Daily Times-Gazette, 16 Feb 1951, p. 14

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| BRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1951 pA ------ TT R WANT ADS To... \ 1 fi lll i liye fil THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE ; anil | 5 TILE 2 3 I a QE Wh < AY b Il | I | Business -- Professional DIRECTORY {--Architects TECT HANKS & IRWIN, 11] Prince Street, Oshawa. Phone 1001. Also 284# Bloor St. W., Toronto. Phone LY. T755. (F12) fa--Accountants, Chartered MONTET AND MONTEITH, o DR So untants, 87 King St B. Phone 4911-R. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., Resident Partner.' (M9) 8, K.C., BAR- 5--Barristers etc., 8 King St. nates, Bol itor, cf West. Phones: Office 814; Resi- dence 3207. Money to loan. George 8. Bobchyn, B.A, Associate. (Marl) ¥F. ANNIS, K.C. - RALPH 8. 'B.A., 181 King St..E. Phone 4. Res. 730. (M1) G. CONANT, B.A, BAR- BR oncttor and Notary Public 's Row, Ajax, phone 25. (M6) "W. 8. GREBR, K.C., BARRIS. Solicitor, etc., 6 King Street East. 3160. Residence 3514. John Greer, B.A Sc. (F10) T. SALMERS, B.A, BARRIS- , Solicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street . Phones: office 5073; residence "FRASER & DRYNAN, Bank of Commerce HEE Creighton. K.C, Frase .C., G. K. Drynan. Ey BC (M1) H P. MANGAN, K.C,, BAR- , Solicitor. Money to loan. of- 14% King Street East, Oshawa. e 445. Residence, phone 327. (M1) BARRISTER, Room 2. BST MARKS, tor, 11 King East, 18--Lost and Found LOST---SET QF KEYS, IN BROWN 25--Real Estate For Sale MODERN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, Addled-Ads ( From the Nation's Classified Columns) By Lutke 32--Avtomobiles For Sale FOR A GOOD DEAL SEE WEST- t Motors, 428 King St. W. interior finish leather key case on y ev- ening in central area of Oshawa. Finder please phone 17957. (40b) LOST--RHINESTONE NECKLACE, Saturday night, on Bond or McMil- lan, or in Arena, Reward. Phone 1988-7 or 791 Gordon St. ~~ (3%c) LOST, LADIES" WRISTWATCH, gold, vicinity Olive Ave, and Albert St. Phone 2730M. (40c) LOST, BLACK COCKER SPANIEL, red collar, answers to name of "Skippy". Rosedale Ave. district. Phone new. Sy ) FOUND--RUST COLORED CHES- terfield cushion. Apply 311 Wary Fi a. LOST--MAN'S BLACK ONYX SIG- net ring, downtown section to Athol St. Reward. Phone 4306-J. (40a) LOST--GREEN WALLET, BOND and Simcoe St. vicinity, Phone 4180R4. (40a) LOST -- GENTLEMAN'S A GOLD wristwatch, on Prince St., Monday. Reward. Phone 5065-M. (39¢c) 19+-Money to Loan MONEYS TO LOAN ON APPROVED properties. Private funds. Apply Louis 8S. Hyman, K.C., 37 King St East, Oshawa. Phone 67. (M2) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A., and Builders' Loans arranged. Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Phone 282. (Marl!) 20--Personal WANTED---TRANSPORTATION TO Yonge and Bloor, 6 days a week. Leaving Oshawa 8 o'clock returning 5 pm. Phone 3467J12. (38¢) ALCOSJLICS ANONYMOUS helps with drinking problems, Write P.O. Box 103. Phone 5559 evenings 8-10. (M6) 2702M: * R es: Office 55; M1) 21--Personal Services TJ. PARKHILL AND J. A. h, Barristers. Mortgage loans, af poral Housing Act loans. 