PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1950 ALBERT STREET SR. W.A. The regular meeiing of the Senior Women's Association of Al- bert, Street United Church was held on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Edward Holland presiding. The meeting opened with the theme s0ag and Mrs. Arthur Walker read the scripture. The committee for tne eck reported that tour baskets of f1uit, chocolates and cards had bcen sent to shut-ins. It was announced that th: bus for the annual which is to be at Niagara Falis, will be 'eaving the church on 'fuesday moriing av 8 o'clock. There is room for echt more passengers, and anyone wish- ing to go should get in touch with Mrs. Holland, telephone 51717). KING STREET W.A. GROUP The monthly meeting of Mrs. John Coleman's group of King Street Women's Association was on Tuesday evening. gj of So Bt were discussed. Mrs. Lorne Morrison gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. William Trainer reported cards and flowers sent out to the sick during the onth. i announcement was made of the W. A. picnic which is being held at Lakeview Park on July 13. A brush demonstration was given during the evening which was in- teresting as well as beneficial. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge. CENTRE STREET EAST GROUP The East, Group of the Woman's Prin f gl Centre Street Unit- ed Church met on Wednesday ev- ening at the home of Mrs. Robert Kirk, French Street. The devotion- al period was in charge of Mrs. Kirk, who chose as the topic To- Day." Mrs. Deon Peel gave a read- ing "Begin To-Day," also Mrs. Roy Bishop gave "Day by Day. Mrs. Ww. P. Fletcher led in prayer and <gave as a closing thought, "If you are blue with not a ghost of a smile, Then hunt up a few, who are bluer than you, and try cheering them up with a smile." : Mrs. C. 1. DeGuerre presided for the business session. The roll call and secretary's report were given by Mrs. H. Young. Mrs. W. Ches- ter gave the treasurer's report. All calls, cards and telepphone calls to sick and beheaved members were reported. Special notice was given of a strawberry social at the home of Mrs. L. Goldsmith, on Thurs- day, June 29, A rummage sale js to be held on Tuesday, June 27. Greeting cards were handed out. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. R. Kirk by Mrs. E. Howard. September meet- ing will be at the home of Mrs, Nor- man Mechin, William Street East. Lunch was served by committee. An enjoyable social hour followed | and Mrs. F. J. Whiteley sang. . Miss Mabel Pearson Honored Bride-Elect Miss Mabel Florence Pearson, whose marriage takes place to Mr. George William Parrott in Centre Street United Church this after- noon has been guest of honor at several pre-nuptial parties. Mrs. Allan Smith, Mrs. Gordon Clark and Miss Joan Parrott were co-hostesses at: a miscellaneous shower. When the future bride ar- rived she was escorted to a decor- ated chair to the strains of the bridal march, and seated under a wedding bell which later showered confetti. She received a corsage of pink roses. The many attractive gifts overflowed a decorated basket. An amusing contest was enjoyed, the prize being - awarded to Mrs. Harold Parrott. Further enter- tainment was provided by a mock wedding with Mrs. Wilfred Dods- worth as the minister. Mrs. Gor- don Pearson as the bride and Mrs. Howard Dugan as the bridegroom, | The "service" book was later sign- ed by everyone present and pre- sented to the honored guest. Re- freshments were served by the hostesses. Miss Pearson's co-workers of the Tabulating Department of General Motors of Canada entertained at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Dolores Bannon. A bridal chair awaited the future bride who was showered with confetti from overhanging balloons and, presented with a corsage of lilies of the valley, by Miss Bannon. A basket decor- ated in pink and white was the container for the gifts. In the program of games, prizes were pre- sented to Mrs. Orville Dewland, Mrs, Gordon Bannon, and Miss Claire Brown. Refreshments were served by Mrs. David Bathe, Miss Kay Tink and Mrs. Bannon. Mrs. Gordon Pearson and Mrs, Wilfred Dodsworth were hostesses at a kitchen and pantry shower, Mrs. Pearson presented the hon- ored guest with a corsage of pink carnations, The gifts were wheeled in in a decorated wagon by