OPINIONS £6 § DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE EDITORIAL PAGE = reatuses The Daily Times-Gazette OSHAWA WHITBY THE OSHAWA TIMES (Established 1871) THE WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE (Established 1863) tle is a ber of The jah Press Cc aily N pap A ion, the Ameri- he Newsp > A rs A jon, the Ontaric Provificial Dailies Association and the Audit Bureau o! Circulations. The Canadian Press is exclusively entitiea to the use for republication of all news despatches in the paper credl to it or to The ated Press or Reuters, and also the local news published therein. All rights of special despatches herein are also reserved. A. R., ALLOWAY, President and Publisher. T, L. WILSON, Vice-P: and Managing Director. M. McINTYRE HOOD, Managing Editor. 4 .SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier in Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin, Port Perry, Ajax and Pickering, 24c per week. By mail out-* s'de carrier delivery areas anywhere in Canada and England, $7.00 per year; U.S, $9.00 per year. Authorized as Second Class Matter, Post Office Department, Ottawa, Canada. DAILY AVERAGE CIRCULATION for DECEMBER 11,120 SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1951 G ai. Canadian Press, The Ti bd poaflie Oh pet It Can Happen Here Using the words which appear at the head of this editorial, George A, Drew, National Progressive-Conservative leader, in his ad- dress at the Chamber of Commerce dinner on Thursday evening, gave his audience, and those who read the report of his speech in The Times-Gazette of Friday, plenty of food for thought. His message was a masterly exposition of the menace to Canada's future which exists in the advance of Communism. He issued a solemn warning that unless we are aroused to defend our freedom, we are liable to lose it, and to live in slavery to the vilest force the world has ever known. Col. Drew did not pull his punches in his denunciation of Communism and its evil plans for world domination. He had some- thing to say, too, to those who look on the Communist movement in Canada as" some- thing unimportant, when he pointed out that even today, they are not in the majority in any of the countries under their control. They have taken power by imposing their will on an indifferent and lackadaisical ma- jority. And even if there are only between thirty and forty thousand Communists amidst the fourteen million people of Cana- da, they have it in their power to wreck this country's industrial potential in the event of a war emergency. Col. Drew was emphatic in his declaration that laws should be enacted to curb the Com- munists in Canada, to bring them before the courts for trial, and if found guilty, to in- flict penalties in keeping with their crimes against this country. That sentiment found a ready echo from Gordon D, Conant, who, like Col. Drew, served Ontario as Premier during part of World War II and knew much of the background of the Communist con- spiracy in Canada. It found an echo, too, in the minds of those who heard him, as was apparent from the applause which greet- ed this statement, If what has happened to the satellite coun- tries of Russia, by the subjugation of the majority to the will of a thoroughly train- ed and indoctrinated minority of Commu- nists, should happen to Canada, it would very largely be due to the fact that we were too tolerant of the traitors within our midst. and allowed them to sabotage not only our in- dastrial potential, but our ¢ery freedom. Col. Drew's address was timely, it was bold and courageous, and it struck a responsive chord in the mind of everyone who heard him, re- gardless of political affiliation. The Cham- ber of Commerce deserves the thanks of the community for making it possible to have this message delivered here, and Col. Drew merits thanks for the vigorous way in which he pointed out the dangers of complacency and indifference to the Communist menace. Suggestion Dividends Recent announcements of the extension of the General Motors of Canada system of making awards for suggestions and ideas from employees to promote efficiency of operation gives proniinence to this compara- tively new departure in modern industry." It is nine years since General Motors adopted the suggestion award plan in its plants in Canada and the United States. In that time, 145,000 employee proposals have been adopted, and awards totalling $5,740, 000 have been made by the company. This surely suggests that there is, within the ranks of the employees, a great pool of knowledge and ideas which can be tapped for the mutual benefit of management 'and labor. There will be even greater interest in this plan now that the maximum award