PATE SIXTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE- se R WANT ADS 70. \ pH IH RTI ] Hil (HH I dA Tm JIL il I Tl [} ; ii, _ Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1--Architects TECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, a ce Street, Oshawa. Phone 1001. Also 284% Bloor St. W., Toronto. Phone LY. 7755. (A12) ja--Accountants, Chartered EITH AND MONTEITH, a Aecountants, 37 King St. £. Phone 4911-R. Gordon w. Fiehl C.A., Resident Partner. ( ib--Accountants i Sp Cr EER Xr TF PERSONAL TAX SERVICES -- AC- bei -- Auditors -- Tax Con- sultants. Back Accounting and Tax Work. Your Records and Accounts kept weekly, monthly or yearly. -J. Representative--C. Moran 5 3--Barristers ONANT & CONANT, BARRIS 5 and Solicitors. Gordon D. con ant, X.C. Roger G. Conant, B.A. - fices: Oshawa, Ont. 715, Simcoe St. : 25. 8., phone 4809; Ajax, Ont, phot 5 9--Business Opportunities 25--Real Estate For Sale 25--Real Estate For Sale BEAUTY SALON, BEST LOCA- tion; sudden illness forces immedi- ate sale; best offer. Call 2338 Whit- by. (81b) 12--Gardening & Supplies GRAFTING OF ALL TYPES DONE. Call 0. K. Osborne, Bowmanville. Phone 2480. : (81b) 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE LAND- scaped gardening and contracting. Sales of everything needed for your garden. Phone 2178. (A135) 13--Household Repairs CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE- covered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebui't. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. Phone 3344. (M3) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE upholstered. See our materials for recovering. Bruce R. Dalton. 75 Charles. Phone 401. (M3) 14--Instruction THE HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, new classes now forming in Ballet, Character, National, Toe, Tap. Reg- ister Saturdays, Adelaide House. Irenie Harvey. (June6) LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING School -- ballet, tap, toe, character. Ss, K.C., BAR- R. D. HUMPHREY! ¢ King St. Solicitor, ete., est' Phones: Office 814: Resl- dence 3207 Money to loan. George 8. Boychyn, B.A, Associate. (M1) ALLIN F. ANNIS. K.C. - RALPH 8S. Jones, B.A., 18% King St. E. Pliots 4. Res. 739. a i TS. GREER, K.C., BAR - A Solicitor, etc., 6 King Street East Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Jerk M. Greer, B.A.Se. ee RS, B.A, B - Ee 13% Simcoe Street ter, Solicitor, etc., IO Jane (A21) north. Phones; office 5073; ud YNAN, C N, FRASER & DR , ev Bank of Commerce Building. T. K. Creighton, K.C., N. C. Fraser, K.C,, G. K. Drynan. : SAR- EPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BA irr Solicitor. Money, to loan. Of- fice 14% King Street East, Oshawa. Phone #45. Residence, phono 327 ERNEST MARKS, Solicitor, 11 King Fast, Room 2. Phones: Office 65; Residence sa J. PARKHILL AND J. A 8 on, Barristers. Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Sim- coe North. Phone 1614, Rec. wis, MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bassett Block, Suite No, ¢. Phone (M1) 4---Chiropodists Masonic Temple, Saturday. Business girls, Tuesday. 3048-W. (M3) GUITARS SUPPLIED, KEEP them home, yours on completion. Free trial lesson. Bgll's Hawaiian School. Leave phone at 1197-J. (Aprid) FOX - TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Samba, Swing, taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class 'mstruction, ¢7 Prince St. For appointment phone 4271-J, (M3) ALL CUMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, dictaphone, eomptometer. Classes start every Monday; night ' schoo! Monday and Thursday. Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone 1314. (A10) 15--Insurance COMPLETE INSURANCE SERV- ice. McMurtry Insurance Agency representing The Imperial Life, 21 King St. West. Phone 1676-W. (A17) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERV- ice for better insurance in all classes. 