Daily Times-Gazette, 5 Jun 1950, p. 7

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& what MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1950 THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE In Jhe "No INTEREST TO W OMEN i ----, ----. Sh stepping he wants to be proud of her.. That's why the cute little trick never has to sit around and wait for the phone to ring; she 'has all the dates she can crowd into her social calendar. A girl can have a fine mind, nice man- ners and an interesting personal- ity, but, if she is a frump, she will lack dates. Too bad, but that's the way it is : Every young woman isn't gifted with dress sense, but it can be de- veloped. It is possible to achieve that undeniable sartorial charm called chic. It isn't so much a matter of having the wherewithal for shopping sprees as it is to be blessed with good taste, to under- * stand line and color, to know what is becoming to one's type. Besides chic clothes you have to have a chic face. Does that sound goofy? It isn't. Faces change with the fashions. If the short hair cut is in vogue, then wear it, even though you love your pigtail ma- terial, Keep in step with what is going on. Don't ever say "I don't wear what is fashionable, but is becoming." If your clothes and get-up are not of the present mode, they are not be- coming. Whatever happens, don't look as if you were sitting on the sidelines, watching the = parade. Pick up your heels and march. When a woman walks toward you and she is perfectly groomed, smart from her hat to her shoes, she is a sight that gives you pleas- ure. If she also has good features and a slender shape, you are twice grateful for a glimpse of her. After all, woman is a spectacle; she should be a lovely one. The perfect composition in- cludes a good complexion on which artifice has been Mid with a restrained hand, hair that is beautifully clean, lustrous and ar- ranged without a single loose _whisp. Teeth should be white and (@ regular, hands well cared for. . There are certain good-looks duties that must never be side- stepped. Skip them for even a short time and you'll never catch up. Hair that isn't shampooed frequently will acquire a dull, for- lorn, Cinderella look. The com- plexion that isn't creamed and given a light friction every day Harpy Holidays For summer's gay dating you need this gay sunsemble! Always smart-- dress has cuffed top, narrow belt or dramatic cummerbund. New bolero touch--cape sleeves! , Pattern 4939 in sizes 12, 14, 186, 18, 20. Size 16 sunfrock, bolero, 3% yds. 35inch; 1% yds. contrast. This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Has com- plete illustrated instructions. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. ' Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Daily Times-Gazette Pattern Dept, 57 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ont. Important announcement! Our new Anne Adams Summer Pattern Book is ready! Send cents more, be first to have this collection of styles that make sew- 'ing a pleasure. Vacation clothes for all Free pattern of bath sarongs (man's and woman's) printed in book. Hi PROVES Send Pimples, rashes start to clear up in just 7 days You too may be delighted the prompt way Cuticura Soap and Ointment help cleasup black: heads, eczema, rash, relieve itch. Fragrant, scientifically medicated. 70 years' success. Buy at your druggist today. twenty-five | |GHLY EFFECTIVE! BEAUTY FOR YOU :- Men Prefer You To Be Pretty By HELEN JAMESUiv When a fellow takes a girl out Features Dress sense can be: develope LEE BE will lose freshness and color. Hands must be lotioned and lu- bricated, or they will look old even if one has not started to wor- ry about birthdays. Greater changes take place in figures 'than in faces. That is why every young woman should have a certain amount of exercise every day, get out in the sunshine. Then there is the good old health formula to keep in mind-- the balanced diet, plenty of sleep, emotional control. Adjustable palladium wedding rings, which can be suited to any size finger are the newest product of the jewellers' art shown at a recent convention of the National Meta] Exposition and Congress in Chicago. Jewellers hinted at the advantages of the adjustable fea- ture when the bride changes her mind at th last minute. Disap- pointed grooms can always use the same ring again, they pointed out. Wonderful Crochet is talking about the cr-design! You can make a long long scarf for a table--you can make small mats and scarfs. Pinapple design and spider-web comes out any size you want. Pat- tern 7298; crochet directions. Our improved pattern -- visual with eacsy-to-see charts and photos, and complete directions -- makes crochet and knitting' easy to do. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps can- not be accepted) to The Dally Times-Gazette Pattern Dept. Osh- awa. Print plainly NAME, AD- DRESS. PATTERN NUMBER. Just off the press our new Alice Brooks Needlework catalogue! Send twenty-five cents in coins for your copy Illustratiuns of designs for crocheting, knitting. embroidery toys, quilts, children's clothes Free needlework pattern is in book. irin famous for made minister in 1% and 2% doses as prescribed. 