Daily Times-Gazette, 25 Jul 1950, p. 7

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TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1950 THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE PAGF SEVEN BEAUTY FOR YOU :- Take a Backward Looks Lady By HELEN JAMESON With bare- formals still raging like a house afire, the amalgamated association of beauty seekers--we're all members of that. fellowship--is giving plenty of attention to neck, shoulders and arms. Right out in the open, they must be above criti- cism. But what about backs? Unless you have a full-length mirror, per- haps you have never given a thought to yours. Sometimes, when a woman is sauntering along the buyways, intent on lugging home a pack of dry goods, she gets a glimpse of her rear portions in a store window. There may be a sort of barrel curve to the top portion, and that straight, slim look is absent. Absent also may be the neat nip-in at the | waistline that makes a girl's figure | look cute. It is a matter which | ». We), AA (oy N24 AN) Hes) W W) A Physician Advises You By HERMAN M. BUNDESEN, M.D. RELIEF FOR HEADACHE The search for drugs to relieve pain goes on endlessly. While we have many and many good ones-- none can be relied on to serve per- fectly in every case. Of late, a good deal of research has been concentrated on a cer- tain group of headaches due to the dilation of blood vessels within the skull. These include ine, the most severe of all headaches; what are known as histamine headaches, and headaches due to nervous ten- sion. Recently, Drs. Peter and Zeller, of the Mayo Clinic, have suggested a drug known as octinhydrochlor- ide for headaches of this type. Taken by Mouth This preparation can be given by injection into a muscle or taken by GLAMORIZING :- Daily should have the attention of all who want to march in the style parade and retain their youthful shapes. . A beautiful back is a good-looks asset. It must not be too plump; it must not show even a shadow of the spinal column. The surface should be of good coloring, satin- smooth; most important of all the back should be held properly. Let the shoulders fall forward and body balance is lost. The area just south of the napeline may assume an ugly little roll.or hump, and if anything will make the figure look older, you tell me, because I don't know. By keeping the spinal column ex- tended full length, the torso will assume natural, graceful lines. The chest ~ will lift; the abdominal muscles will retire, instead of bulg- ing; the arms will have an easy pose; and the head will be carried in a regal manner, Such a littie thing, yet it isn't done by the ma- jority of women. That is why one s0 seldom sees a feminine frame that has grace and beauty. To restore the youthful contour of the back, assume. the correct stand- ing position; inhale as you square your arms; place the hands upon the inside of the opposite elbow; arch the body forward and down- ward and swing your arms against your - knees. The lower the down- ward motion of the arms, the better effect upon the muscles of your back. Anything that tends to de- velop and strengthen the muscles of the back will make for a more youthful silhouette. The business girl who sits all day, ang the saleswoman who stands a good deal, faulty postures that in time will destroy the perfect alignment of the back and the symmetry of«the body. That is why they should have plenty of exercise, preferably out of doors. - Three minutes of calesthenics night and morning will do wonders. Stand tall, arms outstretched on a line with the shoulder, and turn from side to side, pivoting at the waistline. Man Who Makes His Wife Happy Finds Life Easier, Happier Himself From a purely selfish point of view a man ought to do everything possible to make his wife happy. The time, effort and thought he puts into making his wife happy pay a man big dividends, If his wife is 'happy, his home will be a happy place where he gan rest, relax and enjoy himself. If she isn't happy then he is putting out a lot of money for the upkeep of an establishment that isn't a real home to him. If his wife is happy she won't have to "keep up with the Joneses." It's the woman who isn't happy in her marriage who has to have "things" to make her feel like a suc- cessful, woman and who is always ' competing with other women in clothes, houses and gadgets. So if you want your nose kept close to the grindstone, you'd better con- sider your wife's happiness, If his wife is happy a man has a wonderful press. agent. But an un- happy wife is forever belittling her husband to others and consciously or unconsciously tearing him down. "his wife is happy a man has a eal companion he can count on in good times and bad. It's