Daily Times-Gazette, 19 Sep 1950, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN ' THE DAILY T IMES-GAZETTE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1950 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued From Page 15) 39--Articles For Sale QUEBEC HEATER, IN GOOD CON- dition. 77 Ontario. _ (2180) FOLDING BED FOR SALE. PHONE 2352-W. Apply 230 Eulalie AVE, oe USED, BEATTY WASHER, IN good working cohdition, $20.50. Con- venient terms. Hill-Cornish Electric Ltd., 50 Prince St. Phone 341. (218b) 2-PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, suitable for cottage, good buy $15. Phone 4702W1. (218¢ BRAN. bike, selling at reasonable price. Phone 1530-J. _ (218¢) COMPLETE SET OF UNIVERSITY Engineering textbooks, in excellent condition. Phone 3113-M. (218c) FINDLAY, OVAL, COAL & WOOD, range, in good condition, $25. Easy payments. Hill-Cornish Electric Litd., 50 Prince St. Phone 341. @180) SEWING MACHINE, ELECTRIC. Mahogany, Queen Anne model, $175 or best offer. Like new. 74 King St. West, between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. only. % __ (8b) BLANKETS, CARPETS, SCATTER- rugs, from your old materials. See samples. Materials picked up Octo- ber 15. Phone 662-M. (019) SEVERAL GOOD USED RANG- ettes, in perfect condition, from $18.50. Terms available. Hill-Cornish Electric, Ltd., 50 Prince St. Phone 341. (18h) RCA VICTOR, 6-TUBE PORTABLE and electric radio, practically new. Apply 3212 King W. Phone 5§97-J after 5. .(218¢c) TREATED WOODEN SILO, AS good as new. Phone 15R11 Brooklin. L. M. Blight. (218c) MAN'S BICYCLE; ELECTRIC sewing machine, console 'model. both in good condition. Phone 3374-W. (2is0) GOOD USED RADIOS, RECONDI- tioned and guaranteed. Priced to suit. Hill-Cornish Electric Ltd., 50 Prince St. Phone 341. y (218b) PIANO, CRAIG CONCERT GRAND, very good condition. Phone 4968, or 109 Lauder Rd. (218b) REMINGTON, 12-GAUGE PUMP gun, with case. Phone 1456-R. (218a) CLASSIC, COAL & WOOD STOVE, good condition; black and white enamel. Reasonable. Phone 5048-J, after 6. (218¢) NEW MATTRESSES IN EX- change for old. $10 allowed on any old mattress except straw. Phone 662-M. OIL 8 rooms, $60. Phone 5744-W. y (218¢) VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy; blinds repaired, drape arms installed. Phone Ron Trewin, 5072. (019) MAN'S C.C.M. BICYCLE, EXCEL- lent condition. Phone 5041-W. (2182) 6-PIECE DINETTE SUITE, NAT- ural finish, in good condition; ice box, suitable for cottage; 3-burner gas stove. Phone 4062-1. (218¢) HEAVY DUTY MOFFAT STOVE, 4-burner, in good condition. Phone 5082-W. : (218c) GIRL'S WINTER COAT, BELTED style, size 14-15; also 6-piece kitchen suite. Both good condition. Phone 4834-J. (218b) 39--Articles For Sale AMBER AND WHITE HONEY. Bring own containers. Roy Ander- son, 268 Ritson North. Phone 3812-J. (Oct12) HARDWOOD KINDLING, 10 BAGS, $4. Best buy in town. Phone oa ) VENETIAN BLINDS, THE AD- 'vanced Kirsch type. The most start- devel t in Venetian Blind ling de history, Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without ob- ligation. George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond St. West. (815) BATHTUBS, TOILETS, SINKS, wash basins, piping, fittings, new, used, automatic Bendix washer, table model washer. 5405J. (S15) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers. ack] Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (825): COMPLETE WINDOW SERVICE, Canada's finest Venetian blinds by Met-Wo Industries, unconditionally guaranteed. Easy payments if de. sired. See the new Beauflex blinds withh various patterns, also the plas- tic tapes. Free estimates and instal lations anywhere. J. W. Melley, phone 4101. - (03) 50 BAGS CEMENT -- APPLY E. Kahn, Brooklin. Phone 21R12, (217b) BEACH QUEBEC RANGE -- OIL burner, convertible to coal or wood. 4460M 'after 6 p.m. (217¢) MOFFAT COAL AND WOOD AN- nex, white enamel, good condition. Phone 