Daily Times-Gazette, 21 Dec 1950, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE & THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1950 -------- RADIO LOG - TIME. TABLE Jn fnfermation on radle programs is supplied by the individual stations. The Times-Gazette prints programs, correcti and ch as submitted and ate listings. does not ponsibility for | THURSDAY EVENING - 8:00 P.M. CFRB-Kate Aitken CKLB-News; Report on WBEN-One Man's 10:30 P.M. CKLB-News; Report on 8; 12:00 NOON CKLB-News; Midday Melodies CKEY-News; Hits; Listen Ladies CFRB-Doris Veale Show WGR-Wendy Warren and the News WBEN-News CBL-CBC News and Commentary CJBC-June Dennis 12:15 P.M. CFRB-Farm and Home News WGR-Aunt Jenny WBEN-Old 'Saddlebags CBL-Aunt Lucy CJBC-Civil Service WGR-The Guiding Eight CBL-Musical Program 2:00 P.M, Pick the |CKLB-News for Wo- men; Motor City Matinee CKEY-Women's News; Show Business CFRB-Guiding Light WGR-Second Mrs. Burton WBEN-Double or Nothing CBL-Brave Voyage 2:15 P.M. CFRB-Ma Perkins WGR-Perry Mason CBL-Women' in Jobs; News Commen- FRIDAY AFTERNOON CKLB-News; Rainbow Ballroom ICKEY-News; Club 580 Reporter WGR-News; Meetin' with Keaton 'WBEN-Backstage Wife CBL-Jack Berch Show CJBC-News; Styles in Song 4:15 P.M. CFRB-Brighter Day WBEN-Stella Dallas CBL-From the Classics 4:30 P.M. CKLB-Christmas Story CFRB-Our Gal Sunday WBEN-Lorenzo Jones CBL-The Record Bar CFRB-News; Hollywood Interesting Reports Given To Brougham WI MRS. T. C. BROWN > Correspondent gi Brougham, Dec. 19--The Women's Institute held its last meeting of the year on Tuesday, December 12, in the Township Hall, Brougham, Mrs Lloyd Johnston, president in the chair. The meeting opened with the singing of the Opening Ode, and reading of the Mary Stewart Collect. The roll call was answered with School Meeting For Audley Area Audley, Dec. 20 -- The school meeting for S.8. No. 5 will be held on Thursday evening on December 28 at the schoolhouse at 7.pm. A full attendance o Britain Will Face Heavier Arms Costs : London, Dee. 21--(Reuters)--Bri- ratepayers is | iain will soon have to consider in. asked for. This custom of service creasing her rearmament program by the people was the foundation beyond the £3,600,000,000 (about upon which our school system was $10,800,000,000) provisionally allo- built. About 40 years ago Ontario | cated for the next three years, an was regarded as having the most | authoritative source said today. advanced and best system in Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin Canada, and local control evoked is expected to bring back plans for accelerated British «defence when he returns from the Atlantic coun- cil conference in Brussels, An increase of expenditure may involve direction of labor and other wartime controls which have bee' lifted in Britain since 1945, be Among controls certain to be im- posed would be price control and there would probably be closer sup- ervision over allocation of raw ma- terials, already controlled to a large extent. India contains approximately 40,- 000,000 widows, many eof them under 18 years of age. Family CKEY-News; Mickey Lester Show; Talk--Roy €nr- I SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BROADCAST You are cordially invited lo listen lo "A Musical Cliistnas Card" sung by a choir of sixty voices, composed entirely of Head Office employees of The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada at Waterloo, Ont. ops CFRB-Perry Mason WGR-Big Sister CBL-CBC News CJBC-Don Sims Show 1:15 P.M. CFRB-Luncheon Date WGR-Ma Perkins CBL-The Happy Gang 1:30 P.M, This programme, designed to further the true spirit of Christmas, is being broadcast throughout Canada, and may be heard locally as follows: December 23rd at 7:30 p.m. RADIO STATION CKLB Oshawa WGR-Young Dr. Malone WBEN-Better Business Reporter - (1.25) Sally Work 1:45 P.M, CFRB-Young Dr. Malone THE MUTUAL JIFE HEAD OFFICE: WATERLOO, ONT, Report on Convention | Mrs. Jack Mitchell the delegate for Brougham Women's Institute, WBEN-Double or Nothing CBL-Allison Grant; Food Facts and Food Fashions , | CJBC-Kate Aitken 10:45 A.M. AM Gospel Singer Rn' CBL-After-Breakfast CKLB-News; Ken's Breakdown Koffee Korner 8:45 AM. CKEY-News; Musical lock CJBC-Northway's Boys CFRB-News; Top O' Choir The Morning; 9:00 AN. Livestock Re- |CKLB-News:; Morning view D i WGR-Musical Clock; |CKEY.News: Jay and News v Sports Family ports CKEY-News; Make Be- WGR-Edward R. Mur- [CKEY-News; Sports lieve Ballroom row, News CFRB-Hook Line and CFRB-Santa Claus CBL-Citizens' Forum WOR giosials Dr WBEN-News 8:00 P.M. 2 * WGR-News; Sig Smith |CK1LB.News in One Kildare :30 P. gifts for the Children's Shelter in|and secured a great amount of Sports; Outdoor Minute; Hardy, [CBL-Eventide Choir CKLB-Collis Quiz 4:45 P.M. Oshawa. These were all prettily [local interest in school matters. cM ' CJBC-John Steele Ad- 12:30 P.M. CFRB-Backstage Wife |[CKLB-Santa Claus Barometer; Man 14 wrapped in Christmas colorful pa-|Many old trustees of that system About: Town venturer CKLB-News; Sports WGR-Nora Drake CFRB-The Record Shop usin took great pride in keeping the CBL-Melody Parade 10:45 P.M. CKEY-News--Lorne WBEN-Like Like A |WBEN-Young Widder | Per. After the business session took great p ng 6:16 P.M. CKLB-Christmas Music Greene Millionaire Brown was over, the District President of | public schools manned by good CKLB-Supper Club CKEY.Hit or the Day; | CFRB-News; Women in/CBL-Encores CBL-The Record Bar South Ontario, Mrs. M. Birrill ad-| teachers, and equipped well. Per- CFRB-Bing Crosby Crysdale and the News * + 2:45 P.M. CJBC-Behind the Story | dressed her home Institute mem-|haps it might be observed by many Sings North Company WGR-Romance of CFRB-Young Widder 5:00 P.M. bers. She spoke first, of the pos-|today that the heavy expenditures WBEN-Sports--Ralph |WBEN-The Aldrich CFRB-Headliners: Helen Trent Brown CKLB-News; Rainbow | sibility of securing films from the |for streamlined buildings with all Hubbell Family Sportscast' WBEN-Erie County (WGR-Brighter Day Ballroom; National Film Board, the subjects f textbooks CBL-CBC News and WGR-F B I In Peace P Bank Choristers 3:00 P.M, . U.AW. News 3 mn » the is|very modern means of tex 004s Sports and War | 11:00 P.M, CBL-CBC Farm Broad. CKLB-News: Motor |CKEY-News; Studio |f Which are unlimited. The Presi-| and teaching aids, have not pro- 6:30 P.M, CJBC-The Chuckwagon CKLB-News; Platters cast: Time City Matinee Party dent also told of a gavel to be| duced a corresponding increase in CFRB-News; Wes Mc- CBL-Musical Program and Plates Signal CKEY-News; Show CFRB-News; Wonder given to the Institute getting) the | intelligence or in training, Many Knight's. Sport- 8:30 P.M. CKEY-News; Sports CJBC-Walter Bowles Business Man ,' |largest number of new members.