'MONDAY, JULY 10, 1950 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE FIVE COMMUNITY, INC. ACTIVITIES (These Are Red Feather Community Services) xk CRA A RED FEATHER SERVICE onday, July 10 $ am. oy 12. noon -- Connaught Park, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, Sunnyside Park, Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- tory Park, Rundle Park, Stele "Park, Valleyview Park -- Superv ; outdoor playground programme for o"' am. to 10 a.m.--Rotary Pool-- swimming instruction for children --hal ur classes. 9. ie to 12 noon--Ritson Road School Pool--Swimming instruction for children--half hour classes. '9. am. to 12 noon--Oshawa Rec- reation Centre--Woodshop open for racing cars and summer projects. 10 a.m. to 11.30 an. Eastview Park--East Area Track and Fiel for Eastview, Bathe and Sunnyside i to 11.30 a.m --Lakeview Park--Specialist coaching in girls thall Dee to 12 noon--Rotary Pool-- Special swimming classes for W.C.A, Day campers. ry pm.--Oshawa Regipation Cen- tre--C.R.A. Staff meeting. 130 pm. to 530 p.m.--Oshawa Recreation Centre--Woodshop open for racing cars and summer pro- hry --Bathe Park pm, to 4.30 p.m. 2% ted Bicycle, Tricycle and Carriage parade. Do p.m, to py p.m. --Connaught Park, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, Sunnyside Park, Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- Park, Rundle Park, Storie Park, Valleyview Park -- Supervised outdoor playground programme for ages. td pm. to 445 p.m.--Rotary 1, Ritson Road School Pool-- Poot swimming for children and ults. rH pm. to 415 p.m, --Connaught Specialist coaching in boxing. Pr oy to 4.15 p.m.--Sunnyside Park--Specialist coaching in leath- roeraft. 4 245 pm, to 415 p.m--Harman Park--Specialist coaching in shell- craft. 3.00 p.m.--Victory Park--Bug con- vt pm. to 9 p.m. -- Connaught Park, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, Sunnyside Park, - Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- tory Park, Rundle Park, Storie Park, Valleyview Park -- Supervised outdoor playground programme for all R 615 pm. to 9.15 pm--Rotary Pool, Ritson Road School Pool -- Pree swiming for youngsters and dults. » 30 pm. to 8 p.m.--Sunnyside rk: 6 Po Park--Specialist coaching in boxing. 630 pm. to 8 p.m--Rundle Park -- Specialist coaching in leather- craft. \ 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m.--Eastview Park --Specialist coaching in shellcraft. 7.00 pm. -- Oshawa Recreation Centre--Collegiate choir rehearsal. 7.00 pm.--Valleyview Park--Pet Show. 7.00 pm, to 830 p.m.-- Oshawa Recreation Centre -- Rehearsals. for Oshawa Children's Theatre Band- shell Show, "Peter Pan and Wendy" --Mr. and Mrs. Darling. Tuesday, July 11 9 am. to 12 noon -- Connaught Park, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, Sunnyside Park, Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- tory Park, Rundle Park, Storie Park, Valleyview Park -- Supervised outdoor playground programme for all ages. 9 am. to 12 noon--Ritson Road School instruction for children--half hour classes. 9 am. to 12 noon--Oshawa Rec- reation Centre--Woodship open for racing cars and summer projects. 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. --Rotary Park-- One-day Day Camp for children from East Whitby Parks. 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon--Rotary Pool --Special swimming classes for East Whitby Day Campers. 930 am. to 11.30 a.m.--Rotary Park--sSpecialist coaching in boxing for East Whitby Day campers. 10 am. to 11.30 a.m.--Connaught Park--Specialist coaching in girls' basketball. 1045 am, to 11.45 am.--Rotary Park -- Specialist leathercraft for |; East Whitby Day Campers. 130 pm. to 430 pm.