THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1951 'HE DAILY T IMES-GAZETTE PAGE SEVENTEEN AJAX COMMUNITY NEWS 'Village Notes ~From Ajax - MRS. G. MILLs Ajax, March 7 -- The winners in the weekly Euchre Club meeting were: 1st, Mrs. 8. English; 2nd, Mrs. McAllister and low, Mrs. Malcolm. The hostess, Mrs. Sqalepien, assisted Mrs, E. Simpson and Miss Trudy = Bl a dainty Taueh, The next meeting i be 3, uk home of Mrs. 8B. Engl! 5 Yor! War Brides Association " The Ajax Branch of the Cana- dian War Brides Asociation, met for | ° its meeting in the Community Hall, Cedar Street on Febru 28. The first degree burns to her and face, and all wish her speedy and complete recovery. The meeting was combined with a baby shower for one of the mem- pers, Mrs. Ida Sherbourne. The overseas parcel was won by Mrs. K. Simmons. Next meeting is on March 14. It is sincerely hoped that all members who have been ill will be recovered by then. Mr. and Mrs. I. Turner, White- vale, at Mr. and Mrs. J. Pettit's, Durham St., on Sunday. Mrs. M. Casey and son Jimmie of Rosetown, Sask. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. Sutherland, Cedar Street. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilbert, Dur- ham 8t., visited in Gravenhurst over the week end. Birthday congratulations to Mrs. Sarah Ford, (Grandma), Beatty Ave, and to Jerry Batherson, Cedar st Billy Russell, Cedar St. cele- brated his 7th birthday on Tues- day with a party and all the trim- mings. Hig guests included: Patsy, Marlene and Jarry Batherson, Linda Boyle, Wendy Gates, Sharon, Beverley and Nancy Ford, Ernie Brown, and Randy, Rickie and Bar- bara Drummie. Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Mills, Beech St., visited Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Graham, Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Graham and baby daughter arrived on Saturday from Wainwright Al- Friends of Mr. Jim Varty are to see him back at the barber again, after his stay in Wel- y Hospital, Toronto. birth of a son in Oshawa Hospital. Mrs. P. Boyle, Cedar St. is also a patient in Oshawa Hospital. Her friends wish her a speedy recovery. Women's Institute The meeting that was postponed h so much sickness will be York St. at 2 pm, Ajax Red Cross Plans Campaign To Raise Funds MRS. G. MILLS Correspondent Ajax, March 7--Plans for the an- nual Red Cross campaign for funds are well under way in Ajax follow- ing the annual meeting of the Red Cross Society, held in the Red Cross Rooms, York Street. The following offecers and executive were re-elected to carry on the work for 1951, as they did last year: * President--George Henderson. -- Vice-President--George Lawr- gg Vice-President--Bert Hill, 3rd Vice-President--Terry Colgan. Corresponding Secretary -- Miss » | Mary McRae. Treasurer--Mrs. T. Blight. Welfare convener, Mrs. George Henderson, with assistants T. Blight, M. Cooper and Mrs, D. R. McRae; publicity convener, Clar- ence Boyes. The following volunteered their assistance in the campaign: Dr. and Mrs. G. Jones, Mrs. George Lawr- ence, Mrs, Smith, Miss J, Reid, Mrs. Harrison, Messrs. Plerce, Ellis and Fulton, all of Ajax, and Mrs. Neil Shortreed and Mrs. Arthur Mitchell, of Pickering. The well baby clinic will be held on the first Wednesday of each month, when innoculations and vaccinations will be given, with Dr. G. Jones and Miss V. Elliott, pub- lic health nurse, in attendance. The schedule arranged is as fol- lows: Innoculations, 130 to 2.30 p.m.; vaccinations, 2.30 to 3.00 p.m.; conferences, 3.00 to 3.30 p.m. On the third Wednesday of each month, there will be conferences for pre-school age children from 1.30 to 3.30 p.m., with Dr. Jones and Miss Elliott in charge. All mothers and children are urged to take advantage of these clinics, which form one of the many Red Cross services to the com- munity. AIRCRAFT CONTRACT LET Fort William, March 8 -- (CP) -- Rev. Dan Mclvor, Liberal Member of Parliament for Fort William, said Wednesday that a contract has been let for Canadian Car and Foundry Ltd. to build training aircraft at its plant here. Mr. MclIvor talked to members of the Fort Willlam Lib- eral Association at a special meet- ing in his home. He said he brought . | the news from Ottawa as "definite word." DEFENCE CO-ORDINATOR Sudbury, Ont. (CP) --Dr, George Walker, chairman of the Sudbury