3775W. (217b) KITCHEN TABLE AND CHAIRS, one step stool, child's metal wheel- barrow and rocker, wooden double bed with spring and good inner- spring mattress. Phone 3225M. (217c) RANGETTE, IN GOOD CONDI- tion. Apply 111 Arlington or phone 4443-M. (217c) 43--Male Help Wanted DRIVER - SALESMAN WANTED, age 25 to 30, good at figures. Good opportunity for right man. Write Box 422, Times-Gazette. (218f) SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, reliable and experienced preferred. Apply 136 King West. (218tf) SURVEYOR'S HELPER NEEDED. Apply 215 King East after 8 p.m. Phone 5243. (218b) JANITOR MUST BE GOOD cleaner, honest and reliable, steady inside work. Apply Commercial Hotel, Oshawa. (216¢c) DRIVERS WANTED, MUST BE neat and courteous. Apply United Taxi, 60 King East. (212tf) RELIABLE DRIVERS WANTED, neat and trustworthy. Apply Motor City Cab, 9 Prince St. (212tf) PART TIME PASTRY COOK. AP- ply South End Grill. Phone 5076. (216¢) WANTED ~ DELIVERY BOY Full Time KARN'S DRUG STORE (209t0) |ONE SPECIALTY SALESMAN Highly experienced man now earn- ing $5,000 to $7,000 per year interest- ed in increasing his income with one of Canada's fastest growing indus. tries. Exclusive Oshawa territory now available. » Lead furnished and instruction and training in our product by a r f th Rn ali qilat, oe ot the Phone or write "MR. BERRY RUSCO WINDOWS TORONTO 365 Weston Rd., Toronto 9, Ont. Phone RO. 4159 (217¢) 45--Agents Wanted thing. Amazing guarantee gives free nylons if hose runs or snags within period of six months. First time of- fered in Canada. Nationally advert- ised--not sold in stores. Men and women can become wealthy writing orders full or part time. No money or experience needed. We deliver-- collect. Postcard brings free money making sales outfit. Kendex Cana- da, Hamilton, Ontario. (216¢c) 46--Employment Wanted SECRETARY, 15 YEARS' EXPER- fence, desires permanent position with reliable firm, dictaphone or shorthand, married, no home respon- sibilities. Minimum starting salary, $40. Box 420, Times-Gazette. (217b) MAN, 60, HANDY MECHANICAL- ly; rough carpenter work. 3rd class stationary engineer. Part or full time. Box 421, Times-Gazette. ; (218c) FURNAOES VACUUM-CLEANED, pipes and chimney cleaned. Phone 4690-W Oshawa, or 2770 Whitby. (08) CONTRACT WANTED FOR 3-TON stake body truck, also 1l-ton express truck. State class of work. Box 240, Times-Gazette. (06) 47--Legal Notices Treasurer's SALE OF LANDS For Arrears of Taxes Corporation of the City of Oshawa County of Ontario To Wit: 5 By virtue of a' warrant issued by the Mayor of the City of Oshawa, under his hand and the seal of the Corpora- tion of the City of Oshawa, bearing date the 7th day of June, 1950, a sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the City of Oshawa, will be held at the A bly Hall, Centre Street Public FILL, 2 BUCKS PER LOAD DE- livered. Phone 605. (217c) 8" CEMENT BLOCKS. 184 Gibbon Street. (217b) SOFT SLAB WOOD, 4 FOOT lengths, $8 a cord. Phone 723J13. (S30) AWNINGS SPRING PRICES may be higher. A limited quantity at present prices. Chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (05) MANURES! BLACK LOAM! Fresh and rotted weedless manure, for lawns, gardens, shrubs, also lovely black loam, top soil, crushed stone, sand and gravel. Immediate delivery, Phone 3234. (N15) GUITAR, SPANISH OR HAWAI- ian, nearly new. $12. Phone 4985R. (216¢c) BODY HARDWOOD, 4 FOOT AND 1 foot lengths; hard and soft slabs; also kindling, delivered. G. Heaslip, Janetville. Phone Bethany 18R33 or write Box 412, Times-Gazette. (016) 41--Articles Wanted SMALL BUILDING OR CORRE- sponding amount ,of used lumber, reasonable price; suitable for garage. Apply Box 418, Times-Gazette. (218¢c) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea- ther ticks of a description. Live poultry, scrap iron and metals. Phone I. Turner, North Oshawa. 