FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 37--Farmers' Column - ROOSTERS FOR BREEDING, Phone 570W1 between 6 and 7. (26¢c) WANTED -- DEAD FARM STOCK, picked up promptly. Horses, cows, calves, sheep, pigs (we pay for horses' and cows). As an added service we will co-operate with your veterinary in post-mortems. 2}3c. per 1b. for live horses. Call collect Bowmanville 2679. - Margwill-Fur Farm, Tyrone, Ont. (F22) 38--Wearing Apparel MAN'S OXFORD GREY SUIT, blue grey suit, all wool green Chi- nook jacket, all size 40, like new. Phone 3034-R. (28a) 39--Articles For Sale APPROXIMATELY 4! TONS TIM- othy hay, set single work harness, Massey-Harris scuffler, C.H.P. sta- tionary engine. A. W, Powell, R.R. 3, Oshawa. Phone 382R2, (26¢c) UPRIGHT PIANO, $0, GOOD tone; case slightly marked. Apply 472 Eulalie Ave., after 6. (26¢) PRAM, IVORY. WITH CHROME handle, well lined, in good condition, Phone 4365-J. (26¢ ALL MAKES OF VACUUM CLEAN- ers for sale, rent, and repaired. Phone 3130M. (F265) DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO. Phone 4590. Smith-Corona Typewri- ters, Adders ,Cashiers, Shes, _serv- 39--Articles For Sale DESPERATE--WILL SACRIFICE 7 ft. skis, $5. Phone 369-J, (28a) SEE THE NEW NORGE ROLLA- tor Refrigerators, $313 and up. Cash or terms. South End Hardware, Bloor at Simcoe. Phone 5193. (251) KITCHEN TABLE, JACKNIFE leaf, light maple finish; one set truck chains 34 x 7; truck heater, 40-ton hydraulic jack. Apply 266 Rit- son North, Phone 1629-J. (28¢c) DINING-ROOM TABLE, BUFFET and five chairs, $20; wooden ward- robe with four drawers, $15; single bed mattress, clean, $15; Moffat { electric range, side oven, $20. Apply 139 Albert (28b) HOT-AIR FURNACE, 22 - INCH firepot and pipes, good condition. Phone Bowmanville 2309. -(28b) CAR RADIO, GENERAL ELEC- LADIES' BROWN WOOL GABAR- dine suit; blue wool spring coat; both size 16, Man's suit; man's grey tweed spring coat; both size 36. Ap- ply 21 "McLaughlin Blvd. (28¢) BLACK SEAL COAT, SIZE 38-40, $50, too small for owner. Apply 112 Agnes St., after 6. (27b) COATS---BLACK PERSIAN LAMB, sable collar; black cloth, persian lamb trim; grey tweed, removable chamois lining, all size 40. Phone 3283M. (26¢) ice; tals. New and used : F111) VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy; blinds repaired, drape arms installed. Phone Ron Trewin, 5072. (F19) tric push , (not built-in type), complete with fender aerial, guaran- teed. Phone Bowmanville 2183 col- lect. (28a) ACME SPACE HEATER, HEAT 4 rooms. Price when new $99, used 3 HARDWOOD, HARD AND SOFT slab wood, mixed wood. Cedar e George Heaslip, Janetville, hone Bethany 18R33. (¥F10) KINDLING, HARDWOOD, CLEAN, dry factory cuttings; try a $2 lot, delivered. Phone 1638-M. (F10) 38a--Market Basket CRISP IGINTOSH &_ € & CORTLAND apples, rom col storage; bushel dutivered, $2.85. Half huss), $1.45. Phone 3235; evenings 3763- A 39--Articles For Sale MONARCH ICE REFRIGERATOR, 50 1b, 1 good condition, a r J 144 Church St. after 6. (28b) DOUBLE BED AND SPRING; Princess Marine cook stove, bar- gain. Phone 2916J. (28a) CREAM, ENAMEL TRIM, PRIN- cess Pat range, Silent-Glow ofl burn- ers installed one year, 40 gallon drum. Phone 3129W. (28h) 20 VOLUME BOOK OF KNOWL- edge; man's gabardine jacket; all good condition. Phone 1953J. (28a) IMPERIAL LOYALIST SOFA, AIR filled leather cushion seats and back; frame mirror. Apply 31 Me- Laughlin Blvd. (28b $30.00 OFF WASHING MACHINE Limited supply, new guarantee. Some demonstrators Trade-ins accepted, easy terms ar- ranged. Largest display of washers in