J THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1950 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE SEVEN 2 ~ OF INTEREST TO WOMEN -~ In Jhe Community BEAUTY FOR YOU :- If Dry Skin Is By HELEN Different ages bring different good-looks griefs. The majority of teen-agers have oily skins; the ma- jority of women have dry ones. Youngsters are active, get plenty of exercise, eat too much ice cream and too much pastry. The sebaceous glands, created to keep the skin smooth, are over-doing the job, Wo- men--Ilacking exercise in tthe open air, finding their circulation slow- er, cutting down on fats lest they take on adipose panniers--are vic- tims of the dry skin, And that's just too bad. The dry skin wrinkles early, it looks scaly when powder is | applied, and there is no health in it. The condition can be corrected. The dry skin may be that way be- cause it is thirsty. Drink five or six | glasses of water a day--unless you are a demon tea or coffee drinker, in which event you can cut them | down to four, Do not be afraid of using soap and water unless the combination Hollywood Highlights By BOB THOMAS Hollywood--(AP)--Don't mention men to Joan Blondell. She has given them up forever. Or so she says. The bouncy blonde is in town after shedding her third husband, broadway producer Mike Todd, in Las Vegas. I made the mistake of asking her if she thought she'd get hitched again. ""I don't know why I'm even talk- ing fo you," she retorted, "When I see men, I feel like taking a scythe and swooping away at them." Fortunately her gesture was strictly figuratively, but there was no doubt that her late marriage had left her very much anti-men. "I've tried marriage and it hasn't worked," she said, "The trouble now is that I've got to convince my children that marriage is a wonder- ful thing." She indicated that will be one of the greatest performances of her career. : "For four years, my husband didn't want me to work, or at least Your Problem JAMESON causes discomfort. Suds and friction help to remove dead scales that are ever present, Use cream to remove | make-up, have a rousing scrubbing, rinse with tepid water, use cream | again. Avoid hot and cold water. It is important that oily cosme- tics should be used freely, not just spread over the flesh, but worked in with the fingertips. Massage is stimulating, will help the glands to function normally. After patting in a light cream, many skins are in perfect condition for powder without the use of a make-up foundation. One has to ex- periment with these toiletries, find out which kind will produce an ef- fect of smoothness, In mid-winter cold or mid-summer heat you may find that a heavy cream serves as a protective measure, The kind of powder to be used is an important detail of the treat- ment. It should have an oily base, yet be of light, fine texture. When making a purchase, consult the at- tendant, If you patronize a cosme- tic bar, you will probably come in contact with a better-informed at- tendant than you will find at the cosmetic counter. You can experi- he said he didn't. Now I'll go any- where for a job and do anything-- pictures, legit, television, even strip if necessary." As an ass®rtion of her indepen- dence, Miss Blondell now is shel- tering her family in a couple of Distributed by King Features Syndicate. The majority of teen-agers have oily skin; the majority of women have dry skin, * + ment, too, as the powders are in open containers. A cream rouge is preferred to the compact when the skin is rough; the color is less concentrated and your blush will look less artificial. Put it on in little dots, then blend them, The diet should contain a certain amount of fat, upon which seba- ceious glands thrive. A little more butter on bread and cooked veget- ables, more oil in the salad dress- ing, more cream in desserts. And do not fail to drink more water. Your facial tissues need it. If they don't have it they may soften, and the first thing you know some horrid little furrows, will appear. Black For Summe Maintains a Cool, r Washables : Unruffled Look These days, even the smartest of | city-slicker women look forward, along with their. suburban sisters, to the cotton season. Some of them have already pushed the season ahead, for cottons in more formal moods were spotted this winter at cocktail parties and evenings on the town, Cottons--and we use the word generically to denote washable fabrics--are no longer relegated to informal times and places; they've not even limited to warm weather But warm weather highlights their undeniable attraction, and Ameri- can women, revel in the cool fresn- ness of washable frocks. "This summer you'll see plenty of black. It's cropping up everywhere in summery fabrics. It is a subtle accent for tanned arms and shoul- ders, it maintains a cool and un- ruffled look through the steamiest weather. Smart, sophisticated black combined with the sweet tidiness of washable fabrics is a winner on all counts, You'll see it as a solid note and as a background for prints; in pique, voile, nylon, broad- cloth, dotted swiss, linen, gingham, chambray and organdy. To retain its personality, black must keep its clearness. And that, brings up the question of washing. Black needs special care to avoid a blurred and grayish look. New type detergents don't combine with chemicals in the water to form what is known as a hard water scum. Thus, black washable fab- rics stay as inky black after wash- ing as when they were new. Another must for black clothes is to treat them gingerly with the iron, particularly if they're linen | or linen-like fabrics. Black should | | Presenting the new | "CARNIVAL MATCHED SET Very smart Alli- gator embossed 'Leathertut" with Rawhide end-bind- ing.. Brown or grey. VACATION BAGGAGE! AVAILABLE INDIVIDUALLY -- | 18" Dressing Cose ... 21" Selectorod Aeropock 13%," Train Case ... A wide selection of big values is yours to choose from so get your vacation baggage at . . . show no shiny highlights. Turn [the garment inside out, and press | lit as completely as possible. ( For the necessary finishing touches on the right side, use a press cloth to avoid direct contact between iron and dress fabric around plackets and buttonholes, collars and pockets. Fashion Flashes ANOTHER REVIVAL is the petal 1| collars, skirt. Pale pink silk chiffon for a strapless evening dress. the full- length skirt fashioned entirely of pointed petals. Fetals also outline top of draped bodice. LEE BR PICTURESQUE fashions add to the beach scene. Little-boy shorts and an adjustable halter bra are of heavy white cotton lace sewn flat over an emerald green cotton broadcloth surface. With the two- some a balloon sleeved jacket with tuxedo 'front. LE MOST POPULAR type of dress fs | undoubtedly the shirtwaist--real or | modified. Pale gray starched chif- | fon for a sleeveless shirtwaist din- | ner dress with little club collar and | tiny rhinestone studs. Bands of | white Alencon lace make a broad bodice yoke and a band above the slim waist, below which the skirt is crisply flared. . L J BE LUXURY toppers include wrap- | arounds and belied models in cash- | mere, all hand made, and dyed in luscious pastels and brilliant colors --with gold, shocking pink, cream, aqua and pale green cited as in demand. I i LE HIGH FASHION marks many. of the linen town suits so popular this year, Black lihen for the slim skirt of a smart suit, the jacket in yellow linen piped in black down the front and all around the jacket edge that is slit at either side. It closes with a long row of tiny black braid but- tons up to the high-placed little LS SE LOVELY EVENINGS bring out lots of velvet trimmed fashions, velvet hats and pumps. Black velvet for a pretty tricorne draped and tied with black silk net appliquel all over with tiny velvet dots. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE 1'2 pints fresh strawberries, 5 tablespoons sugar, 6 baker's sponge | cup cakes, 1%. cup heavy cream, whipped. . » Clean strawberries, leaving some whole, Crush remaining straw- berries, add. sugar. Fill sponge- cake shells with crushed straw- berries, using whole berries on top. Serve withswhipped cream. Yield: six shortcakes. Note: If desired, wash, hull and slice berries. Add the sugar and place the fruit in a covered con- tainer. Keep in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight. Serve chilled in the cup cakes, us- ling some of the liquid to marinate the cake. SEARCH FOR MISSING LINK Johannesburg (CP), For the third time in eight years the emi- nent French archaeologist Abbe BURNS CO. LTD. Cor, King ~& Simcoe §. - Phone 248 Breuil has returned to South Africa to carry on his anthropological in- [ vestigations. He is rejoining the bureau of archaeology here. the song. minute trailers at the beach. Her family includes her children by Dick Pow- ell--Norman 15, and Ellen, 12--plus a boxer dog and two ducks. The actress is here to play a role in "For Heaven's Sake." Learning The Piano Need Not Be Chore (CP) New York -- -- Children easily by the group-teaching meth- od, it was indicated by a proje conducted in one of New Yo public schools. More than that, they can become enthusiastic about learning, The project was carried out by six public school teachers and four volunteer graduate students in mui- sical education at Columbia Teach- began teaching the pupils, who weit divided into groups of eight or 10 and at the same time instructed :h: teachers in the method. The piano classes, which culmin- ated with a recital at the end of the season, were among the schooi's mest popular, Each student was provided with | a soundless cardboard piano dum- my. A similar one was mounted on the blackboard, and under the first song to be learned, "Autumn Leaves." it With one hand the teacher play- | ed the song on the piano, singing it at the same time so the pupil would learn words and tune to- gether. After a second playing the class was singing in chorus and fingering the notes on their piano dummies. One by one, the students were called to the piano to play and sing At. the end of the 40- period each student had mastered the first lesson. "The secret of this kind of teach- ng lies in immediate musical ex- perience," explained John Hummell one of the graduate students. He added that children taught by this method usually are enthia- 1 siastic and learn the fundamentals easily. 