PAGE TWENTY «HE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1950 NCLASSTFIED Business - Professional DIRECTORY 1--Architects ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, 47 Prince Street, Oshawa. Phone 1001. Also 2848 Bloor St. W., 'l'oronto. Phone LY. 7766. Evenings phone Whitby 792. (A12) 1a--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITH AND MONTEITH, Chartere¢ Accountants, 37 King St. ii. Phone 491'-R. Gordon W. Riehl, C. A. Resident Partner. (A9) 2--Auditors a 8. T. HOPKINS, C.G.A, CPA. 9 King Street East. Phons 2127. Month- accounting, audits ,'ax returns. b A Jyll) 3--Barristers Na CREIGHTON, FRASER & DRYNAN, Barristers &c, Bank of Commerce Building. T. K. Creighton, KC. N. C. Fraser, K.C.,, G. K. Drynan. (Al) WALTER C. THOMSON, KC. M.P., Barrister, Solicitor, etc. 22} Simcoe Street South. Hours: 9:30- 4:30. For appointments phone wll (AD) CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ters. Allin F. Anais, K.C., 7% Stmcoe Street South. Phone 4. Bauigsuce 73. ) A. W. 8. GREER, K.C. BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc.,, 6 King Street East. Phone 316). Residence 3614. Resident partner, W. C. Poilard, K.C., Uxbridge, Ontario. (Al) RD, HUMPHREYS, K.C., BARRIS ¢ Solicitor, etc.,, 6 King Street - wii 1 hones: Office, 814; Residence Muney to loan. (Al) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BAR. rister, Solicitor. Money to lcan. Of- fice 143% King Street East, Oshaw=. Phone 445. Residence, phone = ( ) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTFR, Solicitor, 11 King Kast, Room 2. Phones: Office 65; Residence 3687R. (Al) A J. PLRKHILL AND J. A. Yanch, Barristers. Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Sim- coe North. Phone 1614, Res. td : (A1) MANNING ¥. SWARTZ, BARRIS: ter, Solicitor Notary. Money to losn. Suite No. 4. Phone 4 (Al) 9--Business Opportunities INCREASE YOUR INCOME! Operate a route of automatic peanut and gum machines. Only a few hours a week required. Will not interfere with your other interests. $968 cash establishes yu a route of these proven money-makers, full of stock and on location, Big season just starting. Age no obstacle. Write for definite. appointment and further particulars now! BOX 814 TIMES-GAZETTE (1560) ~ LADIES' SPECIALTY SHOP $3 00 --Or best cash offer, buys ' the lease; furniture and fixtures, This good location is pre- sently doing an excellent turnover. Owner has good reason for selling. $6,000 stock may be purchased if de- sired. CONFECTIONERY TAND East end confectionery stand. This business is a real money-maker and will stand your strict imvestigation. The present stock is well over $5,000 and there is a heavy turnover. The owner is willing to reduce the stock if necessary. The asking price in- cluding stock, fixtures, business, is $10,000. All offers will be considered. GARAGE; GROCERY; SERVICE STATION We have been instructed by Powells in North Oshawa to sell their build- ing and businesses. Included in this set-up is a grocery store, repair gar- age, service pumps, sales room and plenty of room for further expan- sion. This property may be pur- chased for approximately $60,000 subject to the actual inventory at time of sale. Some terms can be arranged but a substantial cash pay- ment js necessary. Your enquiry is | invited. This is' an excellent location and the area is growing rapidly. A. E. MURDOCH Real Estate Broker 122 Simcoe St. S. Phone 2928 (155h) 12--Gardening, & Supplies MANURES! IT PAYS TO FERTI. | lize! ldeal for lawns, shrubs, gar- dens. Well-rotted and weedless, cow horse, barnyard and chicken man- ure, also rich black loam, top : soil. Phone 920W4¢. Jylig) 13--Household Repairs FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- | uplioistered. See our materials for recovering. Bruce R. Dalton, 7 Charles. Phone 401. Jyd) 20 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM : 4--Chiro,. .aists T. M. Vani, D.S.C., CHIROPO- dist, specializing In diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. . Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Phone og (AD) 5--Dentists DENTIST, PETER E. WILLSON, Oshawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every | day. B by ment Phone 4569 or 4577R. (An | 6--Nursing Services MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST] Home--Accommodation is now avail- able in a new rest home. Comfort and kindness as you would want them to have--Nursing care and sa- tisfactory meals. Tray service. Spa- | cious grounds for relaxation. Phone | gman -oshawa. (Jy22) ACCOMMODATIONS, CONVALES- cent and elderly persons, comfort- able place to rest; reasonable. La Salle Convalescent Home. Phone | 4693-J. Jy8) 7--Optometrists A. E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST - Jury & Lovell - Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Phone 4164. (Al) EDWARD BIND, OPTOMETRIST, 22Y; Simcoe South, above Home Dairy. Phone 4221-W. Kvenings by appointment. . (A109) C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Phone 1516. (Al) 8--Building Trades FIRST CLASS PAINTER & PA- Jombauger, Phone 3283-R. P. Daniels, | Gibbons St. (Th..Fri. Sat. tf) PAINTING AND DECORATING, interior and exterior. Fine carpenter | work. For free estimates phone | 77R7 Orono. H. G. York. (153d) | SASH FRAMES, DOORS. GOOD | supply on hand. Nicholson Kitchen cabinet units. Good delivery. Bert Boorman, 22 Frank St. (Jly30) MULLEN AND TREMBLE, BRUSH and spray painting. Stucco houses, barns, fences. In fact, we will paint anything, Phone 4093-J or 4014-J. (Jyotr) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, black loam; immediate delivery. Dump trucks for hire. Cement mixer for rent. Phone D. R. Brown, 3744W5. (Jy2ot f) FOR GENERAL TRUCKING AND cartage service, contact G. W. Besse, 64 Westmount Ave. Phone 4082-R. Jly13) DECORATING, PAINTING AND aper hanging, repairs. Clean work. stimates. Phone F. W. Vanhorn, 4498M13. ; ( J ly21 i 200 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM: Linoleum of all kinds, felt base and 1 Cong and 1 Laying service available at Brad- Jey's, 40 King St. W. (Je29tf) BRUSH AND BPRAY PAINTING, decorating, paperhanging. Harold Carter, 210 Ritson Rd. 8. Phone 3378W. i yn CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- |ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, [8 till 1 p-m. Oshawa Business Col- | model, | Murtry Insurance Agency, 21 King sonry repairs. Gordon May. Phone 920W 12, Jys) | FOR THE FINEST CONCRETE | sidewalks, floors, drives, etc., work | guaranteed, estimates reasonable, | prompt service. Call 3808M. YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT | shingles, built-up roofing, and sid. | ing. Work guaranteed. H. W. Tuck- ! er, 4392-J. (Jiy19) SPECIALIZING IN PLASTERING, stucco and repair work, Phone 1536. (Jed) 9--Business Opportunities INFANTS 'AND CHILDREN'S Wear Store in Peterboro on the main | street, for sale. Well established. Ex- | ceptionally good trade. Excellent rea- | son for selling. Box 750, Times- Gazette. (1531) | GROCERY AND COOKED MEAT business In growing locality, fully. stocked ; living accommodation. .Price $5,200, including 'stock. Box 815, Times-Gazette. (155¢) Want to buy or sell or trade - a Classified Ad snd the deal is made. | Wy) | __ of all kinds, felt base and inlaids; Congol R Laying service available at Brad- ley's, 40 King St. W. (Je29tf) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE- covered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reascnable. Sat:sfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebuilt Oshawa Upholstering Co. 8 Church St. Phone 3344. (Jy3tr) 14--Instruction dictaphone, school comptometer. commencing July Summer 10, hours | legn, 18 Simcoe North. Phone 1314. Jy) FOX TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, l'ango, Samba, Swing taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class instruction. 47 Prince St. | For appointment, phcae 42i1-J (Jly3) 15--Insurance i AUTOMOBILES, NEW OR LATE insured and tinamced. Mec- W. Phone 1676-W. (Jy20) | PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERV. ice for better Insurance in al classes. | 22'; King St, E. Phone 5400. Res. | 4318R. (Al) i 18--Lost and Found ! LOST--CHILD'S TRICYCLE FROM | 441 Louisa St. Please return. (156a) LOST--GIRL'S GOLD RING WITH | diamond, at or near North Simcoe | School to Buckingham Avenue. Phone 1139 evenings. (156¢) LOST--BASEBALL GLOVE, REGU- lation size, in Alexandra Park dug- out below grandstand Tuesday af- ternoon. Glove was a gift. Phone 4165-M. (156h) LOST--LEATHER CHANGE PURSE containing $14 to $15, vicinity of Stroud's, Phone 2004 after 6 p.m. (156a) 19--Money to Loan MONEYS TO LOAN ON APPROVED properties. Private funds. Apply Louis S. Hyman, K.C., 37 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 67. Jy2) CLIENTS: MONIES AVAILABLE for first mortgages. Aiso N.H.A. and Builders Loans. Apply M. F., Swartz, Barrister, Bassett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. (Al) "FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND AGREEMENTS OF SALE 112 SIMCOE ST. NORTH North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. PHONE 81. OSHAWA (Tues.-Thurs.-Sat.) 20--Personal TRANSPORTATION WANTED, TO- ronto to Oshawa, working Motors, from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. Phone 2299, 5 pm. to 8 p.m. (156¢) DRIVING TO MUSKOKA WEEK- ends. Room. for 3 or 4. Reasonable. | Phone 1139 evenings. (156a) 21--Personal Services RADIO SERVICE TO ALL MAKES. Pick-up and delivery. Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. ra A Wye) PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. For free estimate call Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe St. N ; ' oan (ASM) 23--Women's Column CHARIS, ONLY FOUNDATION garment sold on thirty-day money- back guarantee; expertly fitted Mrs Blatter, 2504R. (Jy10tf) PRENTICE'S HAIRDRESSING, $5; Creme Wave, $3: Helene Curtis Cold Wave, $495 and up. 10 Church Phone 4491) yt) PEGGY'S BEAUTY PARIOUR - oil wave $2.50 up, machineless $395 and up. 72 Church St., phone 371. 5 (Jy22) 25--Real Estate For Sale 30 ACRES, FARM, HOUSE, BARN, 3 miles north of Oshawa. H. Chil. R.R. 1, Oshawa, west Conlin y, RR ___(154¢) iF YOUR PROPERTY IS FOR sale, list with G. L. Nolan, Broker, $1,500 | including 1$8,00 | venson's Rd. South. {19 Ontario St. Phohe 328 o NN | LOT, 50° X 150', { North Oshawa. 19 Ontario St. Phone 328. (Age) Agents Wanted. . Architects Articles fcr Rent Articles for Sale Articles Wanted Auction Sales ... Auditors .....e.e Automobile Wanted Repairs ....... Repairs Automobiles for Sale Automobiles Wantea Barristers ....... Building Trades Business Opportunities. Business Opportunities Wanted ....... Chiropodisis .... Dentists Uressmaking c cul B § LESEE.C Wanted ee 11 ONE INSERTION ..... INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Farmers Column 37 Female Help For Rent ........ 28 Gardening & Supplies ....... 13 Household Instruction ...... Insurance ....... 16 Lawn Mower Service .... Legal Notices Lorn Wanted Lost and Found 18 Male Help Mal, & Female Help Wanted . #4 Basket Money to Loan.. 19 Nursing Services © CLASSIFIED AD RATES TWO CONSBCUTIVE INSERTIONS ...... THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ......c...0. EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION Above rates apply only to original orders for cunsecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order. Professional and Business listings, $5.00 per month for 20 words or tess. 20c additional for ail words over 20. Each initial letter. abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure, count as a full word. Box charged lUc additional. All Clpssitied Advertisements MUST be in by 8 am. the day of publication. Office hours: Daily, 8-6. Saturday, 8-12, Optometrists .... 1 20 cssedes 48 wee N1 Pets & 0 Repairs .. Real state Agents ........ 24 Real Estate For Sale ...... 26 Real Estate esses 38 . 42 13 14 Exchange Real Estate Wanted ....... 27 feo iy Boara 30 m an Wented Bosre 3 Summer Resorts S1A Summer Camps ..31B Veterinarians .., 3% Wanted to Rent.. 29 Wearing Apparel 38 Women's Column 23 sees 16 . 4 vee 17 seesees 88 Rach Add') Word ese esncesnevaie 02 03% 05 . 1.00 E O01 25--Real Estate For Sale LOT. HIBBERT ST... SEWER | FOR SALE OR RENT--3-ROOM 127 | house, Phone D. Smith, lights, water. (1551) Bloor W. HOUSE ON WE Ave. $5,800 cash, full price, Phone 322 after 6 p.m. (155¢) LOT, ELGIN ST. E., 35 X 97. Phone 2572-J. splendid garden land, garage. 5 ROOMS, Division St, Alice, brick and garage. --Fairleigh Ave, cash, 3 rooms. JONES Real Estate Broker 62 Prince St. Joe Barnoski, salesman (55h) | $3,50 $7,900 "500k Ave. 112-stor- | hot-air heating. 2 weeks' possession. | ' bungalow. | Nassau St. i waiting for us to locate homes for ey, 5-room Large lot, well landscaped. There is| kitchen:| and bath on the first floor. The sec- | ond floor has two bedrooms and a' Can be converted into apartments; two-pc. bath. Hot air heating. Storms | now consists of hall, 3-room care: PossesSion can be ar- | taker's apartment, ladies' and gents' a living-room, dining-room, and screens ranged to suit purchaser. Down pay- ment required is $3,900 (approx.). Monthly payments $41, taxes, interest and principal. $7.70 --LaSalle Ave. first floor; the second floor. well decorated and in excellent cop- two unfinished rooms on dition. Good landscaping and garden. | Possession can be arranged to suit purchaser. Down payment required STMORELAND | 3 miles east of Oshawa. Apply Box Bl Eben etntndn Sr SESE Bn A 86 2()()--6-room brick bungalow. i COUNTRY HOME OF STONE AND $ > Verdun Rd.. 2 acrel,w, in coming residential area, be- $6 00 Olive Ave. brick, mod- | ' ern in every way. north of | fst malt di mini Dh PTET cd $500 | LOT 50 X 150, SIMCOE N., NORTH oy after 6. including 113-stor- ey; 5 complete rooms on | This home is very | is approx. $3.500. Payments are $41, | interest, principal taxes. --88 Hillcroft St., square plan; location. This house is presently va- 6-room er has instructed us to get an offer on the property and will take back a mortgage up to 60% of the purchase | price, if necessary. . Apply A. E. MURDOCH Real Estate Broker 1242 Simcoe St.-S. Phone 2928 (155b) | 7-ACRE OSHAWA FARM, HOUSE and outbuildings, suitable for gar- dening, poultry raising, ete. Excel- lent investment today. Kalm, Ste- (155¢) MODERN 6-ROOM HOME With sunroom and attached garage. Large living room, 14' x 18', with stone fireplace; bright dining room and modern kitchen. 3 large "bed- rooms on second floor; master bed- room, 14' x 18', with twin cupboards. Tile floors in bathroom, kitchen, and sunroom; stipled ceilings in living and dining rooms. Oil painted through- out. Finished basement with oil heat- ing ond air-conditicning. Outside finished in stucco and stone, This valuable property, with opprox. 3 acres of lond located op, highway #2 on outskirts of Oshawa, must be seen to be appreciated. PHONE 503 BEFORE 7 \ (158¢) $4 2 ~West section, 5-roomed ' frame bungalow, hot- air heating, oak floors; garage. $2,600 down, balance $25 per month. Immediate pos$ession. See Ni N Broker r 5884 (J1y4,6) OTTAGE, LAKEFRONT, ON Sturgeon Lake, screened verandah, heavy wiring, built-in cupboards and sink. 1777-W. b) 4-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, 3 LOTS, garage, 'chicken-house, coal shed: $2,000. 526 Dean Avenue. (156¢) ON HIGHWAY, Apply 95 Queen St. (156¢) BEAUTIFUL LOTS, SHADED with maple and white birch trees on the shores:of Mitchell Lake. Excel- lent 'bathing and fishing. Apply E. R. Woodward, Myrtle Station. (153d) close in, service, Phone 1896-R. (154¢) BUILDING LOTS, WELL DRAIN- ed, 50 x 150, city water, bus service. Phone 1896-R. (Jyl2) $6,000. NEW INSUL BRICK BUN- galow, 6 rooms and bathroom, on % acre lot. Good variety of apple. peach, pear and cherry trees, also small fruits. Will be situated on new dual highway. Twenty minutes drive east of Oshawa. Box 801, Times. Gazette. (1531) city bus and ! Best Orrer excellent | | cant and immediate possession can! | be given to the purchaser. The own- ! ¥ 25--Real Estate' For Sale needs some repairs, also 3 acres of land, good well and hydro, 824, Times-Gazette. (156¢) 8 ACRES GOOD, GARDEN LAND at Five Points. Will sell under V.L.A. Phone 1954-M. Jys) | frame, 3! miles north east of Osh- side pavement and school, electricity, also large garden, additional acreage | | if desired. Immediate possession. Price $7,500 or best offer. Apply to Box 811, Times-Gazette. (154c) | Oshawa, bus service. Phone 1515-J, (155¢) I] , . $ 3 ' 50 Som Dame hone ' possession -of 5 rooms.--French St. --4-roomed- frame house, | water, lights and stool, ! --6-room brick house, all | $4, 50 conveniences, Albert St. RECREATION HALL washrooms, kitchen and bowling al- | ley in basement. Open to offers. H. GOLDSTEIN Broker E, 446 Simcoe S. Phone 5430 John Penicka, Joe Miszdak, salesmen OPEN FOR (156a) for this Wonderful Suburban Colonial Style Square Plan Home! ! Located on Simcoe St. North. 6 rooms down, 4 up. Large living reom, open | fireplace. Oak floors, modern kitchen, | two French tiled baths. Hot water | heated with stoker. Double garage. | %-racre good garden land. Owner ! moving oui of city. | Possession Anytime Si GOLDSTEIN or NOLAN, Brokers Phones 5430 or 328 (156b) DREW STREET $9,000--Spacious and modern 8 roomed brick home. Hardwood and tile floors, clothes and linen closets throughout. Oil heating, large gar- age. All in lovely condition. Rea- sonable down payment. Possession one month. BROCK STREET EAST $6,500 -- Seven nice rooms, hard- wood floors down, warm air fur- nace, electric hot water, also gas, Down payment $4,000. Possession arranged. BROCK STREET EAST $3,500--Five good rooms, centrally located, gas and electric. $2,000 down payment. Possession arrang- ed, $500--Choice building Jot 43'x132' nicely situated in Tresane St. and Park Rd. area. $575--Good building lot 56'x150'. East side of Wiison Rd. in new building area. Hydro available. $400--High level building lot 50' x 180' on Stevenson's Rd." N. Hydro available, The coming building | cholield INSURANCS <A | (156a) 27--Real Estate Wanted 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE, NEAR OSH- awa, with large garden, reasonable to rent or buy. Apply to Box 823, Times-Gazette. (155b) 4, 5, 6-ROOMED HOUSEVWANTED or what have you? By young couple Confidential. (156¢) Prefer south section, Phone 3617-J. We are urgently in need of houses for waiting clients, some >f whom have all cash up to thirty thousand dollars. DONALD COI I Real Estate Corner of Prince end Bond 'hone 4153 or 5408M (Bde) Addiod-Ads (From the Nation's Classified > 6 room cottage, 2 piece bath, modern kitchen. AW igh reserved wr. 1980. Sun ond Times On «Rhode Island. 27--Real Estate Wanted | MODERN HOME, 3 BEDROOMS, | RESPONSIBLE COUPLE, NO CHIL: substantial down payment. Phone | 5517-W. (156b) HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS wanted. Large or small, we sell them all. For better results, see W. Mc- Auley, Realtor, 13 Prince St., phone 5356 or 3510 anytime. (1541) HAS ANYONE A LARGE 6 OR 7- roomed home, modern with oil fur- nace and clean. Between $9,000 and $10,500 cash. Box 806, Times-Gazette. (154c) 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE NEAR OSH- awa. Must be 2 acres. Will pay up to $6,000 cash. Phone 2829J12. | (154c) | want to buy a good 6-room home, | up to $10,000; part cash. | BOX 819 { TIMES-GAZETTE | | LISTINGS WANTED We have many dependable buyers them. What have you of interest with $1,000 - $5,000 down payment? GORDON K. HARDY Real Estate Broker 18 Bond St. W, Rhone 5380 open evenings (1568) 28--For Rent i SMALL SUMMER CABIN AT Trenton, $20 per week. Phone 371. ? (156b) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR GEN- tleman, Very central. Reference de- sirable. 9 Bagot St. Phone 1415. (156¢) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, COU- ple, no children; occupancy July 10. Phone 5147-J. (156a) 3-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING CABIN, Wasaga Beach. Phone 371. (156¢) ACCOMMODATION FOR MEN, | near G.M.C. Phone 1638-M. 11360) FURNISHED BED - SITTING | room, in good location. Phone | 1004-W. (156a) GARAGE, 28' X 60'; USEFUL FOR many purposes. Apply E. Dr Tr, Brooklin. Phone 100. (155d) BRIGHT FURNISHED BEDROOM, gentleman; breakfast if desired. Phone 1898-W after 6 p.m. (155¢) 3 ROOMS, 2 ROOMS FURNISHED, 1 unfurnished: central; telephone; continuous hot water. Abstainers, no children. Apply 109 Colborne E. 1 (155b) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing room, suitable for girl. Apply 26 Gladstone. Phone 4604-W. (154c) 2.ROOMED APARTMENT, HEAT, light, water, furnished or -unfur- nished, conveniences, adults oniy, separate entrance. Phone 5405-J. (154¢) FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, near Motors. Suit two. Phone 1638-M. i (sk) STORE, CENTRALLY LOCATED on Simcoe St. S. Box 809, Times- Gazette. sie) 2 ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN- furnished. Apply B.A. Station, 3 miles north of Whitby, Highway 12. (154e) ON LAKE SCUGOG 5-room cottage for season Apply DON CROZIER Stephenson's Point Phone: Port Perry 84-R-11 (155b) 29--Wanted to Rent 4 OR 5-ROOM HOUSE OR APART- ment, 2 children. Apply to Box 829, Times-Gazette, (156¢) 3-ROOM APARTMENT, BY YOUNG couple. Phone 5296-J. (156b) TEACHER Requires Unfurnished APARTMENT Reasonable PHONE 3830) 550) URGENT -- WANTED FOR ONE year, house, young couple by Aug. 1. Apply to Box 818, Times-Gazette. (1551) 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR apartment, 2 adults, no children. Phone 2135-J.° semi-furnished, couple, no children. Apply to Box 821, Times-Gazette. (155¢) 5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE OR APART- ment in good residential district by responsible tenants. Phone 5643 be- fore 6:30. (154c) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANT- ed immediately. Write Malcolm Mc- Bain, Courtice Post Office. (153f) URGENTLY NEEDED -- 2 OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms; one child. Phone 3679-W. (154d) FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM APART- ment, unfurnished, Christian adults. Box 720, " Times-Gazette. (155b) + | comfortable { 31a--Summer Resorts | STONEY LAKE, 6-ROOMED COT- | July and August. | Reduced to clear -- $1550. 29--Wanted to Rent dren, require 3 or 4 furnished or un- furnished rooms immediately. Phone 5314-M. . (155¢) WANTED IMMEDIATELY, SELF- contained 3-room apartment, private entrance preferred; no children Phone 2875-W. (155d) 30--Room and Board CHILDREN CARED FOR, WHILE you are on holidays. Rates reason- able. Mrs. D. C. Dobbie, Stevenson's Rd. South. (1521) 31--Room & Board Wanted YOUNG BUSINESSMAN DESIRES summer room. Apply Box 810, Times-Gazette. (154c) tage, screened verandah, ice & wood, Phone 5255-W. (155f) HASTINGS THIS YEAR FOR FISH- ing. Housekeeping cottages, boats, meals available. Ice. Noel Smith, Sunnybrae, phone . 605R1-2. (155d) 32--Automobiles For Sale ed December 21. Will accept older car as part payment. 10,000 miles. Phone 811 Bowmanville. (155¢) '3¢ CHEV. COACH, EXCELLENT condition. Fair price. Phone 4076-W. 461 Jarvis St. (155¢) '34 PLYMOUTH COACH. WILL sell reasonably. 65 Elgin E. (155b) CREAT REDUCTION | SALE The following cars are greatly | reduced to make room for incoming trades. 1949 CHEVROLET SEDANETTE 7,000 miles, radio, heater. | Reg. price 2195, Reduced to clear -- $1950. 1949 FORD CLUB COUPE Heater, defroster, slip covers. Reg. price 1695. 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Radio, heater, small mileage. Reg. price 2050. Reduced to clear -- $1895. 1949 FORD COACH Very clean car all around. Reg. price 1595: Reduced to clear -- $1495, 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN DELUXE This has been a one owner car. Reg. price 1595. Reduced to clear -- $1395. 1947 CHEVROLET FLEETLI'{E SEDAN Small mileage. Clean inside and out. Reg. price 1495. Reduced to clear -- $1350. 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN A very popular model, . small mileage. Reg. price 1395. Reduced to clear -- $1275. 1941 CHEVROLET COACH This car must be seen to be appreciated. Reg. price 1050. Reduced to clear $925. These and many more to choose from CASH TRADE TERMS Belmont Motors 137 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA (156a) 32--Automobiles For Sale '38 LA SALLE SEDAN, GOOD CON- dition, radio, heater, fog-lights, built- in, at factory. 312 Eulalie Ave. (154c) 40 OLDS. SEDAN. PHONE 5774-W. (156¢) RE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION UNITS for '34-'38 Chevrolets and Pontiacs. We can install immediately. Morey's Garage, corner Verdun and Gliddon Phone 657. Jyh AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE AND finance. Murdoch Insurance, Simcoe St. S. Jly17) '3¢ PLYMOUTH DELUXE COUPE, | in excellent condition. Apply Ste- phenson's Garage, 15 Church St. 3 (1541) "30 CHEV, HALF-TON PICK-UP truck, good condition. Phone 4200. mae (155¢) 35 MASTER CHEV. SEDAN. 148 Warren Ave. (154) '37 DODGE COACH, GOOD CONDI- tion. Apply 659 King East. (154c) '35 FORD, IN GOOD CONDITION; reasonable. Apply 289 Albert St. La gn 5 (154¢) '36 BUICK, GOOD CONDITION, good tires, approximately half cash. Apply 273 Simcoe S. (155b) 41 CHEV., TWO-TONE, BLUE & grey, in good condition. Apply 35 Buckingham Ave. (154¢) "37 CHEV. SEDAN, EXCELLENT condition. Privately owned, $500. Phone 4761-J. (156¢) '3¢ MASTER CHEV. SEDAN, IN good condition, Can be seen after 6 p-m., 261 Bloor W. (156¢) '36 FORD COACH, GOOD TIRES, new battery, $295. Phone 1291-R. a. i (156b) '30 MODEL A FORD ROADSTER, in good condition. Apply 100 Thom- as Street. Phone 2919-M. (156a) '28° FORD, GOOD CONDITION. Phone 2767TW2. (155b) "a1 BUICK SPECIAL, RADIO, UN- derseat heater, other extras, in good condition. Phone 4470-W between 1-6. (155b) '39 HUDSON SEDAN. MOTOR, A-1 condition. Phone 4305-J.-- (155¢) '49 CHEV. DELUXE SEDANETTE, excellent condition. Apply after 5:30. 135 Summer St. (155¢) FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEL Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors New and used cars. Phone 6505: eve- nings, 1463-J. (Jly3) '39 OLDS. SEDAN. VERY GOOD condition. Apply 595 King St. W. Phone 4912-J. (154¢) FOR SALE---1949 CHEV. COACH, air-conditioned, heater, 1211. Low mileage. Privately owned. Phone 2845 Whitby. Jly6) small series, low mileage, one owner, good condition, completely equipped, no reasonable offer refused, must sell. Phone 4656-J anytime. 1215 § 36--Pets and Livestock REGISTERED COCKER SPAN- els, Labrador retrievers, Fox ter riers. Boarding and trimming. Knowiton's Kennels. Phone 180W3. (Jly16) COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, AND older dogs, blondes, blacks, parti- colors; also trimming, bathing and boarding. Waubena Kennels, mile west of Oshawa, new highway. Wyn 37--Farmers' Column STACKED HAY FOR SALE. 601 King St. West. (154c) ATTENTION FARMERS! OUR LOT MUST BE CLEARED! MM TRACTOR Model R standard, new sale price $100 below list. 1948 CASE MODEL D. TRAC- TOR, quick sale price $1400. 1 new Spring Tooth CULTI- VATOR, regular $95. Sale '50 DODGE 1-TON EXPRESS + $100 off list. { '48 FORD 1-TON EXPRESS, '46 CHEV. 2-TON STAKE '47 STUDEBAKER 2-TON '48 CHEV. HALF-TON. '42 INTERNATIONAL 214. TON. SAVE $100 TO $300 IN THIS GIGANTIC CLEARANCE SALE! Powe Motors NORTH OSHAWA (1561) 39--Articles For Sale (155) | OUTBOARD, JOHNSON, § POINT 1, 6 CHEV COACH, GOOD CONDI | used one season, $225. Phone 3614-J. tion 452 '38 HUDSON CONVERTIBLE, . Apply 144 Park Rd. N. Phone | good tires, Lifeguard tube, new bat- | tery, beautiful blue finish, good top, | (156a) (155b) | MODERN KITCHEN -- CABINET. | Apply 449 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 159PR. (156c) COAL AND WOOD RANGE, 3 YRS. sealed beam lights, heater. Reason- | 2ld, excellent condition. 150 Rossland able cash offer 1943-W after 5. accepted. Phone | Goons | 5381-J. Rd. W., between 6 and 8 p.m. Phone (156b) '# CHEV. COACH, 1011 SERIES, | TRAILER, 2-WHEEL, PRACTI- new paint, good tires, defroster, very good condition, high- est offer. 177 Wilson Rd. S. (1564) '49 FORD CUSTOM CLUB COUPE, 6-passenger, low mileage; looks like new. Also new Ford tractor, $1,200. Bowmanville. Ee Car Market OSHAWA BRANCH Will Be Closed For Holidays from July 8 To July 24 (156b) 33--Automobiles Wanted HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for late model cars, at William Sharp Sales. Limited, 1080 Simcue North, Oshawa, Phone 5079. Jy2) AUTO SAFETY GLASS INSTAL- ted while you wait. Andy Nagy's Body Shop. Phone 4437. (Jy28) 1940 to 1950 Models wanted for out-of-town buyer. Will pay high prices. BELMONT MOTORS 137 King W. (133t1) MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR AT Dodds' Car Lot, 300 Park Road S. Phone 4749. (Aug. 100 GOOD CLEAN USED CARS. Chevs, from '39 up. Art's Car Mar- ket, King St. W., Bowmanville Phone 2148, , (Je3itf) heater amd | cally new, | { | | | | | Phone 6241-J after 6 (156b) STRAWBERRIES --FRESH PICK- ed, luscious!--From our own patch, 12-box lots, $3.39; 24 qts., $6.75. Phone 3235. / (156¢) 2 new tires. | Must be sold this week. Phone 2652] RUUD THERMOS AUTOMATIC (154c) | gas hot water tank; oak writing desk. Phone 1628-M. (156¢) LIFE-FLEX VENETIAN SLINDS. The all-steel blind. New designs and colors, guaranteed to fit. Estimates free. Complete repair service; wood slats replaced witb steel. Merv Tuck, 4674W. (Jy3m $5.00 DOWN Delivers A Brand New WASHING MACHINE to your home 15 models to choose from. TRADE-INS ACCEPTED BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 249 (1560) 1950 KELVINATOR REFRIGERA fORS See Them Today PITTS 136 SIMCOE ST. S. ELECTRICAL ACENCIES (T.T.8. OSHAWA TYPEWRITER COM. pany. Phone 3203-M. Rentals, re- pairs, new and used machines, add- ing machines and cash registers. (Jy11) VENETIAN BLINDS, THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start! ing development in Venetian Blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without obligation. George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond St. West. (Jy15) QUANTITY BATH TUBS, SINKS, toilets, basins, laundry tubs, piping, electric stove, Bendix washer, hard- wood flooring. 5405-J. (Aug.4) Crippled Civilians' New Modern Store 22 Bond St. West SPECIALS Ladies' Summer Dresses 89c to $1.99 Each Good Books 10c Each Framed Pictures 10c to 50c Each Bicycles (like new) $24.95 Each High Grade Paint 79c Qt. Furniture, Refrigerators, Stoves Clothing of All Kinds: For Men, Women and Children New Store Open 9 am. to 6 pa Wed. | p.m. 7 J(T.T1) (Continued on page 21)