Oshawa. BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 Simcoe S. Phone 249 Eo Wilson offers Trade-In Specials Hotpoint Electric Range. All enamel, perfect condition, 4-burner with oven. Sacrifice. $69.00 Kelvinator Electric Refrigerator. Very good condition. Clear out. $129.00 Oak dining room suite. Must be sold. $49.00 3-pc. studio suite. Like new. $99.00 3-pc. genuine walnut bedroom suite. This is a beautiful modern = in- expensive suite. Like new, to be sacrificed for immediate sale. WILSON "FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH ST. (28b 150 Used School Desks 100 Used School Chairs 20 Chair Seats with backs 10 Wash Stands 4 Good Doors 4 Screen Doors 20 Single Iron Beds with Springs 3 Large heavy Window Frames 3 Pleces Timber, 3 x 12 in, 12 ft. 4 on Timber, 12 x 12 in, 10 ft. ong 8 Pieces Plank and Maple Flooring, 8 x 12 ft. Cheap for quick sale. DE LA SALLE COLLEGE AJAX, ONTARIO (1 mile south of Ajax) Phone Ajax 30 (28d) NORTHERN ELECTRIC COMBINATION RADIO Plays 12 records automatically. Regularly $149.50. TO CLEAR, $70.50 Largest display of combination radios in Oshawa. BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 Simcoe. S. Phone Yd e RUTHERFORD'S FEBRUARY CLEARANCE Saturday Morning _ Trade-In Specials Boudoir lamps. Complete with shades. 89¢c Table lamps, complete with shades. $1.59 2-pc. chesterfield and chair, good condition. $24.50 6 x 9 Axminster rug, slightly used. $15.50 R.C.A. Victor console radio, plays well, $39.50 Premier Electric Floor Polisher $19.50 All Floor Covering Remnants Va-Price RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE SOUTH : - (28a) SKATES, ICE AND FIGURE, ALL sizes for. men, women and children, sold and exchanged. Bicycles, tri- cycles, doll prams, have them re- paired. Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond E., Kenneth and Bond. Flous (F13) --c NEW C GENERAL ELECTRIC floor polisher, $64.50, terms $13 down, $5 per month. Meagher's, 5 King St. West and 92 Simcoe Ore ) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed in every way. Also Somplste repair service. Phone Merv, ule, 4674W. - (M3) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers, Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800-W. (¥25) CANADA'S FINEST VENETIAN blinds by Met-Wo . Industries of spring tempered Flexalum or steel featuring the new plastic tapes. Buy now while steel and aluminum still available. Free estimates and in- stallations anywhere. J. W. Melley, phone 4101. (M8) FOLDING CHAIRS, CARD AND banquet tables for rent. Order your spring awnings now. Lovely pat- tern. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (M5) FREE TRIAL OF GENERAL Electric floor polisher at no cost or obligation. Phone 3130M. (F18) VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start- ling development in Venetian Blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without ob- ligation. George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond St. West. . (F1) HARDWOOD KINDLING FOR jacket heater, stove or furnace, 12 bags $4. For indefinite length of time. Phone 6244. (F9) THREE ONLY, ELECTRIC RE- frigerators, $40 off; 5-year guaran- tee; trade-ins accepted. Easy terms. Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Sim- coe 8. Phone 249. (27c) = CONNOR AUTOMATIC, STANDARD, THERMO WASHING MACHINES Available in Oshawa and District. Only at BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 Simcoe. S. Phone 249 Ed Wilson Says "Qur Greatest February Sale In History" Here's an E le * of the Terrific Reductions EXTRAORDINARY VALUE 5-pc. Kroehler chesterfield suite, with famous cushionized construction. TERRIFIC BARGAIN Beautiful bedroom suite, triple mir- ror, drop-centre vanity, chiffonier, full-size $99.00 NEVER 'BEFORE Qusme tables with arborite stain- proof tops. $24.50 OUT THEY GO! BABY PRAMS $26.50 VERY SPECIAL : Hostess chairs, spring-filled, beautiful coverings. $9.98 - YOUR LINOLEUM CENTRE Cleanout sacrifice. Inlaids, several choice patterns, 99¢ Sq: Yd. Save now! Take advantage of these savings, at , , . WILSON Furniture Co. 20 CHURCH ST. Telephone 768 (28a) ths, $75. 45-gallon drum $3; 2- burner oil stove $45. Phone B787-J. -- a) SCRAP WOOD. $5 PER LOAD. Phone 1859, M. Greenberg & Sons, 308 Bloor E. (F3) DROPLEAF KITCHEN TABLE & 4 chairs; baby carriage convertible, maroon, Apply 148 Brock St. East. (28a) HAWAIIAN GUITAR, GOOD CON- dition, with music books and acces- sories. Cost $50, sell $20. Apply 520 Simcoe S., after 6. (28b) RIFLE, COOEY .22 REPEATER, with Lyman sights, Like new. $12.50. Apply 228 Verdun Rd. (27b) 42--Female Help Wanted LADY, 35 TO 45, TO CARE FOR 3 children and house, live in; good salary for responsible person. Time off. Desired immediately. Phone Whitby 2650. (28b) GIRL OR WOMAN WITH ABILITY to meet public, full or part-time, good 'pay' Write Box 602, Times- Gazette. (26¢) BOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER wanted, Write Box 524, Times-Gaz- ette (26d) CLERK-TYPIST For Cost Department of Printing Office. Must be neat and accurate with figures. Experience pre- ferred but not essential. : BOX 612 Times-Gazette (27c) STENOGRAPHER SECRETARY Experienced on payroll anc accounts payable, desirable, but not. necessar: Must have necessary qualifications and be well recommended. Write BOX 518 TIMESGAZETTE 20TF) 43--Male ® Help Wanted TRUCK DRIVER, DEPENDABLE, over 21, steady employment with rapidly expanding company. Write Box 609, Times-Gazette. (27¢c) McCLARY ELECTRIC REFRIGER- ator, nearly new; 2 pairs floral over- drapes, 8' length, matching small pair. Phone 1209-M. (27b) FIRE MAY DESTROY YOUR home but NOT your fire contract with Murdoch. Losses paid = fast. Phone now. Office 121, Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. (M1) MOVIE PROJECTOR, 1950 MODEL, silent or sound pictures. Phone 3117-R. (27b) ELECTRIC HOT WATER TANK, thermostat control, like new. Elec- tric iron, toaster, small heater. Brown muskrat coat, size 14. Clean, good condition. Best offer for quick sale. Apply 24 Elena St. (27c) JACKET HEATER, WATER TANK and fittings. Apply 1068 William St. Ww. (27c) FLOOR POLISHERS--TRY ONE IN your home free. If you like it, buy it on easy terms or cash. Barons' Ra- dio & Electric, 426 Simcoe S, Phone 249. (27c) REFRIGERATOR, 6 CU. FT., GEN- eral, 5 months old, $195, Phone 5241, (27¢c) MARCONI FLOOR MODEL CON- sole radio, push button, also G.E. table model radio, both in good con- dition. Phone 5589-J, 9-4 p.m. (27¢) DEFOREST-CROSLEY CONSOLE radio, 8 tubes, record player, at- tachment, good condition, sell cheap. Phone 3873-J. (27¢) EXTENSION TABLE AND FOUR chairs, white with red seats. Phone 3192-7. (27b) 12-GAUGE SINGLE BARREL AND 16-gauge double barrel shot guns; heavy duck tarpaulin with ropes; baby's rail sleigh. Phone 1804-R. (27c) FILL, $1.50 PER LOAD. APPLY 64 Celina. Phone 644, or evenings 1918-W. (27c) QUEBEC H HEATER, $4; KITCHEN light unft, chrome rim, $1.50. Phone 1228-M, 345 Jarvis St. (27b) MEN'S C.C.M. FE BICYCLE, BAL- loon tires, practically new, $35 cash sale. Apply 228 Conant St. (26c) RANGETTE, EXCELLENT CONDI- tion; also baby's go-cart. Phone 5144M. (28c) TIRE CHAINS, 600x16, NEVER used, cost $11, sell $9.50. 