" pis A ce AAR. I 3443 SEVENTEEN FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1951 pe i "th { ' HH I HHT Hii t ik il Hl Il i i I | il i il! { i ii i | { gil | ft vo : he | | 32--Automobiles for Sale These low priced used cars 32--Automobiles for Sale 50 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, GREY | metallic, like new. Apply 62 LaSalle Ave, Phone 4004-J. " (T8c) | "47 CHEV. COACH, HEATER, DE-| froster, fog light, low mileage; ex- | cellent condition. Apply 15 Colborne East. (79¢) 51 1-TON PICK-UP, 3,500 MILES, good as new. Farmall cub tractor, | used one season, plow and cultiva- | tor, Phone 2829M1. (79d) | AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE--3RD party liability, collision, fire, theft, | radio, reimbursement, miscellaneous | coverages. Murdoch Insurance, 12% | Simcoe Street S. (A13) | FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors, New and used cars. Phone 5505; eve- | nings 1463-J. (M3) KE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION AND shock absorber service. Call Morey's Garage at 657 for complete front end service, and immediate installa. tion. (M7) | ATTENTION AUTOMOBILE OWN- ers. Your car upholstery beautifully cleaned, modern electric machines Nu-Way Rug and Upholstery Clean- | ers. Phone 4803. 771) | '49 MONARCH SPECIAL SEDAN, fully equipped, white walls, low mileage, perfect shape. Best offer. Apply 329 Simcoe S. (79¢) | | "48 CHEV. SEDAN, RADIO, HEAT- | er, | Blvd. 115 Oshawa (771) slip covers. after 5. Apply will provide you with good |. pryMouTH "SEDAN, GOOD transportation. '35 Dodge Coach 37 Olds. Opera Seat Coupe | .. $295!|dun Rd. Phone 4735-W. | '49 PONTIAC COACH, LOW MILE- motor overhauled, | Phone 1682-W. (79d) | AUTOCYCLE, '50 MOD- Apply 319 Ver- | (79¢) | tires, $605. HUDSON el, perfect condition. new paint, age. Phone 3717-J. (80b) | 50 AUSTIN, EXCELLENT CONDI- | tion. Phone 4272-M after 5. (80c) $395 | "a5 FORD COACH, GOOD TIRES & Plymouth Sedan Pontiac Sedan ... $2951 | | | | Ford Delivery (red) $395| Chev. (Standard) Ford Coach (reconditioned motor) (7% $295 | coup | Phone 2083 between $295 | '50 METEOR, | condition | Pontiac Sedan .... $195 Chev. Express Y2 - Ton Chev. Sedan ..... $250 Plymouth Coupe Ford Coach ...... $195 Plymouth Coupe .. $195 Dodge Coach .... $195 Chev, Sedan ..... $195 Chev, Coach .... $175 Pontiac Sedan vv: $95 Chev, Coach Plymouth Coach .. $95 M Motor Chev. Sedan . $175 Ford Sedan .. $95 .: $95 Chev. Coach . De Soto "$95 seen Ford (A) Coach .... $75 Chev. V2 -Ton Platform ++ $33 ses ss sears anes Many others to choose from -- ranging from| $33 to $3300 "ASH -- TRADE or TERMS In Accordance with Government Regulations WESTMOUNT MOTORS Your Friendly Dealer 428 KING ST. WEST PHONE 4554 N $195 { | .. $250 | ! 2382-R. '33 Chev. Sedan. Phone Apply 384 Mitchell Ave (801) motor. 582J2. (80¢) | 19° MERCURY, LIKE NEW; RA- dio, sun-visor, fog lights, back-up light. Must be sold immediately. | Contact C. Lockwood, Hampton | Milling Co., Hampton. (80¢) "49 PONTIAC SEDAN, 2269 MOD- | el, air-conditioned heater, $1,775 and 7. (80c) SSENGER Weathermaster Phone 6161J2. (80b) GOOD mileage. (80b) 5 $7 HUDSON, 6-P A coupe, radio and heater; good shape. HEATER, throughout; low 356 Jarvis St. CHEV. DELUXE SPORT | e, radio, air-conditioning, seat covers, directional signals, low mile- age. 301 Kingsdale Avenue. (79¢c) WRECKING "30 