PAGE SIXTEEN tHE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1950 'Business - Professional DIRECTORY 1-~Architects ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, 41 Prince Street, Usbawa. Fhone 100). Also 2848 Bloor St. W., l'oronto. Phone LY. 7756. Evenings phone Whitby 792. (A12) jJa--Accountants, Chartered )NTEITR AND MONTEITH, Hh Accountants, 37 King St. i. Phone #W1!-R. Gordon W. Riehl, C. A. Resident Partner. (A9) 2--Auditors 8 T PKINS, C.G.A., C.P.A, 8 AK Ro Bast, Phons 2127. Month- iy eceounting, audits S23 dy 1 3--Barristers C G N, FRAS. & DRYNAN, Barristers &c, Bank of Commerce Building. T. K. Creighton, K.C., N. C. Fraser, K.C., G. K. Dryueg. ER THOMSON, BN Barrister, Solicitor, Street South. Hours: 9:30 ous. Por appuintments phone i w M.Py 8 4:30. NANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS En tn PF. Anais, K.C., 7% Btmocoe Street South. Phone & Resigenee 19. ---------------- TT GRG&R, K.C., BARRIS- 3S Street 3614. Resident partner, Pollard, K.C., Uxbridge, Ontario. (Al) 9--Business Opportunities N 3 f [© terms, grocery store and 8-roomed modern brick house, new building and new store equipment, stock ex- , north section. Apply to Box 831, es-Gazette, or phone 4861-M after 6:00 p.m. (157b) INCREASE YOUR INCOME! Operate a route of automatic peanut and gum machines. Only a few hours a week required. Will not interfere with your other interests. $968 cash establishes y'u a route of these proven money-makers, full of stock and on location, Big season just starting. Age no obstacle. Write for definite appointment and further particulars now OX 814 TIMES-GAZETTE (156¢) 12--Gardening & Supplies MANURES! IT PAYS TO FBRTI- lize! Idea! for lawns, shrubs, gar- dens. Well-rotted and weedless, cow horse, barnyard and chicken man- ure, also rich black loam, top 1oil. Phone S20W4. (Jyl8) 13--Household Repairs URNITURE AIRED AND RE- upliolstered. See our materials for recovering. Bruce .R. Dalton, 70 Charles. Phone 401. (Jy3) 200 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM: Linoleum of all kinds, felt base and iniaids; ( o and vf Laying 'service available at Brad- ley"s, 40 King St. W. (Je20tf) CHESTERFIBELDS REBUILT, RE- covered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reascnable, Sat:sfac- Agents Wanted.. 5 Architects ...... Articles fcr Rent Articles for Sele Articles Wanted Auction Sales ... Auditors .....eee Automabilé Repairs ....eeo Automobiles for Bale Automobiles anted Wanted Gardening Supplies Household Repairs Insurance Building Trades Business Opportunities, . Business Vrronuaise anted ...ce0e ry Money to sesesese Uressmaking Coed Wo Subsequent and Bu Employment Farmers Column $7 Female Help For Rent .. Instruction ...... 14 Lawn Mower Bervice .....e0. 16 Legal Notices ... 47 Lorn Wanted ... 17 Help Wanted. . kot Basket Nursing Services © CLASSIFIED AD RATES INSERTION ..cvecccrcrrioccoccosoWmonenssccces CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ..... 00 EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION .25 Above rates apply only to original insertions ordered at a later new original order. Summer Camps ..31B Veterinarians .., Wanted to Rent.. 20 w Apparel 38 Women's Column 23 " Loan.. 18 or Less for ve date constitute a 20 words or full tess. 200 additional for Gach initial letter, abbreviation, § and o word. Box chargea lo All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by § a.m. the day of publication, Office hours: Daily, 8-6. Saturday, 8-12. $5.00 per month for all words over 20. figure, count as a ditional. tion g d. Mattr . Oshawa