PAGE TWENTY-FOUR fHE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE rHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1950 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING] (Continued: From Page 23) 43--Male Help Wanted SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, reliable and experienced preferred. Apply 136 King West. (218tf) 2 FIRST-CLASS TRUCK MECHAN!CS Good wages and working con- ditions. In replying please state experience, age and marital status. . yoy BOX 437 TIMES-GAZETTE (220c) DRIVERS WANTED, MUST BE neat and courteous. Apply United Taxi, 60 King East. (212tf) RELIABLE DRIVERS WANTED, neat and trustworthy. Apply Motor City Cab, 9 Prince St. (212tf) 43--Male or Female Help GIRLS AND YOUNG MEN FOR é.ore work; must have neat appear- ance. Apply Strouds Fruit, 54 Sim- coe N. (2151) MAN OR WOMAN TO TAKE OVER route of established Watkins cus- tomers in Oshawa. Full-time in- come averages $45 or more weekly. No car or investment necessary. We will help you get started. Write J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. 0C-0-6A, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal, Que. (S14,21,28) 45--Agents Wanted EARN 'EXTRA CASH -- MAKE more money easily in spare time. Just show our beautiful Canadian- made Christmas cards to your friends. They sell on sight. Many assortments. Gift Cards, Seals, Tags, Wrappings, Everyday Cards. Beauti- ful free album showing personal cards. Liberal commission. Write to- day for unusual sample offer. The Douglas Greeting Card Company, 50-V Bleecker St., Toronto. (T,T,S,Sept30) 45--Agents Wanted CHRISTMAS CARDS Our new 1950 cards are positively stunning. The 21 card DeLuxe Box has a sensational "Television" card in 'every box along with plastic, ex- pensive foils and noveities--a sure- fire moneymaker. We also have an exciting, new Foil box which sparkles in brilliant colors. Send for samples on approval and catalogue with over 40 fast selling items. Monarch Christmas Cards, 47 Eastos Ave. N., Hamilton. (S30) Spotlight Port Hope, Sept. "Sept. 21 (CP)--Wil- liam Walker was 103 yesterday. He has been confined to his bed for the last three years. Mr. Walker was in a furniture and undertakers business until he was past 80. Toronto, Sept. 21 (CP)--The Toronto Downtown Business- men's Association wants City C il to try parking meters 46--Employment Wanted CAPABLE YOUNG LADY DESIRES housework, reliable. Box 430, Times- Gazette. (219¢) MAN, 60, HANDY MECHANICAL- ly; rough carpenter work. 3rd class stationary 'engineer. Part or full time. Box 421, Times-Gazette. (218¢) FURNACES VACUUM-CLEANED, pipes and chimney cleaned. Phone 4690-W Oshawa, or 2770 Whitby. (0%) CONTRACT WANTED FOR 3-TON stake body truck, also 1-ton express truck. State class of work. Box 240, Times-Gazette. (06) 47--Legal Notices I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name with- out my written consent. Steven R. Kemp. (219¢) 48--Auction Sales THERE Hee A COMMUNITY Auction Sale, §econd house north on Stephenson's oad, on Saturday, Sept. 23rd at 1 p.m. D.S.T. All par- ties, including farmers, wishing to place articles in this sale, may do so. Terms of sale cash. Phone 1723R. E. J. Pomery, auctioneer. (S18,20,21) ROMANS IN SCOTLAND Langholm, Scotland--(CP)--New light on the Roman occupation of Scotland has been shed by the dis- covery of a fort near here and a Roman marching camp near Gilneckie. The discoveries were made by the staff of the Royal Commission on Ancient Documents. UNWELCOME VISITOR Swindon, England -- (CP ..Bar- ber J. Winchcombe had a queer customer to deal with recently. He was shaving a man when the wall JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! 