22% King St. E. Phone 5400. Res. 4318-R. (M1) 18--Lost and Found LOST--PAIR LADIES' GLASSES, brown rims, in black case, between National Employment Service and General Motors, Mary Street. Finder phone 5032-W. (81b) LOST--PENSION CHEQUE, BE- tween Leslie and Mary Sts., Wednes- day morning, Finder please phone 2741-W, (81c) 19--Money to Loan . Pp; D.S.C., CHIROPO- A oe in dis " of tne oot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2 a Prince St. Phone rT 4a--Chiropractors = LEO, L. KRANTZ, D.C., 47 BRINCE St. Closed Wednesday afternoons. A hone 6241-M. Open evenings. P one a2 MONEYS TO LOAN ON APPROVED roperties. Private funds. Apply Phe S. Hyman, K.C.. 37 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 67. (M2) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A. and Builders' Loans arranged. Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 282. (M1) C--Dentists PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, hawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every oo Phone 4560 or 4577-R. (M1) 6--Nursing Services PROFESSIONAL NURSING CARE for acute, chronic and convalescent patients. Moderate rates. Blue Cross accepted, Lindsay Convalescent Home, Lindsay. Phone 5121. (Apr) MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST Home, Courtice, one or two vacan- cles for the aged and bed patients, men and women. Every kindness given; excellent meals. Nursing care and tray service. Approved by doc- tors. Terms weekly or monthly. Phone for appointment. Oshawa 5887M1. (A14) 7--Optometrists A. E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST - Jury & Lovel) - Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Phone 4164. (M1) C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Phone 1516. (M1) 8--Building Trades OSHAWA WOODWORK SPECIAL- izes in doors, windows, kitchen cabl + Mortgages for Sale We have various mortgages and agreements for sale. To be sold at discount prices. DON MEREDITH Real Estate . 22 Bond St. W. Phone 3956 i (8e) 20--Personal DRIVING FROM OSHAWA TO TO- ronto 'and, return daily. Phone 4540-R after 6. / (81c) WANTED, 3 PASSENGERS, TO Woodstock, New Brunswick, Thurs- day, April 19. Phone 4397-M. (80f) SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 to 15 1bs.; new pep. Try Ostrex Ton- ic Tablets for new, healthy flesh; new vigor. Introductory, "get- acquainted" size only 60c. All drug- gists. (Apr4,5,6) MADAM DE-LAINE EXPERT TEA cup reading. Phone 3859-M for ap- pointments. Special rates for af- ternoon teas etc. (771) ALCOHOLICS ' ANONYMOUS helps with drinking problems. Write P.O. Box 103. Phone 5559, evening 8-10. (A6Lf) 21--Personal Services nets. We have in stock windows, doors, kitchen cabinets & wardrobes. L ted at 233 S d Ave, Residence phone 1716-M, (791) SAND, GRAVEL, FILL FOR prompt service. Call United Truck- ing. one 288-W-1, (a10) PLASTERING, PLAIN AND OR- namental, Apply 120 Prince St, or phone 3458-J between 6 and 8 p.m. (Apr30) ATEN ON aiid PAPER hanging, stripping, repairs, sponge wotk, estimates given. Phone Fred Van Horn, 4488-M-13. (217) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT shingles, built-up reofing and siding. Work guaranteed. H. W. Tucker, 4392-J. (A1T) 8. G. PRESTON & SON -- PAINT- ing and paper-hanging, work guar anteed. For estimates, samples phone 3771-M. (A15) GENERAL. CONTRACTING, building carpentering, roofing, etc. Estimates free. C. S. Turner & Co., Ajax. Phone Ajax 41, Ajax T4-J, Pickering 199J12, (Apri3) CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, stucco and repairs all types ma. Jonty repairs. Gordon May. Phone 920W12. (A8) FOR SUPERIOR ROOFING, GUAR- anteed workmanship and materials. Free estimates. Phone Gerald Fulton 6192J12. (A9) TILES, RUBBER, MARBOLEUM, mastic, plastic wall tiles, inlaid lin- PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. For free estimate call Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcos st A AS 22--Radio Repairs SPECIALIZED RADIO AND TELE- vision service, custom designed T.V. aerial installations to suit your loca- tion. Boosters, portables, auto radios. Trade, terms. Fowler Radio and Television. Phone 5023. 