PAGE NINE "THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES-CAZETTE Pedlar People Union Negotidtors The Union's agreement with the Pedlar People Limited due for r 2784, United Steelworkers of America, last night elected this eg dd tiag. Th ting of Local spokesmen. They are: John Virgin, P. R. Clark, Lloyd Maclinally and man on the committee was absent when the picture was taken. ges with Company Percy Neal. B, P. Cook, the fifth ~--Times-Gazette Staff Photo, ACE Does Fast Joh On Sums In science, industry and adminis tration, it is frequently necessary to make long and intricate mathe- . matical calculations, says British release. For the individual to carry these out by ordinary pencil-and- paper methods might be a task of weeks or months. Even with the great help given by mechanical desk-calculators the task may be a heavy one; it may indeed, be so laborious as to be quite impractic- able by any conventional method. Yet the problems to be solved may be of vital importance, The elec- tronic "brains" which have been devised to make such calculations in a tiny fraction of the time otherwise required are, therefore, of profound significance. Computing Engine In Britain development of these electronic calculating devices has for several years past, been centred at the National Physcial Laboratory at Teddington, near London. There an Automatic Computing Engine (ACE) is being constructed; very recently a pilof, model, which is itself a complete 'computer, has be- come available for wmolving any . lengthy and intricate calculation of industrial importance. In its construction much has been learn- ed and as a result ACE itself will be improved in reliability by the redesign of certain parts while its speed and memory capacity will be greatly increased by the addition of an auxillary magnetic recording system. Construction of the ACE is the culmination of research in Britain extending over more than a cen- tury. About 130 years ago Charles Babbage conceived almost all the ideas which are fundamental to modern electronic calculators. Un- fortunately he could not translate his ideas into practice because he had' only mechanical methods at his disposal. Comparatively re- cently, however, the development of . electronics solved the difficulties which' had defeated Babbage. In place 'of cumbersome trains of gear-wheels and other mechanical - devices can be used streams of _ electrons moving with immense speeds comparable with that of 'light itself. This makes possible an 4pormous speeding-up of the whole process, as well as simnlify- ing construction. For example, two nine-figure num- bers can be multiplied together in about one five-hundredth of a sec- ond; for the same operation a skilled arithmetician would take about eight minutes, though with the help of a desk-calculator this might be cut to one minute. In any event, the electronic device reduces the time-factor many thousands of times. The engine uses pulses of electricity generated at the rate of one million per second. Num- bers in calculations which the en- gine is to make are each translated into different patterns of electric pulses. To enable it to carry out long seqgeunces of operations the ma- chine has a "memory" which can store results until required [for a later stage in the calculftions. Essentially, the "memory" consists of a series of closed electrical cir- cuits in which the electrical pulses 80 on circulating indefinitely. Holes in Cards One of the most rifficult tasks in operating the ACE is to give it its - working instructions; this re- quires a skilled mathematician. The operation is a very complicated one but it consists, essentially, of coding the instructions as a pattern of holes punched in a card; these holes are later used for making electrical contacts. Instruction pro- grams for standard types of opera- tion are stored in a library, which already contains many of these pre-fabricated units ready for use. As already indicated the scope of ACE is immense. It is able to carry out all the four major mathe- matical operations; addition, sub- traction, multiplication, and divis- fon. A typical field of application is In the design of new lenses. Modern lenses, say for an aerial camera, may contain at least five separate components and the calcu- lations necessary to trace the path which light will follow through these different components may take, by ordinary methods, about 56 working hours. With ACE the same task may be completed in, perhaps, a quarter of an hour. It is true that it originally took about a week to code the calculations in a form the engine could deal with, but once this was done a series of calculations could be swiftly com- pleted. Now, if a new lens has to be designed the coded instructions in the form of a pack of cards, are brought from the library and the computation problem is begun within a few minutes. Many problems of aircraft con- ACE works at prodigious speed.' Brighton Maps Roman Chariot Race Brighton, England--(CP) -- A pageant depicting nearly 2,000 years of Brighton's development, 'from the time it was a