"THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1950 Business - Professional DIRECTORY 1=--Architects & IRWIN, 47 Prince' Street, Oshawa. Phone 1001. Also 2848 Bloor St. W., Toronto. Phone LY. T7755. (812) 18--Lost and Found ST--RI. LE T.G.H. IN gold on black, keepsake. Please re- turn. Reward. Phone 1260-W. (820) LOST. -- BLACK CHOW DOG, strayed from 95 Patricia Ave. Thursday evening. Phone 3168R. LOST -- AT BARNHART'S RE- freshment booth, Lakeview Park, Thursday, boy' ring and watch. Finder einaly' phone 4615-M. Gener- 1a--Accountants, Chartered TH AND MONTEITH, C. A., Resident Partner. 3 Barristers B.A, BARRIS: ter, Solicitor, ete., 1315 Simcoe Street . North. Phones: office 5073; residence oid) (821) NAN, Commerce i Craton, K. Cs. KC, G. K. (81) Besrinters 86. CONANT AND ANNIS, BAKRIS- tars. Allin 8. Aoi, B.C. 7% Simocs 4. Residences 739 Resident partn K.C., Uxbridge, Ontario. MP! 8, K.C., BARRIS- ter, 'Boliuitor, etc. -6 King Street West. Phones: Office, 814; Residence 3297. Money to loan. (S1) . MANGAN, K.C.. B , Solicitor. Money to loan. Of- ortgage National Housing Act loans. 26 Sim- coe North. Phone 1614, Res. wh ING ¥. SWAR' BARRIS- ter. Solicitor. Notary. Money tn losn. Bassett Block, Suite No. 4. Phone 282; Res. 28TTW. (81) 4--Chiropodists 3 VAN, D.8.C. <I PO- dist, specializing In dis of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, ¢7 Prince &t. Phone wi 5--Dentists oThawe Clinic. Cnet day. Hv by Phone 4569 or 4577TR. 6--Nursing Services MIDDLE GREEN VILLA LA REST Home, approved by doctors. One or two vacancies, for aged and bed tients. Men and women. Every Ei dnoss given; excellent meals; Spacious grounds for relaxation. ursing care; tray service. Terms weekly or monthly. Phone for ap- pointment. Oshawa 77M1. (Aug2?) 7--Optometrists N, O a Lovell - Office Hours: 9 to 8: ednesday, 9 3 1. Phone 4164. (S81) C. O¥F- foe, 9 to 15, 3 10 5 and Monday, D| 18ST, | J to 6 every 8 (81) J ous r be given. (192¢) 5 Mionioy to Loan East, Oshawa. Phone 67. CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first mortgages. Aisn i H.A. and Builders Loans. kas. Aly i M. §, Swarts, Barrister, Bassett lock, suite No. ¢ Phone 282. > (S1) 20--Personal DRIVING. TO TORONTO DAILY, leaving 6:30 a.m. Room for two. Phone 4714-J. (193e) RESPONSIBLE PARTY, WHO CAN furnish references 'to drive car to Vancouver, B.C., leaving Au, t 26, reply to Box 119, Times-Gazette, leaving telephone number. (192d) 21--Personal Services RADIO SERV ALL . Pick-up and delivery. Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. (S8tf) PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. For free estimate call Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe uy ( ) 23--Women"s Column SPECIAL -- OIL PERMANENT wave, $3.50; regular, $5. Cold waves, $5 up. Clarke's Hairdressing, 172 Gibbons St. Phone 5074-J. (8.15) WHY PAY MORE? CHARIS ONLY garment, guaranteed to your satis- faction. Expertly fitted. Mrs. Blat. | 4398-M ter. (S12) PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON -- OIL wave, $2.50 up; machineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St. Phone 871. (Aug2?) 25--Real Estate For Sale FRAME HOUSE IN VILLAGE OF Ashburn, 6 rooms, hardwood down- stairs, cistern, hydro, %-acre lot. Apply Gordon Fisher, phone Brook- lin 14R32, (1941) COMPLETELY FURNISHED home, 18' x24', ane acre good soil, hydro, phone, water, bus service; near highway, 3 miles east of Osh- awa, $1,300. $900 cash, rest monthly payments. Box 371, Oshawa. (193c) 93-ACRE FARM, 10-ROOM BRICK house, good buildings, large bank barn, maple bush, lots of water, silo, large drive shed, hydro available, % mile from town, leads to paved road; $6,500, 12 cash, terms. Phone Castle- ton 33RS5, collect. (193d) 2 CHOICE 60 LOTS ON WEST- minster Ave., off Roxborough. Phone 6253-W. (193e) LOT, 7 YOUNG FRUIT TREES, 100' x 198', located Dunbarton. James E. Cockburn, Spruce Hill Rd., Dun- barton. (193c) BUILDING