26 Sim- eos. North. Phone 1614, Rec. a FIAIFNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bassett Block, Suite No. 4. Phone 282; ts 2BTTW, (M1) 4--Chiropodists PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. or free estimate call Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe St. N. (F8) 22--Radio Repairs TELEVISION -- RADIO -- SOUND, service and sales, aerials erected. Free loan radios. Phone 5023, Fowler Radio and Television, 1096 King E. (F29) ¥ M, VANT, D.S.C., CHIROPO- dist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Phone 3947 (M1) S--+Dentists ER BE. WILLSON, DENTIST, wa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every Phone 4569 or 4577-R. (M1) Nursing Services carry DLE GREEN VILLA < REST Hde, Courtice, one or two vacan- cies for the aged and bed patients, bi and women. Every kindness given; excellent meals. Nursing care and tray service. Approved by doc- tors. Terms weekly or monthly. Phone for appointment. Oshawa BS88TM1. y (M14) 7--Optometrists' A. E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST - Jury & Lovell - Office Hours: 9 to 6; Weanesday, 9 to 1. Phone 4164. (M1) €. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, 9 to 12, 2 tc 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Phone 1516. (M1) 8--Building Trades GRAVEL. IF YOU NEED GRAVEL call United Trucking. Phone 288W1. (M16) PLUMBING AND HEATING IN- stallations and repairs. Work guar- anteed. Phone 5746W. Val Mette. . (M16) GENERAL REPAIRS AND CAR- penter work, remodelling. If you neéd help to finish your home phone 1216-J. shingles, built-up roofing and siding. Work pki H. W. Tucker, -J. (F17) PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, stripping, repairs, sponge ceilings and walls. Estimates given. Phone Fred VanHorn, 4498-M-13. (M11) ALL BUILDING WORK, REPAIRS, remodelling, cupboards. Call R. B. Wilkins, 597 Masson, phone 1487TW, (M9) FOR GENERAL CARPENTRY, AL- teration, trimming, cupboards a 8; ty. Workmanship guaranteed. one Gerald Fulton, 180J12. (M6) HILLSIDE FLOOR SERVICE -- 4! laid, sanded and finished, rubber, Marboleum and Mastic tile. B. Mosier, 206 Hillside. Phone sary, (M6) THIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry repairs Cement mixer for rent. Gordon May. Phone 920W12. (M8) 13--Household Repairs CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE- covered. Like new. Why pay, more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebui't. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church 8t. Phone 3344. (M3) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE upholstered. See our materials for recovering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles. Phone 401, (M3) 14--Instruction SEW NOW FOR SPRING. PRIV- ate lessons in dressmaking and em- broidery by experienced teacher. Assistance with alterations. Cutting and fitting service. For particulars phone Miss Ganner 2456. (40b) THE HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, new classes now forming in Ballet, Character, National, Toe, Tap. Reg- ister Saturdays, Adelaide House. Irenie Harvey. (My31) COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, phone, esomptometer. Classes sf every Monday; night school onday and Thursday. Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. e 1314. (F'10) = TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, 0, Samba, Swing, taught at the wa Studio of Dancing. Private ' class 'nstruction. 47 Prince St. appointment, phone 4271-J. (M3) AN MAE MARSH DANCING bool -- ballet, tap, toe, character. mic Temple, Saturday, Business s, Tuesday. 