the wife who feels she has been neglected and cheated who hardens her heart and decides that she will look out for herself first of all. | If his wife is happy a husband can tackle his work each day with a mind at peace. The husband of an unhappy woman isn't sent off each morning with a mind unclut- tered with a load of domestic prob- lems. And if his wife is hapny a hus- band has a great deal 1aoré free- dom to live his life £s he likes. It's the unhappy wifc who drags her husband out night after night, and protests if he makes any plans on his own. Because she is un- happy she is always fighting for "her rights." A man may not lose his wife simply because he doesn't make her happy. But he always pays a big price for his indifference to her happiness. PICNIC-TIME Now that temperatures are soar- ing, lakes, pools, parks and oceans are calling to everyone in irresist- ible tones. What moist brow doesn't long for the,cooling breezes of the picnic ground? Appetites that are worn and weak due to summertime heat soon perk up when "picnic" is mentioned, This is one magic word for your vocabulary--use it often. : Picnics are a joy for everyone. It gives Mom a chance to get out of the kitchen for a day and en- joy both family and good weather. It gives Dad a chance to show off his skill at baseball, volley ball or quoits. And, what child doesn't thrill to a picnic? Be it in the back yard, 'at the shore, or at your favorite park or lake--picnics are great fun. Plan- ning and preparing the food are part of the fun, Canned pork and beans are one of the most versatile blace--just heat and serve--what a mouth watering treat! For those who must carry cold foods, try one of these sandwich' A Tasty Bean Sandwich Spread 1 15-ounce can pork and beans $ tablespoons sweet relish 2 tablespooris salad dressing or , mayonnaise ) Mash the beans. Add relish and salad dressing; 'mix thoroughly. . 5 Queen Mary Symbol Of British Virtues In a day when virtue seems ev- everywhere conspicuous by, its ab- sence, Queen. Mother Mary sym-~ bolizes all the virtues that made Britain great, declares an article in the August Reader's Digest, con- densed from Newsweek. "A veritable landmark in Brit- ish public life, as solid and un- changing as the 240-year-old red brick pile of her residence, Marlbor- ough House, the Queen has a ma- jestic indifference to what is called progress." This regal unconcern is perhaps best ' symbolized - by her clothes, She does not 'patronize fashionable couturiers. Obscure dressmakers and milliners supply the plain gowns - and distinctive hats that are her trademark, Queen Mary has never tasted a cocktail, the article says. She has never flown in a plane, never been late for an engagement, never men- tioned the Duchess of Windsor. She will not use the telephone. That instrument, she feels, "is not for royalty." Instead, she writes notes in longhand. The Queen's dignity has survived many a severe test. One day in 1939 her big old Daimler limousine was struck by a truck and turned over. The Queen, with an injur- ed eye and black and blue from head to foot, climbed through the shattered windows and calmly an- nounced that all she wanted was a cup of tea. Despite her regal bearing, however, she blushes eas- ily and refuses to make public ad- dresses. Her only radio broadcast was a 23-word greeting when she launched the liner Queen Mary in 1934. The Duke of Windsor was perhaps her greatest trial, the article states. The Queen does not talk much about him, though the Duke is very fond of "Mama" and always visits her when in Britain. But on such occasions he knows better than to speak of the Duchess, Big Woman Wears. Bold Fashions Well The large woman's ticket to chic is good grooming that's bold, not bashful The more pounds her scales register, the bolder her clothes effects should be, If handl- ed tastefully, her lively dress colors, important pieces of jewelry, unus- ual styles in hand , hats and other accessories will help her to make capital of her Junoesque size. And why shouldn't she make cap- ital of this attribute? It may be turned into an attraction which can make pint-sized women envious, If a large woman dresses quietly, hoping that no one will take much notice, she's making a mistake by making an apology of her size. Size aided by Important good grooming can give a large woman majestic attractions. The one thing more which she needs, however, to put these across is assertive pos- ture: the regally erect kind that can be used by a large beautifully dressed woman to s'op conversa- tion when she makes her entrance. pread between slices of bread or t. Makes 8 sandwiches, Ham and Bean Sandwich Spread 1 16-ounce can pork and beans 1 cup chopped cooked ham Mash beans lightly; combine with ham. Makes enough spread for 7- 8 'sandwiches. are likely to assume, .