CHEV. COUPE; will sell all parts cheap. Apply 234 | Tresane or, phone 4416-W after 5. i (79¢) RED HOT BARGAINS ONLY | TODAY AND SATURDAY | '51 FORD COACH, new car $2,365 '50 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN. A real beauty $1,995 CHEV. SEDAN. - Good condition ven. $1,795 CHEV, COACH, gray, good car . $1,693 CHEV, SEDAN, lovely condition | r+ 91,375 condition $975 CHEV, SEDAN, clean as a pin rian ohare $805 FORD COACH, real good $395 MAPLE GROVE GARAGE Phone 2652 Bowmanville (81b) '49 | 42 PONTIAC SEDAN, MECHANI- ! motor; '36 Chev, good condition. 318 | arately. | extras, | MOTORCYCLE, MAROON, Triumph, A-1. Phone 5852J12. | LATE "49 AUSTIN A40 SEDAN, | | tion. | 3184-M. 32--Automobiles For Sale HUDSON LATE MODEL FOR sale. Kents Service Station, Athol and Albert Sts. (79d) '37 PLYMOUTH COACH, FAIR condition. Best offer. Phone 4304-W between 6-8. sr (79¢) '41 G.M.C. STAKE TRUCK, RE- cently overhauled; also parts. Apply 248 Verdun Rd. (79¢) '32 CHEV. COACH, GOOD CONDI- tion: best offer accepted. Also man's bicycle. Phone 1781. (792) "46 CHEV. COACH, DARK GREY, excellent condition; only 26,000 miles; original owner. Apply 428 Centre St. (Mar31-Apré) cally Al, radio, heater, fog lamps. Cash or terms. Apply between 5-8. 244 Roxborough Ave. (80c) lent condition. Terms if desired. 537 Grierson St. (80b) 48 CUSTOM DODGE, EXCELLENT condition, well equipped with extras, $1500. Phone 3820R2 after 6.30 p.m. (80c) '41 CHEV. COACH, EXCELLENT condition, bargain. Apply 205 Bond East. (80b) 50 CHEV. COACH, IMMACULATE, 4,900 mileage, under coated, heater. 214 Francis St. (80c) '36 PLYMOUTH, RECONDITIONED around bend Pard Rd. (80c) | SEDAN, GOOD heater, | Gibbs Ave. $1,250--1946 CHEV. condition, radio, underseat defroster, one owner since new.| Phone 1550. (81b) | '42 DODGE DUMP, WOULD CON- sider selling hoist and steel box sep- | Phone 4022-M. (81b) | HUDSON, GREY, MOTOR, | body in good condition with Phone 3722-R. (81c) DELUXE COACH, '36 tires, '49 PONTIAC | excellent condition, heater, defroster, | | driving | mats, .. $350 | "39 CHRV, 5-PASSENGER. PHONE | floor owper 7-9. (81a) SEA-FOAM | good Phone (8la) lights, back-up lamp, undercoating, original now using. 56 Division St., Phone 1966 [ ] 49 CHEV. SEDAN, green, completely equipped, condition. 366 Leslie St. 4882-7. | '49 METEOR, ALREADY FINANC-' ed, will take trade. Phone 4498J3. . (81a) T1947, | (81b) "50 CHEV. SEDAN, LOW MILEAGE, extras. Will take older car as part payment. Phone 3405-J. (81a) | "40 FORD COACH, NEW ENGINE, new radio, tires good; clean through- out, Phone 418-W, (81a) '49 PONTIAC COACH, 2507 SERIES, Paisley blue, hydramatic drive, air-| conditioning, custom built radio, whitewalls, low mileage, many ex-| tras. Apply Box 134, Times-Gazette. | (81c) | '36 BUICK, FIRST-CLASS CONDI- | tion; terms if required. Can be seen | at 117 Elgin E (81b) '39 DODGE COACH, GOOD CONDI- tion. Phone 3474-R after 5 o'clock. (81c) | undercoated, radio. fan, ete., | A-1. Phone 5879. (81b) | "30 CHEV. COACH, GOOD CONDI-{ Apply 238 Celina St., after 6, | or all day Saturday. (81b) heater, {'50 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN, | white wall tires, trim rings, under- seat heater, undercoating, sun-visor, other extras, low mileage. Phone | 3903-W. (81a) '36 PONTIAC COACH. MECHANIC- ally A-1, 5 good tires, $275. Phone (81h) '49 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, heater; good condition. 