Upholstering Co. 8 Church St. Phone 3344. (Jy3tf) D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., BARRIS- So Solicitor. etc, © King Street West. Phones: Office, 814; Residence 8207. Money to loan. (Al) P. MANGAN, K.C.. BAR- a Money to Ican. Of- fice 14%, King Street East, Qshawe. #45. Residence, phone co TP et ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTFR, Solicitor, 11 King Bast, Room 3. Phones: Office 05; Residence 8687R. 14--Instruction ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, dictaphone, p ter. S school commencing July 10, hours 8 till 1 p.m. Oshawa Business Col. legn, 18 Simcoe North. Phone 1314. Jy1) FOX TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Samba, Swing taught at the Oshawa 8fudio of Dancing. Private or class instruction. 47 Prince St. For appointment, phcae ih 9 ! y A. J. PLRKHILL A. Yanch, Larristers. Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Sim- coe North. Phone 1614, Res. iT MANNING ¥. SWARTZ, BARRIS: ter. Solicitor. Notary. Money tn losn. Bassett Block. Suite No. 4. Phone 282; Res. 287TW. - (A1) 4--Chiropodists ¥. M. VaN1, DSC. CHIROPO)- specializing In diseases of the (AD) AND J. 15--insurance AUTOMOBILES, NEW OR LATE model, i d and ti d. Mec- Murtry Insurance Agency, 21 King W. Phone 1676-W. (Jy20) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE ice for better 1 in ali 20); King St. E. Phone 5400. Res. 4318R. (Al) 18--Lost and Found LOST--VACATION BOOK, ON JAR- vis St. Phone 4451-M. (157c) SERV- foot and leg. G | pody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Phone ml 5--Dentists | ER B. W N, DENTIST, | Oshawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 8 every day. [Evenings by appointment | Phone 4560 or 4577R. A ) 1 4165-M. LOST--GIRL'S GOLD RING WITH diamond, at or near North Simcoe School to Buckingham Avenue, Phone 1139 evenings. (156¢) LOST--BASEBALL GLOVE, REGU- lation size, in Alexandra Park dug- out below grandstand Tuesday af- ; ternoon. Glové was a gift. Phone (156b) 6--Nursing Services ee MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST Home--Accommodation is now avail- able in a new rest home. Comfort and kindness as you would want them to have--Nursing care and sa- tisfactory meals. Tray service. Spa- clous grounds for relaxation. Phone 77M1, Oshawa. (Jy22) ACCOMMODATIONS, , CONVALES- cent and elderly persons, comfort. . able place to rest; reasonable. La Salle Convalescent Home. Phone 4693-J. (Jy8) T7--Optometrists A BJ SON, O M| IST - Jury & Lovell - Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Phone 4164. (Al) EDWARD BIND, OPTOMETRIST, 22); Simcoe South, above Home | Dairy. Phone 4221-W. Kvenings by . appointment. . (ALD) C. H TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, ® to 12, 2 to § and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Phone 1516. (AD) 8--Building Trades | GRAVEL FOR SALE; RAISE AND move houses, heavy machinery, etc., also truck crane and dump truck ice. City Cartage, phone 605. service y ge, pl! R200 FIRST CLASS PAINTER & PA- hanger. Phone 3288-R. P. Uaalels, Gibbons St. (Th. Fri. Sat. tf) SASH FRAMES, DOORS. GOOD supply on hand. Nicholson Kitchen cal Pt units. Good delivery. Bert Boorman, 22 Frank St. (Jly30) MULLEN AND TRE PLE, SRUsa and spra nting. ucco houses, ga fact, we will jam anything. Phone 4093-J or 4014-J. (Jyotf) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, black loam; immediate delivery. Dump trucks for hire. Cement mixer for rent. Phone D. Brown, 3T44 WS. (J, N artage service, contact G. W. Besse : o Westmount Ave. Phone oR i y DECORATING, PAINTING AND r hanging, repairs. Clean work. : Es tes. hone F. W. Vanhorn, 4498M13. Jiy27) | 300 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM: 19--Money to Loan MONEYS TO LOAN ON APPROVED properties. Private funds. Apply Louis 8. Hyman, K.C., 37 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 67. Jy?) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first mertgages. Also N.H.A. and Builders Loans. Apply M. F. Swarts, Barrister, Bassett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. (Al) 20--Personal SINGLE WORKINGMAN, FORTY- ish 'wishes to meet lady between 35 and 45. Object companionship. Box 825, Times-Gazette.. (157¢) TRANSPORTATION WANTED, TO- ronto to Oshawa, working Motors, from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. Phone 2290. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. (156¢) 25--Real Estate For Sale MODERN 6-ROOM HOME With sunroom and attached garage. Large living room, 14' x 18', with stonu fireplace; bright dining room and modern kitchen. 3 large bed- rooms on second fluor; master bed- room, 14' x 18', with twin cupboards. Tile floors in bathroom, kitchen, and sunroom; stipled ceilings in living and dining rooms. Oil painted through- out. Finished basement with oil heat- ing and air-corditicning. Outside finished in stucco and stone. This valuable property, with approx. 3 acres of land located on highway #2 on outskirts of Oshawa, must be seen to be appreciated. PHONE 503 BEFORE 7 (155¢) IF (9) PROPERT 18 0! sale, list with G. L. Nolan, Broker, 19 Ontario St. Phone 328. (Ag4) NEW COTTAGE, LAKEFRONT, ON Sturgeon Lake, screened verandah, heavy wiring, built-in cupboards and sink. 1777-W. (156b) 4-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, 3 LOTS, garage, chicken-house, coal shed, $2,000, 526 Dean Avenue. (156¢) LOT 80 X 150, SIMCOE N., NORTH Oshawa, bus service. Phone 1515-J, after 6. (155¢) BUILDING LOTS, WELL DRAIN- ed, 50 x 150, city water, bus service. Phone 1896-R. (Jyl12) 8 ACRES GOOD GARDEN LAND at Five Points. Will sell under V.L.A. Phone 1954-M. Jy8) $6,000. NEW INSUL BRICK BUN- galow, 6 rooms and bathroom, on % acre lot. Good variety of apple, peach, pear and cherry trees, also small fruits. Will be situated on new dual mghvay; Twenty minutes drive east of Oshawa. Box 801, Times- Gazette. (1531) 21--Personal Services RADIO SERVICE TO ALL MAKES. Pick-up and delivery. Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. (Jy26) PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. For free estimate call Wilson & Lee, 7 Simcoe Nt. N. . (ASL!) 23--Women's Column CHARIS, ONLY FOUNDATION garment sold on thirty-day money- back guarantee; expertly fitted. Mg Blatter, 2594R. (Jylott) PRANTICE'S HAIRDRESSING, $5; Creme Wave, $3; Helene Curtis Cold Wave, $4956 and up. 10 Church. Phone 4491J. Jys) PEGGY'S BEAUTY PARLOUR -- oll wave $2.50 up, machineless $3.85 and up. 72 Church St., phone 371. (Jy) 25---Real Estate For Sale 6-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, VILLAGE of Brooklin, bath, furnace and gar- age. Good location. Large lot. Phone Oshawa 2173-J, (18 Charles St.) Brooklin 94R12. (157¢) FOR SALE OR RENT--3-ROOM house, needs some repairs, also 3 acres of land, good well and hydro, 3 miles east of Oshawa. Apply Box 824, Times-Gazette. (156¢) LOT, HIBBERT ST. SEWER, lights, water. Phone D. Smith, 127 Bloor W (155¢) HOUSE ON WESTMORELAND Ave. $5800 cash, full price. Phone 322 after 6 p.m. (155¢) --8-room, 2-storey brick, $7,500 all A iaeney. hard- wood floors, large kitchen with cup- boards, garage, extra large lot in Whitby. GORDON