PAGE TWENTY-THREE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1950 qe THE (Continued From Page 22) 32--Automobiles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale Bramley Motor Sales '48 Ford Coach $1395 - ' '47 Mercury Sedan . RADIO HEATER An Exceptional Car! $7450 '42 Buick Sedan 2-Tone, Radio, Underseat Heater $1,100 '41 Mercury Coach $795 '40 Plymouth Sedan '40 Ford Sedan' $495 '36 Buick Sedan $275 '34 Pontiac Sedan * $125 '34 Chev. Coach 3150 '34 Buick Sedan $165 '34 Olds. Sedan $165 '33 Pontiac Sedan : $175 33 Chev. Coach $150 ord Coach $150 '33 Chev. Coach $135 '32 Olds. Coupe $150 ; 32 Chev. Roadster $175 '32 Ford Coach $150 '32 Willys Coupe $65 33 F Like New '47 OLDS. DELUXE Very Clean '39 PLY. SPECIAL « DELUXE SEDAN Very Clean Brooklin RUN YOUR EYES OVER THESE BUYS QUALITY CARS '49 PLY. DELUXE SEDAN -s $1795 SEDAN American 8, Fully Equipped $1745 '41 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN Good Clean Car $895! '40 MERCURY SEDAN Jy» $895 ... $695 '38 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH $645 '36 PLY. COACH New Tires 34 DODGE SEDAN Good Transportation |Chrome Kitchen Suite. Genu- | $195 '35 PONTIAC COACH New Paint Job . $295 '32 OLDS. SEDAN Runs Good CASH -- TRADE -- TERMS See "NIP THE WHITE ROSE STATION Phone 155 (2200) | '31 Ford Cabriolet $150 '30 Ford Coach ) $110 '30 Olds. Coach © $100 '29 Ford Coach $95 '29 Willys Sedan $75 '28 Chev. Coupe $25 -- TRUCKS -- "48 Mercury 13-Ton Pick-up '47 Ford 3-Ton Dump '46 Ford 1-Ton Express '41 Chev. 2%-Ton Stake '40 Dodge 3-Ton Cab and Chassis '37 GMC. Bramley Motor Sales Meteor. | "49 '49 '47 '46 '42 '41 '40 '40 '40 '39 37 '34 '33 "31 be Street 1 Oshawa enings 'Til 9 ur, Convenience { : 4220b) | '40 . You're Looking for a | BARGAIN plus VARQUE Look Them Over ! Chev. 5 Passenger Coupe | Chev. 2-Door Sedan Chev. Fleetline Sedan Chev. Fleetmaster Sedan Plymouth Sedan Chev. Coach. Radio, heat- | er, new motor and tires Plymouth 5 Passenger Coupe Oldsmobile Sedan Plymouth Sedan Chey. Coach Perfect condition SPECIALS | to clear. [Just in time for cool weather. | Only two to a customer. Excep- | 50° {greatly reduced for. this pay- Plymouth Sedan .. $450. Chev. Coach Chev. Sedan. New motor and frontend .... $165. Chev. Coach Good running Chrysler Coupe DODD $135. MOTOR SALES 300 Park Rd. South Phone 4749 Fd Wilson Week-End Specials That Can't Be Beat! 3 Pc. Bedroom Suite Modern vanity, spacious chif- fonier, full size bed. A wonder- ful bargain. $69.50 Chesterfield Suites f 3 PC. Chesterfield Suite | Beautiful modern kidney style | chesterfield with carved show- | wood frame, rich velour cover- | ing, fully guaranteed spring | construction. Amazing value. | $169.00 Another . chesterfield value that will thrill you. Rich look- ing, all-spring construction. Very smart covering. 2 pieces | $119.00 ine arborite top chrome table | with four chrome chairs in| your choice of colours. Very | special price. | $49.50 | Electric Rangette | | Has oven indicdtor and drawer. | Ed Wilson Special $49.50 Clearance of odd dressers, chest drawers and wardrobes. These were parts of suites. To clear at sacrifice prices. $24.50 L Coffee Tables, genuine walnut, Duncan Phyfe base with glass top. Vary Special $19.95 9 Genuine Tri-Light Lamps, com- plete with silk shade. While they last. $12.95 Clearance of Hassocks. eral colours. Special $2.50 Sev- _ Baby Prams Several choice colours. Com- fortable springs, Chrome fend- | ers, reversible handles. Sever- | al prams chosen for this sale | to clear $24.95 