payab'e has been increased from $750 to $2,500 and the minimum award from $5 to $10. This should act as a great inducement for em- ployees who have ideas for improving the efficiency of operations to place them at the disposal of the company. The fact that such suggestions and ideas are welcomed and the improvement of the particular operations with which he is concerned. The very fact that 145,000 suggestions have been found acceptable by the company in its Canadian and United States plants in a nine-yeer period underlines the value of encouraging employees to place their brain-children at the disposal of management. Butter Imports It is surprising to learn, in view of the outcry of the dairy industry against the sale of margarine in Canada, with consequent loss of markets for butter, that some 4,500,- 000 pounds of butter are being imported into Canada from New Zealand. That this impor- tation, which is being made by individual firms in the trade, should be permitted by the government of Canada is likely to be regarded by the dairy industry as adding in- sult to injury. : If there were a shortage of butter in Canada, one could understand importations from New Zealand. There is, however, no shortage. In fact, the government is still holding a large quantity of Canadian butter acquired under its price support legislation. The New Zealand butter is being brought there because production costs are so much lower in that country that it can be brought to Canada, the duty paid and still undersell the Canadian product, if the government does not-step in and take the imported pro- duct under its control. It is announced that the government pro- poses to resume controls over the importa- tion of foreign butter, but that is very much like locking the stable after the horse has been stolen. From a political standpoint, al- lowing butter imports in a time of plentiful supply can be political dynamite. There hav: been instances in Canada of governments be- {ng turned out of office on that issue. That might very well happen again if govern- ment policy is such as to really arouse the temper of the dairy industry of this country. Editorial Notes The report that three former German gen- erals and an admiral agree that Germany should be rearmed is disturbing. We did not know that many of them had escaped. the executioner. + * + 'Asiatic leaders still think the Chinese Communists are willing to negotiate peace Which Comes First... ? Ontario Spotlight POSTMAN RESCUES BOY Guelph, Jan. 20--(CP)--Postman for Korea. But it looks as if the basis for negotiation would be complete capitulation by the United Nations. + The United States willingness to risk war with Communist China by branding that country as an aggressor and imposing sanc- tions is not receiving much support at Lake Success. Other countries are not anxious to bar the door to peace. . * * * Russian troops have crossed the French zone boundary line in Germany and occupied a German estate. Incidents like this might very well be the spark to set off the flame of 'war in Europe. ® Other Editors' Views o BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS (Commonwealth Catholic Weskly) The hour has struck, We can no longer heedlessly 80 about our dally business, indulging our petty satis- factions. We are at war, And the sacrifices which a fight for life demands devolve upon us all. . , , The enemy is upon us. Once we have grasped this fact, we can have little patience with a Senator McCarthy, who cries that we should impeach the President, or with other irresponsibles who would have us "give them every-! thing we've got," including the atom bomb, in Korea! and Manchuria. Policies will have to wait. It is time for resolution and for prayer, The Unit- ed States has never before been confronted with so great a threat to its existence. ® A Bit of Verse @ PLAYMATE Look for a whistler, He is not there; not behind the swing or chalr in the white garden. Is he behind maple or elm? Where can we find someone who ran before we could go after him, close, in a world of snow? Now the sound is loud and now it is thinned. He has gone around corners -- sly Whistler Wind. -- JOSEPH JOEL KEITH e A Bible Thought e "When the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, 'Shout, for the Lord hath given you the city . . . ' So the people shouted . , , with a great shout." (Josh, 7:18, 20.) rewarded makes it profitable for even the - humblest smployee to use his ingenuity for | Real faith is not when we can say, "God can," oui, "God has!" g and took the boy to hospital, George Hinds, 43, jumped into 4'% feet of water Friday and pulled out Johnny Pettifer, 8, who had fallen into the Speed River when the ice broke beneath