K. HARDY Real Estate Broker 18 Bond V/. Phone 5380 open evenings (157a) $2 40 --Attractive stone home, ' with 12 spacious rooms near Oshawa, oak floors and trim throughout, 3 modern bathrooms, ex- tra large kitchen with all modern electrical equipment. Four fireplaces, double garage, situated on 5 acres land with beautiful trees and shrubs. GORDON K. HARDY Real Estate Broker 18 Bond W. Phone 5380 open evenings (157a) $9 500» Whitby, 11;-storey ' brick house on extra large nicely landscaped lot, in choice residentia] district. Living-room, dining-room, bedroom or den and ultra modern kitchen with ample cupboard space on 1st floor. Three good-sized bedrooms with large clothes closets and bathroom on 2nd floor. This home is immaculately kept and has lovely hardwood floors throughout. Hot-water heating from stoker-fed furnace. Extra large gar- age and basement with recreational ibilities. Early possession. | Linoleum of all kinds, felt base and ds C and Rexolk | Laying service available at Brad. g layin 40 King St. W. (Je20tf) BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING, | decorating, paperbraging. Harold Carter, 310 Ritson Rd. 8. Phone | 3378W. (Jy?) CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR. | ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry repairs. Gordon May Phone | PAW12, (Jys) FOR TH ST N sidewalks, floors, drives, etc., work prompt service. Call 388M. (Jy20) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT shingles, built-up roofing, and sid- ing. Work guaranteed. H. W. Tuck. er, 4392-J. Jiy19) SPECIALIZING IN PLASTERING, stucco and repair work. Phone Jou. { ) 9--Business Opportunities | INFANTS AND CHILDRENS Wear Store in Peterboro on the main : street, for sale. Well established. Ex- ceptionally good trade, Excellent rea- son for welling. Box 750, Times- Gazette. 1581) GROCERY AND COOKED MEAT business in growing locality, fully stocked ; living accommodation. Price $5,200, including stock. Box 815, (155¢) trade - a is made 7-ACRE OSHAWA FARM, HOUSE and outbuildings, suitable for gar- dening, poultry raising, etc. Excel- lent investment today. Kalm, Ste- venson's Rd. South. (185¢) Why Rent $50 --Small summer cottage, fully equipped with two couches, kitchen, cabinet, etc. This cottage is located at Caesarea Beach, Lake Scugog. Apply at Wil- son's store, Prince bert, Ont. Phone Port Perry 174R14, E. MULVANY Real Estate Broker 1300 Yonge St., Toronto (157b) $5 00 cash, B-roomed ' insul _ brick bungalow, modern conyeniences, oil heating. garages. Possession in 30 days. ONLY $1 3,00 tractive C- room brick dwelling, oak floors throughout; lovely modern kitchen, 4-plece bath, open fireplace, oil air- conditioned heating; garage. Imme- diate possession available, on King Street East, Phone 3309 for ap- pointment. --Half -~New at- BERT PEYTON Real Estate Broker 13-Bond St. Eost (157a) --In Whitby, 2-st $8, 500 ik Parse, brid plan, with extra large rooms. Living- room, dining-room and kitchen, 3 large bedrooms on second floor with large hall suitable for sewing room. Brick garage and lovely arden. This home has wonderful possibilities and is close to schools and shopping district. $7 50 --In Whitby, B5-roomed ' stucco house, close to ultra modern public school in one of the better residential areas. This home will be completed in Septem- ber and the plans can be changed to suit purchaser if bought soon. $2,000 will handle. --Brooklin, Ontario, im- $7,500 mediate possession. Brick house with five bedrooms, ex- cellent arrang t ing or boarding-house, Good septic tank. Water under pressure from never- failing well. Plenty of garden space. Good school, churches and shopping district. We have many enquiries for bunga- lows, houses, building lots and farms. If you are thinking of sell- ing try listing your property with us. BOWMAN and GIBSON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Whitby Phone. 