3048-W, M3) ITARS SUPPLIED. KEEP (F29) | BUY YOUR AUTO-RADIO FROM us. Free installation. Fast guaran. teed service. Cherry Grove Radio, phone 332W13. (F'15) 23--Women's Column CLARKE'S HAIRDRESSING, SPE- cial. Machineless permanents, $3.50 and up, Cold waves, $5 and up. 172 Gibbons St. Phone 5074-J. (M13) PRENTICE'S HAIRDRESSING Permanents $2.50 and up. Cold waves $4.95 and up. 10 Church Phone 4491J. (F235) CHARIS FOUNDATION GAR- ments with money-back guarantee. expertly fitted. Phone Mrs. Blatter at 2594-R. (F10) PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON -- OIL wave, $2.50 up; maenineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St. Phone 371. (F727) CREAM PERMANENT WAVES for only $4.50 up complete at Page Hairdressing. Phone 5048J. (F26) 25--Real Estate For Sale NEW BUNGALOW TYPE HOUSE, very roomy, 36 ft. by 37 ft., on a large lot, all modern conveniences, oil heating, etc. Beautiful situation just outside the limits of the City of Oshawa in the -low tax area. Possession in 30 days, $12,000. Half cash. Apply Box 715 Times-Gazette. No dealers. (40c) 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, FIN- ished attic, double garage, good con- dition. Phone 3649M. (40c) --Terms. 5-roomed brick $6,00 bungalow, hydro, fur- nace, 1 acre land--North Oshawa. $5 00(Q Pon payment $2,000, ' 5-room insul-bric cot- tage, 2-piece bath. --Terms. 5-room $7 ,00 bungalqw, all fences, oil heating. --$6,900 h, 6- $9, 50055 dwentey. a omed con- venlences, -- Bark Street. $2,500 $5 ' 700 down, 5-room insul-bric bungalow--southeast Oshawa. BERT PEYTON Real Estate Broker 13 Bond St. E. Phone 3399 Joe Misztak--Salesman y Phane 4423-W $9 50 ---8-room, 2-storey rug ' brick house, 3-pc. bath, hot air heating; central. --Half h, - $ | 2,000 ge od hiro frame conven- (40a) and half. This home is in lovely condi- tion--east section. --3- f hi - $3,800 cat cundation. gas: age. . WALTER R. SMITH Real Estate Broker 18 Bond St. W. Phone 5380 (40a) $8 00 --$1,900 down, 5-roomed, ' almost completed, new brick bungalow, easy N.H.A. terms, last house available under present mortgage. Terms. $9 50 --6-room, 2-storey brick ' in excellent condition, oak floors throughout, large land- scaped lot, northeast district, close to King St.; one of the best buys in the city today. Suburban Colonial style, square plan home, beautifully located on Simcoe St. North, 6 rooms down, 4 up. Large living room, open fireplace, oak floors, modern kitchen, 2 french tile baths, . heating, hot water with Stoker, double garage, % acre gaod garden land. Can easily be dupl d outside yet to be finished, liveable now, $9,500 completed, % cash down. See it by appointment. Phone Bots, (37e) G. L. NOLAN, REAL ESTATE Broker, property valuations, money to loan on first mortgages. 69 King St. East, Phone 328. (m3) ACCEPT OUR INVITATION TO security--Contracts for fire, auto- mobile, life, accident, furs and je- wellry. Phone us now. Murdoch In- surance, 1213 Simcoe St. S. Evening appointments at our office or your home. (M1) FARM, 11 ' ACRES, IMMEDIATE possession; market garden, fruit trees, creek, bank barn, other out- buildings. Bungalow, frame, 7 rooms, electricity, phone. 3 miles from Cobourg. Price $3,000, $2,000 cash. Information--phone ils IC Commuter's Special. $4500 3 acres with 9 room house, on 2 floors and small barn with garage doors, situated in the = village of Prince Albert, walking distance to store, post office, church and schools. This house could easily be converted to a 2 family home. Immediate pos- session. $2,000 cash required. Apply P.O. BOX 188 PORT PERRY 6r PHONE 24, PORT PERRY, Ont. (F10,12,15,16,17) 7 ACRES MARKET Garden land, poultry or fruit, 7-room home, poul- try houses, barn and refreshment booth; hydro and water pressure system. On highway near Port Per- ry. An ideal spot--only $6,500. 