SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1950 a THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE me PAGE FIFTEEN CNN PLAN ROW Zz FOR + 11 Building Costs Spiral Continues With Demand For Defence Stockpile In word and deed construction manufacturers, distributors, con- tractors and housebuilders inter- viewed, this week look for aggra- vation of building material short- age and maybe a quick but mild further rise in material prices. Blame the seven-week-old Korea war and armament upsurge if 1950 supply pools get thinner in Sep- tember and fall, and if prices of .some items rise. So says the in- dustry. But war isn't held responsible for what happened so far -- for spring-summer aggravation of Jum- ber, cement, steel, plumbing-heat- ing shortage and the new plumbing fixtures, paint, lumber, etc., and in wages of almost all main building trades in most of Canada's high- demand building centres. ' Blame for most of the current shrinkage in supplies and for new additions to building costs -- which earlier had topped the 1935-39 aver- age by more than 140 percent -- so far is laid squarely on North Amer- ica's still sharply rising capital in- vestment program which in the third quarter in. both countries has brought a record volume of building on ' peacetime expansion account, and a fifth round in the dizzy postwar wage-price spiral. Though official Washington is curbing government credit for housebuilding, no great drop in volume is expected immediately. Ottawa is letting rising costs do the curbing, isn't planning to re- strict credit just now. So short of sudden drastic intensification of rearmament plans already an- nounced, construction is seen con- tinuing at somethig like today's sharp pace. Bathtub' Paint Prices Up In recent days, prices of major plumbing fixtures and paint have risen sharply, following steep hikes in lumber, millwork and plywood of preferred building grades and accompanied by rumor of threaten- ed rise in some other key mater- fals as well. There has been, for example, no real assurance that cement, wallboard, plaster material, pipe prices will hold against mount- ing production and distribution costs; no certainty that grey mar- kets in steel won't hike the cost of that commodity to builders in some cases. » Price increases up to 10 percent on bathtubs, sinks and toilets went into effect last week, a spokesman for a major manufacturer in To- ronto said, declining to be quoted directly or to have his company identified. He added it was likely most other major makers will fol- low suit. Boosts are based on mounting costs of tin, iron, enamel and other materials used in making plumbing fixtures. This week, Canadian paint mak- ers were sending lists to retailers increasing price per gallon 30 to 50c or 5 to 7 percent on top grade house paint, semi-gloss wall finish, floor enamel, enamel and varnish, Within a week, one Toronto manu- facturer said, probably all Canadian paint companies will have upped prices for the industry's first sub- stantial increase since 1947, Because demand far exceeds sup- ply, Canadian builders and contrac- tors are faced with a shortage of men and matérials which may con- tinue for three years, said President Robert Drummond of the" Cana- ------------n nda... -------- A. us-------- 0 ------ Se or] heare Emo moduln oil heating in your home. 2 LOW 00ST/ modern in " / Guaranteed "FIVE YEARS! Io sttractive tweeted brown enamel; boas beet. Trovble-free. Backed by 17 yoors of SHARP 160 King St. W. Electric Oshawa The New OUTH-WIND" HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONERS 5s HOWARD SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR OIL BURNING © HOWARD ; BUILT-IN OIL BURNER © AUTOMATIC HUMIDIFICATION © HOWARD HY DUTY CENTRIFUGAL FAN ® SPECIAL METAL FILTER BOXES WITH REMOVABLE ELEMENTS ® UNIT IS COMPLETELY WIRED UP IN FACTORY © FAST INSTALLATION IMMEDIATE INSTALL". TION 24 Hr. SERVICE © AUTOMATIC ® SILENT * CLEAN ® LOWEST FUEL COST IN ONE PACKAGED UNIT FOR EVERY SIZE OF HOME ROOFING AND SHEET METAL WORK 54 Burk Street Phone 2589 New Apt. Tenants 'Dial' Their Own Indoor 'Climate' Vancouver, Aug, 19 -- Tenants in the new O. Becker apartment, Van- couver, may satisfy their every whim for heating comfort simply by turning a dial. : By means of the most modern heating controls system of its kind, occupants of each