521 Mrs. P. R. Macleod, representative Evenings 544 Wyn r25--Real Estate For Sale LOT, 50° X 150°, ON HIGHWAY, North Oshawa. Apply 95 Queen St. 4-BEDROOM HOUSE $8 9()()-- This beautiful home, ' owner-built, is situated on one of Whitby's best residential streets. Modern, hardwood floors, 4- pc. bath, 2-pc. bath downstairs, large living room; large lot, 54'x166'; large kitchen with tiled floor. Must be seen to be appreciated. 5-ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW $8 40 --Well located in residen- ' tial area, Whitby. Large rooms, hot-water heated, stucco, gar- age heated. This is a splendid home and worth the money. First time ad- vertised. To be seen through ap- pointment on Tuesdays and Wed- nesdays only. 6-ROOM 12-STOREY BRICK lot, --Situated 1 $6,500 oon" "garden soit, in residential area. Large kitchen and living-room, three bedrooms. Splen- did value. $2,700 will handle. Garage. 12-ROOM DWELLING $14 50 --On corner property ' facing three streets. Revenue from house, $120 monthly. About 2 acres in property, heavily treed. Splendid motel sight or service station. A worthwhile speculation. If interested, ask for further informa- tion. JOS. E. SHIELDS Real Estate Broker Whitb y Phone 2874 Evenings 2473 $10 50 Collese Hill District. ' Three apartments, lot 160'x182'. A real buy. Only $2,000.00 down. An ideal investment for the future. --Si St. N. 13 $ 1 3,00 ni brick. 3 Yeors old. 7 rooms. Modern in every res- pect. Heated by air conditioned oil furnace. Lovely lot. Immediate pos- session. $6,000.00 cash required. $8 000A a. St. 8-room brick. ' Hardwood floors, hot air heating, close to hospital, ideal for roomers. Immediate possession. $8 000 Faithenks St. 8-room ' brick, hot air heating, garage. Down payment $2,500.00, bal- ance as rent. EVERE Tas BIRNEY 82 SIMCOE ST. S. Phone: Office 1550 -- Res. 2360-M (157c) Open for Inspection 925 Byron St. South, Whitby $1 | 000m brick bunga- ' low with lovely 3 room complete basement apartment, rented $55 monthly. This home has the best of equipment such as hot- water heating with oil. Beautiful pic- ture window, nearly new electric stove and broadloom rug in living- room. Low cash payment required. Possession on closing. Our agent, Mr. James Wilson, will be on proper- ty Eriday between 6-9 p.m.; Satur- day 3-6 p.m. E. MULVANY Real Estate Broker 1300 Yonge St., Toronto OPEN FOR Best Offer for this Wonderful Suburban Colonial Style Square Plan Home! Located on Simcoe St. North. 6 rooms down, 4 up. Large living room, open fireplace. Oak floors, modern kitchen, two French tiled baths. Hot water heat:d with stoker. Double garage. 34-acre good garden land. Owner moving ou: of city. ) Possession Anytime Si GOLDSTEIN or NOLAN, Brokers Phones 5430 or 328 27--Real ' Estate Wanted 4, 5, 6-ROOMED HOUSE WANTED or what have you? By young couple. Prefer south section. Confidential. Phone 8617-J. (1566¢) We have a cash buyer for 5-room brick bungalow. What have you to offer? (157b) DON MEREDITH Real Estate 22 Bond St. West Phone 3956 (157b) MODERN HOME, 3 BEDROOMS, substantial down payment. Phone 5517-W. (186b) HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS wanted. Large or small, we sell them all. For better results, see W. Mc- Auley, Realtor, 13 Prince