rMURSDAY,; JULY 6, 19ov THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE ELEVEN Second Reserve Air Squadron Being Formed Ottawa, July 6--(CP)-- The Air Force announced Wednesday for- mation of a second R.C.A.F: reserve fighter squadron in Toronto and en- larged to permit use of the latest types of jet fighters, It was announced that the de- fence department has paid $400,000 for the 375-acre Dufferin Construc- tion Co., stock farm to permit ex- pansion of Downsviews Airport, home of Toronto's existing reserve squadron, No. 400. * Formation of the second squad- ron was officially predicted some time ago and is in line with long- range plans for defence of strategic cities and industrial targets. 1t will raise to 11 the number of reserve squadrons scattered across Canada, thte bulk of them fighters. There are some nine regular squad- rons, two or three of them fighters. Canada's plans for fighter de- fence are being directed in the field from an Air Defence Group " Headquarters in Montreal, but also are one of the vital matters under constant study at R.C.AF. head- quarters here, They are wedded to plans for ra- dar stations and are backed up by a new trans-continental tri-service communications system. Two new types of jet fighters are being built for the fighter squadrons. The new Toronto unit will be known as No: 411 and will perpet- uate the second world war's R.C, AF. Grizzly Bear Squadron, whose Spitfire fighters raised havoc as part of fighter command and later of the 2nd Tactical Air Force in Eu- rope. It will operate from Downsview, but the air force said "details of its formation will not be available for some time." : News Notes Of . Almonds Area MRS. L. POGUE Correspondent Almonds, July 6 -- A 'Lawn Tea" will be held at Almonds Church on Tuesday, July 11th, with strawberries. Tea will be served from 4 p.m, daylight saving time. Almonds congregation and Sun- day School held their annual picnic on Friday, June 30, at Lynbrook Park, A good crowd attended and good supper and good time were enjoyed by all. Mr. John Guy is very poorly these days. We hope he will soon féel considerably better. Exams are over, school is closed and the good old summer time is here again. Congratulations to all who were successful in passing their exams. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris and children were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Colley of Blackwater, Mr, Jim Atkinson has returned after a week's holiday at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Durwood of Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. John Karry and daughter Karen of Bowmanville, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, J. Newton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Moss and daugh- ter Faye, Mrs, T. Bentley were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Johnson of London. Mr. and Mrs. J. Guy and Bob Guy, Miss B. Wickett, attended Columbus anniversary on Sunday and visited with relatives there. Master Garry and Diana Powell of Columbus are holidaying with théir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe. Mary Evelyn Harris is Holiday- ing with her cousin Dianna Colley of Blackwater. Miss Margaret Crawforth spent the 1st of July holiday with her grandmother, Mrs. Shibley of To- ronto, * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and | Miss Francis Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Hadden Kime and children at tended church service at Baptist Church, Uxbridge, where Mr. Mur- ray Richardson took charge of the service and delivered a fine mes- sage to his congregation. Mrs. E, McGregor is in Oshawa Hospital. Last year's federal government income tax collections of $1,298, | 000,000 were more than nine times the 1939 total of $142,000,000. CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer HORIZONTAL 45. frost 1. furnish with 46. religious glass ceremony 6. uttered in 47. a number high key 49. more 11, jail concéited 12. papal veils 51. in dotage 14. small edible 52. bombycid shell-fish moths 15. oil from 53. glens orange 54. highways flowers VERTICAL 9. runs away 1. grating secretly 2. circumscribes 10. cancel 3. vipers 11. double in 4. feminine narrow folds name 13. lateral 5.goin boundaries 6. reflects 18. open mesh 7. wrath fabric 8. Brazilian 21. movable state : barriers 22. card with 16. Nomeo. Answer to yesterday's puzzle. Greece 17. finish 19. imitated 20, high, in music 21, avarice 23. summer integument 26. locks of hair 28. goddess of malicious mischief 30. eat supper 31, annoys 35. anxieties 39. hewing tool '40, pleasant look two spots 25. make lace edging 27. mineral spring 29, stoats 31, peels 32. expatriate 33. moon goddess 34. Sicily (abbr.) 36. demolished 37. animal fats 38. prophets 41. mechanical device 44, wicked 46. capital of Latvia 48. house 42. employ + Distributed by King Features Syndicate addition 43. vex Average time of solution: 23 minutes. 50, past 130 HOSPITALS TAKE X-RAYS Toronto, July 6--(CP)--Some 130 Ontario Hospitals now make chest X-rays as part of the routine of patient admission. It is expected that this year, 300,000 persons will be given the examinations for de- tection of tuberculosis, compared with last year's 103,515. TO STRIKE DOW PLANT Sarnia, Ont., July 6--(CP)--By a 98 per cent margin, members of Lo- cal 13324, United Mine Workers of America, voted Wednesday to take strike action July 13 against Dow Chemical of Canada, Ltd. (private operations). The union is asking a straight 14-cent an hour wage boost, shift differentials of five and 10 cents, union shop provision and sick leave plan, TOO RISKY FOR WOMEN Stockholm (CP). -- Three girls made application to join the Royal | Swedish Air Force but were turned {down because the authorities con- | sidered a pilot's job too risky for | women, "Blue Bonnet Flavor Makes all the difference Co | A On bread, toast and vegetables . . . in pan-frying and baking . . . let your family enjoy the extra-fine flavor of Blue Bonnet Margarine! Fresh, delicate, country- sweet! Just as delicious when melting-hot as when fresh from the refrigerator! So nutritious, too! Combines the natural goodness of choice farm products with the 16,000 units of Vitamin A added to every pound! And what a money saver! Give your family all they want end still stay budget bounds! within and Bllse Bonne: Margarine is now NALIN AV ALi INVA 74 WELLOWY QUIK= AINRVAIV TINNY YTV Sunny Yellow Margarine in 2 minutes flat! it's so easy -- such fun -- 10 color Yellow Quik Blue Bonnet! Press the BuMon... knead the bag . . . Blue Bonnet is yellow -- ready fo use! No messy mixing bowls . . . no dishes to wash . . . no waste of time or margarine! Be sure fo get Blue Bonnet in the amazing new Yellow Quik bag! Also available in regular style package with color wafer. SPECIAL! SERVE WITH STRAWBERRIES LOBLAWS SNOW-WHITE CAKE = 29 A QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE LOBLAW BAKERY A FRESHLY GROUND! LOBLAWS PRIDE ot ARABIA COFFEE 1. 85 CANADA'S BEST COFFEE VALUE LOBLAWS TWO CUP COFFEE 1» 79- FOR ICED TEA LOBLAWS FINEST ORANGE PEKOE RED LABEL COTTAGE BRAND LOBLAWS BREAD UNSLICED SLICED . 24-0Z, aor [ese 12 WHITE - WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT LOBLAWS JACK & JILL IVORY SOAP 2 oi" Se 2Ye CAMAY TOILET SOAP mia 2 o SUMMER STORE HOURS JUNE JULY' AUGUST CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY oPeN DAILY 8:30-6:00 JUNKET BRAND RENNET POWDERS 759805 2 exes. 23c SHERBET MIX ASSN 239% 29c ORANGE PEKOE MOTHER PARKERS TEA '4 §5c SWEET MIXED CRUNCHIE PICKLES .:%. 29. OLD CAVE BRAND OLD CHEESE OGILVIE RovAL HousexoLn Fious it 34. PEEK FREAN VITA-WEAT = 25. 5-QUART PREMIUM PKG, NEwPORT FLUFFs 23 SERVES SIX PIC-NIC-KIT ~cc. 23 8-CUP PKG. DIXIECUPS 2 recs. 9c PKG. OF 70 : BROCADE SERVIETTES 2 recs. 29- 5¢ DDT CONTENT SHELLTOX INSECTICIDE o*% 90: 5% DDT CONTENT Fuy-Tox INSECTICIDE of" 29 VEGETABLE HABITANT SOUP ote: HEREFORF CORNED BEEF er fle PARKAY MARGARINE Pre. 35¢ DOMESTIC SHORTENING an 3c KKOVAH SALTS "0 29c KRAFT DINNER 2 rkGs. 27¢ NUCOR MARGARINE he 35¢ eo CATELLIS o REABY CUTS 16-02. 1 3 SPAGHETTI PACKAGE c CONCENTRATED SUPER SUDS '4: 33- REGULAR CAK PALMOLIVE SOAP 8 DOE FOOD 2% 27- CASHMERE TOILET TISSUES 2 co: 23¢ LAWRASONS HOUSEHOLD WASHING SODA rxc. 5¢ TOILET S"~AP WOODBURYS DEAL 4 cas 30- STAINLESS POT CLEANER KURLY KATE . . . . « §: BIG 5 CLEANSER .. 2 ns 13. LIFEBUOY SOAP recuiar cake 8- FROSTED * mnsu ©° COD FILLETS ib. 3c SMOKED FILLETS 1» 39. pres LOBLAW GROCETERIAS CO. LIMITED HADDOCK FILLETS 1. 45. ure-7-s