PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY T IMES-GAZETTE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, (COMMUNITY, INC. ACTIVITIES (These Are Red Feather Community Services) o am. = CR.A. Schools So S30 Pe ihercralt, _shellcraft, adncing, boys' gym. boys' boxing, archery an - working for elementary school chil- dren, 6.30 pm --West area program at LAS, building. " C0000 p.m.--Woodworking and jeathercraft for adults. CRA. Girls' Athletic Club. West area Jeathercraft program at Westmount School. heatie ot ~Children's eatr tei Tehearsal. Oshawa Table Tennis Club. '7.30 pm.--CRA. Fly Tying Class. 8.00 p.n--Oshawa Chapter, SP. EBSQSA. CRA. Board of Di- rectors Meeting Wednesday, February 14 'All day--Exhibition of Oshawa Children's art from art classes ored by the Women's Art As- fation in 1934-1935. - am.-9 pm--Lions Club Recre- Jation Room for the Blind open. 2.00-4.00 pm, -- Laashereraft and woodworking for adults. 230 pm. g | Rundle Park Ladies' uxiliary. A 00-53 pm. -- C.R.A. Schools "Program -- leathercraft, shellcraft, girls' gym, girls' dancing; boys' boxing, archery and woodworking for elementary school children. 415-515 p.m.--Oshawa Children's Theatre Ballet Classes under the "instruction of the Volkoff School of .the Ballet, for under eight's. 5.15-6.15 p.m.--Oshawa Children's "Theatre Ballet Classes under the instruction of the Volkoff School of the Ballet, for under 11's. 630 p.m.--West area program at C.AS. building. + 7.00-800 pm. --Oshawa Children's Theatre Ballet Classes under the "nstruction of the Volkoff School of the Ballet, for over 11's. "700-900 p.m.--Woodworking and Jeathercraft for adults. Oshawa "Central Athletic Club, West area boxing program at Thornton's Cor- ner 'School. 7.30 pm. -- Kiwanis Girls' Glee Club, Victory Park Bingo in Vic- tory park house. ~-. 930 p.m~Neighborhood Associa- . tion Bowling League at Motor City Bowling Alleys, Simcoe Street, «iNorth; North Oshawa No. 2 vs. "Eastview No. 2; Sunnyside vs. Har- 'man; North Oshawa vs. Rundle; Valleyview No, 1 vs. Eastview No. 1; Westmount vs. Valleyview No. 2. Thursday, February 15 "All 'day -- Exhibition of Oshawa 's art from art cl 400-6:00 p.m.--Piano Lessons. 7:00 p.m.--Sports Club = boys, all ages. 7:00-9:00 p.m. Class. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th 9:00-11:30 a.m.--Nursery School = 5 yr. olds - free ply, singing games, construction work story hour. 3:00-5:30 pm.--Black Hawk Club - boys, 12 yrs. and over - wood- working, games, sports, woodburn- -- _ Dressmaking 4:00-6:00 p.m --Piano Lessons. 7:00-9:00 p.m.--Charles C. Hol- man Division Cadet Corps - drill, First Aid, art, nature study, photog- raphy, punch work, sports, canteen and bu.faess meeting. 7:00 p.m --Teenage Club - girls = business period, cooking demonstr- tion, sing song social dancing. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15th 9:00-11:30 a.m.--Nursery School = 4 yr. olds - free play, singing games, construction work, story hour. 3:30-5:30 p.m.--Club for boys all ages - woodworking, dodge ball, ringers, sports, games. Junior Teen Club - girls, 11, 12, 13 yrs. - business period, art, crafts, sing song, social dancing. Public Library--Children's Dept. 4:00-6:00 pam.--Piano Lessons, 7:00 p.m.--Stamp Club - boys, all ages. 7:30 p.m.--Golden Age Club - adults « euchre, bridge, checkers, dominoes, Chinese . checkers, sing song, movies, refreshments. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16th 9:00-11:30 a.m.--Nursery School = 5 yr. olds «= free play, singing games, construction work, story hour, rhythm band. 3:30-5:30 p.m.--Public Library = Children's Dept. 4:00 pm--~--R.CMP. Youth Pro- gram - boys and girls, all ages. 7:30-11:00 pm.~--St. John Ambu- lance Cadet Party - St. George's Ukrainian Hall - Albert St. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17th 9:00-12:00 noon--Speech Training Classes. 9:00-12:00 noon--Piano Lessons. 9:00-5:30 p.m.--Accordion Lessons. 9:00-12:00 noon--Public Library = Children's Dept. 9:30-11:00 a.m.--Library Club. 10:00 a.m.-noon--Texcraft Club for boys. 10:00 a.m.-noon--Open House = for girls, all ages - art crafts, music appreciation, 11:00 a.m.--Story hour. children's art spon- sored by the Women's Art Associa- tion in 1934-1035. 9 am.-530 p.m.--Lions Club Re- creation yoom for the Blind open. 230 p.m.--West area leathercraft program at Storie Park. Meeting of the CR.A. South and West Area Committees' Ladies' Auxiliary. 2.00-4.00 pm, -- Leathercraft and woodworking for adults. 4.00-530 pm. -- CR.A. Schools am -- leathercraft, shellcraft, 'boys' gym, biys" boxing, girls' gym, girls' dancing, archery and wood- Nurking for elementary school chil- . * 415 pm. -- Oshawa Children's heatrs "Sleeping Beauty" rehear- 6.30 pm.--West area program at C.A8. building. 7.00-9.00 p.m --Woodworking and ohellcraft for adults. North area leathercraft progarm at North Osh- awa School, North Oshawa Teen- Age program at North Oshawa Penna Big Sule Athltie Club. '7.00-8.00 p.m. --~Public School Vio- Hin' Classes + 7.00 p.m. --Ofitario Steel Products Table Tennis Club, Oshawa Cen- tral . Athletic Club. "130 pm. -- South area leather- craft. program at Victory Park House. Oshawa Cloud Chasers Club. Neighborhood Association Sports Committee meeting. 800 pm--Oshawa Photo Arts Club. Lions Club Ladies' Auxiliary. 8.00 p.m.--Organization meeting of the Oshawa Little Theatre -- Guest Speaker: Mr. Edgar Stone, Drama Adviser to the Ontario' De- partment of Education. : Friday, February 16 "All day--Exhibition of Oshawa children's art from art classes spon- ,sored by the Women's Art Associa- tion in 1934-1935. 9 am.-9 pm--Lions Club Recre- Roo fo. a Blind open. g 4.00 p.m. --Woodworking for ah P . '400-530 pm. -- CRA. Schools Program ~-- leathercraft, shellcraft, girls' gym, girls' dancing, boys' gym, oy boxing, archery and woodworking for elemen school wk tary 00] "700-9.00 'pm.--Leathercraft for adults, Oshawa Central Athletic 7.30 p.n.--Storie Park Neighbor- » ation: Children's Movie orts. Saturday, February 17 800-840 am. -- Woodview Park Wees vs. Connaught Park Pee Wees. 840-920 a.m. -- Storie Perk Pee 'Wees vs, Brooklin Pee Wees, at the Arena. 920-1000 a.m.|--Valleyview Park Helps You Overcome FALSE TEETH Looseness ond Worry No longer be annoyed or feel ill- at-ease because of loose, wobbly false teeth. FASTEETH, an im- proved alkaline (mon-acid) powder, Speinicled on your plates holds them ir 80 they feel more comfortable. Soothing cooling to gums made by excessive avid mouth. Avoid EE PATEL ay today at an 2G 4 y Pee Wees vs. Victory Park Pee Wees, at the Arena, 9.30-11.30 am. -- For children: leathercraft, woodworking, girls' gym, boys' gym, and boxing. 9.30 a.m.--Children's Art Classes. 945 am. -- Oshawa Children's Theatre ~f the Air presents "Billie Beg and his Bull" directed by Nor- ma Vincent. CKLB 1240 on your ial. 8.30 p.m.--Neighborhood Associa- how Square Dance: Hosts: Rundle ark. WORKS OF ART FOUND Siena, Italy, Feb. 13 -- (Reuters) --Workers breaking down a wall in the archives 'of Siena cathedral have uncovered manuscripts and skeches of Donatello, Jacopo Della Querica, Bernini and other Italian Renaissance masters, it was an- nounced yesterday, Tuesday, Feb, 13 1:30-6 pm. -- Craft Shop -- weaving, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, etc. 7-10 pm. -- Craft Shop -- weav=- ing, etc. 7:30 p.m. -- Keep-Fit Class. 7:30 pm. -- Over-20 Club Exe- cutive, 8:00 p.m. -- Rendez-Vous Club "Card Party." This card party is open to gentlemen and ladies. Pro- gressive Euchre and Bridge will be played. Prizes and refreshments. 