4 ACRES poultry and fruit farm, good land, 6-room home, poultry houses, garage, and other buildings; cherry and apple trees, raspberries and red currants. Good business spot | south part of Oshawa. Only $8,200 with $2,200 down. See W. McAULEY Realtor 13 Prince Street Phone 5356 or 3510 EXCLUSIVE LISTING 6-ROOM, 2-STOREY BRICK HOME, in northeast section, close to public and high schools. One of the very few homes left in this area for sale. 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, in southeast section, very close to Rit- son Rd. School; good-sized lot. Pos- session April 1st. We have various 2 and 3-acre build- ing lots for sale within commuting distance of Oshawa, suitable for V.L.A. homes. DON MEREDITH Real Estate 22 Bond St. W. Pnone 3956 John Ukrop--Salesman (39b) (39b) $4 50 --8-room solid brick house ' on No. 2 Highway, east of subway, in town of Whitby, Hy- dro, town water in; stone basement; lot 97° x 135'. Immediate possession. Terms. See NOLAN Broker 69 King St. E. Oshawa Ph. 328 (39¢) 27--Real Estate Wanted BUILDING LOTS, MARY, JARVIS, Alice or Division Sts., size and price, (40b) BUILDING LOT, CENTRAL PARK Blvd, and Oshawa Blvd. district. Give size and price to Box 611 Times-Gazette. (40c) 2 TO 6 ACRES OF LAND WITH house, wanted under V.L.A., near Oshawa. Phone 638-M. (39¢c) 4 TO 8ROOM HOUSE, IN OR near Oshawa, $1,000 down payment. Write Box 622, Times-Gazette. (F17) HOMES, FARMS, BUSINESS wanted for clients. To buy, sell or exchange, get action. See or call W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Phone 5356 or 3510 anytime. (M9) Houses urgently needed for waiting clients, some with ail cash. If you wish to sell or buy, consult us. DONALD SCOTT Real Estate 25 Prince Street at Bond hone 4153 (37d) 28--For Rent 3 ROOM APARTMENT UNFURN- ished, business couple preferred. Write Box 721 Times-Gazette. (40b) ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO GEN- tlemen, abstainers only, in quiet home near Motors and Fittings, mod- ern conveniences. Phone 5756J. (40a) TWO UNFURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping rooms on second floor, no children, central. Phone 4327R. (40b) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT- able for housekeeping, heated, no children. Apply 599 King St. W. (40a) ROOM WITH ATTIC BEDROOM, furnished or unfurnished. Write Box 719 Times-Gazette. (40b) LARGE FURNISHED ROOM IN quiet home, suit one lady or gentle- man. Write Box 720 Times-Gazette. 2d (40b) ROOM FOR TWO RESPECTABLE gentlemen, abstainers only. 181 Celina St. (40b) ONE BLOCK FROM FOUR COR- ners, double room, suit 2 gentlemen; continuous hot water; oil heating; abstainers. 17 Athol W. (39h) Your inspection invited, H. GOLDSTEIN Broker 16 Bond St. E. 446 Simcoe S. PHONE 5430 John Penicka--Salesman ( -- em home. Yours on pletion trial lesson. Bell's Hawaiian Leave phone at B572-W (F25) Insurance IACOCR'S INSURANCE SERV. for batter insurance in all classes, Bu King St. E. Phone 5400. Res. (M1), i $3 700 rooms, Park Rd. 8, ' large lot, city water. Possession March 1st. Ask for terms. U. JONES Broker 6Y3 Prince St. Phone 3503) Joe Barnoski--Salesman (40b), ROOM FOR THREE GENTLEMEN. Phone 3205-J or apply 120 Huron St. ana 2 (39b) PARTLY FURNISHED BED-SIT- ting room and kitchenette, 2 clothes closets, sink and newly decorated, close in on bus line, suitable for busi ple. Abstainers. Write Box. 700, Times-Gazette, (39¢) . OFFICE SPACE Upstairs Floor Reasonable Rent PHONE 3566 | ment or or vicinity. | Write Box 611 Times-Gazette, giving | (38¢c) | 318 N CLIPPING FROM MARGARET ROTERTS CATASAIQUE, PA For Sale--2415 to 2417 Walnut St. 60x120 ft. water. --N NL Se TT All rights reserved 