108 Rosedale Ave. after 5. (81c) | '47 MERCURY COACH, A-1 CON- | dition; original tires. Phone 1930-M. ' (81b) | 49 FORD 3-TON DUMP TRUCK, with '50 motor, good heavy duty tires, almost new. 105 Westmount | Ave. Phone 4462-J. (81c) | '50 CHEV. SEDAN, HEATER, SLIP Hackney Si CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH and | FARGO TRUCK DEALERS NEW TRUCKS | Fargo 1-Ton Express, 4-speed Transmission Fargo V2-Ton Express Fluid | Drive USED CARS Pontiac Sedan, 6,000 miles ohly Monarch Sedan, radio and air conditioning Dodge Sedan Fargo V2-Ton Express Dodge Sedan radio, mew tires Dodge Sedan Chev. Coach Plymouth Sedan '50 '49 '48 46 '41 Fargo Y2-Ton Panel Buick Sedan (small series) PHONE 503 139 KING ST. W. Oshawa We Pay Cash for Your Car (80h) » | covers, low mileage. Apply 68 Rich- mond St. W. (81a) | '49 PONTIAC SEDAN, LOW MILE- age, heater, heavy springs and | | shocks, black, notch back. 115 Wood St. (81b) | '46 FORD COACH, IN GOOD CON- dition; cash or terms. Phone 3739-R. 4 (81f) | '42 FARGO 1,-TON PANEL TRUCK, | good condition; 2 new snow and mud | tires. $450 or best offer. Phone | 4624-W after 5. (81b) | '37 PONTIAC SEDAN, GOOD CON- | dition; low mileage. 79 Highland | Ave. Phone 4745-J. (81c) | 31 CHEV, SEDAN, FAIR CONDI | | tion, $75. Apply 396 Pine Ave. Phone | 5049-W. 33--Automobiles Wanted '4151 CARS BRING MORE CASH | for you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Rd. 'S. Phone 4749. (M1) 34--Automobile Repairs AUTO SAFETY GLASS INSTALL. (8lc) | | ed, Andy Nagy Body Shop, 414 King | W. Phone 4437. 36 Pets and Livestock 2 BEAGLE HOUNDS, 8 MONTHS old. Reasonable for quick sale. Phone 6293-J. (81c) THOROUGHBRED COCKER SPAN- iel puppies; black & blonde; reason- able. Apply 270 French St. Phone 1778-J. (81b) 3 TROPICAL FISH AQUARIUMS, quantity tropical fish. Phone 908R4. (80c) (M3) $12. Apply 658 King St. E. (80b) | COCKER SPANIEL, THOROUGH- | bred, 3 months old, $10, Phone 774J3. A (80c¢) | YOUNG DOG, FOR SALE; GOOD with children. Phone 4682-R. (79¢) | BABY BUDGIES READY FOR training, talking strain, all colors; also budgie hens ready for nesting. 114 Elgin E., phone 3745. (Apr9) | 37--Farmers' Column WANTED -- DEAD FARM STOCK, picked up promptly. Horses, cows, calves, sheep, pigs (we pay for horses and cows). As an added service we will co-operate with your veterinary | in post-mortems. 2!5c. per Ib. for liv horses. Call collect, Bowmanville | 2679. Margwill-Fur Fasm, Tyrone, Ont. (A22) | 38--Wearing Apparel GIRL'S SUIT, GREY, SIZE 10; | pair black suede shoes, size 5B, good | as néw. Phone 3908-J. (81b) WINE GABARDINE SUIT, EVEN- | ing dress and slip, white brocade on "orchid, all size 16. Phone 538-W. | (80c) ! ¥Y Al134dVS O¥JIW | 2 CHESTERFIELD CHAIRS, WINE | also General | mattress, ! and | Choose from Oshawa's smartest dis- | 6x9, Tone on Tone. Wine or Green 38--Wearing Apparel GIRL'S SPRING COAT, DRESSES, brownie uniform, skicts, etc., all size 8. Phone 272-J. : (81b) NEW BABY'S SWEATERS, $2; odd bonnets, white coat, bonnet and bootees, $3.50. Blue silk coat and tam, size 2, $3; baby's yellow coat. Apply 92 Elgin E. (81b) BOY'S NAVY BLUE BLAZER, size 14, like new. Phone 1816-W. (81a) BOY'S ALL WOOL PLAID JACK- et, perfect condition, size 12; reason- able. Phone 2328-R. (81a) GABARDINE SUITS, PALE BLUE, $12, 1 green, $10, size 16. Phone 6146-J. 38a--Market Basket SAVE MONEY -- BUY APPLES wholesale, direct from grower. Deli- cious, Spy, Macintosh. John Pallock, 1 mile north Whitby, No. 12 High- way. (A22) Sv 39--Articles For Sale | MODERN WHITE ENAMELLED coal and wood range, with pipe, oil burners and also 45-gallon drum | with tap. Apply 80 Brock St. West. | (80c) GOBLIN VACUUM CLEANERS, | British made, two sizes, $79 and $99. | Terms, fully guaranteed. Meagher's | Electric. (M2) | SUNBEAM MIXMASTER, NEW | model, available for immediate de- | livery. Terms if desired. Meagher's, 5 King St. W, (M2) | HARDWOOD KINDLING FOR jacket heater, stove or furnace, 12 bags $4. Phone 6244. (Apri4) SUNBEAM MIXMASTERS, ALSO meat grinder, shredder, churn at-| tachments, Meagher's, 5 Kimg St. | West. (My4) | PIANOS--MAHOGANY EVANS, OR | mahogany Princess; cabinet grand, | price $50. Charles H. Peacock, 80] Si N. Phone. 251. (79¢) | SOUND COOKING APPLES, $1.89 bushel, deliverad. A"so choice Mc- Intosh and Cortland, $2.85 bushe'. Phone 3235. (a2) 39--Articles For Sale QUEBEC COOK STOVE; PARIS metal ice box, 75-lb. capacity. Any reasonable offer accepted. Phone 908W3. (79¢) AIR COMPRESSOR, KELLOG model, 36 T.V. Will operate hoist or spray equipment. Phone 881-J. (80c) 4 VENETIAN BLINDS, 91X57, 62X 57, two 2712x25. 110 Frederick. (79¢) GIRL'S C.CM. BICYCLE, VERY good condition. Phone 3425-W. (79¢) RUGS, TWENTY; ALL SIZES AND colors. Must sell to satisfy creditors. Box 108, Times-Gazette. (761) repp, new condition. Pair $50. Apply 658 King St. E. (80b) LARGE SIZE C.C.M. TRICYCLE; Electric push button Apply 28 Mill St. (79¢) | car radio. BED WITH SPRING - FILLED | modern vanity and desk, | good, clean condition; reasonable. Apply 77 Ontario St. (79¢) | LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN, COM- | plete outfit, bridges, switches, round house, transformer, etc. Sacrifice for $100 complete. Piano, accordion, con- cert model, 120 bass, with leather case, cost over $500 new, selling for | $100. Pair budgie birds, 'acrobats' | cage, beautiful colours, $20 complete, . Apply 306 King West. | (79¢) | TWIN-SIZE PANEL BED COM-| plete with springs and mattress; splendid condition; reasonable. 46 | Arlington. (80b) | RUTHERFORD'S OFFERS FURNITURE | AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES Take advantage of Quality { | { | | Furniture at these prices | 3 Pc. SOFA BED SUITE | Bedding compartment -- colorful -- | long wearing tapestries. 3 pc. $129.00 10 Pc. CHESTERFIELD GROUP Including 3 pc. Velour Chesterfield Suite, Walnut Coffee Table, End Table, Hassock, Smoker, Table Lamp | and Shade and Satin Cushion. 10 pc. $169.00 10 Pc. BEDROOM GROUP Lovely Walnut. Includes Mattress, | Spring, 2 Vanity Lamps, 2 Pillows | and Bed Lamp. Wonderful Value. $119.00 CHROME SUITES Stain and Heat Resistant Table with 4 Straight Leg Plastic Covered Chairs. $49.50 Other Suites at $79.00, $94.50, $109.00 DOUBLE WARDROBES With Mirror Doors $47.50 CEDAR CHESTS Red Seal, Heirloom -- $49.50 Beautiful FREE Blanket CRIBS Large Size. Natural Finish $13.95 Deluxe Folding CARRIAGES Chrome Guards -- All Colors $29.50 TRILIGHT LAMPS Complete with new style Shade $12.95 Oshawa's Floorcovering Centre Congowall, all colors Patterns and colors for every room in the house. Special, 2 yds. wide, several patterns, sq. yd. 39 See the new Tile Vien Inlaid Tile -- inexpensive, easy to apply. CARPETS