1096 Kingston Road East. (M4) COMPLETE TELEVISION SALES, installations and service. Our ex- perts guarantees to improve your television reception. . Television check-over and technical information free, Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe S. Phone 249. (A28) AUTO RADIOS, COMPLETE SERV- ice -- installation {alist will 3-ROOM TRAILER, FULLY FUR- nished, insulated, good condition. Cheap for cash sale. Contact E. L. Chapman, Whitby R.R. 1. (79¢) BUILDING LOTS, 50 x 150, NORTH west section, water service in. Phone ) New, 6 rooms, in Whitby, large lot, modern conveniences. Quick possess- ion. Ask for particulars. Extra dand if required. U. JONES Real Estate 62 Prince Street Oshawa Phone 2667 (80b) VACANT POSSESSION MAY Fol«R-§-T A most desirable 8-room brick home with all the appoint- ments for enjoyable living. Water heated with oil, 2 bath rooms, laundry room, weuld duplex readily. Cash, terms. CONTACT A. E. MURDOCH Personally x BROKER 122 SIMCOE ST. S. (79¢c) GROCERY STORE and T7-roomed brick house. House has 4 bedrooms, hardwood throughout, new air-condi- tioning furnace. Grocery store doing $500 to $600 weekly; can easily be increased. Good meat business, with large walk-in box. Completely equip- ped. Early possession. Everett G. Disney - } REALTOR 82 Simcoe S. Oshawa (79¢) --$6,000 d nn 7- $1 1 ,00 stone Tonic Bitoni bedrooms, 4-pc. bath, oak floors, elec- tric hot water heater, hot-air heat- ing--College Hill. WALTER R. SMITH Real Estate Broker 18 Bond St. W. Phone 5380 (81a) $2 60 --$500 down, 3 - roomed ' frame, Wilson Rd. 8. 60-day possession. $3 600% down, 3 - roomed ' frame, North Oshawa. 30-day possession. $4 5003.0 down, 4 - roomed ' frame, Westmount. $5 50 --8$1,500 down, 5 - roomed ' frame, 113-storey insul- stone; good condition; large lot. i i , 6- d f y $5,600 00a" condition, Elgin St. W. $3,500 CASH, LINED COTTAGE IN village of ,Caesarea, furnished, gar- age attached. Can be used as year- round home. Phone Oshawa SE, 81b 7 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, GARAGE, hardwood floors , throughout, oil burner, private drive, near Bathe Park on Gliddon Avenue, no agents. Phone 4061-J, (81¢) LOT, 48'X660", ON WILSON ROAD North, 133 blocks from King. Apply 369 Richmond E. (80e) BUILDING LOT, 72' X 134', WATER and hydro in, in residential area of city; one minute from bus stop. Phone 1633-M. | (81b) COUNTRY BUILDING LOTS, mile west of Oshawa limits, close to No, 2 Highway. Phone Clarence Scott 607J3. (Aprs,13) $1,000 DOWN PAYMENT, WITH possession May 1st, 8-room brick house, on Colborne E., near Simcoe, extra large lot. This house is ideal for either duplex, rooming or lovely home; has many extras, Full price $11,500. Would consider smaller home as part payment. Phone 2473-7. > (81b) $6,000 -- 5 - ROOMED - HOUSE, 10 acres of land, strawberries, raspber- ries, Terms. Mrs. George Pattison, Broker, Pickering. Phone 171. (81a) 3 BEDROOM, 2.STOREY BRICK home, garage, large lot, immediate possession, terms, no agents. 339 King East. (80c) 4-ROOM INSUL-BRIC BUNGALOW on lot 35'x120'. Apply 369 Richmond E. (80¢) BRICK HOUSE, 6 ROOMS & BATH. Apply 132 Alice St. (80c) VERDUN RD.--INSUL-BRIC BUN- galow, all conveniences, new garage, large lot, 47'x464'. 