Daily Times-Gazette, 20 Dec 1950, p. 17

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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1950 THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE PAGE SEVENTEEN use OUR WANT 20770. Ji Hm HHT Te Hi | Hil I dl i! I T0 ' fit Tit Ji il i HHH | iil {fn \ an 11 HB [lth iil IL " fie il ill Il | I i NT gL ill lil i i! A a AY 1} ill | 3 ll Il Business - Professional DIRECTORY 1=Architects ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN. 47 Prince Street, Oshawa. Phone 1001. Also 284% Bloor St. W., Toront« Phone LY. 7755. J12) ia--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITH AND MONTEITH. Chartered Accountants, 37 King St E. Phone 4911-R Gordon W. Rieh! CA. ident Partner. ue ib--Adkountants PERSONAL TAX SERVICES, bookkeeping system installed, quar- | terly operating statements, yearly financial statement, tax return pre- pared. Phone 4950-J. (D209) 3-- Barristers R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., BAR- rister, Solicitor, etc.,"6 King Bt. West. Phones: Office 814; Resi- dence 3297. Money to loan. George Ss. Boychyn, B.A. Associate. an ALLIN'F. ANNIS, K.C. - RALPH S. Jones, B.A., 7% Simcoe st. 8. Phone 4. Res. 739. an ROGER G. CONANT, B.A, BAR. rister, Solicitor and ary Public King's Row, Ajax, phone 25. (J6) A. W. S. GREER, K.C., BARRIS. ter, Solicitor, etc., 6 King Street East. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. John M. Gree, B.A. 8c. (J10) Z. T. SALMERS, B.A. BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, ete., 13's Simcoe Street north. Phones: office 5073; residence 201-W. (D2) CREIGHTON, FRASER & DRYNAN, Barristers &c, Bank of Commerce i T. De Creighton, K.C., NIC Sun, KE Mtg Prynah. 1 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C, BAR- rister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Of- fice 14% King Street East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence, phone ju ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, Soli ior, 11 King East, Room 2. Ph : Office 55; Residence mn A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. Yanch, Barristers. Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Sim- coe North. Phone 1614, Rec. 39 MANNING ¥. SWARTZ, BARRIS ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bassett Block, Suite No, 4. Phone '282; Res. 287TW. J) 4--_Chiropodists T. M. VANT, D.8S.C.,, CHIROPO- dist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Phone or 5--Dentists PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every day. Evenings by appointment. Phone 4560 or 4577R. wn 6--Nursing Services CLAREMONT REST HOME -- Claremont, Ontario. A few vacancies | left in one of Canada's finest rest homes. Any case taken. Rates mod- moderate, Phone Claremont 4701. Co oe (J12) MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST Home, Courtice, one or two vacan- cies for the aged and bed patients, men and women. Every kindness given; excellent meals. Nursing care and tray service. Approved by doc- tors. Terms weekly or monthly. Phona for appointment Oshawa TIMI. (J13) 7--Optometrists nl A. BE. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST - Jury & Lovell - Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Phone 4184. (J1) C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, 9 to 12, 2 to and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Phone 1516. J 8--Building Trades LAS ING A - pairs, archway made, basement walls waterproofed and plastered in- side and out, stucco work. Free esti- mates. A. C. Woods, phone 7T16W12, (TWTL) ALTERATIONS, REMODELLING, modernjzing kitchens, bathrooms, archways, hardwood and tile laid. First-class workmanship. Glen Parks, 4181-J. (J9) TILES -- RUBBER, MARBOLEUM, Mastic, Plastic wall tile, Inlaid lin- oleum, modern kitchen cupboards. G. Rivers, phone 5780-J. Jn HILLSIDE FLOOR SERVICE -- floors laid, sanded and finished, rubber, Marboleum and Mastic tile. B. Mosier, 298 Hillside. Phone 547-M. (Jané) SPECIALIZING IN PLASTWVRING; no job too small. Free estimates. Phone 3656-W. (Jan5) PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, ge ceiling, work done. Repairs. Have them done now. Phone 4498-M- (Je) SAND, GRAVEL CINDERS, black loam; immediate delivery. Dump trucks for hire. Cement mixer for rent. Phone D. R. Brown. 