LOT, 40' x130', hydro, water available, north-west section, Phone 4918-W. (193¢) 7-ROOM DWELLING, 3-PC. BATH, hydro, garage, $1,500 down, balance as rent. W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Phone 5356 or 3510 any- time. (193b) Wednesday and Friday to 9. Phone 1516. (81) BUILDING LOT, 5°' X 150°, EX- t location, northwest. Phone 8--Building Trades I OR SERVIC Floors laid, sanded and finished, rab 1896-R. (Aug25) BUILDING LOT, 40' X 120°, GOOD location, east end, sewer and water available. Phone 2123J. (192c) ber and Mastic tile. B. M hy Hillside. Phone 547M. (S6) , IM- mediate service, nothing too large or small. Free estimates, reasonable rates. Phone 3512J2. (Septl) PAINTING AN. D DECORATING Free Phone 5 Fork Orono, TTRT. (Aug20) BAND, GRAVEL, FILL, BLACK loam; dump trucks for hire. Quality and Service, phone W, F. Fosety, . u and spray i ny in fhe, we lp . Phone or - (Sots) h ERS, black loam; immediate delivery. Dump trucks for hire. Cement mixer for rent. Phone D. R. Brown, STHWS. : (A20tf) CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry re Cement mixer for rent. Gordon May. Phone 920W12. (S8) > ROO! AS LT shingles, built-up roofing, and sid- ing. Work guaranteed. W. Tuck- er, 4302). (Aug.19) SS inats Opportunities A SINESS, WELL tablished in Oshawa. Income as- sured from start. Apply Box 118, Times-Gazette. (193c) LL & Supplies STO. S AND ROCK- eries built, sodding, etc. Now is the time to prepare Zor fall planting. Uhowe 2178. (Aug26) 13--Household Repairs , AIR C TIONIN vacuum cleaning, sheet work, eavestroughing. A. Tay- , 51 Bruce, Phone 1 (8.19) 1 REBUILT, covered. Like new. Why pay more? On rates are Feagcnabis. Satistac- Nas ay Co. 8 Church St. Phone 3344. (83) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND ge uptioiutsred. See our materials for . Bruce R. Dalton, aries. Phone 401. (83) 14--Instruction ; L of Dancing: Ballet, Tap, Toe, Char- --412 acres and barn, $9,500 close to city, with 6- room frame dwelling. Large living- room with open fireplace, hardwood floors, full basement, insulated. Good furnace, heavy duty wiring. Suitable for poultry and market gardening .Could subdivide. Imme- diate possession. Terms. W. E. HOLMES Broker Bond at Ontario Phone 5508) (Aug18,21) 27--Real Estate Wanted COUPLE WITH $700 AS DOWN payment on 4, 5 or 6-room house. Apply to Box 113, Times-Gazette. (192¢) HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS wanted for clients. For better results, list your property with W. McAuley, Real Estate, 13 Prince St. Phone 5356 or 3510 anytime. 28--For Rent TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, east «end. Phone 4981J. (194a) 3 FURNISHED ROOMS SUIT, clean, quiet couple with references. Apply after 6, 165 Ritson Rd. S. (194a) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR rent in quiet home. Apply 130 War- ren Ave. (194b) 4-ROOM APARTMENT, ALL CON- veniences, for couple, no children. Apply 476 Albert St. (194a) 2 FURNISHED BEDROOMS CLOSE to Motors. Phone 365IW. (194a) FURNISHED SINGLE BEDROOM, Christian home, central, continuous hot water. Phone 5191W, (194b) E NISHED BEDROOM, for two gentlemen to share, single beds, very central. Phone 1281M. (194b) FURNISHED ROOM, FOR TWO gentlemen, in nice clean home. Phone 311-J or 63 Avenue St., eve- nings. (193c) 29--Wanted to Rent URGENTLY NEEDED HOUSE FOR quiet couple and baby. Phone 202J3. 2 (194¢) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping room by middle-aged cou- ple, clean, quiet and sober, on or be- fore Sept ; $25 per month. 10 (1891) = y morning, Sept r 9, Masonic Temple. Centre. (Sept!) ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS. dic Fall term 5. Oshawa Basen College, 18 Simcoe North 4. (S10) Fox: TET, WALTZ, RUMBA Tango, Samba, Swing, taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class instruction. 