8:15 p.m. -- Keep-Fit Class, All' Day -- Exhibition of con- temporary American paintings. "Wednesday, Feb. 14 9:30 a.m. Nursery School -- pro- gram of table work, singing, games, rhythmical dancing -- for the pre- school child. Noon -- Community, Inc. 1:30-6 p.m. Craft Shop -- weaving, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, etc. 3-7 p.m, -- Harvey Dance Acad- emy. 6-10 p.m. Tennis. 7-10 p.m. -- Craft Shop -- metal- craft only. 8:00 p.m. -- University Women's Club. : 8:00 pm. -- Ballroom Dancing Class -- intermediate -- under the direction of Mr. J. Cluff. All Day -- Exhibition of contem- porary American paintings. Thursday, Feb. 15 9:30 am. -- Morning Nursery -- program of table work, singing, games, rhythmical dancing -- for the preschool child, 1:30-6 p.m. -- Craft Shop--weav- ing, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, ete. --_ Residence Table 4-7 pm. -- Harvey Dance Acad- emy. 7-10 p.m. -- Craft Shop -- weav- ing, ete. 8-10 p.m. -- Y.W.C.A, Bridge Club --held the 1st and 3rd Thursday evenings of the month -- for be ginners and players. Open to gen- tlemen and ladies. Y membership only needed. » 8-10 pm. -- Y.W.C.A. Badminton Club -- held every Thursday even- ing. Open to all senior members of the "Y," gentlemen and ladies. Registrations are made at the Y.W.C.A. office. 8:00 p.m. Social Recreation Leadership Course. This isthe first evening of the 1951 Course. It is open to all those who wish to learn a varied collection of social games and dances which can be conducted within their own groups. Genutle- men and ladies welcome. All Day -- Exhibition of contem= porary American paintings, Friday, Feb. 16 9:30 am. -- Nursery School -- program of table work, singing ASPIRIN WIT : STARTS 10 WORK IN 2 SECONDS PAIN AND : [ol RYele] 4} Jo1.3 fie]. i fast, comfortable way to travel with children is to fly TCA" NOW! Low fares to EUROPE Fly to Europe before March 31st, return before June 30th, Special low fares apply. Overseas, over night by great 4-engined 'North Star" Skyliners, from Montreal to the British Isles with quick to the Conti Plan now. Make your reservations early. For full information, see your nearest Travel Agent or write to -- TCA, NATIONAL BLDG., : BAY & TEMPERANCE STS., TORONTO, ONT. N ing, etc. games, rhythmical dancing --. for the preschool child. 9:30 am. -- Craft Shop -- weav- ing, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, etc. 1:30-6 pm. -- Craft Shop--weav=- 4-5:30 ph. -- Junior Leader's Corps a leadership training group for girls 13 to 17 years of age, where they learn how tp teach games and crafts to the younger girls. 6-10 pm. -- Residence Table Tennis. 8:00 pm. Guild. 8:00 pm. -- Oshawa Chess Club. Saturday, Feb. 17 3 10-11:30 a.m. Sat - R - Day Camp -- for girls 9-12 years of PN -- Oshawa Weaver's age, Program of games, dances, ete. ¥ All day -- Harvey Dance Acad- emy. 9:00 p.m. -- Over-20 Club Dance. All day -- Exnibition of contem- porary American paintings, » Sunday, Feb. 18 3-5 pm. and 7-10 p.m, -- Art Exhibition and Library available. HELD IN WIFE SLAYING Sweetsburg, Que., Feb. 13--(CP) --Oscar Senecal, 53-year-old Wa- terloo, Que., farmer, was committed for trail at the fall term of the Criminal Assizes yesterday when he appeared for preliminary hearing on a charge of murdering his wife last Nov. 7. Ontario Spotlight FISHERMEN RESCUED Fort Erie, Feb, 13.