| also feel that a school system views; Songs of lng; B Anderson Family Final; Super (News); Small (CFRB-News; Surprise (WGR-News; Meetin This year, thirty-six new Institutes | guided from the top down can | Our Times CFRB-Danforth Radio Quiz Types Club Package with Keaton have been formed. There are now | WBEN-Joe Wesp, Fotke CFRB-News; Lonesome iid PML WGR-None from WBEN-When A Girl | 1407 inh Ontaric. and ding to | Dever reach the levels that can be | Ironic Reporter; lwhupn mother Knows Gal; Midnight nitidp BM Nowhere Marries 0 And according to | gptained for an inspired country- | Top Tunes Boe 0 Merry Go Round | CKLB-Vocal Spotlite WBEN-Life Can Be ICBL-Your Program John Fisher, guest speaker at the side directing the uplift education | WGR-Pfeiffer's Frolics [wep of est Tracer WBEN-News CKEY-Champion Round Beautiful CJBC-When A Girl W. I. Convention, there is no rea- of their children CBL-International Com- = ar i RO er er WGR-News Reporter; CPRE 2 sist, CBL-Life Can Be Marries son why more women should not Arthur Hedge 5 recovering from | mentary; Music | pr nooo News Analysis |{oi> BE Sister d Beautiful 5:15 P.M. hold responsible positions in public tt ? i | in the Air SBL-The Sport ' ur Gal Sunday [CJBC-Afternoon Concert CFRB-Roy Rogers Con- £11 d in th i f an attack K of pneumonia. 6:45 P.M OJEC-Cross. Section TEL 3 porYSman's 1:00 P.M, 3:15 P.M. test OL NCE an e governing of Our "yh Henry Westney visited her WBEN-Three Star 9:00 P.M. CIBC-Dominion News |CKLB-News; Stop the|WGR-Hilitop House' |WBEN-Portia Faces country. But right now, there is father, Rev. Mr. Joblin, in Port Extra, News |CKLB-Adventures of Bulletin abl WBEN-Road of Lite nape : one hing sessed ZI shoul uy bi Perry last 'week. WGR-Lowell Thomas, Maisie . KEY:-N i B -Ma Perkins JBC-Portia Faces Life News CKEY-News; Back Ns PM. C Betty: Tos 2nd CFRB-Let's Start an 5:30 P.M. in this troubled world of today, who, Pig Madigan, "ho hae made | CBL-The Magic Chord Talk; Jackpot |WBEN-Late Sports; P Argument CKLB-News for the will not hold this as a Happy | Rls home wi 'has. Puckrin, the 7:00 P.M. CFRB-Suspense Off the Record 3:30 P.M. Community ; Christmas, owing to tragedies of Crawfords and with Mrs. McBrady CKLB-News in One WBEN-The Dragnet WGR-Late Sports; CKEY-Double or Rainbow Ball- | wa) and that t all physic- | here for many years as a general Minute; Dick (WGR-Suspense Bowling Briefs Nothing room an Ne Ie Noy all physic farm hand, was taken to hospital Haymes Show (CBL-John and Judy CJBC-United Nations CFRB-Tea Time with |[CKEY-Make Believe ally built to withstand these troub- 1 reek . ith P CKEY News; Make Be- (CJBC-Inner Sanctum Today The Stars Ballroom le: Scientists lave attributed so|last week with an attack of ap- lieve Ballroom 9:30 P.M. 11:30 P.M. WOR-House Pasty; CFRB.Who Am I? much heart trouble and nervous pengienit. He Succumbed Elite CFRB-Beulah o 5 edric Adams WBEN-Just Plain Bill |conditions in human bein: to- | the operation and was interred in WBEN-Dial Dave CKEY.- Howard Manning| Mianignt Merry EE onan 0" [CoL-Slupytime Story" | gay, to these facts. BEITES OF Vo: | te Bonin Codie tarry Garrow. amily eller i | WGR-Bovial ay Show (9:35) hve Go yoound 1 CBL-Pepper Young's CIBC-Off the Record Mrs. Birrill spoke of Reverend | Pieksnne. He was born on a farm | CBL-The Sunshine CF'RB-MGM of the Air -Ripton College Family 5:45 P.M. Dr. Norman Bell's helpful radio | in the fifth concession, and has | rf WBEN-We, the People Choir 3:45 P.M. ICFRB-Strike up the speech, in finding it of importance |lived in this neighborhood al] his | 7:15 P.M. WOR-Hallinark Play- |WGR-Man About CFRB-Aunt Lucy ~ Band to a group of 100 ailing people, to|life. A brother in the States and | CRLB-Muvia Hiller, CBL-Wayne and Shs. CEL WEBER a Mi WEEN Front Pac imipyess on Ihe Yog ges of living! some Sousins Ib Toronto are the I ; = one day at a e. is was gain- | surviving relatives. Deceased w. ter CJBC-Prelude t : y dis was g Surviving as Ken Griffin, OIRC-Posgy and Yio mos Bhs CEL-RIZhL A Dappinees rc re ed by talking with an ill friend of a (in his 73rd year and was never | CFRB-Jars Smith Show 10:00 P.M. 12:00 MIDNIGHT nervous disposition who had gained | married, He was of a jovial and WBEN-Canisius College (CKLB-News; These Are/oy;p News: Platters FRIDAY EVENING confidence this way. The difference | kindly disposition. | Glee Club Tops and Plates in colors too, sometimes has / a| Again Christmas time has come | WGR-Jack Smith Show CREY-Newsi polama CKEY-News: House 6:00 P.M. J 7:48 P.M. | 10:15 P.M. profound effect on personality. around and nearly every resident, | CIBC Traific Safety WBEN-Screen 0 rece Party CKLB-News; Report on|CKLB-Hospitality Time |CBL-CBC News Round- | More thought is being given to this | especially the younger ones, is Progem tor's Playhouse CFRB-News and Sports; ckRY. E22 Make Be. CFRB-Kate Aitken ue in the decorating colors in hospitals | radiant with the good will and CKLB-Singin' Sam WGR-Greenbaum's Midnight Merry lieve Ballroom | WGR-Edward R. Mur. kip EN on and schools. Music has the same | general spirit of the Master of | CKEY.Cisco Kid Galleries So Round CFRB-Bing Crosby WEEN. News fs P effect on pupils emotions as colour | Jong ago. All families are plan- | SFRB-Club 15 CBL-CBC National WBEN-News; Mocambo Sings A oe an's CKEY-News: Sports in hospitals and schools, some COM- | ning gatherings and home com- | WBEN-News of the News .Bulletin Orchestra WGR-News: Sig Smith!cpr wn dw oo [CFRB-This is the Story | POSers of music having struck a re-| ings for the Monday and special | Wor od CIEC-What's The WoR.News 2 Man About Sports; Outdoor | That Way |WGR-Wrestling sponsive cord in the Nation's music | services are being arranged for the | CBL-The Metre-Reader 10:15 P.M. CBL-CBC id and og Man cyBC-Foster Hewit} fWBRHLRIohEE have become a greater force i | churches. CJIBC-2000 Plus |CKEY-Parade 'of Bands Sign-off V-New. Reporting Soo ' drawing people together, and if Eno WBEN-News ports all could gain the sam fid . 7:45 P.M. CBL-CBC News Round- CJBC-News and Sign- | CBL-Melody Parade 8:00 P.M. CBL-St." Simon's Choir: | 23 COUT E20 ihe same tonfidence, CKLB-Hospitality Time up off 6:15 P.M. CKLB-News in One | - 19:45 P.M. there would be no more war or | CKLB-Supper Club Minute; Danger SKLB-Christmas Music | discussion, through lack of faith | FRIDAY MORNING CFRB-Ontario on Dr. Danfield [CKEY-Hit of the Day; | human beings, and a big help | Parade CKEY-News; Mickey Crysdale and to civilization would be to bring! A 6:00 A.M. | 8:15 AM. 10:00 A.M. WBEN-Sports--Ralph Lester Show! FRE SF ompany back faith to nations. The Presi- CKLB-News; Ken's i f CKLB-News; Rainbow Hubbell = -Headliners; dent would like to see W. I. m- Koffee Korner CRLE Ken's Koffee Ballroom CBL-CBC News and Cormack Sportscast bers set an pb of faith in CKEY-News; Say It kas Kon or Clock: |CKEY-News; Make Be- Sports |CFRB-The Hardy WBEN-Government this organizatio d faith in th | With Music f org and tty] lieve Ballroom 6:30 P.M. | Family Talk, Pro and 1 org ation ang faith in them- CPRE. Breakfast on the pRB Top O° The o ¥|CFRB-Arthur Godfrey CFRB-News; Sport- [WOR-Beatrics Kay Son, PY Selves, ; | -Arthur Godfrey views: S f TNS " rn Pra WGR-Chore Time WEEN-Ciint - Buehiman |WBEN-Welcome Our Times © |WBEN-Nero Wolfe CKLB-News; Platters WBEN-News; Clint | | Travelers 'GR- ] |CBL-Now 1 Ask You and Plates CBL-Morning Devotions 2 WGR-The 6.30 Show CKEY-News: Sport Buehlman |CIBC-Toast and |CIBC-Welcome to CJBC-Metropolitan | 8:30 P.M. HB si ports to the three day convention, held | 6:30 AM. Jamboree | Hollysocd Reporter; Top |CKLB-Doctor Kildare Fina ; Super at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, | CELB-News} Ken's 8:30 A.M. ICFRB.The Stare" Sing BLES i |CFRB-Treasure Trail |cFRB.News: Lonesome | B&Ve a very interesting report, she | fee Korner : . c lWGR for Sal ; i told of Mayor McWilliam' | CFRB-News; Dawn CKLB-News; Ken's CBL-Kindergarten of Commentary; | WGR-Songs for Sale Gal; Midnight ayor McWilliam's words | Patrol | Koffee Korner; | the Air Music in the Air WBEN-Sam Spade Merry Go Round | of welcome, to the W. I. members | WGR-Farm Reporter | Westward Hoe | 10:30 A.M. CJBC-Bing Whittaker, |CBL-T.S.0. "Pop" WGR-News Reporter; and delegates to Toronto, and of | AM CFRB-News; Top O' |CFRB-Aunt Mary News; Dave | Concert WEEN NE Analysis | his asking the people to visit, what | Price, Sports CIBC-Treasure Trall |CBL-Music by Eric al one time was Christie St. Hos- M. 9:00 P.M. d pital, now known as Lambert Lodge, | Thomas, |CKLB-News in One, which is a home for some 165 elder- | 6:45 AM. g WGR-Interlude; News The! Morning | 7:00 Wil CJBC-Dominion News Bulletin 11:15 P.M, WGR-Late Sports; Bowling Briefs WBEN-Late Sports Column; Off The 6:45 P WGR-Lowell News WBEN-Three Star Extra, News tures of Frafik Mrs. Houck's Speech 6h. "What is | CJBC-Off the Record Race your Horizon?" In it she spoke of CPRB-Romancs of CBL-The Magic Chord |CKEY-News; Back women being more business like than icB w 7:00 P.M. | Talk; Jackpot EC a etal ars CKLB-News in One | CFRB-Arthur Godfrey | 10:00 A.M. Minute; Saddle | Talent Scouts Record Ginger Show CKIB-News: Rockin' Rhythm 'WGR-Up for Parole | CJBC-United Nations WBEN-News CFRB-News; Neighbor- | Ballroom CKEY-News--Lorne |WBEN-The Magnificent Today CBL-News; Concert hood News; Ann CKEY.News: Make Be- Greene; Make Montague 11:30 P.M, : Tine Adams Home- | lieve Ballroom Believe Ball- CJBC-Ford Theatre CFRB-News and Sports; CIBC-Toast and crafters [CFRB-News; Mary Gar- room "Pilgrim's Inn" Midnight Merry Jamboree oid 4 CFRB-Beulah gah Go Round M.! 9:30 P.M. 7:15 AM.) WOR Musical Clock dens' Market | CFRB-Beulal WGR-Man About WBEN-Clint Buehiman |CB1 News; Interlude; CKLB-Box 13 Minute; Adten- ly couples. She also referred. to men, when holding an office. Mrs. Fletcher told of a delega- | tion thirty-eight W. I. members going to Copenhagen in 1949. These Caradians met with the most grac- | ious courtsey, in all the nations visited. They were met at the! boats by different organizations and always an interpreter. The Country Women of the World have been extended an invitation to visit Canada. Miss Lewis showed the convention souvenirs and W. I. pins of different countries. They visited Sweden, Lapland, Denmark. In this country many ladies smoke cigars. In Hol- land they visited cemeteries where | our Canadian boys sleep. In Oslo, they have twenty-one women in Party city councils. In Stockholm every- CTRE-News and Spon is; one rides bicycles. In London, they Go Round 7 |visited Westminster Abbey. Miss WGR-News; Man About | lewis showed coloured pictures of Midnight their travels and Mrs. Fletcher WEEN News; Salinas speaking on Historical Research, om Orchestra | 7 y aL-cBE Nowa ad | Gow sos Lom + 2 UB 1 Sign-Ore At the luncheon, the second day, Rainbow WBEN-News 4 Bask et WBEN-Dial Dave Midnight WBEN-Break the Bank BEN-C dia Col 30 4 . Christmas Carols |oBL, R, f Lif Garroway CKEY-Howard Manning |" ORcoraia (ol. CKLB-News; Farmer's (cipc.News: Melodies (GBC Pocky 'ment of |CBL-Here Comes the Show (9:35) © lege Choir Note Book from Years B : Vi . Band CKEY-News; Musical Gone By; Break- ne AM. 7:15 P.M. CPRB.