47 Prince St. For app phone 4271.J. (83) 15--Insurance P P [ant b models insured and financed. Mc- Murtry Insurance Agency, 21 King W. Phone 1676W. (Sept. 2) C Vv ice for better insurance in ali classes 2% King St. BE Phoue 5400. Bu (81) 16--Lawn Mower Service shears, ed. Phone knives 1383-3. (Sept) years one Do in Toronto. Phone 5564-R. (1941) TWO BUSINESS LADIES DESIRE 3 rooms unfurnished by Sept. 15, rent reasonable. Phone 2457J. (194f) phoiilicbit ini Stns Mb th dB UNFURNISHED ROOM WITH housekeeping privileges, suitable for business woman. Phoned 3659-W. (193c) ONFURNISHED DUPLEX, OR similar Accommodation, preferably where I can keep small dog. Mrs. Colpus, 9 Bagot St. Phone 1415. (193g) TWO UNFURNISHED OR FURN- ished rooms urgently required by young business couple, Oshawa or Whitby. Phone Brooklin 111-J. (192¢) 1IET, OUN: E ABL. couple desire 2 or 3 unfurnished, 14--$§20 rooms, good locality preferred. Box 116, Times-Gazette. (192¢) HOUSE, APARTMENT OR ROOMS |& furnished or uniunished, urgently needed. Couple with high school-age boys. "Box 110, Times-Gazette. A826) ' Children's pet. (194c) Agents Wasated.. 40 Architects <ccece 1 Articles fez Rent 40 Articles for Sele 39 Repairs ..ceceo 34 Automobiles for Sale ..cecco 8 Automobiles eee 11 ONE INSERTION Bubsequen INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Employment anted ....... #0 Column 37 Help Wanted... #4 Basket Market Money to Loan.. 19 Nursing Services © es0sssenesssssnsee EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION Above rates apply only to por ion orders for cunsecutive insertions. insertions ordered new original order. Professional and Business listings, $5.00 per month for 20 words or less. 2Uc additional for all words over 20. Zach initial letter, abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, figure, count as 8 full word. Box charged 1lUoc additional All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by § a.m, the day of publication. Office hours: Dally, 8-6. Saturday, 8-12. Optometrists .... 1 Personal Persona: Services c..cc.o 31 Pets & Livestock ..... 38 Radio Repairs .. 23 Real Hstate tS ..ececes 24 Estate «838A Woariug to Rent.. 20 sasing Apparel 35 01% at a later date constitute a 29--Wanted to Rent 7 0R 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, couple with ten-year-old boy. Phone S (192c) 3-ROOM APARTMENT, BY YOUNG Phone 5279-J af- couple, abstainers. (1901) ter 6. YOUNG EXECUTIVE Requires lurge apartment or bungalow to rent. Apply MR. GERTNER Sportrite Junior Ltd. 30 Richmond W. PHONE 4940 (185tf) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO men willing to share room. Phone 48017. (194a) ROOM AND BOARD FOR YOUNG man. 216 Parks Ave. (193c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GIRL. Phone 2149-M or 305 French Stress; (192¢) 31--Room & Board Wanted MALE TEACHER DESIRES ROOM and board, commencing September 4, preferably in north end near Col- legiate. Apply Box 120, Times- Gazette. (194c) sZz--Automobiles For Sale 1949 METEOR Custom coach. Low mil new 39--Articles For Sale JOHNSTON ALTERNATE-FIRING twin outboard motor, 9.8 h.p. Used about 20 hours. Apply 161 Alma St. (194d) KITCHEN - TABLE, '2 CHAIRS, walnut veneer desk, lady's black winter coat, size: 18, small fox cape, man's winter coat, all in good con. dition. Phone 2922, (194c) BEACH COAL AND WOOD range, with new wwter front, $28. Apply at 228 Verdun Rd. (194b) SCOTCH BROADLOOM RUG, 9' x 21'; also Wilton rug, 2'3"" x 12". Ap- ply 254 Punshon Ave. (194b) GURNEY TABLE TOP GAS range, $75; Simplicity washer, $45. Apply 18 Westmoreland after 6. (192¢c) SINGLE BEDS, COMPLETE WITH mattress, $1495. A & A Surplus Store, 86 Simcoe N. Phone 5180-W. (193c) KEYSTONE 8 M.M. SILENT PRO- jector with case, cost $131; rheostat speed control, blower cooled, nearly new, $100. Phone 3440-J. (193¢) ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM ble prices. M e- ments 'taken free. Please order early. Phone 2362-W. (8.19) RENT A PORTABLE ELECTRIC sewing