Red Cross disaster committee, was appointed co-ordinator of civic emergency services. He served over- seas with the American forces and pransiorred to the Canadian Navy SA PICKED AND PACKED: AT FLAVOUR PEAK VACUUM SEALED TO GIVE YOU FRESH CORN ALL YEAR 'ROUND BRAND \GARDEN PATCH packed Vacuum FRESH CORN To enjoy that summertime taste-thrill of corn on the cob all winter long serve Garden Patch Brand Fresh Corn. The golden kernels.are cut cleanly from the cob at peak of flavour and quickly sealed in vacuum so that, at the touch of a can opener, you can have truly fresh corn. You'll find this vacuum packed fresh corn $0 easy to serve -- just add a pat of butter to the piping-hot kernels. Buy several cans at your grocer's tomorrow. The prevailing low price of Garden Patch Brand Corn Bull Sale Is Bigger |And Better The 151 show and sale of Beef Bulls, to be held in the Coliseum at Exhibition Park in Toronto on March 20th and 21st, given promise of being even better than the sales of the past two years, according to W. P. Watson, Livestock Commis- sioner for Ontario and Secretary for the Sale. To back up his statement, Mr. Watson points out that bulls from 147 of the best beef herds in On- tario have been entered in this event and enquirers from prospec- tive buyers are already reaching him in considerable numbers, Be- gun in 1949, this Show and Sale sponsored by the Ontario Beef Cat- tle Breeders' Association has be- come one of the important events in the calendar of the beef produc- er. He feels its rapid growth is an indication of the interest in it. There were just 90 bulls offered at the first sale. This number jump- to to 209 in the second sale held a year ago, while for the 1951 sale 286 animals have been consigned. Mr. Watson points out that from many standpoints this is an ideal time for both commercial and pure- bred beefmen in Ontario to grade up their herds by obtaining better herd sires. The beef barket is very strong and there never was a time when an old bull or an undesirable animal would bring as much money on the beef market as is the case today. On the other hand, féed costs are high so that it is unwise for producers to keep animals which will not produce economically or whose progeny will not do so. The other factor which encour- ages interest in the sale is the fi- nancial assistance offered by the Ontario Department of Agriculture to purchasers of bulls offered at this sale. The provisions are that the Department will pay a premium equal to one-third of the selling price of the bull purchased up to a maximum of $150.00 per animal, One-half of the premium will be paid to the purchaser on receipt of an application accompanied by the registration certificate recorded in the name of the applicant. The other half of the premium will be paid at the end of twelve months, provided an inspection by a repre- sentative of the Livéstock Branch shows the bulls has been main- tained in a satisfactory breeding condition. This available premium, combin- ed with the high salvage value of old or undesirable bulls, certainly gives beef men in the province an ideal opportunity to obtain top quality herd sires at a minimum cost. So far as breeds are concerned, there are 163 Shorthorns, 61 An- gus and 72 Herefords listed in the sale catalogue and these animals come from 147 breeders located in 28 counties of the province. In other words, the buyer has plenty of choice. Further information about the sale and a copy of the sale cata- Zion Couple's 34th Wedding Anniversary MRS. RUSSELL STAINTON , Correspondent Zion, March 7."-- Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hircock were given a sur- prise party by their family on the occasion of their 34th wedding an- niversary on February 23, They were presented with four wool blankets. Mrs. Russell Parkins visited Mrs. Lorenzo Trull, Hampton, on Mon- day afternoon. Miss Winifred Powers, Oshawa, was Sunday guest at Robert Kill- en's. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Simpson logue can be obtained by writing to the Sale Secretary, W. P. Wat- son, Parliament Buildings, Toron- to, Ontario. '| will be at Mrs, and family, Oshdwa, were Sunday visitors at Fred Comeron's, Mr. Albert Hircock, Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs, John Hircock and Violet, Oshawa, were recent supper guests at Nathan Hircock's. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Coverly and sons, Ebenezer, at Wes Cameron's. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Dart were Monday visitors at R. Apsley's, Highland Creek. Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Stainton, Osh- awa, were Sunday visitors at Rus- sell Stainton's. Mr, Alf. Struzenegger, Peterboro, spent a few days at Hans Geiss berger's. The flu has been calling at quite a few homes around Zion. Zion C.G.I.T. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Hans Geissberger and opened by the singing of C.GIT. hymn followed by the Lord's Prayer and C.G.IT. Isabel Cruickshanks had chagge of the worship service. Next meeting Charles Naylor's home, Lovely refreshments were served by Mrs. Gelssberger and Mary. Misses Joyce Cameron and Shir- ley Pierson, Oshawa, were Sunday callers at Wes Cameron's. Misses Ruth Shaw and Muriel Moore, Oshawa, were week-end vise itors at Russell Stainton's. Master Kenneth Ball is in Oshe awa General Hospital sick with pneumonia. 'Mr. Han's Geissberger, Jr., was week-end guest of Mr, and Mrs, Jack Arnott, London. JOBLESS CLAIMS DECLINE Ottawa, March 8 -- (CP)--Claims for unemployment insurance bene- fits declined five per cent during January over the corresponding month last year, the Bureau of Sta= tistics reported Wednesday, Claims during the month totalled 172,269, compared with 182,053 for January, 1950. Declines were recorded in On- tario and British Columbia, but slight increases were registered in the other provinces. The highway built between Ham- ilton and Galt in 1836 was one of the. first macademized roads in up- per Canada. FE RR INFORMATION WITH A SMILE! Everyone at Dominion strives to make your shopping pleasant. If you can't find something you want... or if you want information about any product... please ask the nearest member of the staff. We'll assist you...with a smile! Such friendly personal service is just one of the many reasons why you'll enjoy shopping at the Signpost of Satisfaction... your Dominion Store. York Quality Canned Goods CUT WAX IN TOMATO SAUCE LIMA BEANS VINE RIPENED--SERVE HOT OR CHILLED CHOICE TOMATOES Aylmer Peas & Carrots BRIGHT'S PEACHES cos LYNN VALLEY PEARS oo CRUSHED PINEAPPLE sz==x 02 29c V-8 VEGETABLE JUICES ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE gocx CLARK'S Tomato JUICE raxcr 2 2x 25¢ HORSEY Grapefruit JUICES 2 = 31: HEE EEE ED®REEDDEDNDNSSSDEESE®SEDBSESEESE®E®R Frurt and Ve getables FANOY QUALITY--CREAM STYLE GOLDEN CORN UNGRADED AS TO SIZE--TENDER & SWEET CHOICE GREEN PEAS 2:27 CHOICE QUALITY--GOLDEN BEANS CHOICE QUALITY CHOICE 2% 35¢ 2 5229 232227 no 18c 150 16¢ 1no-20¢ no-23 p 10x 19 nee 1 HEINZ--IN TOMATO SAUCE Cooked Spaghetti so P5e Be Tomato Ketchup ne De Re CA HEINZ--OONDEN Maushwaom Soup 2:35 I BRUNSWICK--CANADIAN SARDINES in OIL 3: 25 PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN, WING Guaranteed Meats STEAKS or soneLess rouno ROASTS -89- FRESH PORK BUTTS © 65- FRESH PORK » 55. PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS Ib. SHORT CUT--FIRST 5 RIBS PRIME RIB ROAST GRADE "A" Pre-Dressed CHICKENS » 69: » 85. FRESH 69- ONTARIO FANCY GRADE EATING OR COOKING McINTOSH APPLES := 59: BUY QUALITY! BUY THE BEST! FROM THE FAMOUS PENELLAS COUNTY--FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS ' Thin-Skinned and Full of Julce Size 96's ROSE BRAND--SWEET MIXED PICKLES "52 32¢ BROAD OR FINE tor 29 MEXICAN--WELL-FILLED PODS FRESH GREEN PEAS 2. 20. FRESH GREEN FLORIDA--ROUND STRINGLESS NEW CROP--VALENCIA SEEDLESS Size 216s Doz. 45¢ 1b. 19: TASTY-U.S. No, 1 LOUISIANA YAMS 2 »- 23 These Prices Effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 8th, 9th & 10th In Oshawa FIRST OF THE SEASON--FRESH CUBAN RIPE PINEAPPLE Large Size 12s Each 29: SMOKED SLICED 1b. 57- -E Esai SES EEEEN SHORTENING DOMESTIC w= 39c GINGERBREAD MIX OGILVIE VANKIRK CHOCOLATE CHIPITS AUSTRALIAN: RELIANT CURRANTS oa. 17¢ MARGARINE MARGENE 1 43 OGILVIE--Choc.--Gold--Silver CAKE MIXES £2= 35¢ OGILVIE--QUICK COOKING MINUTE OATS".2=36¢ SHELLED WALNUT PIECES 42 21c LANCIA NOODLES 22-1 2c Cream of Wheat CHOICE Lenten Fish Suggestions COD FILLETS 1b 35c SILVER BRIGHT SALMON STEAKS 1b. 55¢ SOLE FILLETS 1b. 49 6.0m. = 29 25 MACARONI & CHEESE TREAT 28 Oz. Pkg. 29: KRAFT DINNER 2 exe. 27¢ IDEAL--DRIED APRICOTS 1 Da * 45