Lemar Dodsworth, In the musical chair contest the prize was won by Mrs. James Scott and in the musical contest, Mrs. Harvey Kirby receiv- ed a prize. The hostesses served refreshments." Mrs. George Parrott poured tea. , Miss Shirley. McColm arranged an evening party, the guests being close ' friends and former school chums of the future bride, who was presented with two Kenwood blankets. In the games which were played, Miss Barbara Luke was awarded a prize. Refreshments were, served' by Miss McColm, Miss Alice Majcher and Miss June Fud- per. = From the Tabulating Department '©f General Motors Miss Rearson re- ceived a Trilight floor lamp, the Romer (ation being made by Mr. * Elwood Henderson while a corsage of pink carnations was presented fo her by Miss Joy Twiddy, EST TO WOMEN -~ IR. ANP MRS. GEORGE WILLIAM TAYLOR whose wedding took place last Saturday in the Pentecostal Church. The bride, the former Miss Florence Esther Northcott, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Henry Northcott, and the bridegroom is the son | of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, all of Oshawa. ' --Photo by Campbell's Studio. Mr. and Mrs. Williams | Of Port Perry Observe | Personals Azcounts of social events and of Choose June AND MRS. rr kav. Frost, all of Oshawa. JOHN WILLIAM FROST who were married recently in Centre Street United Church. Miss MariongRose Gilson, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Robert Gilson and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. wivam A United in Double Ring Ceremony for Wedding MR. AND MRS. BRUCE ALBERT HUDSON whose marriage was solemnized last Saturday in St. Andrew's United | Church. Formerly Miss Phyllis Margaret Adey, the bride is the daughter | w 5 HB of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edward Adey, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Edward Hudson, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Hornsby Studio. Formerly | Ibert Street Church Inaugurates ~----Photo by Campbell's Studio. | visiturs to and from the city are appreciuted by the Social Department Golden Anniversary | Mark 50th Wedding Day Mr. and Mrs. Ajonzo Williams, | Pert Perry, celebrated their golden | | wedding anniversary at the lovely | | |ccuntry home of their son MI.| Mr and Mrs. Leonard Shaw were | [Murray Williams, on Wednesday. | jn Coldwater recently attending the The guests were received by MIS. | funeral] of Mr. Walter Lawson. | Murray Williams, and by the] bog | | com, 'Mrs, John Reader, Mis. Ray| Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Morgan, | Cook, and Mrs. Laverne Martyn, all| Burk Street, have returned from a ot Port Perry. Two sons, Mr. Mel- ten-days trip through the New vir Williams of Sussex, New Bruns- | England Bisses: -- wick, were also present. | ; | During the afternoon the bride, Mrs. Gordon Mantle, Janice and {and bridegroom were presented with | Barbara Mantle, and Mrs. Edward | |50 Talisman roses a gift of their| Ferguson, all of Middleton, Nova | grandchildren . Among other gifts| Scotia, are visiting Mrs. Mantle's | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Phair, Courtice. They will also «visit Mr. | | received were a table lamp an elec- tea kettle, tablecloths and! and Mrs. Joseph Mantle, Bowman- ville, TELEPHONE 85 | tric numerous other gifts. Scores of) cards and telephone messages of | congratulation were received by the | * + 3 happy couple. One of the high-| Mrs, J. W. Perkin and Mrs. A. W. lights of the day was the christen-| ge) will pour tea at the Strawberry ing of John and Grant, ihe tWO|gocia] to be held Tuesday, June 27, young sons of Mr. and Mrs. Mur-| on the Jawn at the home of Mrs. | ray Williams, which took place Just | E. S. Dafoe, Simcoe Street North, | before the supper. The Rev. W. C.