TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1950 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE FIFTEEN Business - Professional DIRECTORY 1-=Architects ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, 47 Prince Street, Oshawa. Phone 1001, Also 2848 Bloor St. W., Toronto Phone LX. 7755. (012) 1a--Accountants, Chartered MONTBITH AND MONTEITH ts, 37 King St a Phone 1!-R. Gordon W. Riehl C.A., Resid Partner. (09) 3--Barristers = T. SALMERS, BA. BARRIS- , Solicitor, etc., 13}; Simcoe Street Noxth, Phones: office 5073; fesidenice . (821) CREIGHTON, FRASER & DRYNAN Barristers &c, Bank of Commerce Building. T. &. Creighton, K.C.. N. C. Fraser, K.C.,, G. K. Drynan. (01) CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ters. Allin F. Anais, K.C., 7% Stmcoe Street South. Phone & Residence hig \ 13<Household Repa'rs FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- upholstered. See our materials for recovering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles. Phone 401. (03) 14-- Instruction FOX-TROT, WALTZ RUMBA Tango, Samba, Swing, taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class instruction. 47 Prince St For appointment, phore 4271. (03) ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS. dictaphone, comptometer. Classes start every Monday; night school Monday and Thursday. Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone 1314. (010) NATIONAL STUDIO OF MUSIC Instruction in violin, mandolin, tean- jor banjo, Hawaiian guitar, etc. 295 Bloor East. : (822) THE HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY ballet, toe, tap. Register Wednes- day, 4 to 6, Adelaide House. Irenie Harvey, A.C.C.M _ (Octl) LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING School--ballet, tap, toe, character. Masonic Temple, Saturday. Business girls Tuesday. 3048W. (03) 15--Insurance AUTOMOBILES, NEW OR LATE models insured and financed. Me- Murtry Insurance Agency, 21 King W. Phone 1676-W. (02) A. W. 8. GRE&SR, K.C., BARRIS- Resident partner, K.C., Uxbridge, Ontario. R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc, 6 King Street West. Phones: Office, 814; Residence 3297. Money to loan. (01) JosgrH P. MANGAN, K.C., BAR- Solicitor. Money to loan. Of- tice fice 14% King Street East, Oshawe. Phone 445. Residence, phone oo STFR, King Bast, Room 2. Othioe 65; Residence 3ASTR. (01) A J. PARKHILL AND J. A Yanch, Barristers. Mortgage loaus, National Act loans. 26 Sim- Housing coe North. Phone 1614, Res. fii S- ter, Solicitor. Notary. FL 'tn losn. Bassett Block, Suite No. &. Phone 282; Res. 2877TW. (01) 4--Chiropodists T. M. VANT, DS.C., CHIROPO- dist, * specializing in In diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Princes St. Phone 3947. (01) 5--Dentists PETER B. WILLSON, DENTIST, Sanawa { Clinic. Bours: § to 6 every day. by Phone br or '4577R. (01) 7--Optometrists E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST - ri & Lovell - Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Phone 4164. (01) . TUC PPOSI POST OF- fice, '9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Phone 1516. (01) 7a--Physicians DR. GLYN JONES, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, 12 Parry Road, Ajax. Office hours: week-day, 2 to 4 and 7-9. Phone 166J. (826) 8--Building Trades NEW PLASTERING AND RE- pairs, archways made, basement walls waterproofed, plastering inside and out, stucco work. Free estimates. A. C. Woods, phone 716W12. (T.W.T.) WELLS DRILLED, BY R. B. REN- wick, Ontario licensed driller. Phone or 781 Bowmanville. = (S16,18,19,23,25,26) CHIMNEYS NEWLY BUILT, RE- built or repaired. Northern Con- tracting, phone 570W1, between 6 and 7 (2151) DECORATING, PAINTING, PA- rhanging and stripping, also re- vig ¥ 8 an Horn, phone iis 8 RUBBER AND LINOLEUM TILE floors, also inlaid linoleum, plastic wall tiles, modern cupboard. G. Rivers, 5780-J. : (02) LASTERING FOUNDATIONS, AL- so blocks laid. Phone 3820J2. (02) PHONE NOW ! FOR BLACK loam, top soil, sand and gravel crushed stone for driveways, fresh and well-rotted manure ! Oshawa Solicitor, Phones: oe 2 4 HILLSIDE FLOOR SERVICE Floors laid, sanded and finished, rub- ber and Mastic tile. B. Mosier, 296 Hillside. Phone 547M. (05) SAND, GR , FILL, BLACK loam; dump¥trucks for hire. Quality and service, phone W. F. Essery. 