239M12 collect. (015) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and tals. Local and out-ot-town calls TWIN BABY BUGGY. PHONE 1579-R. (218b) GOOD BALED STRAW, AT REA- sonable prices. Apply 85 Centre St., or phone 197-W. (218b) COMBINATION COAL AND GAS range, perfect condition, Phone 4927-7. (218c) FOR SALE --NEW LUMBER, sheating, 2 x 4, and joist, also new windows; enough material for house, 22 x 24. More or less. Apply after 6 pm. Wm. Ernest, corner Park Ave. and Alexander Blvd. (218¢) enamel, including cabinet. Also Simpson rangette, going at half price. Phone 4507J or 288 Currie Ave. (216c) RUGS--SAVE 50%, NEW RUGS made from your old woollens, rugs, rags, etc. Phone 2444-R. Dominion Rug Weaving. (S28) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed in every way. Also complete repair service. Phone Merv. Tuck, 4674W. (S31) 8 G MAC ES AIRED. All makes. -Free check-up. We con- vert treadle hi into d electric portables. Phone 606 for demonstration. Singer Se Ma- chine C Y¥, 14-16 Ontario Street. © (TTSt!) VACUUM ELECTRO HYGIENE, complete with all attachments and floor polisher. Absolutely new, con- dition guaranteed. Phone 5058J. (216¢) THERMOSTAT CONTROL FOR furnace, also jacket heater and fittings complete. Phone 4603J. (216¢) COMBINATION GAS AND COAL range, used, very good condition. Apply, Oshawa Grill, Cor. King and Ritson Rd. (216¢) NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER your doorway canopies for fall de- livery. Chapman ool-Vent Sales, 81 King West. Phone 674. (015) GIRL'S BICYCLE, PERFECT CON- dition, $35. Phone 5589-J. (215d) ORDERS TAKEN FOR SOFT wood slabs; load or cord; cut or 4- ft. lengths. Phone 4604-W. (013) CONNOR AUTOMATIC WASHERS Limited Number for Immediate Delivery . Authorized Sales and Service PITTS' ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 136 SIMCOE ST. S. (T,T,tf) 1950 KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS See Them Today PITTS' 136 SIMCOE ST. S. ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 4 (1.7.8) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS DEEP FREEZERS 1950 Models Largest Refrigerator Display in Oshawa IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EASY TERMS Your Ice Box Accepted As Down Payment PITTS' ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 136 SIMCOE ST. S. (1.7) + picked up free. Phone 635. Cedardale [ron and Metals, 100 Annis St., east of C.N.R. Station. (03) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT- ed, ice-boxes, c stoves, and heat- ers. 56 King West. Phone 3326. (014) CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice-box, Quebec heaters, cook stoves. 34 Bond West. Phone 3766M. (014) PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee, 79 Simcoe N. Phone 2388. (S16) 42--Female Help Wanted LADIES--YOU CAN EARN SPLEN- did income by selling Avon products and fine line of gift sets in your neighborhood. Big demand. Apply Box 423, Times-Gazette. (218b) MAID FOR UPSTAIRS WORK, must be honest and reliable, steady employment. Apply Commercial Hotel. (218¢c) WOMAN FOR DISH WASHING, must be clean, dependable and hon- est. Steady employment, no late night work. Apply Commercial Ho- tel, Oshawa. (218¢) FULL TIME WAITRESS WANTED. Apply South End Grill. Phone 5076. Reda (216¢c) OPERATORS WANTED, EXPERI- enced. Apply Sportrite Junior, 30 Richmond St. W. (216¢) GIRL FOR GENERAL OFFICE work. Apply Sportrite Junior Ltd., 30 Richmond St. West. (216¢c) SALESGIRL, SINGLE, AGE 18-23, must have pleasing personality and be able to meet the public. State experience and education. Apply Singer Sewing Machine Ontario St. Bright girl for office work. Must be good at figures. At least two years' high school. Typing not necessary. CANADA 'BREAD CO. LTD. 248 King St. West (216¢) TWO SALESMEN for furniture and appliances. Must be experienced. No other need apply. Salary and com- mission. RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE ST. S. " ~ TRUCK DRIVER Furniture experience preferred. Must know city. Best wages to right man. Apply RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE ST. S 17¢c) 17c) Young Man to Commence Career In Advertising Must have good education. Apply in writing to ADVERTISING MANAGER THE TIMES-GAZETTE OSHAWA (196t0) Do you wish to secure a steady job under ideal working condi- tions where extra effort pays We have that type of work open to the right extra money? man. CANADA BREAD CO. LTD. 248 King Street West (218c) 44--Male or Female Help GIRLS AND YOUNG MEN FOR store work; must have neat appear- ance. Apply Strouds Fruit, 54 Sim- coe N. (2151) 45--Agents Wanted EARN EXTRA CASH -- MAKE more money easily in spare time. Just show our beautiful Canadian- made Christmas cards to your friends. They sell on sight. Many assortments. Gift Cards, Seals, Tags, Wrappings, Everyday Cards. Beauti- ful free album showing personal cards. Liberal commission. Write to- day for unusual sample offer. The Douglas Greeting Card Company, 50-V Bleecker St., Toronto. (T,T,S,Sept30) CHRISTMAS CARDS Our new 1950 cards are positively GIRL FQR COUNTER and Dining Room Also young woman for assistant cook Experience preferred. Y.W.C.A. CAFETERIA Apply between 10 a.m. 'and 7 p.m. (216¢c) 43--Male Help Wanted Mechanical draftsmen and tool and die makers. - Free insurance. SKINNER .CO. LTD. (218b) The 21 card DeLuxe Box has a sensational 'Television' card in every box along with plastic, ex- pensive foils and novelties--a sure- fire moneymaker. We also have an exciting, new Foil box which sparkles in brilliant colors. Send for samples on approval and catalogue with over| ° 40 fast selling items. Monarch Christmas Cards, 47 Eastos Ave. N., Hamilton. (S30) School, Oshawa, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on Wednes- day, the 4th day of October, 1950 un- less the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes, has been published in the On- tario Gazette on the 1st day of July, the 5th day of August and the 2nd day of September, 1950. Copies of the said list may be had at the office of the City Treasurer. DATED at Oshawa, this 4th day,of July, 1950. H. E. TRIPP, City Treasurer. (85,12,19,26) 48--Auction Sales Auction Sale, Stirtevant's Auction Room, 33 Hall St., Thursday even- ing, September 21, at 7 p.m.--Beatty Electric Washer; Annex; Day Beds; Dining-room Tables; Baby Car- riages; Dressers; Bed Springs and Mattresses; Kitchen Cabinets; Ran- gette; Ice Box; Kitchen Range; Stu- dio Couch; China Cabinet; Dining- room Chairs; High Boy; Chests of Drawers; Antique Tables & Chairs; Wicker Rockers; Occasional Chairs; Lawn Mower; Kitchen Chairs; Floor Model Radio; Settee; Table Lamps; Garden Tools; Dishes; Cooking Uten- sils and many other articles too numerous to mention. ,Terms: cash. Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer. (218b) PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly and Accurately Filled -- A a MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N. Phone 48 ASPHALT SHINGLES EONIE CAY LUMBER GUARANTEED AGAINST EVERY-| SIMCOE HALL SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER 18th TO 23rd, 1950 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH 9.00-11.30 a.m.--Nursery School-- 4-year-olds--free play, singing, con- struction work, rhythm band. story hour. . 3.30-5.30 p.m.--White Eagle Club '--hoys, 9 to 11 years -- woodwork- ing, games, sports, woodburning. Busy Bee Club -- girls, 6 to 8 years -- business period, crafts, or- ganized games. Public Library -- Childrens' Dept '6.30-7.30 p.m.--Glee Club--chil- dren 12 years and under. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH 9.00-11.30 a.m.--Nursery School-- 5-year-olds -- free play, singing games, construction work, story hour. 3.30-5.30 p.m.--Black Hawk Club-- boys, 12 years and over -- wood- working, games, sports, woodburn- ing. 5.00-9.00 p.m.