| der the auspices of the Women's | {Smith of Port Perry officiated at| ag sociation of Northminster United | | the ceremony. . | Church | At six o'clock supper was served | . > o. | 'o over fifty guests at tables set u ! on the oi dg i Pi Mrs, F. W. Cowan, Toronto, has | Among the guests at the head consented to open the garden fair | table were the attendants of cnet be held in the rectory grounds of | | bride and bridegroom of 50 years St. George's Anglican Church next | |ago. Taney were Mrs, E. James of | Thursday at 3 o'clock. Mrs. D. M. | | Oshawa, bridesmaid, and Mr. Altert| Rose and Mrs. B. C. Colpus will | { Williams, Toronto, the best man, | receive the visitors for whom many | Also at the head table were the! attractions have been planned by | two remaining brothers of the oride- (the Women's Guild. groom, Mr. Alan Williams and Mr. Be he de Si | Walter Williams of 'foronto; the| Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Whiteside, |Rev. and Mrs W. C. Smith, Mr. Albert Street and their daughter, | Herbert Williams of Toronto and Joan, were the recipients of an FRR PIER HEN of worship in the life of each indi- | group. Missionary Society Auxiliary On Thursday evening at Albertvidual. Street United Church an important| "Mrs. Norman Fisher sang very event took place when a Women's | acceptably the solo, "Hold Thou My | Missionary Society Auxiliary was | Hand," accompanied at the piano | organized. This was. the result of | By her daughter, Miss Merlyn Fish- the efforts of a few workers who |er. | felt that there was a place in the| parc yg A. Mellow, the guest | Albert, Street Church for this im- speaker was introduced by Mrs. Lee, | portant' work. Preliminary meet-| ng congratulated the members on | ings have taken place to discuss | iynair new adventure. "It is fine," | ways and means of carrying on the | iq Mrs Mellow, "to see a group | auxiliary and encouraging others to | or women with a purpose declare share in the work. themselves ready to act as the lead- Mrs. Albert Wilson presided over |ers of love in the midst of a mass | the opening part of the meeting | of doubt and selfishness." | and led in prayer. | Mrs. Mellow outlined some of the A suggested slate cf officers was purposes of the W.M.S.,, which in- presented by Mrs. Lawson Parks, |cluded giving a friendly and help- | and was adopied by the meeting, | ing hand to newcomers to the coun- as follows: President, Miss Cora |try and community. Others of the | Harvey; 1st vice-president, Mrs. |aims were to give support to those | Arthur Howard; secretary, Mrs. |in remote areas, to teach children, | Lawson Parks) treasurer, Mrs: Har- | in schools and camps, and to mould | old Creamer; pianist, Miss Beatrice | character through a happy home Quinn; press reporter, Mrs. Clay- | life. ton Lee. | "With these great aims and ob- | Mrs. Wilson installed the officers, | jects," she said, "and in the com- pointing out the importance of|pany of some 210,000 members of dedicating their lives to the work of | Women's Missionary Societies in the | missions, with' the co-operation of | United Church, under the direc- | all members. | tion of God, I wish you strength | The president, Miss Harvey, ex-!and deep satisfaction as you begin | pressed her thanks for the honor | your project of praying, studying, | of being chosen as president of the | giving and going." | group, and said she would do all] Mrs. Howard and Miss Harvey in her power to further the work. | thanked Mrs. Mellow for her splen- Mrs. Clayton. Lee took charge of | did message, and also expressed the devotional exercises, and gave | thanks to 1rs. Albert Wilson for | an inspiring message on the place | her assistance in organizing the] Mrs. Wilson presented to | | | Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gerrow, Prince | electric tea kettle and a set of | Albert, former neighbors of Mr. and | Mrs. Williams for 45 years. At the conclusion of the supper | toasts and speeches were given by | {the Rev. W. C. Smith, brothers of} | tlie bridegroom, Mr. Gerrow, and | |by the brother of the bride, Mr. | { Exvil Still of Detroit, Michigan. | {| The following address was read by | the eldest daughter, Mrs. Howsam, {fcllowing which the bride and] | bridegroom were each presented | | | with a purse of money. | scatter pins at a surprise presen | tation arranged by their friends and neighbors at their home to wish them farewell, The party was held to wish them the best of luck on the occasion of their moving to their | new -home at R.R. No. 3, Bowman- ville. Games were enjoyed after the presentation and refreshments were served, ! LR | Mrs. Dorothy Hammerton was | honored yesterday afternoon by | he, dul oR MR. AND MRS. ALONZO WILLIAMS residents of Port Perry, who were honoréd by their family and friends | last Wednesday on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. bridesmaid