'Allentown, Pa. 28--For Rent FURNISHED BEDROOM, TWIN beds, suit two. Phone 3532-J. (40¢c) FURNISHED 3 ROOMS AND KIT- chenette with frigidaire and radio; couple preferred. Phone 697-M. (40c) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR rent. Phone 808W1, Mrs. Davidson, Thornton's Corners. (40b) LARGE DOUBLE BEDROOM, SUIT two -gentlemen, also single room, clean and warm, on bus line. Phone 204TW, (38¢) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM for 2 men. Apply 559 Masson. Phone 2764W. (38¢c) FURNISHED ROOM, SINGLE beds, private home, board optional. Phone 4989M. (39¢) NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM, single beds, all new bedding; gen- tlemen only. Abstainers. Near Ped- lars. Apply 24 Elena St. (39¢) 3 ROOM APARTMENT, HEAT, light, water, separate entrance; also 2 housekeeping rooms, room, board. Phone 5405J. (38¢) 29----Wanted to Rent URGENTLY NEEDED, 3 ROOM apartment or flat by middle aged couple, no children. Phone 4021W. > (40c) QUIET GENTLEMAN DESIRES private room, immediately. Phone 3391W between 7 and 8 p.m. (40c) GARAGE FOR ONE CAR IN OSH- awa or Whitby required immediate- ly. Phone 207) Oshawa after 6 p.m. (40b) YOUNG BUSINESS MAN AND whe, with no children, require 2 or 3 room unfurnished apartment jm- mediately. Box 713 Times-Gazette. (40c) QUIET COUPLE WITH 138 MONTHS old child desire 3 unfurnished rooms or bungalow, immediately or by March 15. Phone 484J, Mr. Wiley. (40c) GARAGE, SUITABLE FOR STOR- age space. Phone 3344. (40b) YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE, NO children, desire 3 or 4-room apart- house, unfurnished. Ab- Write Box 717, Times-Gaz- ette. « (40b) LIGHT ® HOUSEKEEPING ROOM or small apartment, by young lady, abstainer. Gazette. (40a) HOUSE, 6 OR MORE ROOMS, IN or near Oshawa, soon as possible, reliable tenants. Phone 2347TM. (39¢c) GENTLEMAN DESIRES SUNNY room, abstainer. Write Box 707 Times-Gazette. (39¢) YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE RE- quire 3 unfurnished rooms or apart- ment, urgent. Phone 774J3. (39¢) SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT by. veteran, Dutch wife and 4-year- old. child, reliable tenants, reason- able rent. Phone 716J1. (39¢c) WANTED, A HOME FOR WIDOW and year old son, woman In busi- ness, could supply bedroom furni- ture and all baby's necessities. Phone 4610R. Ha (39b) WANTED, 8 OR 10-ROOM HOUSE. Will rent or buy with small down payment. Phone 3996-R. (¥8,9,15,16) 5, 6 OR 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH OP- tion of buying, reasonable rent; couple, one child. Phone 605. (38c) SUMMER COTTAGE, FROM MAY 1st to Sept. 1st. Oshawa vicinity. Call Mr. Cameron 1422 or 5064-W. (38¢) 4 - ROOM APARTMENT, SELF- contained, adults, no children. Write Box 606, Times-Gazette. (38¢) YOUNG EXPECTANT COUPLE with 15-month-old baby require fur- nished or unfurnished apartment or small house, Write Box 513, Times- Gazette. (F24) 4 OR 5 ROOM HOUSE IN OSHAWA, wanted by couple, no children, at once. Bell Telephone employee. Ap- ply Box 644, Times.Gazette. (351) ONE OR TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished or unfurnished, by respectable married couple, abstain- ers. Write Box 647 Times-Gazette. (351) stainers, 5 or 6 room bungalow or duplex, wanted immediately. PHONE LOCAL 437 General Motors or Room 619 Genosha Hotel After 5 p.m. (39¢c) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen willing to share room, abstainers. Apply 193 Cadillac South. (39c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen willing to share, centrally