of the building's 25 suites can select their own 'climate' -- a growing trend in Hodes apartment house' construc- n, Pneumatic thermostats, designed by Minneapolis-Honeywell Regula- tor Co. Ltd. Leaside, regulate the temperature in individual suites, in response to comfort demands of the occupants, The personalized heating control system, according to Honeywell en- gineers, permits occupants of the north side of the apartment (in- variably subjected to the coldest breezes and least sunshine )to re- ceive sufficient heat for comfortable living without overheating the ten- ants in the other sections of the building. The M-H engineers also point out that the system benefits the owner through fue] saving and increased tenant satisfaction, The individual thermostat con- trols a pneumatic valve on the hot water supply to each suite and the entire control system is operated from a central compressor located in the boiler room. In addition, an outside temperature controller, located on the north side of the building, turns off the heat entirely when the outside temperature reaches approximately 65 degrees Fahrenheit. dian Construction Association. Housing Contracts Up Here's one measurement of the pace of third-quarter building in Canada, the volume of new business placed with contractors, as record- 4 Fd MacLean Building Reports July awards for all kinds of con- struction across Canada, at $151 millions are. up 17 percent from a year ago. Awards in all categories for seven months, at $737 millions are up 19 percent from the 1949 housing period. Housing, barometer classification in this business -- barometer industry shows a July total at over $74 millions, up 43 percent from a year ago, and a seven months' total of close to $310 millions, up 22 percent from the 1949 period.--The Financial Post. U.S. Acts to Curb Wartime Inflation Washington, Aug. 19 (AP)--The United States Government made two major moves Friday night to prevent inflation as a result of its stepped up defence drive. : "l. The Federal Reserve Board approved a rise in the discount rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 1% per cent to 1% per cent. This is intended to restrict bank credit. 2. Secretary John Sny- der announced that insurance com- panies, savings banks and other "institutional" investors may buy up to $1,100,000 worth of Series F and G Government bonds this year. The former limit was $100,000. Canada to Welcome Ten Blind Refugees Toronto -- The Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind will sponsor the immigration of ten sightless refugees and their ac- companying families, Institute of- ficials have announced. Selection will be made by Eric Boulter, European Director of the American Foundation for Overseas Blind. Mr. Boulter, whose head- quarters is in Paris, has been in- vited by the International Refugee Organization to visit its camps in Germany the latter part of this month, We Arrange N.H.A. LOANS Our Mtge Dept is equipped to give you essistance in -- LOCATION = BLUEPRINTS -- CONTRACTOR -- LOAN APPROVAL == INSURANCE COVERAGE We con alse arrange for addi- tiona! mtge. money under the New Federal Legislation. PHONE 4400 chofield INSURANCS Agony Realtors 6 Simcoe St. North Transparent Pipes to Aid Plumbers in Repair Work? Toronto, Ont, -- Something new is forecast for the homé builder in plumbing -- cértain parts of the piping systems for drainage -and for water supplies installed * in transparent materials such as glass or plastics, states a recent news- paper article here. This will be an improvement in determining and overcoming block- ages, it says. The housewife work- ing over the sink will be able to see what types of waste material clog the pipes. And the repair man will able to see at once where the trouble is. . Drain Pipes Engineers advise home builders that the drain pipes throughout the house should be on a contin- uous slope to allow a good flow and to avoid blockage. And the pipes should be equipped with a sufficient number of cleanouts so that the housewife may be relieved of those annoyances that so frequently occur with blocked lines. In planning the bathroom the engineer offers a very simple piece of advice. against an outside wall. With the modern type of built-in bath there is no means of overcoming the cool- ing effects of the outside wall and there is the danger