3470. (819) ULI AN' LE, BRUSH and spray painting. Stucco houses, barns, fences. In fact, we will paint anything. Phone 4093-J or 4014- (09tf ) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, blagk loam; immediate delivery. Dump trucks for hire, Cement mixer for rent. Phone D. R. Brown, 3744W5. (S29tf) CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry repairs. Cement mixer for rent. Gordon May. Phone 920W12. (08) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT shingles, built-up roofing, and sid- ing. Work guaranteed. H. W. Tuck- or, 4392J. (S19) 9--Business Opportunities RESTAURANT FOR SALE, GOOD location. Terms if desired. Owner leaving city. Phone owner 1331. (2181) #ISH AND CHIP STORE, WELL situated, excellent equipment; good turnover. Cheap for quick disposal See Alan Wilson, Port Perry. Phone 220. (218¢) TRANSPORT BUSINESS, WELL established, . 4 units operating at present, three 1950 models, good P.C.V. license. Owner has other "in- terests. Priced right for quick sale. Apply Box 417, Times-Gazette. (217c) MODERN EQUIPPED BEAUTY parlour, Doing good business. Owu- er zetiting. Apply Box 139, Times- Gazette © (196tf) 12--Gardening & Supplies CHOICE. BLACK LOAM, TOP soil, fresh and well-rotted cow, horse. chicken and mushrooin man. ure, crushed stone, sand, gravel ! Oshawa Nursery; phone 3234. (023) 13---Household Repairs FURNACES, AIR CONDITIONING repairs. vacuum cleaning, sheet i metal work, eavestroughing. A. Tay- lor, 251 Bruce. Phone 1963. (S19) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT. RE- covered. Lise new. Why pay more' Ou: rates are reascnable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebuilt Oshawa Uphoistering Co. 8 Church St. Phone 3344. | No agents. | 11I-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 3 (03) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERV. ice for better insurance in ali classes. 22%; King St. E. Phoue 6400. Res. 4318R. (01) 16--Lawn Mower Service LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED, RE- paired; scissorsy - shears, knives ground and sharpened. Phone 1383-M. 204 Bond East. (04) 18--Lost and Found LOST -- LADY'S GOLD WRIST watch last week. Reward. Phone 3765-R. (218a) LOST -- PAIR C oF PLASTIC RIM- med, gold flecked glasses, in green zipper case, on Thursday evening. Finder Please phone 1460R. (217¢) LOST -- ACOUSTICON HEARING aid, gold colour, without wire, bat- tery operated, conveniently small, Reward. Phone Port Perry 132-J. ' (2131) 19--Money to Loan MONEYS TO LOA N A OVED properties. Private funds. Apply Louis S. Hyman, K.C., 37 Kiny St East, Oshawa. Phone 67. (02) CLIENTS' MONI. . for first mortgages. Aiso N.H.A. and Builders Loans. Apply M. F. Swarts, Barrister, Bassett Block, suite No. ¢ Phone 282. (on FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY WE BUY MORTeALES AND AGREEMENTS OF 112 SIMCOE ST. NORTH North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. PHONE 81 OSHAWA (Tues -Thurs.-Sat.) 20--Personal LEAVING FOR SASKATCHEWAN on September 25, room for two pas- sengers. Apply 283 French St. (218¢) 21--Personal Services YOUR FUTURE IN, THE STARS-- Three months' forecast guide. Send birthday with fifty cents to Doreen E. Perrett, Certified Astrologer, BR 1, Bowmanville, Ont. 216¢c) RADIO SERVICE TO ALL MAKES Pick-up and delivery. Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. (O8tf) PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. For free estimate call Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe St. N. (O8tf) 22--Radio Repairs EXPERT SERVICE, ALL MAKES, television, radio, record changer appliances, aerials erected. . Phone 5023, Karl Fowler Radio, 1096 King- ston Rd. E. (013) 23--Women's Column PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON --- OIL wave, $2.50 up; machineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St. Phone 371. (S27) 25--Real Estate For Sale NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW WILL be completed within two weeks. Lo- cated at 381 Division St. Phone 3704-M between 5 and 6:30, evenings. (218¢) 3-CAR garage, hardwood floors,. oil heating. Write Box 415, Times-Gazette. (217b) LARGE TOURIST HOME OR DOC- tor's residence and office, corner of Church and Silver Streets, Bowman- ville. Write P.O. Box 156. Phone 2622 Bowmanville. (2131) $12,000 good buildings, hydro throughout, Darlington fownship, Oshawa 11 miles. Will consider Osh- awa dwelling as part payment. BERT PEYTON Estate and Insurance Broker 13 BOND E. M. Dica, salesman -118 acres clay loam, Real (218¢) HANDYMAN'S CHANCE Unfinished, 4-room new bungalow, Ritson Rd. N. 3-piece bath and fur- nace. 30 days' possession. $4,000. W. McAULEY Realtor 13 PRINCE ST. PHONE 5356 OR 3510 (218¢) Agents Wanted .. 45 Architec@p 1 Articles for Rent 40 Articles for Sale . 39 Articles Wanted Auction Sales Auditors Automobile Repairs ....... . Automobiles for Sale Automobiles Wanted ........ 33 Barristers Building Trades Business Opportunities Business Opportunities Wanted Chiropodists Dentists Wanted Farmers' Wanted For Rent Gardening Supplies Household Repairs Instruction Insurance Service Loan Wan Male Help Wanted ONE INSERTION EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUT 20 words or less. Each initial letter, abbreviation, INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Employment Female Help Lawn Mower Legal Notices .... Lost and Found .. Male & Female Help Wanted Market Basket Money to Loan ... Nursing Services . 6 CLASSIFIED AD RATES TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ... THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order, Professional and Business listings, $5.00 per month for 20c additional for all words over 20. full word. Box charged: 10c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of publication. Office hours: Optometrists Personal Personal Services Pets & Jdvestock ........ Physicians .. Radio Repairs Real Estate Agents Real Estate For Sale Real Estate Exchange Real Estate Wanted Room and Board 30 Room and Board Wanted Summer Resor Veterinarians ... Wanted to Rent .. 29 Wearing Apparel 38 Women's Column 23 Column pd ehsesses 21 & ted . 81 31A .. . 35 ..38A 19 Each Add'l Word 20 Words or Less 25 IVE INSERTION .. $ and c sign, figure, count as a Daily, 8-6. Saturday, 8-12, 25---Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate Wanted $6 20 --T7-roomed louse, insul- ' brick. !2 cash down, good home for two families, extra toilet on main floor. WALTER R. SMITH Real Estate Broker 18 'Bond St. W. Phone 5380 (815,18,19) $7, LL Rat 20 acres on high- way N 2, between Oshawa and Whitby. building site. $5,800, vicinity. lovely 4-room frame bungalow, College Hill WALTER R. SMITH Broker 18 BOND ST. W. PHONE 5380 (218a) $16 000--Hex cash. 11 rooms, ' " solid brick building, located in Whitby on the main street. Size of lot 256 x 328, could be sub- divided to 8 building lots 64 x 164, Few hundred spruce timbers on the property. Rént $107.00 a month, be- sides owner apartment. buys 4 -room --T A $2,000 hie 1, acre of land on Harmeny Rd. Possession Oct. 1. For more information about these properties, contact BERT PEYTON Real Estate and Insurance Broker 13 Bond E. (217b) INCOME HOME 18 Rooms Highway No. 2 Harmony Brick construction, lot 150 ft. front- age by 200 ft. depth. Hot water heat- ing with stoker. $15,000. Cash $8,000. See this good buy now, W. McAULEY, Realtor 13 Prince St. Phone 5356 or 351C ROY EDWARDS, salesman (216c WHITBY RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW Super 7 room beauty, 5 rooms down with 4 pc. bath. 2 up and bath. Oil burner, attached gar- age, beautifully londscaped lot. Good basement with five rooms. Best residential location. See this for sure. Only $12,500 with $6,000 cash down. W. McAULEY, Realtor ROY EDWARDS, Salesman 13 Prince St. Phone 5356 or 3510 26--Real Estate Exchange SELLOR EXCHANGE FOR large house, near new bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, built-in cupboards and closets. Phone B5427-J. (218¢c) 27--Real Estate Wanted TOR 2 ACRES WEST OF OSHAWA, state price and location. Box 410, Times-Gazette. (216¢c) $11,000 Investment opportunity. 