Flannelette Blankets tional value. $2.25:Each Spring-Filled Mattresses spring-filled mattresses day sale. No dealers, please. $19.95 Floorcoverings Remember, we have the largest | | Deluxe folding prams, chrome { guards, etc. $2 WILSON Furniture Co. FURNITURE COMPANY 20 Church Street 38--Wearing Apparel 3 COATS, SKIRTS, SIZE 10 TO 1, excellent condition; reasonable Phone 3547-M. (218¢) GIRL'S WINTER COAT WITH hood, royal blue, with leopard trim; spring and fallcoat, raspberry color, size 9-10. Phone 3067. (220¢) 38a--Market Basket SWEET BLOSSOM HONEY NO. 1 white Clover. Harold Anderson, 272 Ritson Rd. N. Phone 427J. (019) BEETS, CARROTS AND POTA- toes for sale. Phone 723W1, (219f) FREESTONE PEACHES, ELBER- TA No. 1, basket 88c. Grapes 79c. Plums 69c. Apples 59c. Fresh pork shoulder 49c 1b, Phone 3235, Glecoff's. (220b) 39--Articles "For Sale NEW GALVANIZED STEEL ROOF- ing, most sizes. Apply S. G. Barnes, 3 miles north. of Whitby on, high- way. - (220c) SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED. All makes, Free check-up. We con- vert treadle machines into modern electric portables. Phone 696 for demonstration. Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 14-16 Ontario Street. (TTStf) 1950 KELVINATOR REFRIGERA i ORS See Them Today PITTS 136 SIMCOE. ST. S. ELECTRICAL AGENCIES (T.%.8) Beach Electric Range, 4-burner | '$159.50 Gurney Electric. Range, 3-burner $109.50 $10 down for immediate delivery or your present stove as down payment, ) BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE S. PHONE 249 (220c) PRICES TALK COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF In spite of steadily rising costs -- Rutherford's are still keep- | ing prices down. 'We can do this only asfong-as.our present | stocks last, and so we say in| all sincerity if you need furni- ture -- don't wait--- buy it now -- A small deposit will | hold any article until wanted. | Liberal trade-in allowance on your old chesterfield. See us today. Davenport suite, floral tapes- try, only $119.00 3 pc. modern velour suite, choose: from eight sparkling | colors $129.50 3 pc. davenport suite, floral tapestry. Bedding compart-| $139.00 | Davenports--tapestries, repps, homespuns, all colors $59.50 BEDROOM SUITES 3 pc. bedroom group -- vanity or dresser, chest and bed 3 pc. modern -- vanity, chest and bed ...... $89.50] 11 pc. bedroom group, includ- ing triple mirror, vanity and Marshall mattress ~~ $139.50 3 pc. vanity, chest, bed. Mod- ern walnut, plate mirrors -- Open stock Trilight lamps, complete with silk shade $12.95 5 pc. chrome extension suites $59.50 Crib outfit, large size wooden crib and cotton mattress $15.95 F LOORCOVER| NGS Congoleums, . Inlaids:~ Choose yours from over 200 patterns in stock. Special 9 x 12 rugs $6.95 BUDGET TERMS Rutherford FURNITURE CO. 156 SIMCOE S. PHONE 3413 (220b) WILSON (220k) 39--Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale PORTABLE RADIO, AC-DC SET, idedl for camping or home use. Phone 1752-W. (219¢) BLUE GENDRON CONVERTIBLE carriage; studio couch. Phone 832-R. (219¢) FINDLAY COMBINATION COAL and gas range, $40; also electric rangette, $20. Apply 65 Wilkinson Ave. (219¢) ELECTRIC SINGER SEWING MA- chine; walnut table model, new con- dition--$200. Phone 2676 Whitby af- ter 5. (219¢) DOUBLE WALNUT STEEL BED and spring, 3% bed and spring, cot and mattress, small end table. 140 Brock St. E. (219¢) BEACH COOK STOVE WITH OIL burner, excellent Eondition. Phone Whitby 2294. (218c) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, Norge, 5'; cubic feet, best offer. Axminster rug, 7'6" x 9', 2-tone green, best offer. 