-Naook Barry and fast with Jeeves CFRB-Meet the Menjous | CKLB-Marvin Miller, Betty; Top O' CRLE hid 29 CBL-Big Sister Story Teller; The Morning; i Sombma fer CIBC Maurice Ken Griffin, CBL-Baby Snooks Show Sports Organ ' CBL-News; Concert WBEN-Breakfast at 11:30 A.M, CFRB-Jack Smith Show | 10:00 P.M, Time; Melody Lenox CKEY-Bing Sings; WGR-Jack Smith Show |[CKLB-News; Songs by Highlights 9:30 A.M. ! Songs of Our WBEN- Yuletide Perry Como 7:45 A.M. CFRB-Hits From the Times Greetings CKEY-News; Parade of CKLB-Ken's Koffee Shows; Who's |cPRB-Your Women's 7:30 P.M. Bands Korner Talking; Hits Editor mL oy : 3:00 A.M. from the Shows 'WGR-Grand Slam CKLB-Singin" Sam |{CFRB-We Take Your CKLB-News:; Sports WGR-Reggie and Billy |\WBEN-Jack Berch CKEY-Mark Trail Word CKEY-News; Sports Keaton; News Musical Show CFRB-Club 15 WGR-We Take Your CFRB-News; Personal. |CJBC-Breakfast Club or. what's Your Beef? | WGR-Club 15 Word 'ities in the News CBL-Musical Program |CJBC-Musical Program | WBEN-News of the |WBEN-Life of Riley WGR-Musical Clock; 9:45 A.M, 11:45 AM, World CBL-National News lok EY. The Stars Sing CBL-Canadian Short Bulletin News CBL-"Carol, Sweetly WBEN-News Carol" (Vancou- CFRB-Strike up the Stories CJBC-Championshi CJBC-News and Sign- CBL-CBC News ver Girls' Choir) | Band; News CJBC-Safety Clinic Fights P oft B Mrs. White of Brooklin was chair- CJBC-Walter Bowles CFRB-Barry and Betty; WGR-Rosemary man. Mr. George Murray sang Hits from the WBEN-David Harum Col. Kennedy spoke also Ms, (News); Dave Price (Sports) Shows; News CBL-Laura Limited his brother and family at Sunder- Whit Gifts A Houck of Brampton introduced the land. | 1 e 1 Ir e guest speaker, Madame Vaudelet For Last Minute Shoppers! Erwinnes are loaded with the kind of gifts she will love to receive. You are sure to find a suitable gift at a price that will please you. It's getting late, so please DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW! HURRY TO Erwinnes. (All Gifts Boxed Free) CBL-Opening Night CFRB-Mr. Keene CIBC Dong ig WGR-Broadway's My Dreaming Beat 11:45 P.M. WBEN-Rosary College Choir 12:00 MIDNIGHT CKLB-News; Platters and Plates CKEY-News; House ea WBEN-Duffy"s Tavern Boding- Erwinnes Are Proud Mrs. Ivison Munday was in charge of the worship service and also led lin the Christmas program. Those | assisting were Mrs. Harvey Brooks, W.M.A. Meeting of Montreal, At Maple Grove MRS. C. H. SNOWDEN | Stevens, Mrs. Ross Stevens and Mrs. Correspondent | Charlie Greenham,' The report of Maple Grove, Dec. 20--The Wo- the nominating commijttee was men's Missionary Auxiliary held | read. the Christmas meeting in the church! The program committee for Jan- with a large attendance. The presi- | uary is Mrs. M. Munday and Mrs. J. dent, Mrs C. Snowden opened the | Cookson. meeting and conducted the business! Mr.and Mrs. Harry Wright visted | Reminder! Have you stocked up on id BEVERAGES 125 | Mrs. Morley Burgess, Mrs. Fred | 1 | | {SEE RCA VICTOR MILLION PROOF TELEVISION ON DISPLAY AT { parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Laird. Mr. Cameron Bell, Plumas, Man, | visited his cousins; Mr. and Mrs. Presented At Charles Snowden a few days this week. ) A very impressive White JGift Haydon Chur ch Service was held here on sunday. Mrs. Wellington Pearson, Lake- field spent a few days with "her MRS. HILDA GRAHAM Haydon, Dec. 20--The Christmas concert put on by the school pu- FUEL FOR ATHLETES pils in the chucrh on Friday A generation ago all sweets were taboo on training tables. Today, athletes are given a diet rich in sugar, for such feeding has been night, was well presented, all do- ing their parts