2 large lots from above property can be sold soon at a profit. Phone 4258-R after 5 p.m. (80c) SIMCOE ST. NORTH $12,500 New well - built 6 room, 115-storey frame home with oil-fired air-conditioning. Large living-room with open fire- place. First grade oak and' tiled floors throughout, Garage. Call 5524-M. (79¢) HOUSE FOR SALE $9 80 cash, brick house, Hiil- croft Street, near Mary, good condition. A reasonably priced house in a good location. Vacant possession May 1st. Apply BRADLEY BROS. Real Estate Brokers 29Y2 Simcoe S., Oshawa Phone 169 Evenings 1920 (80b) 27--Real Estate Wanted $6,000 CASH, NEED 5 OR 6 ROOM home. with small acreage, within 15 mile radius of Oshawa. Write Box 141, Times-Gazette. (81h) 4, 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE. I HAVE $1,500 cash. What have you to offer? Write Box 138, Times-Gazette. (81h) 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, WANTED; residential district preferred. Phone 390. (79c) $7 500320 down, 6-r d ' 115-storey insul-bric, all conveniences, good condition, garage, large lot. $8 50050 down, 6-roomed, ' 1153-storey brick house, near new Motors plant. A good buy. $8 500 $250 down 7-room, 2- ' storey insul-bric house, on Verdun Rd. 30-day possession. $9 00 --$3,500 down 9-room in- ' sul-brick house, hot- water heating, 4-piece bath, extra stool in basement. Possession May 1. H. GOLDSTEIN BROKER 16 Bond E. 446 Simcoe S. Phone 5430 JOHN PENICKA--Salesman i (81a 5-ROOM BRICK bungalow, Mary St., North Oshawa, good residential area, very well decorated both inside and out. Lovely landscaped grounds, large lot. Around $4,500 cash will handle with very reasonable terms on balance. ys 6-ROOM BRICK, 2-storey home, in new east section residential area. Possession can be arranged by June 30, Well decorated, good-size rooms. $3,000 cash will handle with balance payable $38 monthly. 7-ROOM STONE FRONT HOME, 2- storey, in new section near new Gen- eral Motors building. Immediate possession. This house is new and has not yet been lived in. 6-ROOM BRICK, 1!;3-storey, on Rit- son Rd. S., garage, laundry tubs, large lot, hardwood floors, 4-piece bath. Possession in 2 months. DON MEREDITH Real Estate 22 Bond St. W. Phone 3956 JOHN UKROP--Salesman (81a) pick up your car. All work guaran- teed. Cherry Grove Radio, No. 2 Highway East, 332W13. (Apr20) 23--Women's Column CLARKE'S HAIRDRESSING, SPE- cial. Machineless permanents, $3 50 and up, Cold waves, $5 and up. 172 Gibbons St. Phone, 5074-J. (A13) PERMANENT WAVES AND ALL beauty-culture consult Miss Lila Hardy at Edwards Beauty Parlour, 5 Celina St., phone 2653. (A29) SPECIALS: ECONOMY PERMAN- ents, $2; hair cut, shampoo, rinse, and setting, extra. Creme perman- nts $4.50 up complete, School girls, oleum. Modern kitchen pboards. G. Rivers, Phone 5780-J. (AB) CHIMNEY new and repairs, years of experience. Phone 2334 Whitby. (A21) HILLSIDE FLOOR SERVICE -- floors laid, sanded and finished, rubber, Marboleum and Mastic tile. B. Mosier, 206 Hillside. Phone 547-M, (AS) BLOCKS LAID, PLASTERING, foundations and stucco, cellars, waterproofed. Lilley Bros, Courtice. (apr 10) EXPERIENCED FIRST-CLASS carpenter, general repairs, cup. boards and modernizing a specialty. Free estimates. Phone 2648-W, (My4) AND BRICKWORK, P Page Hairdressing. Phone 5049-J. (A6) CHARIS FOUNDATION NEW, MODERN 7-room, storey and half, modern home, large living and dining rooms, tiled kitchen and bedroom down, & 3 nice bedrooms and 4-pc. bath up. City water and sewes, electric fix- tures, electric hot water tank and hot-air furnace. Only $11,000. Imme- diate possession, Mortgage arranged. For better homes see W. McAULEY Realtor ROY EDWARDS--Salesman 13 Prince St. Phone 5356 ED. PATRICK--Salesman 182 Simcoe St. S. Phone 4731.0 c GAR- ments with money-back guar expertly fitted. Phone Mrs. Blatter at 2504-R. (A10) PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON -- OIL wave, $2.50 up; maehineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St. Phone 371. (A27) PRENTICES HAIRDRESSING SPE- cial. $5. Cream wave $3. 