play. Lane, From $54.50 Rutherford FURNITURE COMPANY 156 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 3413 | steel irn4 CHROME EXTENSION TABLE, | $25, porcelain top, new condition. Apply 225 Ritson Road South. (79¢) ORDER YOUR VENETIAN blinds now. Embargo on materials is effective April 1st. Canada's finest, of Flexalum or steel by Met-Wo In- dustries featuring the new Plastic Tapes. Free estimates and installa. tions anywhere. J. W, Melley, phone 4101. (AT) | KINDLING HARDWOOD, CLEAN | dry factory cuttings. Try & $2 lot | delivered. Phone 1638-M. (A28) | FRESH OR WELL ROTTED) horse or cow manure, also mush- room manure, gravel, cinders. Osh- awa Nursery, phone 3234. (A21) | HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS for quick sale to clean factory, $b | or $3 lots, delivered. Phone 4793-W. | (A17) | RECORDS BRAND NEW, REGU-| LAR 85¢, clearing at 39c. Meaghers | Record Bar, 5 King St. W. (Apr24) | VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX | or Flexalum. Guaranteed in| every way. Also complete repair | service. Phone Merv. Tuck, ¢674W. | (M3) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800-W., (A25) | VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy; olinds repaired. drape arms installed Phone Ron Trewin, 5072. (A19) FOLDING CHAIRS, CARD AND banquet tables for rent. Order your | apring awnings pow Lovely pat- tern Cleve Fox, Oshawa, (AS) NEW MATTRESSES FOR OLD, $10 allowed on trade-in for old mattress- es. Information, phone 662-M. (Apr9) BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, NEW &| used, bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Also lawnmowers sharpen- | ed and repaired. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond E., corner Kenneth and Bond. Phone 1393-M. (Apr20) DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO. Phone ¢580. Smith-Corona Typewri- ters, Adders ,Cashivors, Sales, serv ice, rentals. New and usell machines. | (All) | $1995 UP VACUUM CLEANERS--- | Hoovers, Electrolux, Rexair, General | Electric, tank, floor models, guaran- | teed; reconditioned. Phone 54. (AT) VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start- ling development in Venetign Blind history. Flattened "S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without ob- | ligation. George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond St. West. (A153) SUN LAMPS FOR RENT, $6 PER | month, just the thing to get that | summer tan. Meagher's, 5 King St. West. (April) NEW VICTOR AUTOMATIC REC- ord players, complete with $5 worth | | of records, $24.95. Meagher's, 5 King St. W RUGS REWOVEN, from your old carpets (Apr2y) NEW RUGS and worn | clothing. Footmark proof broadloom, solids, tone-on-tone and patterns as shown in our catalogue. Any size from 25 inch to 13 feet wide. Re-| versible and seamless in any length. For information phone 4538-W, Con- tinental Rug Company, Limited, BANKRUPT STOCK of FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Still a few items left at 136 Simcoe St. S. Free delivery in Oshawa and suburbs. PHONE 1097 (80h) | TRADE-IN SPECIALS OUT THEY GO! Kelvinator electric refrigerator good condition. $139.00 Hotpoint Electric Range, all enamel, a real bargain. 