| ergotamin tartrate. mouth. It is not given by injection into a vein. The patients treated had not used any other medicine prior to the administration of the octin-hydrochloride. . A group of 26 patients was treat- ed by the injection method. In these patients, the octin-hydrochloride administered for 59 headaches; 48 of the.59 were partially or com- pletely relieved. In 11 instances, the preparation did. not help. In 10 cases, the headaches recurred. When the preparation was given by mouth, 15 out of 26 headaches were. completely or partially reliev- ed, while again there were 11 cases in which no relief was obtained. There was 'no reaction to the drug when' the preparation was giv- gn by mouth. However, when 'it was given by injection, an increase in the blood prpsaure developed in some of the cases. This, however, in no way interfered with the treatment. Dilated Blood Vessels Apparently, the drug acts by con- tracting the dilated blood vessels. It would not-appear advisable to give the octin-hydrochloride to patients who have high blood pressure be- cause of. the possible effect on this condition. Nor is this preparation the best one for use in all cases of migraine and histamine headache. There are others, discovered earlier, which act similarly and may many times have a better effect. However, this drug is useful where relief is not obtained with well-tried remedies, such- as ' It is particu- larly helpful in those patients who, because of frequent attacks of headache, may have used too much Routine for Beauty By HELEN FOLLETT Hair brushing should be part of every girl's nightly beayty routine. Give tresses at least one hundred strokes, using #+good -brush, LJ There are times when a woman looks in a mirror and realizes that she has not been keeping up with her good-looks lessons. She knows what she should do to be in tip-top form but, somehow, other matters have intervened and she has let herself go slack. It won't do. Every woman possesses beauty and can | improve herself, If you feel that you are not pre- cisely as young and lovely as 'you once were, ask yourself a few ques- tions and answer truthfully, Solemn thought about personal appearance is in order now and then. If you look drab it may be because you feel dull. You aren't getting enough sleep maybe, or have lost interest in food. Remember you can't keep your motors running without . fuel and. it must be the right kind. What. happened to. your hair brush and why don't you find it and use it every night? It is .the AE RN only way to keep your hair healthy and lustrous. There's that jar of cream you bought, and haven't opened. Get busy with it, see your skin bloom and look .younger. Why can't you get' a brisk walk every day, pump your lungs full of fresh air," and put natural rouge in your cheeks? Why can't you find five minutes every day to do stretching exercises? They are ex- hilarating and will loosen up your fibers. What about a new hairdo? Noth- ing like it to give you an uplift, And your hands? ° Confess, you haven't lotioned or creamed them since the seasons changed. Don't fancy that only winter 'weather calls for soothing care of your paws. They can grow old faster than one's face. They take a lot of punish- ment, especially if you are a home: body, do heavy: housework, or dening. of the ergotamine preparation or in whom, for one reason or another, the ergotamine cannot be employed. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS | A. M.: My husband complains of | aches and stiffness throughout his body, as well as pains in the back of his head and neck. . He is forty- five years old, Answer: The exact cause of this disturbance cannot be told without a careful examination. There are many possible causes, such as fibros- itis, which means inflammation of the connecting tissue, arthritis of the spine, thyroid deficiency and, possibly, nervous system or circula- tory disorders. Until the cause is found proper treatment could not be advised. The British Commonwealth of Nations occupies over one-quarter of the surface of he globe, and its population exceeds one-quarter of. the estimated number of the hu- man race. Happy Harvest Simple embroidery reaps a har- vest of color for kitchen towels, curtains or cloth. For extra snap, appliqué the fruit! Plain embroidery or embroidery and appliqué, Pattern 7045; trans- fer 10 motifs 1%%x2% to 6x7 ins. Our improved pattern -- visu .l with easy-to-see charts and photos, and complete directions -- make. crochet and knitting easy to do, Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS tp coins for this pattern (stamps can- not be accepted) to The Dally