aaa FRIDAY, JANUA ® THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE THIRTEEN RY 18, 1951 USE atl LL aii | | | {Hi anil Hifi il Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 4--Architects ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, 47 Prince Street, Oshawa. Phone 1001. Also 284% Bloor St. W., Toronto. Phone LY. 7185. el (F12) ia--Accountants, Chartered M ITH AND MONTEITH, en Accountants, 37 King St E. Phone 4911-R. Gordon W. Riehl. C.A., Resident Partner. ( 3--Barristers hell R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., BAR- rister, Solicitor, etc, 6 King Bt. West. Phones: Office 814; Resi- dence 3207. Money to loan. George 8. Boychyn, B.A. Associate. (F1) ALLIN F. ANNIS, K.C. - RALPH 8S. Jones, B.A., 7% Simcoe St. 8. Rhone 4, Res. 739. elas FI) ROGER G. CONANT, B.A, BAR. rister. Solicitor and Notary Public King's Row, Ajax, phone 25. (Fé) A. W. 5. GREER, K.C, BARRIS. ter, Solicitor. etc., 6 King Street East. Phone 3160. F2Sasnce 8514. John M. Greer, B.A.Sc. (F10) Z. T., SALMERS, B.A, BARRIs- ter, Solicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street north. Phones: office 5073; Residents CREIGHTON, FRASER & DRYNAN, Barristers &c, Bank of Commerce Building. T. K. Creighton, K.C., I , K.C.,, G. K. Drynan. N. C. Fraser Ban. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BAR- rister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Of- fice 14% King Street East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence, phone 327. (F1) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER. Solicitor, 11 King East, Room Phones: Office 55; Residence 2702M. (F1) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. Yanch, Barristers. Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Sim- coe North. Phone 1614, Rec. 7s MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bassett Block, Suite No. 4. Phone 282; Res. 28TTW. en (Fy 4--_Chiropodists : T. M. VANT, D.SC. CHIROPO- dist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, ia Prince St. Phone + §--Dentists PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every day. Evenings by appointment. Phone 4560 or 4577TR. (F1) 6--Nursing Services CLAREMONT REST HOME -- Claremont, Ontario. A few vacancies left in one of Canada's finest rest homes. Any case taken. Rates mod- moderate. Phone Claremont 4701. ( F12) MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST Home, Courtice, one or two vacan- cies for the aged and bed patients, men and women, Every kindness given; excellent meals. Nursing care and tray service. Approved by doc- tors. Terms weekly or monthly. Phon for appointment Oshawa TIM1. (F13) 7--Optometrists i : A. B. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST - Jury & Lovell - Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Phone 4164. (F» C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9, Phone 1516. a (F1) 8--Building Trades ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS & screens. "Best" patented. For in- quiries write Box 502, Times-Gaz- ette. (161) shingles, built-up roofing dnd siding. Work guaranteed. H.W. Tucker, 4302-3. (F17) INLAID LINOLEUMSE AND TILES, any color, any design. Wall te wall | carpeting arranged. Phone L. Maton, PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, stripping, repairs, sponge ceilings and walls. Estimates given. Phone Fre VanHorn, 4498-M-13. (F11) EAVESTROUGHING CONTRACT- ing, repaired and new eavestrough as installed. Free estimates. Phone J. Moore & Son, 5252-W. (F10) ALL BUILDING WORK, REPAIRS, remodelling, cupboards. Call R. B Wilkins, 587 Masson, phone How, > ) FOR GENERAL CARPENTRY, AL- teration, trimming, cupboards a specialty. Workmanship- guaranteed. Phone Gerald Fulton, 180J12. (Fé) -PLASTERING AND PATCHING, all finishing work, free estimates. Phone Abramoff Bros., 1664-W. (J20) BRICK AND BLOCK WORK; PLAS- tering. Chimneys built and repaired. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Phone 3512]2. (J28) HILLSIDE FLOOR SERVICE -- floors laid, sanded and finished, rubber, Marboleum and Mastic tile. B. Mosier, 206 Hillside. Phone big ) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, black loam; immediate . delivery. Dump trucks for hire. Cement mixer for rent. Phone D. Brown, 3T44WS. (J29) CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry repairs Cement mixer for rent. Gordon May. Phone 920W12. (FS8tf) 13--Household Repairs _REDUCED LIVING EXPENSES Let us help reduce your household o expenses, Oshawa's only Certified Service: Ben- dix, washers, refrigerators, ranges, etc. Norge and Connor automatic All types appliances service and wired, 27 years experience, all types . electric wiring and submarine cable Splicing. Let us plan your new home wiring, Licensed under Toronto and New York State. Call , , . BILL SINNOTT PHONE 1868M 13--Household Repairs FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE upholstered. See our materials for recovering. Bruce R. Dalton. 75 Charles. Phone 401, (F3) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE- covered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebui't. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. Phone 3344. (F3) 14--Iinstruction ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, dictaphone, comptometer. Classes start every Monday; night school Monday and Thursday. Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoé North. Phone 1314. (F10) GUITARS SUPPLIED. KEEP them home. Yours on completion. Free trial lesson. Bell's Hawallan School. Leave phone at 5572-W. : (J25) FOX - TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Samba, Swing, taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class 'nstruction. 47 Prince St. For appointment, phone 4271.J. (F'3) LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING School -- ballet, tap, toe, character. Masonic Temple, Saturday. Business girls, Tuesday. 3048-W. (F3) ballet, toe, tap. Register Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, Adelaide House. Irene Harvey, A.C.C.M. (My31) 15--Insurance ice for better insurance in all classes 22% King St. E. Phone 35400. Res. 4318-R. (F1) 19--Money to Loan MONEYS TO LOAN ON APPROVED properties. Private funds. Apply Louis 8 Hyman. K.C., 37 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 67. (F2) CLIENTS MONIES AVAILABLE for first mortgages. Also N.H.A. and Builders Loans. Apply M. F. Swartz, Barrister, Bassett Block, suite No 4. Phone 282. (F1) 20--Personal COMMUTERS WANTED, to Toronto, Monday to Friday; leave 326-R. (16a) like transportation Brockville, leaving Friday night or Saturday morning. Will share ex- | pense. Phone 2272, | TRANSPORTATION daily to and from Toronto. 6244. GOING January 25. , Room for two. | 2340W, fALCOHOLICS helps with drinking problems. Write P.O. Box 103. Phone 5559 evenincs 8-10. (re) 21--Personal Services PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. For free call Wilson Lee, 79 Simcoe St. > (F8§) men would Phone (15¢) TO FLORIDA AROUND Phone 22--Radio Repairs BUY YOUR AUTO-RADIO FROM us. Free installation. Fast guaran- teed service Cherry Grove _ Radio, phone 332W13. (F15) SPECIALIZED TELEVISION AND radio installation and repair service, all makes. Radios loaned free. and Television, 1096 King St. Phone 5023. (J28) RADIO SERVICE TO ALL MAKES Pick-up and delivery. Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. 71 ( 23--Women's Column CLARKE'S HAIRDRESSING, SPE- clal. Machineless permanents, $3.50 and up. Cold waves, $5 and up. 172 Gibbons St. Phone 5074-J. (F11) CHARIS FOUNDATION ments setiere will gladly call. (F10) {| MORNING SPECIALS: MONDAY, | Tuesday, Thursday and Friday only. | Cold wave, reg. $12.50, for $10. Reg. | $8.50, for $7.50. Machineless, reg. | $7.50, for $5.95. Lucienne Beauty Sa- | lon, over Ward's Store. Phone 113. : (F9) PRENTICE'S HAIRDRESSING Permanents $2.50 and up. Cold waves $4.95 and up. 10 Church Phone 4491J. (J25) PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON -- OIL wave, $2.50 up; machineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St. Phone 371. (F27) | 26--Real Estate For Sale { 22STOREY, 3-BEDROOM BRICK house, conveniences, garage. Terms or cash. No agents. Apply 339 King St. B.' (16c) WHITBY BUNGALOW, 3 BED- rooms, living-room, dinette, large kitchen, 4-piece bath, oak floors, fur- nace for oil or coal; close to separate and public schools; full size base- ment. IMmediate possession. For appointment phone Whitby 493. (16a) NEARLY NEW, 4-ROOM BUNGA- low, modern bath, electric water heater, new fully automatic urnace, built-in cupboards and closets. Cash required, $3,000. Write Box 447, Times-Gazette. (18b) LOTS FOR SALE---WATER, SEW- er and electricity; 15 acre. Old bulld- ings could be converted into small industry. Will be sold or levelled by spring. See this now. Write Box 440, Times-Gazette. (15d) INTERESTED IN SELLING YOUR HOME? Daily we receive numerous requests from prospective purchasers, for from five to eight room homes. AN EXCLUSIVE LISTING GIVES YOU A competent appraisal of your home at today's values. Prompt, efficient action, Fast, satisfcctory results, Periodical progress reports, Procurement of a loan when necessary. Let our staff of experienced Realtors close and expedite your sale. LIST WITH US TODAV cholicld ASSOCIATES 'Appraisals, N.H.A. Mortgage Loans Real Estate Addled-Ads ( From the Nation's Classified Columns » 25--Real Estate For Sale NEW 4-ROOMED STUCCO HOME, heavy wiring. 12 acre of land, dou- ble garage. Close to town. $2,600 full price. Box 446, Times-Gazette. (161) MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, all conveniences, 3 acres of land and fruit trees. V.L.A. accepted. Phone 570J4 between 1 and 5. (161) GOING | Oshawa 7 a.m. Return 5 p.m. Phone | TWO RESPECTABLE GENTLE. | to | (16a) | WANTED] 1$7,000: (15h) | ANONYMOUS | '$11,50 estimate | Pick-up and delivery. | Fowler Radio | E. | GAR- | with money-back guarantee. | Expertly fitted. Call 2504-R. A cor- | TWO - ROOM FRAME large enough for 3 rooms; bus stop; conveniences, Phone 35517-M, . (15¢) | 5-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, NEWLY decorated, 2 acres of land. Immedi- ate possession, Phone 3374-W. (151) | --Cash payment $3,000. 5- ($6,000 hon J omy dwelling, all modern conveniences. Cash payment $3,500. 7- room insul-bric dwell- ing, hardwood floors, bath and fur- nace. $5 000 Cash payment $2,500. 6- ' room insul-brick bun- galow, hardwood floors, 2-pe. bath, good kitchen, oil heating, garage. ----213-8torey, 6-room at- tractive brick dwell- ing, hardwood floors, 3 large bed- rooms, all modern conveniences. Oil heating-air conditioning. { 14 acre land in city, water & sewer | on paved street for ONLY $550.00. | We have good building lots on Col- | lege Hill near new G.M.C. plant. ~BERT PEYTON Real Estate Broker 13 Bond St. East. Joe Misztak, Salesman Res. Ph. 4423-W Opéh evenings 7 to 8:30 (16b) | and lot. | 5-ROOM brick bungalow, southeast | district, very. close to school and { bus service, all convenlences, very nicely decorated For possession April 1. throughout. Small acreage lots for sale, close to | | garage. | city. 5-room bungalow in southeast district with separate three-room apartment above. Apartment is presently rented at $49 monthly. New oil furnace, nicely decorated, corner | location. | New 5-room brick bungalow on Mas- son St. North, Oshawa. All rooms | furnace with air-conditioning. $4,000 | cash will handle with private mort- | gage on balance, with easy {erms. DON. MEREDITH Real Estate 22 Bond St. W. Phone 3956 John Ukrop, Salesman ARR © (J16,18,19) $5,50 --B-roomed. 113 - storey air heating, garage. house, 3 bedrooms, hot- $5,000 garage, 4-1 d, 11; - st $5,000 Ea iat. 2 en, pind age, stable, 2 acres of land, North Oshawa, $7 QQ): 8:roomed, 132 - storey ' frame house, 3-plece bath, 3 bedrooms, new furnace, gar- age, extra lot. $45,000 Mex 31% 90 business. WALTER R. SMITH Real Estate Broker 18 Bond St. W. Phone 5380 (16a) | -5 - room bungalow, 3 bedrooms, - insul - bric, and grocery doing over No phone calls $6 800 $80 down, 7-roomed, ' 113-storey insul - bric, hot-air heating, 'hot water tank, 3- piece 'bath and many 'extras. Extra large lot, very centrally located. --Terms, 5-room stone $ 1 0, 30 front brick bungalow, exceptionally well constructed. Hot water heating by oil, laundry tubs, electric hot water tank, fireplace, and many extras too numerous to mention, grounds fully landscaped, in good residential area. $ 1 1,500 3%%0 down, 8-roomed brick income home on King St. Hot-air heating by oil House in excellent condition, large lot with garage. $ I 4 00 36.000 down, 11-room, . new brick self-con- tained duplex, tiled kitchen & bath- room, hot-water heating, attached garage, Must be seen to be appreci- ated. Now is the time to list your home for sale, All we,ask is a trial period. We are sure our service and efforts will please you. Try us, A H. GOLDSTEIN 1 Broker 16 Bond St. E. 446 Simcoe St. S. Phone 5430 (J941,19,20) | John Penicka, Salesman HOUSE, | | | 25--Real Estate For Sale §-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, CLEAN good condition; oil heating; new chimney; modern kitchen; centrally located. Possession about March 15, 1951, Apply 101 Richmond W. : (te) ~Modern brick bungalow $9.200 complete with storm windows, doors, screens. Stationary tubs. Hot water tank and bathroom fixtures. Twin clothes closets in bedrooms. Immediate possession. $8.500 soil, Barn, house. $8 50 --~New six room frame . bungalow on lovely cor- ner lot, close to school ' $8 100 New 5 roomed. brick . bungalow, a low down payment will carry this home. --~New $8.000 7% Garage, extra large lot. possession. BOWMAN & GIBSON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Mrs. P. R, Macleod Representative WHITBY Ist door south of Post Office Phone 521 Evenings 544 (16a) 7 room house with two acres' of best garden poultry and brooder stucco bungalow beautiful = view. Immediate $8,000 {tks fom omg acres bush, 5 acres of fruit trees, tractor and ploughs, spring creek. Immediate possession. 4 miles from Whitby, --Celi on - I $5.200 cine Bt la bath down, 2 rooms up; good cellar Will exchange for smaller home. $1,800 down. $4 000 Yrae Rd., 4-roomed ' white frame bungalow, modern kitchen, toilet, furnace and Will exchange on» larger home. To buy, sell or exchange, see W. McAULEY Realtor 13 Prince. Street Phone 5356 or 3510 (15b) IE A a GROCERY BUSINESS Immediate occupancy. Living accom- modation included in price of $6900. Exelusive listing. 6 ROOM 1%2 STOREY North section. 4 room down, 2 on second floor. Qil heated. Large gar- age. Early occupancy. Exclusive listing. LIGHT LUNCH BUSINESS Immediate possession. Cash price in- cluding stock only $3500. Good lo- cation. Exclusive listing. 2Y5 STOREY BRICK HOME Oil heating, fully insulated large double garage, modern kitchen, Oc- cupancy 6 weeks, Exclusive listing. NO. 2 HIGHWAY '| Grocery business and gas station. Ex- cellent turnover. Living accommoda- tion. Cash required $8500. Well- stocked. 1 acre land. Occupancy 1 week, Exclusive listing. 2 STOREY BRICK WHITBY Vacant now. Cash required $3700. 7 rooms, completely modern. Good basement. Exclusive listing. 5 ROOM, $5,000 Only 2 blocks from centre of city. Taxes only. $46.00. P&ssession 60 days. 3 bedrooms. Exclusive listing. . 2 STOREY BRICK IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 10 .rooms, close to business section. Only 1 block from G.M. lot 75 'x 132'. Room for double garage. Ex- clusive listing. KING ST. WEST 3 storey, new heating unit with oil. Completely renovated on all 3 floors. Possession 6 weeks. Private drive. Lot 66'x165. "Exclusive listing. 7 ROOMS $6500 4 'bedroom home only 2}2 blocks from main intersection. Taxes only $90. Separate entrance to 2nd floor. Exclusive listing. - PHONE 4158 LEON B. NASH Broker Real Estate, N.-H.A, Loans, Business -& Property After 6 p.m. please phone -- 4053-J Everett Elliott -- Salesman . (16a) Appraisals, 25.--Real Estate For Sale $10,800 -- MODERN SIX - ROOM bungalow in east-end residential dis- trict. Large garage, oll burner, many extras, Nicely decorated. Possession May 1st. Cash required $7,000. Apply Box 435 Times-Gazette. (14c) WE NEED MORE HOUSES FOR buyers. May we inspect your proper- ty if it is for sale and give you the present-day selling price? This serv- ice is free. G. L. Nolan, Broker, 69 King St. E. Phone 328. (Fé) 112-STOREY HOUSE, 2 YEARS old, 5 rooms for owner. Upstairs flat now rented. Newly decorated, venetian blinds throughout, storm windows. Occupancy March 31. Cash $4,000. No agents. Apply 135 Cadillac South. (131) CADILLAC AVE..S. --Buys a new, modern $1 5,000 8-room home. Five complete rooms and bath on the first floor, 3 rooms and washroom on the second floor, The house could be easily duplexed. The decoration is excellent throughout, and there are many extras. The cellar contains a laundry room with tubs, forced heat-air-conditioning, beautiful re- creation room and fireplace. This home must be seen to he appreci- ated. Make a date with us today. Large mortgage could be arranged. Apply to A. E. MURDOCH Broker 12%2 Simcoe St. S. 2928 (14c) Good Homes for Sale Every day we have calls from prospective buyers, with cash available, wanting a good home at a good price. A LISTING WITH THIS OFFICE will bring immediate "results. Within the last few weeks we have completed several ap- praisals on homes, and bus- iness properties. We are qual- ified to give you good advice on what your property will bring on todays market. Phone 4158 now. LEON B. NASH Broker Real Estate, N.H..A Loans, Business & Property Appraisals. Res. 2028-J (16a) | Estate Wanted WANTED, HOUSE, $2,000 down payment. Phone 4383-M. (15b) 29--Wanted to Rent RELIABLE GIRL, IE or smoker, would like one large or two small housekeeping rooms. Near business section, Write Box 448, Times-Gazette. (16b) LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM wanted by gentleman, Vicinity Mo- tors. Write Box 414, Times-Gazette. (16c) YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE DE- sire 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms or apartment by February 15. Phone 4109-R after 5. (16a) YOUNG RELIABLE FARMER, G.M.C. employed, has own truck, desires to rent house, vicinity Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmanville, by March 15. Will do farm work in spare time. Write Box 501, Times- Gazette. J (16b) by couple with small child, Phone 3064-R. (16c) YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE WITH one child, need 