65.00 Solid oak china cabinet. $29.00 OAK BUFFET Bargain 12.00 WILSON urniture Co. 20 CHURCH ST. | ORANGE CRUSH COOLER, | lent motor, | used, | Phone 3230-J. | buffet, | upright | pong | WALNUT | only | birch, 80"'x24" | Meagher's Electric. Telephone 768 (80 w | 1 39--Articles For Sale PURCHASE YOUR NEW WEST | inghouse refrigerator or range now before the new anticipated tax 1s | levied, Terms arranged. Meagher's | Electric. (81) | UPRIGHT PIANO, GOOD CONDI- | tion. Phone 2511-J. (80c) | 9X10 WILTON RUG, ALSO 2-PIECE | chesterfield suite, good condition. | Phone 3433-W. (80b) | HARDWOOD DROP-LEAF KIT- chen table' and four chairs. Phone | 4603-J. (80c) | RUDDY ICE REFRIGERATOR, 50-1 Ib. capacity, good condition. 152 Rit- son S. (80b) 8-PIECE DINING-ROOM SUITE, | solid oak: ice-box. 100-1b. capacity: cook stove with oil burners; man's bicycle, almost new. Phone 1670. (80¢) RECONDITIONED WASHING MA- chines guaranteed. Terms if desired. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe St. N. (A13) BARRYMORE RUG, 9X6'9"; WOOD- en double bed frame. Phone 961-M. (80c) springs, excellent condition, reason- | able. Apply 368 Athol E. (80c) | CLARE JEWEL, COMBINATION electric and coal stove, good condi- | tion. Phone 433-W. (80¢) | FURNACE, PIPES, THERMOSTAT, hot water coil, 20" firepot, complete | $60; changifdg to oil. Phone 3212-J. (80c) | 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, | blue and wine velour, in good condi- | tion; Frost King ice box, 50-1b. ca- | pacity. Phone 2426W1, (80c) | | TOLEDO SCALE, 20-LB. CAPAC-| | ity, sell for best offer. Phone 4472-M, (80c) SI- worth over $200; for quick sale $75. Phone 1097. (80¢) LOVELY WHITE ENAMELLED & chrome coal stove, modern" floor! style; reasonable, Also two hotplates. Phone 5555-W. (80c) VACUUM CLEANERS, NEW AND] for sale, rent or repaired. | (M3) | SILENT GLO TWIN OIL BURN-| | ers installed in stove; one hot water jacket heater; one heavy duty Mof- fat electric range, reasonable. 4355R. (8la) OAK DINING ROOM TABLE AND oak hall rack, Philco radio, piano, drop leaf kitchen | table. Phone 1769-W, (81b) EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS. We are the authorized dealers for this very powerful make of vacuum cleaner. Purchase now before a | probable increase in price. Meagher's Electric, (M6) 4 TIRES, GOOD CONDITION, 660 x 16, $40. Phone 2746-M. (81b) | BENTLY REGULATION PING- | table, new, $35. Phone 4208. (81b) ENGLISH SADDLE, BRIDLE AND martingale, excellent condition. Phone 4072-J. (81c) COMPLETE WALNUT BEDROOM | suite, reasonable, perfect condition. Apply 411 King St. E. between 5-8. (81¢) EVERUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR, 113 h.p., 1950 model. Apply 80 Burk St. (81c) SINGER TREADLE SEWING MA- chine, good condition. Phone 1113-R. | (81a) WALNUT BUFFET, GOOD CONDI- | tion. Apply 130 Roxborough Ave. | (81b) | STEVENS DOUBLE 18 GAUGE hammerless shotgun, case and shells. | Phone 2447. (81b) CHIFFONIER. GOOD Apply 156 Ritson Rd. S. (81b) TWO-PIECE BLUE BROCATELLE chesterfield plus custom slip covers. Phone 3631-J. (81b) ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEAN- er, floor polisher attachment. used once. Apply 72 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 4141J2 (81b) | MAN'S C.C.M, BICYCLE, THREE speeds; '50 Sunshine bicycle, balloon tires; also chesterfield table 597 | King St. W. (81b) TWO PAIRS FRENCH DOORS, and 80x37", bevelled excellent condition, condition. plate glass, y | Birch radiator covers, factory made, | one | and 21"x83". size, 39" x47", 21x48" Phone 2519 after 7. (81b) of each WHITE ENAMELLED 3-BURNER Fawcett electric stove, good condi- tion, $35. Quebec cook stove, suitable for summer cottage, $10. Phone 2879-R. (81c) MODERN, ROOMY BUFFET, NAT- ural colour, good condition. Phone | 5263-J. Apply 823 Mary St. (81c) | YEARLING HE} DRESSED & delivered. Phone 3467J2 (81a) | GIRL'S C.C.M. BICYCLE. GOOD ! condition. 