and best man at their wedding were present at the supper served on the lawn -to -50 guests, Great Beauties simply Bathe in it! The | --Photo by Hornsby Studio. ST. JOHN NURSING DIV, Dear Mother and Dad: | the staff of the Queen's Hotel when | Tonight we your family and | she was presented with a glamor | Social Notices Engagement Announcements $1.00 On Wednesday evening the Nurs- ing Division of the' St. John Am- its regular friends, are privileged to share wich | Pin and earrings. Mrs. Hammer- | you this wonderful occasion--this | gclden wedding day. It is an anni- |versary to which many look for- {ward, but few attaln--and fewer {who manage to look so young and handsome at this time, Ours is a privileged and ble~sed | family tonight also because we are |all able to be together, which to us| | has always been the greaces. of | Joys. From the oldest to the youngest, tecgeiher with our husbands and wives, we wish you many more happy anniversaries, and may health, prosperity, and joy be your com- panion: through the years to come. We hope that this small expres- sion of our love and admiration for you will purchase something that will be a joy to you rore. r, and that memories of this golden wedding anniversary will brighten your future together with a golden glow of happiness. Your family, During the evening, and also in the afternoon tea was poured by Mrs. E. James, sister of the brice, at the table decorated with gold candles and centred with the beautiful three tier wedding cake. The many guests who called ¢ - - ing the afternoon and evening all expressed wishes for the good health and happiness of the bride and bridegroom, and they were left with many happy memories of a very wonderful anniversary. Pineapple in a jelly mold will set only if the fresh cubed fruit fis | brought to a boil in a thin syrup {and cooled before adding to .pack- | aged gelatine. - | Did you know that allspice is | the dried pimento (a member of | the myrtle plant) grown in southern Europe as well as in some places in the United States? The dried | leaves and flowers have a combined aroma of nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves, hence it is labelled allspice. | ton, who has been a member of the office staff of the Queen's Hotel for the past five years, is leaving Oshawa to take up residence in Toronto. She is succeeded by Miss Mabel King, formerly of Owen Sound, who is well known in Osh- awa, od The choir of Centre Street United Church entertained at a picnic sup- per at Orono Park in honor of one of their members, Mr. John How- ard, who is leaving in the near future for Toronto where he will resume his teaching duties. Fol- lowing the supper, Mrs. Percy Fletcher and the Rev. F. J. White- ley expressed regret that such a valued member must leave. Miss Marilyn Fletcher presented . Mr. Howard with a brief case and gladstone travelling bag. During the evening tennis was played. Employees Allergic To Swimsuit Fabric London--(CP)--A London factory imported French tissue for green cotton-fabric swimsuits. When the tissue went into pro- duction the workers started sneez- ing and went on sneezing. Eighteen sneezed themselves into sick-leave and the factory manager had the tissue analyzed. "Magnesitim aluminum silicate in the fabric," was the report. Just French chalk, to which many are allergic. Owner John Miller. now has 7,000 yards of material he doesn't know what to do with. Some two-piece swimsuits have already been made, but Miller doesn't know what would happen to the wearers if they were sold. "I've never known anything like it in 35 years experience," he said. Pimento should not be confused with pimiento which is pickled green pepper. Marriage Announcements $1.00 ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Marguerite Ellen Trevail, daughter of Mr. Garfield Trevail of Taun- ton and the late Mrs. Trevail, to William Clarence Skuce, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Skuce of Oshawa. 'The wedding is to take place on Wednesday, July 5 at Bowmanville. LO Mr. and Mrs, Maurice (Joe) Car- dinal wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Joan Therese, to Ralph Kenneth Jack- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jackson, all of Oshawa. The mar- riage will take place Saturday, July 15 at 2 o'clock in Christ Memorial Church. SIMCOE ST. W.A. GROUP On Thursday last, Group 5 of the | Simcoe | Woman's Association of Street United Church met at the home of Mrs.. T. H. Everson. rs. Glen Henry read, "The Basque Sheepherder and the Shep- herd Psalm", an interpretation of the 23rd Psalm. The hymn, "He Leadeth Me," was sung and Mrs. Frank Gay led in prayer. Mrs. C. Fark recited a humorous poem, "The Gardener's Nightmare," and for an encore gave, "A Lovely Thought." After a short business meeting, Mrs. Everson acted as postman and in a humorous way, delivered quite a parcel of mail for Mrs. A. D. Cor- nett to read on her trip to Den- | mark. A very pleasant hour was spent in | the garden, where Mrs, Everson and her assistants served refreshments. | Hasten the thawing of meat by sprinkling the amount of salt you | want for seasoning over it. Ground meat will bé ready to shape into patties much sooner if you do this (about 40 minutes). bulance Brigade held meeting with Mrs. Owen D. Friend, Divisional Nursing Officer, in charge. The financial report for the sea- son was read by the secretary, Mrs. Orville Magee, and plans were made for duty at the motorcycle races on July 1. The last meeting of the season will be held on June 24. The division is assisting with the blood donor service at the Oshawa General Hospital, and a report was made of the work. The remainder of the evening was spent in a practical period in home nursing. 2 Forget the timid dab of fragrance behind the ear! Instead, after the In Jhe . Community Lodges and Sociol L.AP.M. The LAPM. held its annual sessions in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto this week, with Lady Myrtle Willson of Cobourg, Depart ment president, presiding. After opening ceremonies follow- ed an impressive memorial service for deceased members, directed by Lady Edith Branton of Toronto Auxiliary No. 10. After roll call of Association of=- ficers and representative, officials of the Patriarch Militants were in- troduced and welcomed. Nomina= tion of officers concluded the morn- ing session. Greatly missed this year wers the St. John Ambulance demonstra= tions and drill competitions. Elec tion and installation of officers for 1950-51 was conducted by Lady Hattie Wonch of North Bay. Those from Oshawa Auxiliary re- ceiving appointments were Lady Lady Mina Baker, equipment officer for the association; Evelyn Fickes, Department Associa- tion guard; Lady Ina Follest De- partment Association Historian and Lady Amelia Weeks, left aide to the vice-president. Lady Rothwell Vic~ tory Auxiliary No. 23 Cobourg ex= emplified the mustering ceremony, assisted by the Ladies of Oshawa. the new society a set of books for the secretary and treasurer. Miss Harvey closed with the W.M.S. watchword. On account cf the summer months ahead, the group willl not meet again until September 14, when it is expected to forge ahead in this new field of mission work. 1 THIS COAT LOOKS LIKE NEW BECAUSE | OUR SANITONE DRY CLEANING GETS OUT MORE DIRT! . +. yet Sanitone costs no more than ordinary dry cleaning You can see how Sanitone differs from ordinary dry cleaning because coats are so much cleaner; colors re. appear like magic! Stube born spots are gone and the perfect press stays in longe er! You can feel the differ. ence because Sanitone re- stores the like-new finish! Fabrics are soft and pliable again! You can smell the difference because there is no trace of dry cleaning odor! Try us today--dis- cover a service that's differs ent every way; better all ways! bath, spray yourself lavishly with Elizabeth Arden's Blue Grass Flower Mist. Enjoy its misty coolness all summer long. So lightly priced... f 4 oz. bottle with gift atomizer, 1.75 Headquarters SILEX and CORY Replacement Parts These exquisite Blue Grass preparations by TINE will help to keep you beautifully cool all summer long-- Also. Completes Stock of PRESTO COORcR PARTS MEAGHER'S § King Street West, Phone & PERFUME, 2.00 to 72.00 HAND LoTION, 1.25, 2.25 DUSTING POWDER, 1.85 BATH OIL (vials), 4.50, 8.50 and 12.00 BATH SOAP (3 in box), 3.25 BATH PETALS, 2.00, 6.00 BATH SALTS, 5.50 DEODORANT CREAM, 1.50 JURY & LOVELL -- COSMETIC DEPARTMENT -- 28 King East Simcoe South Ph. 28 Ph. 68 FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ® Whitby ® Ajax ® Pickering Phone Zenith 13000 ® Port Perry Phone 36 (No Toll Charge)