Daily Times-Gazette, 13 Dec 1950, p. 16

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N PAGE SIXTEEN ,TME DAILY_TI MES-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 (CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Addled-Ads By Lutke ( From the Nation's Classified Columns) 41--Articles Wanted he WANTED -- USED ELECTRIC eement mixer with or without mot- or. Phone 1120M. = (200c) TWO GOOD USED DRESSERS. Phone 883M. _ (290c) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea- ther ticks of a description. Live oultry, scrap iron and metals. hone I. Turner, North Oshawa 239M12 collect. (D15) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe N. Phone 2388. (D16) CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice-box, Quebec heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phole 3766M. (D14) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT. ed, ice-boxes, cook stoves and heat- | ers. 56 King West. Phone 3326. (D15) DEER SKINS, BEEF HIDES, CALF skins, sheep pelts, horsehair, goose | feathers. Highest prices paid. Phone 5222-W. (D28) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR| paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls cked up free. Phone 635. Cedardale ron and Metals, 100 Annis St., east of C.N.R. Station. J3) 4<.--remale Help Wanted CAPABLE WOMAN OR GIRL, TO do housework, good wages, sleep in. Phone 5240. (289¢) Lady assistant on janitor staff of Ritson Public School. Part time, 3 hours in afternoon of each school day. Apply in writing, giving full particulars of qualifications. IL. M. 8Souch, chairman, Board of Educa- tion; W. Gordon Bunker, Business Administrator. (280c) BOOKKEEPER Preferably with typing experience, to assist accountant. Forty hour week and other privileges. Write particulars stating salary required | to Box 231 Times-Gazette, ine hia EE) STENOGRAPHER Experienced. Preference will be giv- en to one with some bookkeeping experience. Excellent working con- ditions and opportunity for advance- ment. Give full particulars and sal- ary expected. Write Box 230 Times- Gazette. (280c) 43--Male Help Wanted wanted, also labourers for build-up roofing work. Phone 5121 between 6-7. (289¢) MUNICIPAL SECRETARY TREASURER Applications will be received, up to | DECEMBER 27th, 1950 | for the position of Secretary-Treas- | urer a the Improvement District of AJAX, This position requires experience in municipal procedure, assessment, tax eollectior. etc. Applicant should state age, marital status, previous experience and sal- ary expected. Reply in confidence to The Chairman The Board of Trustees THE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF AJAX, ONT. (290b) 45--Agents Wanted Repeat sales assure steady earnings with Hi-Test Corporation introducing to Canadian markets new types of lamp bulbs and fluorescent tubes. Unlimited markets. Sell direct to sommercial, institutional and indus- trial accounts, and save them money; you work in an exclusive territory, paid 20% commission weekly on ord- ors received, Write today for complete kit and samples -- no investent. APPLY BOX 241 Times-Gazette (288¢c) 46--Employment Wanted WOMAN WOULD LIKE HOUSE- keeping position, in good home, where two-year-old child would be welcome. Phone 1932-J. (288b) GUARANTEED RADIO SERVICE for less. Why pay big repair bills? Phone Keith Wilson 4523-J, J1) 48--Auction Sales "1 have been authorized to sell by blie auction for John Nemisz, 31, Con. 3, Darlington (1'a miles morth of Courtice, !; mile west), on Wednesday, Decembed 20, all his farm stock, implements, hay, grain, pigs, harness, poultry, ensilage and sos furniture, See bills. Sale 12:30 sharp. Terms cash, no reserve, Farm sold. Theron Mountjoy, Clerk; Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. (D12,13,14,18) | | 50-1 AGAINST WAR Toronto, Dec. 13--(CP)--Lloyd's | of