241 KING ST. EAST PHONE 1351 ¢ Exclusive Dealer for IMPERIAL OIL ESSO OIL BURNERS and NEW IDEA FURNACES GAR WOOD TEMPCYED AIR UNITS MOSIER METAL 21 CHURCH ST. eo PHONE serow | \ ---- EXPERIENCED LADY BOOKKEEPER WANTED To Take Charge of Small Set of Books APPLY Box 424 Daily Times-Gazette shook violently as a cow barged into the adjoining booth. Before the intruder was caught it smash- ed a glass showcase and telephone. AUDACIOUS THIEF Capetown--(CP)--While sentries paced below -and. officers went about their duties, 38-year-old Sol- omon De Kock climbed to the roof of Cape Command headquarters and stripped it of lead weighing one and a half tons. He was sent to jail for 19 months. on vacant lots owned by the city and used for parking, In a brief presented yesterday by Louis Simonsky, the city works committee was told that Rochester, N.R., made $50,000 from parking meters last year. Toronto, Sept. 21 (CP)--Ever since last February, the University of Toronto's Banting Institute has been studying glaucoma--the major cause of blindness. The disease in- creases the pressure of a fluid on the eyeball and may destroy optic nerves. But the research is going on in secret--the doctors involved say it may be years before their research points the way to a new treatment. FASHION FORTNIGHT 1951 LONDON Next year's London Fashion Fortnight is to run from May 30 to June 13. The organizing com=- mittee hope to include the great est possible range of British ready- to-wear fashions and accessories. NANA } Stafiord Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 552 MUNUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS rrecise workmanship and care- ful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of im- ported and domestic Granitey ¢ and Marbles in stock. Repeated cleaning with a mop dampened in' clear the shine away! shine lasts longer. water does not wash NOTICE TO MEMBERS Oshawa Branch. . No. Canadian Legion DRUMHEAD SERVICE Sunday, September 24, 3:30 p.m. Members of the Oshawa Branch, Canadian Legion, will fall in on parade at Alexandra Park at 2.45 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 24, to march to Memdrial Park to join in the Army Week Drumhead Service. ALL MEMBERS ARE URGED TO BE PRESENT Notice to Legion Street Carnival Workers All who assisted in the erection and dismantling of booths, or in any other way, at the Legion Street Carnival, are cordially invited to attend the Legion Banquet for Carnival Workers at the Legion Hall on Saturday, Sept. 23 at 6.30 p.m. 43 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Owing to the Banquet for Legion Carnival Workers, there will be no dance in the Legion Memorial Hall on Saturday, September 23. OSHAWA BRANCH, NO. 43, CANADIAN LEGION SiD BROOKS President FRANK GRANT Secretary Grain Crops Good But Special Crops Variable The 1950 ZrovinE season has been favorable to the grain' and hay crops of Ontario but has caused lower production of many of the special crops, judging by information contained in the Sep- tember Crop Report issued by the Statistics Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, With the exception of soybeans and buckwheat, the grain crops of the province all show higher yields than last year and are above the ten-year average, This has result- ed in a total grain crop of 207 mil- lion bushels which is slightly high- er than the 200 million bushel ob- jective which has been set in re- cent years and 38 million bushels more than the 1949 output. In fodder, the hay, clover and alfalfa production is also substan- tially higher but the yield per acre of fodder corn is down half a ton and only the substantial increase in acreage this year brings total expected production above the 1849 level. When it comes to special crops, potatoes, turnips and mangolds all show improvement over last year but the yield of sugar beets is smaller. However, an increase in acreage brings prospects of an increase in total production.. The season was rather unfavor- able for tobacco largely because it was the kind of weather in which black rot develops and the loss from this source alone is placed at two million pounds or more of cured leaf. Production this year of nearly 96 million pounds is down 18 million pounds from last year, despite a slight increase in acreage. So far as fruits and vegetables are concerned vegetable crops as a whole, are reasonably good- bfit production of most of the fall-ma- turing fruits is down substantial- ly." The exception is grapes, where a Stetiry larger crop is expect- ed. GIVENS FUNERAL RITES Kingston, Sept. 21--(CP)--Funer- al services were held here Wednes- day for William Robert Givens, re- tireu Kingston newspaper man, who died here Monday. Mr. Givens was editor .and publisher of the King- ston Daily Standard for 20 yedrs and president of the Whig-Standard for five years. The service was con- ducted by Rev.'Henry Hill of Belle- ville, the son of Mr. Givens' step- son, Henry T. m.