located, continuous hot water. Phone 6275R. * (38¢c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GEN- tleman or two girls, willing to share room, near Motors, Phone 4233-R. BOOM AND BOARD FOR RE- spectable young gentleman. Apply as "(38¢c), ud. Write Box 718, TFimes- | 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLE- man. Apply 482 Albert St., phone 2730M. (39¢c) 32--Automobiles for Sale FOR GOOD USED CARS, SEE Westmount Motors, 428 King St. W. Phone 4554. (M12) '50 PONTIAC COACH FOR SALE. Phone 1688M, (40c) 48 CHEV. SEDAN, LIGHT GREY, radio, deluxe heater, slip covers, en- gine heater, first-class condition; ex- ceptionally low gas consumption. Should be seen to be appreciated, 451 Miller Ave. Phone 4505-W. (40c) '49 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN, RADIO, air-conditioned heater; excellent con- dition. Cash, trade, or terms. No dealers. 1121 Dundas St. E., Whit- by. (40c) '48 MASTER DELUXE CHEVRO- let sedan, G.M. radio, heater, new battery, #hileage 30,000, new valve and ring job. Price reasonable, See it at 403 Gilbert St. E., Whitby. . . (40b) '42 INTERNATIONAL ONE TON panel for sale or trade, in good mechanical condition. Phone 2575 Whitby after 8. (40c) '48 MERCURY SEDAN, MODEL 118, heater, sun visor, etc., looks and runs like new, actual mileage 2,200, reason for selling owner going into service. $1400 for quick sale. Phone 922 Bowmanville. (39c) "39 NASH SEDAN, GOOD CONDI- tion, sealed beam lights, air condi- tioned, heater. Phone Whitby 2152. (38¢) THAMES % TON PICKUP TRUCK, very small mileage, new, '51 license, privately owner. Phone 4265] be- fore 5. (39¢) SPECIAL! '32 Ford Model B Coach -- 4-cylinder $150 VISIT OUR LOT WESTMOUNT MOTORS 428 KING ST. W. PHONE 4554 SIMPSON MOTOR SALES WHITBY '49 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN built-in radio '47 CHEV. SEDAN perfect every way '47 MERCURY SEDAN built-in radio and under- coating '42 CHEV. SEDAN a good one '37 DODGE COACH 2 to choose from '36 OLDS. COACH ... $250. '38 CHEV. PICK-UP TRUCK '38 FORD COACH .. $375. Many more to choose from. 1/3 DOWN. UP TO 18 MONTHS Simpson Motor ales PHONE 2836 WHITBY (402) Phone 4554. ? : (M12) '50 CHEVROLET DELUXE COACH, mileage 17,231, $1875.00 cash. Inquir- ies invited. Box 712 Times-Gazette. Te (39¢) 35 PLYMOUTH COUPE, GOOD condition. Phone 180r2 Oshawa. ai (3p) THE CAR YOU'VE BEEN LOOK- ing for is at Westmount Motors, 428 King W. Phone 4554. (M12) RE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION AND shock absorber service. Call Morey's Garage at 657 for 'complete front end service, and im jate installa- tion. M7) FOR DEPENDAB TRANSPOR- tation drive a car from Westmount Motors, 428 King St. W. Phone 4554. (M12) "41 DODGE 5 PASSENGER COUPE, new paint, good motor and tires. 204 Drew St., phone 2025R. (40b) FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Phone 5305; eve- nings 1463J. . (M3) "46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, DELUXE, good condition, reasonable price, Ap- ply 223 Verdun Rd. . 3710) '48 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN 1019 Oshawa blue, radio, heater, slip covers, white wheel trim, 1435 Phone 1376) before 8 p.m. (40a) SPECIAL! '37 Olds Sedan a. real car $595 WESTMOUNT MOTORS 428 KING ST. W. PHONE 4554 IS YOUR PRESENT CAR ON BORROWED TIME? If it is -- it's time to see Nip Hooker, your Good Used Car Dealer. '49 MONARCH SEDAN Whitewalls and Radio $1895 '48 PONTIAC SEDAN - A Real Clean Car $1495 '47 PLYMOUTH COUPE Like New $1295 '41 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN $795 '40 NASH