of freezing water pipes. More Hot Water And in providing for your hot water supply the experts advise against the usual 30-gallon tank. In every modern house there is an increasing demand for continuous hot water and a 0-gallon or 50- gallon or 60-gallon tank should be installed, depending on the size of the house. Because the health, comfort and convenience of every family de- pend in such large measure on plumbing and heating, it is es- sential that the equipment which composes these vital systems be of the highest quality and the best design. $ World-Tely Pact Ends Walkout New York, Aug. 19--(AP)--Nego- tiators reached an agreement at 5 a.m. today in the two-month strike of the American Newspaper Guild CIO. against the New York World-Telegram and Sun. . The agreement came after nearly 15 hours of talks. The terms, which were not made public, will be sent before the local executive board of the Guild Mon- day and will be voted on by the membership Tuesday. The Guild walked out June 13, and the big afternoon paper suspended publication when A. F.L. mechanical unions honor- ed its C.I.O. picket line. Guild negotiations said they would recommend acceptance of the terms to the executive board and the 00 strikers. "Both sides have agreed that there will be no discussion as to the details of the settlement until after the membership meeting," Walter A. Maggiolo, one of the three Federal mediators, said, In the meantime, the Guild will maintain its picketlines around the World-Telegram and Sun main plant, and the paper will make no new effort to resume publication. B. O. McAnney, the managing editor, who was one of the nego- tiators for the Scripps-Howard pa- per, said that if the Guild accepts the terms the paper will publish "two or three days" later. Chertsey, Surrey, England--(CP) --There were many stories illustrat- ed with arms apart in Chertsey tav- erns. Fifty-five anglers fished all day and caught--five pounds five ounces of fish. . C.N.E. Passes Given" 0ld Age Pensioners At least 600 old age pensioners have applied for free passes to the afternoon performance in front of the Grandstand at the Canadian National Exhibition. These free tickets are good for one of the following days: August 29, 30, 31 and September 1, §, 6, 7 and 8. Those wishing to apply should note the tickets will be good for any one of these days; not all of them. Application should be made to James Garrick, C.N.E,, office man- Don't build the bathtub | 28 ager, before Exhibition opening day, August 25. . Engineer Says Typhoid Can Come In Newest Areas Toronto, Ont.--Rapidly expand- suburban residential areas not equipped with proper sewage dis- posal facilities may result in a ser- fous outbreak of typhoid fever, Dr. J. KE. Curtis, Ottawa. sanitary en- gineer, told the sanitation section of the Canadian Public Health As- sociation here recently, Construction of houses in these areas is sometimes so great--dwell- ings being erected on every avail- able space--that the building of sewage mains can not keep pace, he says. Water must be obtained from artesian wells, and the do- mestic waste disposed of by septic tanks, Well Pollution "When houses are built so close together," 'Dr. Curtis declared, there is not sufficient space for sewage to evaporate normally from the septic tank beds. The result is pollution of wells and the at- mosphere." Typhoid cases in Ottawa have accounted for nearly half of all cases in Ontario during the past few years, he said. This has been traced to the inadequacy of sewage disposal in relation to housing de- velopment in that district. Another speaker, J. R. Menzies, chief of the public health engineer- ing division of the Federal Health Department, said that waste dis- posal methods in Canada were alarming. Only 200 communities in Canada are served by sewage disposal systems, and very little is done to keep raw sewage from lakes and streams, he asserted. Canada, he said, was fortunate in having abundant surface water, otherwise widespread disease might result. The Great Fire of London in 1666 burned for a week, razing 436 acres of the city, 400 streets, 13,000 houses and 86 churches. Cellar sash glaized in stock. 