3744W5. (D29) CHIMN LT AND REPAIR ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry repairs ("ament mixer for rent Gordon May. Phone 920W12. JS) 13--Household Repairs C TELDS REBUILT, RE. covered. Like new. Why pay more' Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebui't. Oshawa UpholStering Co., 8 Church St. Phone 3344. J3 FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE upholstered. See our materials for recovering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles. Phone 401. J3) 1 jnstusHon \ FOX - , WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Samba, Swing, taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class 'nstructiol 47 Prince St. For appointment, plone 4271-J. (J3) GUITARS SUPPLIED. KEEP them home. Yours on completion Free trial lesson. Bell's Hawaiian School. Leave phone at 5572-W. Lh Pai (D25) ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS. dictaphone, comptometer. Classes start every Monday; night school Monday and Thursday. Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone 1314. J10) LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING School -- ballet, tap, toe, character. Masonic Temple, Saruraay. Business girls, Tuesday, 3048W (J3) ballet, toe, tap Cr Wednes- day, Thursday or Friday. Adelaide House. Irenie Harvey, A.C.C } Lake, ; room for 3 passengers. Phone 5215-R. Ba a Xe 15--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERV. jce for better insurance in all classes 22% King St. E. Phone 5100. Res 4318-R. an | 28--For Rent FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW, ALSO three room apartment, heat, light and water, separate entrance, con- Phone _5405J. 295¢) 18--Lost and Found LOST -- WOULD. THE PERSON who found box type black purse with large sum of money for the children's Christmas please return to Alice St. Urgently needed. Re- ward. (296b) | LOST = SMALL BROWN CHANGE purse lost on King or Victoria St. | containing fifty dollars. Reward. Phone 2122, (296¢) | LOST--WATCH, YELLOW "GOLD, | gold bracelet, vicinity of Olive Ave. | Phone 3730-W. (296b) | LOST--COCKER SPANIEL, TAN, | female, name "Daisy Mae', saw | taken in car near Commercial Hotel, Saturday night. Any information would be greatly appreciated as she is grandchild's pet. Reward. Please phone 3828-W. (296b) WOULD PERSON WHO TOOK stafion wagon coat by mistake from Legion Friday night, please return same to Legion or phone 604-W. (296a) | LOST -- CHANGE PURSE CON- taining sum of money in Atkin's Store or on 'bus between Four Cor- ners and Avenue St, phone 1099-W. Reward. (296¢) LOST--LADY'S BULOVA WRIST- watch, gold bracelet, downtown sec- tion. Reward. Phone 1827J1. (295b) LOST--CAT, WHITE WITH DARK- | er spots on back and dark tail. Re- | ward. gFinder please phone naw or return to 63 Gibbon St. 205b) | LOST -- BLACK FEMALE gn ! er spaniel puppy, "Suds', ill child's | pet. Phor Phone 1282. "Reward. __ (2%4¢) 19--Money to Loan MO 8S TO LOAN ON ArpRpVES| properties. Private funds. Apply Louis 8 Hyman. K.C. 37 King St East, Oshawa. Phone 67. J2) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first mortgages. Also N.H.A. and | Builders Loans. Apply M. F. Swartz, | Barrister, Bassett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. J1) | 20--Personal GOING TO LONDON FRIDAY | evening, December 22, and have room for three passengers. Phone 4184-M. (296a) MOTORING TO OWEN SOUND & Wiarton, this Saturday morning, re- turning Tuesday. Phone 3350-R. (296b) CAR LEAVING FOR KIRKLAND Friday noon or evening; t (296¢) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS | helps with drinking problems. Write | P.O. Box 103. Phone 5550 evenings | 8-10. J6) | 21--Personal Services PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND | reconditioning. For free estimate call Wilson Lee, 79 Simcoe St N (J8tf) 22--Radio Repairs SPECIALIZED -- TELEVISION -- radio sound aerial erection service, all makes. Phone 5023. Fow- ! ler Television and Radio Seryice, 1096 King St. E. 21) RADIO SERVICE TO ALL MAKES Pick-up and delivery. Wilson & Lee, | 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. 23--"Women's Column CLARKE'S HAIRDRESSING, SPE- | cial, Machineless permanents, $3.50 | and up. Cold waves, $5 and up. 172 Gibbons St. Phone 5074-J. (J8) PRENTICE'S HAIRDRESSING Permanents $250 and up. Cold' waves $4.95 and up. 10 Church ! Phone 4491-J. (D.25 CHARIS GARMENTS. 