limes-Gazette Paitern Dept. Osh- awa. Print plainly NAME, AD- DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER, Just off the press Alice Brooks Needlework catalogue! Send twenty-five cents in coins for your copy Illustrations of designs for crocheting, knitting, embroidery toys, quilts, children's clothes, Free needlework pattern is in book. TIPS FOR TEENS :- He Shows He Likes You If +. ELINOR WILLIAMS You're his special dream-girl at the moment; that is, if he: 1--Makes another date with you before he says goodnight, so you both know exactly when you'll be together again, 2--Listens intently when you tell him just why you think he's won- derful. , 3--Remembers, little things abou you--your favorite song on the cur- rent hit parade, your pet sundae at the soda fountain, the fact that you'd rather have one pink camellia than a huge corsage of other posies for special proms. 4--Helps you with your coat, doors, steps, etc., as if you were fragile, remembering the little courtesies that prove he has good manners and mean so much to every girl 5--Never keeps you waiting with- out an apology or at least an ex- planation about what made him late for your date. 6--Phones you occasionally be- tween dates when you haven't seen each other at school or elsewhere-- not for endless silly chatter, but be- cause he really wants to keep in touch and talk with you, so you "won't forget him". T--Doesn't insist on a goodnight kiss on the first date; doesn't ex- pect a necking session during cvery date with you. This proves he en- joys your company and likes to be with you for fun and friendship, not just for kisses. . 8--Tells you about his. hobby in detail; confides his ambition for later in life (your cue to show in= terest and encouragement), 9--Likes to be with you when there are no bright-light ple , . . to do homework together or to spend an evening at your home, per S with another couple, to play games, dance or pop corn and eat a sand- wich snack, 4 (For helpful hip slimming exer- cises, write to Elinor Williams at this paper, enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope for a reply.) Advice to Teen-Agers Lookig for First Job Each year thousands of high school girls start on their first job- hunt with the. plea, "I need a job --anything I can get without ex- perience." There's no point in be- ing so careless with your future, says Carol Safer in her August Woman's Home Companion article "Aim at the Right Job." : A job is a way of life as well as a means of earning money, she points out, and when you are going to spend more than half your wak- ng hours at work, it pays to find the job best suited to your capabilities, personality and ambitions. Before looking for a job, review your favorite school subjects, your experience in part-time or summer jobs, your. general interests and hobbies. Analyze your own persons ality. Would you rather give di- rections or take them? Would you N MPS EEL A enjoy an gnside desk job more than working outdoors? Do you like 'to work with things or people, with ideas or details? Then compare your findings with the long list of occupational fields. Narrow them down to those that fit your own interests, Find out what educational requirements and spec- falized training are necessary. Before making a definite decis- fon, talk with the guidance-coun- sellor on the staff of your public high school, local YWCA or em- ployment agency. After making your career choice, find out whether the field is serviced by a profes- sional or trade association which can give you invaluable additional information on job opportunities, special skills necessary for advance- ment and salary expectations, ------------ About one-h 'f of ~anada's cop: per comes from the nickel-coppe mines ~{ the Sudbury district i: Ontario. ; . gar- Hollywood hd " . Highlights By BOB THOMAS Hollywood--(AP)--Where 'there's gold, there's Hope and Bob has found a new vein to mine--state fairs. The fast-travelllng comic has been hired to play two state fairs late this summer. Neetlless to say, the salaries are stratospheric. Hope will appear at Springfield, Ill, Aug. 19-20 and at Indianapolis, Ind., Aug, 31-Sept. 3. ' ; : Meanwhile, ski-nose will be mak ing "The Lemon Drop Kid," his latest picture from a Damon Runyon story. He'll do: his third big tele- vision show Sept. 10, for which he is paid $40,000. Then he'll leave for Honolulu and a vacation with his wife and their four children, return- ing to start his air show for his new sponsor, - May Be Fireworks There may be fireworks when Rodgers and Hammerstein see "My Blue Heaven." One number contains a riotous take-off on "South Paei- fic," with Dan Dailey doing an imi- tation of Ezio Pinza. Danny Thomas plays his first comedy