PAGE TWENTY-TW THE DAILY T IMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1951 REM SITY INC. ACTIVITIES (These Are Red Feather Community Services) CRA Thursday, March 8 :00-5:30 pm.--C. R. A, Schools 4:00-5:30 P10 aft, shelleraft, dancing, boys' archery and tary school n, Sle West Area Program at . building. OA pa, -- Woodworking and shellcraft for adults, C.R.A. girls Athletic Club. No program at North Oshawa School because of Educa- BO pm, -- Public School Class. Vie i p.m.--Ontario Steel Products Table Tennis Club. Oshawa Central Club. Ae a Oshawa Cloud Chasers Club. CRA. Organization Commit- eeting. tee X SLE Lions Club Social for tne Blind. Oshawa Photo Arts Club. Sunnyside Neighbourhood ciation Meeting. Asso Friday, March 9th All Day--Art Exhibition, "Con- temporary Canadian Watercolours", from the Toronto Art Gallery. 9 am.-9 p.m--Lions Club Re- creation Room for the Blind open. 2:00-4:00 p.m.--Woodworking for S. i pm--C. R. A. Schools Program--Ileathercraft, shellcraft, girls' gymn, girls' dancing, boys gymn, boys' boxing, archery and woodworking for elementary school i n. Shildre0 p.m. -- Leathercraft for adults. Oshawa Central Athletic Oh pm--C. R. A, North and East Areas' Social for Harmony Neighbourhood Association. East- view Neighbourhood Association, Bathe Neighbourhood Association, Sunnyside Neighbourhood Associa- tion, Woodview Neighbourhood As- sociation, Connaught Neiglibour- hood Association, North Oshawi Neighbourhood Association--Music, Cards and Entertainment. Saturday, March 10th NO NEIGHBORHOOD _ASSO- CIATION PEE WEE EY AT THE OSHAWA ARENA OWING TO THE SKATING CARNIVAL. 9:30 am. --Children's Art Class. Oshawa Children's Theatre "Sleep- ing Beauty" rehearsal. 9:30-11:30 a.m. -- For children: leathercraft, woodworking, girls' gymn, boys' gymn, and boxing. 9:45 am. -- Oshawa Children's Theatre of the Air presents "The Feast of Lanterns" directed by Louise Thomson. CKLB. 1240 on your dial. 2:00 p.m.--Oshawa City Sogger Club Training. 8:30 p.m --Neighbourhood Asso ciation Square Dance--Hosts: Har- mony Park. Three Camps Great Aid To Crippled Most boys and girls, who are blessed with good health, learn to walk at home and the day that baby takes the first step is long remembered. But there are chil- dren, who, because of their handi- caps, need special equipment and training and also more than the usual incentive. : Because the three summer camps operated by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children provide all of these, some youngsters take that first step while there. When they leave home they cannot walk; when they return after an outing of three weeks they can. The society operates three camps each month. Blue Mountain on Georgian Bay near Collingwood opened in 1937; Woodeden, near London in 1946 and Merrywood, in the Rideau Lakes district, in 1948. Every summer each camp gives 160 boys and girls an outing. Forty at. a time they come according to their age groups. Their handicaps have kept them from playing with strong boys and girls. At camp they find their first real playmates. They discover the beauties of nature and the fun of camping out, for special "expedi~ tions" are arranged and they have | their own tents and sleeping bags when they "hit the trail." They learn to sing around the camp fire at night before they turn in, These outings greatly improve their health but more important, their morale. Miss Isabelle Fair- field, Reg.N., assistant to the director of the camps for the past four years, explains, "A child who is afraid to try to walk loses that fear when he sees other boys and girls putting their frail limbs to work. The example motivates them and they tell themselves, "I should be able to do that too." The camps are not organized to teach children how to walk. They have a wider purpose--to stimulate the mind as well as the body. It's a wonderful experience for the children and you have only to look at some of the letters we receive from the parents to know how it is appreciated." Your gift to the Easter Seal Campaign that the Ontario Society for Crippled Children is conducting from Feb. 25 to. Mar. 25, will start some boy or girl on life's path. KOREAN CASUALTIES 'Latest figures of casualties suf- fered by United Kingdom forces in 0) are; 145 killed, 422 wounded, missing and 61 prisoners of ~ 8 total of 802. This a little 4 per cent of the total UK. engaged. L] = ¢ Friday, March Sth 4.00-6.00 pm. -- Movies -- boys and girls, all ages. 7.00 p.m. -- Oshawa Nursing Ca- dets (8.J.A.B.) -- girls, 11-18 yrs. -- roll call, 3rd lecture -- Child Wel- fare -- Miss Helen Ford Reg. N. Lecturer, business period, sing song. 7.00 p.m. -- Simcoe Hall Division Cadet Corps drill, First Aid, punch work, weaving, photography classes, sports, nature study, art, canteen, and business meeting. Saturday, March 10th 9-12 noon Speech Training Classes. 