--Oshawa Tennis Club -- From specialists, coaching in tennis for children of all ages--équipment supplied. 130 pm, to 530 p.m.--Oshawa Recreation Centre--Woodshop open for racing cars and summer pro- ts. Jec 130 pm. to 230 p.m.--Oshawa Recreation Centre--Rehearsals for Oshawa Children's Theatre Band- shell Show "Peter Pan and Wendy" --Pirates" section. 230 p.m, to 445 p.m. --Connaught Park, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, Sunnyside Park, Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- tory Park, Rundle Park, Storie Park, Valleyview Park -- Supervised outdoor playground programme for When Kidneys Work Too Often too frequént Kidney Actiop du the 4 or ? 8; A veh as aches be di Yo Kidney Blader ue iredbien re very first dose of the sclen- compounded medicine called Cystex @sually goes to work right now helping na- jure irri excess acids and wastes which may cause your trouble. Trial Offer: To prove w t may do to bring hel the ress of Kid- ney and Bladder troubles, Cystex from your druggist and give it a fair trial. Unless satisfied, you get Jour money back on re- turn of empty package. £0 don't suffer an- other day without trying Cystex. all ages. 230 pm. to 445 pm.--Ritson Road School Pool, Rotary Pool-- Free swimming for youngsters and adults, 230 pm. to 4 pm--Valleyview Park--Specialist coaching in shell- craft for adults only. p.m. -- Oshawa Recreation Centre--Oshawa Children's Theatre Choir rehearsal. 2.30 p.m.--Sunnyside Park--Mas- querade and decorated Bicycle, Tri- cycle, Buggy and Wagon Parade. 245 p.m. to 4.15 p.m.--Storie Park --Specialist coaching in boxing. '2456 pm to 415 p.m.--Lakeview Park--Specialist coaching in leath- ercraft. 3.00 p.m.-- Harman Park -- Dress up and masquerade parade. 3.00 p.m.--Woodview Park--Kite flying contest. 6.15 pm. to 9 p.m.-- Connaught Park, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, Sunnyside Park, Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- tory Park, Rundle Park, . Storie Park, Valleyview Park -- Supervised outdoor playground programme for all ages. 6.15 p.m. to 9 p.m.--Rotary Pool, Ritson Road School Pool -- Free swimming for youngsters and adults. 6.30 to 8 p.m.--Valleyview Park-- Specialist coaching in shellcraft for children. 6.30 p.m, to 8 p.m --Storie Park-- Specialist coaching in leathercraft for children. 6.30 p.m. -- Oshawa Recreation Centre--Rehearsals of the Oshawa Children's Theatre of the Air. 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m.--Rundle Park-- Specialist coaching in boxing. 6.30 pm. to 8 p.m --Connaught Park--Specialist coaching in shell- craft 7 p.m,-- Victory Park -- Lacrosse practice for Victory Park boys. Wednesday, July 12 9 am. to 12 noon -- Connaught Park, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, Sunnyside Park, Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- tory Park, Rundle Park, Storie Park, Valleyview Park -- Supervised outdoor playground programme for all ages. 9 am.--to 10 a.m.--Rotary Pool-- Swimming instruction for children-- half hour classes. 9 a.m. to 12 noon--Ritson Road School Pool--Swimming instruction for children--half hour classes. 9 a.m. to 12 noon--Oshawa Rec- reation Centre--Woodshop open for racing cars and summer projects. 9.15 a.m. to 10.15 a.m.--Woodview Park--Specialist coaching in leath- ercraft. 10 a.m. to 12 noon--Rotary Pool-- Special classes for Y.W.C.A. Day Campers. 10 am. to 11.30 a.m.--Storie Park --Specialist coaching in girls' bas- ketball, 10.00 am. to 11.30 a.m.--Victory Park--South Area Track and Field for Victory, Harman and Lakeview Parks. 10.30 am. to 11.30 a.m --Eastview Park--Specialist coaching in leath- ercraft. 130 pm. to 430 p.m.