203 Glidden. (218b) CONNOR AUTOMATIC WASHERS Limited Number for Immediate Delivery Authorized Sales and Service PITTS' ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 136 SIMCOE ST. S. (T,T tf) $10.00 DOWN Delivers A New REFRIGERATOR To Your Home Leotard -- Admiral -- Gibson Roger Majestic -- Clipper BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE S. PHONE 249 (220c) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS DEEP FREEZERS 1950 Models Largest Refrigerator Display in Oshawa IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EASY TERMS Your Ice Box Accepted As Down Payment PITTS' ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 136 SIMCOE ST. S. 1.7.) TOYS | The place to buy to| save money. Try our lay-away-plan. HARRIS Corner Oshawa Blvd. | and Alice St. Phone 331 | VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX TRADE-IN | SPECIALS | af = WILSON'S | These must be sold at once. | .Priced very low. 3 PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITE $22.00 Solid Oak Dining Room Suite with square Extension Table $39.50 3 Pc. Chrome Studio Set Covered in Velour $59.00 Beautiful All-Enamel Hotpoint Electric Range. Perfect con- dition. For quick sale $65.00 Beautiful Kitchen Coal Range. Like new. All white enamel, with warming closet and cop- per reservoir. Large firebox and oven. Greatly reduced. $75.00 Gurney Combination Coal and | Gas Range. Cream Enamel. Special . $25.00 Furniture CH: 20 CHURCH STREET | after 5. | old mattress except straw. = (220) 2-PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, suitable for cottage, good buy $15. Phone 4702W1. (218¢) AXMINSTER RUG, 76° x 9, 2- tone green, $10.00. Phone 2834J. (219b) HOT AIR FURNACE WITH PIPES, all in good condition. Phone 350W12 * (220b) FINDLAY COOK STOVE, COAL and wood, cream enamel, warming closet and reservoir, in good condi- tion. Apply 80 Alexander Blvd. * (220c) WOOD LATHES AND JIG SAW. Apply 106 LaSalle or 1999M, (220b) UPRIGHT PIANO, IN GOOD CON- dition; gas and coal combination stove; lady's brown coat, size 40. Phone 1553W after six or 24 Bagot S (220b) SMALL COOK STOVE, BARGAIN. 190 Kluane Ave. Phone 4389-J. (219b) WHITE ENAMELEL SHELF BACK cook stove. Phone 5524-M. (219¢) MODERN SINGLE BED, SPRING and mattress. Apply 110 Frederick St. ; (219¢) QUEBEC HEATER, IN GOOD CON- dition. 77 Ontario. (218¢) FOLDING BED FOR SALE. PHONE 2352-W. Apply 230 Eulalie Ave. (218c¢) MODERN 4-BURNER GAS RANGE with annex, white enamel, like new. Phone 2371-7, after 5. (220¢) DINING-ROOM SUITE; FALL AND winter coats, 14-18, good condition; reasonable. Phone 3323-J. 186 Ar- thar St. (220b) NEW LEONARD REFRIGERATOR, 25-cycle, 7'2 cu. ft. Immediate deliv- ery. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe S. Phone 249. (220c) CHROME DINETTE TABLE, POR- celain top;' folding benches; drop leafs. Excellent condition--$45. Phone | 1260-W. (220c) CUT FLOWERS FOR SALE. BEAU- tiful zinnias, a variety of colors. 25¢ per dozen. 176 Burk St. (220a) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, NEW condition, 225 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 1743. Ln (220c) FIRST YEAR UNIVERSITY books on Chemical Engineering. Phone 3228. i 220c) GAS RUDD HEATER, GAS SPACE heater, reasonable. 