90 TABLETS 29¢ | Hollywood Highlights By BOB THOMAS Bud Abbott and Lou Costello are celebrating their 15th anniversary and Lou says "We're planning on 15 more." . Explaining the, long and stormy association, Lou--he's the fat one-- added: "We just couldn't bear to be separated; Siamese twins have that trouble, too." How long have they been in movies? "Fifteen years," said Bud. "Ten!" rebuked Lou. "Ten years in the movies, dope!" This sort of banter goes on con- stantly. for although the comics are partners, they are competitors as well. Whether they are on stage in a "who's on first?" routine or offstage, in a cut-throat rummy match, they are constantly at odds. "Whatever Bud gets, Lou wants too--only bigger. As a result, both have outside businesses that rival those of Crosby and Hope. The competition reached the point of a split-up five years ago. But after a few months of name calling, they reconciled. The duo first met while perform- ing separate acts in burlesque. Lou had worked unsucessfully in the movies and Bud came from the circus. They teamed up and their violent comedy became a sensation. Despite the sneers of arty film critics, A and A continue to rate high in the box office polls. They placed just below Hope and Cros- by in last year's list of money making stars. Their studio figures: that the boys have brought in $70,000,000 in their decade of film making. "Mystery Street" (M.G.M.) is well above the average run of crime de- tection films. This modest little picture is a fascinating study of how a rookie detective (Ricardo Montalban) with the aid of a Har- vard professor, solves a murder. Intelligent scripting and direction hold the attention throughout. "Qurtain Call at Cactus Street" (U.I) doesn't pretend to be any- thing but entertainment and it generally succeeds in its purpose. It gives Donald O'Connor a chance to display his many talents, aided by Gale Storm, Eve Arden, Vincent Price and Walter Brennan. The story concerns an acting troupe in the west. Lively entertainment but short of being a hit. Woman Made History In 1888 Canoe Trip Nipigon, Ont.--(CP) A man still needs a strong body and a cool head to travel by canoe through the wilderness of northwestern On- tario, where the advances of civili- zation have left no imprint on the white water and long portages. The difficulties and hardships of the canoe journey have decreased little since the summer of 1888 -- when a frail woman of 32 travelled the Nipigon River -- a trip that would daunt many a man toughen- ed by years of bush life. Elizabeth Taylor, a soft-voiced, bespectacled little woman, had am- bitions of travelling far down the Mackenzie River in the Canadian Northwest. Miss Taylor travelled from a trad- ing post here, 75 miles northeast of Port Arthur, 60 miles up the Nipi- gon River to an Anglican mission on McIntyre Bay on Lake Nipigon. Miss Taylor, whose hometowny was St. Paul, Minn,, and whose fa- ther, James W. Taylor, was then American Consul at Winnipeg, spent 13 days in the bush country. Her companion: on the trip to the mission included a missionary's wife, and Indian woman, the mis- slonary's son and two Indian guides. She ran the rapids with the In- dians in canoes, braved fatigue and blackflies on the portages, fished with a fly-rod and caught a trout. Fowards the end of the return trip, she took a chill while crossing a lake during a storm, but recovered after the bushmen treated her with several slugs of whisky. Later, she wrote to a friend in Connecticut: "I am proud of the fact that I successfully accomplished the long- est trip made by a fisherwoman on the (Nipigon) River at any time and saw the beautiful Lake Nipigon and the river from its head to its mouth . . . I had a perfectly beauti~ ful time; I never spent a happier 13 days in my life." ---- GLAMORIZING Tooth Brushing Technique By HELEN FOLLETT Regular brushing and a semi-annual appointment with the dentist will do much to keep your teeth sound and healthy. Choose a good toothpaste, too. L J Ld One often hears it said that women have gone beauty mad.. That . > | Brush outer, inner and biting sur- | faces. Weak salt or soda solutions is slander and we resent it. To |are excellent for cleaning the teeth, maintain good appearance is the | though most women prefer to em- duty of every woman, to herself, ploy a good commercial dentifrice. to her femily and her acquaint- [Rinse the mouth thoroughly after ances. It is no treat to look at a | each brushing to remove foreign woman who has let herself go to [particles that have been dislodged. seed, who doesn't make every effort | Certain foods will prove helpful in to bring out her good points, camou- flage those that aren't so good. One of the most important of her duties is to take excellent care of her teenth. Twice-dally grooming will save her pain and money. in the long run. Two visits to the den- tist each year mean that a pro- fessional eye is on her biters, watch- ing for troubles that may be brew- ing. No matter how well and often the teeth are brushed, tartar may form, and that can be remqved only by instruments. Get the best brushes you can buy; the very day that you notice that the bristles have weakened, throw them away. Brush the upper teeth downward, the lower teeth upward, avoiding pressure against the gums. |oral hygience. A quart of milk a | day is what the dentist orders be- | cause it is the best source of cal- cium and phosphorous. Orange and {tomato juice should be taken at | breakfast