PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1951 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) 32--Automobiles For Sale 45 CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN, very good condition, new battery and heater. Phone 5262J. (16a) 50 CHEV. SEDAN, METALLIC gray, white walls, fully equipped, low mileage, $1,950. Phone 3903-W. (16a) 47 PONTIAC SEDAN COUPE, streamliner series, 2507D. Apply Miachell's Drug Store, 9 Simcoe N. (16¢c) '46 CHEV. SEDAN, A-1 CONDI- tion; good tires, heater and defrost- er, fog and back-up lights. K. Shar- ko, Palm Cigar Store. (15¢) 39 G.M. 1,-TON, PANEL, GOOD condition. Apply #51 Bruce St. 5) 39--Articles For Sale WHITE & BLACK COOK STOVE, wood or coal combination; excellent condition. Phone 4741-W. (16¢c) SMALL PIANO, FIRST CLASS condition. Phone 3652J. (16b) RANGETTE, 2-BURNER, BRAND new, never been attached. Phone 217-R. (16¢c) SCRAP WOOD. $5 PER LOAD. Phone 1859, M. Greenberg & Sons, 308 Bloor E. (F3) CONNOR THERMO WASHER, used, in good working condition, gy- rator washing action, guaranteed, $59.50. Convenient terms. Hill-Corn- ish Electric Ltd., 50 Prince Street, phone 341. (16b) PLATFORM ROCKER, NICELY upholstered, good condition; also Heint piano, good tone, nice 37 MASTER CHEV, COACH, GOOD condition, $400. Phone 6254-J. (15c) "50 CHEV, SEDAN DELUXE, UN- derseat heater, low mileage. Phone 4001-3. ey me '4. CHEV, PANEL TRUCK. BEST offer. Phone 449-J, 135 celina St ( AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COV- ering lability to others, collision, fire, theft, medical reimbursement, passenger hazard, radio theft, mis- cellaneous. Murdoch Insurance, Sim- eoe South. (FD '37 BUICK SEDAN, HEATER, ood condition, price reasonable. hone 4188W3 after 6. (14c) 49 PONTIAC COUPE, PRIVATE- ly owned. Phone Pickering 195W1, dfter 6. (14c) "47 OLDS. SEDANETTE, HYDRA- atic, underseat heater, 5 good tires, w mileage, one owner. Phone 14R32 Brooklin. (14c) RE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION AND shock absorber service. Call Morey's Garage at 657 for complete front end service, and immediate installa- tion. (FD) FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE Johnnie Walker, . Bramley Motors New and used cars. Phone 5505; eve- wings; 14637. (¥3) ART'S CAR MARKET 175 KING ST, W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 2148 Home of better deals on better cars. Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. THEN 33--Automobiles Wanted | 71-51 CARS BRING MORE CASH | for you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park | Rd, S¢ Phone 4149, FD CASH FOR YOUR "CAR BELMONT MOTORS PHONE 4808 36- Pets and Livestock AMERICAN BLACK AND TAN hound, male, running, registered. Apply 613 King E. Phone 5274-W. (16b) REGISTERED IRISH TERRIERS, 7 months. Pony equipment riding bridle. Edgar Hertner, Newtonville. Phone Clarke 2204. (16a) GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, from thoroughbred stock. Phone 21R14 Brooklin, (15¢) BORDER FANCY YELLOW CA- nary hen, Cinnamon canary = hen, bright yellow .young singer in full song. Apply 17 Elena. (14c) BABY BUDGIES READY FOR training, talking strain, all colors; also budgie hens ready for nesting. 114 Elgin E., phone 3745. (P5) 37--Farmers' Column TURKEY POULTS, DAY OLD, Beltsville Whites, B.B. Bronze; 75c each, Free delivery. Phone Ugbridge #9R21. Smith Bros. Turkey Hatch- ery, Uxbridge. Government Ap- proved. (181) WANTED--DEAD FARM STOCK, picked up promptly. As an added service we will co-operate with your veterinary in post-mortems. Highest Jrices paid for live horses. Call col- lect Bowmanville 2679. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Ont. (320) { BOY'S HOCKEY BOOTS AND skates, size 6, new last year. Phone de (16a) MAN'S WINTER OVERCOAT, black, size 40; excellent condition. Apply 519 Howard Street. (15¢) WHITE FIGURE SKATES, SIZE 3; good condition--$7. Phone 5130-J. sare AR) 38a--Market Basket CHOICE COOK ING APPLES, bushel delivered, $1.89. Eating ap- ples, from $2 bushel up. Phone 3235. Ee il (329) €RISP McINTOSH & CORTLAND | apples, fresh from cold storage; bushel delivered, $2.85. Half bushel, $1.45. Phone 3235; evenings 3763-J. i. pi fF) 39--Articles For Sale USED FLEETWOOD AUTOMATIC radio phonograph, table model, com- bination, perfect condition, $59.50. Terms available. Hill-Cornish Elec. tric, 50 Prince St., phone 341. (16b) FOLDING BABY CARRIAGE, MARI oon, also play pen. Apply 17 War- ren Ave. I545-M. (15¢c) FRENCH DOORS, CHESTNUT trim, glass knob, very good condi- tion. Phone 2051. (16b) DINING-ROOM SUITE, 8 PIECES, walnut finish, good condition. Cheap. H. Miles, Apt. 2, 48 Park Rd. N. eR Sa (14c) USED GENERAL ELECTRIC washer, in excellent condition, por- celain tub, gyrator action, $55.00. Terms available. Hill-Cornish Elec- tric Ltd., 50 Prince, St., phone 341. (18b) GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGER- ator, perfect condition, 7 cu, ft, 1 Year old. 4 years on guarantee. $275. Phone Ajax 174-M. (16¢c) USED BEATTY WASHER, POR- celain tub, reconditioned, $39.50. Terms. Hill-Cornish Electric Ltd., 80 Prince St., phone 341. (16b) Pp DINING-ROOM SUITE, solid oak, Queen Anne design; ex- gellent condition. Phone 773 Bow- manvilie, evenings, (16¢c) case. Phone Whitby 302, (16a) PHILCO MANTEL RADIQ, 7-TUBE, $7; steel double bed and spring, $10; Eureka upright vacuum cleaner, $15. Call after 6, 226 Second Ave. off Ritson Rd. 8. 2 (16a) FOLDING BABY CARRIAGE, MAR- oon, also play pen. Apply 17 War- ren Ave. (15¢) MERCURY ROCKET 7); H.P, OUT- board motor, new. Phone 5276R af- ter 4 p.m, (15¢) STROMBERG CARLSON USED table model radio phonograph com- bination, lovely condition, short and long wave reception, $490.50. Terms. Hill-Cornish Electric, 50 Prince St., Ed Wilson Says "BEAT THE PRICE RISE" Our greatest double-barrelled Jonu- ary Clearance Sale. Many of our one-of-a-kind suites and odd pieces must be sold at once. Save Money -- Save Money OUTSTANDING SPECIAL 10-Pc. Bedroom group, floor sample ............ sare $99 ODD DRESSERS From broken suites. Marvellous val- oe $28.50 January Clearance Bale ODD WOODEN BEDS Part of bedroom Clearance Sale less than ig price. .....0.00h0iivine, suites. January $16.50 UNPAINTED CHEST OF DRAWERS Hardwood, ready to be January Clearance finished. CHINA CABINET Handsome modern cabinet with drawer, from broken sgite. January Clearance Sals less than 3 Price ..eevivneiesiness $36.50 2-Pc. CHESTERFIELD SUITES Sensational bargain, beautiful spring- filled Chesterfield Suite, upholstered in lovely frieze and fringed. Floor sample. January Clearance $ 1 69 Sale. Save $90.00 ...... ODD CHESTERFIELD CHAIRS Fully spring-filled. Lovely velours. Must be sold. January Clearance Sale. CHROME KITCHEN TABLE With genuine arborite top. big saving. January Clearance Sale Very PORTABLE OIL HEATER These are wonderful for that small room. Will heat 1500 cubic feet, Lovely walnut finish, $29.95 January Clearance Sale. BABY PRAMS We are clearing out all models at greatly See our special. January Clearance Sale. our 1960 reduced prices. $29.50 YOUR LINOLEUM CENTRE Floorcoverings for every room in your home. Every pattern, every color. OUTSTANDING SPECIAL Feltol ri ith border. men, Billy [ - 9. $2.99 WILSON Furniture Co. . THE NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC ! polisher, $64.50, terms $13 down, | 85 per month. Meagher's, 5 Firs St. West and 92 Simcoe Nort®. " as | 20 CHURCH ST. Telephone 768 16a) | G "delivered. Phone 1638-M. .circulation; 39--Articles For Sale GOOD ASSORTMENT OF USED rangettes from $15.00. Terms to suit. Hill-Cornish Electric Ltd., 50 Prince St., phone 341. (16b) 42--Female Help Wanted OCCASIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR housewives of above average intel- ligence, resident in Oshawa or in surr ding territory, to interview WEIDER BARBELL WEIGHTS, 2 sets; also men's skates, size 12, good condition. Phone 3370W3. (16c) REFRIGERATOR, BRAND NEW. Owner moving to Toronto. Monthly terms can be arranged. Phone 1868-M. (14¢) 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, good