10 Church St. Phone 4491.7. (A24) 25--Real Estate For Sale BUILDING LOT, 65'X98', NORTH section of Oshawa, 160 ft. west of Simcoe St. Phone 2486. (80c) 5-ROOM FRAME BUNGALOW, with sun-room. Metal-roofed garige and chick house. Large lot 90'x215', 9--Business Opportunities LUNCH COUNTER, FOR BALE OR rent. Write Box 124, Times-Gazette. (80c) with well-stocked garden. Close to new G.M. plant. Would consider trade for small bungalow in town. Phone 3208-W between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. Price $5,500. (80b) $6 500 room brick bungalow, ' oak floors, attractively decorated, garage, $3,000 down. $7 800% room stucco bunga- foot low, almost new, 4-pc. bath, modern kitchen. $9 200° room brick, oak floors, ' near King St., $3,000 down. --5 room nearly new $10,500 brick bungalow, - oil heating and garage, $4,500 down. $ 1 2 0Q(Q Immediate possession, ' ® room brick, oak floors, natural fireplace, oil heating. A very attractive home. BAILEY & TAYLOR Brokers Phone 57 1W (81a) "in private 'home, 214 Arthur St, 6 OR 7-ROOM HOUSE, IN GOOD condition, southend district. Possess- ion May 1st. Box 119, Times-Gaz- ette. (79¢) Required in good residential district near public school, large house con- taining, if possible, 4 bedrooms on second floor, large living room with fire place, dining room, modern kitchen on main floor, recreation room and laundry in basement, modern heating system. Willing to pay extra for a good location, Write BOX 137 TIMES-GAZETTE (81h) 28--For Rent NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM continuous hot water, excellent bus service. Gentle- man. Phone 2195-M. (8ib) FURNISHED BEDROOM = SUIT- able for 2 gentlemen or couple. Ap- ply 81 Bond St. W. (81h) 3 ROOM BACHELOR APARTMENT furnished, heat, light, water, separ- ate entrance, cooking privileges or board. Phone 5405-J. (81c) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, BUSI- ness couple. Phone 703-W after 4. (81a) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SINGLE beds, suit two men, abstainers. Ap- ply 110 Agnes. (81b) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, suit gentleman. Phone 1784-J. (81r) ONE BLOCK FROM FUUN Coan ners, furnished bedroom, suit two gentlemen; continuous hot water; abstainers. 17 Athol St. W. (81b) BABIES WELCOME, 2 FURNISH- ed rooms, electric stove, washing machine, all conveniences, every- thing supplied. Write Box 133 Times-Gazette. (81¢c) ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, WILL- ing to share; twin beds, continuous hot water; close to Motors. Phone 2029-W. (81a) BEAUTIFUL TWO-ROOM APART- ment, kitchen and large bed-sitting, adults. Apply 400 Dundas St. Fast, Whitby, Phone 852. (81b) ROOM FOR RENT, AND GARAGE. 163 Ritson Rd. S. (81c) TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS, suitable for ladies or gentlemen. Breakfast if desired. Phone 3476-W or 91 Buckingham after 6. (81a) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent. Apply 492 Eulalie Ave. (8lc) 2 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS furnished, business couple, no chil- dren, Call after 5, 56 Nassau St. (81b) BEDROOM, IN HOME OF TWO older persons in Whitby. Suitable for man who desires undisturbed rest, non-drinker. $8 weekly. Box 140, Times-Gazette. (81b) FURNISHED BEDROOM, TWO en, willing. to share, single beds. 53 ivision St. Phone 1370-J. (81b) LARGE ROOM AND SUNROOM unfurnished, no children. Apply 283 French St. (80b) ROOM, SUIT GENTLEMAN, ONLY abstainers need apply. 119 Huron St. Phone 5309-W. " (80c) 6-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, FOR rent, around May 20. All conveni- ences. Write Box 126, Times-Gaz- ette. (80c) 3 ROOM SELF-CONTAINED FURN- ished apartment, private bath, in owner's home, references required, couple only. Write Box 131 Times- Gazette, (80b) 4 28--For Rent a ROOM, SUITABLE FOR TWO gentlemen; bus stop at door. Apply 252 Olive Ave. (80c) COMFORTABLY FURNISHED bedroom for gentleman; abstainer only. Apply 79 Highland Ave. Phone 4745-7. (80c) 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT 2 gentlemen or working couple. Phone 125-J after 6 ~ (80c) BEDROOM, SUITABLE FOR TWO girls or two gentlemen. Phone 1896-R; (80c FURNISHED BEDROOM, FOR quiet gentleman, willing to share; abstainer. Phone 5037-W. _ (80b) ROOM FOR RENT AT 554 OXFORD St., gentlemen only willing to share. Phone 4463-R. (79¢) SINGLE BED, IN DOUBLE ROOM for respectable gentleman, in private home. Phone 6254-J. (79¢c) LARGE HEATED AREA, SUIT- able for storage space or small shop, etc. Apply 160 King West. (791) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, close in; on bus line; gentleman; ab- stainer. Phone 1012. (79¢) DOUBLE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen. Apply 306 King West. (79¢) 4 LARGE ROOMS IN COTTAGE, at Pickering Beach. Phone MIdway 0729 from 1 to 3 p.m. (781) NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM, suit two gentlemen. Apply 209 Sim- coe 8 (78d) TWO ROOM HEATED APART- ment, separate bath, centrally locat- ed in Bowmanville. L, Clemens, phone 2436. (79d) 29--Wanted to Rent URGENTLY IN NEED OF ANY size house for man, wife and 3 chil- dren; reasonable rent. Phone 1878-J. (81c) MAN WANTS 2 ROOMS IN FARM home, within 20 miles of Oshawa; would work on. farm in spare time, or would rent farm outright, or on shares, and share house with owner. Phone Brooklin 32R14 between 6 and 9 evenings. Ask for Bob. (81c) FOREMAN, IN ONE OF OSHA- wa"s plants, wife and 2 children re- quire 4 or 5-room house in or near Oshawa, with possession in 30 days. Write Box 111, Times-Gazette. (Aprié) SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT wanted by new couple, no children, non-smokers, non-drinkers. Phone 2674-W. (80c) 2 FURNISHED ROOMS NEEDED by couple, no children, central pre- ferred, abstainers. Box 130 Times- Gazette. (80b) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS BY young couple with 8-month-old baby, central if possible. Phone 5244-W. (80c) 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, BY young couple with 6-month-old child; central. Phone 1163-J. (80¢) 2, 3 OR 4 ROOMS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished. Write Box 123, Times- Gazette. (80c) SMALL HOUSE, URGENTLY needed by 2 adults, 1 small child, in or near Oshawa. Phone 4108-W. (80c) 3-ROOM UNFURNISHED APART- ment, by young couple. Phone 333-M. (80c) SMALL HOUSE OR 4 OR 5-ROOM apartment, quiet family, no small children; non-drinkers. Write Box 505, Times-Gazette, Whitby, (801) WANTED BY MIDDLE - AGED couple, steady employment, 4 or 5- room house by June 1st. Phone 435-M. (80c) WOULD LIKE TO RENT GARAGE, close to downtown business section. Please call 4813-M after five o'clock. (80c) APARTMENT OR ROOMS URGs ently needed by couple, no children. Phone 1751-J, (79¢) ELDERLY LADY, PENSIONER, alone, would like 3-room apartment or flat, by May 1st. Phone 2713-W. (79¢) QUIET COUPLE WOULD : LIKE one or two partly furnished rooms by April 6. Phone 1048-R. (79¢c) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, FOR single man, private entrance; cen- tral preferred. Phone 181. (78c) YOUNG COUPLE, WITH ELEVEN- month-old baby, require 3 unfurnish- ed rooms by May 1st. Abstainers, non-smokers. References, Phone 1114-M. (79¢) RESPECTABLE MIDDLE - AGED couple, no children, require 3 or 4- room unfurnished apartment or flat, north end preferred. Phone Uxbridge 218-W. (79¢c) 4, 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE, BEFORE May 1st. Reliable tenant, 25 years in present house, Phone 3266-J. (79c) 2 or 3 ROOM APARTMENT, Pre- terably with private entrance and bath, by young business couple, no children. PHONE 1480-J (81c) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD, FOR