London is quoting 50-1 odds | against & world war outbreak be- | fore eptember, 1951. The . world- | y has insured the Cana- | | Philatelic International Ex- | against hostilities inter- re the convention opens 48--Auction Sale BEING FAVOURED WITH IN- structions from Mrs. A. Bidgood, 1 Henry St., Oshawa, to sell by public auction at Stirtevant"s Auc- tion Room, 33 Hall St., Saturday, December 16 at 1 p.m. Electric Refrigerator, 8 cu. ft. Servel (as new); 3 piece chesterfield suite, red maple (as new); General Elec- tric Radio (floor model); Electric washer (electrophone as new); 6 piece Kitchen suite, rangette, man- tel. radio (Philco), 3 end tables, bedroom suite, with spring filled mattress, kitchen cabinet, ward- robe (walnut), tea wagon (wal- nut), 7 piece silver tea service, day bed and mattress, vacuum cleaner, typist's desk, table lamps, record player, single bed, electric train, roasterette, oil paintings, drapes, linens, cooking utensils, dishes and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer. | Ontario Spotlight TOO MUCH BUCK ROGERS Toronto, Dec. 13 -- (CP) -- Ken- neth Appelberg reported to police a gunman walked into his drug store last night and robbed him of between $75 and $100 while his two messenger boys sat reading comic books. He said the boys were read- ing "Buck Rogers or something, and didnt know anything about it." YULE TREE RAIDERS Brantford, Dec. 13 -- (CP) -- Brant County, which for almost nine years now has been grow- ing fir trees, has hired watch- men to guard its plots against Christmas-tree thieves. County Engineer Roger M. Lee said yes- terday "the raids are on again." HORSE POPULATION SAGS Kitchener, Dec, 13 -- (CP) E. I. McLoughry, representative of the Ontario Agriculture Depart- ment, told Waterloo council yester- day its horse population is dimin- ish to the vanishing point. Less than 25 years ago the inspection of stallions in the county took three days, This year the county had only two stallions to look over. MORE SPACE NEEDED Toronto, Dec. 13 -- (CP) -- With large stocks already om hand, and 18,000 cases of Yule- tide cheer on the way from Scotland, the Ontario Liquor Control Board is being forced to look for more warehouse space.' An official of the board said the space shortage exists only during the Christmas-New Year season. i NEW ACADEMY CHARTERED Kitchener, Dec. 13 -- (CP) The Kitchener-Waterloo 'Academy of Medicine yesterday received its charter ffom the Provincial gov- ernment. It is the fifth community in Ontario to boast of an academy. HIGH PRICE FOR NICKEL Toronto, Dec. 13 -- (CP) -- A Canadian nickel minted in 1921 sold for $65 and an 1839 penny for $110 at an auction sale held by coin collectors here yesterday. The nickel was one of those tiny ones of an issue which just preceded introduc- tion of the current large nickel. The penny was minted by the Bank of Montreal in the days when Canada was still on the sterling system, and it origin- ally was worth two cents. NEW SCHOOLS PLANNED Toronto, Dec. 13 -- (CP) -- City and suburban separate school board has lined up a $2,000,000 expansion program in 1851 calling for the building of five new schools and ex- tensions to present schools. ACTRE3S MARRIES THIRD Cuernavaca, Mexico, Dec, 13-- (AP)--Actress Faye Emerson mar- ried Bandleader Lyle C. (Skitch) Henderson Tuesday in a room banked with lilies and poinsettas. Miss Emerson is the former wife of Elliott Roosevelt, son of the late President. It was her third mar- riage. ¢ Exclusive Dealer for IMPERIAL OIL ~ ESSO OIL BURNERS n NEW IDEA FURNACES GAR WOOD TEMPERED AIR UNITS MM oS | 3 RB SHEET METAL a! CHURCH ST. eo PHONE Barow J COMMUNITY, INC. ACTIVITIES (These Are Red Feather Community Services) Jkt CRA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13 4.00-530 p.m. -- C.R.A. Schools Programme--Ileathercraft, shellcraft, woodworking, girls' gymn, dancing, boys' gymn, boxing, archery and marionettes. " 4.15-5.15 p.m.--Oshawa Children's Theatre Ballet Classes under the instruction of the Volkoff School of the Ballet, for under 8's. 5.15-6.13 p.m.--Oshawa Children's Theatre Ballet Classes under the in- struction of the Volkoff School of the Ballet, for under 11's. 7.00 pm, -- Oshawa Children's Theatre Ballet Classes under the instruction of the Volkoff School of the Ballet, for over 11's, 7.00 p.m. -- Canadian Order of Foresters' Children's Christmas Party. 7.00-9.00 p.m.-- Woodworking for adults, Boxing. 7.30 p.m.--Lacrosse Conditioning Class. Kiwanis Girls' Glee Club, 8.00-10.00 p.m.-- Leathercraft for adults, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 All Day--Exhibition of Art by members of the C.R.A. Children's Art Classes. 9 a.m.--5.30 p.m.--Lions Club Rec- reation Room for the Blind open. 200-400 p.m --Leathercraft and woodworking for adults. Special leathercraft programme at Storie Park. 400-530 p.m. -- C.R.A. Schools Programme--leathercraft, shellcraft, woodworking, girls' gymn, dancing, boys' gymn, boxing, archery and marionettes. 7.00-9.00 p.m.--Woodworking for adults. C.R.A. Girls' Athletic Club. Boxing. Ontario Steel Products Table Tennis Club. Special Small- crafts Course--Candle Making. Spe- cial leathercraft programme at North Oshawa School. 7.00-8.00 p.m.--Public School Vio- lin Classes. Oshawa Photo Arts Club--Children's Class. 730 p.m.~--Oshawa 'Globe Trot- ters Motor Cycle Club. Oshawa Cloud Chasers' Club, Valleyview Park Neighbourhood Association's Children's Christmas Party, 8.00 p.m.--Sunnyside Park Neigh- bourhood Association Meeting. O.C.V.I. Party--Form 11C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15. All Day--Exhibition of Art by members of the CR.A. Children's Art Classes. 9 a.m.-9 pm --Lions Club Recrea- tion Room for the Blind open, 200-400 p.m.--Woodworking for adults. 4.00-530 p.m. -- CR.A. Schools Programme -- leathercraft, shell- craft, woodworking, girls' gym, dancing, boys' gymn, boxing, arch- ery and marionettes. 7.00-9.00 p.m,-- Leathercraft for | adults. Boxing. 7.00 p.m.--Neighbourhood Associ- ations' Hockey Referees' School, under the direction of Red Mitchell. 800 p.m.--Lions Club Christmas Party for the Blind, Valleyview Park . Neighbourhood Association Social Evening, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 All Day--Exhibition of Art by members of the C.R.A. Children's Wednesday, December 13th 6:30 p.m.-University Women's Club 7-10 pm, -- Craft Shop open -- metalcraft only 7:30 pm.--Y.W.C.A, Board of Di- rector's meeting. 8:00 p.m.--Oshawa Camera Club 8:00 p.m.--~--Ballroom Dancing -- under the direction of Mr. J.-€luff. 9:00 pom. -- Christmas Dance-- Ballroom Dance Classes, members and friends. Refreshments, prizes. All Day--Art Exhibit -- Students of Ont, College of Art, Thursday, December 14th 9:30 a.m.--Nursery School--pro- gramme of table work, singing, rhythmical dancing, games -- for the pre-school child. 7 1:30-6 p.m.--Craft Shop open -- weaving, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, etc. 4-7 p.m.--Harvey Dance Academy 7-10 p.m.--Craft Shop--weaving, ete. 7:30 p.m.-~Over-20 Club Executive meeting All Day--Art Exhibit--Students of Ont, College of Art. Friday, December 15th 9:30 a.m.--Nursery Shool--pro- gramme of table work, singing, rhythmical dancing, games-for the pre-school child. 9:30 am, -- Craft shop open-- weaving, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, etc. 1:30-6 pm. -- Craft Shop open, weaving, etc 2-4 pm.--Junior & Senior Lead- er's Corps. 7:30 p.m. Guild 8:00 p.m.--Oshawa Chess. Club All Day--Art Exhibit--Students of Ont. College of Art. Saturday, December 16th -- Oshawa Weaver's --girls 8 to 11 years of age. All Day--Harvey Dance Academy 9-12 pm. --Over-20 Club Dance. All Day---Art = Exhibit--Students of Ont, College or Art. A Sunday, December 17th 3-5 pm. and 7-10 pm. -- Art Exhibit and Library available. Art Classes. 9.30-11.30 a.m.--For Children -- leathercraft, woodworking, boys' gymn, girls' gymn, boxing, folk dancing and archery. 9.30 a.m, --Saturday morning Art Class. p45 am, -- Oshawa Children's Theatre of the Air presents "The Christmas Angel", directed by Nor- ma Vincent. CK.L.B. 1240 on your dial. 10.30 a.m. -- "Open House" for C.R.A. Children's Art Class. 830 p.m.--Neighbourhood Associ- ation Square Dance--Hosts: C.R.A. 10-12 noon--SAT-R-DAY Camp | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13 4.00-6.00 p.m.--Piano' Lessons by appointment. 7.00-9.00 -- Teenage Club -- girls business period, 'crafts, art, sing- song. Charles Holman Division Cadet Corps--drill, First Aid, art nature study, photography, punch work, sports classes, canteen and business meeting, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 9-11.30 a.m.-- Nursery School 4 year olds--free play, singing, con- struction work, rhythm band, story hour, 3.30-5.30 p.m.--Club for boys all ages -- woodworking, dodge ball, ringers, games, woodburning. Junior Teen Club--girls, 11, 12, 13 yrs.~business period, art, -erafts, sing-song social dancing. Public Library--Children's Dept. 4.00-6.00 p.m.--Piano Lessons by appointment. 7.00 pm.--Stamp Club--boys all ages. . 7.30 pm. -- Golden Age Club -- adults -- euchre, bridge, checkers, dominoes, chinese checkers, sing- song, movies, refreshments. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15 9-11.30 a.m.-- Nursery School -- 5 year olds--free play, singing, con- struction work, rhythm band, story hour. 3.30-5.30 pm.-- Public Library -- Children's Dept. 4.00 p.m.-- Movies for boys and girls all ages. 730 p.m.--Christmas Dance--St. George's Ukrainian Hall for boys of the Simcoe Hall and Charles C. Holman Cadet Divisions and girls of the Nursing, Cadets, Teenage Club, and Junior Teen Club. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 9-12 noon -- Speech Training Classes. 9-12 noon--Piano Lessons by ap- pointment, 9-5.30 p.m.--Accordion Lessons. 9-12 noon--Public Library--Chil- dren's Dept. 9.30-11.00 a.m --Library Club. 10.00-noon -- Texcraft Club for boys. : 10.00-noon--Open House--girls all ages--art, crafts, music apprecia- tion. 11.00 am --Story Hour. FROSTED GLASS OUT Hull, Que, Dec. 13--CP) -- The Hull post office, $25,000 too late, is doing away with its frosted plate glass windows. Police said the win- dows, aimed af , preventing the public from watching the em- ployees at work, also prevented anyone from seeing what was going on inside one night last week when thieves escaped with $25,000 in stamps and other valuables. JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! 241 KING ST. EAST PHONE 1351 ACID STOMACH? Avoid distress cauped by over-acidity-- bitter risings in throat, heartburn, stomach discomfort. Find out how quickly Digestif Rennie Tablets relieve acid indigestion. Individually wrapped--easy to carry in purse or pocket. Try RENNIES for fast relief. 25c--at all Druggists. 8 REACH FOR A RENNIE £ MONUMENTAL WORKS World News 'In Brief Toronto, Dec. 13--(CP) -- John Bird Wilson, 84, inventor of the J. B. Wilson Sander used extensively by railways in Canada and the United States, died yesterday. For some years he was superintendent of locomotive works for the Cana- dian National Railways at New Toronto, Toronto and Belleville. London, Dec, 13-- (Reuters) -- Prime Minister Attlee was in- volved in a minor automobile collision last night. The fender of his car and another car touched, but there was no ser- fous damage. ; Berlin, Dec. 13--(Reuters)--East German authorities have ordered the 'famous Meissen (Dresden) chinaware factory, now govern- ment owned, to stop producing "outmoded baroque figurines and acquire a healthy up-to-date and popular realism." New Delhi, Dec. 13 (Reuters) ~The palace of the Nizam of Hyderabad, feputed to be the richest man in the world is for sale. It costs the Hyderabad government nearly £10,000 a year to maintain the palace. Proceeds from the sale will help finance state development schemes. London, Dec. 13 -- (Reuters) -- Many cables to and from Britain will be delayed starting next Mon- day if cable and wireless operating and maintenance employees of Cable and Wireless Limited in London carry out a threatened "go slow" strike. A meeting of 700 men resolved last night to "work to rule" from next Monday unless they receive a promise from the British postwaster-general to allow them to send future disputes to arbitration. Rome, Dec. 13 -- (AP)--A source close to the government predicted tomight that Italy will 'ask the United States soon for several hundred million dollars to strengthen the Ital- ian contribution te an Atlantic Pact defence force. There were sirong indications here that the attitude of the United States is favorable. PITPROPS FOR BRITAIN Bathurst, NB. -- (CP)--A- New Brunswick firm hag signed a large contract for pitprops with the Bri- tish timber control. The contract was welcomed by Gloucester Couns ty after sales had been stopped by the British government as a dol- lar-saving measure. ASPHALT SHINGLES Stafford Bros. 318 Dundes St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assur- ance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and Somestic Granites and Marbles in stock. News Notes Of Mount Carmel MRS. WALTER TE Correspondent Mount Carmel, Dec. 12 -- The sympathy of the coramunity is ex- tended to Messrs. Jack ana Clayton Moore in the loss of a brother, Mr. Ivan Moore of Shirley, who passed away very suddenly early Monday morning, December 11. The sym- pathy is also extended from this community to his wife, Mrs. Moore, daughters and sons, In their hour of sorrow. Mr, and Mrs. W. Page visited with their son, Mr, and Mrs. Nor- man Page in Oshawa on Sunday. Mrs, Lola McEachern spent a few days with friends in Toronto recently. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slute, Roy, Mary and Robert, spent the week end with Mrs. Slute's parents in Galt. Mr. Ralph Black, Toronto, was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Page. , Mr, and Mrs, Noble of Whitby, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, George Hubbard. Check your cares... enjoy the festive f train journey home... to family, relatives and friends. From luxurious Drawing Rooms to economical Deluxe coach with Sleepy-Hollow chairs and picture windows. ; ; Canadian Pacific offers complete comfort for day or overnight travel. Travel by train, safe, dependable, economical, you'll ride relaxed, arrive refreshed. Make your Holiday Reservations Early. Full information from amy Canadian Pocific agent or F. B. MOSS, City Passenger Agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, 11% King Street E., Oshawa SUPERSONIC POWER CONTROL-TOWER VISION SLIMMEST-EVER CORNER POSTS HIGH-BRIDGE DOORS SAFETY PADDED INSTRUMENT PANEL TUCKAWAY TIRE WELL TRULINE CENTERPOINT STEERING FULL CAR-WIDE SEATS SHORT TURNING RADIUS gn] Kaiser but to Better the Best on bhe Koad! MOST ADJUSTABLE FRONT SEAT JUMBO SIZE BRAKES : So much more than ever before! Beauty thot lives in every line . . . comfort.thot surpesses everything you've known . . . performance thot Mills you with its power and economy! 1951 Kaiser . . . today! Visit your K-F dealer and test-drive. the Canadion-bullé KAISER-FRAZER OF CANADA LTD, KAISER-FRAZER SALES, SERVICE AND PARTS ARE AVAILABLE ACROSS CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES DUEL AEM. BIL. INE SHARP MOTOR SALES - 1080 Simcoe Street North -- Oshawa, Ontario

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