condition. Phone 1805-W. eae 3 (14c) FURNACE, COMPLETE WITH pipes and coil; excellent condition. Reasonable. Phone 4918-W. (l4c) CONVERTIBLE BABY CARRIAGE, silver grey, used only 6 times. Phone 156-J. 135 Aléxander Blvd. (14c) CONVERTIBLE BABY CARRIAGE, grey, good condition. Stacey. Phone 2541-J. (14c) 2 VENETIAN BLINDS, 84" WIDTH, pale blue, brand new; hot water boiler with all connections for fur- nace; pr. girl's white skates, size 5. Phone 3603-W. "(14¢) VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start- ling development in Venetian Blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds will 'not only satisfy but create i Estimates without ob- ligation. George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond St. West. (F15) KINDLING, HARDWOOD, CLEAN, dry factory cuttings; try a $2 lot, (F'10) VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy; blinds repaired, drape arms installed. Phone Ron Trewin, 5072. (J19) SKATES, ICE AND FIGURE, ALL sizes for men, women and children, sold and exchanged. Bicycles, tri- cycles, doll prams, have them re- paired. Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond E., Cor. Kenneth and Bond. Phone 1393-M. (F13) SAXOPHONE, C MELODY, SIL- ver plated, by Frank Holton, in A-1 condition, with centre opening case. 45 dollars, This is about one-third | its value. See between 6 and 7 p.m. T. Watts, 50 Buckingham Ave. (15¢) FREE TRIAL OF GENERAL Electric floor polisher at no cost or obligation. Phone 3130M. (F18) $20 TO $80 OFF ON STROMBERG- Carlson Rogers Majestic or Sparton radios. Easy terms, trade-ins ac- cepted, Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 240. (15¢) HOT WATER RADIATOR, 2 inches high, 4 ft. long, with 4-tube looks like new. See be- tween 8 and 7 pm. T. Watts, 59 Buckingham Ave. (15¢) NEW SCALE WILLIAMS PIANO; bridge lamp; kitchen suite, white with black trim. Apply 14 McLaugh- lin Blvd. (15¢) BEATTY WASHING MACHINE, excellent running condition, $29.95. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Sim- coe S. Phone 249. (15¢) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS, $40 off. 5-year guarantee, limited sup- ply. Easy terms, trade-ins accepted. Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Sim- coe S. Phone 249. (15¢) PLYWOOD BOX TO FIT ALL late model Chev, pickup trucks. Phone 2833-W. (15b) good condition. Apply 507 King East, or phone 4606-W. (15¢) MAJESTIC FLOOR MODEL RA- dio, $15. Phone 1113-R, or apply 72 Brock St. W. (15¢) LADIES' VANITY DRESSING table, triple mirror; gentleman's dresser, large size. Phone 1585W. (14c) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed in every way. Also complete repair service. Phone Merv. Tuck, 4674W. J3n A 'COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers, Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800-W. (J25) HARDWOOD KINDLING FOR jacket heater, stove or furnace, 12 bags $4. For indefinite length of time. Phone 6244. (F9) CANADA'S FINEST VENETIAN blinds by Met-Wo Industries of spring tempered Flexalum or steel featuring the new plastic tapes. Buy now while steel and aluminum still available. Free estimates and in- stallations anywhere. J. W. Melley, phone 4101. (F6) BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR training, talking strain, all colors; canaries. 114 Elgin E., phone Fir HARDWOOD, HARD AND SOFT slab wood, mixed wood. Cedar posts. George Heaslip, Janetville. Phone Bethany 18R33. (F10) FOLDING CHAIRS, CARD AND banquet tables for rent. Order your spring awnings now. Lovely paf- tern. Cleve Fox, Oshawa, (FB) DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO. Phone 4590. Smith-Corona Typewri- ters, Adders ,Cashiers, Sales, serv- ice, rentals. New and used machines. (F11) GAS WATER HEATER, 600 SE- ries, about 30-gallon size, made by the famous Rudd Heater manufac- turers. Good condition. See between 6 and 7 p.m. T. Watts, 50 Bucking- ham Ave. (15c) CONNOR AUTOMATIC WASHERS Limited supply available now. BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 249 Oshawa's Only Authorized Dealer (15¢) 41--Articles Wanted £ WANTED--STUDIO COUCH, OR bed chesterfield. Phone 4413-W. (182) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea- ther ticks of a description. Live poultry, scrap iron and metals. Phone I. Turner, North Oshawa 239M12 collect. (F19) USED KITCHEN SINK. PHONE 161W2, (14¢) DEER, BEEF, CALF HIDES. Sheep pelts, horsehair. Highest prices. 