--Oshawa Tennis Club--Specialist coaching in tennis for children of all ages-- equipment supplied. 130 pm. to 5.30 p.m.--Oshawa Recreation Centre--Woodshop open for racing cars and summer pro- jects. 130 pm, to 230 p.m--Oshawa Receration Centre--Rehearsals for Oshawa Children's Theatre Bande shell Show "Peter Pan and Wendy" --"Indians" section. ! 2.30 p.m. to 445 p.m. --Connaught Park, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, .Sunnyside Park, Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- tory Park, Rundle Park, Storie Park, Valleyview Park -- Supervised outdoor playground programme for all ages. 230 .pm, to 445 p.m.--Rotary Pool, Ritson Road School Pool-- Free swimming for youngsters and adults. 230 pm. to 4 p.m--Sunnyside Park--Specialist coaching in leath- ercraft, for adults only. 2.30 p.m. to 4 p.m.--Bathe Park-- Specialist coaching in shellcraft for adults only. 230 p.m. -- Oshawa Recreation' Centre--Oshawa Children's Theatre. Choir rehearsal. 230 pm. to 3.30 p.m.--Eastview Parg--Soecialies coaching in box- g. 245 p.m. to 4.15 p.m.--Valleyview Park--Specialist coaching in leath-' ercraft, « 245 pm. to 415 p.m-~--Victory Park--Specialist coaching in shell- craft. . 3.00 p.m. Rotary 'Pool, Ritson Road School Pool--Competitive and novelty swimming meet. 3.00 p.m.--Storie Park--Kite Fly- ing contest. 345 p.m. to 445 p.m.--Woodyiew Park--Specialist coaching in g. 6:15 p.m, to 9 p.m.--Rotary Pool, Ritson Road School Pool -- Free ewiming for youngsters and adults, 6.15 pm. to 8 p.m.-- Connaught Park, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, Sunnyside 2Xark, Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- tory Park, Rundle Park, Storie 0] Park, Valleyview Park -- Supervised | outdoor playground programme for all ages, 6.15 p.m. -- Lakeview Park -- Cat and Deg Show. 6.30 p.m. to 8 pm.--Bathe Park-- Specialist coaching in shellcraft, 630 pm. to 8 p.m.--Valleyview Park--Specialist coaching in box- ing. : 630 pm. to 8 pm--Harman Park--sSpecialist coaching in leath- ercraft. 7 p.m.-- Storie Park & Lacrosse practice for Storie and Rundle boys. 7 p.m.--Bathe Park "Lacrosse practice for Sunnyside boys. 7 p.m.--Oshawa Recreation Cen- tre--Rehearsals for Oshawa Chil- dren's Theatre Bandshell Show, "Peter Pan and Wendy." 7 pm.--~Connaught Park--Mas- querade parade. 8 p.m.--Storie Park--Meeting of Storie Park Neighbourhood Associ- ation. Thursday, July 13 835 a.m. --C.K.LB.--""Community Play Time." A programme straight from the playgrounds. 9 am, to 12 noon -- Connaught Park, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, Sunnyside Park, Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- tory Park, Rundle Park, torie Park, Valleyview Park --8 outdoor playground programme for all ages. : 9 am. to 12 noon--Rotary Pool, Ritson Road School Pool--Swim- ming instruction for children--half hour classes. 9 am. to 12 noon--Oshawa Rec- reation Centre--Woodshop open for racing cars and summer projects. 10 am, to 11.30 a.m.--Valleyview Park--West Area Track and Field for Rundle, Storie and Valleyview Parks. . 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.--Bathe Park --Specialist coaching in girls' bas- ketball for Bathe and Eastview Parks. 10 am. to 11.30 am~--Harman Parks. basketball for Harman and Victory Park--Specialist coaching in girls' 130 pm. to 5.30 p.m.--Oshawa for racing cars and summer pro- jects. - Recreation Centre--Woodshop open 130 pm. to 430 p.m.--Oshawa Tennis Club--Specialist coaching in tennis for children of all ages-- equipment supplied. .130 pm. to 230 p.m.--Oshawa Oshawa Children's Theatre Band- Receration Centre--Rehearsals for shell Show "Peter Pan and Wendy." 2 pm. to'4 p.m--Storie Park-- Specialist coaching in leathercraft, for adults only. - 230 p.m. to 4.45 p.m.