St., phone 5356 or 3510 anytime. (1541) ve Addied-Ads CLIPPING FeoM KH. SMITH ST LOUIS, MO. (From the Nation's Classified Columns), ewelty, gold wanted, Bring mail, pe 28 broken jewelry, «St. Louis, Mo, 32--Automobiles For Sale 33 BUICK D » TER, radio, motor, body, tires, excellent condition--$325. Phone . (157b) CHEV, SEDAN, IN D CON- dition, Phone 4527-R after 5. (157b) 35 FORD, RADIO AND HBATER, Apply 281, Oshawa Blvd. (167d) '39 FO COUPE. WILL SELL reasonably. Phone 1765-W. (157b) 38 PONTIAC CONV. y ood condition. Phone 3808-J. arborns Ave. (157a) 36 CHEV. COACH, GOOD CONDI. tion, $560 or best offer. Apply 318 Al- bert St. (157b) Al ACH. . ed December 21. Will accept older car as part payment. 10,000 niles. Phone 811 Bowmanville, 155¢) '3¢ PLYMOUTH DELUXE COUPE, in excellent condition. Apply Ste- h 's G 15 Ch St. (1541) '39 CHEV. HALF-TON PICK-UP truck, good condition. Phone 4200. (188¢) '3T CHEV, SEDAN, EXCELLENT condition. Privately owned, $500. Phone 4761-J. (156¢) 34 MASTER CHEV. SEDAN, IN good condition. Can be seen after 6 p.m., 261 Bloor W, (166¢) '36 FORD COACH, GOOD TIRES, new battery, $205. Phone 1201-R. . (156b) 30 HUDSON SEDAN. MOTOR, A-1 condition. Phone 4305-J. (156¢) P 28--For Rent SMALL SUMMER CABIN AT Trenton, $20 per week, Phone 371. (156b) 32--Automobile For Sale 3 CHEV. COACH. TIRES & MO- tor good--$615. Phone 3841-W. 5 (157b) 3-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING CABIN, Wasaga Beach. Phone 371. (156c) ACCOMMODATION FOR MEN, near G.M.C. Phone 1638-M. (156¢c) GARAGE, 28 X 60'; USEFUL FOR many purposes, Apply E. Draper, Brooklin. Phone 100. (155d) BRIGHT FURNISHED BEDROOM, gentleman; breakfast if desired. Phone 1808-W after 6 p.m. (155¢) 2 ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN- furnished. Apply B.A. Station, 3 miles north of Whitby, Highway 12. (154e) 29--Wanted to Rent 4 OR 5-ROOM HOUSE OR APART- ment, 2 children. Apply to Box 829, Times-Gazette. (156¢) 3-ROOM APARTMENT, BY YOUNG couple, Phone 5206-J. (156b) URGENT -- WANTED FOR ONE year, house, young couple by Aug. 1. Apply to Box 818, Times-Gazette. (1551) SMALL APARTMENT OR ROOMS, semi-furnished, couple, no children. Apply to Box 821, Times-Gazette. (155¢) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANT- ed immediately. Write Malcolm Mec- Bain, Courtice Post Otfice. (1531) URGENTLY NEEDED -- 2 OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms; one child. Phone 3679-W. (154d) 3-ROOM FLAT, UNFURNISHED. by quiet couple. Apply Box 832, Times-Gazette. (157¢) 1 OR 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, young couple, no children. Phone 2247. (157a) YOUNG COUPLE WISH 2 OR 3- room apartment, preferably outside the city. Phone 3765-R. (1572) YOUNG COUPLE WITH BABY DE- sire small apartment or flat. Phone 5501. (157¢) YOUNG COUPLE WITH 2 SMALL children urgently require 2 or 3 un- furnished or partly furnished rooms. Phone 2384-M. (157b) 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms or apartment, young cou- ple, abstainers; no children. Phone 3633-W after 6 o'clock. (157c) HOUSE, APARTMENT OR DU- plex, for young couple, expecting baby. Phone 2828. (157b) RESPONSIBLE COUPLE, NO CHIL- dren, require 3 or 4 furnished or un- furnished rooms immediately. Phone 5314-M. (155¢) WANTED IMMEDIATELY, SELF- contained 3-room apartment, private entrance preferred; no children. Phone 2875-W, (156d) 30--Room and Board CHILDREN GIVEN MOTHERLY care in country home, $6 weekly. Port Perry district. Box 835, Times- Gazette. (157b) CHILDREN CARED FOR, WHILE you are on holidays. Rates reason- able. Mrs. D. C. Dobbie, Stevenson's