machine in your own home, $6 per month. We deliver and pick up. Singer Sewing Machine Com- pany, 14-16 Ontario St. Phone 696. (M.,W.,F. tf) car condition. . $1,635 CASH Owner leaving country. This car sells for $1,850 on used car lots. PHONE 4712W 63 CELINA ST. (1941) "39 HUDSON, GOOD CONDITION, J. Mecking, Courtice, south of Trull's store. (192¢) 47 AMERICAN OLDS, 8 SEA hydramatic, 2 heaters, separate de- frosters, windshield washers, radio, clock. Absolutely perfect condition inside and out, $1,775. Chas. Grain- ger, Port Perry, 174RI11. (193b) 5% HILLMAN MINX, UNDER warranty, actual mileage 1,019, to close estate. Can be seen at Sharpe Motor Sales or phone 5784. (193b) FOR A SQUARE DEAL, SEE Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors. New anda used cars. Phone 0505; eve- nings, 1463J. (83) RE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION UNITS for "34-'38 Chevrolets and Pontiacs. We can install immediately. Morey's Garage, corner Verdun and Gliddon. Phone 657. (87) '48 PONTIAC COACH, RADIO, heater, new tires, $1,500. Apply 900 Masson St., evenings. (192¢) 38 FORD SEDAN, GOOD CONDI- tion. Phone 4050-W. (1901) 33--Automobiles Wanted PRIVA L BUY good used car. Apply 59 Harold St. (194a) '48, '49 OR '50 CHEV. OR PONTIAC. Have all cash. Phone 3637J. (86) AUTO BAPETY GLASS INSTAL led while you wait. Andy Nagy's Body Shop. Phone 4437. (Aug.28) MORE CAS R YO AT Dodds' Car Lot, 300 Park Road 8. Phone 4749. (Sep.1) OUT-OF-TOWN BUYER Will Be At BOWERS SERVICE STATION Corner King and Ritson Road WEDNESDAY, AUG. 23rd from 12 noon until 9 p.m. PREMIUM PRICES PAID for General Motors or Chrysler built cars from 1938-1950. (S,M,T,tf) 'spring, CARPETS, BLANKETS FROM your old materials. To see samples, phone 662M. Materials collected Aug. 15 and Sept. 15. (85) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUT- tings for quick sale to clean factory, $5 or $3 lots delivered. Phone 4793-W. (191d) BATHTUBS, TOILETS, SINKS, wash basins, piping, fittings, new, used, automatic Bendix washer, 12 model washer. 5405J. AWNINGS--SELECT YOURS ay gay stripes or plain colors. Free esti- mates. Folding chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (S85) FISH (HALIBUT), CHIPS FRYING daily eleven to one, five to nine. Jackson's, Park Rd. S. Phone 2263. (S15) SEE THE NEW WESTINGHOUSE Laundromat, automatic washing machine with the exclusive water saver. Meagher's Electric, author- ized Westinghouse Dealers. (Aug20) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- s er rolls and belts for all makes of washers. Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 38001V. (A251) VENETIAN BLINDS, THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start- ling development in Venetian Blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create ent Est t without ob- ligation. George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond St. Wes (815) 6-PC. WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE with Marshall spring mattress and excellent condition; 4 bed- room scatter rugs, high chair, go- cart, baby's car seat. Apply 17 Mc- Laughlin Blvd. (193c) 6-PC. KITCHEN SUITE, 4 CHAIRS, table, buffet. Phone 4580-M. (192¢) ELECTRIC GUITAR COMPLETE with amplifier. Best offer. Ken Spears, phone Port Perry 358. avid MADONNA LILY BULBS FOR sale. Phone 5563-J. 34 Colborne W. (192¢c) {2-GAUGE BROWNING AUTOMA- tic shotgun, $85. Apply Box 112, Times-Gazette. (192c) MANURES ! WELL-ROTTED OR fresh weedless horse, cow or chicken manures; also black loam! and top soil. Oshawa Nursery, phone 3234 before 6. (Septl) OSHAWA TYPEWRITER COM- pany. Phone 3203-M. Rentals, re- pairs, new and used machines, add- ing machines and cash iia TO ( NECCHI SEWING MACHINES, with the exclusive zig-zag built-in stitch unit and other exclusive fea- tures. Meagher's, 6 King St. W. (Aug.30) COAL - ELECTRIC COMBINATION range, new modern type burners. This type of range is in short sup- ply. One