ONE gentleman willing to share, private home, Apply 272 Haig St. Phone 1986-W. (80b) ROOM & BOARD, HOME COOKED meals, central. Phone 4895-W. (81a) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 YOUNG gentlemen willing to share room, separate beds, in private home, all conveniences. Abstainers. Phone 5216-J. (81b) ROOM AND BOARD, FOR TWO entlemen, willing to share. Phone 04-J. (81c) ROOM. AND GOOD BOARD IN country home about 20 miles from Oshawa on good road. Write Box 132 Times-Gazette. (80c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLE- men. Apply 186 Verdun Rd. (80c) 32--Automobiles For Sale | A BEAUTIFUL AUTOMOBILE '47 Buick Super Sedan, practically new tires, Lifeguard tubes, all the extras, owner driven. A real nice car in excellent condition, Priced to sell. - Apply 20 CHURCH ST. "A GOOD PRIVATELY OWNED CAR 1941" Buick Deluxe Sedan, blue, Life- guard tires, heater, slipcovers, motor seems excellent, clutch and transmis- (80c) sion overhauled. One owner. $850.00 |' cash, or best offer for quick sale. Phone 2042, evenings or Seturdey, } Cc Je 32--Automobiles For Sale GET THAT SPRING FEELING IN 'A QUALITY USED CAR '50 Chev. Sedan air conditioning heater '49 Chev. Deluxe Sedan completely equipped '49 Chev. Deluxe Coach completely equipped '49 Dodge Spec. Deluxe Sedan 24,000 miles '49 Meteor Sedan '49 Meteor Coach heater and radio '47 Nash 600 Series Sedan '46 Mercury Sedan '46 Chev. Coach And Over 60 More Cars To Choose From Cash -- Trade -- Terms According To Government Regulations DODD MOTOR SALES 300 PARK RD. S. Phone 4749 (81a) Take A TIP From NIP We have good used cars. Combine quality with safe' driving pleasure today. VISIT OUR LOT '60 Olds Sedan. 50 Chev. Coach '49 Olds Sedan, conditioning '49 Monarch Sedan, radi >, white wall tires, air-con- ditioning H '49 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan, un- derseat heater radio, air- '49 Pontiac Sedan, radio, air- conditioning '49 Chev. Sedan '48 Chrysler Royal S.da a, fluid drive '4T7 Chev. Coach '48 Chev. Sedan '41 Hudson Coach '41 Plymouth Sedan '40 Plymouth Coupe 39 Plymouth Sedan 37 Oldsmobile Sedan '35 Pontiac Coach SEE ANTE "Nip at 'the ; WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION BROOKLIN PHONE 155 (80b) BENNE 32--Automobiles For Sale MOTORS RITSON RD. S. AT CLOVERLEAF YOUR CAR OR THE FOLLOW! NG DOWN PAYMENT WILL BUY TODAY $200 Down 37 Chev. Deluxe Coach 38 Packard Deluxe Sedan, radio 37 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan 36 Olds. Coupe $295 Down 38 Chev. Standard Sedan, clean car 38 Ford Deluxe Coach, radio 39 'Dodge Deluxe Sedan 40 Ford Deluxe Coach 40 Chev. 5 Pass. Coupe $425 Down 41 Pontiac 5 Pass. Coupe, clean car Ford Deluxe Sedan Plymouth Std. Coach, good condition Buick Sedanette Chev. Deluxe Sedan $575 Down 46 Chey. Business Coupe 47 Ford Deluxe Coach 46 Ford Deluxe Sedan 47 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan 46 Pontiac Standard Coach ' 32--Automobiles for Sale $675 Down 48 Chev. Fleetmaster Coach Ford 5 Pass. Coupe, beautiful Monarch 5 Pass, Coupe, radio Pontiac Deluxe Coach Ford Deluxe Sedan Nash Deluxe Sedan, radio $795 Dowr, 48 Pontiac Deluxe Coach (fully equipped) 48 Dodge Special Deluxe Sedar 49 Chév. Deluxe Coach 49 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan $895 Dowr 49 Mercury 5 Pass. Coupe LJ 49 Pontiac Two-Tone Sedan Ford Custom Sedan Chev. Deluxe Coach ALSO Chev. Beéllair (Hard Top) Brand New Chev. Deluxe Sedan Brand New Plymouth Deluxe Sedan Brand New Ford Victoria (Hard Top) Brand New Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan Powerglide 50 Pontiac Deluxe Coach 51 Ford Custom Coach 51 Ford Deluxe Sedan 50 Ford Convertible THESE CARS HAVE MANY EXTRAS OTHERS AT VARIOUS PRICES "Terms To Suit Let's Discuss It" BENNETT MOTORS RITSON ROAD S. AT CLOVERLEAF Opén Evenings Till 9 pim/ Phoné 746W