PAGE FOUR THE. DAILY Ti MES-GAZETTE MONDAY, MAY 1, 1950 :).H. ORMISTON Editor and Manager PHONE 703 "WHITBY AND DISTRICT NEWS ROBT. CORBETT News Editor PHONE 703 Beaverton Co-op Loses $1,200 As Safe Cracked A frequent target for thieves, the Beavertcn Co-operative Feed Mill was entered early Sunday morning and $1,200 removed from the office safe, Upon coming to the Co-op about eight o'clock yesterday morning, the assistant manager, George Small- bones, found the office in a sham- bles. By use of crow bars and ham- 'mers, the intruders had smashed the combination off the small office safe and removed the receipts of the previous day. Beaverton Chief of Police H. W. Reid is investigating with the as- sistance of the Ontario Provincial Police, Chief Reid said that entry was made through a rear door and then access gained to the second floor, Last December the same premises were entered and $200 taken. About one year ago another break-in was investigated when a considerable sum was taken, One Accident One accident was reported in Whitby - over the - weekend. John Kobelnak, 164 Fernhill Boulevard, Oshawa, was travelling south on Brock 'Street South shortly after seven o'clock yesterday morning. Suddenly his stearing gear went out of control. This was later confirmed by a local garage mechanic. The car swung to the left, clipping off a telephone pole opposite 1214 Brock South. Then it careened on about 100 yards to smash up ' ageinst a tree, Mr, Kobelnak was badly shaken up but not badly in- jured. His car was damaged to the extent of about $500. Constable Roy Stirtevant investigated. Highway traffic in the Whitby district was very heavy yesterday. Contractor's Sale Well Attended Everything Sold A very good attendance was at Russell Underwood's sale on Satur- day afternoon when all his con- tractor's equipment was disposed of. Auctioneer William Maw obtained substantial prices for everything. For instance, a cement mixer of not too recent vintage went for $200. 4 The storage building at 805 Athol Street was not sold since it was subject to a reserve bid, nor was the land upon which it stands. The prices offered for these two {tems did not quite come up to the e which Mr, Underwood had ed, People came from Oshawa to ckering in search of bargains, and found many. Mr. Underwood was quite pleased with the success of his sale, "Due to il health, Councillor Rus- jell Underwood is leaving the con- tracting business with which he has een connected for many years. He « considering entering the real @stateé business, Shortly before his fliess, he obtained a taxi license ad is contemplating this business 0, . A -- Friday Night Dances Popular Whitby Ratepayers' Association sponsored an old-time dance at Club Bayview Friday night and a good number were in attendance. Eight sets spent a wonderful even. ing on the floor, making merry to the music of Bud Rogers and his Oshawa orchestra. Ralph Taylor did the calling-off, At the High School, the annual graduation dance was held. A very large crowd of youthful dancers were thrilled with the fine music of Bernard Tierney and his orchestra. It was a semi-formal affair under the patronage of the school staff, - Whitby Day By Day Accounts of social events, any news item of local interest and of visit are appreciated PHONE 703 Rev. and Mrs. Sam Burman, of Birchton, Que. visited her sister, Mrs. R. McGill, Whitfreed Apart- ments. B* + » Mrs. Gertrude Tucker, RN. of Whitby, Supervisor of Public Health Nursing in Oshawa, attended the annual meeting in Toronto of the Ontario Registered Nurses Associ- ation. ' Bh Bb Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hughes, Mr, George Douglas, Norma and Garfield Douglas of Harriston were guests. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corbett, Brock Street South. * +P TO MEET COUNCIL Members of Whitby Township Council will meet with Whitby Town Council tonight to discuss the question of fire protection for the portion of the township lying south of the centre line of the third con- cession. LEE A COUNCIL MEETS Whitby Township Council met at Brooklin this afternoon. One of the items on the agenda was revision of the building by-law to eliminate certain stipulations which have been a cause of unnecessary irritation to citizens, Wp Bd ROTARY MEETS TUESDAY NIGHT Whitby Rotary Club meets on Tuesday evening at seven o'clock instead of at noon as is usual at the Hotel Royal, It will be inter- national night, and guests of the Club will be students of the On- tario Ladies' College from seven different countries, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, Dominican Re- public, Cuba and the Bahamas. The students will tell the Club gome- thing" of 'thei rrespective countries. The College Choir will also_be on hand. It is planned to make this an outstanding night in the club calendar, * % 4 NEWS BY MacCARL Whitby friends of Neil MacCarl, now sportswriter for the Toronto Star, were pleased last