PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1950 COMMUNITY, INC. ACTIVITIES (These Are Red Feather Community Services) ok CRA Thursday, December 7 400-530 pm-- C.R.A. Schools Program-- leathercraft, shellcraft, woodworking, girls' gymn, dancing, boys' gymn, boxing, archery and marionettes. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7 4-7 p.m.--Harvey Dance Academy. 7-10 p.m.--Craft Shop--weaving, etc. 7:45-11:30 prm.-- Over-20 Club "SPICE NIGHT", Christmas party. Thursday, December 7th 4.00-6.00 p.m, -- Piano Lessons by appointment. 7.00 pm. -- Stamp Club -- boys all ages. CROSSWORD "= By Eugene Sheffer United Nations last night MASSIVE NEW PEACE PLEAS MOUNT-IN UN. By A. I, GOLDBERG Lake Success, N.Y. Dec. --Communist China is being asked directly by 13 Asian and Middle Eastern countries to halt its troops at the 38th Parallel in Korea for negotiations avert a Third World War. The appeal was forwarded as powerful new proposals for an arranged truce piled up in the U.N. India, the Philippines and Pakistan sparked the move for the direct plea to Peiping, transmitted through Commun- 7--(AP) to Some delegates expected argu- | ments by Russia's foreign minis- ter, Andrei Vishinsky, and by! satellite countries to extend the assembly session throughout the ay. Most attention on the Korean- Chinese duestion centred on the | Asia proopsal and other attempts | at a direct approach. India's Sir Benegal N. Rau met | the appeal group at his New York apartment last night to draft the appeal. The Philippines, Pakistan, Af- ghanistan, Indonesia, Burma, Egpyt, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen joined India after getting instructions from their governments. MORE COMFORT 7 London--(CP)--Baggage cars, or express freight trucks, on British railways are to be provided with swivel seats and more "comfort while you work" facilities for rail- way employees. ist China's repr Wu Hsiu-Chuan. ve here, IGNORANCE IS BLISS St. John's, Nfid. (CP).--Maybe the woman customer hadn't heard | about the new sales tax. After paying $150 for three rolls of walle paper at 50 cents a roll, she was leaving when the clerk said "how { about the tax, please." She re- plied: "That's all right; I'm going to paste it up." 700 p.m.--Rundle Park Neigh- borhood Association -- Christmas Party. 7.00-9.00 p.m.--Woodworking for adults. C.R.A. Girls' Athletic Club. Boxing. Ontario Steel Products Ta- ble Tennis Club, Special smallcrafts course -- candle making. Special leathercraft program at North Oshawa School. 7.00-8.00 p.m. --Public School Vio- lin Classes. Oshawa Photo Arts Club--Children's class. 730 p.m.--Oshawa Globe Trot- ters Motor Cycle Club, Oshawa Cloud Chasers Club. Friday, December 8 9 a.m.-9.00 p.m.--Lions' Club Re- creation Room for the Blind open. 1.30-3.30 p.m.-- C.R.A. Toddlers' Christmas Party. 2.00-4.00 p.m.--Woodworking for adults, 400-500 pm. -- C.R.A. Schools Program-- leathercraft, shellcraft, woodworking, girls' gymn, dancing, boys' gymn, boxing, archery, and marionettes. 7.00-9.00 p.m.-- Leathercraft for adults. Boxing. 8.00 p.m.--Valleyview Park Neigh- borhood Association Social Evening. Saturday, December 9 9.30-11.30 a.m.--For children leathercraft, woodworking, boys gymn, girls' gymn, boxing, folk | dancing and archery. 9.30 a.m.--Saturday morning Art Classes. 946 am. -- Oshawa Children's Theatre of the Air presents, "Ka- therine and Frederick", directed by Joan Lambert. CKLB 1240 on your dial, 8.30 p.m.--Neighborhood Associa- tion Square Dance--Hosts: North Oshawa, 7.30 pm. -- Golden Age Club -- adults -- euchre, bridge, checkers, dominoes, Chinese checkers, sing song, movies, refreshments. Friday, December 8th 9-11.30 am. -- Nursery School -- 5-yr.-olds free play, singing games, construction work, rhythm band, story hour, 3.30-5.30 p.m. -- Public Library-- Childrens' Dept. 4.00 p.m. -- Movies for boys and girls all ages. 7.00-9.00 pm. -- Oshawa Nursing Cadets (S.J.A.B.) girls 11 to 18 yrs. -- rol} call, Examination -- Junior | 14 Home Nursing -- Dr. Thelma Blair, M.D. -- Simcoe Hall, 15. 7.00 p.m. -- Simcoe Hall Division 6 Cadet Corps -- drill, first aid, hy=| ¥ giene, punch work, weaving, photog- raphy classes, sports classes, nature study, art, canteen and business meeting. Saturday, December 9th 9-12 noon Speech Training Classes. 9-12 noon -- Piano Lessons by appointment. 9-5.30 pam. Accordion Lessons. 9-12 noon -- Public Library -- Childrens' Dept. The 38th Parallel is the bound- ary between North and South | Korea across which the North | Koreans attacked last June 25, De- | clared aggressors by the U.N. the | North Koreans were pushed back | by U.N. troops across the parallel | and in some places to the Korea- | Badminton and Bridge Tournament --social programme--refreshments. «+All Day -- Art- Exhibit -- Students of Ont. College of Art. 3-5:30 p.m.--in the afternoon and 7 to 9 pm. in the evening--THE FIFTH BIRTHDAY OPEN HOUSE OF THE OSHAWA Y.W.C.A. Public cordially invited. Building, Resi- dence and Craft Workshop will be open for inspection. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8 9:30 a.m, -- Nursery School--pro- gram of table work, singing, rhyth- mical dancing, games--for the pre- school child. 9:30 am.-- Craft shop open-- weaving, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, etc. 1:30-6 p.m. --Craft shop--weaving, ete. 4-6 p.m. -- Junior Leadet's Corps. 7:30 p.m.--Ballroom Dancing for Teenagers--under the direction of Mr. J. Cluff. 8:00 p.m.--Oshawa Chess Club. All Day -- Art Exhibit -- Students of Ont. College of Art. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9 10-12 noon--SAT-R-DAY CAMP --girls 8 to 11 years of age. All Day--Harvey Dance Academy. 9-12 p.m.--Over-20 Club Dance. | All Day -- Art Exhibit -- Students of Ont. College of Art. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10 3-5 pm. and 7-10 p.m.--Art Ex- hibit and Library Available. 8:30 p.m. AFTER-CHURCH MUSICALE. Y.W.CAA. members, friends and the general public are invited to attend. 56. VERTICAL 1. palm leaf 2. city in Brazil 3. firearm tubes 4. bury 5. beverages 6. goes by 7. Hebrew high priest 8. close comrades 9. small thread. like loop on edging 10. worship 11, animate 17. insertion 19. sampled 21. Greek letter 22. electrified particle 24. help in distress 27. exploit 28. college cheer 30. animal fat HORIZONTAL 1. eye socket 6. energy (collog.) 9. equivalence 12. clithbing plant wing cyprinoid fish 43. more mature 45. track 47, our country 49. effulgence 52. decimal unit 53. put on 54. Asiatic nut 55. ariomalous , 56. toper 57. take away China border before 'hundreds of | thousandg of Chinese Communists | poured into the fight and forced a | general U.N. retreat southward. The move by the Asian-Middle East bloc all but overshadowed an emergency meeting of the General Asembly, It was to debate send- ing to the -Assembly's political committee a six-powered demand for Communist China to halt its Korean intervention. The 14-country Assembly steering committee voted over R and Czechoslovak ob- 30. a jection to push the six-power Phones . vie wi emand to the top of the 33. corzelative veto-free Assembly program. WHITBY 923---0SHAWA 4168) of neither - ariel" Hr SSE READER'S DIGEST TELLS WHAT LAXATIVES ARE BEST FOR YOU! animal 38. muse of lyric Here's how a,"lazy colon" can be tegulated without pills, salts or drugs chain poetry noisome 39. directed at drugs-no solts=no oils. Seruton gives a gentle "push", completely di 9.30-11.00 a.m, -- Library Club. smelt 40. exhaus. Ty 37. swab 42. heaped in action from purgatives. 5 | oO oa 8s ow sna» If you're over 35, read 10.00-noon -- Open House -- girls laff ages -- art, crafts, music ap-| 38. the Orient 41. frees | preciation. 41. instrumental 46. father . 48. dove murmur the October Reader's Digest then get a package of Serutan with con 13. (SPRUCE) $1.00 Each, Delivered (ORDER EARLY) fan great artery . non-metallic element takes ease sleep noise bronze money dock seethe the sun guarantee Answer to yesterday's puzzle, 18. 20. 23. 21. 25. 26. 27. 29. and Senior Hang this charming bit of fragrance ond Christmas glitter on your family tree! A very special "little" gift-- Elizabeth Arden's metallic-bright Cornucopia with fluorescent cycla« men ribbon, covers a precious 1 dram bottle of Blue Grass perfume - 2.00 Jury & Lovell Phone 68 Phone 28 31. 35. ' Reader's Digest has dared print the truth about fo xatives. It tells about the dangers of cathartics that upset your digestive system. Learn why--especially ofter 35-M's so important to safeguard your health. Serutan is the wonderfully effective way fo promote waste elimination. It hos a mild laxative action like certain fruits ond vegetables. Ne chemical duet 10.00 am. -- Texcraft Club for Average time of solution: 22 minutes. 50. sea (D.) boys 42. unadultere 11.00 am. -- Story Hour ated Distributed by King Features Syndicate 51. shade tree dence. What a marvelous feeling when you're regu- lar again! Money back guarantee. EWI For more Jvagish eons constipation, | try new concentrated ioe Ar 35 ERUTA Foster acting! 'Wonderfully der Surman: dproBedos BIBLE FOR BLIND Oslo--(CP)--The Bible now. is being translated into Norwegian braille. The project, to be com- formation that there were not suf- ficient policemen. There is an = actual shortage of applicants for pleted in two years, will provide Monreal (OP), 4 ples for addi. posts on the police force, in con- a free Bible in braille for Norway's | tional protection for school children | 4i.0ct to the fire department which | blind population. at street crossings brought the n= has a lengthy list of applicants. | FAVOR FIREMEN 530 Simcoe South | 8 King East | NOBODY CAN BEAT Says _ . _ Taese VALUES! Yes! You You Can't Beat ED. WILSON » Christmas Furniture Bargains Come In and Look Around, Compare Prices and Quality | Being in the low y district, we are able to save you many dollars . . . Come in and look around today -- you will be amazed at the Furniture Bargains. 110-Piece Living Room Ensemble Cee o Card Tables . . . 1.99 o Walnut End Tables. 3.99 o Walnut Coffee Tables 9.95 o Walnut Smoking Cabinet 8.95 o Walnut Cedar Chests 44.50 Everything you need to modernize your living room is included in the ensemble. The feature of this fine group, of course, are the luxurious Kroehler SOFA, the large matching LOUNGE CHAIR and the new 4 (¢ style armless OCCASIONAL CHAIR. Your choice of 4 N bed gorgeous new fabrics and colors. Group includes: A big 0 y modern sofa -- Matching Lounge Chair -- Occasional Beats Lounge Chair -- Cocktail Toble -- Two End Tables i These Specials A 10-Piece Complete BEDROOM VALUE Your bedroom furnished at this opportunity price . . « 10 selected pieces in styles and beauty you'll like. See 2.00 oye Tri-Lite Lamps Ed. Wilson Says -- We are not fooling--honest--ijust see these. { LJ \ «-- Two Pottery Lamps -- Two Silk $1 98 50 : -. Shades. ALL FOR ONLY Another "Kroehler" Value Newlyweds, see this million dollar Luxdry Kroehler creation at a remarkably low price. Covered in Mohair 3 ® For The Kids frieze. You'll have years of comfort with the famous "cushionized"' construction. See it today. 2 PIECES KINDERGARTEN SETS TRICYCLES © DOLL PRAMS FOR ONLY DESKS @ KIDDIE CARS "RES A new Kroehler wonder suite in rich, exciting, up- ~-- SAVE MONEY -- this to appreciate it. CHENILLE Five Colours-- Buy Now and Save 4.29 HASSOCKS YES, WE HAVE MANY MANY TO CHOOSE FROM Ed. Wilson Special ! S2. 45 CUSHIONS SOFT, FANCY, ALL COLORS Ed. Wilson Special 4 S199 holstered velours and tapestries -- and what a fabu- lously low price, too! Comfort and long wear are built right into ever detail of this grand suite. PRICED AT ONLY one 768