30 - DAY guarantee. Phope Mrs. Blatter 2594-R; Mrs. Martin 223-R. (D21) | PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON -- OIL | wave, $2.50 up; machineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St. Phone 371. (D27) i 25--Real Estate For Sale 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, CLEAN good condition; oll heating; new chimney; modern kitchen; located. Possession about March 15, | 1951, Apply 101 Richmond W. (296tf) BUYING OR SELLING Broker. WHEN real estate contact Nolan, 60 King St. X. Phone 328. Square dealing. (Jans) $800 DOWN BUYS 4-ROOM BUN- galow, newly decorated, water pump in kitchen, good lot and gar- age, southeast section; vacant. See W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Phone 5356 or 3510. (295¢) $3, 20 Brooklin. Main St. Va- cant now, $1,000 cash.' Balance as rent. Ask for particulars. U. JONES 8! Prince St., Oshawa J. Barnoski, Salesman Phone 3503-J (295¢) --Store and dwelling in SNACK BAR GROCERIES No. 2 Highway, 5-room living quar- | ters, lot 120' x 335'. Approved for | gas station, plenty room for cabins. All stock and equipment included. A good chance for a combined business and home at only $8500. Cash re- quired, $6,300. See this good business opportunity today. Immediate poss- ession. : $2500 DOWN 6-room, near new, modern storey & half. 4 rooms down and two rooms and bath up. Full price, $8,900. Im- mediate possession. Grierson Ave. North. See W. McAULEY Realtor Phone 5356 or 3510 (295) $4500 down, Masson 6-roomed brick hot-air heat- 13 Prince St. $11,5003 house, modern ak ing: oak floors. ~-Half down, $7,200 brick bungalow, kitchen: eating; extra 6-roomed modern hot-air lot; | garage. WALTER R. SMITH Broker PHONE 5380 (296a) 18 BOND W 28--For Rent FURNISHED ROOM, beds, breakfast optional. 4989M. FOR RENT -- OFFICE Oshawa, central location, about 350 sq. ft; all conveniénces. Possession March 1st. Apply, stating bysiness, | to Box oe Times-Gazette (295e) | SINGLE Phone | (296a) | SPACE, | tors. , vided Finder please | | $75. | bons. i shift; | tras. | $2,150. Phone 5866 before 9 p.m. centrally | "46 14] 140 "39 1135 MAJOR OIL CO." SERVICE ps tion to lease in Cobourg. Write, giv- ing full particulars to Box 207. Times-Gazette. (295¢) ROOM FOR 2 MEN, NEAR MO- Phone 1638-M. (205¢) FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT TWO gentlemen, close to Duplate and Pedlars, breakfast and lunch op- tional. Phone 1688M. (294¢) 29--Wanted to Rent WILL PAY UP TO $100 FOR 5 OR more roomed house, flat or apart- ment, by reliable party. Box 208, Times. Gazette. (295¢) | WANTED TO RENT *., location for professional office. Di- | Office space--800 sq. central | into 3 or 4 offices. Apply | BOX 208 Times-Gazette | (2060 i IMMEDIATELY | Required by businessman, clean cut, | respectable, large | room well furnished. Central if pos- | | sible in clean house with respectable gentleman, one people. Will supply best references, Others do not need to apply. phone 3780. Please | { LITA a SE (204c) 30--Room and Board _ ROOM AND BOARD, FOR TWO | gentlemen, willing to share. Apply 780 Simcoe St. S. (295b) | | 32--Autoniobiles For Sale | | REAL GOOD BARGAIN--'29 CHEV. | Good tires, good condition. As is, 272 Haig St. Phone 1986-W. (296f) | '50 %-TON FARGO TRUCK, CALL after 5 o'clock, at 118 Agnes St. (206b) '30 MODEL A FORD COUPE, VERY | good condition. Prestone anti-fyeeze | { and heater, | after §, {'84 BLACK Apply 315 Leslie Ave. | (296a) ~ PONTIAC $125. Phone 5790-J, after 5:30. (286¢c) '39 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN, very good condition; radio, heater $525. Phone 629-R. (296¢) "38 FORD COACH, GOOD CONDI- tion, all round. $250 half cash, bal- ance on easy terms. Apply 96 Gib- HL (295¢) '41 CHEV. HALF-TON PANEL truck. Apply Tod's Bread, cor Bond and Church Sts. (295¢) 8, RE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION AND | shock absorber service. Call Morby's | Garage at 657 for { end service, and immediate installa- complete front tion, Jn | COACH, PRIVATE- 8-cylinder; hydramatic underseat air-conditioned heater, radio, windshield visor, | wheel covers, seat covers, other ex- Guaranteed condition. Price y owned; (25h) '39 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, TIRES & | body excellent, motor good; very reasonable for cash. Phone 3984-M, after 5. (284c) | '37 DODGE COACH, $495 '35 Ford COACH ... $235 '29 MODEL A FORD COACH $95 Model A Ford Heaters $6.95 South Wind Heater $15.00 New Batteries, Generators and Starters Exchanged Ford Parts ART COX East heater 13 Elgin St. Phone 745 (295¢) Christmas Specials. Here Is Your Opportunity To Get a Christmas present ! We are clearing these cars at a real saving to you. FORD CUSTOM DELUXE low miles, air conditioning 50 '49 CHEV. DELUXE COACH, spotless condition $1795! PONTIAC COACH, looks and runs like new $1495 CHEV. COACH, radio, heater, see this to appre- ciate $1295 MERCURY SEDAN, new motor, new tires .. $1095 OLDS SEDANETTE, 2 to choose from $695 | PONTIAC COACH, '47 '46 41 25 | series, perfect motor $695 | PLYMOUTH SEDAN, 2 to choose from $ BUICK SEDAN, small ser- | ies, spotless DODGE SEDAN, not a '51 but a good car . ... $395 PLYMOUTH COAC H y '37 | shape, | beams. '36 | Johnnie PLYMOUTH SEDAN, this car is away above average and lots of extras . . $3951 50 More to choose from $50 and up. suit you. Your cor. as down payment Open evenings until 9 p.m. DODD MOTORS 300 PARK ROAD SOUTH PHONE 4749 Terms to (296¢) | Brooklin 18R15. | Electric Coffee Perculators $4.95 { Vacuum Cleaners, | Polishers { BARONS"RADIO & ELECTRIC | 3130-M. | sleigh, { Julien St. | Rd. 'S. Phone 4749. | guaranteed on GIRL'S BICYCLE; BOY'S DOU- ble bar bicycle with carrier; both good condition. Phone 5314-W, after 6. (296c) PR. BOY'S HOCKEY SKATES, size 5; good condition. Phone 611-J. = (296a) CANARY, 5751-W. (296a) BOY'S SKATES, SIZE 1; VERY good condition. Apply 632 Albert, Phone 4775-J. (296a) DOLL PRAM, WITH DOLL AND blanket, like new, $90. Phone 1883-M, i ne (296a) CHILD'S PEDAL CAR, PERFECT condition. Apply 1004 Kingston Rd. E. (296c) PR. BOY'S SKATES, SIZE 3. Phone 3348-J. (205h) GIFT SUGGESTIONS | Cups and Saucers; Salt and Peppers Novelties Pictures Christmas Candles Cone in and see our gift display today. SCOTT'S RECORD BAR 23 Bond St. W. (D23) "GIVE A LIVE GIFT FOR CHRIST- mas"--give a puppy from Waubena Kennels. Phone _2829W13. (D23) MERRY CHRISTMAS ED. WILSON SAYS "BUY THE BEST BUY KROEHLER" Oshawa's Kroehler Dealer. Many new | styles of chesterfield suites, beautiful coverings. fully guaranteed. WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. | 20 CHURCH STREET ; (M.W.S.) | BOXER PUPS (REGISTERED), fawns and brindles, sired by Can. champion. Phone 4179-J. (Jan@) CHRISTMAS GIFTS $5. _Phone 44984. (285¢) | EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTORS | 1951 Models now available, ideal Christmas gift. Evinrude Gift Certi- | ficates. HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 Ray Street, Monday, Wednesday and evenings, Saturday afternoon. Friday tially, "If you want to please her for Christmas, give a gift certificate from Iris Beauty Salon, Whitby." (d23) GIVE A COCKER SPANIEL FOR Christmas, Gordeen Acres Kennels, Kinsale, No. 7 Highway. Phone (D23) IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS $1 DEPOSIT HOLDS GIFT UNTIL CHRISTMAS Mixmasters and Shavers $29.95 Electric Blankets 45.95 G.E. Kettles and Irons $14. Mantel Radios $19.95 Automatic Toasters .... $24.95 up up up | up 426 Simcoe S. Phone 249 (D2%) FILTER QUEEN, THE BAGLESS vacuum cleaner, low down payment! plan. For free demonstration phone (D23) SANTA"S SPECIALS, BABY RAIL | $3; pr. skis and poles, 3 ft., good condition. Apply 186 St. after 6. (204¢) FOR CHRISTMAS BUY HER THE new washable Venetian blinds of spring tempered Flexalum with | Vinyl plastic tapes, Canada's fin- est, most advanced by Met-Wo In| dustries. Free estimates and instal. | lations anywhere, J. W. Melley, | phone 4101. GH $2.50, SURPRISE HER ON CHRISTMAS DAY $5.00 DEPOSIT | Guarantees Christmas delivery son a ! new Gibson Refrigerator, Morse Washer, - Emmerson Radio, Chefmaster Range, Premier Vacuym Cleaner or Polisher. BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE S. 11% YRS. $7. PHONE, FOR THE { children, puppies, 8 weeks old, males, | (D23) | | SANTA WHISPERS CONFIDEN. | 50 | up | "| WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. | bp | | | PIANO, Fairbanks- | PHONE 249 | (D23) | GIRL'S" WHITE TUBE SKATES, size $3.50; good condition. Apply 106 Montrave. (296a) LADY'S TUBE SKATES, SIZE 9, | 7 and 3, hardly worn. Cheap for quick sale. 250 John St. Phone 801-W. AR (296b) WHITE CANARIES IN FULL song, lovely Christmas gifts. Apply 296 Festubert Ave., phone 3446) af- ter 5. (2891) HANDMADE LEATHER WAL- lets. Phone 2270, or on display at Queen's Hotel. (2985¢) "One Year's Subscription To The DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE is the One Gift for th~ WHOLE FAMILY GIFT SUBSCRIPTION CARDS SUPPLIED CALL CIRCULATION Phone 35 37--Farmers' Column | YOUTH'S TWEED OVERCOAT, | Phone 1655W13, (023) | SKATES, ICE AND FIGURE, ALL! sizes for men, women and children, | sold and exchanged. Bicycles, tri-y cycles, doll prams, have them re- | paired and painted for Christmas. | Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond E. Phone | 1393-M. J13) GIVE HER AN AIR-WAY VAC- uum or Premier twin floor polish- | er. For information phone 4019-M. Se (D21) | CHRISTMAS GIFTS--A GRAND array of toys, glassware, chinaware; Christmas and all-occasion cards. | Visit at Glecoff's Grocmeateria now. | Ritson S. (D23) | CHRISTMAS | DELIVERY | New domestic refrigerators, large frosted food compartment, terms ar- | ranged. Phone 505 OSHAWA [CHRISTMAS TREES, | Scotch Pine, | REFRIGERATION SERVICE Phone 4019-W. Open | 653 DREW STREET at BLOOR (295¢) CHRISTMAS SPECTAL--$5 CREME wave, $3. Prentice's Hairdressing, 10 Church St. Phone 4491-J. (2911) FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS , SUP- | plies of fruits, candies, fowl, ciga- rettes, Christmas cakes and pud- dings, Boulevard Groceteria, 49 Oshawa Bivd. D21) MERRY ERTS WILSON'S--Your We have everything--vyes, everything Linoleum Centre. | in floorcoverings. We are sure to please you. Our floorcovering special- ists will help you. | 20 CHURCH ST. » (M.W.8.) | PUPPIES, BLACK COCKER SPAN- iels, females, $5 each. Phone 1268. | (205b) | i ELNA, PORTABLE ELECTRIC | | sewing machines, has reverse stitch. Elna does invisible mending, and | | darns socks with wool. For free | | demonstration, phone 723M3 (2951) | ORDER PUPPIES NOW FOR Christmas, registered cocker span- iels (smooth), fox terriers, samoyeds, walker hound, guaranteed on fox. | Knowlton Kennels, Phone 1801W3. (D329) | | What more wonderiul aft tor her, | | thar a Cedar Chest from Rutherford's | Beautiful "Wool Blanket {| with every Cedar Chest. Choose yours | while stocks are complete. Oshowa's Smartest Display LANE - RED SEAL HEIRLOOM A small deposit will hold, | | Rutherford, | FURNITURE CO. 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (D23) s2--Automobiles For Sale '34 PONTIAC SEDAN ~WITH| heater, good condition, reasonable. Phone 2558W. (285¢) | '41 CHEV, 5 PASSENGER COUPE, | fully equipped, - in good condition. Phone 4503J. '40 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE, FUL- | [ly equipped, winterized. Phone 4652-W. (295b) '38 BUICK SEDAN, EXCELLENT radio, heater, defroster, seal Phone 3316-R. (284c¢) | SQUARE DEAL SEE] Walker, Bramley Motors New and used cars. Phone 5505; eve- nings, 1463-J. J3) AUTOMORILE INSURANCE COV ering ability to others, collision fire, theft, medical reimbursement, passenger hazard, radio theft. mis cellaneous coe South. 33--Automobiles Wanted '41-'51 CARS BRING MORE CASH for you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Wn FOR A Jn 36 "ets and Livestock BLACK AND TAN MALE "HOUND, rabbits and Try reasonable. 2439: W Phone (295¢) him out; | (205¢) | Murdoch Insurance, Sim | 'ats and Lives ok TOY MANCHESTER TERRIERS, from prize-winning stock. W. Glen- | ney, 23 Roseheath Ave., Danforth, Toronto, GRover 3632. (204c) line of Pet fsup- Mountain Bird Brock's Bird The most complete | plies in Oshawo--Hartz Foods and Canary Records, | Foods, Justrite Bird Foods, Master Dog | Foods, H & L Dog Meal, Dr. Ballard's, Society ond Pard, Canned Bog Foods. Dog Horness, Leads, Collars, Dog Blankets, Plastic and Porcelain Dog and Cat Dishes, { Dog Bones, Rubber Rats, Dog Brushes, Combs and a Complete Line of Sergeants Dog Medicines. Christmas Stockings for [he Dog and Panda Bears. Christmas Tree Stands--Christmas Tree Decorations. Pet at Christmas by | Remember Your | Visiting | ' MASTER FEEDS | 54 Church St. Oshawa "Your Friendly Pet Supply Headauorters (W.S._d20) | Ji=Farmers Column PIGS, 10 WEEKS OLD, No. 17 | De Laval cream separator. Phone | 2877 Bowmanville. (296b) | WANTED--DEAD FARM STOCK, | | picked up promptly. As an added | service we will co-operate with your | veterinary in post-mortems. Highest | foxes. ( prices paid for live horses. Call col- | CHRISTMAS TREES, SPRUCE & Tect Bowmanville 2679. Margwill Fur | Farm, Tyrone, Ont. (J20) | | | F | | | Whitby, open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. | (J8) | er, | BABY BUDGIES, training, | canaries. | Phone 481. | WOOD AND COAL RANGE, ALL | ly FRESH CUT CHRISTMAS TREKS, | Spruce and Balsam. | phone 2714J. | $5.00 per month. Meagher's Fiespsss: | BUY YOUR AUTO-RADIO FROM 3 HOLSTEINS AND ONE RED heifer; carrots and cooking onions. Felix Bablarz, Solina Road, Cour- tice. (206b) 38--Wearing Apparel GIRL'S STATION WAGON COAT, size 16. Phone 1416. em (296a) SKATING OUTFIT, SIZE 16. Cheap for cash, Phone 4738-J. (296b) 2 TUXEDO SUITS, SMALL AND large, splendid condition; youth's overcoat; man's overcoat; very rea- sonable. Phone 1906-M (296a) size 36; 2 pairs youth's boxing gloves. - ET id 38a--Market Basket MACINTOSH, SPIES, SWEETS, Delicious and La Salle, delivered. 288 Festubert, phone 3530W. (296c) MILK FED CAPONS, KILLED fresh on order. Phone 1640J12 : (295¢) WHITE WYANDOTTE CHICKENS for sale, for your Christmas dinner. Phone 1649J1. (294e) ROASTING CAPONS PLACE YOUR CHRISTMAS ORDERS NOW Dressed and Delivered FRANK HOAG Rossland Rd. (west of Airport Corner) | Phone 416-W-12 _,AD22) ORDERS TAKEN NOW FOR Roasting Chickens for Christmas. | Phone 3467-J-2. io TURKEYS, GEESE, CAPONS, roasting chickens, lovely, plump, lo- cal killed birds, first prize birds, | Order early. Glecoff Super Market. | Phone 3235 Ritson South, Drawn free. (202g) | CHOICE APPLES, FRESH & CRISP | from cold storage. McIntosh, Snows | or Cortland $2.75. bushel, half bushel | $1.45, delivered. Phone 3235. _(D30) | WE'VE DONE IT AGAIN! THE | best in Christmas Poultry: Turkeys, | Geese, Chickens. Northway Market- | | eria, phone 2613 (D13,15,18,20,21) | MCINTOSH APPLES, REASON- | ably priced. Bring own containers. Apply Roy Lick, 2 miles west of | Oshawa, on Kingston Rd., Satur-| days. (D15,18,20) OR A GOOD VARIETY OF | reasonable prices, | | choice apples at 1 mile north of see John Pallock, 39--Arucles For Sale READY FOR talking strain, all colors; 114 Elgin E. phone 3745. J21) NO. 1 lots to choose from. Phone 1656W. (296d) { CHALET SKIS, HARNESS, POLES & boots, size 7, $12. Cramona guitar, good condition, $20, Tuxedo suit, size 38, with dress shirt, $20. Phone 2047-W (296b) HOSTESS REFRIGERATOR, 6 CU. | ft., newly reconditioned. Phone 4501. Sharp Electric, 160 King St. E. (296¢c) HUMIDIFIER, MAHOGANY, NEW at a special Fries, Sharp Electric, | 160 King St. Phone 4501. (296¢) a RECORD PLAYER, aiso cook stove; both good condition. (296h) white . enamel with shelf; excellent condition." Phone 3105-J. (296b) GERRARD HEINTZMAN PIANO, | good condition. Must sell, no rea- sonable offer will be refused. Apply Box 34, Newcastle. (296¢) | GOOD, McCLARY ELECTRIC | stove, 4-burner, heavy duty with up- | right oven and pot and pan com- partment. Ford parts, new and used. 13: Elgin St. East. Phone 745. (295¢) UPRIGHT, COMPLETE- reconditioned and tuned. See A. F. Cox, 13 Elgin E. Phone 745. (295c) GIRL'S WHITE FIGURE SKATES, | size 4, almost new. Car radio, good condition. Phone 1781. (295¢) STOVE OIL, PROMPT DAILY DE- livery from seven trucks. Try our | service, Cities Service Oil. Phone | 2015. : (Janl}) | 33 Hall St. (D23) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON GEN- | eral Electric and Hotpoint electric | floor polishers Terms 20% down and | (D22 VENETIAN BLINDS. THE -- vanced Kirsch type. The most start- ling development in Venetian Blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats | give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds | will not only satisfy 'but create enthusiasm. Estimates without ob- ligation. George Reid. Phone 2104. | 66 Bond St. West. (J15 ONE THOUSAND RECORDS GO- | ing at 39c each, regularly 85c. | Meagher's Record Bar, 5 King St. | West. (D22) | TRY JACK"S DELICIOUS FRIED | fish and chips. Phone 2263, 424 Park | Rd. 8S. No delivery. wn CHRISTMAS TREES, SPRUCE & pine. H. & K. Hardware, 337 Sim- coe S8., phone 826. After hours ap- ply 8 Olive Avenue, (D22) NEW GOBLIN VACUUM CLEAN- ers. A low down payment, no fin- ance company. All makes of vac- uum cleaners repaired. Phone 4690-W. (Janl) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800-W (J25) CHRISTMAS TREES--HUNDREDS to choose from. Order early. Glecoff Super Market, 174 Ritson Road 8. Phone 3235. (202g) CHRISTMAS TREES, DELIVER- ed, §1 to $1.50. Not delivered, 60c to 5c. Phone 723M3. (202e) HARDWOOD KINDLING FOR jacket heater, stove or furnace, 12 bags $4. For indefinite length of time. Phone 6244. J2) installation. Cherry Grove Fast guaran- Radio, us. Free teed service phone 332W13. (Jan1d) FOLDING CHAIRS, CARD AND banquet tables for rent. Order your spring awnings now. Lovely pat- terns. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. Js) VICTOR ~ AUTOMATIC RECORD players for use with: the new 45 records, $19.95. Connects to your radio." Meagher's Electric. (D22) balsam. Apply Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond St. EB. Phone 1393M. (D21) | CHRISTMAS | Scotch Pine and Spruce, 32 Gibbon Street. | and (294e) ! | TREADLE SEWING MACHINE, | 209, Times-Gazette. | drop head, cabinet model, $40. Phone | MAN WILL (2951) | pair work, TT WHITE { Phone | tory cuttings. | suites. Friday, until 9 p.m. 39--Articles For Sale BODY HARDWOOD, | slabs. Christmas trees. Phone 18R33 Bethany. George Heaslip, Janet- ville. : (2011) 43--Male Help Wanted HARDWOOD ! DRIVERS WANTED, MUST BE neat and courteous, town Taxi. Mid- (295e) Apply SUNBEAM PRODUCTS NOW Junior or Intermediate Audit Clerks available -- Sunbeam shavemaster, Sunbeam toastmaster -- Ironmaster | and Sunbeam coffee master, also for Accountant's. Office attachments for Mixmaster, such as Must, have senior matriculation and food chopper, etc. Meagher's, King St. W. (D22 | be willing to prepare fof degree. JUST ARRIVED -- A FEW weer. State qualifications ,and salary ex- in time for | inghouse refrigerators Only a few, Christmas delivery. going fast. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe N. and 5 King St. West. (D22) BATHTUBS, TOILET SETS, washbasins, sinks, new and used. Radiators, jacket heaters, piping, automatic Bendix washer, stove. Phone 5405-J. _ U1) allowed for your old mattress on trade-in. Phone 662M. Js) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed in every way. Also compiete service. (D31) VENETIAN BLINDS, O8TEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy; blinds repaired, drape arms inatalled Phone Ron Trewin 5072. J19) TREES, delivered. Paul's Groceteria, Phone 4187-R. 723M3. PRACTICALLY NEW, repair | Phone Merv. Tuck, 4674W. | | pected. CHOICE | ELDERLY WOMEN, Apply BOX 208 TIMES-GAZETTE (296¢c) NEWSPAPER CARRIERS {For roufes in North Oshawa which will be available early in 1951, Phone for application forms, THE DAILY-TIMES GAZETTE (294d) 46--Employment Wanted ENGLISH, give light services Christmas New Year's holidays, or baby- 35 cents hour and meals. Box (D20) GENERAL RE- carpenter work. (2021) will sit. DO and 1216-J. enamel, 6-1id, Gurney coal and wood |G UARANTEED RADIO SERVICE range. Cost $130. Sacrifice $65 or nearest offer. 77 Chadburn. did GURNEY-CORONA COAL & WO stove, cream enamel; dition. Phone 3263-J. Phone 505. 653 sale, Oshawa Drew at Bloor. | STROLLER TYPE CARRIAGE & commode chair, Blvd, Phone 5577-W KINDLING, CLEAN DRY Try a $2 lot. perfect condition. Refrigeration Service, (295¢) FAC- Phone 1638-M (295) STRONG SAFE FOR SALE, MUST sell, size 26x30x38. Phone Mathews 3781, evenings 5660W11. (295¢) TWO VERY OLD VIOLINS, ONE | ladies' and one good for orchestra, in first-class condition. Apply Mrs. McFarlane, 33 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Phone 3693. (295¢) excellent ink (295b) | USED REFRIGERATOR FOR/| ju ® JLIer OF (295b) | Apply 248 Oshawa ' ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEAN- | used 7 months, new $65 or best offer. Phone 3130-M. (285¢) SCOTCH COLLIE PUPPIES Pure Bred Beauties, Will hold till Christmas. LOCH-RAHNOCK COLLIES 1000 Byron St. S. WHITBY CHRISTMAS TREES Wholesale and Retail Any size and height desired For best choice, phone now Free Delivery KEN ASHMORE condition. ! evening, { Westinghouse electric ready for delivery at once. | { room scales, | drill press (Beaver as new), "ord | silverware; | studio coiich ; garden tools; | ous to mention. Terms cash. | Stirtevant, Phone 3392W1, Thornton's Corners N. | ROY COX | Phone 3886-J Rutherford's Speéial Pre-Christmas Offer Trade in your old CHESTERFIELD Easy budget terms. Christmas delivery guaranteed. | See Mr. Marlowe for a liberal allowance on your suite. 206 Pine Ave, | (23) {1 Berkel Electric | vggr | Freezer; | Store Islands; | cap. ; a | Drawer Filing Cabinet; Choose from 40 beautiful new | 5 Cabine | present CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS: | { Monday, Dec. 18, Saturday, Dec. 23, until 6 p.m. Rutherford Furniture Company 156 Simcoe S. (D23) | 41--Articles Wanted SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea- ther ticks of a description. Live poultry, scrap irom and metals. Phone I. Turner, North Oshawa 239M12 collect. J15) DEER SKINS, BEEF HIDES, CALF skins, sheep pelts, horsehair, goose feathers. Highest prices paid. Phone 5222-W. (D2) CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice-box, Quebec heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. (J14) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT- ed, ice-boxes, cook stoves and heat- ers. 56 King West. Phone 3326 (J15) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free.' Phone 635. Cedardale Iron and Metals. 100 Annis St., east of C.N.R. Station. PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe N. Phone 2388. (J16) 42 --remale Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER WANTED, EX- perienced preferred, but not esden- | tial; pleasant working conditions. Employee benefits. Apply The Royal Bank of Canada. ((205¢) EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted, married woman preferred, good wages, day work, no Saturday or Sunday work. Apply in person, Lucky Strike Grill (J3) | | Friday and Saturday til 9 p.m. | through | Auction Sale, | for less Why Phone Keith Wilson 4523-7, D|47--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Civic Employee, Deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named de- ceased who died on or about the 8th day of December, 1950, are requested to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 25th day of January, 1951, after which the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which notice shall be had and to the ex- clusion of all others. DATED at Oshawa, of December, 1950. HUGH LION AMOS E. SCO by their Solicitor, Esq., Barrister, etc., E., Oshawa, Ont. pay big repair bills? J1) this 14th day SCOTT and Administrat Ernest Marks, 11 King Street (D20,27-J3) +8--Auction Sales Stirtevant's Auction 33 Hall Street, Thursday December 21st, at 7 p.m. radio (floor model); 2 single beds, springs and mattresses; electric washer; bath- bathroom sink & taps; 2 lathes; ice box; rangette; folding cot; com- bination radio and phonograph, rece player; vacuums; kitchen ranges; electric ranges; beds, springs and mattresses; dressers, arm chairs, tables, 2 typist's desks; dining-room table (walnut, modern); boy's express wagons; dishes, and many other articles too numer- Frank (205b) Room, Auctioneer, Auction Sale of Butcher Shop equip= ment, on Wednesday, December 27, at 2 p.m. at 58 King St. West, Co- bourg, known as Parsons Meat Market : 1 10' Brantford Meat Display Case, new; 1 Toledo Electric Computing Scales; 1 Toledo Computing Scales; Meat Saw, Model new; 1 Berkel Electric Meat Slicer, good ; 1 Hobart Meat Grinder, 2 H.P., good; 1 Burroughs Adding Machine; 1 10° x 10° Walk-in Meat Cooler, complete; 1 615' x 7 Walk-in 50 ft. Store Shelves; 2 §' 1 Check-out Counter; 2 Maple Meat Blocks, 25" x 30" : Steel Safe; Beam Scales, 1200 1h. 5 4 Flourescent Lights; 3 ; Electric Hot complete; Electri Clock & Fan; Moon 'Yale Aire locks, Heater, Fire Extinguisher; quantity of Groceries and Butcher's Equipment. Terms: Cash, ! Auctioneer. Water Tank, Murray C. Noble, (D20,23) MASONITE 23 ALBERT ST. PHONE 127 JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! 241 KING ST. EAST PHONE 1351 Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E., Whithy Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assur- ance when you choose from . the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock. Exclusive Dealer for IMPERIAL OIL ESSO OIL BURNERS and NEW IDEA FURNACES GAR WOOD TEMPERED AIR UNITS MOSIER \::. METAL Hl CHURCH ST. e PHONE setow

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