3-storey 12- room brick, showing good return. Land 95° x 180'. Gibb St. Cash deal. $18,000 Simcoe Street business property. Start a store here and make yourself independent. Half cash. 30 days' possession. $9,000 King Street home. 7 rooms. Close downtown. Possession 30 days. Half cash. Motel Site Dept. of Highways consent for motel on 2A Highway at Whitby. 150 x 360. You can't migs with a motel here. $7,000 or your best cash offer. Your personal enquiry will receive our personal attention. $9,000 Cadillac Ave. North. low. Smart place with gadgets usual to these new N.H.A. units. Look smart, be smart. Act now. This type and most types are few. k bunga- all the Contact A. E. MURDOCH Broker 12V2 SIMCOE SOUTH + (218¢) | have a client who would like to purchase a good 6 room house 'n the east section of the city. Possession must not be later than Oct. 31st. All cash it desired. If you have such a property for sale please phone me at 1550. EVERETT G. DISNEY, Realtor 82 Simcoe S. Phone 1550 (218¢) SELLING? SEE DISNEY REMEMBER: when you deal with the best. 82 Simcoe South Phone 1550 An excellent ! 3 (216¢c) It costs you less | IF THINKING OF SELLING YOUR home contact G. Barrow, Real Es- tate, 25 Burk St. Phone 3165-W. (S24) INVESTMENTS money required for 6% interest. See Private first mortgages; W. McAULEY, Realtor 13 Prince St. Phone 5356 or 3510 - (216¢) Due to a well sustained de- mand for homes we require additional listings. We have endluirigs for proper- ties of from 4 to 8 rooms, any- where in the city, and promise careful consideration and courteous attention to vendor and purchaser at all times. If you desire to sell at today's proper rharket: value, please let us know. Our large staff is especially trained to advise you. choficld INSURANC) -- CAgengy Realtors 6 Simcoe St. N (2171) GOOD HOMES FOR SALE We specialize in obtaining a good price for a good home. If you are interested in selling your property, either business or residential, contact us im- mediately. We have clients of our office with cash available For et to invest in a good home. prompt, efficient service, your home with us today. Phone 4158 LEON B. NASH Broker 13V2 Simcoe St. N Real Estate, N.H.A. Loans, Property Appraisals (818,19) | abstainers, Addled-Ads ( From the Nation's Classified Columns) By Lutke | @ope 1930. Sun ond Timm Co. A righ reserved For Safe-Coofie pups. A. K. C. Registered. ~--FElrama. Pa 28--For Rent 32--Automobiles For Sale 2-ROOM BASEMENT APARTMENT, unfurnished, immediate possession, also no children. Apply 599 King St. W. (218a) FURNISHED BEDROOM SUIT- able for two gentlemen, optional, in residential factories. Phone 3099J. ROOM ~ FOR ONE gentlemen, very central, area, near (218a) Of 77 Ontario. (218¢) LARGE COMFORTABLE ROOM, single beds, breakfast, in better, clean home. Abstainers. 147 Elgin , E. (218a) | FURNISHED BEDROOM IN NEW home, suitable for two working girls. Breakfast if desired. bus service. Phone 6289-W. GARAGE, LARGE AND BRIGHT 17 Arlington at Simcoe. Phone 906-M. (218a) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR gentleman, near Motors. Apply Brock. St. W. (217¢) 3 LARGE ROOMS, UNI floor, references required. Write Box 413, Times-Gazette. (216¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM FO quiet gentleman, 294 Kitchener Ave. (2171) ROOM FOR TWO GENTLEMEN in new home, close to motors, break- fast if desired. Phone 5361-W. (216¢) HOUSE AT BONNIE BRAE POINT. Phone 4682-J or 4755-W. (216¢) 29--Wanted to Rent 2, 3 OR 4 ROOMS, HOUSE OR apartment, in or near Oshawa, for tamily of 4. Phone 3530J. (218c) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN OSH- awa needed immediately for couple, no children. G.M, employee. Phone 3357-W ( 218¢) 2 OR 3° LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms unfurnished for young couple (abstainer), by October 1. Phone 2537 Whitby. (218c) APARTMENT BY RELIABLE young couple, abstainers, no chil- dren; references. Write Box 419, Times-Gazette. (218¢) BUSINESS GIRL DESIRES LIGHT housekeeping room in clean, quiet, private home, centrally located. Box % ette. (217¢) URGENT -- YOUNG BUSJNESS couple desire 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms. Phone 3627-R after 5. (217¢) YOUNG COUPLE REQUIRE 3 UN- furnished rooms or apt. by Novem- ber 1st. References. Phone 3380-J. (217b) 4 OR 5 ROOMED APARTMENT for three adults, references. Apply Box 411, Times- Gazette. (216¢) FARM, 5 TO 25 ACRES WANTED to rent, on highway or good road within 10 miles of Oshawa. Good house necessary. Write Box 409, Times-Gazette. (216¢) URGENTLY NEEDED, ONE OR two furnished light housekeeping robms in home, where woman would look after one child while mother works. Phone 3027-'V, Ask for Mrs. MacDonald. (2151) FORMER OSHAWA COUPLE, ONE child, require 3 to 4 unfurnished rooms or house, Pickering district, Box 338, Times-Gazette. 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen or couple. Apply 204 Gibbs St. (218b) IN PRIVATE HOME, FOR OFFICE worker, gentleman preferred. Phone 2508-J, before 6. (218a) 32--Automobiles For Sale '39 BUICK COACH, RADIO, HEAT- er. Phone 2441J or apply 319 Kings- dale Ave, (217¢) '33 PONTIAC COUPE, "GOOD CON- dition, 4 new tires, heater, slip covers. Owner going back to school. Phone 1186. " __ (218c) '48 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN, radio and heater, perfect condition, & 550 or best offer. Apply 112 Nassau (218¢) - 1 CHEV. COACH, REASONABLE. Phone 2833W. (218¢) "36 OLDS., 6 SEDAN, 4 NEW TIRES, body and motor perfect. Apply 960 Simcoe North. (218¢) 49 PONTIAC, LOW MILEAGE, spotless condition; many extras. Phone 4077-W. (218¢) '47 MERCURY, 118 DELUXE 5- passenger coupe, excellent condition. Cash or terms, Phone 3882-J be- tween 6 and 8. (218d) "49 HILLMAN-MINX." WILL SELL to highest bidder. Heater and de- froster. Phone 656-M. (218¢) "34 STUDEBAKER CONVERTIBLE, good motor, body, tires. Phone 1154-J before 7. 167 Nassau. (218c) 29 MODEL A | A FORD COACH. Phone 2023-M after G6. (218¢) '40 CHEV., PERFECT RUNNING condition, very clean. Phone 629-R. (218e) 49 ) CHEV. PANEL, RADIO, AIR- conditioning. Phone 3839-W between 12 and 4 p.m. (218¢) '41 CHEV. COUPE, GOOD CONDI- tion, Apply 13 Wilson Rd. S. (218c) immediately. (218¢) breakfast | TWO | Good | 48 | Oshawa-Whitby- | (2131) | { '48 PONTIAC SPECIAL 8 BRAND { new tires, built-in radio, air con- | ditioning, under-seat heater. Can | take over finance. Cheap. Phone | 4458M or 5541. (217) '49 AUSTIN, PERFECT CONDI- | tion; also Electrolux vacuum. Phone | 674 or 4286J2. (217¢) '37 CHRYSLER, APPLY 211 HURON | Crescent after 5. (217¢) 49 CUSTOM FORD TUDOR, SUN visor, radio, heater, slip covers, | other extras, Phone 9147, (217¢) 39 HUDSON 1;-TON~ good running condition; Chev, 13-ton pick-up, in condition. Cheap for quick ! Phone 3767J12, (217¢) '46 BUICK SEDAN, RADIO, UN- derseat heating. Must see car to | realize value. Phone 495. (217b) '39 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN, GOOD | condition, heater, private. Apply 45 Bloor St., East. Phone 688-R. (216¢) FOR A SQUARE DEAL, SEE Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors New and used cars. Phone 5505; eve- nings, 1463J. (03) '47 STUDEBAKER, 2-TON; '42 IN- ternational, K.5 stake; '48 Ford, 1- ton, express. Powell Motor Sales, North Oshawa. (013) RE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION UNITS for "34-'38 Chevrolets and Pontiacs We can install immediately. Morey's Garage, corner Vercun'and Gliddon also '35 sale. utomobiles Wanted AUTO SAFETY GLASS INSTA {led while you wait. Andy Nagy's Body Shop. Phone 4437. (S28) MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR AT Dodds Car Lot, 300 Park Road Ss. Phone 4749. (01) OUT-OF-TOWN BUYER Will Be At BOWERS SERVICE STATION Corner King and Ritson Road WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20th from 12 noon until 9 p.m. PREMIUM PRICES PAID for General Motors or Chrysler built cars from 1938-1950. 