632 Albert St. Phone 4775-J. (81a) ! GENERAL ELECTRIC FLOOR] polishers, $64.50. Terms !'3 down and balance on monthly payments. pe : Murphy APPLIANCE 117 Simcoe St. S. (Across from Memorial Park) | Addison- Norge APPLIANCES PHONE 4896 J | factory clearout! | footstool, walnut coffee table, beauti- | | Never before such a saving. Large- | Wilson's low prices can't be beat. We | Linoleum with canvas back, smart, | This beautiful wall covering in all the (81a) 39--Articles For Sale Ed Wilson Says | erator, "We've made a spectacular! purchase of a manufacturer's We bought | this stock at a great reduction | and are passing the savings on | to you. It's a grand opportunity | to save on new furniture. SO BUY NOW AND SAVE!| 10-PIECE LIVING ROOM | ENSEMBLE | Chesterfield and chair have the fam. | ous Kroehler cushionized construction, | Included in this sensational group are: | 2 cushions to match, hostess chair, | ful table lamp and shade, smoking | stand. For only $179.00 4 11-PIECE BEDROOM GROUP Genuine Mr. and Mrs. dresser, spaci- | ous chiffonier, full-size bed as well | 'as feather pillows, chenille spread, | chenille mat, 2 boudoir lamps and 2 | shades. A wow at | $134.00 . | CHROME FURNITURE FOR | THE KITCHEN | tricycle. Phone 4201-R | BEATTY WASHING MACHINE, Sensational offer--chrome table with | arborite top, straight-leg chairs to | This value can't be beat. $49.50 match. BEAUTIFUL CARPETS 9. Tone-on-tone, size 6 x Extra | special. $59.00 SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES Such an amazing value. These nation- ally-known mattresses purchased es- pecially for this sale. Offered at the low price of only $22.75 sensational GREAT SAVINGS Modern-style bed, spring and mattress. $29.95 complete with REAL BARGAIN Wardrobes, rors, waterfall style $47.50 double doors with mir- BABY CRIBS size panel cribs, out they go. $15.95 UNPAINTED EXTENSION TABLES Some floor samples. These should for $29.50. Our price $14.95 sell FLOORCOVERING CENTRE have the pattern you want. GENUINE LINOLEUM CENTRE Sale price $1.39 sq. yd. GOLD SEAL CONGOWALL colours. Sale price 80c- ft. WILSON | Furniture Co, 20 CHURCH ST. Telephone 768 Evecrything for the Home | cart, | copper tub; | $49. Terms. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe N. { Phone I. Turner, | training. (Apr4,6) Articles For Sale WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERA- tor, Ti; cu. ft., like new, 9 months old. Moving to 25-cycle, $209. Double bed and mattress, $20; oven rangette, $5. Apply apartment over Trulls Store, Courtice, no phone calls. (81b) ROGERS MOTOROLA CAR RADIO, used few months. Phone 5434-W. ~ (81h) ITHICA FEATHERWEIGHT RE- peating shotgun, practically new. Phone 5434-W. (81b) MODERN COMPACT ICE REFRIG- 75-1b. capacity, $30. Phone 4914-W, (81a) WESTERN FOUNDRY COAL range, white enamel finish, new fire-box, $39. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe North. (81¢) |OWNER'S ~ WELL-KEPT WASH- ing machine, $50; also four chrome chairs with red leather seats, cheap. Phone 3803-W. (81a) STUDIO COACH, NEARLY NEW, Apply 492 Eulalie Ave. (81e) MAN'S BICYCLE, GOOD CONDI- tion, $15.. Phone 3285.-J. Apply 357 Leslie. (81a) RANGETTE, GOOD CONDITION, 49 McMillan Dr. (81h) MAN'S C.C.M. BALLOON BICY- cle, like new, Apply 634 Albert St. Phone 3720-W, (81b) GENDRON DELUXE BABY'S GO- good condition. Phone 216. (81a) GAS WATER HEATER, KITCHEN sink, small handbasin, wall type; also used oil burner. Phone 216. es (81a) TWO, 1 LIGHT 40-WATT FLUOR- escent fixtures with globes 48" long. Phone 3870J12 after 6. (81b) WESTINGHOUSE ~~ REFRIGERA- tor, 7 cu. ft., brand new, exterior only slightly scratched in shipping; large discount, terms. Phone 48096-J. ) (Ble) WALNUT DOUBLE BED, COM- plete, $15 for quick sale, Phone 285. (81a) | PIANO, NEWCOMBE, FULL SIZE upright, tuned and reconditioned within past two weeks. Phone 3033-J. (81c) MAN'S BICYCLE, NEW LAST OC- tober, fully equipped, $32.50; small © (81h) completely overhauled, i i (81e) 41--Articles Wanted THREE - QUARTER OR SINGLE bed, dresser. ' Phone 5130-W. (81a) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT- ed, ice-boxes, cook stoves and heate ers. 56 King West. Phone 3326 hn (A153) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea- ther ticks of a description, Live poultry, scrap iron and metals. North Oshawa 239M12 collect. (Apré) ATTENTION FARMERS & TRAP- pers: Highest prices paid for muske rats. Phone I, Turner, North Osha- wa, 239M12 collect. (Apr20) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Phone 635. Cedardaie Iron and Metals, 100 Annis St., east of C.N.R. Station. (M3) CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice-box, Quebec heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phones 3766-M. (Ai4) PIANOS WANTED, CASH FOR your piano, up to $250 allowed on new piano. Charles H, Peacock, 80 Simcoe N. Phone 251. (Apr22) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe N. Phone 2388. (Aprig) 42--Female Help Wanted LADIES! ARF YOU INTERESTED in part-time work? No door-to-door selling and good remuneration. Box 130, Times-Gasette (Ble) GIRLS OR WOMEN, FOR LAUN- dry work, nn "t shift 2 to 10:30 p.m. Star Laundry, 3 Celina St, (81¢) COUPLE, AGED 080-55, MAN AS handyman, wife as general, for year round suburban domestic. employ- ment. References required. Write for interview appointment, I. W. Jones, Route 3. Pickering. (81e) HOUSEKEEPER, TO TAKE FULL charge of home with three children, in Oshawa: live in. Write Box 129, Times-Gazette. (80b) HOUSEKEEPER, FOR 1 ADULT, sleep in. Write Box 120, Times-Gaz- ette. (79d) QUICK, CLEAN TYPIST Accounting office requires a smart girl with 3 years of high school Experience not essential, BOX 122 THE TIMES-GAZETTE (79¢) 43--Male Help 'Wanted SMART BOY WITH BIKE For messenger work with large prints ing plant. The right boy will have a good opportunity to learn one of the best trades. Apply to R. J. Britton THE TIMES-GAZETTE (81b) HANDYMAN WANTED Or several specialized men, for oe. asional work as needed. Must be pable and reliable. Required by Estate with several properties needing replacements, repairs, and maintens ance from time to time in roofing, painting, decorating, carpentry and masonary repairs, 'dnd miscellaneous work. 'Could be employed elsewhere, Phone 2042, evenings. ~ (81¢), ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVTS. ON PAGE 18