73 Glad. stone Ave. (28a) 41 --Articles Wanted WANTED--QUEBEC | HEATER, IN good condition. Phone 1671-W. (28¢) CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice-box, Quebec heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bohd West. Phore 3766M. (F14) GOOD USED FURNITURE WAN7T- ed, ice-boxes, cook stoves and heat. ers. 56 King West. Phone 3326 (F185) LOGS WANTED. ANY KIND, quantity, size, where, time. Write or phone 47J2, Crawford Supplies, Pick- ering, Ont. (251) TWO BATHROOM STOOLS, TWO sinks and a 26 inch bathtub. Phone Bowmanville 2433, reverse charge. (23g) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Phone 635. Cedardale Iron and Metals. 100 Annis St., east of C.N.R. Station. (M3) DEER, BEEF, CALF HI HIDES, Sheep pelts, horsehair. Highest prices. 555 Ritson South. Phone 5222-W (F17) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe N. Phone 2388. (F168) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea- ther ticks of a description. Live poultry, scrap iron and metals. Phone 1. Turner, North Oshawa 239M12 collect. (F19) 42--Female Help Wanted WANTED--EXPERIENCED LADY cook, must be able to take charge. Phone 3854. SALESLADY FOR LADIES' REA- dy-to-wear, full or part-time. Must be experienced; excellent salary for ' right party, Write Box 505, Times- Gazette. (26d) SALESLADY FOR FULL OR F PART time work, able to arrange credit sales. Apply 21 Bond West. (28b) PLUMBING AND HEATING CATALOGUE for free catalogue Including baths, basins, pipe, fittings, pumps, heating equipment, etc. MAIN PLUMBING AND HEATING SUPPLIES Co. 1059 F-5, ST. LAWRENCE, MONTREAL, P.Q. (28b) | EXPERIENCED BUTCHER capable of taking full charge of meat deartment. Apply ATKINSON'S FOOD MARKET 42 King West (26c) EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANICS with tools and license. Contact S. Butler Austin Ontario Motors 737 Church St. Toronto Phone PRincess 3344 (26c) 43--Male Help Wanted BUTCHER, PREFERABLY WITH chain store experience, willing to accept responsibility in modern food store. Apply Box 608 Times-Gaz- ette. (26c) 2 AMBITIOUS, NEAT-APPEARING men between ages of 25-40 who want to double their present salary. Ex- perience not necessary. Must have a car and preferably married. This is an opportunity to sell for the largest cookware company in Can- ada. Write Mr. H. J. Lehr, 250 King St. E., or phone collect to 319-R, Cobourg, Ont. (26d) 44--Male or Female Halp JUNIOR CLERK for Cost Department in large manufacturing office. Good opportunity for. interested person. Apply in own handwriting to BOX 610 TIMES-GAZETTE | (27%) 45--Agents Wanted / OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCED SALES POSITION An old established Company has an opening for a man with proven sales ability. This is a career opportunity which offers an ambitious salesman better than average opportunities for advancement, specialized train- ing with personal assistance, a sal- ary and bonus, and a guaranteed pension, Applicants must be of good appearance, between 25 and 45 years of age, preferably married. When applying, state age, marital status, experience and educational back- ground. If your qualifications are acceptable an interview and an apti- tude test will be arranged. Corre- spondence confidential. Apply BOX 613, Times-Gazette (28b) 46--Employment Wanted YOUNG GIRL DESIRES POSITION, caring for elderly person, 'invalid or children. Some nursing experience. References. Phone 5742-J between 1 and 6 p.m, (26c) GUARANTEED RADIO SERVICE for less. Why pay big repair bills? Phone Keith Wilson 4523-J. (F0) 47--Legal | Notices "1 will not be responsible 1 for any debts contracted in my name with- out my written signature by anyone other than myself, on and after this date, January 31, 1951. Signed William D. Wright. (26¢) London--(CP)--Now it's the cost of listening that has gone up. Leading companies have increased the price of gramaphone records from 50 cents to 60 cents. Better- quality records cost $1.40. 