week to read a page-feature article by him in the current issue of the Star Weekly. Entitled "Who Is This Man Jack Sandford?" the article provided a revealing portrait of the new boss of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Neil MacCarl . began his sportswriting career in Whitby with The Times- Gazette some years ago. Then he attended the University of Western Ontario and subsequently took a position ' with - The . London Free Press before going to Toronto. Form Unit To Save "Ditched" Fliers Prince Rupert, B.C. -- (CP) -- Personnel of two airlines and 'a flying club have formed an air-sea rescue unit, Employees of .Canadian Pacific Airlines, Queen Charlotte Airlines | and the Prince Rupert Aero Club will hold themselves ready for any emergency. They are formed into five-man units, UNFORGETTABLE EVENT Bampton, Devon, England (CP)-- A Bampton resident is paying for an inscription on a stone in the par- ish churchyard commemorating the fact that a young man was killed in 1777 by a piece of ice that fell from the church tower. Last Complete "oN DESI MARY {4 NOW PLAYING _ A RUNAWAY RNOMBA 30" ROMANCE rumbling | AL with riotous rhythm! Ei X ARNAZ-HATCHER lidayinHavana ROBERT BEATTY . JACK WARNER SIMONE SIGNORET -' PAUL DUPUIS RE Show at 8.20 Ie y { rr' ) Choir Director HENRIETTA WILKINSON Of Courtland, a senior student at the Ontario Ladies' College who will direct the college choir in a program which is to be presented at thé Rotary Club meeting tomor- row evening. Students of seven nationalities will speak about their countries, DaylightSaving in Whitby Went Into Effect on Sunday Without confusion the Town of Whitby in the early hours of Sun- day morning switched over to day- light saving time, citizens losing an hour of sleep in the process which they will regain in September when the hands of time are moved back. All churches' services were on the fast time, and there were no re- ports of worshippers coming in late. The hands of Big Ben were mov- ed forward at the post office. Bus lines are operating on 'daylight sav- ing, but, while the railways are on standard time, there have been some changes in train times as announced Saturday in The Times- Gazette. South Ontario County League Grouping Fixed A better brand of softball than has been seen here for many years is expected to be produced in the coming season by the strong Southern Ontario County League. The six team league will be the fol- lowing entries, it was decided at a meeting in Whitby Friday night: Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, North Osh- awa, Westraount and Brooklin. This Intermediate grouping will have a heavy schedule. Alfred Rear- don, president of the Whithy Soft- ball Association, says that a further meeting will take place, probably in Whitby on May 5, when the schedule will be drawn and final arrange- ments made, er -- a ------ GIRL STABBED Montreal, May 1--(CP)--A teen- aged Montreal girl was stabbed in | the left hand with a hypodermic | needle Sunday night by an unknown | assailant while she was walking along trowded St. Catharine Street ir Downtown Montreal, police re- ported. Police did not identify the girl, who was released after hos- pital treatment, nor would they say what the needle contained, ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE 5 Whitby Classified LOST--ON THURSDAY AFTER- noon, black parasol, valued as keep- sake. Finder please phone 990. eae (My1) WANTED -- TRANSPORTATION | from Oshawa to Whitby 6 p.m. daily. Phone Whitby 2786. (My1) PROTECT YOUR GOOD BLAN- kets from moths for 25¢ a year. One spraying of Berlou stops moth dam- age for 5 years or Berlou pays for the damage.--McIntyre Hardware, phone 560. (My1) FOR SALE ---DOUBLE BED, shyings and mattress new. Phone FOR SALE GIRL'S CCM. BI cycle, just like new. Apply 536 Cen- tre Street North, Whitby. Phone 725. ee ; = (May2) FOR SALE--'37 PLYMOUTH SE- dan, mileage 35,000, Old gentleman only owner. Excellent shape. Apply Hugh W. Ormiston, Brooklin. (M2) FOR RENT--SMALL FURNISHED bedroom. Phone Whitby 2662. (My1) BAND SAW, BOY'S WwW AGON, man's bicycle for sale or trade on outboard motor or boat. 500 Green Street, (My1) | SACRIFICE -- MODERN STUCCO | bungalow, in 'southeast section of Oshawa. Large living-room, 2 bed- rooms, ample cupboard space, hard- wood. and tiled floors, modern bath- room and kitchen, large recreation | room, venetian blinds, fireplace, elec- tric stove and Frigidaire included. | Full price $7,200 with 12 cash down. | Immediate possession. Owner built | and occupied. Write Box 36, Times- Gazette, Whitby. (Myl) BICYCLES OVERHAULED, RE- paired. and repainted. Lawn mowers | Zharpeneq and repaired. For inform- | on or pick-up, hone Whitb, | 2586. Whitby Coie. for Dundas St. (My3) | which will be strong enough to be Intermediate Softball Organization Reviewed By BILL DYER Correspondent The Southern Ontario. Softball League, one of the strongest in the province before the