3 emphasized as the primary goal. Enjoying piano playing is The Luxury Look crochet is inexpensive to You'll be so proud of these Rich own! beautiful mats, and they are really |» durable in heavy cotton! Large mat, 18x27 inches in heavy can learn to play the piano more | ers College. The graduate students | | GLAMORIZING :- By HELEN | Have a Slim Silhouette VOLLETT § ' 8 » slim than to lose weight. » made* from | means your be pre- As you one fo YOUR silhouette is | underneath out. That | foundation garment must | cisely and exactly ght. | may be seeking a zht warm weather wear take a look {at the minimum weight models, { made of sheer nets, supple batistes, shimmering satins or two-way | stretch," knits that are light and clinging, yet have a way of molding the figure. You'll see these counter- | fabrics, pulling lengthwise, cross- wise diagonally almost like a slim shedth of muscles. { The ideal effect i4 to make you frock appear to be a part of you, impart grace to your ou'iines. The accepted form now shows the high, rounded bust; flat torso, neat waist- line, compact hips. Slender curves are the mode. If your jes are |a bit too much. of ¢ experienced corseti | you a garmentthat w | their place, will find for ill put them in 'Two Little Orphan Princesses Live ars in Lonely an 'Like | This princes Begg of two little living happily now, in f: qualid, tumbled- {down barefoot, nourished, wearing rags. The two girls are Etsuko Sho, 10, | | and Sachiko Sho, 11. They are 5 of the al House of| irect descendants of the Sho g ruled Okinawa be- se took over in the "hey were 'orphaned parents were killed dur- 118 the Wi Now they har cesses. Both are from malnutritior chiko has an infectious skin disease. They wear patched clothes. And they eat monofonous meals the Shuri Orpt:anage Folks' Home can ) Ther daily 1400-calorie ration ccnsists of | rice, soy beans, barley soup and | occasionally a little fish. | The one thing they have is com- panionship, There are 224 cther war orphans in the orphanage. And there are 89 old pcople sharing the pitiful huts of Shuri. Some CARE packages now reach them, as Oki nawa has been added to the list of | look like pt ited in growth the sub-standard, | which are all and Old | | Pretty Arlene Dahl of the movies knows it's easier to keep her figure The right foundation helps, too. 7 j Fashionable under- || | and mosquitoes are everywhere. | slides with gra | the | of tatoos on the backs of ier hands. | their ation and ccoking facilities | f | | | | Lo 7 imi ah LJ Exercise endeavor every Daily But you should to | slenderize. Exercise day, ! swinging your legs back and forth, pulling hard on the thighs and] hips. Lie on your back on the floor. | lift one leg, send it in the othar! directions, rolling the body as vour)| toes touch the floor. Don't buy a foundation over the| counter without having it fitted. | Figures vary so much that, although there may be dozens of models in! your size, there will be need of al-| terations. Have necessary adjust-! ments made, such as hose support ers moved, shortened or lengthened, shoulder straps adjusted. Get the best you can, afford; it pays in the long run. that that will and that mold you | a garment of mction same time, vai 1 the you select give freedom will, at the comfortably tc ideal, Okinawa Shuri are primitive. The prin- cesses eat.at rough-hewn wooden les and benches. The rice and 1s are cooked in large iron pots open wood fires, and are red with a stick. Roaches, rats at The well pump in the compound bi 1 n. The orphans have Lo 1 the water by hand. Soap is | carce, so washing clothes is a| luxury. | y sleep on hard grass mats forms in huts, The | ment they have are | gs and . slides. The | ride down - the | home-mac¢ children have ind. The slide not smooth, The old folks, who share the in-!} stitution with the children, have | same rations and quarters. | There are many who were once prosperous. | Among the aged women in Shuri is Ushi Okumura, 87. She is the proud possessor of a beautiful set | is very irls had vhen they girls wear are very | of 'her Until about 40 years ago, hands totooed like Western rings, Ushi's , ar he envy mar. cotton; 12x18 in No. 50 cotton. Pat- | tern 7143; charts; directions. Our improved patfern -- visual with easy-to-see charts and photos, and complete directions -- makes crochet and knitting easy to do. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ip | | | | coins for this pattern (stamp® can- | not be accepted) to The Daly Fimes-Gazette Pattern Dept. Osh awa, Print plainly NAME, AD- DRESS PATTERN NUMBER Just off the press our new Alice Brooks Needlework catalogue! Send twenty-five cents in coins for your copy [Illustrativns of designs for crocheting, knitting embroidery toys, quilts, children's clothes. Free | needlework pattern is in book. | As a departure from the usual baby's gift this attractive and very useful pram set is an excellent idea. It's very simple to make and takes only three quarters of a yard of lightweight wool and some rayon satin for the binding. If you would | like to have instructions for making this CARRIAGE AND PILLOW COVERS just send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Dept. of this | paper and ask for E 1731. Original Idea for Baby's Gift \ | tumor which has been felt in the | i caused by disease. | A Physician Advises You | By HERMAN M. BUNDESEN, M.D. DANGER SIGNS Most women do not realize that secretion from the breast is posible at any time of life from a few days after birth up until old age. Thus, if anything of the kind is observed they are likely to become panicky for fear that something is seriously amiss, and sometimes there may be During the maturing period or adolescence, the breasts often be- come swollen and may have a milky discharge. Again, it is natural that women who have had children should have some secretion from the breasts now and again, Throughout adult life and even in old age, the cells in the breast break down and may be discharged in the form of a secretion. 3 Danger Signs However, such secretions can also be danger signs of disease. Bloody, watery, or pus-containing secre- tions are the ones to be watched as they may indicate the presence of infection, a cyst, or some more harmful tumor growth. In order to determine the nature of the discharge from the breast, it should be examined under the microscope, as well as chemically. The source of the discharge from the 'breast can beg ascertained if each part of the breast is massaged gently towards the nipple. If no tumor or swelling in the breast can WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT :- Welcome to Newcomer? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN Dear Mrs. Beeckman: iI have only one maid. I don't feel A friend of mine here is planhing | that it is especially appropriate to to give a tea next month for a have place cards, and so I would friend of hers who was married |like to indicate the seating myself. two or three months ago and has|Just how should I do this. . should juét recently come here to iive.|I enter the dining-room first or | (Formerly they both lived in the] last? same city, and now will both be! together here) I would like to go| You enter the dining-room first tc the tea, bui hesitate to assume!. . , .that is, not alone first, but any social "obligations" about -| with one or two of the first guests tertaining this newcomer, because |entering. .and while you slowly {my husbaud and -I are living in|walk tcward your place-at-table, | cramped "temporar, quarters" which [you tell each guest where to sit. | make entertaining difficult, if not| You remain standing until your { impossible. Just what would my guests are seated. An excellent way | obligation be, in case I accept this|to do, if your guest of honor is not | invitation? busy chatu..g with a guest, is to | Flora B. |ask her to 'go in' with you, and Do go to the tea and so show make a charming feature of the your welcome to this newcomer, | fact that she is your guest of honor; Then afterward you should go to| "Sallie, will you sit here at my right, s call on her. . .again to show your pPlease?". "and Florence here" welcome, Then 'ater, whenever (indicating the place). . . and convenient for you, make any ges-| Helena here", |. and so forth. ture of hospitality you can. If you| cannot entertain her in your home fo: the time being, how about in-| Ww. B. DIDN'T WASTE TIME viting her to have tea with you| at some attractive place, or invite her to the movies with you one afternoon and have a cup of tea | afterward? In other words, until |you have a convenient place to |entertain, offer whatever simple be found by the doctor, the condi- | hospitality you can. . . .this i tion causing the abnormal discharge | that is needed to show your hos- is usually not a serious one. plate 'irtention and inclination.' Disturbing Sign ' Canadian Custom of Groom's Par- Blood in the discharge from the | ents Giving Reception For "Bride" nipple is a disturbing sign. It may | Is Also Popular In United States be caused by inflammation, due to | Dear Mrs. Beeckman: such conditions as syphilis, tuber-| ay husband and I were mar- ae Antec, of §°ume | red several months ago in my home SA : y ! | E a, a ave now come to discharge trom the breast is often | live in the' Unlted Sites in the city Breast cangor where 'my husband and