48--Auction Sale Auction Sale, Stirtevant's Auction Hall, 33 Hall St.,, Saturday, Febru- ary 3rd, at 1:30 p.m. sharp. Walnut bedroom suite including bed spring & mattress, vanity dresser & bench & dresser; new Williams sew- ing machine (drop-head); chrome kitchen table; beds & springs, chest drawers, 3-section bookcase, living- room table, floor lamp, rug 9 x 10; kitchen table & 4 chairs; electric rad; Acme heavy duty electric range (good); child's crib, rug 6x9; single bed spring & mattress; side. board, dining-room' table & 5 chairs, dresser, studio couch, chesterfield chair, rockers, odd chalrs; Quebec Cobham, Essex, England--(CP)-- People are still living in a medieval watchtower on an estate here. The tower is 60 feet high and has five storeys. One family has lived there for 22 years. A Ns 53 ALBERT ST. PHONE 127 Exclusive Dealer for ALL FESS OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT See ALF. HARRELL 25 DREW ST. PHONE 765M heater; dishes ® many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer. Phone 2714-J. (2Tv) Your JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! 241 KING ST. EAST PHONE 1351 FOR SALE CASH REGISTER in Good Condition Apply Horwich Jewellers 20 SIMCOE SOUTH $ Stafford Bros. $ MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E., Whithy Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QVALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are vour assur- ance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbles" in stock. MOTOR Authorized Dealer For Oshawa & District For... FARGO TRUGKS IS... HACKNEY SALES 139 KING ST. WEST -- PHONE 503 TRUCKERS: These new 1951 FARGO trucks have been designed and = ide a lower i affecting ed rear 8 to-floor rah Particular y objects. ance. o- le Sle heav ides a ground when 1 can Ovi oid Drive! It PrO%C, at drive line from FARGO all % and ver a building LONGER VALY and UP N AND ELE rting is a etter bad-wea ather # Sie aynthetic 8p! ora] arger, Ab-81 A with rain Re for 8pec generators ly L SYSTEM CTRICA cHrYSLER-ENGIEEE built only after our careful on-the-job study of what truckers, in 'many fields of work, want in a truck. It is only natural, therefore, that you will find in these new FARGOS easier handling, easier loading, greater driver comfort, longer truck life--and many FARGO features that reduce trucking costs and increase trucking profits. We firmly belleve these new 1951 FARGO trucks come closer to satisfying your trucking requirements than any truck in FARGO'S history, Chrysler-Plymouth-Fargo Division Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited CHRYSLER-BUILT FARGO TRUCKS COVER 88% FARGO CHASSIS FEATURES Rugged Frames ¢ Tough, Shock-Resistant Springs "e Strong Axles with Great Carrying Capacity » Wide Treads for Stability * Smooth-Acting, Big Frictional Area Clutches ¢ Large, Dependable Brakes e Powerful Engines Suited to each Truck's Capacity, 0F ALL HAULING FARGO CAB FEATURES Safety, All-Steel Construction Roomy, Comfortable Interiors ® Controls Located for Maximum Efficiency and Convenience * Large Doors and Clear Floors for Easy Entrance from Either Side eo Welle Insulated and Soundproofed e Excellent All-Around Vision, AND DELIVERY NEEDS!