2697-J. (220b) GREY FOLDING CARRIAGE, | hand operated canning machine, 1/3 | h.p. motor. Apply 381 Elmgrove Ave. | (220c) | BENDIX WASHER, USED ONE | month; white electric stove, 4-burn- er, excellent condition; 4-burner high oven electric stove; boy's cloth- ing. Phone 607TW1. (220c) BEACH HEAVY DUTY. RANGE, $75, excellent value; also refrigera- tor. 99 Colborne E. Phone 2101-J. (220c) GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE, SIL- ver grey, light colored tires, chrome trim, excellent condition. Phone 4144-R., (219b) COMBINATION BABY CARRIAGE, light color, 4 chrome mudguards, good condition. 68 Rossland Rd. W. Phone 5467-J. (220a) 2-20 BARN TIMBERS, 4 BLOCK- | ings. Phone 3877-J. (220c) | DOUBLE BARRED CCM BICYCLE, | in excellent condition, front carrier, | kick stand, new sprockets and chain. Phone 3267-M, after 12 p.m. (220c) SEWING MACHINE, DROP HEAD, make Superior, excellent condition. 461 Jarvis St. Phone 4076-W. (220b) COMPLETE SET OF UNIVERSITY Engineering textbooks, in excellent condition. Phone 3113-M. (218¢) BLANKETS, CARPETS, SCATTER- rugs, from your old materials. See samples. Materials picked up Octo- ber A5. Phone 662-M. (01y) RCA VICTOR, 6-TUBE PORTABLE and "electric radio, practically new. Apply 32!; King W. Phone 5597-J (218¢) or Flexalum. Guaranteed in Also complete repair Tuck, €¢674W. (S31) 6-PIECE DINETTE SUITE, NA- tural finish, in good condion; ice box, suitable for cottagé; 3-burner gas stove. Phone 4062W. (218¢) MAN'S BICYCLE; ELECTRIC sewing machine, console model. both in good .condition. Phone 3374-W, (218f) CLASSIC, COAL & WOOD STOVE, good condition; black and white enamel. Reasonable. Phone 5048-J, after 6. # (218¢) NEW MATTRESSES IN BX- change for old. $10 allowed on any Phone 662-M. (019) VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy; blinds repaired, drape , arms installed. Phone Ron Trewin, 5072. (019) steel every way. service. Phone Merv. OIL SPACE HEATER With Pipes Good Condition 19 ONTARIO ST. PHONE 328 (219¢) THRIFT AND VALUE, at the CRIPPLED CIVILIANS' STORE 22 BOND ST. W, EARLY WINTER BARGAINS! Ladies' Beautiful Fur Coats $9.95 -- $29.95 Ladies' Fall & Winter Coats $2.95 -- $5.95 Ladies' Fall Suits .. $3.95 -- $6.95 Warm, Stylish Dresses 89c -- $1.99 Men's Heavy Overcoats $3.95 -- $8.95 Men's Excellent Suits $7.50 -- $12.95 CHILDREN'S WEAR SHOES -- JACKETS MISCELLANEOUS CLOTHING also FURNITURE & STOVES Store Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wed. 12:30 p.m. { washers. ackJ Biddulph, 68 Simcoe { 43--Male Help Wanted | SMALL BUILDING OR CORRE- 1 tario St. 39--Articles For Sale [ 42--Female Help Wanted OIL SPACE HEATER FOR 4 OR 5 rooms, $60. Phone 5744-W. (218¢c) HEAVY DUTY MOFFAT STOVE, 4-burner, in good condition. Phone 5082-W. (218¢) COMBINATION COAL AND GAS range, perfect condition. Phone 4927-J. (218¢) ORDERS TAKEN FOR SOFT wood slabs; load or cord; cut or 4- ft. lengths. Phone 4694-W. (013) FOR SALE ~NEW LUMBER, sheating, 2 x 4, and joist, also new windows; enough material for house, 22 x 24. More or less. Apply after 6 pm. Wm, Ernest, corner Park Ave. and Alexander Blvd. (218¢) RUGS--SAVE 50%, NEW RUGS made from your old woollens, rugs. rags, etc. Phone 2444-R. Dominion Rug Weaving. (S28) TREATED WOODEN SILO, AS good as new. Phone 15R11 Brooklin. L. M. Blight. (218¢) NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER your doorway canopies for fall de- livery. Chapman Kool-Vent Sales, 81 King West. Phone 674. (015) AMBER AND WHITE HONEY. Bring own containers. Roy Ander- son, 268 Ritson North. Phone 3812-J. (Oct12) HARDWOOD KINDLING, 10 BAGS, | $4. Best buy in town. Phone 6244. | (S28) | VENETIAN BLINDS, THE AD-| vanced Kirsch type. The most start. | ling