3 to 5-room apt. or house. Call 2064. (J19,22,23,24) PHONE 3184-W: IF YOU HAVE light h keeping dation which is urgently needed by Business" girl, (16a) YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE UR- | gently require 3-room apartment. Apply Box 436, Times-Gazette. (15¢) GARAGE, VICINITY ARTHUR & Drew. Phone 3033-J. (15¢) WITH OPTION TO BUY 8 OR 10 'room house, willing to pay up to $100 per month, no children. Phone 3130M after 6. (14¢) TWO ROOMS, ONE FOR LIGHT housekeeping or bed-sitting room with cooking facilities. Gentleman, abstainer. Write Box 427, Times- Gazette. (14¢) 4 OR 5-ROOM HOUSE, URGENT- ly needed by Feb, 14, Phone T. K. Ishii, 789. (141) EQUIPPED FARM, NEAR OSHA- wa, by farm experienced man. Write Box 429, Times-Gazette. (14d) ONE OR TWO FURNISHED REQUIRING .| preferred. J 4 OR 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, 14 acre or more. Cash, Apply Box 439, Times-Gazette. (15¢) 6 OR 7-ROOM . BRICK HOUSE, wanted by private party. Will pay cash, Phone 213-R. (151) HAVE $2500 DOWN FOR 7 OR 8 roomed house, please state full par- ticulars to box 4456 Times-Gazette. (15¢) HOMES, FARMS, BUSINESS wanted for clients. To buy, sell or exchange, get action. See or call W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince: St. Phone 5356 or 3510 anytime. (j27) 28--For Rent TWO OR 3 ROOMS, UNFURNISH- ed or partly furnished. Quiet couple East section. Box 443, Times-Gazette, (16¢) LARGE ROOM, VERY CENTRAL, light housekeeping if desired, for gentleman, willing to share. Phone 5484-W. (16¢) FOR RENT UNFURNISHED, heated 3-room apt., private bath, and garage, in Whitby. Phone 2658 Whit- by. (16b) NICE FRONT ROOM, CLOSE TO hospital, twin beds, suit couple or two friends. Phone 5488R. (14¢) NICE, CLEAN BEDROOM, SUIT either gentleman or girl, contimuous hot water, central. Phone 1911-W, a (16b) LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT 2 or 3 gentlemen. Phone 3927-R. a a (16¢) WARM COMFORTABLE ROOM, suitable for gentleman, or two gen- tlemen, to share; very céntral. Ap- ply 177 Athol E. or phone 3098-M. Sma (16c) NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM, single bed, hot water, suit two gen- tlemen. Near Pedlars, Malleable, Duplate. Abstainers. Apply 24 Elena St. he : (16c) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, central. Business couple preferred. Write Box 441, Times-Gazette. 2 = | ol (15¢) SMALL 2-ROOMED APARTMENT, suit one person or business couple; hot and cold water, sink and built- in cupboards; quiet ahstainers. Ref- erences. Phone 5141-J, (15b) LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, FOR two gentlemen, central, 3 blocks south from Regent Theatre. 63 Ho- garth St. i (15¢) ROOM TO RENT. APPLY 301. EU- lalie Ave. (15¢) LARGE ROOM FOR TWO GEN- tlemen, in private home, twin beds. Apply 67 Central Park Blvd. (15¢) LARGE FRONT BEDROOM, SUIT- able for two gentlemen; continuous hot water; near bus stop. 125 War- ren. tt Lo (15c) FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE! for two gentlemen; breakfast if de- | sired; central. Apply 165 Albert St. hE (15b) | FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR TWO | men, willing to share. Apply 63 Col- borne E. Phone 1242-W. (15¢) GENTLEMEN, WILLING TO share room, breakfast if desired. Ab- stainers. Apply 193 Cadillac . (15b) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping room, for one or two work- ing girls. Phone 2807-M, (15b), Air conditionng, low mileage housekeeping rooms, for couple. | Telephone necessary for wife who is on nursing registry. Write Box 430, Times-Gazette. (14c) | 2 OR 3 ROOMS URGENTLY NEED- ed by couple with one child, age 4. | Phone 4041-W. (14c) |'2 OR 3 ROOMED UNFURNISHED | apartment on or before February 1, | by professional man. Recommenda- | tion provided on request. Phone | | 1001 (131) | WANTED----5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE, | Oshawa or vicinity, References. | Phone 4194-M. (131) | URGENTLY NEEDED, TWO OR | three unfurnished rooms for couple | with baby. Phone 3886W, 121) | 30--Room and Board Jia WOMAN WILL CARE FOR CHIL- dren in own home during the day. Phone 4741-W, (16¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen, single beds. Telephone 4989M. (15b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR PRO- testant gentleman, centrally located. Phone 4470J. (14c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 4 GEN- tlemen, 720 Centre St. N., Whitby. Phone 2964 Whitby. (14¢) 32--Automobiles For Sale WHY DON'T YOU START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT WITH ONE OF "THESE: '49 OLDS. DELUXE SEDAN Ld '49 METEOR SEDAN very clean '47 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN 2-tone green '47 PLYMOUTH COUPE very clean '47 MERCURY COACH a good buy '41 OLDS SEDAN needs motor work '40 DODGE COACH looks and runs like new '40 CHRYSLER SEDAN perfect automobile '39 PLYMOUTH DELUXE > SEDAN $695 '39 OLDS SEDAN $495 '37 OLDS SEDAN $495 SEE Nip" at the WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION BROOKLIN Phone 155 32--Auvtomobiles For Sale 32--Automobiles For Sale No Finance Charges at Stoney 's '49 Ford Sedan FULL PRICE $1395 '49 Meteor Coach RADIO, AIR CONDITIONING, WHITE WALLS, FULL PRICE $1495 '48 Chev Coach FULLY EQUIPPED, FULL PRICE $1495 '47 Plymouth Sedan FULLY EQUIPPED, FULL PRICE $1295 '47 Ford Coach LIKE NEW, FULL PRICE $1095 '47 Kaiser Sedan FULL PRICE $995 '46 Mercury Sedan RADIO, HEATER, SUN VISOR FULL PRICE $895 '46 Monarch Sedan VERY CLEAN, FULL PRICE $1095 '46 Chev Sedan FULLY EQUIPPED, FULL PRICE $1095. '42 Olds Hyramatic Sedan FULLY EQUIPPED, FULL PRICE $795 '41 Chev. Coach REAL BUY, FULL PRICE $645 '4] Olds Sedan FULL PRICE $695 '4] Plymouth Opera Coupe FULL PRICE $795 '40 Dodge Sedan SPOTLESS, FULL PRICE $695 '40 Ford Coupe A BARGAIN, FULL PRICE $295 '33 Plymouth Coupe' RUNS LIKE A CHARM, FULL PRICE $145 1/3. DOWN, AS LONG AS 18- MONTHS TO PAY, Wi NO MNANCE CHARGES, Free Life Insurance on Purchaser Free Licence on All Cars All Cars Winterized Your car in trade at a fair allowance. Car Market 429 KING ST. W. PHONE 4183 OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 SATURDAYS TILL 6 Listen C.K.L.B. EACH EVENING 5.50 pm: FOR OUR Special '49 CHEV. SEDANETE, very clean, underseat heaters, 3 to choose from. '49 METEOR CO ACH, air conditioned, white wall tires, metallic green. '48 CHEV. SEDAN, fully equipped, very clean, '48 FORD COACH, new motor '41 FORD SPASSENGER COUPE, fully equipped, 2- tone green. CHEV. COACH, fully equipped, immaculate in every way. BUICK COACH, small series. PLY. COACH .... $330 CHEV. SEDAN, real clean crrinsernaaas 3250 '33 CHEV. COACH ... $148 Many more outstanding values to choose from Tom '40 37 37 '34 MKenzie MOTORS 582 King St. E. Phone 5780 W 000 $500 00 $50 How Much Do You Have To Spend On a New or Used Car ? We have cars from $50 to $2,500 and terms to suit you. If you have a car we will give you a fair trade. NEW '51 COACH. '47 Pontiac Coach, beautiful condition. '47 Chev. Sedan, light grey. See it and drive it. CHEV. DELUXE '46 Mercury Sedan, Deluxe, new motor and tires $995 '41 Olds. Sedanette. A real good one. '41 Ford Club Coupe. Radio and heater, outstanding. These are just a few. Come in and look around. DODD MOTORS 300 PARK RD. S. PHONE 4749 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (16b), ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVTS. ON PAGE 14