- 4 Held After Battle 'Over Small Baby Orillia, Sept. 21--(CP) -- Four persons have been charged with assault as the result of a fight said to concern custody of a four- month-old child in the custody of Mr, Cook's brother, Bruce, a dis- trict farmer, In Toronto the Cooks separated and Mrs. Cook decided to go to her home in Sault Ste. Ma- rie, Ont. Mrs. Cook said she made several efforts to recover custody of the child but her husband had tele- phoned his brother from Toronto, instructing him not to give 'the child up. Three carloads of men arrived at Bruce Cook's farm Tuesday night and a fight ensued between the men and _Cook's neighbors. Charged with assault as a result of the fight are: Mrs. Cook, her mother, Mrs. Winnifred Jackson of Sault Ste, Marie, Gerald Van Hezwick, of Atherley, Ont.,, and Benny Jarvis of Orillia. They were freed on $500 bail and will appear in court Fri- day. CANADIAN SPAMAN DROWNS Toledo, O. Sept. 21--(AP)-- Claude Larosee of Sorel, Que. a seaman whose body was recovered from the Maumee River 'here Sun- . day, fell overboard accidentally from a Great Lakes freighter. His body was identified by Capt. Arcade Dameau of the freighter Teans Island Tuesday when the vessel re- turned here. 2.98 VERSATILE AND Rayon Spun Shirts with sleeves and button cuffs. collar--contrasting with diagonal zipper. 3.98 SMART FOR FALL!--Misses' unpressed pleats. ing, Sizes 12 to | JIFFY "SHIRTS SMART! --Misses' long Johnny corduroy yoke In grey witn red, royal or green. Sizes 12 to 20. PLAID SKIRTS wool and rayon plaid skirts. All around Sie zipper clos- JOIN THE THRIFT - WISE AT ZELLER'S, where Grand Budget:right Values for every member of the farnily are on display! Come tomorrow for these Timely "Buys"! 'SHOPPING HOURS: Daily: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.--Wed.: 9:00 a.m. fo 12:30 p.m. costumes . . . your tailored "togs! green. Zeller's Thrift Price. FALL MILLINERY New Arrivals! Many Styles! THE SEASON'S CHOICE in Smart Millinery are now being featured at Zeller's.- appealing styles made to beautify "best" Fall the trim casual Berets to headline Good quality Wool Felt in blue, winter white, black, wine, pink and See the 9.2 (SECOND FLOOR) - your favourite Autumn shade. to pay! Colours, Sizes 9 to 10%. of good quality Nylons at the price you want bonheur and maple glaze. 42-GAUGE NYLONS Autumn-Right Shades! Budget-Priced! DELIGHTFULLY SHEER FULL FASHIONED NYLONS--being featured tomorrow at this Thrift-right Price! Select one or more pairs in You'll be sure 1.0 (FIRST FLOOR) in black, brown. SMART RAYON GLOVES - 49: Sizes to 8 Novelty Slip-ons! YOU'LL CHOOSE THESE for their good looks and neat fit. You'll recognize their favon nish |) Value at this low price! In Fleeced Rayon finish Zeller"s Thrift Price. (FIRST FLOOR) GIRLS' REGULATION NAVY TUNICS. Sizes 8 to 16. PLAID SPUN RAYON DRESS. Sizes 7 to 12, CHILDREN'S BLAZERS. Red, navy and green. Sizes 8 to 14. GIRLS' RAYON BRIEFS, white, pink, blue and maize. Sizes 8 to 12. .. (SECOND FLOOR) 3% Grand "Buys" PYJAMAS (Shown at Left) 2 9 8 "BUTCHER-BOY" STYLE. Good qual- ity Woolétte for cosy comfort. Made with attractive piping in front. Fea- turing appealing Prints on white, pink, and others. Small, medium and large. LADIES' PYJAMAS: Two-piece Tailor- ed-style;' with short-sleeved Jacket. Good quality Rayon Crepe. White or pink, with blue. Small, medium and large. (SECOND FLOOR) AW NIGHTIES Modo Large 1 . 0 8 Oversize 21 Q SNUG FLANNELETTE -- Long-sleeve style; with double ii throughout. At Zeller's Thrift Prices! (FIRST FLOOR) FOR BOYS wearing Frieze-cloth; strong at seat. Button-opening; belt loops. Navy. "LONGS': Sizes 24 to 34. Wool-&-Cotton mixture--in iots, Herringbones , Weaves. Zipper-opening; three pockets. COMBINATIONS: Of skin-easy Cotton. ankle-length styles; button-front--or two button-front DRESS SHIRTS: with Sizes 11_ to lar. In white and plain and assorted SHIPES, ca sare ° &-Wool; with "Lastex' 'cuf! handsome "Diamond" Choose from brown, navy. ..... . bJ SOCKS: Fos 6Y2 to 85. otony Wool. Navy, 6 royql, brown, red. tic). Lined and interlined. detachable hood. Brown, taupe. ... 