WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTR PAGE NINE In Jhe Home | Porsonals Accounts of social events and of visitors to and from the city are appreciated by the Social Department. TELEPHONE 3 Miss Joan Leal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leal, has been transferred from the Belleville of- fice of the in Telephone Com- to the Oshawa office. pany * + * Mrs. Wilbert Pringle, - Albert Street, had as weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Pringle, Miss Penny Pringle and Mrs, Marjorie Moyer, of Pottsville, Pennsylvania; also Mrs. Donald Hall and Donelda and Gary, from Toronto. +* + * Members of the staff of the Bell Telephone Company who have been transferred to other positions re- cently are Miss H. M. Currie to Port Hope; Miss F. M. Tuhamy to Dundas; Miss J. D. Tripp to Dun- das; Miss H, L. Henderson % Wel- land; Miss S. M. Mulveney to Bracebridge; Miss M. I. Dawkins to Lindsay. > + * Among the Oshawa hostesses who have entertained for Miss Mary Patricia McLaughlin whose mar- riage to Dr. Gordon Edgar Hare takes place on Saturday afternoon at Simcoe Street United Church are Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, Mrs. John J. Burns, Miss Nancy Burns, Mrs. James Souch, Jr., Mrs, John Harris, Mrs. Charles Peacock, Mr. and Mrs, Richard McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Eric McVeity, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Derumaux, Dr. and Mrs. W, S. Mill- man, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Black, Mrs. Harry Donald, Whitby; and Miss Sylvia Skinner, Miss Diana Peacock, Mr. John Mitchell, of To- Tonto. * + & Mrs. Robert Thomas Campbell, the former Miss Florence Edith Fry, whose marriage took place on Saturday afternoon at St. Andrew's United Church, was the guest of honor at several pre-nuptial show- ers. Entertaining at linen and pantry showers held in Oshawa were Mrs. E. W. Reynolds, Miss Easy To Make [3 fr Ta BY 4 Oh what a beautiful Morning Glory Pinafore; And oh, what a thrifty one too! Your darling can wear it as pinny, sundress, skirt; Button-on bib makes this so use- ful! Pattern 7434; transfer; cut- ting chart in sizes 2, 4, 6. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coing for this pattern (stamps can- not be accepted) to The Daily- Times Gazette (Pattern Dept.), 57 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, On- tario, Print plainly Name, Address, Pattern, Number, Just out! Send Twenty-five Cents now for your copy of our new Alice Brooks Needlework Catalog! Illustrations of crafts and hobbies for all. New crochet, knitting, embroidery and other fascinating handwork. A Free pattern is printed in the book! Experiments at Lethbridge, Alta., have increased sugar beet yields by a ton or more an acre through use of ammonia sulphate. by VALDA SHERMAN Many mysterious changes take place in your body as you mature. Now, the glands under your arms be- ; gin to secrete daily a new Spe of poriaion containing sub~ nces which will --if they reach your dress--causeuglystainsand clinging odor. You'll face this problem throughout womanhood. It's not enough merely to stop the odor of this perspiration. You must now use a deodorant that stops the perspiration itself before it reaches -- and ruins -- your clothes, As doctors know, not all deodorants stop both Poapitation and odor. But Arrid does! It's been proved that the new cream deodorant Arrid stops une derarm perspiration 1 to 8 days safely ~keeps underarms dry and sweet. Remember this, too. Arrid's antiseptic sction kills odor on contact -- prevents formation of odor up to 48 hours and keeps you "shower-bath" fresh. And it's safe for skin --safe for fabrics, So, don't be half-safe. Don't risk half-safe deodorants. Be Arrid-safe! Use Arvid to be sure. Arrid with Creamoger will not dry out, and it's so p -------------------- Gladys Burley, Mrs. A. E. Salter, Miss Olive Frise, Miss Marion Palmer and Miss Betty Flintoff. Mrs. Lloyd Coffey and Mrs, John Treacher were hostesses at a kit- chen shower held in Hamilton and Mrs. Ralph Bugden, Miss Marjorie Bugden, Mrs. Lewis Webb and Mrs. William Morris entertained at a linen shower held in Toronto. ame A Out-of-town guests at the Camp- bell-Fry wedding were Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Campbell, Mr. Don Campbell, Master Ken Campbell, Mrs. T. Campbell Sr., Mr. and Mrs. A. Weir, Mr. and Mrs. J. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. T. Campbell, Jr., Miss | Marlene Campbell, Mr. Walter Mc- Gowan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sterling, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pulsford, Mr. Leonard Pulsford, Mrs. J. Fraser, Mrs. John Sinclair, Miss Teresa Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kingan, Mr. John Treacher, Mr. Harry Hal- crow, Miss Darlene Coffey, all of Hamiton; from Beamsville, Ont. Miss Betty Waldron; from Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Blythe; from Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. James Rain- nie, Mrs. F. Webber; Mr. and Mrs. R. Bugden, Mr. and Mrs, L. Webb, Master Ron Webb, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Morris, Master Terry Bellamy, Mrs. L. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson, Mr. D. Goldsby, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. D. Goldsby, Jr, Miss June Goldsby, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Goldsby, Master Billy Golds- {by, Mrs. A. MacKenzie, Mr. and | Mrs. W. Goode, Miss Joyce Goode, {Miss Iva Goode, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Owen, Mrs. W. F. Fry, Mr. and Mrs. A. McCoy, Mr, and Mrs. M. MacKay, Mr. and Mrs, N. Auld, Mr, and Mrs. R. Cullum, Master David Cullum, Mr. W. Seeley, all of Toronto. Fashion Flashes LOOK TO THE LINING in new coats--now, as well as for ensembles that will mark the Spring season. Fine wool fleece coats are sporting lovely linings of striped tie silk. For Spring, the suit with jacket lined to match a print silk blouse is being cited. * + & THE TRUMPET SOUNDS like the big line just now, so much so that it is being used for slips. Ny- lon satin is used for a trumpet- line slip, with lace godets and lace trimming for the camisole top. * + + MORE THAN ONE fore-sighted customer has been known to cull good numbers from winter resort collections to wear later on. Such ~. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN ------ In. The Conumunity PP often include simple agg frocks in novelty fabrics and prints. Ribbed cotton satin, known as pique satin, is this year's novelty fabric; 'it is made up into easy-to- wear little dresses in various colors, ' MOTHERS-TO-BE find that maternity departments have some of the prettiest clothes in the store, which is as it should be. A charm- ing little frock is of black tissue faille, its déep neckline marked by a draped, stone-studded * starched white lace collar. The full-front skirt has a zipper adjustment at either side. Tad aE Bl NEVER ENDING in its appeal is the topper. Season, after season, and year after year, it goes on bes ing 'a constant favorite. Checked plaid tweed for a cape-like topper, the arm slits protruding like cuffs, and the pointed collar framing the chin. "A taffeta lining picks up the darker tone in the check. Le oli, J THERE WERE CHEERS at a re- cent important fashion show for a strictly tailored suit of inky black woollen topped off by a tiful- ly draped white fox stole, a really striking example of the beauty of black and white. CHESTERFIELDS ® Re-covered @ Re-built! . ® Lowest factory prices! $100 Trade-in Allowance on your present suite! TORONTO FURNITURE MFG. CO. 315 Celina tt. Phone 2864M RR If you are your own furnace man,, To keep the kitchen sink free of don't shake your fire unnecessarily. | grease and sediment, pour boiling Stop shaking it when the first red| water through af - glow appears in the ash pit. ing. £1 21S} Sach 5k walt 3 Women's Welfare League (SIMCOE HALL) Annual Meeting Mon. Jan. 29th -- 2.30 p.m. -- -- SPEAKER --_-- COL. V. A. M. KEMP, C.B.E. (Provincial Commissioner, St. John Ambulance, Province of Ontario) Subject:- "CIVIL DEFENCE'"' our various suppliers at substantial reductions for this event. this store-wide clearance. SEE OUR WINDOWS AND DEPARTMENT DISPLAYS FOR MANY OTHER INTERESTING ITEMS DURING EACH DAY OF THIS SALE ® ALL SALES TO BE FINAL ON THESE CLEARANCE ITEMS--NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES, PLEASE eo WARD'S Gan n Make Your $$$ Stretch Farther! MID-WINTER SALE! Starts Thursday for One Week Only! This is our yearly clearance of surplus stock before taking inventory. Many items are priced below today's replacement value -- and far below what we can expect to pay for them later on this year. We have also procured a surprising selection of "money-saving specials' from