--Connsught Park, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, Sunnyside Park, Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- tory Park, Rundle Park, Storie Park, Valleyview Park -- Supervised outdoor playground programme for all ages. 230 pm. to 445 p.m.--Rotary Pool--Free swimming for youngsters and adults. 230 pm. to 3.30 p.m.--Victory Park--Specialist coaching in boxing. 230° pm. -- Oshawa Recreation Centre--Oshawa Children's Theatre Choir rehearsals, . 245 pm. to 415 p.m.--Lakeview Park Specialist coaching in shell- craft. . 3.30 p.m.--Eastview Park--Decor- ated Bicycle, Tricycle, Doll Carriage and Wagon Parade. 3.45 p.m. to 4.45 p.m.--Bathe Park ~--Specialist coaching in boxing. 6.15 pm. to 9 p.m. -- Connaught { Park, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, Sunnyside Park, Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- tory Park, Rundle Park, Starie Park, vy 'k -- Supervised outdoor playground: programme for all ages. 6.15 pm. to 9 p.m.--Rotary Pool, Ritson Road School Pool -- Free swimming for youngsters and adults. pa. -- Bathe Park -- Lacrosse practice for Bathe and Eastview boys. i 7 pm. = Connaught ark -- La- crosse practice for Connaught and Woodview boys. 7 pm~Rundle Park--Masquerade Parade. 7 pm.--Oshawa Recreation Cen- tre--Rehearsals for Oshawa Chil- dren's Theatre Bandshell | Show "Peter Pan and Wendy." 730 pm. -- Oshawa Recreation Centre--Motorcycle Club. 8.46 pm.--McLaughlin Bandshell --Oshawa Chikiren's Theatre Va- riety Show "TELEVISION TOPICS." Friday, July 14 9 am. to 12 noon -- Connaught Pork, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, Sunnyside Park, Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- tory Park, Rundle Park, Storie Park, Valleyview Park -- Supervised outdoor playground programme for all ages. 9 am. to 10 am.--Rotary Pool-- Swimming instruction for children ~half hour classes. 9 am. to 12 noon--Ritson Road School Pool--Swimming instruction for children--half hour classes. -9 am, to 12 niodon--Oshawa Rec- reation Centre--Woodshop open for racing cars and summer projects. 10 am. to 12 noon--Rotary Pool "ACTIVATED" Shell Premium is the most powerful gasoline your car can use! CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer 2 Y, ry 7, 3 Ha HORIZONTAL 45. Tibetan 1. tune monastery 8. macaw' 8. short distance 12. shell 13. find fault 1-10 11° match 17. more delicate 19. long-tailed monkey 22. hill, pointed EIVIE] IPIAIL IE] AIBA] ISITIEIRIE] ESSIEN B11 INIDERSIO) [AJKINIOJISITIY] 37.0fa plane WIRIL IT] RIETT]IIRIEID! ILIEJAINIDIEIR] 40. bark-cloth EILIM Average time of solution: 37 minutes. 44 unaspirated 32. fish propeller 34. sawlike rangeof | mountains surface 38. large wave 39. lingering EILIA! TIR]! TIE] EIS|S] 41. word of conclusion 43. monkshood by King F 46. evergreen --Special classes for Y.W.C.A. Day Campers. : 10 am. to 11.30 a.m.--Woodview Park--North Area Track and Field for Connaught and Woodview Parks. 10 am, to 11.30 a.m.--Sunnyside Park--Specialist coaching in girls' basketball. 10 a.m, to 11.30 a.m.--Rotary Park --Specialist coaching in girls' bas- betball for Rundle and Valleyview Parks. 130 pm. to 530 pm.--Oshawa Recreation Centre--Woodshop open for racing cars and summer pro- jects. ' 230 pm, to 445 p.m.--Connaught Park, Woodview Park, Bathe Park, Eastview Park, Sunnyside Park, Harman Park, Lakeview Park, Vic- tory Park, Rundle Park, Storie Park, Valleyview Park -- Supervised outdoor playground programme for all ages. 3 230 pm. to 445 p.m --Rotary Pool, Ritson Road School Pool-- Free swimming for youngsters and adults. 2.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.--Bathe Park --Specialist coaching in leather- craft. 245 pm, to 415 p.m --Harman Park--Specialist coaching in boxing. 245 p.m. to 4.15 p.m.--Woodview Park--Specialist coaching in shell- craft. 245 pm. to 415 p.m.--Sunnyside Park falist coaching in shell- craft. 345 pm. to 445 p.m.--Victory ark--~Specialist coaching in shell- ercraft. 7 p.m.-- Victory Park -- Lacrosse practice for Harman boys. 7 p.m.--Valleyview Park--Lacrosse practice for Valleyview boys. i 7 pa.-- Radio Park -- Lacrosse practice for Westmount boys. 7 pm~North Oshawa Park--La- crosse practice for North Oshawa boys. Saturday, July 15 --9 am. to 12 noon--Rotary Pool, Ritson Road 'School--Free swim- ming for youngsters and adults, 9 a.m. to 12° noon--Oshawa Rec- reation Centre--Woodshop open for racing cars and summer projects. 930 am. -- Oshawa Recreation Centre -- Rehearsals for Oshawa Children's Theatre Bandshell Show "Peter Pan and Wendy"--Full Cast. 945 am --C.K.L.B.--Oshawa Chil- dren's Theatre of the Air presents "Swedish Folk Tale" directed by Louise Thompson, 1240 on your dial. Y.W.CAA. SCHEDULE Monday July 10 9-4:30 p.m.--Day Camp Tuesday, July 11 1:30-86 p.m.--Craft shop open-- weaving, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, etc. 7-10 pm. -- Craft Shop--metal work only. Wednesday, July 12 9-4:30 p.m.~Day Camp Thursday, July 13 1:30-6 p.m.--Craft Shop open-- weaving, leathercraft, feltwork, soft, toys, etc. 7-10 pm. -- Craft Shop open-- weaving, leathercraft, feltcraft, soft toys, etc. Friday, July 14 9-4:30 pm.--Day Camp 7:30 pm.--Oshawa Chess Club GLASGOW CHOIR WINS Llangollen, Wales, July 10 -- (Reuters) -- THe Glasgow Phil- harmonic Choir Saturday won first place in the male voice contest at the International Eisteddfod here. Second place went to a team of Birkenhead, Cheshire, singers. The Varsity Glee Club of Purdue, Ind. was third. The Eisteddfod is an annual cultural competition held in Wales, embracing the various arts. TO PRESENT CHALICE London, July 10 -- (Reuters) -- The Vicar of Suburban Petersham, Rev. R. S. Mills, said Sunday that his church is to present to an An- glical Church in British Columbia a replica of a silver chalice made in 1752. It will be in acknowledge- ment of money gifts sent by the people of Vancouver to the restora- tion fund of Petersham Church, where Capt. George Vancouver, the explorer, is buried. SIMCOE HALL SCHEDULE * July 10th to July 14th, 1950 Monday, July 10th 9:00-12:00 noon--Playschool--8and- piles, swings, teeter-totters, jungle gym, slides, wagons, tricycles, doll carriages, games, relays, contests, crafts, story hour. 1:30-4:30 p.m.--Sandpiles, wading- pools, crafts, rest period, story hour, croquet. 6:30 p.m.--Midget Boys' Softball-- Brooklin at Simcoe Hall (Cowan Park). 7:30-9:30 p.n.--Golden Age Club-- adults--Checkers, chess, euchre, dominoes, bridge, sing-song, mov- ies, refreshments. Tuesday, July 11th 9:00-12:00 noon--Play. and- piles, swings, teeter-totters, jungle gym, slides, wagons, tricycles, doll carriages, games, relays, contests, crafts, story hour. 1:30-4:30 p.m.--Sandpiles wading- pools, cratfs, rest period, story hour, croquet. Wednesday, July 12th 9:00-12:00 noon--Playschool--8and- piles, swings, teeter-totters, jungle gym, slides, wagons, tricycles, doll carriages, games, relays, contests, crats, story hour. 1:30-4:30 p.m.--Sandpiles wading- pools, crafts, rest period, story hour, croquet. 6:30 p.m.--Pee-Wee Boys' Softball, Valleyview at Simcoe Hall (Cowan Park). 6:30 p.m.--Midget Boys' Softball, Simcoe Hall at Connaught. Thursday, July 13th 9:00-12:00 noon--Playschool--Sand- piles, swings, teeter-totters, jungle gym, slides, wagons, tricycles, doll carriages, games, relays, contests, crafts, story hour. 1:30-4:30 p.m.