development in Venetian Blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats | give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds | will not only satisfy but create] enthusiasm. Estimates without ob- ligation. George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond St. West. (013) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- | er rolls and belts for all makes of | St. N. Phone 3800W. (S25) COMPLETE WINDOW SERVICE. Canada's finest Venetian blinde by Met-Wo Industries, unconditionally guaranteed. Easy payments if de. sired. See the new Beauflex blinds wit) various patterns, also the plas- tic tapes. Free estimates and instal. lations anywhere. J. W. Melley. phone 4101. (03) SOFT SLAB WOOD, 4 FOOT lengths, $8 a cord. Phone 723J13. (S30) AWNINGS SPRING PRICES may We higher. A limited quantity at present prices. Chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (05) MANURES! BLACK LOAM! Fresh and rotted weedless manure, for lawns, gardens, shrubs, also lovely black loam, top soil, crushed stone, sand and gravel. Immediate delivery. Phone 3234. (N15) BODY HARDWOOD, 4 FOOT AND 1 foot lengths; hard and soft slabs; also kindling, delivered. G. Heaslip, Janetville. Phone Bethany 18R33 or write Box 412, Times-Gazette. (016) 41 --Articles Wanted GENERAL BIOLOGY, FOR GRADE 13 High School. Phone 4083-J. (220a) COAL CIRCULATOR. PHONE 5797-3, after 4:30. (220a) sponding amount of used lumber, reasonable price; suitable for garage. Apply Box 418, Times-Gazette. (218¢) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea- ther ticks of a description. Live poultry, scrap iron and metals. Phone I. Turner, North Oshawa. 239M12 collect. (015) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metas. Local an@ out-oi-town Cals picked up tree. Phone 635. Cedardale lton and Metals, 100 Annis St., east of C.N.R. Station, (03) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT. ed, ice-boxes. cook stoves, and heat- ers. 56 King West. Phone 3326. (014) CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice-box, Quebec heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. . (014) PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now Wilson and Lee, 79 Simcoe N Phone 2388. (016) 42 --remale Help Wanted RELIABLE WOMAN DESIRING | good home, to look after light housekeeping for family, Apply 19 Tudbr St., Ajax. (220a) WARD AIDS. HOURS: 3 P.M. TO 11:30 p.m. Floor maids and kitchen helpers. Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. 6-day week. Salary varies with age and experience. Apply Supt., Osha- wa General Hospital. (2201) ELDERLY WOMAN MUST BE clean and responsible to do light housework on farm, for one person. Apply to Box 439, Times-Gazette. (220b) 5 WOMEN OR GIRLS TO EARN $25 a week for approximately 10 hours work in your spare time; also 2 full time positions. Neatness dnd willingness to work hard main quali- fication, Write for guaranteed ap- pointment to Box 442, Times-Gazette, (220c) COMPANTON-HOUSEKEEPER FOR elderly lady, all modern conveni- ences. References required. Box 425, Times-Gazette. (219¢) GIRL OR WOMAN, MUST BE RE- liable. Apply in person to Star Laundry, 13 Celina St. (219¢) MAID FOR UPSTAIRS WORK, must be honest and reliable, steady employment. Apply Commercial Hotel, (218c) WOMAN FOR DISH WASHING, must be clean, dependable and hon- est. Steady employment, no late night work. Apply Commercial Ho- (218¢) RECEPTIONIST MARRIED OR SINGLE Must have pleasing personality and able to meet the public. Apply J. E. GILLETTE