36- Pets and Livestock COLLIE PUPS, 7 WEEKS OLD. Phone 363J4. (218b) CHINESE GEESE FOR BREED- ing, $5.50, brown and white. David- Thornton's Corners. Phone (2181) "BLACK AND TAN, Fox and Deer Hound puppies, 5 months old. Phone 4775-J. (218¢) IRISH RATTAIL WATER SPAN- iel, year old. Apply 337 Ritson Rd. S. | son's, S08W1. AMERICAN (218c) REDUCING OUR STOCK OF REG- istered cocker spaniels, special prices during September. Waubena Ken- nels, mile west of Oshawa, new highway. (08) 38--Wearing Apparel LADY'S BLACK, SEMI - FITTED winter coat, size 18, almost new, $30; man's winter coat, size 38, $5; fox fur and muff set, $15. Phone 2922. (217¢) LADY'S" WINTER COAT, DRESS: maker suit, ski suit and dresses, size 13-14, Phone 3143M, (218c) BROMLEIGH WINE COAT, SIZE 16, as good as, new, reasonable. Phone 2810J. (218c) UVE DINNER DRESS; chesterfield coat; afternoon dresses, size 16. New bowling shoes, size 615. Phone 6291-J. «218¢c) 3 SUITS AND 4 EXTRA PAIRS; men's pants, practically new, clean and sanftary, size 36. Phone 4015-R. 132 Church St. (519,23) 38a---Market Basket SWEET BLOSSOM HONEY, NO. 1 white Clover. Harold Andersoh, 272 Ritson Rd. N. Phone 427J. (019) 39--Articles For Sale CHESTERFIELD, NIGHT TABLE, jacket heater, sink with taps. Phone 3143M. (218b) Ubb, Ulivi AL Wl iriC 3- burner electric range, side oven, tu- bular elements, white porcelain fin- ish, lamp, $49.50. Convenient terms. Hill-Cornish Electric Ltd., 50 Prince St. Phone 341. (218b) FROST KING ICE BOX, USED, excellent condition, white enamel finish, $20, Terms available. Hill- Cornish Electric: Ltd., 50 Prince St. Phone 341. (218b) | Your Present Car with | PICK-UP, IN | Many Months to Pay! running | Belmont (SM, Tu,tf) | 32--Automobiles For Sale 32--Automobiles For Sale osIng Out Our Entire Present "Stock Every Car Must Be Sold by Oct. Models Ranging from 1932 to New 1950's Liberal "Allowance on DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS CHANCE TO OWN A GUARANTEED USED CAR AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Motors 137 King St. West PHONE 4808 OSHAWA, ONT. 1950 Chev. Coach New Oshawa Blue Air Cond., Heater 1950 Chev. Coach New Black, White Wall Tires Air Cond., Heater 1950 Vanguard Sedan New Deluxe Air Cond., Heater Light Blue 1949 Pontiac Sedan 2069 Black, White "./all Tires Heater and Defroster Low Mileage 1949 Chev. 1007 Green, Radio, Heater Many Extras 1948 Pontiac Sedan Coupe 2507 Radio, Heater, ®Slipcovers Low Mileage 1948 Pontiac Sedan Coupe 2707 Two-Tone Grey Radio, Heater, Hydramatic Chrome Rings, Really A Beautiful Car 14,000 miles 1948 Pontiac Sedan 2719 Green, Radio, Heater A Very Clean Car Belmont 1947 Buick Super Convertable Equipped 'With Everything A Florida Vacationist's Special 1947 Chev. Deluxe Sedtin Heater and Defroster Fleetmaster. Factory Clean 1947 Pontiac 2507 Light Blue, Heater, Radio This Car Is In Beautiful Condition 1946 Pontiac 2507 Two-Tone Blue and Giey Squeegie White Wall 6-Ply: Tires 1946 Chev. Sedan Grey, Heater and Defroster 1946 Ford Coupe Radio, Heater This Car Is Immaculate 1942 Plymouth Coach Defroster, Radio 1941 Chrysler Coach Simplamatic Drive Radio, Heater. This Is Positively The Best '41 Chrysler In Town 1934 Chev. Coach Deluxe Maroon, New Super Cushion Tires Sun Visor, Heater and Defroster Fender Pants, Fog Lights Direction Signals There Is Not A Better '41 Chev. In The Country 1940 Chey. Sedan Heater, 1939 Pontiac Coach 1938 Chev. Coach 1938 Chev. Coupe 1936 Buick Sedan 1934 Chev, Coach 1933 Chev. Coach 1932 Pontiac Coach 1932 Hudson Coupe 1931 Model A Roadster Trucks 1942 G.M.C. 3-Ton Stake An ideal farmers' truck 1937 Chev. 2-Ton Stake Belmont Motors 37 King West Ph. 4808 Oshawa (19,21) Motors (Continued on Page 16)