--Sandpiles, wading- pools, crafts, rest period, story hour, croquet. 8:00 p.m.--Concert at Bandshell-- Golden Age Club (seats reserved). Friday, July 14th 9:00-12:00 noon--Playschool--Sand- piles, swings, teeter-totters, jungle gyms, slides, wagons, tricycles, doll carriages, games, relays, contests, crafts, story hour. 1:30-4:30 p.m.--Sandpiles, wading- pools, crafts, rest period, story hour, croquet. Movies. WEEK-END PILGRIMAGE Midland, July 10--(CP) -- Hun- dreds of Roman Catholics from Montreal, Quebec and Toronto made week-end pilgrimages to the Martyrs Shrine near here. Most Rev. J. Prud'Homme of Montreal celebrated high mass for a group of 295 pilgrims from Montreal and Quebec, About 450 German-speak- ing Roman Catholics from St. Pat- rick's Parish, Toronto, also visited tthe shrine, scene of the massacre of three Jesuit missionaries by the Iro- quois Indians in 1648. REDS CLAIM TREATY VIOLATED Moscow, July 10 -- (AP) -- Rus- sia accused the western allies again Sunday of violating the Italian Peace Treaty with regard to Trieste. A new Soviet note released by the Sovit News Agency, Tass, insisted on unconditional , fulfilment of the conditions set forth in the Italian Peace Treaty regarding the Adri- atic city. WOULD END DISCRIMINATION Hamilton, N.Y., July 10 -- (AP)-- A top British trade official Sunday night said the United States and Great Britain should lead the way in ending "discriminatory" interna- tional trade practices. Sir Sydney Caine, head of the United Kingdom Treasury and Supply delegation in the United States, proposed that course as a means toward world security. : Want to buy or sell or trade - a Classified Ad and the deal is made. SON OAK or SUMAC Science has discovered J an excellent new treat- ment for ivy, oak or su- ¢ mac poisoning. It's gen- ; I tle and safe, quickly dries up the blisters -- often within 2 hours. "==]VY.DRY Reds Employing Every Means To Convert Chinese By WILLIAM PARROTT Hong Kong, July 10-- (Reuters) -- Through press and radio, cinema and theatre, in the schools, univer- sities and countless study groups up and down the country, an unrelent- 'Ing campaign is being waged today to convert the people of China to Communism, > Theme of the campaign is that only through Communism on the Russian model can the ordinary people of China achieve salvation. Reports and broadcasts heard here show that China's 450,000,000 people are dally being urged to fol- low the leadership and precepts of Soviet Russia and to reject and op- pose everything representative of western democracy. Nor is the message directed only at the one-fifth of the world's pop- ulation which lives within the fron- tiers of China. Through multi- language broadcasts, it is aimed also at millions more in near and neigh- boring countries. In many months of work, the of- ficial Chinese Communists news agency has said not a single word in favor of the western democracies, and nothing whatever against Rus- sla and her European satellites. The United States is the chief butt of criticism. China's teeming population is told every day that the United States and her leaders are '"Imperialistic = Warmongers" TOO MANY COUPLINGS Toronto, July 10--(CP)--Two men were arrested and charged with theft Saturday when they attempt- ed to sell two tons of railroad box- car couplings to a junk dealer. Po- lice, summoned by the suspicious Haughey, 27, and John Kennedy, 23, and charged them with stealing the couplings from Canadian Pacific Railway yards, THE WORLD'S LONGEST New Delhi -- (CP) -- Pritam Singh says clean-shaven faces are "just a lot of potato faces--a dis- grace to mankind." Singh, a civil servant, boasts the world's longest whiskers. They're two yards long, still growing, and represent 30 year: of careful grooming. LOW RAILFARES 70 Eastern 011]: Jef ard the MARITIMES seeking to enslave the fatherland. Every aspect of American policy| thought to be detrimental to Com- munist interests is attacked forcibly and bitterly. i In one onslaught, directed against | Gen. Douglas MacArthur for ban- | ning the Communist Party in Ja- | pan, the agency told its readers that "American troops are propa- gating the 'American Democratic Way of Life' in Japan by murder, rape, robbery and violence, looting, and black market dealings on the largest scale." This is typical of the language used in the numerous dialectic as- saults on the Uniteq States. Britain is accused of being an American puppet, while her colonial administrations in Malaya and Hong Kong are frequently attackea for alleged injustices to Chinese. One country coming increasingly under fire is Australia with her "re- | actionary" government and her| "arrogant" white Australia policy. Another recent target has been | South Africa, which, like Australia, has introduced legislation directed at the Communists, ASSUMPTION CO-EDUCATIONAL Windsor, July 10--(CP)--Assump- | tion College in Windsor will become coeducational this fall for the first | time in its 80-year history. The an- nouncement was made jointly by Assumption and Holy Names Col- lege of South Windsor, a women's college whose classes will merge with those of the men's school. | CANADIAN PACIFIC. CANADIAN NATIONAL AND BUSIN WHITBY PROFESSIONAL ESS CARDS Appliances COLLINS' SHOE STORE Dr. Scholls Foot Appliances Sold and Fitted 25 Years' Experience liisurance EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO Branch Office: 109 Dundas St. W. GORDON F. OSBORNE, C.L.U. (Branch Manager) PHONE 522 WHITBY L. W. DUDLEY SICKNESS, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT 300 Walnut St. Telephone 566 Dancing Miscellaneous ' RODMAN Sheet Metal Works Gurney Welded Steel Furnaces Air-Conditioning Systems Budget Terms Phone 188J1 Pickering Monuments ROBERT AUSTIN HIGHWAY MONUMENT WORKS Dealer in Imported and Canadian Granites First. class work at moderate prices Phone 462 Whitby Music ARTHUR W. LYNDE L.H.C.M. TEACHER OF SINGING Established 1913 Capable pupils prepared for any Vocal Examination Church -- Conzert -- Radio Studio at 123 Centre St. North WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 2371 *Volkoff Ballet Classes for Ages 4 to 18 Register Town Hall Tuesday 2:30 to 6:00 p.m. health-giving scientifically bal variety of Dr. Ballard's foods Freel! Solid brass dog tag. . . engraved with your dog's name and labels. £1 'OR Freelll Do address for ANY THREE DR. BALLARD'S Malling instructions on the peckoge. FOR YOUR PET BETTER GET ETI] G & CAT FOODS Legal D. J. CUDDY, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Money to Loan 111 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY PHONE 2214 R. DONALD RUDDY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Office at 111 Dundas St. West (upstairs) Money to Loan Phone 339 Whitby W. F. WARD, BA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 103 COLBORNE ST. W., WHITBY TELEPHONE 689 Miscellaneous T. C. MYGLAND CO. First Class PAINTING ond DECORATING Interior Finishes o Specialty Dundas St. E. -- Ph. 488 -- Whitby, Taxis TERMINAL TAXI Day and Night Service PHONE 380 WHITBY Opposite Bus Station BELL TAXI WHITBY PHONE 364-465 . TAXI BOWMAN'S TAXI DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE PHONE 333 WHITBY, ONT. Undertaking W. C. TOWN Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 410 WHITBY Murray A. Robinson AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTOR and FURNITURE DEALER Phone Nc. 24 Jrooklin