Oshawa Clinic Phone 586 (220b) CAN YOU SELL ESSENTIAL electrical goods in continuous de= mand by all commercial and indus- trial users? Liberal commission from repeat sales assures better than average earnings. Protected territory for a real producer. It will pay you well to investigate this opportunity for immediate income by writing P.O. Box 161, Hamilton, Ont. (220c) CARETAKER WANTED FOR AL- bert Street United Church. Apply Box 440, Times-Gazette. (220c) SEVERAL SALESMEN, RESIDENT in Oshawa or district, neatness and ambition main qualification, Remun-. eration according to ability. Write for guaranteed appointment to Box 441, Times-Gazette. (220c) DELIVERY BOY REQUIRED AFT- er school and all day Saturday. Must have bicycle and carrier, Apply The Food Shop, 42 Simcoe St. N. after 4 ogni (220b) ATTENTION: CARRIER BOYS. The Standard requires a few smart boys for home delivery service in Oshawa and district. Alls boys inter- ested in selling this popular weeke end newspaper, telephone 703-W af- ter 6. Our supervisor will be pleased to interview you regarding personal routes. (220c) MAN WANTED TO DRIVE trucks and attend gasoline pumps. Apply to Box 427, Times-Gazette. i (219¢) RELIABLE MECHANIC TO WORK on trucks few hours after § p.m, each evening. Apply Box 426, Times-Gazette. (219¢) YOUNG AGGRESSIVE JUNIOR clerk to learn men's clothing busi= ness. Apply Box 428, Times-Gazetts. . 0) (219¢) TINSMITH FOR FURNACE WORK, top wages; also helper, Apply : Church St. P PY Tod's Bread. (219¢) INSPECTION WORK, PART TIME, days, half days, or Saturdays for the making of reports by interview. Applicant must be of sterling chare acter, good education and be able to type. Good job for teachers, shift workers or retired men who wish to make some extra money. Interesting work. P.O. Box 190, Station A, Toronto, (219b) DRIVER - SALESMAN WANTED, age 25 to 30, good at figures. Good opportunity for right man. Write Box. 422, Times-Gazette. (2181) Apply DEPENDABLE MIDDLE-AGED OR elderly lady to assist with light du- ties and relieve in household some week-ends. Apply, giving particulars and salary expected. Box 432, Times-Gazette. (219¢) WANTED Alert Girl Clerk Apply KARN'S DRUG STORE (219c) 42--Female Help Wanted SALESGIRL, MARRIED OR SIN- gle, 20 to 27, must have pleasing personality and be able to meet the public, one who understands pat- terns and be able to sew. Apply Singer Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- (219tf) BELL TELEPHONE CO. Is Hiring Girls for the Position of - SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS 1. 'No experience necessary 2. $23.00 per week to start , (with regular increases) Full or part time employment You are paid while in training Five day regular work week Friendly associates 3 4, 5. 6. 7. Regular rest periods Applicants should preferab: have completed Grade X, be si~gle and between 16 to 25 years of age. Apply: immediately to | MISS H. C. ROBERTSON | Chief Operator [] 15 VICTORIA ST., OSHAWA (M,Th,t) WANTED DELIVERY BOY Full Time KARN'S DRUG STORE (2001) | Do you wish te-secure a steady job under ideal working condi-- tions where extra effort pays We have that type of work open to the right * extra money? man. CANADA BREAD CO. LTD. 248 King Street West (218c) ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY for Young Man to start Apprenticeship in Advertising Must Have Good Education Suggested Age Between 17 and 19 yrs. APPLY IN WRITING TO ADVERTISING MANAGER THE TIMES-GAZETTE OSHAWA (2201) = id' (Continued on Page 24) (T, \