9-12 noon -- Piano Lessons, 9-5.30 p.m. -- Accordién Lessons. 9-12 noon -- Public Library --- Childrens' Dept. 9.30-11.00 am. -- Library Club. 10.00 a.m. -- Noon -- Open House --girls, all ages -- art, crafts, music appreciation. 10.00 a.m. -- noon -- Boys' Sec- ond Aid Club -- boys, 6-10 yrs. 11.00 a.m. -- Story Hour. ° men. 800 pm. -- Oshawa Red Cross Societ" Annual Meeting. All Day -- Exhibition of portrait paintings -- on loan from National Gallery, Ottawa. Friday, March 2 9.30 am. -- Morning Nursery -- programme of table work, singing, games, rhythmical dancing -- for the preschool child. 9.30 am. -- Craft Shop -- weav- ing, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, etc 1.30-6 p.m. -- Craft Shop -- weav- ing. etc. 4-530 p.m -- Junior Leader's Corps -- for girls 13 to 17 years where they learn how to teach games and crafts to the younger girls. 8.00 pm. -- Oshawa Chess Club. All Day -- Exhibition f portrait painting -- on loan from National Gallery, Ottawa. March 5th to 10th Thursday 4 pm.--5th Brownie Pack. 2:30 pm.--10th Company Mother's Auxiliary. 7 p.m.--8th Guide ('ompany. 12th Guide Company. Friday 8 p.m.--Guider's Club. Saturday Proficiency Tests. Ontario Spotlight TO DOUBLE POLICE FORCE Markham, Ont, March 8--(CP) --Chief Clarence Wideman an- nounced yesterday that the two- man Markham township police force would be doubled, with the first move on the larger force bes ing directed at speeders and over- loaded trucks in the township. YEAR FOR ESCAPEE Brampton, Ont,, March 8 -- (CP)--Carl Coughlin, 25, of Chapeau, Que., .yesterday was sentenced to one year for escaping from Brampton Train- ing School twe weeks ago. He , surrendered to police at Guelph. TAME ICE BREAKUP Galt, March 8 -- (CP) -- Warm rains have eliminated' the danger of floods in the Grand River area by melting ice which in other years caused jams resulting in the river rising as high as 14 feet. Yester- day the ice went out in one of the tamest breakups in years. AGE 'LIMIT ON $1REMEN 'March 8--(CP)-- Fire and jail committee of city council last night limited the age of applicants for jobs as firemen to 29 years but ex- cepted war veterans, including those from Canada's Special Force in Korea. An age limit of 25 years for firemen had been requested. WANT WEED-EATERS Belleville, March' 8--(CP)--En- tomologists at the Federal parasite investigation laboratories here are trying to develop a beetle that eats weeds -- and nothing but weeds. They're also breeding insect foes of such pests as the spruce bud- worm and oriental fruit moth. Forestry is an important indus- try in France, where the main trees are oak, birch, pine, beech, elm and chestnut, Several Used , CASH REGISTERS Good working condition. $20. wp Reconditioned Smith Corone ADDING MACHINE 7 Column $85.00 New Adding Machines McCASKEY $135.80 wp New Cash Registers $250.00 up Terms on New "50s. A: KOLL 4-7 p.m. -- Harvey Dance Aca- demy. 7-10 p.m. -- Craft Shop -- weav- ing, etc. : 7.45 pm. -- Y, W. C. A. Programme, Committee, 8.00 p.m. -- Cracker Barrel Club, This Club meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of the month and this week they are discussing, "Your Human Rights and Mine." The speaker and discussion group leader is Mr. M. McIntyre Hood. This newly-formed Club is praving most popular. It is open to bcth gentlemen and ladies. If you are in- terested in a lively and informative talk and a good discussion period, you 'are invited to attend this Club meeting. 8.00 pm. -- Y. W. C. A. Badmin- ton Club -- held® every Thursday evening -- open to all senior mem- bers of the "Y", ladies and gentle- Saturday, March 10 10-1130 a.m. -- SAT-R-DAY Camp -- for girls 9-12 years of age. Program of games, dances, etc. All Day -- Harvey Dance Academy. 9.00 pm. -- Over-20 Club Dance. All Day -- Exhibition of portrait paintings -- on loan from National Gallery, Ottawa. Sunday, March 11 3-5 pm. and 7-10 p.m. -- Art Exhibit and Library avaiiable. og pm, -- After-Church Musi- cale. Many Visitors At Enniskillen MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN Correspondent Enniskillen, March 17 Last week's visitors included the fol- lowing: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt visited Mr. Ross Page's, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and family, Purple Hill, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Oke. Mrs. Frank Spry, Rochester, N.Y, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Edgar Wright. " Mrs. W. A. Van Camp, who has been ill with pneumonia, is con- valescing with her daughter, Mrs. PF. W. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundle, Hampton, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, and visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smithson at Cale- don Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. 8S. H. May and Bill, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. ; C.GIT. will be held at Reva McGill's on Saturday, March 10 at 2.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and family at Mr. and Mrs, C, Mills, Port Perry. . Mrs. Ji H. Borrowdale and Brian, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and family, Burketon, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Mr..and Mrs. David Gray and Carol, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs, Milford McDonald and Gerald, Bowmanville; Mr, and Mrs. Jim Fallis and Linda, Cadmus, visited Mrs. James Adams and Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne, Cour- tice; Mr, J. Pearce, Mr. L. Pearce, Miss M. Pearce, Port Perry; Mr. Lloyd Goodale, Mr. V. Goodale, Caistor Centre, Ont., at Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeaters. Mrs. E. Strutt, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick and Ruth, with Mrs. Roy Dickie. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. [] Mr. and Mrs. 8. Turner and Helen, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland. Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Herring, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stain- ton, Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb. Mrs. Audrey May and Garry, How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place Do your false teeth annoy and em- barrass by slipping, dropping or wob- bling when you eat, laugh or talk? Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on your plates. This alkaline ( id) CROSSWORD - - - - By Eugene Sheffer 2 [3 |4 6 ° ji 3 pe 15 % 24 7 HORIZONTAL 43. a sponge 1. simulate (slang) 5. apportion 45. tissues 9. dexterity surrounding 12. lifted with the teeth exertion 48. epoch 13. slightly 40. external: elliptical , comb. form 14. the turmeric 50. clutch 15. wide- B1. title of mouthed address jug 52. observed 3-8 . savor . street rail- ways (abbr.) . Jason's ship , Thusical pipe . Russian news agency . affirm . capital of South Daketa . pack . prefix: half . elevated §3. anfitoxins VERTICAL 1. personal _ pronoun what manner 3. general types 4. pond 5. instants 6. happenings tions . experience Answer to yesterday's puzzle. . wove rope 28. guarantee sorrow L * for sin A E again , swards Lad (2) 29. arrow poison 30. being = [= A . Oriental tea . buries 32. coarse grass yielding hay . mourns 34. sea brigand . eagie"s nest hd Bd Add Ld 36. female relative dan princes 38. citrus drinks . sweet singers 39. Persian fairy . stingy hoarder 40. European river basin REED DE . meat pies . cityin Italy Z|» 4]-|> »EHO|0] >! 42. incites H E N T 1 . born <|»|G® 44. Egyptian god . altar end =m >= 46. Russian of church 41. Turkish A time. of 3 | SIV ve community 47. Belgian Ld decrees Distributed by King Features Syndicate : 32 minat health resort Lapeer, Michigan, with Mr. and Mrs. John Dorland. Mr. Roy McGill attended a fun- eral in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stainton and Jean, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton. Mrs. Wm. Sheppard, Mr. Henry Sheppard and Allan, Elizabeth- ville; Mr. Walter. Sheppard, Brant- ford; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Red- knapp, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Pethick. . Mr. and' Mrs. Gerald Balson and family, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson, Cour- tice, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ellis, Mrs, H. J. McGill and Master Brian Borrowdale, with Jas. A. and Mrs. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strutt and Phyllis, 'Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick and Mrs. E. Strutt. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp and Arthur, Blackstock, visited his mother, Mrs. Van Camp at Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry's. Mr, and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman, Scugog Island. Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Peth- ick. Denmark claims the lowest tuver- culosis death rate in the world, 19 in every 100,000 of population. JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! 