role in "Call Me Sister." He played a couple of character parts at M.G.M. and they did nothing for him. Danny's next may be a straight role in. "Up Front", 'taken from the Bill Mauldin book. Capsule Review "Stella" (TCF) tries to bé funny, but doesn't always make it. It starts onl a sombre note--a family secret- 1¥ buries a" wayward - uncle, - killed accidentally on a picnic. Then it tries for laughs, but the cemedy has trouble overcoming the serious beginning. Victor Mature, Ann and David Wayn head the cast of well- chosen "characters, but * all have trouble making the thing seem real. PAYING THE PIPER Crowded, crooked irregular per- manent teeth are frequently part of the price that must be paid for the premature loss, through lack of adequate care, of the baby teeth. Don't allow your child to become a '""'dental cripple" by succumbing to the myth that the baby teeth are of little importance, Those 20 teeth he acquired at 30 months are of ev- en greater importance than are the permanent teeth to the older child. x For Shining Hours Be cute as a cover-girl,- Teener! Make a BIG splash in your new shirt-jacket, bra, boxer-shorts, All simply lush in fun-prints, simple enough for you to sew in a jiff! Pattern 4529 Teenage size, 10, 12, 14, 16. Size 12 bra, shorts 1% yds. 35-in.; jacke® 24 yds. This pattern, easy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has complete illustrated .instructions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 125¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. ; Send order to ANNE ADAMS. care of The Daily Times-Gazette, Pattern Dept, 57 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ont. y 2 Important announcement! Our new Anne Adams Summer Pattern Book is. ready! Send twenty-five cents more, be first to have this collection of styles that make sew- ing a pleasure, Vacation clothes tor 'man's and woman's) printed in book. : all. Free pattern of bath sarongs SN - A CLEANING -- \ os DRY PHONE 4430 For Free Pickup & Delivery -- By ---- CAD TW WHAT Dear Mrs. Beeckman: My son is to be married. I would like to give a tea in honor of the bride. (1) As the hostess, should I have the bride stand beside me, to introduce her? (2) What should I ask the bride's mother to do . . . pour tea, or what? (3) Should I have the mothers of the brides- maids pour tea, or do something else? (4) Is.it correct to invite friends or acquaintances to the tea and then hot to the church wed- ding? (5) What would you suggest serving besides the usual sand- wiches, tea, and cakes. + Many Thanks. (1). Yes , . . the bride (or the bride-to-be, as I judge she is, from your fourth question, who is your guest of honor, should stand next to you, so that you may present to her, or introduce to her, each arriving guest. (2) The gracious ges- ture would be for you to invite the mother of the prospective bride to receive: with you and her daughter. Then, after the receiving, she would, the guests, rather than to be asked to pour tea, where she would be too busy to chat much with the guests. The mother of the bride- tea-table. you ask some of the friends of the for each hour, or half-hour, of the duration of the tea.) (4) The num- ber of guests, you, as representative of the bridegroom's family, put on the wedding, depends entirely on circumstances. If it is to be a very only invite members of the fam- mate friends. I am sure, prefer to mingle with | SHOULD 1 DO ABOUT :- 1 | (3) I suggest that, to pour tea, down over night. | | { In The Community. Tea Honoring Bride-to-Be? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN And in this circumstance, giving this tea is not only a delightful gesture for you to make, but a very practical idea as well. . (5) The threesome -- bread-cake tea - is the usual ted-menu; but if you wish to "elaborate this, 'an excellent way is to serve very spe- cial cakes, of one kind or several kinds, as well * as,' perhaps, some particularly interesting cookies And, for this warm weather, the sand- wiches might be 'cool and cool- looking watercress (or watercress and cream cheese) sandwiches, rolled, made of white and whole- wheat bread. (Part of the water- cress may be chopped, for more convenient eating, and part left in small tufts extending - from each end). As an alternative to hot tea, you might offer iced tea, or a cool fruit drink, or iced tea combined with fruits, Boy's Mother, as Hostess, Should Have Paid Hotel Bill Dear Mrs. Beeckman: Several days. before the Fourth of July, the mother of a boy friend of mine telephoned to me and: invited me to come with him to spend the Fourth at the resort where she was staying at a hotel. We had a won® to-be is too important a guest at | derful time swimming and, so forth, this party to be "anchored" at the |and since there was to be a dance in the evening, she urged us to stay As I didn't ex- pect any extra expenses, I had very bride-to-be, bridal attendants or |little. money with me, and. the boy not, and perhaps include one or two | paid my hotel bill. or three relatives of -your family. | circumstances was this: proper, 'and Best plan is to have two pourers | should' I try to pay him back? Under these Elvira H. Since his mother was staying at this hote] and since it was she who was assuming the role of hostess your list of those to be invited to | by urging you to stay, she should heve paid your hotel bill. And in this circumstance, you, as guest, small wedding, perhaps: you may |should not pay her back or even have suggested that you pay her illes and perhaps also a few inti-|back. But if you are sure that the Naturally you. could | boy paid it, you should certainly not include most of these guests.'try to pay him back. Paris -- (AP) -- Beauteous. starlet Colleen Townsend, who turned her back on Hollywood for- a religious career, is spending the summer try- ing to ease the life of refugee students. "We're on K.P." she said with a pert smile, "We have to get up at five o'clock to fix breakfast for camp. After we get through in the kitchen we go out and scrape bri ks for the new chapel and barracks." The "we" refers to Colleen and | pretty- Frances Kent of Glendale, Calif., a Glendale schoolteacher and a long time friend. The camp in suburban Sevres is run by "Cimade," an organization supported by the World Council of Churches. Most of the Cimade's work is concerned with refugees, the majority from iron curtain countries. The refugee students live in the camp while going to school. Some of the students are there now in the vacation period, in addi- tion to Cimade helpers who have come to build a chapel and bar- racks so - more students can be accommodated. Colleen is a member of this summer team. Colleen says most of those at the camp speak English, but when there is any difficulty they resort to "hand language." She plans to stay for five more weeks before returning to America. "Then it's back to school .for me, and back to school for Fran, too, only she'll be a.teach~ er and I'll be a student." ol Before coming to Paris they visited Rome and Geneva. So far they've come into Paris from Sevres only once. "We want to go back and see everything, Colleen said, "but I don't know what." No. Regrets Ask this vivacious; - blue-eyed brunette if she regrets quitting her |: $350-a-week job in pictures." Her ex~ || pression clouds, and she says earn- || estly: | "Oh, no! If you're sure God is | leading you, you don't have to worry | about a thing." . Rejecting a future such 'as most shopgirls yearn for, was no hasty decision. She says, "I prayed over it for a year and a half." "I'm not against money or fame if it's right for you," she added. || "But if it's not in God's will, it's so shallow. "I loved picture work and Holly- wood, My friends are there, But I wants for me. It's merely a matter of following his work." Colleen, whose parents separated when she was small, was "nominally raised in a church -- mother's a 'wonderful! Christian." She was a senior at Hollywood High School when Spike Jones gave a war bond think Christian work is what God |! Winsome Starlet Abandons Films To Work at Church Camp near Paris show there. The show's manager, a talent agent, got her a Warner 'Brothers contract. She, made four pictures and then was dropped by the studio.' ~ ; "That made me very happy," Cole leen says; "I wanted to go to cole lege." She spent two years at Brig= ham Young University, Provo, Utah, before her money ran out, The agent got her a new contract at 20a Century-Fox. She had & small bit in "Scudda Hoo, Scudd® Hay." 'In "The Walls of Jericho? she killed a man in self-defence and was defended by lawyers Anne Baxter and Cornel Wilde. "Chicken Every Sunday" gave her a young romantic role opposite Alan Young. KILLER OF YOUTH Although tuberculosis in Canada has been pushed down to. seventh place on the list of dangerous dis- eases, it is still the leading cause of death in persons between the ages of 15 and 45. This means that although great strides have 'beer made in TB control it is still a great drain on the nation. Early diagnosis and treatment are the vital points in cutting down our tuberculosis rates. Classified Ads are sure to pay Phone 35 with yours today Headquarters SILEX and - CORY Replacement Parts 059s Also Complete Stock of PRESTO COOK:R PARTS MEAGHER'S § King Street West, Phone & Motor City Cleaners 182 SIMCOE SOUTH ENE She gave a life for the life she took! "COMING SOON

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