his family Tt is suzzested by doctors that any | have lived for some years. I have 2 o <a wonderful mother-in-law! She breast should be removed regard- | 128 been so kind and thoughtful of its size, for study nies the | iD all her plans for my happiness. roscope to determine its exact | Now she wishes to follow the Ca- nature. | nadian custom of giving a reception Of course, any discharge from | soon in our honor and so that I may the breast should be investigated | so as to make sure that it is not | WV friends. In Canada, as you | doubtless know, on this occasion the I "bride" wears her wedding dress EL.: What is a thoracic spine and | (Put not of course her bridal veil). what causes this? {So (1) Here would it be all rig t Answer: The thoracic spine is that'| {Of me to wear my wedding dress on part of the spine between the neck | this occasion, And (2) If, as I very and abdomen which is made up of (Much hope, my mother can come 12 vertebrae or small bones. | from Canada for this reception, There is no. disorder known as|Would she also stand with us to thoracic spine. [rective the guests? QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Martha M. ' (1) Yes. . .on this festive and so- _Wite Preservers | important occasion, in the United ? a IL | States in Canada, the "bride" ZL CE i v as 2 | customarily wears her wedding A, { dress, but, as you say, she does not SE Lo li 17 > -- | wear her bridal veil. Nor docs she | carry a bouquet, but often wears {one or two flowers in her hair, or | some other | flower headdress. This welcoming reception given by the groom's parents is indeed a most gracious and graceful custom. . .to introduce | their son's bride to their relatives {and friends. (2) Yes, . .I am sure your kind and thoughtful mother-in-law make this gracious bow to your mother. Seating -- © rt € GEO Green. To save glassware from being erackec during dishwashing, use a rubber mat ai bottom of dishpan and a rubber cap or the faucet. Her Guests, Place Cards Beeckman: Be a Smartie Dear Mrs. in honor of a college of mine who is passing through our city on her way to sail to Europe. For Free Pickup & Delivery - By -- Motor City Cleaners 182 SIMCOE SOUTH meet "Tommy's" relatives and fam- | simple and effective | will! Without I am planning to give a luncheon | class-mate | | Lethbridge, Alta. (CP).--"Once I |got started I just couldn't stop," | said Dale Imeson after he coms | pleted 30 hours of flying time in four days to get his private pilot's licence. Normal training period before even soloing is about a | month. BABY'S RASHES are often a sign of upset digestion. See how quickly this type of rash pr disape pears after the use of Baby's Own Tablets. Pleasant to take, easily crushed to a pows der if desired, these little tablets sweeten up baby's stomach and clear out irritating material that also may be causing gas, fe- verishness and fretfulness, Get Baby's Own Tablets today. They have been the standby of mothers for over 50 years. Only 20d INSTANT \ HOT WATER ALL DAY--EVERY DAY with an Inglis Glasteel Electric Water Heater FULLY AUTOMATIC E CAN'T RUST OR CORRODE { There's a i model to fit your family's H needs . .. $129 30 ur SEE US -- COLVIN ELECTRIC You'll get a lifetime of hot water served at low cost. 339 SIMCOE £7. SOUTH PHONE 1092 SIZES | 4516 12--20 Shira Helos Cleverest idea of the season! Sun- frock, becomes a street dress when you button that adorable little cape. And best of all -- it's simplest, lazy-bones sewing! Pattern 4516 in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16, cape and dress, re- quires 4% yards 35-inch fabric. This pattern, easy to use, simple tc sew, is tested for fit, Has com- plete illustrated instructions. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 126c) In coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send oxder to ANNE ADAMS care of Ihe Daily Iimes-Gazette Pattern Dept, 57 Simcoe Street Send | South, Oshawa, Ont. Important announcement! Our new Anne Adams Summer Pattern Book 1s ready! Send twenty-five cents more, be first to have this collection of styles that make sew- ing a pleasure, Vacation clothes for all. Free pattern of bath sarongs 'man's and woman's) printed in book.' The best advice is often more than we can bear. It takes cour- age to face the impact of truth, and firm _esolution to form new habits to fit the facts. Your doctor is sometimes confronted with the stern necessity of ad- vising restrictions in your usua | routine. Your favourite dessert or that comforting cigar may be denied you. There is a strong temptation to to feef you know your needs treet such advice lightly, better than your doctor. Such self-delusion may be comforting, but it defeats the very ends you seek. Carefully follow your doctor's advice. Your prescriptions have prompt, expert attention at our store. KARN'S DRUG STORE 28 KING ST. E. Next to Post Phones: 78 & 79 ITI OSHAWA, ONT, Office Prompt Delivery I