only, new, $209.00. Meagh- er's, 92 8 N. (Aug.31) 36-- Pets and Livestock COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, blondes, blacks, black and tans, par- ti-colours. Bathing, trimming, board- ing. Waubena Kennels, mile west Oshawa on new highway. (Au26) try. Picked up and delivered. Twin Birch Kennels, Whitby 839. (Augl9) 38--Wearing Apparel NEW CROP NO. 1 CLOVER honey. Bring your own containers and save 3 cents per lb. 22c bulk. Roy Anderson, 268 Ritson Rd. N. (Sept. 2) HORIZONTAL CTP 45. pome fruit 48. herbaceous 39--Articles For Sale HARDWOOD KINDLING, 10 BAGS $4. Best buy in town. Phone 6244. (Aug25) MAN'S BICYCLE, GOOD CONDI- tion; selling reasonable. Phone (98) 41--Articles Wanted LIVE POULTRY WANTED, HIGH- est' prices paid, 'also buy scrap iron. Phone I. Turner, 239M12, collect. A (Aug.29) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT. ed, ice-boxes. cook stoves, and heat- ers. 56 King West. Phone 3326. (S14) CASH PAID FOUR GOOD USED furniture, ice-box, Quebec heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. (S14) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out-oi-town calls picked up free. Phone 635. Cedardale [ron and Metals, 100 Annis St., east of C.N.R. Station. (S3) PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee, 79 Simcoe N. Phone 2388. (S16) 42--Female Help Wanted SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR FOR busy office and plant. Should have pleasing personality for telephone work; some typing ability an asset. Apply V. A. Henkelman, Times- Gazette. (194tf) YOUNG GIRL TO TRAIN FOR lunch counter work. Day shift only. Phone 4895W. (1942) EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, DAY work, no Sundays. Apply in person only to Lucky Strike Grill __ (194a) work, experienced stenographer, accurate at figures, 4 mornings weekly. Apply to Box 115, Times- Gazette. (193¢) WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Phone 2010. (193¢) VOCALIST AND VARIETY ACTS wanted for dance and show dates. Phone Variety Attractions, Port Perry 258. (192¢) YOUNG LADY FOR PAYROLL DEPARTMENT MACHINE SYSTEM Must be intelligent, accurate worker, and preferably with some experience in payroll procedures. Apply V. A. HENKELMAN TIMES-GAZETTE (190tf) OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS You'll like being a telephone girl 1.--Good pay with regular increases. 2.--No experience necessary. 3.--You're paid while you train. 4.--5-day week. 5.--Friendly associates. 6.--Regular rest periods. Applicants should preferably have completed grade 10, be single and in the 16 to 25 age group. ' See MRS. H.C. ROBERTSON Chiet Operator BELL TELEPHONE CO. 15 VICTORIA ST., OSHAWA (M,Th,Tf) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX steel or Flexalum., Guaranteed in every way. Also complete repair service. Phone Merv. Tuck, 4674W. (Aug.31) OMPLETE WI W SERVICE, C da"s finest Venetian blinds by LADIES' WINTER COAT, RED fox collar, matching hat, muff, size Phone 4504-M. (192¢) 23 SArhisles For Sale EFRIGERATOR, electric 40 electric welder, Lin- coln; electric motors, 2 hp. and 5 hp.; 2 hand floor polishers. Phone 2164-W, (193c) Met-Wo Industries, unconditionally guaranteed. Basy payments if de- sired. See the new Beauflex blinds with various patterns, also the plas- tic tapes. Free estimates and instal- lations anywhere. J. W. Mellev, phone 4101. (83) KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR, 4-year guarantee, 7.6 cu. ft.; terms. Phone 811, Bowmanville. (192c) 43--Male Help Wanted DRIVER -- AS SALESMAN FOR soft drinks, experienced. Call at 183 Bloor East. (192c) LEADING STONE MANUFACTUR- er requires a part-time man to sell stone work in evenings. Applicants should have a fair knowledge of the building trade, but not essential. Write Box 117, Times-Gazette, for interview. (193c) PIANO, VIOLIN, SAXOPHONE & accordian players wanted, also co- median and novelty acts for dance