473 RITSON ROAD S. 25 BLD NOW wir "Spruce 2x4's, 2x6's, 2x8's, 2x10's. All lengths. Sheathing- -- tongue and groove or dressed four sides. Combination doors with screen and glass. Pine cove siding, pine flooring. LUMBER & BUILDING SUPPLIES MACKO PHONE 5363 COMPLETELY INSTALLED OIL BURNERS IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION 25 DREW ST. ] P HONE 765M Day or Night Don't let this weather fool you. . . . It's going to be a cold winter! British American Shovelling Coal! Oil Heating Is Now In Reach of Every Householder Oil Supplieg, by: In Kitchen an In Looking at Women Interested Most d Bathroom New Homes Toronto, Ont. -- With demand more selective these days, the housing business has found it has to spruce up its best selling points on the two rooms which interest women most; the kitchen and the bathroom, says a real estate author- ity here. If these two rooms catch the woman's fancy, the husband's mon- ey is a good as spent and the house is sold, he says. Keen Demand Up to six months ago, a survey reveals, housing demand was keen. But the edge is wearing a little dull. Most people, who previously required homes, are now set up in some sort of shelter. However, a heavy demand is being main- tained by, those seeking to improve their standards. These new-home seekers thus have plenty of time to look around and can afford to be choosey. That is why real estate agents are be- ing forced to show twice as many customers as compared with six months ago. Women want homes in a quiet residential area, near a well-re- spected school and church. Besides dictating the district, the women want the new homes to contain the newest features in kitchen and bathroom design. Highlights Here's what some builders are highlighting for kitchens: Large spacious cupboards, with- in easy reach of the housewife; the mewest type of water faucet, guaranteed not to splash; the dis- appearing rubber hose behind the rooms," living room, and large fireplaces wre likely to be satisfied, too, real- tors say. dish and clothes washer built in beside the sink; rubberized tile for the floor; painted in light pastel shades. and the whole room For the bathroom, builders are attempting to transfer it into a showplace with ultramodern plumb- ing and design; with built-in seat, a quiet-flushing closet; chrome-plated legs and towel bars attached; many and big mirrors; ag the room fashioned in glisten- g, again in light shades like "clair de lune" blue, a large bathtub a deep lavatory with female-eye-pleasing colours, Women = who fancy "powder picture windows for the Some agents are having smaller rooms, off the main floor, redecor- ated especially to meet the needs of a powder room, which is actual- ly a wash room with a vanity table added. These innovations, how- ever, are" usually made on the rambling, older dwellings. Canada's farmers had a total cash income in 1949 of $2,474,400,000, -- Quick Canadian Facts. ASPHALT SHINGLES INSUL-BRICK SIDING GENERAL CARPENTRY WORK Free Estimates Phone 433-) faucet for spraying; the automatic 4 LIMITED 50 PRINCE ST. ELECTRICAL WORK SUPPLIES FOR QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AND SERVICE Consult HILL-CORNISH ELECTRIC > ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS : * Specialists In Industrial and Domestic Construction and Maintenance AND with The moulded - under all climatic conditions. It throughdicensed dealers. 346 GLIDDON AVE. Please send me without obligation: 0 Further details sbout Brickcote 0 A sales engineer to give me an Beautify! Build! ICKCOTE i STONECOTE & B PHONE 1527W Kenovatel on brick wall Brickcote is the masonry brick coating that duplicates exactly the appearance, permanence and durability of actual brick --at a fraction of the cost of actual brick. Brickcote is the answer to low cost new building or renovation. Made of powdered brick and other ingredients Brickcote has been proven for over twenty years is available in the regular brick colours of red, white, rust and buff, and can be applied in patterns, soldier courses, wire cut designs, etc. Bri times faster than regular brick without the' need of hard-to-get materials and expensive skilled labour. In many cases a com, house can be finished in a day. Save time -- save money -- in: about a Brickcote job for your home today. A local representative will be glad to show you photographs of finished Brickcote jobs in Canada. Nationwide distribution is erected many SEND THIS COUPON TODAY FOR FULL INFORMATION ABOUT BRICKCOTS estimate without obligation | SES