war, was reviv- ed Friday night at a meeting in the town hall, Whitby. Representatives were present from Whitby, Brook- lin, Pickering, and Westmount. An entry was sent by North Oshawa and word was received from Ajax that they were interested in the league. These entries form the nuc- leus of a very strong league with three Intermediate "B" clubs and three Intermediate "C" clubs, all of in contention for the league title right down to the end of the sea- son, The Whitby team, behind 'the great pitching of Wally Samanski is planning its best year yet. To give them competition in Intermediate "B" ranks will be North Oshawa and Westmount. Last year both of these teams were among the leaders in the East Whitby Township League and they are planning to strengthen for the coming season. In the Intermediate "C" division there Will be Brooklin, Ajax and Pickering. Last year Brooklin beat out Westmount in the first round O.AS.A, playoffs and then bowed to the power-laden Cobourg team in the Eastern Ontario Championship playoffs, With the addition of "Nip" Hooker, starry pitcher of the Brook- lin Junior team for the last three years to their pitching staff, they should have an even better season this year. Ajax has been .a strong contender inthe O.A.S.A. playdowns for the last two years in Inter- mediate "C" class. They will prob- ably have this same powerful team in the league again. The dark horse of the league race will be Picker- ing, who finished strong in the Pick- ering Township League last year. Although nothing is known of their plans for the coming season, they should be one of the better clubs. These six teams will compete throughout the season for the Southern Ontario League cup which has been resurrected and presented to the League by Joe Childerhose of Westmount. This cup was won by Dog Control By-Law Will Be Enforced Today is "D-day" in Whitby. That means 'dog-day.' With a grim look in his eye, Chief of Police Ronald Love said this morning that' he would do everything possible to enforce the by-law which requires that every dog in town must be con- fined to the owner's premises as of today, or must be retained on a leash. The section of the by- law requiring dogs to be tagged will be enforced also. One rea- son the by-law: was passed some years ago, is to provide some peace of mind to garden- ers who might otherwise suffer damage to their shrubbery and gardens. New Appointee to The Whitby P.U.C. Starts Work Today W. S. Kelsey, who was several weeks ago appeinted secretary- treasurer manager of the Public Utilities Commission, com- menced his duties today. Mr. Kel- sey has been working in the county registry office for some time but finished there at the end of last week. Appointment of Mr. Kelsey in- creases the administrative staff to four. H. L. Pringle is superinten- dent, and other members™of the staff are Miss M. Ross and Mrs. A. W. Lynde. In addition to being secretary-treasurer and office man- ager, Mr. Kelsey was also named efficiency expert. SCOTTISH FARMING Although agriculture is one of the staple industries of ° Scotland SOFTBALL (Continued on page 5) scarcely more than one-quarter of the land is under cultivation, WHITBY PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS Appliances Miscellaneous COLLINS' SHOE STORE Dr. Scholls Foot Appliances Sold and Fitted 25 Years' Experience T. C. MYGLAND CO. First Class PAINTING and DECORATING Interior Finishes a Specialty St. E.-- Ph. 488 -- Whitby Dund Insurance EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO Branch Office: 109 Dundas St. W. GORDON F. OSBORNE, C.L.U. (Branch Manager) PHONE 522 WHITBY JOS. E. SHIELDS EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE Automobile, Accident, Sickness Hospitalization and Fire Insurance REAL ESTATE SALESMAN L. W. DUDLEY SICKNESS, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT 300 Walnut St. Telephone 566 Dancing RODMAN Sheet Metal Works Gurney Welded Steel Furnaces Air-Conditioning Systems Budget Terms Phone 188J1 Monuments ROBERT AUSTIN HIGHWAY MONUMENT WORKS Dealer in Imported and Canadian Granites First class work at moderate prices Phone 462 Whitby Music ARTHUR W. LYNDE H.C.M. TEACHER OF SINGING Established 1913 Capable pupils prepared for any Vocal Examination Church -- Concert -- Radio Studio at 123 Centre St. North NWHITBY, ONT. PHONE 2371 (M2) | © HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Register Monday, 5 p.m. in the Council Chambers for lessons in Ballet, Toe, National and Tap Volkoff Ballet Classes for Ages 4 to 18 Register Town Hall Tuesday 2:30 to 6:00 p.m. Legal D. J. CUDDY, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Money to Loan 111 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY PHONE 2214 R. DONALD RUDDY , Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Office at 111 Dundas St. West (upstairs) Money to Loan Phone 339 Whitby | West, 2 doors west of 'Post Office. ) PAINTING AND DECORATING, | First