him. Hinds, whose own son was anout the same age as Johnny when he was drdwn- ed in a similar accident five years ago, applied artificial respiration until firemen and police arrived EPIDEMIC WANING Hamilton, Jan, 20 -- (CP) -- Hamilton's measles epidemic which took the lives of three children during its peak now is on the wane, Dr. L. A. Clarke, medical officer of health, said | Friday. He reported 1,248 cases | of the disease during December | and a total for 1950 and 3,689. In addition to these, the num- | ber of Germam measles cases | reported was 2,999, . INVESTIGATE SHOOTING 8t. Marys' Jan. 20--(CP) -- On- tario provincial police are continu- ing their investigation into the events surrounding the shooting of an East Missouri man. Charles Robbins, 8th. line of East Missouri is in "Fair" condition in St. Marys Memorial Hospital. Preliminary in- vestigation had led police to be- lieve Mr. Robins had been clubbed, but examination at the hospital showed a bullet wound. RAISE FIREMEN'S WAGES Woodstock, Jan, 20--(CP)--A - wage increase of $150 a year across the board was granted to firemen of the Woodstock fire department by city council at a finance meeting here Fri- day. Final approval of the boost is expected at the regular coun- ° cil session Monday. FOG SLOWS TRAFFIC St. Catharines, Jan. 20--(CP)-- Heavy fog rolling up from the Nia- gara River Friday night blanketed the Niagara Peninsula from Buf- falo, N.Y, to Grimsby, Ont., slow- ing traffic to a crawl. . . DIES 100TH YEAR Toronto, Jan. 20--(CP)--Vin- cent Cornwall, who would have been 100 Feb. 3, died Friday. For more than 60 years, Mr. Cornwall owned a merchant tailoring and dry goods busi- ness in Colborne, Ont, TWO SERIOUSLY INJURED Dixie, Ont.,, Jan. 20--(CP)--Ken Reeves of Islington, Ont. and Ivy Fowler of Port Credit, Ont. were injured Friday when the automo- bile Reeves was driving collided with a truck near this town, five miles west of Toronto. Reeves suf- fered concussion and broken ribs. Miss Fowler's pelvis was fractured and she suffered a possible back in- Jury. Frank Sales, drivers of .the truck, was unhurt, SAVED BOY'S LIFE Welland, Jan, 20 -- (CP) -- Cool-headed George Shook, 12, Friday saved the life of John- / my Calver, 5, who fell into icy waters of Welland canal when the boy, dripping wet and suf- fering from shock was unable to walk, Shook hoisted him to his back and carfied him home. The Romans built fortifizai' 15 at Trieste, Adriatic gulf port, in 33 B.C. . | Mac's Musings | Communist Called How much do we Canadians Value our freedom, one i Might well ask after Hearing such an address As George Drew gave here The other evening at A banquet held by the Chamber of Commerce? When we compare our lot With those in slavery Behind the Iron curtain, And think of the many Things we enjoy which Are denied to them, We cannot help but feel That it is worth all The effort we can make To retain that freedom, Here in this land We are free to choose Our own way of life, To follow the vocation Of our own choosing, To move about freely Anywhere we want to go Within our country Without the fear that An evil secret police | Will dog out footsteps And make note of every Word which we utter. Here we are free to say What we want to say, To think as we like, To criticize our government And what it is doing Without the fear of being Put against a wall and shot. Here we are free to worship Our God as we see fit, And no man can say us nay; Here we are free to use Our initiative and ability For our own advancement Reaping the rewards of Our achievements without Having them confiscated By an evil government Which sends into exile or Liquidates by death All who dare oppose it. There are the things that Here in Canada we prime, And we will not exchange Them for vile slavery So long as our people Have the will to stand Together and fight To preserve that freedom. ® 40 Years Ago Heavy snow on the streets caus- ed the upsetting of many buggies making the turn at the four corners. A joint public ball was held in the new McLaughlin building by the Oshawa Bowling and ling Clubs. Robert McLaughlin was a mem- ber of a delegation of manufacturers which went to Ottawa to protest against the proposed reciprocity treaty with the United States. Resignation of Lyman C. Smith as principal of -the High School was accepted by the Board of Education. Employees of the McLaughlin Mo- tor and Carriage Company held a grand ball in the new McLaughlin building. Chemical Industry To Be Controlled Ottawa, Jan. 20--(CP)--Canada's industrial chemical industry--a ma= jor: tor in defence preparedness --soon will come under government allocation control, it was learned Friday. The main purpose will be to meet a growing shortage hy giv- ing Canada's expanded defence program top pricrity cover available supplies, « British Strike Over Cup of Tea By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer London, Jan. 16 (CP)--A Com- munist shop steward in a British aircraft factory boasted that he could call a strike over a cup of tca -- and won his bet. Douglas Hyde, 20 years a Com- munist, relates the incident in a new book published yesterday, "I Believed." Hailed by British news- papers as one of the most thorough and authentic exposures of Com- munist conspiracy yet produced, Hyde's book unfolds the factors which provoked his decision two | years ago to break with the party. Hyde, as news editor of the Com- munist Daily Worker, was for years a devout and trusted member of British Communism's ruling circle. Among other things, Hyde tells how J. R. Campbell, now editor of | the Communist Daily Worker, out- lined the party's device for com- | batting the Marshall Plan by sup- | porting grievances and disputes wherever it was strong enough to do | s0. (British Communists have just protested because Campbell has been refused permission by the Canadian government to attend a | Labor-Progressive meeting in Tor- | onto Jan, 25-28). Hyde's book says that in one air- craft factory Communists were vir- tually dictators in their own de- partments. One shop steward claim- ed he could call a strike over a cup of tea. "I accused him of boasting," says Hyde, "and challenged him to prove it. He won. He called a mass fac- tory meeting in working hours to protest at the quality of the tea, moved a resolution that no more work be done until they had receiv- ed an undertaking from the man- agement that there would be an improvement. "The great works, engaged on pro- ducing bombers, came to a stand- still, and the power of the party |... was effectively demonstrated." Why do so few Communists leave th: party? This may be an explana- tion: "The party is so 'organized as to make Communism the whole life of 'its members. They lose all their old friends. All their present comrades and associates r 'e in the party; it takes the whole of their waking time, at work, in their leisure, wher- ever they go . .. they spend their days thinking how best to apply the party line , ..""" PO RTRAITS By James J. Metcalfe Let Us Marck PY THE March of Dintes is on the & march . . . And we should try to give . .. As much as we can spare tos day . .. That other lives may live . . . So let us count our pennies and . . . Our nickels and our dimes . . . And strive to keep our spending down . . . Let all of us be generous . . On gay. and happy times . .. . And let our spirit grow ~.. For those who are afflicted with . . , The germ of polio . . . It may be you tomorrow or . + + « Or any special relative , . «+ So let us fight this dread disease . . . be... The true and loyal guardians . . . « «,The one you love the most + Or friend from coast to coast And let us try to Of our community. Copr., 1051, Field Enterprises, Ine. All rights reserved. Annual Meeting Held By Myrtle Sunday School gd S. M. PERCY Correspondent Myrtle Stetion, Jan. 18--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minty, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Minty, of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Parrender on Saturday, The regular yearly meeting of the Sundisy. School took place after the service on Sunday morning. The following were elected: Superin- tendent, A. Downey; assistants, E. Master and Mrs, Duchemin; secre- tary-treasurer, Mrs. Harrison; pian- ist, Phyllis Duff; cradle roll, V. Butson; beginners' teacher, V. Butson; primary, Mrs. A, Cooper; junior girls, Mrs. Hurst; assistant, Mrs. Duff; intermediate, Mrs. Par- rinder; senior girls, Mrs. Duchemin; missionary convener, Mrs. Hurst; temperance, Mrs. Bradley; birthday treasurer, Berniece Watson. Mrs. Alfred Fisher of Meota, Sask., as returned after visiting relatives in Ontario. On Tuesday 'afternoon the ladies of the village and surrounding country chartered a bus and jours neyed to Toronto to visit the new Sick Children's Hospital. Mrs. Russell Taylor visited Toronto this week. There was a good attendance a$ worship service on Sunday morning when Mr. S. A. Saywell read from Psalm 37 and Matthew, chapter 5, for his scripture reading. "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth," was his text. "We cannot realize the meaning of this verse," he said, "and often wonder if there is not some mistake as there 'seems to be very small place for meekness in this modern life. If we desire the kind of a world we now live in, a world of wars and aggression, we must lét things go as they are. We think of reward as a golden crown, a place by our Maker's side when life is over, but we must put the best that is in us into the life we live here helping to.make the world a better place for all." \ On Wednesday, January 10, the Women's Association met at the home of Mrs, F. C. Wilson. Mrs. in spent Tuesday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Eyers. i Mr, and Mrs. W. Malley of Bow= manville were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, E. Masters. . Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Roberts of Toronto are visiting Mr, and Mrs, L. W. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher of Fielding, Sask., are spending some time with Mr: and Mrs: A. Par- rinder and Mrs. Fisher. Wedding bells' are ringing in our midst. g Mrs. Flora Cook has returned to Teeswater to reside after a lengthy stay with Mrs. Munro of Prospect. The community was. shocked to hear of the death of Jerry, fifteen months-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm Cryderman. Jerry had the measles and it was thought he was recovering, wiren he' took a turn for the worse. He is survived by his mother and father, five sisters and two brothers. His funeral took place Thursday, to Sutton, in Briar Hill Cemetery. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved family in this, their hour of sorrow, A euchre and dance are to be held in Myrtle Community Hall on Friday, Jan, 19. Euchre starts at 8 o'clock sharp and dancing at 10 EUTRALIZE cess ACID Duchemin led in prayer and the Lord's Prayer was repeated in uni- son, Mrs. Mitchell took the topic, "Living another Year." The roll call was answered by 12 members and several visitors. The yearly report of 1950 showed a very busy year's work. Mrs. Ham- ilton read the treasurer's report, showing a substantial balance on | hand. Several items of business were | then discussed. Mrs. Cooper offered | her home for February meeting. Several notes of thanks were read for boxes sent to shut-ins at Christmas. Mrs. Rodd thanked Mrs. | Wilson for her hospitality. | Mrs. Hattie Hudgin returned] home after a pleasant holiday in| Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hudgin and Patsy. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne of | Newcastle visited with Mr, and Mrs, | Bert Duff on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Percy spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Anderson of Man- chester. Master Norman Eyers is in bed with pneumonia. We hope for a| speedy recovery for him and for all | the little ones who have had the measles. ; | Mrs. Verne Hambly 'and Brian of Barrie spent Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. David Duchemin. The annual business meeting of the Myrtle Community Hall was held on Monday evening, Jan. 15. Financial reports were read and approved. There were 18 men pres- ent and officers as follows were elected: President, F. C. Wilson; Seasonal expenses. vice-president, E. Masters; secre- | MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT} tary, O. H. Downey. The evening closed with a game of shuffleboard. & HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCartney and CADIS wos? RECOMMENDED HO | aco pe o gi pe ey ® Sunsy 18 Simcoe St. South, Over Kresge's Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harrison Phone Oshawa 3601 and family of Oshawa called on OSHAWA, ONT. Mrs. Long on Monday. Hours 9 to 5 or by oppoiniment Mr. Ernie Uptergrove of Toronto /) IT $50 to $1000 If you need extra cash, borrow from HFC--HouseHoLD FINANCE. Loans are made promptly and courteously.on your own signature. No Endorsers Needed HFC specializes in fast service! No 'endorsers or bankable security. You select the repayment plan most cone venient for you. Take 6 to 24 months to repay. * Loans for Any Good Purpose Consolidate old bills . . . home repairs, taxes, doctor bills, hospital bills, and 4 Stafford Bete, MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E., Whithy Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and caretul attention to detail are your assur- ance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and Yomestic Granites and Marbles in stoc Monteith ¥ nleilh CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS . 37 KING ST. EAST Gordon W. Riehl, CA. Resident Partner Phone 4911-R Opportunities Available For FORMER TELEPHONE OPERATORS Temporary work for experienced girls ® SALARY BASED ON PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE © REFRESHER COURSE GIVEN WHERE NECESSARY Are you interested in making extra money? Our Chief Operator, Miss Robertson, will be glad to welcome you at our Victoria Street office and discuss this opportunity with vou. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA