¥ Pa3E TWELVE a \ Report From Ford Goes Westminster |On Display WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1950 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE [him away just as the train went | WOMEN'S SERVICES NEEDED YEAR FOR TRUCK THEFT by. . | Ottawa, Dec. 6--(CP)--Veterans' | 2 Windsor, Ont., Dec. 6--(CP) -- fo a a Ew ATT > | organizations of the three services |Lawrence Couvillion, 23, was sen- | CONSTABLE'S EXCUSE IS Soop lat a meeting Tuesday night unani- | tenced Tuesday to a year in ree Toronto, Dec. 6--(CP)--Con- |mously agreed there is a need for |formatory for theft of a truck from. stable David Armstrong had a the re-introduction of women's the Ajax Lumber Company her charge of dangerous driving services in all three branches of |Couvillion was arrested with the dismissed yesterday when he |the armed $orces." | truck in Madoc, Ont. CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer Ontario FF | % Yu By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer London, Dec. 6 (CP) -- Britain's "storm over Sunday" blew itself out with an overwhelming majority of members deciding in favor of sedate Sabbaths. By a vote of 207 to 97, the House of Commons decided that even Punch and Judy shows should be barred on Sundays during next year's Festival of Britain. Th fes- tival, planned as a symbol of Brit- ish recovery, is to be open from May to Septem'er, 1951. "Punch and Judy attacks the sacred British institution of matri- mony aud encourages crimes of violence," James MacColl, a Labor member, told the house. The vote, taken in committee stage of a bill allowing the festival proper to remain open on Sundays, followed a commons decision last week that an amusement garden in Battersea Park, one of the festival attractions, should be closed Sun- day. Some members sought to have the effect of this ruling softened. This week, Attorney-General Sir Hartley Shawcross offered to help draft an amendment to permit "harmless amusement." This would include a children's boating pond, a children's pets' cor- ner and a Punch and Judy show. But when the vote came, the House expressed its feelings that no amusements, even of an innocent kind, should be expressly exempted from the Lord's Day Observance Act during the 1951 festival. When a fair was held in Batter- sea Park 115 year: ago, a Battersea missionary wrote: "If. ever there was a place out of hell which so surpassed Sodom and Gomorrah in ungopdliness and abomination, this was it." Britain has a world reputation for tolerance and political freedom, but the storm over Sunday has been raging for centuries. Ivor Brown, writing in the Sun- day observer, said that it has been going on since the days of Charles I, when -- so it was chronicled -- the Lord to "prove his loving kind- nesse" slew a summoner to Sunday football with a thunderbolt and ter- rorized the teams with "a filthy stinke." St. John's, Nfld. -- (CP)--Owing | to an abundance of squid along the northeast coast of Newfoundland December 8 in most parts of Canada on Fri- day, Dec. 8, will be priced the same as 1950 models in spite of major styling and mechanical ad- vancements, Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, announced to- day. The company introduced its last month at 1950 prices. "We are continuing to hold the price line on our new cars as long as we possibly can as a contribu- tion towards controlling inflation," said Horace H. Greenfield, vice president - sales and advertising. "However, the uncertainties of world and national conditions, and the possibility' that manufacturing costs will continue to rise, make it impossible for us to give the pub- lice assurance that we can stick to current prices for any lengthy period. "There are more than 40 points of improvement in the 1951 models and these have entailed substantial tooling and manufacturing costs. Consequently, in holding to exist- ing prices, we are giving the car buyer better value for his dollar than ever before." The 1951 Fords will be seen in | dealer showrooms in Quebec on | Thursday, Dec. 7, but public .pres- entations on the west coast are not scheduled until Dec. 15. Show- ings elsewhere in Canada will be on Dec. 8. Major change in the outward ap- pearance of the Ford lies in a new dual-spinner grille and in the wider, longer wrap-around front end bumper. Parking lights are restyled and larger chrome head- lamp rims extend beyond the lenses. © Added chrome and new, larger tail lamps are featured in the rear end styling. Riding. qualities of the car have been improved by new springing and newly-engineered rear shock absorbers which add to the com- fort of the passengers. The car has an entirely new instrument panel in which all instruments are recessed and control: knobs are mounted in depressed cups and in- dividually lighted. The speed- ometer pointer.has a glowing ring which encircles and illuminates the speed figure. A novel fedture is an ignition switch starter. The driver simply | turns the key to full right position Ford passenger cars for 1951," which will be publicly introduced | Monarch and Mercury 1951 models | 1° | | 12 13 |4 . | BZA 1° | % 7 7. Zi 20 23 s2 HORIZONTAL #4. heeled over 1 jewels 46. craw 5. Persia 49. grape . ocean 50. smooth 12. large tropical 51. weblike fish membrane $2. split pulse 53. citrus drinks 54 harem rooms 13. additional 14. endeavor 15. prong 2:6 VERTICAL 8. new: comb. 1. obtained form 2. slender finial 9. stalk 3. treatment 10. eagle of nails 11. affirmative 4. cast off votes 5. enervate . condiment 6. trills cruet . epoch of Tertiary period of the Answer to yesterday's puzzle, 7. beard . happenings bound . wing-shaped | . debates | Cenpzoic era . models red medicament | PIABNC . city in Iowa . buried | . varnish N Ti . fodder stor. ' ingredient age tank 3. outlooks 5. evader .cravats . unclosed . painter . Biblical character nz l= mA Z]= »|m]m|»[~o|n . barters . goddess of peace .tutelary | E R C E H . move swiftly . molten rock spirits . at once . Russian 5. reptile --[n|Z|m|= inland sea A . aim at . external: comb. form P goddess of dawn m|un|> El» >] Ol] O]| iw wm» -- El O|»| vo A v HA E N S »|O|Z mlm] --i3x mr Tr . note in . metailic dross 42. rubber Average time of solution:'36 minutes. 47, palm leaf Distributed by King reatures Syndicate 48, dance step | Guido's scale control front seat is mounted on curved tracks so that in moving backward or forward, the entire seat assembly tips to the correct suit tall or short RECORD SUGAR BEET YIELD Winnipeg, Dec. 6 -- (CP)--Mani- toba sugar beet growers, meeting here Tuesday, were told that the province's sugar beet yield totalled | Spotlight TUESDAY VOTERS CHOICE St. Marys, Dec. 6--(CP)--It's un- likely there will be washday blues | mixed with balloting here in future years. Because of protests against | elections on Mondays--traditional | wash days--voting was tried on | Tuesday this year. About 90 per | cent of. the eligible voters went to the polls yesterday so Tuesday is seen as the permanent voting day. | La | DAY OF PRAYER APPROVED | Niagara Falls, Ont, Dec. 6-- | (CP)--City Council last night JHouck's proposal to proclaim Sunday a day of prayer in all churches here. Church-goers are to pray for easing of the | critical world situation. * + MODEST HEROINE i Guelph, Dec. 6--(CP)-- Shirley Brydges, modest 13-year-old hero- | ine, waited four days before--with a little coaxing--she told of res- | cuing a child (whose name she | still doesn't know) from the path | of a freight train. She said she | asked the boy, about five, to get off the track because she could hear | a train coming. He just kept crying. | «Fhen she saw his foot was caught | testified in court he thought he saw a shadow near a home and when he turned to look his police car struck another vehicle. La RE GIANT DIESEL IN OPERATION Fort Erie, Dec. 6--(CP)--A giant double-unit Diesel electric locomo- tive, capable of 90 miles an hour, goes into service today between | Fort Erie and Windsor on the Wa- bash Railroad. LE FIREMEN WANT BOOST Brantford, Dec. 6 (CP)--The Firefighters' Association here has asked their members' cost- of-living bonus be included in an across-the-board increase of $6 a week. The association last night also asked city coun- cil for an additional increase of $1 a day for captains and 50 cents a day for lieutenants, * CANCER EQUIPMENT London, Ont., Dec. 6--(CP)--The University of Western Ontario has produced zebrafish with one eye and other abnormalities by treat- ing zebrafish with cancer-produc- ing agents. To help the cancer re- search, which hag been going on for several years, the Ontario For- | | ests Department has shipped 6,000 | "s0 I unlaced his shoe and pulled | brown trout eggs to the University. | Phone Personal. Then come in to sign and get cash. Don't bor- row unnecessarily, but if a loan to pay bills, for medical expenses, repairs, etc. is the answer, phone today. Or come in. We say "Yes" to 4 out of 5--and promptly. "Zoars" Loans $50 to $1200 EXAMPLES OF LOANS 15 MO. |24M0.*|24M0.* i 4 154.19 | 529.59 | 756.56 I $40 i | i Mommy | $12 | $28 Even $ Poyments for in-between omounts ore in proportion. *On loons not subject to "'The Consumer Credit Regulations." 2nd Fl., 11; SIMCOE ST., N. (Over Bank of Nova Scotia) OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 1 P.M. Bake something special for Christmas callers. .. melt-in-your-mouth butter cookies. The same easy recipe can be varied endlessly with different shapes and gay decorations. But always, the flavour is rich, and unmistakably butter-sweet. You just couldn't duplicate that delicious, dairy-fresh flavour. Put golden buttery goodness in all vour holiday baking and you'll be Santa's favourite hostess! J BUTTER | position to The rear trunk counter-balanced The posture- a record 140,000 tons. Despite the late start, less than two per cent | of the crop remained unharvested. drivers. The steering wheel has been redesigned, with a full-circle horn ring on custom models. ZARARARARARAAADAY ERMEEMEE RRR ERR Re: i d ? : on i , z 11 SIMCOE |P THR) ST. SOUTH i> this fall, depots on the south east to start the motor. coast will have adequate stocks of [lid has a new bait for winter fishing. {hinge mechanism. Phone 5690 e F. ELTON ANDERSON, YES MANager Loans made te residents of all surrounding towns * Personal Finance Company of Canada m---- DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU i -- 3 4 ws Y er 7 NAN AN Next To Kresge's HHH A RA AR AGH HHH HHA DR RR A 2 vl » £ £ £ & : s & & 2 P) P| 2 i po o 3 > LA A AH A LY AAA A X/ LEN AE 51-GAUGE 15-DENIER -- FIRST QUALITY NYLON HOSE SPECIAL! hades. Bonh -- Gi and Maple Glace. $1 50 Sizes 9 to 11. Regular to $1.59. -- : Gift Box of 3 Pairs -- $4.60 ANGORA GLOVE SGeyariske Week and BERET SET |o=| PANTIE SET! BOX OF 7 PAIRS BY GRAND'MERE & DORTHEA Pure French Angoge, pastel shades, Seyen panties each in a ditferent. pastel colour gift boxed. No size to worry about. (also black). Saucily embroidered. Made of Specialty Shop | FETETE ERE $6.00 2 Il Simcoe St. S. Phone 73 53.95 - 54.95 Ev ye, g i = pe | Week End Set--Box of 3 pair--$2.35 GL PEER ANARAIAAAAANAAAAAAAANARARANAA AN AAAAAAAIAARARARAAAAANA AAAS ARAVAAAVAAARAAARAAARIAVNAARRANY LACE TRIMMED OR PLAIN BRIEFS PANTIES Roomy, well-cut, pretty step-in. Double gussets, "'Gel- anese" cloth, elastic waist band. White only. Sizes small, medium and lorge. A large assortment to choose from 55. 69: 79 1 51.98 b : gifts wait your choosing and our staff of smiling and friendly clerks will gladly assist you in your choosing! Our Lay-Away voke a heartfelt thank you. Priced from Beautiful lustrous satins, warm, printed woollette, get hose. Sizes 8)2 to 11. Sizes small, medium and large. Sheer, daring or d , all col , all Colours; black, white, pink, blue and Boor He Sotbaty crowds 76 He BEST WAHES ir Towns," Plan permits you to pay at your convenience and eliminates that last minute rush! . . . So why not be wise, SHOP NOW SATIN REGULAR $6.95 HOUSECOATS! *4.79 ¢ NYLON PULLOVER SWEATER TO MATCH English lace at top and ot hem. Fine quality satin. florals. Quilted satins, begalines, jerseys Sizes 32 to 38. Guaranteed $3.95 :v. . $19.95 NYLON HOSIERY g-cosy, snuggle-downs. Hun- 52.98 Priced from » $1.35 to $2.25 fabrics, from nylon tricot, trimmed with yellow. Sizes small, medium and large. and take advantage of our pre-Christmas Sale Prices and at the same time shop in leisurely comfort! y Warm, kitten soft, wash 'and dry in a jiffy. Colourfast pastel shades. Regular $4.98 Practical, useful. A gift to treasure, and Cocktail front, ribbon bow aot ; -- = > or wool flannels. A large variety for 53 Hi 7 Ng | ii | iy | iy | ii 7 | iy | iy washable. B® Canada's finest and sheerest hose in gouges from 42 to 60. The Glamour dreds of pairs to choose from, $3.98 - $4.98 - $5.95 - $6.95 nylon net to crepe or "Celasuede" jersey. Also hose by Corticelli. -- Mercury -- Whisper -- Butterfly and Priced 1 3 % # |] AHA} Special Low Prices will reward your efforts by shopping NOW!--at ERWINNES. A full selection of dainty and" practical GIFT "Snow-White" S L IP S CRIMP-SET NY LON CARDICANS! ; Christmas boxed free. Sizes 16 to 20. OUTSTANDING VALUE. Matching lace trim, 4 luxurious inches of imported be grateful for. Silk, satins in plain or neckline, A gift that will en- your choice. Sizes 14 to 44 in the group. RRARARRRNS "Phantom" PYJAMAS! largest assortment of colours and styles in town of these hard to for either sleeping or lounging. NIGHTIES! . HM Mony, many styles to choose from. Heloproet: from Gossamer sheer, dark pencil seams. Newest winter To $3.98 - $4.98 - $7.95 $9.95 - $10.95 This Christmas SHOP and eda MERE ER ER EEE EE EERE EEE $3 EY Y {4 AAR & a