--(CP--An un- identified resident of Buffalo, N.Y., was saved Sunday after he broke through the ice of Lake Erie while fishing. He was hauled ashore and taken to hospital to be treated for shock and exposure. LINCOLN HONORED Toronto, Feb, 13, (CP)--Amer- ica's great civil war president, Abraham Lincoln, was honored here Sunday at a special Lin- coln Day service at Bloor St. United Church attended by Un- ited States citizens in Toronto, NEW HOSPITAL OPENS Port Colborne, Feb. 13--(CP)--A new 70-bed Memorial Hospital was opened here Sunday by four moth- ers whose sons fell in the Second World War. The $1,000,000 structure stemmed from the will of the late Donald MoGillivray local merchant who left his estate for the purpose, and public contributions. AGED WOMEN CELEBRATE St. Thomas, Feb. 13--(CP)-- Mrs. Mary McKillop, will cele- brate her 99th birth@ay today with Mrs. Isabell Currie, who will be 99 on Sept. 28 of this year. TO BUILD MINESWEEPER Kingston, Feb. 13 -- (CP) -- The Canadian Shipbuilding and Engin eering Company sald construction of a 160-foot minesweeper will begin here shortly, The ' 550 ton vessel will take a year to build and its construction will employ about 250 men. FIRST FLOWER SHOW London -- (CP) -- World-famed Covent Garden opera house will stage a flower show in the fall for the first time in its 800- history. : igs HYDROGEN * PEROXIDE SPECIALLY PREPARED FOR MEDICINAL DENTAL AND SURGICAL USE 16 oz. Reg. 39¢ MILK OF MAGNESIA LAXATIVE FOR ACID STOMACH 20 oz. Reg. 43c 2 43¢ VITAMIN B1 TONIC AND uIDER® Reg. 1.00 2 tr 1.00 RO TABLETS FIT CALAMINE LOTION A Soothing Application for the Skin Reg. 25¢ & YEAST | "1 4 TINCTURE IODINE TO KEEP you FEELING Reg. 53¢ ASCARA TABLETS INDICATED IN TREATMENT OF BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION § Grain 100's Reg. 45¢ 9 w 45¢ WITH DROPPER First Aid for Sat? 1 dy DRUG STORES SUPERLATHER SHAVING CREAM FOR SILKY SMOOTH SHAVES A small amount gives an abundance of billowy lather JUMBO SIZE REG. 63c 2 63¢ 2 For 1 ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL From Your FAVORITE NEGATIVE din A : 2. or ThE Prick of | CORN REMEDY COCOANUT OIL CREOSOL ...".. Cuts, Bruises and Sprains 2 oz. Reg. 35¢ SENNA LEAVES AS A MILD LAXATIVE FOR CHILDREN 4 oz. Package Reg. 30c 2. 30¢ VITAMIN BI TABLETS HEALTH Reg. 49¢ FOR BETTER 1 mg. 100's 2 49¢ 5 Mg. 100s 2 for 89¢ RUM HONEY AND \ COD LIVER oiL For Bronchial Coughs and Colds 9's 49¢ Reg. 89% 2' §0¢ VA-PINE NOSE DROPS FOR HEAD COLD SOOTHES NASAL PASSAGES Reg. 39¢ 2 for 39¢ 4 ox. Reg. 35¢ OLIVE OIL 4 ox. Reg. 25¢ CASTOR OIL BABY COUGH SYRUP s o- 2 35¢ «2 «= 60¢ BIS-CARB-CO TABLETS CLINICAL THERMOMETERS ® ~~ 21.50 AROMATIC CASCARA . «ores. 50: 2 +r §0¢ SWEET NITRE KIDNEY PILLS CARBOLIC OINTMENT roe ve 2 2 = 25¢ TAMBLYN COLD TABLETS vs ss 2 - 25¢ COCOANUT OIL Sn neg. 25 J tor J§¢ GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES ...".. LIQUID GREEN SOAP 2 w 35¢ BABY HOT WATER BOTTLES == 2 «. 97¢ BICARBONATE OF SODA BICARBONATE of SODA TABLET SODIUM PHOSPHATE Reg. 35¢ 2 for 35¢ Reg. 35¢ 2 for 35¢ 16 ox. Reg. 60c 2 «60° w 40° 2 §5¢ 2 65¢ 8 oz Reg. 35¢ 8 oz. Reg. 65¢ 16 oz. Reg. 25¢ or 5¢ "ve. 25 8 tor 25¢ 4 ox. Reg. 50c 2 for 50¢ 8 ox. 2 for 45¢ Reg. 45¢ for 25¢ Reg. 49¢ 2 for 49¢ Reg. 3%¢ 2 for 39¢ Guaranteed for Dependability Satisfactory Service EFFERVESCENT SALINE LAXATIVE 1 Ib. Tin Reg. 53¢ 2 §3¢, HARD RUBBER COMBS DURABLE COAREE AND FINE Mens Dressing - - Li Reg. 40c 2 for 40¢ Ladies Dressing Reg. 35¢ 2 for 35¢ Reg. 40c 2 for 40c Pocket Combs - + + = HOUSEHOLD LINIMENT Penetrating Relieves Muscular Pains Reg. 29¢ 2 29¢ Reg. 49¢ 2 for 49¢ Reg. 35¢ 2 for 35¢ ENGLISH LILAC LOTION FOR THE TOILET AND BATH Reg. 39¢ "SACCHARIN TABLETS Y% gr. 500s Reg. 39%¢ 2 39¢ Ya gr. 500's Reg. 5% 21 59¢ ARISTOCRAT HOT WATER BOTTLES EXCELLENT QUALITY Good for many years Regular Value 1.89 2 for 189 SALOTYN TABLETS RELIEVE PAIN AND HEADACHE Bottle of 100 Tablets 2 ~ 33¢ " WINTON FOLDER Reg. 33c 2 FOR 33¢ TAMBLYN KLEEN-SPOT REMOVES DIRT SPOTS Quickly Reg. 25¢ 2 for 25¢ Reg. 40¢ 2 for 40¢ TAMBLYN BRILLIANTINE TO GIVE YOUR HAIR PARFINOL PURE MEDICINAL MINERAL OIL OF HIGHEST QUALITY Cathartic 16 oz. Size Reg. 25¢ 2125¢ "LUCKY" WRITING PADS The Quality Stationery Reg. 15¢ 2 w 15¢ LUCKY ENVELOPES 2 vie. 130 "6 KING ST. PHONE 760 + BSE ANY BIL IF