nominating committee of the North Simcoe Home and School Association to be held on Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs, Richard Bassett, Masson Street, * + + Mr. and Mrs. David H. Lander and baby son John, Simcoe Street North, spent the week-end with Mrs, Lander's parents, Captain and Mrs. Angus McKay, Owen Sound. Little Pat Lander has returned home with her parents after visit- ing with her grandparents, for Easter week. * + +» Mrs, Percy MacDonald of Pick- ering assisted at a reception at Beechwood Farm, Mitchell Square near Orillia, last week, when her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Storey, celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary. Against a background of beautiful Easter lilies and spring flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Storey received the good wishes of over 150 guests. They were assisted by their family of two daughters and three sons, Mrs Orten Crawford (Nellie), Mrs, Percy (Mina), Pickering; Wesley of Mitchell Square; David of Miami, Fla; Russell of Orillia and granddaughter, Miss Leslie Ann Storey of Mitchell Square. Guests were present from Miami, Fla., Grimsby, Hamilton, Milton, Toronto, Aurora, Barrie, Pickering, Gravenhurst, 'and surroundig dis: trict. Want to buy sell or trade? -- A classified ad and the deal is made. OSHAWA"S FINEST FUR STORAGE Phone 3566 FASHION VILLAGE 26 Simcoe South Last night at Simcoe Hall the Golden Age Club celebrated its second birthday. The Golden Jubilee Chapter, 1.0.D.E., arranged a party. Cut- ting the birthday cake are Mrs. S. A. Willson, regent of the Golden Jubilee Chapter, and Mrs, Charles Arkles, president of the Golden Age Club. --Times-Gazette Staff Photo. To Make Their Home In Oshawa MR. AND MRS. CHARLES A. CHURCHILL whose marriage was solemnized recently at the parsonage of Port Perry United Church. Formerly Miss Thelma Eileen Gerrow, the bride is the daughter ef Mr. and Mrs Stanley Gerrow, of Port Perry, and the bride- grocm is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Churchill, of Oshawa. --Photo by Hornsby Studio. "Whats the Good of a Birfday?"' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hallowell, Hogarth Street. is one year old today. is the granddaughter of Mr. Albert Reid, Oshawa, ||. and Mrs. Jack Gibson, Carbon, Alberta. 3 GLORIA MAY HALLOWELL Gloria, who --Photo by Hornsby Studio. 313 Albert St. OIL BURNERS GENERAL MOTORS "DELCO McCLARY SEAMLESS STEEL COAL eo COKE eo WOOD eo THE ROBERT DIXON "COAL" FURNACES FUEL OIL BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE Company Limited Telephone 262 Lodges. und Socioti SUNSHINE REBEKAH, No. 222 Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, No. 222, held its regular meeting in the | lodge rooms with a good attendance. Noble Grand Sister Ruth Leavitt was in the chair dssisted by Vice Grand Sister Wilma Wright. Fol- | lowing the opening ceremonies, the | honors of thé lodge were extended | to Sister Irene Willes, District | Disney, a Past President of the' Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, During the business session the annual report was read by Sister Mabel Parsons. Sister Wilma Wright | reported on the members who were | ill. Announcement was made that Sister Lena Pelow of Whitby was nominated for the position of Dis- trict Deputy President at the Dis- | trict meeting. An invitation was received from! the Queen of Sheba Rebekah Lodge, | Napanee, to confer the Rebekah ! Degree, It was decided to accept! the invitation. Sister Agnes Kemlo ' offered to arrange for bus transpor- | tation and the degree staff will! leave Oshawa at 5:30 p.m. on Mon- | day, April 23. Advice was received from a Hamilton Rebekah Lodge that they would confer the degree on the evening of April 16 which is also the birthday of Sunshine Lodge. It was decided to hold the birthday banquet at the close of lodge. Sister Emily Booth will con- vene the party assisted by several, of the lodge members. Special mention was made of the annual lodge bazaar which is to be held in the Masonic Temple on Thursday afternoon. April 12. Sis- ter Marie Elliott is the general con- vener. Sister Emily Booth will be in charge of the tea room; Sister Amber Werry the apron booth; Sis- ter Wilma Wright will convene the children's wear, and Sister Jennie Perry the fancy work; home cook- ing, Sister Anne Coakwell; candy, Sister Margaret Gray; country store, Sister Beatrice Chute; white elephant, Sister May Wood, and the cedar chest, Sister Agnes Kemlo, Sister Wilma Wilson, a February bride, was escorted to the center of the floor by the warden and pre- | sented with a gift of crystal from | the lodge, Noble Grand Sister Ruth Leavitt making the presentation. Degree staff members were re- | minded of the Degree practice on | April 17, at 7:30 p.m. in the lodge | rooms, Everyone Can Paint Says Art Teacher Montreal-- (CP) Mrs. Peter Douet, Montreal artist, says too many people are content to sit back and watch instead of developing their own talents. She told a women's group here that nearly everyone has some cre- ative talent. It perhaps only needs to be stirred up a bit. Mrs, Douet, who teaches art with her husband, said the Association for Physical and Health Education and Recrea- tion has found '"spectatoritis" on the increase and this is not good. An example, says Mrs. Douet, is one business man who attended a few of her art classes. He told her he never realized how much fun and relaxation there was in painting --and painting is one thing that just about everyone can do, she says. They don't have to be master painters. They can get plenty of satisfaction daubing away at a can- vas with their own creations. Lady Tweedsmuir Tackles New Job London, April 4--(CP) -- Lady Tweedsmuir, who already has her hands full with, politics and home- making, adds a third dimension to her career this month. She has joined a London public relations firm under the manage- ment of Alan Campbell-Johnson, a Liberal. Since Lady Tweedsmuir is a Conservative this will be a case of a working alliance for busi- ness purposes. Lady Tweedsmuir, 36, is regarded as one of the most photogenic members of the House of Com- mons. She is the wife of Lord Tweedsmuir, son of a former Cana- dian governor-general and one of the Conservative party's experts on Colonial affairs. The couple has three daughters, including two by Lady Tweeds- muir's first marriage to Sir Arthur Grant, who was killed in the sec- ond world war. The Tweedsmuirs recently visit- ed Canada and the United" States. The Union of Soviet Socialist Re- publics is the largest country in the world, estimated area 8,524,000 sq. miles, New, sense-stirring White Magnolia Cologne by HELENA RUBINSTEIN Surrounds you with the heady white magic of charmed magnolia gardens! $1.50 4 $9.50 Deputy President and Sister Mabel | i | seven-week holiday in Florida. They JURY and LOVELL 8 King E. 530 Simcoe S. Ph. 28 Ph. 68 Enjoying the Sun Mr. and Mrs. William Riznek of Courtice returned last week from a visited Miami and many other tourist centres while on their trip which they thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish. Mr. Riznek is 'snap- ped' with friends. Golden Jubilee Chapt. Holds Birthday Party For Golden Age Club A singsong conducted by Mr. Matthew Gouldburn opened the celebration of the second Birthday Party for the Golden Age Club at Simcoe Hall last evening. Mes. A. E. Johnston, Mrs, S. T. Hepkins, Mrs Earl Parry and Mrs. A Ballantyne of the Golden Jubilee Chapter, I. O. D. E. were instru- mental in arranging an evening of delightful entertainment for the group. Mrs. E. G. Storie contributed to the program by singing a number of favorite songs and Mr. Gouldburn captivated the audience with several piano selections. The Golden Age Club members | j continued to show their appreciation rJack Renwick, Mrs. District Meeting Held By Rebekah Lodges The district meeting of Rebekah Lodges was held in the local lodge rooms with District Deputy Presi= dent Sister Irene Willes presiding and conducting the business. One of the highlights of the meeting was the nomination of Sister Lena Pelow of Whitby for the position of District Deputy President for the ensuing term. Representatives from Whitby, Brougham and Pickering Rebekah Lodges were present. Following the regular district business, the meeting was open to other lodge. members. A lodge con- test was arranged, the prize being awarded to Brooklin lodge. A banquet, convened by Sister Margaret Gray and Sister Greta Drinkle of Sunshine Lodge, was served in the lodge dining hall. The tables were attractive with stream- ers in the Rebekah colors of pink and green, and bouquets of carna- tions and daffodils. The flowers were later presented to Sister Mabel Disney, a past president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario. EVENING BRIDGE A very successful bridge was held on Wednesday in the Parish Hall of Christ Memorial Church by the ladies of the Afternoon Guild. The many guests were welcomed by the president, Mrs. Avera Taylor, and Mrs. H, D. Cleverdon, Mrs. J. W. Dean was ticket cone vener and others assisting were Mrs. Gordon Summers, Mrs. H. P, Bull, Mrs, Philip Phillips. Mrs. Are thur Barton, Mrs. W. R. Elliott and Mrs. T. H. Murphy. Lucky prize winners were, Mrs. Lief Bangsboll, Mrs. James Bor- rowdale, Mrs. W, G. Corben, Miss Mary Cox, Mrs. Ivor Davies, Miss Gwynneth Dowling, Mrs. B. Halli- day, Mrs. Thomas Hopkins, Mrs, Frank Sime mons, Mrs. James Scarrow and Mrs. H. Wallace, when the Barber Shop quartette ! known as the "Dulcitones" pleted the musical program, Following this there was a show- | ing of films entitled "The Royal! African Tour" and "The Royal! Wedding." The fina'e of the evening was the presentation of a crokinvle board! and a gavel by Mrs. S. A, Willson, ' Regent of Golden Jubilee Chapter, | to Mrs. Charles Arkle, president of | the Golden Age Club. A birthday cake decorated in yel- low and green highlighted the lunch. | Among the guests were Mrs. R. G. Mills, president of the Women's Welfare League, Mrs. A. W. Smith and Mrs. T. K. Creighton com- Woman Photographer Films Regina Hockey Regina -- (CP) -- Photography used to be the hobby of Ontario- raised Sue Spencer. Now she earns her living as a photographer and script writer in New York. Miss Spencer is visiting Regina to make a movie short of juvenile hockey activities here. The vivacious young brunette was born in Midland, Ont, and went to school in Belleville. Her first job | was as a reservation clerk in a Toronto airlines office. Later she | went to an airline job in New York. | Through introductions of a friend she entered commercial photog- | raphy, working first with an adver- | tising and fashion studio and doing | free lance work on the side. In her present job she co-ordin- | ates motion pictures with stills, | does a lot of script writing and | spends. a good deal of time in the | dark room printing and developing. This is her second trip to West- ern Canada with her present firm (Sinclair Associates). The first was an assignment to take shots of ski- ing' in Banff and of the British Columbia coast range. While taking the hockey shots she froze her nose. It wasn't the March cold spell, she explained, but "that view-finder.," The metal equipment gets pretty cold out- doors "and when you have to keep your face pressed against it for some time -- well . .." HOUSEHOLD HINT Paint your radiators with oil paint if you want to get the most heat from them, {gn oo o One o Stunning style o Gyromatic pic COLVIN ELECTRIC Phone 1092 339 Simcoe St., South a Jiamb on your clothes. . but a +3 Bear for dirt! & Everybody's singing the prais 's N ~» es of the new Coffield--the washer that does your week's washing in less than an hour--with white clothes whiter and colours brighter than any wash you've ever had before. Come in and see the new Coffield Washers with the "push-pull" wringer WASHING MACHINES McLAUGHLIN'S APPLIANCES 104 KING ST. W. allowanc PHONE 1246 e-