because they are rich in Vitamin C. Include plenty of fruit and vegetables in the diet. Butter, | cheese, eggs, meat and fish are all necessary for well-being. | Exercise your gums by eating hard | bread crusts, raw fibrous vegetables | such as carrots, celery and cabbage | hearts. Whatever contributes to the | health generally contributes to the | long life of your mouth pearls. Get {plenty of sunshine, bathe often, | breathe deeply, sleep - eight hours every night. It Pays to Know How To Make Your Clothes |; Keeping step with fashion and still keeping within the budget is something of a strain these days, especially if you have one or more teen-age daughters, If your fash- jon-conscious daughter feels that she will be a social outcast if she hag to appear in last year's outfits this spring, encourage her in the ways of thrift, by helping her to learn to sew. These days it pays to know: how to make "your own clothes, and your daughter will find that it pays even bigger divi- dends as she grows older. An excellent way to stimulate her interest in sewing would be a gift of the new sewing book by Mary Brooks Picken -- not only to start her off correctly, but keep her en- thused, since she will be able to try out her ideas by herself. It will tell her how to make her allowance go farther, too, by selecting pat- terns. and fabrics wisely. Then there are sewing centers all across Canada which offer excellent courses in dressmaking for teen- agers. With a little help and en- couragement your daughter will be [ able to augment her wardrobe with [her own creations that will make her tie envy of her whole crowd. Perhaps a good project for her to start on would be a one-yard skirt. For even without experience she will be able to stitch it up with a minimum of fabric waste. It takes just one yard of 54" material to make a skirt with the new slim lines and with trouser pleats for waistline interest. And here are some other fashion wise hints you can pass along to your up and coming young Miss. With less than two yards of ma- terial she can achieve the "Torea- dor" look by making a gay young bolero jacket. A bell-hop jacket will take on a cute military air if miniature buttons flank the front closing in double file from neck to jacket hemline. Or if she fancies A Physician Advises You By HERMAN M. BUNDESEN, M.D. INDIGESTION SYMPTOMS INDIGESTION is a term which may cover a variety of illnesses. Its chief symptoms are nausea, or sick- ness at the stomach, vomiting, and pain in the abdomen. Bloating and belching are other symptoms. Now all of these symptoms may be produced by diseases far more grave than simple digestive upsets. For example, loss of appetite and sickness at the stomach may be early signs of tuberculosis of the Jungs. Continued indigestion may be a leading symptom of kiiney disease, Often, disturbances of the prostate gland in men may give rise to a stomach disturbance. Older Person If a middle-aged or older person, who has never had any indigestion before, suddenly develops symptoms of this type, immediate study is necessary to make sure that cancer of the stomach is not present. On the other hand, cancer of the stom- ach may occur before middle age. Furthermore, a person may have in- digestion for many years and then develop cancer of the stomach later in life. It is unfortunate that cancer of the stomach is not always easy to diagnose, nor does it give warning symptoms as soon as it develops. In some cases, loss of appetite may be the only symptom present for some time. Some discomfort after eating may be another symptom, but it also may not occur until the cancer has advanced. It has been suggested that the only way to make an early diagnosis of cancer in all instances is for all persons over 35 years of age to have X-rays of the stomach made once every six months. No Definite Symptoms The important thing to remem- ber about camcer of the stomach is that it does not cause definite symp- toms, and that any digestive up- set, particularly in persons after 35, is worthy of complete investigation. When cancer of the stomach is diagnosed early, it can be:cured by prompt operative treatment. If it is allowed to progress, such treatment is rarely successful. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GB.: Is it all right to wear a sweater that has been used by a patient in a tuberculosis ward? Answer: It would be all right if sweater had been properly cleaned. ANOTHER TRIP Ottawa, June 5--(CP) --Prime Minister St. Laurent is going to make another trip to the United States--this time to President Tru- man's home state, Missouri. He left Sunday night for St. Louis, Mo. where he will address the graduat- ing classes of the University of St. Louis on Tuesday and receive an honorary degree of. Doctor of Laws. He will return to Ottawa Thursday. Want to buy or sell or trade - a Classified Ad and the deal is made. Wife Preservers E.GEO GREEN If when you lengthen your youngster's overalls a white line shows the original seam, cover it with dark blue craven and PrQER =o La Wasaga Brom Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING The only Ballet School in Oshawo equipped to teach Barc work. SUMMER ® ACCOU LIMITED RE Phone o OSHAWA BUSI 18 SIMCCE N. Register Now! Classes Throughout the Summer 8 am. to 1 p.m. ® SHORTHAND ® TYPING ® COVPTOMETER ® DICTAPHUNE SCHOOL NTING GISTRATION r Write NESS COLLEGE PHONE 1314 one of the new little capes, it can be made in a solid colour and lined with a print material that matches SATURDAYS at Masonic Temple, Centre St. See the movie! : OWN THE RCAVICTOR 3 "STORY-BOOK' gk ALBUM y SIINDERELL kr - : C3 \ Sh WALT * 02% 2 Children love "Cinderella" = more than any other fairy tale in the worldl Now RCA Victor's "Little Nipper" brings you all the excitement of the Disney movie in a brand-new "Cinderella" Story-Book record album! With stars of the original cast . . . wonderful songs like *Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo" and "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes." Funny animal voices! 