--Teenage Club -- girls--wiener roast, sing song, social dancing. 7.00 p.m.--St. John Ambulance Junior First Aid Course for boys 11 to 18 years Corporal C, Holman of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Instructor. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2181 9.00-11.30 a.m.--Nursery School-- 4-year-olds -- free play, singing games, construction work, singing, story hour. 3.30-5.30 p.m.--Clubs for boys all ages -- woodworking, dodge ball, softball, ringers, croquet, woodburn- ing, sports, and games. Blue Jay Club -- girls, 11, 12 years --business period, crafts, sing song, social dancing. Public Library -- Children's Dept. 7.30-9.30 p.m. -- Golden Age Club --adults -- euchre, bridge, checkers, dominoes, Chinese checkers, sing song, movies, refreshments. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND 9.00-11.30 a.m. -- Nursery School-- 5-year-olds free play, singing games, construction work, singing, story hour. 3.30-5.30 p.m. -- Public Library-- Children's Dept. 4,00 p.m. -- Movies for boys and girls all ages. 7.00-9.00 p.m, -- Oshawa Nursing Cadets (S.J.A.B.) girls 11 to 18 years business period, drill, marching, cooking course. 700 pm, -- Simcoe Hall Cadet Corps (S.J.A.B.) boys 11 to 18 years --First Aid, foot drill, business meeting, canteen. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD 9.00-12.00 Public Library Children's Dept. 9.30-10.00 a.m, -- Story Hour, 10.00-12.00 -- Open House -- girls all ages -- art, crafts, music ap- preciation. 10.00-12.00 -- Open House -- boys all ages -- woodworking, dodge ball, softball, ringers, croquet, woodburn- ing, sports, games. PLEADS GUILTY IN THEFT Hamilton, Sept. 19--(CP)--Wil-| liam D. Northey Monday pleaded | guilty to the theft of $2,300 from | Silverwood's Dairy Limited last week and was remanded for sen- tence. Northey, an employee of the JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! 241 KING ST. EAST PHONE 1351 ® Monuments ® Markers ® Corner Posts ® Inscriptions -- REASONABLE PRICES -- RUTTER GRANITE CO. 73 ONTARIO ST. PORT HOPE Phone Collect 3216 or 3222 dary, was arrested Friday night. | Police said Northey told them he| stole the money so he could be able | to cet married. bitter risings in throat, heartburn, stomach discomfort. Find out how quickly Digestif Rennie Tablets relieve acid indigestion. Individually wrapped--easy to carry in purse or pocket. Try RENNIES for fast relief. 25c--at all Druggists. 8 REACH FOR A RENNIE ACID STOMACH? Avoid distress caused by over-acidity-- LJ Tuesday, Sept. 19. 9.30 a.m.--Nursery School. 130-6 p.m.--Craft Shop open, weaving, leathercraft, etc. " 7-10 p.m.--Craft shop open -- weaving, leathercraft, ete. Wednesday, Sent. 20 9.30 a.m.--Nursery School. 130-6 p.m.--Craft Shop weaving, leathercraft, ete. 6.30 p.m.--Scottish Rite dinner. 7-10 pm.--Craft Shop -- Metal work only. 7.30 p.m.--Program Dept. . Corn Roast. 730 pm. -- Y.W.CA, Board of Director's meeting. uid u open, 8.00 p.m.--Camera Club. Thursday, Sept. 21 9.30-11.30 a.m.--Nursery School. 130-6 p.m.--Craft Shop open, weaving, leathercraft, etc. 400 pm.--Y-Teen Executive. 7-10 p.m.--Craft shop-- weaving, leathercraft, etc. 7.15 p.m.--Teen-Tops Executive. Friday, Sept. 22 9.30-11.30 a.m.--Nursery School. 9.30-12 noon -- Craft Shop open. weaving, leathercraft, etc. 130-6 p.m--Craft Shop open -- wearing, leathercraft, etc. 6.30 p.m.--Society of Gideons. 730 pm. -- Oshawa Weaver's Guild. 730 p.m --Oshawa Chess Club. Sunday, Sept. 24 3-5 p.m.--Library available. 7-10 p.m.