class interior and exterior | painting. Cotton 'and paperhanging. Sample books. Estimates free, T. C. | Mygland, phone 488 Whitby. (My12) | WANTED -- POULTRY & FEATH- ers. Highest prices. Jake Parker, | Brock N. Phone Whitby 486, or Osh- | awa 1859. (Mv19y W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 103 COLBORNE ST. W., WHITBY Taxis TERMINAL TAXI Day and Night Service PHONE 380 WHITBY Opposite Bus Station BELL TAXI WHITBY PHONE 364-465 TAXI BOWMAN"S TAXI DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE PHONE 333 WHITBY, ONT. Undertaking W. C. TOWN Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 410 WHITBY Murray A. Robinson AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTOR and FURNITURE DEALER N TELEPHONE 689 Phone Nc, 24 Brooklin { Pickering | Energetic Worker MRS. DOUGLAS HOLLIDAY Social worker at the Ontario Hos- pital who recently presided at the annual "Hostess Dinner" when 48 hostesses connected with the Out- patient Department, were entertain- ed. At this time, Mrs. Holliday's work was highly commended by the superintendent. Building Permits At $69,230 Building permits to the total value of $69,230 have been issued in Whit- the building situation which was published in this section on April 20, permits issued to that date were listed. Since then the following permits have been applied for and granted: Dr. B. B. Beaton, 200 Henry Street will build a garage at $300; J. Gif- ford Beaton, 391 Masson ' Street, Street in Whitby (immediately north of Peter Draimin's) at $11,- 000 and this is a renewal of a simi- lar permit issued last' year; W. A. Smith, 522 Mary Street East will build a garage at estimated value of $250; H. R. Rosseau will build a cement block and stucco house on the north side of Chestnut Street, at $6,000, | RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED -- IMMEDIATE BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCE 130 Brock St. N. Whithy Tel. 707 by so far this year, In a review of , Oshawa, will build a house on Henry | A letter from Trinidad, British West Indies, came to Chief of Po-| lice Ronald Love yesterday. On & subject not strictly within his de- partment, he has passed it along to The Times-Gazette to see whether the public would be interested in its contents. To make the story short: The let- ter is from a Canadian research chemist who has been living in Trinidad. Now he wishes to return to his homeland but he has heard of the housing shortage and wishes to take steps to secure living quar- | ters for his family before venturing to change his status.. The writer is C. L. Smith, 3 Lime :| Avenue, Trinidad, B.W.I. He writes in part: "Would you kindly circulate this request to any- one interested in renting accommo- dation to a returning Canadian family (wife and two children, aged | seven and four years), for a period of six months to a year. I would like to come in July or August." Mr. Smith goes on to say that he would be satisfied with as little as two rooms, kitchen and bath, He offers to make payments in advance and gives guarantees of good tenan- cy. He will also furnish official tes- "Trinidad Family Fear Lack Of Housing In Ontario timonials as to health, moral and religious persuasion, Legion Auxiliary Has Social Night The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary was held on Wed- nesday evening, April 26, with the | president, Mrs, Fred James, presid- ing. An invitation was accepted from the Ajax Auxiliary to visit them on May 18, A bus will be char- tered 'to provide transportation. | During the evening draws were | made on a pair of pillow cases and a cup and saucer. These were won by Mrs, Jack Clarke and Mrs, Jack | Green respectively. | As the Auxiliary is catering for a | banquet on May 10 the next meet- ing will be held on Monday evening, | May 8. At the close of the meeting (a very entertaining play was put | on by a group of ladies of the Pres- | byterian Church. The arrangements ! for the social hour and refreshments {were in the charge of the south-{ 'west group. pls wALL TEXTURES Uy (olowr James Sawdon & Sons Whitby Phone 524 ZR NNN ANNAN AS "Get N RC SAE I : SONNY NN SOW N ANS Great New Kelvinator for only $298.00 / aa J TS LW see id 5 Am Is ANN roa Op Uther Models From $320.00 To $379.00 THESE FEATURES: en Food Chest for your pack- frozen foods and ice cubes. big ice trays! t, full-width sliding Crisper » keeps 20-quarts of greens, s crisp ond fresh in dewy- t cold! of shelf-space. Extras space for your tallest es and cans! 6 cu. ft. capacity! Kelvinator ity throughout. ered by Kelvinator's famous "Parsphere . . . sealed-in-steel. Michless for dependability and Peny-pinching economy! Py kit, rice shown are for delivery in your chen with 5.Yeor Protection Plan. Prices" ond specifications - subject" 19 change without notice. COME IN: « | AND BE AMAZED! v a VW AN Feelvisepton McINTYRE HARDWARE 106 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY PHONE 560 BN