and show dates. Telephone Variety 43--Male Help Wanted HANDYMAN, MIDDLE-AGED, AB- stainer, for summer camp, year round employment. Phone 4804 or write Cedar Valley Camp, North Oshawa. (193c) TWO ALUMINUM POLISHERS, YreferAbly experienced. Apply. Kit- chen Installations, Ajax. (192¢) DRIVERS WANTED. MUST BE good drivers, honest, neat in appear- ance. Apply United Taxi, 60 King E. (183tf) DRUG APPRENTICE Or one with equivalent standing, for Oshawa drug store. Top salary, and good working conditions. Write BOX 114 TIMES-GAZETTE (192c) 44--Male or Female Help CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. Prepare now for Fall examinations. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Mani- toba. (Aug.19) 45--Agents Wanted MAKE MONEY FAST SELL Christmas cards, Clubs, Church Groups, and individuals sell this big, beautiful line which includes secular, religious, every day, comics, wrap- ping, seals, etc. Amazing profits. Phone 2390-M for. information. (815) AGENTS, CHURCH GROUPS, ETC. Show the finest and most complete line of Christmas cards, everyday cards and accessories available. Forty items from which to choose including personal, metallic, French and plastic cards; novelty television sets, bells, gift wrapping, etc. Liberal commission and fast service. Write W. V. Jeandron Greeting Card Co, 86 Kensington Ave. N., Hamilton, Ont. (8.9) CHRISTMAS CARDS Our new 1950 cards are positively stunning. The 21 card DeLuxe Box has a sensational "Television" card in every box along with plastic, ex- pensive foils and novelties--a sure- fire moneymaker. We also have an exciting, new Foil box which sparkles in brilliant colors. Send for samples on approval and catalogue with over§ 40 fast selling items. Monarch Christmas Cards, 47 Eastos Ave. N., Hamilton. (S 30) STAND-INS FOR MEAT Meat alternates are food which can take the place of meat., For example, eggs can double for steak and baked beans can be made t> do for stew occasionally. What- ever the meat alternate is, make the serving generous. If it is mac- aroni and cheese, make it cheese and macaroni because it is the Sees that is taking the place of meat. SHEEPLOVER WANTED A free one-way passage to Can- ada from Glasgow was recently ad- vertised by the North Countty Cheviot Sheep Society, The only condition was that the successful applicant must be "able and will- ing te look og 34 North Country Cheviot sheep én route from Glas- gow to Quebec", Fugitive --Central Press Canadian. Typical of the plight of South Koreans is this photo of an aged man fleeing the Communist troops who have swept down and engulfed his peaceful village. Carrying his meagre possessions on his back, and calm with the philosophical atti- tude of his many years, he turns his back on communism and plods wearily to the safety of the South 4¢ine man-hours of work were in- Hy exclude 9. Lake in Scotland 12. conscious 13. rubber tree 14. herd of whales 15. nobleman 16. exhaust perennial 49. unit 50. glossy 51. elongated fish 52. Buddhist column 53. worsted stuff VERTICAL 1. flap 2. milkfish 3. traveling company 4, smoother 8. course 6. sprout 7. fish sauce 8. think 9. century. plant 10. an essential © tolife 11. an abrasive 17. fondness '18. presently 20. three-leaved | plant 21. young hare 24. each 25. Chinese glue 26. cost 28. attainea 129. dim |30. muffin |33. alluvial | deposit at mouth of river 34. stock 35. unit of pressure 38. beginner 40. click-beetle 42. goddess of discord 43. exact LIVKIE] Average time of solution: Distributed by King Features Answer to Saturday's puzzle. SIEIATTEEMIAICTE] AIC IR |E JNO [DIORA [A RIEL [A[T]) [O]N] AITIOIN PIE IW AITIONIE [DJ 29, volcanic tuf| 41. worthless 1. admit | support ite, a plese By W. G. ROGERS New York, Aug. 21 (AP).--Wo- men and debts, and a lot of each . +. . those are the most popular angles in the story of Honore de Balzac, the most Bohemian and, excepting possibly Stendhal, the greatest 19th-century French novel- ist. He died 100 years ago. Stefan Zweig, in his "Balzac," says death occurred 100 years ago Aug. 17 at 10:30 in the evening. The Ency- clopaedia Britannica gives the same day, puts the hour at 11:30. Another reference work claims he died Aug. 18, and three others say it was Aug. 20. But everyone agrees about the novelist's fantastic spendthrift ways. When he was only 26, he owed 15,000 francs; at 29, it was 100,000; at 37, it was 140,000. Like his con- temporary Wagner, he spent years dodging the sheriff. King Jailed Him Once he rented three Paris apartments, only one in his name, and two of them had secret stair- ways just in case. His creditors, by some fate, never clapped him into Philippe's conscription laws and don the National Guard uniform, he was imprisoned a week. Balzac Dead 100 Years, Was Noted For Prodigal Ways Some debts were for love affairs but always money poured down thq sewer for rash publishing ventur attempts to run print shops magazines, investments in silver mines in Sardinia, in gardening, or one of those canes which dazzled his vast admiring public in Paris, Vienna, or the cities of Italy. His well-to-do bourgeois parents wanted him to study law. He stuck it as long as he could, then deter- mined to write. They gave him a miserly allowance for two years, with the understanding that if that didn't make him rich and famous, he'd quit. That was their under- standing, not his, and he kept at it, soon making a comfortable living with the trashiest kind of pot- boiling. Then Wrote Masterpieces He was more than 30 before he began to turn out the masterpieces . + « "Louis Lambert," "La Cousine Bette," or the vast "Human Comedy" in which we see a total of some 2,000 characters taken from private, political, provincial, Parisian, military and rural life" and spread through nearly 50° volumes. He was a man of prodigious, un- believable enery, who could, and had 10, work 10 and 15 hours at a Who Wraps Pennies? City Fathers Get Joh Flin Flon, Man., Aug. 21--(CP)-- Who's going to count the pennies collected from Flin Flon's new parking meters? A bank has offered paper wrap- pers but won't fill them. No city employee has volunteered for the job. A pailful of pennies was dumped on the council table last week. Councillors reached the logical con- clusion: It was their money and they'd have to count it themselves. So they counted and wrapped, volved. 'Then they reached agreement: to the days of relaxation. It is of highest importance that men and women should begin to plan for their declining years well in ade vance, He isn't to be the only lawyer in the family. His two sons are now attending their father's alma mater, Dalhousie University at Halifax, That's right, they are taking pree W. LOST! SAILOR'S BROWN TRAVELLING CASE on Friday, August 18, in an Austin car between French- } man's Bay and Whitby Cloverleaf. Finder please call 328J, Port Perry, or return same to H.M.C.S. York, Toronto. At the next council meeting, some- counter. A HAPPY TIME Old age can be a healthy, happy time of life provided it has been properly prepared for and approach- ed---with--a---healthy mental outlook. When retirement age draws near special activities should be develop- body is going to be made official JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! 241 KING ST. EAST PHONE 1351 ed to give meaning and interest ® Monuments ® Markers ® Corner Posts ® Inscriptions -- REASONABLE PRICES -- RUTTER GRANITE CO. 73 ONTARIO ST. PORT HOPE Phone Collect 3216 or 3222 NIAAA AAAS ANS NANA, Stafiord Bros. ONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundos St. E, Whitby Phone Whitby 552 MUNUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and care. ful attention to detail are your assurance when you. choose from the wide selection of im- ported and domestic Granites Attractions, Port Perry 268. ~ (192c) Korean line, * "A and Marbles in stock. | A