Roman encampment, will be staged as an attraction for visitors to the Festi- val of Britain next May, Featuring the event will be a series of chariot-races in the tradi- tion of ancient Rome, with a cast of more than 1,000 local people participating. Film stunt men are also being engaged to create a more authentic atmosphere of furious competition. "The races will be realistic," said A. L. Gilmore, the pageant-master. "It would never do to have the horses trotting sedately around the course. There must be plenty of dust and thundering hooves." The riders, wearing Roman togs will race around the floodlit arena and the winner will be. crowned with laurel leaves by "Julius Caesar" himself. A number of other episodes in the history of the city will also be re-enacted, including the burn- ing of Brighton in 1313 by French pirates and the marshalling of King Harold's men for the Battle of Hastings in 1066. struction can readily be solved with ACE, For example, . important safety problems, such as those re- lating to the design of wings for a particular loading or for the de- termination of their fluttering characteristics can be reduced to a long series of complex mathemati- cal equations. The solution of these with the help of a desk-calculator might take six months; ACE will do it in 10 minutes, Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Moré Comfort FASTEETH, a pleasant alkaline (non-acid) powder, holds .alse teeth | - more firmly. To eat and talk in more comfort, just sprinkle a little FAS. TEETH on your plates. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Checks 'plate odor' (denture breath)., Get FASTEETH at any drug store. YOUR WHISKERS ARE DEAD kd ITS YOUR SKIN THAT HURTS WHEN YOU SHAVE. NEW 3-WAY SHAVE Fast-Smooth-Painless SAVES YOUR SKIN! Scientific Studies show that Leo made up of tiny "hills and tle * sprouting out of valleys. Look iow our razor slices off YOUR SKIN is not flat -- but is many of ills," valleys," with r whiskers Yai cuts. That's why your to Foe face and neck smart and hurt. tops of those lit- pi oh tiny in- No matter how you shave--brushless or 3 lather--you're jn for a grand surprise, first time ' you try new 3-WAY SHAVE! It's the new "wonder shave" that takes up where other shaves leave off ~does more than just soften your beard--it's medi- . eated--good for your skin! Here's how it works. Bg 1. Prepares whiskers, skin. Softens toughest B whiskers. Provides lubricating film for smooth = razor glide. Protects tender skin. 2. Painless shaves. Has exclusive medicated ] built-in pain preventive to soothe tender skin. - Shave in real comfort for first time! 3. Helps heal invisible razor damage you get with every shave. It's medicated. Grooms skin «helps keep it healthier, younger-looking \ 5 3 WAY SHAVE EEE A Product of Noxzems IEE Best shave of your life--or your money back! After you have used the jar, if you don't agree that 3-Way Shave gives you by far the best shave you ever had... return it to Noxzema, Toronto, and your money will be refunded. But you will be delighted with the noticeable improve. ment in shaving comfort --at how much better your skin feels and looks afterwards. Take advan. tage of this Good-Will Offer. Get your big 50¢ jar | of Noxzema's new 3-Way Shave for only 25¢ now! \i- SAVE 25¢ Ag Limited Time Offer! Discover this remarkable new shavel Use this coupon as a reminder to get your jar today. Also in tubes. " 50¢ JAR Bat | 'Back Bacon PEAMEALED THE Pict | LB. 72: Con stices QUAKER OATS over mova 8% 36: | BLUE RIBBON TER owes ros 58 52¢ | MIL-KO POWDERED SKIMMED MILK ne 33c HEINZ SPAGHETTI rousro saver i335 140 SILVER RIBBON TOMATO JUICE ra PRIMROSE PICKLED BEETS FRAY BENTOS CORNED BEEF er 44 C S CHILI SAUCE ob 19c GHTS CHOICE PEACHES += ot Hin 20c SWIFTS SWIFTNING clitfon 39 PURE STRAWBERRY JAM rose snare oti Ske LIPTONS SOUP MIX cmicxen nooois 2 PKGS. - 25 FIVE ROSES FLOUR DOMESTIC SHORTENING oli CLUB HOUSE MINUTE TAPIOCA "hee BOVRIL FLUID wr 43 CUBES :" Cons 12 10 Cuses NEILSONS JERSEY BRAND COCOA Yk AYLMER FANCY SPINACH ig" 20-Fi. oz. TiN 12: 24-FL. 0Z. JAR 23¢ OZ. 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ALLSWEET MARGARINE TILBEST CAKE MIXES weezse we CHOCOLATE PKG. CALIFORNIA SWEET SEEDLESS NAVEL ORANGES ONE SIZE AVAILABLE CALIFORNIA CRISP EMPEROR RED GRAPES : 93 , LBS. 23: 10- TINS 25. POUND 15- PXOS. 27. 23: 27. enulo- pxe. 14: 33 17. MitcHELLS APPLE JUICE 5050 2 oi a CARTON 35. FIRST PICKING SPECIAL! FLORIDA PENCIL-POD GREEN BEANS YAMS oo out m ICEBERG LETTUCE TOMATOES wt . SELECT! i) QUALITY KING ONIONS BE BUDGET WISE SERVE ONIONS OFTEN LARGE 48 SIZE EACH CALIFORNIA CRISP GREEN 2 15s 25- CRLLO, 25. 310. EXCELLENT FOR FRYING, BOILING, ETC. COTTAGE Lolaecrs SPECIAL ! BRAND BREAD DARES ® WHITE @¢ WHOLE WHEAT RASPBERRY © CRACKED WHEAT CREMES UNSLICED tor" 13e STORE HOURS -- bo -- MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY OPEN 9.00 Al M. LOD 6.00 +.M. EDNESDAY OPEN 9.00 N Me CLOSED 12.30 P.M. SATURDAY OPEN 8.30 A.M. CLOSED 6.00 P.M. PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. 15, 16,17 ws 14 | | BISCUITS 18. 29: