Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Jan 1951, p. 11

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y THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1951 tir Gr THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE ELEVEN |COMMUMITY, INC. ACTIVITIE (These Are Red Feather Community Services) Thursday, January Ilth 330-530 pm. -- Junior Teen Club -- girls, 11, 12, 13 yrs. -- busi- ness period, art, crafts, sing-song, social dancing, Club for boys, all ages -- woodworking, dodge ball, ringers, sports, games; 'woodburning. Public Library -- Childrens' Dept. 4.00-6.00 p.m. -- Piano Lessons. 7.00 p.m, -- Stamp Club -- boys 11 v > 735 pan. -- Golden Age Club -- adults -- euchre, bridge, checkers, dominoes, chinese checkers, sing-| song, movies, refreshments. Friday, January 12th 9-11.30 a.m, -- Nursery School -- B-yr.-olds , -- free play, singing games, construction work, rhythm band, story hour, 3.30-5.30 p.m. -- Public Library-- Childrens' Dept. 4.00 p.m. -- Movies for boys and girls all ages. 7-9 pm. -- Oshawa Nursing Ca- dets (SJ.AB.) girls 11 to 18 yrs.-- roll call, drill, business period, pub- liesspeaking, sing-song. Simcoe Hall Division Cadet Corps -- drill, First Aid, hygiene, punch work, weaving, photography, sports classes, nature study, art, canteen and business meeting. Saturday, January 13th 9-12 noon -- Speech Training J Classes. 9-12 noon -- Piano Lessons. 9-530 p.m. -- Accordian Lessons. | 9-12 noon -- Public Library -- Children's Dept. 9.30-11,00 am. -- Library Club. 10.00-noon -- Open House -- girls | all ages -- art, crafts, music appre- ciation. 10.00-n0on -- Texeraft Club for | boys. 11.00 am. -- Story Hour. Greenwood WMS Names Officers For Coming Year meeting of the Greenwood Bvening Woman's Association was held at the home of Mrs. Glynn Eastwood. Mrs. E. Trimble led in the Wor- ship Service. Rev. H. R. Monkman 'presided for the election of officers Jwhich resulted as follows: Hon, President, Mrs, H. R. Monk- man. Vice-president, Mrs, C. M. Tag- gart. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ross Jackman. Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Wm. Pegg. Treasurer, Mrs. Herb Middleton. Assistant Treasurer, Miss E. Or- merod. Parsonae Committee, Mrs, OC. Closson. Temperance and Citizenship, Mrs. W. Neilson and Mrs. H. R. Monk- man. Publications, Mrs. Ross Disney. Flower Committee, Mrs, G. East- wood. Pianists, Mrs, G. Eastwood and Mrs. C. McTaggart, Auditors, Mrs, E. Trimble and Miss E. Green, The January meeting will be held at the home of Miss Edna Green. Refreshments and a social hour brought the meeting to a close. Mrs, F. W. Gibson spent New Years with Mrs. W. W. Gee of To- nto. J Mr. Torgenson who was injured while at work in Toronto is able to be at home and is steadily im- proving, He will have to have the caste on for some time yet. At the annual school meeting, Charles Closson was elected a Trus- tee in the place of Norman Wilson, the retiring member of the Trustee Board, - : The Greenwood Circuit Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. A, J. Mor- den on Thursday of last week. Good reports of the work done last year were presented. After the 'Worship Service led by Miss May Brown and assisted by Mrs. R. E. Mowbray, Rev. H. R. Monkman con- ducted an Installation Service of the 1951 executive. The business session followed when plans were made for the World Day of Prayer Service to be held in the Kinsale Church at 3.00 o'clock on February 9. " The Study Chapter, "The United Church Ré-enters Japan Through Partnership in Church Work," was reviewed by May E. Brown. At the 9 of the meeting the hostess * Served a dainty lunch. " Miss Edna Green spent the holi- days, with relatives at Espanola. Andy and Mrs. Morden and Joanne were at Nanticote over the New Year's week-end. Miss Dianne MacPhail entertain ed some Greenwood friends at her home in Toronto during the holi- day season. Miss Werry is the student teacher at the Public School this week. Charley and Mrs, MacTaggart en- tertained a number of friends and neighbors to a Euchre Party on Friday evening of last week. The Young Peoples' Union met at the home of Joanne Morden on Thursday evening of last week. Mrs. Douglas Morden was the leader for the program. : John and Mrs. Perkin.and daugh- ters, Bernice and Helen of Be - ville and I. B. and Mrs. Perkin of - Toronto wexe ts of Mrs. W. G. Perkin in the ys, Mrs. Wm. Crummer of Whitby "visited with Stewart and Mrs. Cor- bett recently. - . On Sunday morning during th ehurch service Rev. H. R. Monk- - Thursday, January 11 4-7 pam.--Harvey Dance Academy. 7:45 p.m.-- Y.W.C.A, Programme Committee. 8:00 p.m --Cracker Barrel Club « lively discussion group for those interested in discussing and hearing about topics of today. Open to both ladies and gentlemen. This Club is a carry-over from the So-Ed pro- gram of last fall. This meeting will be a planning "ggt-together." Bring your ideas, 8:00 pm.--Badminton Club - & | Club for Y.W.C.A. members - gentle- { men and ladies - to be held in the | gymnasium of the Central Colle giate. Registration and fees to be paid at the Y.W.C.A. office before going to Collegiate. Miss Jean Cor- nett will be in charge, # All Day--Art Exhibit. Friday, January 12 | 9:30 am.--Nursery School - pro- gram of table work, singing, games, rhythmical dancing - for the pre- school child. 4-5:30 p.m.--Junior Leaders' | Corps - a leadership course for girls {13 to 17 years of age. Includes instruction in group games, handi- | crafts for groups and many phases | | of group leadership. | 17:30 p.m.--Society ! meeting. | 8:00 pm. --Oshawa Chess Club, All Day--Art Exhibit, Saturday, January 13 10-11:30 a.m ~--~SAT-R-DAY Camp - for girls 9-12 years of age. Pro- gram of games, dances, All Day--Harvey Dance Academy, 9 pm.--Over-20 Club Dance. All Day--Art Exhibit. Sunday, January 14 | 3-5 pm. and 7-10 p.m.--Art Ex- hibit and Library available. 8:30 p.m. After-Church Musical under the direction of the Oshawa of Gideons ers' Association. Community Club Presents. Gifts To Newlyweds has been in the nursing home at Pickering but is not on the mend again, . The annual meeting of the On- tario and Dusham Jersey Club is being held in the Hotel Genosha on Friday evening of this week, E.'L. and wife to our south have left for a stay in Flor- ida and it is hoped that the warm- er climate will restore Mr. Chap- man to full health, . Several from here attended the annual banquet of the Horticultural Society in Pickering on Tuesday evening. The Community Club met at the home of Mel and Mrs. Bryant last week with the president, Bert Guth- rie in the chair. After the usual business was attended to, the presi- dent asked a past president, Percy Neal, to take charge. Percy then called for the newly married couple Doug. and Mrs, Bryant to take the seats of honor when an address was read wishing them all the joys of a happy married life. As a token of the Club's regard for them, he then presented them with a card table and four nicely upholstered rs and a smoke stand. Suitable replies were made by the recipients, Doug has always taken a particu- lar interest in the sports end of the Club's work and is highly re- garded. A warm welcome was ex- tended to Mrs. Bryant, formerly Miss Joan Sanderson of Claremont. A social time with a luncheon was then enjoyed by the crowd. If the weather had been more kind that evening there would have been a much larger attendance, Membership dues are now being paid to the treasurer, Miss Therese Jordan of the Bank of Commerce staff, Whitby, Mr, J. GC. Donnelly of Whitby, vi- sited his daughter, Mrs. C. 8S. Bry- ant, recently, before leavihg for a stay in Florida. man conducted an Installation Ser- vice of the Young Peoples' Union Executive, Members and officers of the Sun- day School plan to attend the Township Sunday School Associa- tion in Claremont on Friday, Janu- ary 12. Branch of the Ontario Music Teach- | Audley, Jan. 9--Mrs. J. C. Bryant | Jot, CRA THURSDAY, January llth | 400-530 pm. -- CR.A. Schools Program -- leathercraft, shellcraft, marionettes, archery, girls' 'gym, girls' dancing, boys' gym, boys' box- ing and woodworking, for elemen- tary school children, 4,15 pm. -- Special Children's Theatre of the Air rehearsal. 6.30 pm.--West Area Program at C.A8. Building. 7.00-9.00 p.m.--Woodworking for adults. North Area Leathercraft Program at North Oshawa School. C.R.A. Girls' Athletic Club. Osh- awa Central Athletic Club. 7.00-8.00 p.m.--Public. School Vio- lin Classes. Oshawa Photo Arts Club--Children's Class. 7.00 p.m.--Ontario Steel Products Table, Tennis Club, : 7.30 p.m.--Oshawa Cloud Chasers Club. Victory Park Ladies' Auxil- iary Meeting and Rumoli, in Vie- tory Park Clubhouse. i 8.00 p.m.--Sunnyside Park Neigh- bourhood Association Meeting. 8.00 pm.--Little Theatre rehears- al. Oshawa Photo Arts Club -- Adults. FRIDAY, January 12th All Day--Toronto . Art Gallery Exhibition, "Silk Screen Prints." 9 a.m.-9.p.m.--Lions Club Recrea- tion Room for the Blind open.. | 2.00-4.00 p.m.--Leathercraft and | woodworking for adults. | 4.00-530 p.m. -- CR.A. Schools | Program -- leathercraft, shelicraft, | marionettes, archery, girls' gym, | girls' dancing, boys' gym, boys' box- | ing and woodworking, for elemen- | tary school children. 4.15 p.m. -- Special' Children's | | Theatre of the .Air rehearsal. | | 7.00-9.00 p.m.--Leathercraft for | Adults. Oshawa Central Athletic | Club. 7.00 p.m. -- Oshawa Children's | Theatre "Sleeping Beauty" Re- | | hearsal. | 800 pm. -- Valleyview Park Neighbourhood Association meeting. SATURDAY, January 13th All Day~Toronto * Art Gugllery Exhibition, "Silk Screen Prints." 8 am.-8.40 a.m.--Rundle Pee Wee Team vs. Bathe Park Pee Wee Team; Oshawa Arena. 840-920 am. -- Storie Pee Wee Team vs. Connaught Pee Wee Team, at Oshawa Arena. 9.20-10.00 a.m.--Brooklin Pee Wee Team vs. Valleyview Pee Wee Team, at Oshawa Arena. 9.30-11.30 am. -- For Children: leathercraft, woodworking, girls' gym, boys' gym and Boxing, 9.30 a.m.--Children's Art Class. CR.A. Schools Parliament. 945 am. -- Oshawa Children's Theatre of the Air presents, "The Birds of Killingworth," directed by Norma Vincent. CKLB; 1240 on your dial. 8.30 p.m.--Neighbourhood Associa- fon Square Dance--Hosts: Bathe ark. Three Bishops Face Spy Charges in Prague Prague, Jan, 11--(AP)~--Three Bishops went on trial in Brati- slave Wednesday on charges of high treasop and espionage, Prague radio announced. Two are Roman Catholics and the third a Greek Catholic. They are Roman Catholic Bishop Jan Vojtassak of the ° Scepusio (Spis) diocese; Msgr. Michael Bazalka, auxiliary bishop of the Roman Catholic administration of Trnava; and 'Bishop Pavel Gojdie, highest Greek Catholic churchman in Czechoslovakia, : FACE COVERED WITH PIMPLES Miss B. Green, Box 361, Davis, Okla., writes: "For three years my face was covered with large pimples. I decided to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. After using them fer three weeks I was greatly relieved; and now the pimples | are entirely gone." Cuticura Soap and Ointment may help you too! Buy Cuticura at yeur druggist today!y frescoes and interest FE . on 'Guaranteed 3 % Trust ISSUED for any amount . . .. for a term of five years. . . . guaranteed both as to principal reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at eompound interest. An ideal investment for: Certificates + + » . Interest cheques mailed to Committees s o Individual Cemetery Boards ¢ Hospital Boards THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 872 Bay Street, Toronto § o Ad TOF Tr WY o eo Corp i "Hello, Lois! Your party last night was grand! 1 don't think I've ever tasted such delicious coffee! Wish | could make coffee like that!" "No trick to it, Helen -- | just serve Loblaws Pride of Arabia. I think it's the best coffee you can buy!" A QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE LOBLAW BAKERY LA LOBLAWS JELLY ROLL -~ 33 LOBLAWS JACK & JILL PEANUT BUTTER COTTAGE BRAND -- WHITE, WHOLE WHEAT, CRACKED WHEAT LOBLAWS BREAD UNSLICED 24-01. LOAF 12: SWEET JUICY' NO. 1 SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS NAVEL SIZE Doz. ¢ DOZ. (ONE SIZE AVAILABLE) FLORIDA SWEET ZIPPER-SKIN TANGERINES SELECTED QUALITY GOLDEN RIPE . BANANAS SPECIAL! CALIFORNIA FANCY TABLE DATES' ONTARIO GROWN FANCY GRADE McINTOSH REDS NORTHERN SPYS = -_ 16-0Z. JAR 35: 13. SLICED 24-01. LOAF LIBBYS PORK & BEANS 23% AYLMER STRAWBERRY JAM 22:2 HEINZ SPAGHETTI "ou LIBBYS BABY FOODS Homocenizeo 2 KRAFT SLICED SWISS CHEESE or vx ------ 8-0Z. PKG. 20-FL. OL. TIN of Shr 44 orn 14 or Tins 17. 8-SLICE 3 5 c -~ ON GUARANTEED FOODS or QUALITY WAXED PAPER APPLEFORDS FOOD SA CHUM DOG FOOD : INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE KLEENEX Hanky or cHuBsy size HAWES FLOOR GLOSS MAPLE LEAF TOILET SOAP . - SUPER SUDS conéentraten PALMOLIVE BEAUTY SOAP SPIC & SPAN rhe perrect CLEANER TIDE 3% 39 OXYDOL 'LOBLAW GROCETERIAS CO. LIMITED 31. 25. 100-FT, ROLL 15-0Z. TINS TU" 25e 39. 59. 11 J 67. 13. 25¢ 39. PKGS. CAKE GIANT GIANT CAKE SMALL PACKAGE LARGE PACKAGE iw 17 SCOTIAN GOLD APPLESAUCE . WELCHS GRAPE JUICE FIVE ROSES FLOUR SALADA ORANGE PEKOE TEA QUAKER OATS quick or RecuLAr BOVRIL CUBES CLARKS IRISH STEW CLOVER VALLEY LINK CHEESE CRUNCHIE SWEET MIXED PICKLES MONARCH CHEESE 4-CUBE PKG. McNAIRS LIGHT FUDGE MIX GENUINE SWISS CHEESE NEILSONS JERSEY BRAND COCOA iw PIMENTO MANZANILLA SMARTS CHOICE DICED CARROTS 2 CATELLI MACARONI or SPAGHETTI CLUB HOUSE OLIVES PIC PORK LOAF WETHEYS RASPBERRY JAM AYLMER CHOICE B. C. PRUNE PLUMS SHORT GRAIN RICE OLD COLONY PURE MAPLE SYRUP AYLMER FANCY CORN « AYLMER TOMATO SOUP FANCY ASPARAGUS TIPS «coo am LDEN KERNEL a BRINE PACK HILLTOP BUTTER TART MIX AYLMER JUMBO PEAS unc" sus ADDED ° PECTIN (4 FANCY 20-FL. NSWEETENED 2 oz. TINS 31. oth. &3e ue 36 We 60e LARGE PKS. 35 10.cust 25: 29 igor Qe oz. JAR 29: 43 WE &6e ve 49: Ya-L8. 29: ICE BOX JAR 47- ot' Ths 19 kor 13: 46 37- or IN 19 poune 15¢ "5 49. 31 19- 39: 29- 18- 12- 1-18. ROLL 24-FL. OZ. JAR 15-FL. OI. TINS 2 10-FL. OL. TINS 12-FL. OL. TIN 11-0Z. PKG. 15-FL. OX. TIN STORE HOURS MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY OPEN 9.00 A.M. CLOSED 6.00 P.M . WEDNESDAY OPEN 9.00 AM. CLOSED 12.30 P.M. SATURDAY' OPEN 8.30 AM. CLOSED 6.00 P.M. TILBEST READY CAKE MIX GERBERS BABY CEREAL AYLMER MIXED VEGETABLES cc: 2 EASTLAKE CHOICE TOMATOES OGILVIE VITA-B CEREAL CEREA CHOCOLATE or WHITE BARLEY, OATMEAL, RICE 15-02, PKG. 35. 5 ee 23: oi*ths &9e 18- 29: | _28-FL. oz. TiN 36-02. PKG. Quality Fost \OBLAWS MEATS BONELESS & ROLLED MILK FED LOBLAW COUNTRYSTYLE PURE JERSEY'S BEST NORTHERN WHITE SELECTS -- FRESH CHOICE FRESH PORK CUTS LEAN LOIN ROAST SHOULDER ROAST .... 1. 47: LEAN BUTT ROAST ROAST &Y LB. Ld ARROW BRAND SMOKED. RINDLESS . SIDE BACON ors ine. 35 PORK SAUSAGE 12 57- EITHER END | LEAN PEAMEALED | BACK BACON Np cuts LB. 73¢ LB. 82: CENTRE CUTS OR SLICES FROSTED FISH SPECIAL! OCEAN PERCH ruevs LB. 39c COD ruers LB. 35c PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN. 11, 12, 13

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