655 Ritson South. Phone 5222-W. (F17) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilso d Lee. 79 Simcoe N. Phone 2388. (F16) paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Phone 635. Cedardale ron and Metals, 100 Annis St., east of _€.N.R. Station. (F3) CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice-box, Quebec heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phoie 3766M. Galil (F14) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT- ed, ice-boxes, cook stoves and heat- ers. 56 King West. Phone 3326 (F135) 42--Female Help Wanted CLERKS FOR GROCERY STORE, able to operate National Cash Reg- ister. Apply in writing, stating age and experience, to Box 420, Times- azette. (ad) Apply 209 on public opinion surveys. Write Canadian Facts Limited, 146 Wel: lington St. West, Toronte, Ontario. (16b) AVON PRODUCTS REQUIRES CA- pable woman as representative in good territory. Good income. Pleas- ant work at your own convenience. Apply Box 428, Times-Gazette. (15¢) GIRL OR WOMAN TO DO HOUSE- work and laundry, in small apart- ment. 9 to 1 daily. Phone 552-J. (15b) MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO DO housecleaning, two or three days weekly. Phone 5240. i (15¢) SPECIAL MACHINE OPERATORS Excellent working conditions. Apply SPORTRITE JUNIOR LTD. : 30 Richmond West (14c) POWER MACHINE OPERATORS Experienced preferred. Ages 18-45, Apply . NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE Order F-48 dealer in Oshawa. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Raw- leigh's Dept. ML.-A-310-163, Montreal. (W.F.M.) DRIVERS, MUST BE NEAT AND courteous, Apply United Taxi. (14¢) FULL-TIME, BOY WITH BICYCLE | to take orders and deliver groceries. Phone 3141. to take full charge of grocery dept. Write Box 417, Times-Gazette. (13d) TOP WAGES TO EXPERIENCED butcher to take full charge of meat dept. Write Box 418, Times-Gazette. y (13d) Man to take charge of parts stock- room for large transport fleet. Man to take charge of claims dept. in transport office. Also should have experience in typing and bookkeep- ing to assist with accounts receivable and accounts payable. Clerk for general office work. Typing necessary. Apply to CHARLTON TRANSPORT LTD. OSHAWA, ONTARIO Stating experience, age, marital status and salary expected. (14d) BUILDING MATERIALS SALESMAN A Canadian manufacturer requires and ambitious salesman between 25 and 40, preferably with background in construction industry, to sell build- ing materials in the Peterborough- Belleville area. Position offers salary ond commission, car allowance and expenses, and on assured future to the right man.. Reply in confidence to BOX 432 TIMES-GAZETTE | 5c) TAPPLIANCE SALESMAN With or without experience. Salary. Service knowledge an asset. APPLY G. HOULDEN Simpson's Appliance Store, Oshawa (16b) 43--Male or Female Help WANTED, CLERKS FOR OFFICE work, pleasant working eonditions, vacation with pay, employee bene- fits. For interview phone 167. (15¢) 45--Agents Wanted GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOUR- self. Make storekeepers' profits without storekeepers' troubles. We'll put you into business, furnish every- thing you 'need, train you, carry stock for you, without your investing one penny, We'll work with you un- til we've made you a success. We've done it for others. We'll do it for you providing you are honest, am- bitious and willing to work hard. If you are, write us. You'll hear from us at once with facts. Address Dept. 37. Sales Manager, P.O. Box 308, Montreal, Que. (J5,12,19,26) ARE YOU A SHIFT WORKER? Or have you spare time to earn extra money. |f you could use $25 to $50 a month for 20 te 30 hours delivery and collection work in Oshawa and district, answer this ad. A Canadian publication requires a part-time op- erator with reliable car to do sales promotion work. Guaranteed salary, car allowance and commissions. If you think you would like to get into the selling field and make . extra money state time available, phone number and address and reply to BOX 442 TIMES-GAZENE (15¢) 46--tmployment Wanted WOMAN WILL BABY-SIT DAYS or evenings. Phone 4893-W. (15b) CAPABLE MIDDLE-AGED MAN desires clerical, bookkeeping or store work, Box 438, Times-Gazette. a (150) TRUCK AVAILABLE FOR HAUL-~ age and cartage. Phone 4264M1. 5 wail (151) GUARANTEED RADIO SERVICE for less. Why pay big repair bills? Phone Keith Wilson 4523-J. (F3), (14¢) | EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK | 48--Auction Sale Auction sale, Stirtevant's Auction Room, 33 Hall St.) Saturday, Janu- ary 20th, at 1:30 sharp: Bell piano & benc Beatty electric washer: electric ffreplace; platform rockers; kitchen chairs; baby erib; Edison Victrola; steamer trunk; odd chairs; folding bed and mattress; General Electric mantel radio (as new); 2 heaters; kitchen cabinets; Beach kitchen range; 2 rangettes; kitchen tables; floor lamp, Vacuum cleaners, attachments; Coleman gas heater; jacket heater; beds and springs; floor model radios, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash, Frank Stir- tevant, Auctioneer. (15b) JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! 241 KING ST. EAST PHONE 1351 MASONITE ® ERNIE CAY LUMBER 53 ALBERT ST. PHONE 127 Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E., Whithy Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND "FINE QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assur- ance when you choose from the wide selection of imported . and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock, Exclusive Dealer for v ALL FESS OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT See ALF. HARRELL 25 DREW ST. PHONE 765M FOR FINE FURNITURE of Lasting Quality . at the most Reasonable Prices Shop and Save at RELIABLE-TOPP FURNITURE CO. 18 Bond W. Phone 686 -- FREE PLUMBING AND HEATING CATALOGUE Send NOW for free catalogue including baths, basins, pipe fittings, pumps, heating . equipment, efc., efc. /% ii MAIN PLUMBING AND HEATING SUPPLIES CO. 1059 F-5, ST. LAWRENCE, - MONTREAL, P.Q. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR AN EXPERIENCED General Millwright We require a thoroughly reliable general maintenance mechanic for work in the Oshawa area. Wages above average, for right man with good general education and good char- acter. * Age preference 30-40, reply in full detail covering your belief thot you can qualify - for this exceptional position, since all applicants must meet our rigid standards. Please give number if any. ! APPLY BOX 431 OSHAWA TIMES-GAZETTE HOUSEHOLD HINT It often pays to wash new iron- ing board covers before using them. Hot soapsuds wash away the starchy finish. which causes the cover to scorch readily even at a low iron temperature. v HOUSEHOLD HINT A blanket stays clean' longer if the sheet turns back over it eight to 12 inches. If the sheet is too short, a strip of cloth may be basted over the top of the blanket. Even a third sheet used on top protects it from soil and gives add- 2d warmth because it holds air, fT; CRA FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 4.00-580 p.n.--C.R.A. Schools pro- gramme -- leathercraft, shellcraft girls' gymn, girls' dancing, boys' gymn, boys' boxing and woodwork- ing for elementary school children. adults. Oshawa Central Athletic Club. y 7.00 pm. -- Oshawa Children's Theatre rehearsal. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 All Day--Toronto Art Gallery Ex- hibition, "Silk Screen Prints." 8 a.m.-8.40 a.m.--Victory Pee Wee Team vs. Broklin Pee Wee Team. 8.40-9.20 a.m.--North Oshawa Pee Wee Team vs, Connaught Pee Wee Team. 9.20-10.00 a.m. -- Woodview Pee Wee Team vs. Rundle Pee Wee Team. All games to be played Oshawa Arena. 