24 pages of pictures and story. We have it on both 78 rpm and 45 rpm records. y, x £2 7 's) a V4 2% oF / 3 © Meagher's Electric 5 KING WEST PHONE 42 You will be delighted with this fragrant tea LADA ORANGE PEKOE WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT :- Paying For Wedding Incidentals? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN Dear Mrs. Beeckman: Ours is to be a church wedding, with large reception afterward in a hall that specializes in wedding re- ceptions. We are uncertain as to who provides transportation from the church to the hall, and as to who provides flowers for whom. 1. What is the groom's responsi- bility as to providing transportation and flowers? 2. The bride's mother and father have no car. What cars are they ex- pected to provide? And whose flow- ers do they provide? 3. What cars does the best man provide? And whose flowers does he provide? EC. 1. The groom provides transpor- tation for his best man and himself from his home to the church; and he provides the car in which he and his bride leave the reception. And these are the flowers the groom provides: bride's bouquet and her going-away corsage; corsages for both mothers; and bouton- nieres for best man, ushers, and for both fathers. 2. The bride's parents provide the cars for the members of the bridal party, from the house to the church, and from the church to the recep~ tion. (Very often relatives and friends lend these cars, sometimes the attendants' families offering their cars.) The bride's mother drives in the rst car, either alone or with one or two bridal atten- dants; and in the last car are the bride and her father. These are the flowers the bride's parents provide: the flowers in the church; the flowers for the recep- tion; the flowers for the bride's at- tendants. 3. The best man has absolutely no responsibility to provide any cars . although of course he may, if he wishes, offer to lend his own car. And he has absolutely no re- sponsibility to provide any wedding flowers for anyone . . . although alas, he is very, very often made to feel that it is his duty to provide transportation for various members of the bridal party, to provide flow= ers for all or some of the members of the bridal party (often the bride's bouquet too!), and even to provide various items of the reception, such as the wedding cake and the cham- pagne. A best man has only two financial responsibilities concerning the wed- ding? (1) he provides his own wed= ding attire, and (2) he sends a weds ding present to the bride-to-be. Coffee Urn Will Be Treasure For Buffet Rervice Dear Mrs. Beeckman : We were married several months ago, are just settling our new house, and are planing the special use of several of our wedding presents. One of these is a coffee urn, very hand- some and quite large, which is an heirloom in my husband's family and which his grandmother gave us as one of her wedding presents to us. Since we haven't a dining-room, our plans must be for buffet service in entertaining, and we are wonder- ing if it would be proper for us to use such a coffee urn for the serv- ing of coffee at a buffet meal. If so, could we properly use the urn with the traditionally-designed sugar« bowl and cream pitcher of our sile ver tea set? Roberta M. Yes, this is entirely correct and gracious service . . . and you are fortunate indeed' to own such a treasure as a handsome and com- modious coffee urn! A coffee urn, particularly an old one, is usually very decorative, and is ideal for bufe fet service. With this you may very conveniently have the complete cof- fee service set at one end of the buffet table, the guests to help themselves. Many hostesses place large coffee cups on the side of the coffee urn, and some after-dinner coffee cups at the other side of the urn, for the preference of the guests. And yes, it is correct and ap- propriate to use this urn with any design of sugar bowl and cream pitcher. : Genuine, Lifetime [TINE] DeriZiltsed, intsrar AWNINGS pr ALL-ALUMINUM Koolvent Awnings are designed for all-weather, all-season service. Their unique ventilating feature keeps you 10°-20° cooler in summer. Their sturdy construction protects against wintry blasts. Just put Koolvents up and forget about them. They won't sag, rot, rust, tear, burn, warp, or wear out. Your choice of beautiful color combinations in baked-on enamels. For Windows, Doors, Porches, Patios 0 1 CHy......... Cris vanvinsaes tesaes State... ..iicennnnnnne Free Estimates a -- - o- - Chapman Kool Vent Sales 81 KING ST. W. PHONE 674 Insist on Genuine ifOLYENT Ventilated Aluminum Awnings

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