well, After the program jolly Santa Claus arrived and distributed many shown to be entirely compatible, gifts from the Christmas tree. and even helpful to vigorous exer- cise. Sunday School will be at 2 p.m. on Sunday next. All are invited to the special Christmas service on Sunday after- noon at 3 p.m. There were more out to Sunday WANDERING BUS Memphis--Mrs. E. A. Tielens said the irate passenger shook the bus driver out of his early morning |g. oc) than usual last Sunday. Fovere When she Informed him |ryere was a grand church: service, at he was on the wrong route. |; being white gift Sunday. Rev. Mr. Lute told a story to the child- ren about white gifts. Lynda Potts read a reading, "What Have I To Give". While the beginners and primary presented their gifts the congregation sang "Away in a Manger", Garth Olesen gave a reading, "They Gave Him Their Treasures", after which the juniors presented their gifts. Marget Ran- kine gave a reading, "We Shall Do So Much", The congregation pre- | sented - their gifts, and the closing hymn was "Take My Life and Let | it Be" ) Miss Ruth Whitfield, Burketon, Miss Jean Black, Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. D. Black, Mr. and Mrs. B. Stephens and family were Sunday visitors of Mr. PHONE 42) and Mrs, Harold Mogre, Bowman- ville. 5 KING Ww. Mrs. Kennedy gave words of appreciation and an ad- dress by John Fisher on "Saving Canadian Children for Canada." Canada stands tenth in infant mortality in the world and there are 16,000 babies die every year in Canada. Miss Mary Henderson told some interesting facts of the United Nations Assembly, one of which is that all who go to listen to discussions have the use of ear- phone, five different languages are spoken there, and all are trans- lated as spoken. Miss Tomlinson, from Jamaica, a surprise speaker, a graduate of Bedford College, England, told of beautiful churches, built by mis- sionaries there, and said they ad- miréd our ways and imitate some of them. She found Canada a very delightful country, and she had a very interesting personality and also sang a song for the con- w vention, Brampton High School Glee Club | sang and this was greatly enjoyed. | Dr. McCready spoke on "Home- | making." | Mrs. Snider is the new chairman | for 1951 and Mrs. McPhalter, the | secretary. f A trip to Casa Loma castle ended | the last day of the convention. There were four or five bus loads to enjoy the trip and there were some 214 delegates who attended. Mrs. Burke gave a very excellent poem on "How to Keep Christmas." At the tea hour a delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Geo. Duncan, Mrs. W. Hamilton, Mrs, A. Gray and Mrs. Geo. Gray. Want to buy or sell or trade -- a | Classified Ad and the deal is made. To Present "Phantom" "PENCIL SEAM Nylon Hose The finest, sheerest glamour hose made in Canada. All the newest shades in all the wanted weights, from 42 to 60 gauge, from 30 denier to 15 denier. The hose Miss Canada wears. A de- lightful gift. $1.35 1 $2.25 60 Gauge 15 Denier NYLON HOSIERY REG. $2.25 First quality -- sheer. est 60 gouge hose made. Branded Butterfly hose. Strong- er, sheerer, brighter --dark seams, right side out. A gift she will cherish and enjoy. Bonheur, Misty Glace and Cinnatan. Sizes 8Y2 to 11, 51.95 Crimp-Set Nylon CARDIGANS Warm, soft, whisper light, petal smooth nylon cardi- gans and pullovers. So easy to wash, dry in a jiffy. Beautiful pastel shades. Sizes 14 to 20. CARDIGANS - REG. $6.95 CHRISTMAS SALE PRICED .............. $4.7 ERWINNES ALWAYS LEADING IN VALUE!

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