241 KING ST. EAST PHONE 1351 Repairs and Service COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK and EFFICIENT SERVICE PHONE 736) WARNER WILLIAMS : 78 Simcoe N, CHURCHILL BACK ON JOB London, March 8-- (Reuters) -- Winston Churchill returned to the House of Commons Wednesday, back to health after an outbreak of boils, and led his Conservative sup- porters into a sudden vote and de- feat at Government hands. It was a procedural matter on which Churchill called a division, asking that debate of the overseas re- sources bill Wednesday night should not be extended beyond 10 PM. -- usual time for ending the main business of the day. British railways plan to reduce | the present 400 different designs of locomotives to 12 basic types. PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly and Accurately Filled -- A -- MITCHELL'S | DRUG STORE | 9 Simcoe N. | CAN DEPEND ON Dodds! powder holds false teeth more firmly and more comfortably. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Does not sour. Checks "plate odor" (den- ture breath). Get FASTEETH today at any drug store. MASONITE \ ERNIE CAY LUMBER 53 ALBERT ST. PHONE 127 "Stafford Bros. i MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundes St. £., Whithy Phone Whitby $52 MONUMENTS AND 316 Leslie St. 3 Township of East Whitby WARNING TO ALL TRUCKS USING THE ROADS OF HALF LOAD LIMIT DURING --- APRIL UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT SECTION 36--4-8. By Order of the Council of the Township of East Whitby TO BE STRICTLY ENFORCED MARCH THE TOWNSHIP WM. E. NOBLE, Clerk Wader Holds have raced hundreds of miles of footpaths, quagmires and even bulls, to pre- pare for a survey to be completed within six months. negotiating hedges, Teignmouth, Devon, England -- (CP)--A 50-year-old man threw himself 60 feet {rom a hotel wine dow because he* was saddened by the death of his dog. Right of Way Thanington, Kent, England (CP) -- Colin Clough, 32-year-old antique dealer, stood on the bank of the River Siour, stripped down to a bathing suit he was wearing underneath his clothes and waded slowly across the river. It was a winter day and the water was cold. But Clough wasn't just out for a prank. His idea was to establish a right of way across the river, whose footbridge was ' swept away by. floods in 1929, | "Someone had to map the old course of a footpath survey," said Mrs. Clough. "My husband felt it was his duty." i Officials said other volunteers | READER'S DIGEST TELLS WHAT LAXATIVES ARE BEST FOR YOU! Hore's how @ "lazy colon" can be regulated without pills, salts or drugs Reader's Digest has truth about laxatives. dared print the it tells about the ive way fo pro- mote waste elimination. It has a mild laxative action like certain vegetables. ical fruits No chemical lar ogainl i For more sluggish constipa- has Sona FESHES Ar 35-5 E STAM THE THRIFTY! em 2 re Price. TRENCH COAT--FOR GIRLS! for Springtime. Sh) = 273 FOR BOYS!-- Sizes 3 to 6x. Of water-repellent Covert cloth. Lined. Brown, blue. A wonderful little garment Zeller's Thrift Priced. ea DM = LLER ETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS With Spring-&-Easter around the corner, Zeller's present timely togs for Young Folks and grand buys for Mom and Dad. PRICED FOR Goods SATISFACTORY er-Money Refunded LOVELY FELT HATS for Young Misses zeer's THRIFT price 2.19 You save a goodly percentage on the cost of things when you shop at Zellers. See these attractive flower-trimmed "Easter Bonnets" for young Belles! to 22 in light and bright colours. Headsizes 202 " " n Aim. ; - COAT SETS! COATS GIRLS' COAT SET--SIZES 2 TO 4: navy blue, (75% wool fabric). Coat with crisp white pique collar that's easily buttoned on or taken off. Pretty little navy blue bonnet. Zeller's Thrift 6.95 9.95 For Girls! For Boys! "8 apis' ZEWLER'S THRIFT PRICE 2.95 Made by one of Canada's prominent shoe mdnufacturers --these Oxfords are sturdily constructed, on health lasts specially designed for active growing youngsters. Colours brown and black. Sizes 8 to 3. 21 Simcoe St. S. SHOPPING HOURS: ZELLER'S LIMITED Phone 1065 DAILY 9 TO 5.30. WED. 9-12.30 SHIRTS Look and then buy these outstanding values. Avail- able in your choice of white, blue and grey. ® Sanforized ® Sizes 142 to 1612 ® Sleeve lengths -- 33 and 34 2.95 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Now is the time to buy these Thrift Priced sport shirts, Smartly styled in deluxe quality rayon. Blue, yellow, grey and wine are a few of the many colours. | 3.95 "4% 4 ' "$ TIES! . Step right into Spring with the right Tie for your Easter - Suit. Plain and fancy coloured designs to choose from. Js ed . by \r 2 if / » : LADIES' SHOES Latest Spring styles in kid and 'suede pumps. Fea- tured in brown, black, navy and grey. Sizes 4-8 MISSES' Fashioned. right for Spring in white celanese crepe with dainty lace trimmed collar, cap sleeves, tucked ' yoke, embroidered trim, pearl button front. KS 2, PULLOVERS ~%) An exceptional value in 72 ladies' long sleeved turtle- neck pullovers 100% ~ wool in plain and pattern- ed designs. Colours: Green, pink, blue, black, red and wine. Sizes 12.20