SEDAN $695 '41 MERCURY COACH Radio and Whitewalls $795 '40 OLDSMOBILE COACH $695 '39 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $695 '39 OLDS SEDAN $495 '38 OLDS SEDAN $495 '37 OLDS SEDAN $450 '36 REO SEDAN $195 '36 CHRYSLER SEDAN $295 35' FORD COACH $195 '34 DODGE SEDAN $145 All the above cars have heaters. SEE \\ Ai 1 | Nip at the WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION BROOKLIN PHONE 155. : 3 32--Automobiles for Sale Belmont WE ARE ENLARGING AND MUST MAKE EXCAVATORS. BE SOLD THIS SALE TO FEBRUARY ALTERATION SALE 1951 Pontiac Sedan (New) 2069 Spartan grey. Heater, defroster. List price with trade. 1951 Pontiac. Sedan (New) 2269. Heater and defroster. Green. List price with trade. 1951 Triumph Mayflower Demonstrator. $100.00 off list. $1,564.00 1950 Vanguard Sedan Metallic green with red leather upholstery, low mileage, air- conditioning. $500.00 below list price. $1,375.00 1949 Oldsmobile Sedan This is the streamline sedan. Low mileage, radio with two (2) speakers, air-conditioning, sun visor, whitewall tires, chrome wheels, window wash- ers, back-up light, etc. Owned by well known Oshawa man. Well over $800.00 below list. $2,175.00 1949 Pontiac Big Six This sedan comes in a maroon paint, low mileage, radio, heater, defroster, hydramatic drive, whitewall tires and many more extras. The same model for this year sells for about $1100.00 'more. $2,175.00 1947 Buick Super Convertible Completely equipped. New tires. $2,275.00 1946 Chevrolet Sedan Light grey, owned by Oshawa woman since new. Heater, de- froster. $1,195.00 1937 Buick Sedan Radio, heater. An above aver- age Buick in every respect. $550.00 1936 Oldsmobile Convertible New top, reconditioned motor, heater and excellent tires. $295.00 1933 Buick Sedan Privately owned since new. This car is the only one of its kind in such good condition in Oshawa. LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE-INS 1/3 down, 18 months to pay. Open Saturday Evening until 9 Belmont Motors 137 KING ST. W. PHONE 4808 32--Automobiles For Sale Motors OUR PREMISES ROOM FOR THE EVERY CAR MUST IMMEDIATELY. LAST UNTIL 20TH. THESE CARS MUST GO 1951 Pontiac Coach (New) Blue, air conditioned. 2211, List price with trade. 1951 Pontiac Sedan (New) 2569. Heater and defroster, List price with trade. 1951 Vanguard Demon Demonstrator. Maroon. 300 miles. $150. off list $1,825.00 1950 Walsley Sedan For discriminating buyers, this is it. A really powerful car, six cylinders, completely equipped. $900.00 below list rice. $1,950.00 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan * White wall tires. Low mileage. Metallic color. $1,895.00 1948 Chevrolet Sedan Oshawa blue, low mileaye, heater, defroster, clgan inside and out. 8 $1,450.00 1946 Cadillac Sedan Sedan A beautiful car in every way. New white wall tires, air con- ditioning. This car is like new and $1800.00 under list. $2,195.00 1947 Chevrolet Sedan Another popular G.M. model. Heater, defroster, excellent rubber and very clean. $1,350.00 1946 DeSoto Sedan New white wall tires, custom Chrysler radio. This car is in Al factory condition. $1,475.00 1936 Dodge Sedan New motor, 4 new tires, radio, heater, seal beam lights. Runs like'a dream, looks like a nightmare. Only $250.00 1937 Chevrolet Coach Paint, motor, tires and body very good in every respect. $475.00 1932 Ford Sedan $95.00 LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE-INS 1/3 down, 18 months to pay. Open Saturday Evening until '9 Belmont Motors 137 KING ST. WEST PHONE 4808

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