36. Sturd: Satin). Lomb) collar. Snugly lined 0. & interlined. Brown, taupe. (FIRST FLOOR) ith Mouton GOOD "BUYS" BREECHES: Sizes 24 to 32. Long- re- inforced at knees--some reinforced 2.49 Sturdy Chev- and Diagonal Sizes 24 to 34. Long-sleeve full- 1.39'1.69 14, Good quality broadcloth. Fused col- shades GOLF HOSE: Sizes 8 to 10. Nylon- Sorter: Pr. Pure Pr. 3 Ser Sanforized Cotton Dl or "Ranger" Satin (A Rayon fab- i With 7.95 .9.50 "BOMBER" JACKETS: Sizes 24 to ""Ranger-cloth" (Rayon (Processed shrinkproof: h colours, Zeller's Thrift Price. pink, haby - blue, 1-oz. Ball -..... MONARCH "DOVE" Bees. 1-0z, Ball "Monarch" and "Paton & Zeller's Thrift Prices ...... PRY "KROY" BOTANY WOOL--in 3-Ply or 4-Ply. Treated Choose from a popular -assortment of 1-02, Ball...,..... oie "KROY" BABY YARN--A fine 3-Ply Botany Wool; suitable for all types of infants' garments. Baby . peach, yellow, BOTANY WOOL: practical utility yarn youll choose for Fall Knitting KNITTING NEEDLES: 7-in. sets of Four in 10 to 13- gauge; 12-in. Sets of Two in i to 12-gauge. Sturdy TOTS' "BUYS" OVERALLS--Sizes 2 to 6. Good quality cotton drill. Bib-top style; with contrasting trim in front. 1 pockets. Navy, brewn, red, blue. e ' PULLOVERS--Sizes 2 to 6. Long- wearing Cotton. Long-sleeve styles; feqturing attractive stripe patterns Ribbed at neck, wrist and waist brown maroon, grey and others. 79¢ iz 1 25 CARDIGANS--Sizes 2 to 6. Cosv Cotton; with fancy stitching at front; ribbing at waistband. Six- button front style; with long sleeves Brown, blue 98¢ bands. Copen, . ROMPAROUND -- Sizes 3 and 4 Bib-front style. Sturdy Sanforized Cotton Drill; with double-needle centre seams. With pretty embroi- dered designs at knees! . SHIRTS--Sizes 4 to 6X. Good-look-- ing Doeskin; with printed "Indian" Hosiane -- some featuring bright Plaid patterns. 4-button front style; with tailored collar. 1 39 Pocket, Appealing colours. . (SECOND FLOOR) Knitting Wool and Accessories "ally "Dawn Glo" WOOL oz. ball 4 5¢ Good quality Es sirable. for Sweaters, Socks; Scarfs and. many other KHitted 'Garments. A orgnd variety of light, dark and pastel colours featured! Stock up! 49- 92: 30- 19- aqua , or white. 4-ply. A ENITTING INSTRUCTION 'BOOKS--by Baldwin". (FIRST FLOOR) 14-20 Smart! Sizes New! NOW, IT'S FASHION-RIGHT CARDIGANS THIS FALL! The lovely model shown at right of good quality Wool is styled with an attractive all over pattern. See it and you'll love it! STYLE AS SHOWN: in pink, blue, grey, black, beige, white and navy. Look! Smart Accessories! CARDIGANS 3.98 Sizes 14 to 20 2.98 AT THIS PRICE IT'S A SPLENDID BUY'! Style as shown: good quality Pure Wool for casuai smartness with trim skirts! Featuring fancy- stitch self designs. Col- ours: Wine and green. Navy, blue, pink. (FIRST FLOOR) Zeller's Thrift Price 1.00 A COLOURFUL DELIG! WITH CASUAL TOGS! Choose from solid colours or flatter- ing Plaid designs. Co!- ours: Brown, black, red, 'blue, aqua and pink. (FIRST FLOOR) favouriic All Newly-Arrived Styles! Plastic Calfs! Leathers! CHOOSE YOUR AUTUMN- ON HANDBAG NOW AT ZELLER'S, from an assort- ment planned to give you a fashion - right appearance at a budget-right price! Styles shown . and many others in 'righ' colours. . (FIRST FLOOR) HOME NEEDS Peachbloom, blue, green, maize. design in pink or blue. grounds of natural, black, green. - THRIFT PRICED! TAILORED CURTAINS: 41 ins. wide by 81 ins. long. Rayon Norquissite in ivory or peachbloom, oyster or white. 45-IN.RAYON MARQUISETTE for effective curtain-making. White, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS: 70 ins. by 80 ins. Attractive check 48-IN. DRAPERY MATERIAL-- featuring dainty floral 4.95 a 19°} 4.39 to toe, chrome sole. MEN'S SIZES 7 to 11. BOWLING SHOES Men's and women's black side leather bowling oxfords. Lace 3.39 (FIRST FLOOR) WOMEN'S SIZES . 3to8.. 2.98 21 SIMCOE SOUTH ZELLER'S LIMITED SIRE rv: i ose