7.00-9.00 p.m. -- Leathercraft for |nis at the |; 9.30 a.m.-11.30 a.m. --For Chiidren: leathercraft, woodworking, girls' gymn, boys' gymn and boxing. | 9.30 a.m~--Children's Art Classes. | C.R.A. Schools Parliament. 9.45 Theatre of the Air presents "One Inch Fellow" directed by Louise Thomson. C.K.L.B. 1240 on your dial, 10.30 a.m.-- Oshawa Children's Theatre of the Air party and pres- entation of 1950 awards by Mr. A. Collins, of Radio Station C.K.L.B. 11.30 a.m. -- Special Children's | Theatre of the Air recording. | 8.30 p.m.--Neighbourhood Associ- | ation Square Dance--Eastview Park, | | hosts. | Kinsale Couple 'Given Charivari a.m, -- Oshawa Children's |- By Neighbors |] | --- | MRS. J. NEWPORT Correspondent Kinsale, Jan. 18 -- The largest | | number of Euchre players this year | | attended the party last Friday at | the home of Charlie and Mrs. Led- | gett. Winners for the evening | | were: Mrs. Ralph Lynde of Myrtle | | Station, Mrs. Wilfred Appleton, Mr. | {Fred Hill of Brooklin and Wilf | | Appleton. Refreshments were serv- | led by the ladies and a social half | | hour was enjoyed by all, On Fri- | | day, Jan, 26, the party will be held | | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Em- i | pringham. : |" After many months of Hound and | Hare game, the fun-loving people | of Kinsale finally cornered their Hare, Friday night. Six cars full of Euchre players, headed in the direction of Cherrywood. THe house had been carefully checked all even- ing. The word was whispered, "The Gormley's gre home." The noisy crowd with bells, symbols, tire irons and horns, soon surrounded the house. The charivari was on. Sev- eral minutes passed before Art made a sleepy appearance. The noise continued until Mrs. Gormley was standing beside her husband. After a short consultation, Mr, and Mrs. Gormley were given in- struction to dress for going out, and then escorted into a car. All headed back to Kinsale to Curt's General Store, where a party was held. The. party broke up about 3 a.m. Many thanks to Art for the ice cream, soft drinks, cigars and cig- arettes that he so lavished on his guests, The community sends wishes for a speedy recovery to Doreen Bur- ton in Oshawa General Hospital who is suffering from a pulverized collar bone and shock. Doreen was hit by a car when she was return- ing home from school on Friday. Barbara and Charlie Empringham are home with measles. Hurry up children and get better. . Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wilf. Appleton were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill of Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lynde of Myrtle Station. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Stuart and son Andrew, spent Sunday after- noon and evening in Toronto. Mr. Milton Mowbray spent the week-end a home with his parents, | Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mowbray. On Saturday evening friends from Oshawa and Brooklin gathered at the home of Mr. A. G. Hooker for a surprise party in honor of his birthday. Messrs. Herb, Sr, and Milton Parkin spent last week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Parkin of Marmora. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. william Bell on the arrival of 'their daughter, a sister for Eddy, John and Donald. John Deere day was held in Brooklin on Wednesday, Jan. 10 by our local dealer, A. T. Hooker and Sons. Two shows, afternoon and evening were held With three door prizes at each show. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Newport attended the meeting of the Ontario County Kennel Club at the Genosha Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hooker spent Sunday at Mona Mills, Mr. Howard Stell is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stell: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson and sons of Brooklin, were recent visi- tors with Alvin and Mrs. Hooker. Mrs. J. Johnstone is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Collin Darrack of Scarboro. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rodd of Pef- ferlaw are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hockaday. Mrs. M. Gormley and Mrs. Al Hobden were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Tom King of Oshawa. Miss Doris Balson of Richmond Hill visited her sister, Mrs. J. Hooker on Wednesday last. = «| Josef Flade, Mrs. Dave Fyke and children spent Saturday in Toronto. dous i a FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 4-5:30 p.m. --Junior Leader's Corps --leadership course for girls 13-17 years. 6-10 p.m.--Residence Table Ten- 8:00 p.m.--Oshawa Chess Club. 8:00 p.m.--Oshawa Weaver's Club. All Day--Art Exhibit--exhibition of contemporary paintings, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 10-11:30 a.m. --SAT-R-DAY Camp --for girls 9-12 years of age. Pro- gramme of games, dances, etc. 9 p.m.--Over-20 Club Dance. All day--Art Exhibit. SUNDAY, JANUARY 21 | 3-5 p.m. & 7-10 p.m.--Art Exhibit | and Library available. | 8:30 p.m.--After-Church Musicale. | World News . In Brief Preston, Jan. 19 (CP).--When fire razed the home of Henry Martin | last week, fellow workmen sub- | scribed $600 in cash, donated cloth- | ing and furniture and built { temporary four-room house in their | spare time. Martin, his wife and | six" children moved into the house | yesterday. | Toronto, Jan. 19 (CP).--Mary | Thompson, 15 - year - old high school student, and her friend, Donald Crawford, 17, graver's apprentice, are being sought by police following their disappearance Wednesday from their homes. Parents of both | said the boy and girl' were happy at home and had never before done anything to cause alarm. an en- | Kitchener, Ont., Jan. 19 (CP).-- Harold W. Littler, 46, president of the Dominion Civil Service War Veterans Association and past pre- sident of the Federated Association | of Letter Carriers, died Wednesday | night, | London, Jan. 19 (Reuters).-- Blackpool, popular British sea- side resort, has officially in- vited the United Nations Gen- | eral Assembly to hold its 1951 | session here. A foreign office spokesman said today that fol- | lowing the invitation it sent a | representative to report on the suitability of the resort. Santiago, Chile, Jan. 19 (AP).-- Chile faced bread shortages and transportation curtailments today as some 6,000 striking bakery, rail- road and race-track employees de- fied government orders to return to their jobs. The strikes, which ori- ginated in the Santiago area yesterday over wages, were termed by the government as Communist inspired. President Gabriel Gon- zalez Videla refused to meet walk- out leaders until the workers re- turned to their jobs. London, Jan, 19 (Reuters) -- More than 300 families in the Lambeth area of South London have been asked to do away with Saturday night baths. The local council wants them to spread their soapings out through the week. Otherwise there is too much strain on the council's central hot-water sup- ply. Belfast, Jan, 19 (Reuters).--A ringworm black market has been stymied by school officials in County Down. Small fry with the infection were spreading it to oth- ers--for a price--so that they, too, could stay home from school. But authorities caught on, and a spe- cial school for infected children was opened, Belize, British Honduras, Jan. 19 (Reuters).--A measles epi- demic has kept 700 children from attending school in Stann Creek, South British Honduras, according to reports received here yesterday. Schools have not opened for the new term to prevent spread of the illness. Several children were reported in hospital. Berlin, Jan. 19 (Reyfers).--An East German Roman Catholic priest has been sentenced to eight years at hard labor on charges of sup- porting the "anti-state attitude" of an East German student, the West German News Agency reported last night. The priest, Rev. Arthur Langer of Olbernhau, Saxony, was found guilty of "influencing in an anti-Communist sense" Hermann 18, whom an East® German criminal court recently sentenced to death. Pawtucket, R.I., Jan. 19 (AP) --Back in 1898 Nellie Lehain, then 19, walked into the Vesta Underwear Company looking for a steady job. She got it. Miss Lehain, now 72, retired yester- day. And in the 53 years she operated a sewing machine, she never missed a day's work. Great Falls, Mont., Jan. 19 (AP) --Human was inhuman. That's what Mrs. Human told the judge who gave her a divorce from Frank H. Human yesterday, She said he|| treated her in an "inhuman man- ner." Venezuela's rivers offer tremen- dro-electric and irrigation | phases of work. 'COMMUNITY, INC. ACTIVITIES (These Are Red Feather Community Services) FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 4:00 pm--R.CMP, Youth Pro- gram-boys and girls all ages. 7:00 p.m.--Simeoe Hall Division Cadet Corps-drill, First Aid, hy- giene, punch work, weaving, photo= graphy classes, sports, nature study, art, canteen and business meeting. 7-9 p.m.--Oshawa Nursing Cadets (SJ.AB. girls 11 to 18 yrs-roll call, business period, story of St. John, drill, First Aid, practise of bandages, sing song. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 9-12 noon--=Speech Training Clas- ses. B12 neoon--Pjano Lessons, 9-5:30 p.m.--Accordion Lessons. 9-12 noon--Public Library-Chil- drens' Dept. 9:30-11:00 a.m.--Library Club. 10:00 a.m.-noon--Open House- girls all ages--art, crafts, music ap= preciation. 10:00 a.m.--Texcraft Club for boys. 11:00 a.m. Story Hour. Annual Meeting Of Church Held At Greenwood MAY E. BROWN Correspondent Greenwood, Jan. 18.--The annual congregational meeting was held on Wednesday evening in the Sunday School room with a good repre= sentative attendance. Reports from the Women's Associations, Mission ary Auxiliaries, the Sunday School and Young People's Union, were received. All showed a busy and worthwhile year in their various The session and members of the trustees and com- mittee of stewards also reported a Busy year. A new roof and ceiling had been put on the church build- ing. All appreciated the help and co-operation of everybody in this work. A vote of thanks was given Rev. H. R. and Mrs. Monkman for their untiring efforts for the good of all in the community. A vote of thanks was also given the choir for their faithful service through the year. Lunch was served by the ladies at the close of the meeting, The many friends of Mrs. Glynn | Eastwood will be pleased to know she is steadily yaining under treat- ment in the Oshawa General Hos- pital. Mr. Stewart Corbett had a fall one day recently and is not as well as his friends would like to see him, The Young Peopl's, Union met on Thursday of .last 'week af the home of Sheila and David Pegg. Glenna Minaker was leader of the program, a study of the Canadian painter, Tom Thomson. The Evening Women's Associa= tion met at the home of Miss Edna Green on Wednesday evening of last week. The new president, Mrs, Frank Webb was in the chair. Mrs. Herb Middleton led in the worship service. Plans were made for a skating party in the near future. A vote of appreciation was given by Mrs. Ross Disney for her untir- ing service as president for the past two years, Lunch and a social hour "followed. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Charles MacTaggart. The snow fall, though not heavy, brought the snowploughs out. The Afternoon Women's AsSoci- ation met at the home of Mrs. Elmo Disney. The worship service was in charge of the leader of group one. During the business session, plans were made for work for the coming year. The rest of the afternoon was spent in quilting, after which the hostess served a dainty lunch. The friends of Mrs. Vernon Shortt will be pleased to know she is steadily improving under treatment in Oshawa General Hospital. The Farm Forum group met at the home of E. and Mrs. Pegg on Monday evening. NEW! In Toronto January 22nd {wo new telephone 'exchanges EMpire 3- will replace ADelaide nd EMpire 4- will replace Elgin ADelaide and ELgin numbers will not change, but with EMpire 3- or EMpire 4-, seven "turns of the dial will be neces- sary instead of six. possibilities,