Rd. South. (1521) 31--Room & Board Wanted FOR TWO-YEAR-OLD GIRL. AP- ply 419 Albert St. (157b) 31a--Summer Resorts LAKE SCUGOG, COTTAGES TO rent from now till July 29, ice sup- lied, $10 weekly, also lots for sale. hos. Druaen, one mile east of Sea- grave, Phone Manilla 11r1-3. (157¢c) FOR SALE OR RENT, JULY AND August--one completely furnished 3- room cottage with screened-in veran- dah. Quiet and convenient to stores. Hydro, running water at door. High- land Beach, north of Port Perry. (157b) STONEY LAKE, 6-ROOMED COT- tage, screened verandah, ice & wood, July and August. Phone 5255-W. J (155f) HASTINGS THIS YEAR FOR FISH. ing. Housekeeping cottages, boats, meals available. Ice.. Noel Smith, Sunnybrae, phone 605R1-2. (155d) 32--Automobiles For Sale "34. CHEV. COACH, EXCELLENT condition. Fair price. Phone 4076-W. 461 Jarvis St. (155¢) '34 PLYMOUTH COACH. WILL sell reasonably. 65 Elgin E. (155b) 48 PONTIAC SEDAN, RADIO, heater, defroster, A-1 condition. Phone 706-R. 173 Eldon Ave. (157b) FORD PARTS, NEW AND USED, 13 Elgin St. E. Phone 745. (157b) 28--For Rent i 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, NEWLY decorated, working couple preferred, adults. Phone 1156-W. (157a) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR TWO gentlemen to share, single beds, near Motors, abstainers only. Phone b876-W, (157a) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR ONI or two to share, near Skinners. Phone 2009-M. (157a) NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, PICK- ering Beach, running water, inside toilet, garage, hydro, 12 miles from Oshawa. Rent reasonable. Write 46 Connaught St., Oshawa. - (F,8J1y29) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR GEN- tleman. Very central. 'Réference de- sirable. 9 Bagot St. Phone 1415. H (156¢), 1931 CHEV. COACH, SEAL BEAM lights, heater, two spare tires, and trunk, new paint job, motor good. Phone 4643-M or apply 207 Church St. (157b) 40 OLDS. SEDAN. PHONE 5774-W. (156¢) RE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION UNITS for '34-'38 Chevrolets and Pontiacs. We can install immediately. Morey's Garage, corner Verdun and Gliddon. Phone 657. JiyD AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE AND finance. Murdoch Insurance, 121, Simcoe St. 8. Jiy17) Tom M<Kenzie '49 Chev. Deluxe Sedan ... $1895. '48 Chev. Deluxe Coach ... $1595 '47 Chev. Deluxe Sedan ... $1445 '40 Desoto Sedan '39 Oldsmobile Sedan ..... $695 '37 Chev. Standard Coach ...:. $595 '36 Ford Coach $395 Liberal Allowance on Trade-ins. $895 Up to 18 months on balance. Open evenings 'til 9. 582 KING ST. E. PHONE 5780W Simpson Motor - Sales DUNDAS ST. WEST IN WHITBY CHEV. SEDAN, like new. FORD CUSTOM TUDOR. CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACH .. $1375. AUSTIN SEDAN. PLYMOUTH SEDAN, loads of extras. V2-TON G.M.C. PANEL TRUCK. CHEV. COACH, 2 to choose from. CHEV. SEDAN, a beauty. PLYMOUTH SEDAN. FORD CABROLET. '49 49 '48 '48 '46 '40 '38 '37 37 '34 MANY MORE CASH -- TRADE or TERMS Open Evenings "Till 10 p.m. PHONE 2836 '49 CHEV. DELUXE SEDANETTE, excellent condition. Apply after 5:30. 