The Thrifty Shoppers can make their DOLLARS S-T-R-E-T-C-H FARTHER at sizes in this list, $4.45 $5.10 "IBEX" FLANNELETTE SHEETS (Grey Only) We have procured a limited quantity of these heavy quality flannelette sheets in the light grey color with borders of pink or blue. 70x90 80x90 .... pair pair 10%. LADIES' RAYON HOSE! An economy priced every day hosiery at a very popular saving. colors to choose from. Two spring Sizes 9 to "PENMAN'S" AllWool Hose for Men! Note the hard-to-get $6.25 pair Reg. 6%9¢-7%¢. good job of glass drying. to choose from and colors of red, green, ALL-LINEN TEA TOWELS Imported 100% pure linen, of generous size, to really do a Checked or striped border patterns blue or multi. 590. each or 2 for $1.10 Colors of red, green or blue, TABLE CLOTHS (5 pozen ony) Gay, floral and leaf patterns printed on good quality plastic. to $1.98. Size 54x54. Reg. finish, HE- each Imported lace cloths in two beautiful save now for home or future gift-giving. Color, Size, approximately 72x90. Reg. $7.95. LACE DINNER CLOTHS patterns. Buy and light ecru. $869 each for every day use . . . Size about 16x32. A strongly woven natural color ground . . . assorted multi-color stripes. KITCHEN TERRY TOWELS 35. each fine Made or 3 for $ 100 lodge table needs, 58" wide .... BLEACHED COTTON TABLE DAMASK A chance to stock up on requirements for home, church and Heavy quality that will wear and wash well. Two patterns and widths to choose from. $1.79 yd. 68" wide .... $2.29 yd. new spring materials. Cloths, $3.95 yard. DRAPERY MATERIAL! 45.5 A clearance of all discontinued patterns to make room for Pebble Cloths, Heayy Crashes, Sail Bengalines, Taffetas, Damasks. 1 98 Yard 50" WIDE Reg. values to For the 'shorter windows in your home. Made from good quality marquisette, FRILLED CURTAINS! SHEETS! (15 Doz. Only) "Green bond" heavy muslin of snow-white double 81x99. 3.30 PILLOW CASES! bleached white cotton, neat hems and hemstitched, There are small imperfections which will not hurt wearing qualities, Stock up now for future use. Full size 42", 1/3 OFF! See the many items all reduced by 1/3. Many exceptional bargains can be had in: ® Blouses © Belts @ Purses © Sweaters 1/3 OFF Regular Price! Foundation Garments & Brassieres Generous bed size, each by a well-known manufacturer, medium weight, "aw each Reg. $1.39 pr. SPECIALS!! ® Nightgowns ® Scarves Slips © Panties ® Pyjamas Nationally Advertised A popular ribbed hose in all-wool botany. A really fine buy at today's wool prices. Four different stripe colors to choose from. Sizes 10)2 to 112, Reg. $1.29. "BRILL" Broadcloth Shirts End of season clear-out of these well- known broadcloth shirts for ladies. Various styles and materials are plain or striped in colors of green, blue, tan and all white. Long and short sleeve styles. Sizes 32 to 38. J Sale $2.35 Sale $2.63 89: Pair. Pure Silk Scarves The stylish accessory for wear with your sweater and at this sale price you will want several. Eleven colors to choose from, Size about 17x17". Reg. 49%c. 33. Reg. $3.95 '1.49 Pair Good wide nicely frilled and tie-back style. color assortment, Size each ,48" by 60" long, Reg. $1.98. WOMEN'S UMBRELLAS! Buy now for spring showers . . . 10-rib umbrellas sD. 98 with fine rayon coverings in plaids, checks and plain each iS colors. . Metal and plastic tips straight or FACE CLOTHS bent plastic handles with wrist cords. Many colors to choose from. Ten dozen only. Reg. to $3.95. Of good-weight terry cloth. 10: each DISH CLOTHS Woven lock-stitch net. 5 each Discontinued and Broken Lines To Clear! Reduced 209) to 509) "WABASSO" CREPES & SHEERS BROADCLOTH § Ts is the end-of-seaton clearance of our printed rayon dress crepes and sheers. There Just right for early spring sew- are still many beautiful colors and patterns ing is this sun and tubfast to choose from so our over-buying is your cotton broadcloth. Tightly gain. The "Imperial" and "Norcraft" lines woven and ten popular colors are well represented in this lot too. Most to choose ..from, 36" wide. all wanted golors, widths from 38 to 40 Reg. 59%c. inches. Reg. to $2.59 yard. 49. Yard $1.74 Yard SEE OUR WINDOWS AND DEPARTMENT DISPLAYS FOR MANY OTHER OUTSTANDING SAVINGS DURING EACH DAY OF THIS SALE i' All Sales Final on Clearance Items No Refunds... No Exchanges Please! SIMCOE S. at ATHOL ST. -- PHONE 982 odsy to a) ly, Get Arrid--Canada' I - HA hl --today! , = WARD'S$