--Library available. ENGINEER SHORTAGE FEARED Toronto, Sept. 19--(CP) -- The Technical Service Council said Monday: that Canaia will be se- riously short of engineers if a war starts. It said the number of re- quests for engineers was 58 per cent higher this Augus than it was in August, 1949. Want to Buy, Sell or Trade? A Classified Ad, the Deal is Made! Trinidad Political Mixups Follows Vote. Port of Spain, Trinidad, Sept. 19 --(CP) -- Trinidad got a no-party Legislative Council last night when the results of her general election, quietest in the island's history, were announced. The Home Rule Party of Tubal Uriah (Buzz) Butler, the hymn- singing fanatic who started labor troubels in 1939, got six seats, the largest single group. The Labor Party elected two men, including Raymond Quevedo, ca- lypso-singing "Attila the Hun." The Liberals and Soclalists also elected two men apiece and six Indepen- dents were successful, Besieds the legislative council, this colony is ruled by an executive body, with Governor Sir Hubert Rance at its head. Election of Butler, self-styled chief servant of the British Citizens and Workers Home Rule Party, poses something of a constitutional problem for political observers. It is assumed he will try to move the colony away from Britain. To All Mask Owners... SUMMER BARGAIN! DE LUXE MATTRESS SETS FOR SOLID COMFORT IN THE TWIN BEDS IN YOUR CAR! Banish hotel and lodging worries. Equip your Nash Aifflyte with de luxe form-fitting mat- tresses and enjoy the utmost in solid sleeping comfort on your vacation trips this summer. The Nash Mattress with built-in pillow feature is especially designed to fill the contours of the soft seat cushions of your car and is filled with soft Java Kapok for luxurious sleeping. Each mattress comes in a neat, water-resistant plastic bag, with easy working zipper--convenient to carry in the trunk compartment. And--big news! Right now you can get a set of two Nash Mattresses at a special low price! Sun Yourself In Comfort! Ideal For Use As A Beach Pad, Boat Pad and Other Vacation Purposes SPECIAL NOW N. H. CROSSMAN 1022 SIMCOE ST. NORTH - - OSHAWA ONTARIO ony 3 Single Mattress-- $18.75 tac 47.50 PER SET £0 Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 552 MUNUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS r'recise workmanship and care- ful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of im- ported and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock. MAKE EXTRA MONEY EASILY -- Sell Name-on Christmas and Every- day card assortments at best values with highest commissions for you. Unequalled values in more than twenty Christmas items -- 21 card Deluxe Christmas box, Panorama Stand-up cards, Canadian scenes pictures, personal cards, notes and napkins, Children's three dimension- al books, Television Tom Thumb books, nursery rhyme cards, station- ery, gift wraps, personalized gift ribbon, ding-dong bells, also Every- day assortments including plastic cards. Write today for catalogue and samples NOW. Name-on Stationery Company Limited, Dept. 14, 63 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. (217c) AUSSIE WAR BRIDES About 10,000 Australian girls married United States servicemen during the Second World War, EXPERIENCED LADY BOOKKEEPER WANTED To Take Charge of Small Set of Books APPLY Box 424 Daily Times-Gazette -------------- I 4 JMMIE is one of nearly 300,000 young Canadians who start school this month. - They are taking their first steps toward a grown-up world which their mothers and fathers are now shaping. Quite understand- ably today's parents, conscious of the un- settled conditions in the world today, are wondering if everything will be all right for their Jimmies. * x ow % % It is 2 Bank of Nova Scotia tradition to build with Canadians for the future. The enormous potential of our country ensures a wealth of opportunity for individual and community, growth. The Canadian record of achieve- ment in the past is an indication of the stature to which Canada can rise. That is the way our managers are trained to think ++ «and that is just one of the reasons you will find your Bank of Nova Scotia manageg a good man to know. The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA NOVA SLITS

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