135 Summer St. (1585¢) 33--Automobiles Wanted ay 4. GLASS ST. w you wait. Andy Nagy's Body Shop. Phone 4437. (Jy28) 1940 to 1950 Models wanted for out-of-town buyer. Will pay high prices. BELMONT MOTORS 137 King W. (133) MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Dodds' Car Lot, 300 Park Phone 4749, (Aug.1) 100 D CLEAN USED CARS. Chevs, from '39 up. Art's Car Mar- ket, King St. .» Bowmanville. Phone 2148, (Je31tr) 37--Farmers' Column HAY LOADER, RAKER BAR YYPE also G.H. riding garden tractor, both nearly new. A. G. Hooker, Brooklin. (157b) 36--Pets and Livestock THOROUGHBRED COCKER SPAN- fel pupples for sale. Black and blond, 6 weeks old. Reasonable. Ap- ply 270 French St. (187¢) REGISTERED COCKER SPAN- lols, Labrador retrievers, Fox ter riers, Boarding and trimming. Knowiton's Kennels. Phone 180WS3. (Jly18) C ER SPANIEL PUPPIES, D older dogs, blondes, blacks, parti colors; 0 trimming, bathing and boarding. Waubena Kennels, mile west of Oshawa, new highway. FOR A SQUARE DEAL, SEE Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Phone 8005: eve- nings, 1463-J. (Ilys) FOR SALE--19490 CHEV, COACH, air-conditioned, heater, 1211. Low mileage. Privately owned. Phone 2845 Whitby. (Jly6) Stoney's Car Market OSHAWA BRANCH Will Be Closed For Holidays from July 8 To July 24 (156b) 33--Automobiles Wanted "4g, '49 OR '50 CHEV. OR PONTIAC. Have all cash, Phone «J. (157t1) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for late model cars, at William Sharp Sales Limited, 1080 Simcoe North, Oshawa. Phone 5079. (Jy2) 37--Farmers' Column ATTENTION FARMERS! OUR LOT MUST BE CLEARED! MM TRACTOR Model R standard, new sale price $100 below list. 1948 CASE MODEL D. TRAC- TOR, quick sale price $1400. 1 new Spring Tooth CULTI- VATOR, regular $95. Sale price .... 'oss S75; '50 DODGE 1-TON EXPRESS $100 off list. '48 FORD 1-TON EXPRESS. '46 CHEV. 2-TON STAKE '47 STUDEBAKER 2-TON '48 CHEV. HALF-TON. '42 INTERNATIONAL 2Y5- SAVE $100 TO $300 IN THIS GIGANTIC CLEARANCE SALE! Powell Motors NORTH OSHAWA (157a), (1561), Iy17y 39--Articles For Sale 'MODERN KITCHEN CABINET, Apply 449 Ritson Rd. S. Phone. 4593-R. (156¢) COAL AND WOOD RANGE, 3 YRS, old, excellent condition. 150 Rossland Rd. W., between 6 and 8 p.m. Phone 5384-7. (156b) TRAILER, 2-WHEEL, PRACTI- cally new, 2 new tires. Phone 6241-J after 6. (156b) STRAWBERRIES | --FRESH PICK- ed, luscious !--From our own patch. 12-box lots, $3.39; 24 qts., $6.75. Phone 3235. (156¢), | LIFE-FLEX VENETIAN BLINDS, The all-steel bind. New designs and\ colors, guaranteed to fit. Estimates free. Complete repair service; wood slats replaced with steel. Merv Tuck. 46T4W. (Jy30) $5.00 DOWN Delivers A Brand New WASHING MACHINE to your home 15 models to choose from, TRADE-INS ACCEPTED BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 249 (156c) - OSHAWA TYPEWRITER COM- pany. Phone 3203-M. Rentals, re. pairs, new and used machines, add- ing machines and cash registers. (Jyll1), VENETIAN BLINDS, THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most starti- ing development in Venetian Blind history. ttened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without obligation. George Reid. Phone 2104. 68 Bond St. West. (Jy15) QUANTITY BATH TUBS, SINKS, tollets, basins, laundry tubs, piping, electric stove, Bendix washer, ag wood flooring. 5405-J. (Aug.4) Ice Refrigerators ..a..x DAVENPORT, IN GOOD CONDI- tion. Phone 3839-J. (157b) GENERAL ELECTRIC RANG B, good condition. Apply 89 Bowe v. WEFEK-END BARGAINS AT RUTHERFORD"S 8 pe bedroom Eroup. including triple Bering mata $129 rt ae. $119 Spe. Clirome Extension $59.50 Rangettes ....oeeneseensn $49.50 iiss seesesnedesecee $9.95 Rename $349.50 EN $12.50 Borie ves nns $39.30 $37.50, Continental Beds v.v211e $47.50 A atmos" outties. es $24.50 CHOOSE YOUR FLOOR COVERING FROM 200 PATTERNS IN STOCK, CONGOLEUMS - INLAID® RUGS CONVENIENT EASY TERMS Rutherford 156 SIMCOE S. (#56b) "FROST KING" ICE BOXES $37.50 $5 DOWN - Small Monthly Payments Bradley's 40 King St. West "Phone 271 (156¢) (Continued on page 17)