Daily Times-Gazette, 1 May 1950, p. 15

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PAGE FOURTEEN Business - Professional DIRECTORY 1--Architects ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, 47 Prince Street, Ushawa. Phone 1001: Also 2848 Bloor St. W., 'I'orontc. Phone LY. 7765. Evenings phone Whitby 792. (My12) 14--Instruction FOX TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Samba, Swing taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class instruction. 47 Prince St. For appointment, phcae 4271-J. (My3) ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS 4 Dictaphone, comptometer. New classes start each Monday. (Jshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone 1314. (My15) 15--Insurance 1a--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITBE AND MONTEITH, Chartere( Accountants, 37 King St. il. Phone #91!-R. Gordon W. Riehl, C. A. Resident Partner. (My9) 2--Auditors 8. T. HOPKINS, C.G.A, C.P.A., & King Street East. Phony 2127. Month- ly accounting, audits ,'ax returns. (My11) 3--Barristers WALTER C. THOMSON, K.C M.P., Barrister, Solicitor, ete. 22} Simcoe Street South. .Hours: 9:30. 4:30. For appointments phone 5031. (My1) LOUIS 8. HYMAN, K.C.,, BARRIS- ter. Mortgage Loans arranged. Alger Building, 37 King East. Phone 61. Residence 3051. (My1) CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ters. Allin F. Annis, K.C., 7% Stmcoe PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERV- ice for better Insurance in ali classes. 221; King St. E. Phone 5400. Res. 4318R. (My1) 16--Lawn Mower Service LAWN MOWERS, SHEARS, SCIS- sors, etc., sharpened and repaired. Phone Woods, 2164W. 636 Somerville Ave. (My18) HAVE YOUR LAWNMOWER, shears, etc., sharpened and recondi- tioned now. Machine ground. Auto- matic saw filing, setting, retoothing. All types of saws; guaranteed work- manship. Stan's Sharpening Service, 236 Eulalie. Phone 3030M. (My4) 18--Lost and Found WOULD PARTY WHO CALLED | about lady's glasses found in Kings-! way Bar, Thursday, April 20, please | call 1816-M. (100b) 19--Money to Loan Street South. Phone 4. Resid 739. (My1) A. W. 8. GREER, K.C., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc., 6 Street Hast. Phone 316). Residence 3514. Resident partner, W. C. Poilard, K.C., Uxbridge, Ontario. (My1) SRIERSON, CREIGHTON AN iv) Fraser, Barristers, etc, Bank of Commerce Building. (My1) R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C,, BARRIS: ter, Solicitor, etc., 6 King Street West. Phones: Office, 814; Residence 8207. Money to loan. (My1) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C.. BAR- rister, Solicitor. Money to lcan. Of- fice 143% King Street East, Oshawe. Phone 445. Residence, phone 327. (y1) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTFR, Solicitor, 11 King East, Room 2. Phones: Office 65; Residence 3687R. (ty!) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. Yanch, Barristers. Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Sim- coe North. Phone 1614, Res. 197"-J. (Myl) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE | for first mcrtgages. Aso N.H.A. and Builders Loans. Apply M. F. Swartz, Barrister, Bassett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. (My1) Agents Wanted.. 45 Architects 1 Articles fcr Rent 40 Articles for Sale 39 Articles Wanted 41 Auction Sales ... 48 Auditors ... 2 Automobile Re ceseses 34 Automobiles for Sale ....e.. 32 Automobiles Wanted ....... 33 Barristers ....... 3 Building Trades 8 Business Opportunities, Business Opportunities Wanted ....... 10 Chiropodists 4 Dentists 5 Wanted Farmers Wanted Gardening Supplies Household Repairs Insurance 9 Male Help Wanted ever Money to ONE INSERTION Each initial letter, abbreviation, INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Dressmaking Employment Column 37 Female Help For Rent . Instruction . Lawn Mower Service ... Legal Notices ... 47 Lorn Wanted ... 17 Lost and Found 18 Male & Female Help Wanted.. 44 CLASSIFIED AD RATES TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS THREE CUNSECUTIVE INSERTION. EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSER Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order. Professional and Business listings, $5.00 per month fcr 20 words or less. 20c additional tor all words over 20. full word. Box charged 1Uc additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office hours: Daily 8-6. Saturday, 8-14 wes 11 Nursing Services 6 Optometrists .... 7 Personal "....eee0 20 Persona: Services ....co0 21 Pets & Livestock ..... 3b Radio Repairs .. 23 Real Estate Agents .....ce0 24 Real Estate For Sale ...... 2 Real Estate Exchange ..... 28 Real, Estate Wanted ....... 27 Room and Boara 30 Room and Board Wanted ....... 31 Veterinarians ... 35 Wanted to Rent.. 29 Wearing Apparel 38 Women's Column 28 seseess 46 seveees 42 essesss 13 . 14 seesess 16 ees 18 cesses 48 Loan.. 19 $ and c sign, figure, count as 8 21--Personal Services CABINET - MAKING, FURNITURE refinishing, cupboards built; any- where, anytime. Phone 3625-W. (101d) SHOE REPAIRING--THE CHAM- pion Shoe Shop gives you service, quality and experience at no extra cost. Just follow the large foot tracks to 17 Bond East. (My21) BABIES, ATTENTION!! WE CAN save your mommy lots of work by! our Diaper' Laundry. Call i Lv5 PIANO TUNING AND nd Free estimates. 8. Hoffman (former- (A3tf) | 25--Real Estate For Sale WELL-BUILT, WINTERIZED COT- tage at Cedar Beach, firepiace, eiec- tricity, now vacant. Terms. De- Guerre, Broker. Phone 1012. IN BOWMANVILLE, 5 - ROOMED house, lights and water. Phone 468' ' Bowmanville. (99a) | FRAME HOUSE, 6 ROOMS AND 1 bath, Phone 1986-R for particulars. (100b) 27--Real Estate Wanted WILL PAY CASH FOR GOOD 5 OR 6-room house, bungalow preferred; 302, Times-Gazette. (100c) | PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND | reconditioning. For free estimate call Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe (My8tf) MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor. Notary. Money tn loan. Bassett Block, Suite No. 4. Phone 282. Res. 28TTW. (My1) 4--Chiropodists T. M. VANT, D.8.C.,, CHIROPO- dist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Phone 3947. (My1) 5--Dentists PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every y ! Wave, $4.95 and up. 23--Women's Column i PRENTICE'S HAIRDRESSING, 35: | Creme Wave, $3; Helene Curtis Cold ! 10 Church. (My4) PHONE YOUR COR- setiere, Mrs. McPherson, 4559J. Ex- | pertly fitted by Mrs. Blatter. (My4) PEGGY'S BEAUTY PARLOUR -- oil wave $2.50 up, machineless $3.95 :and up. 72 Church St., phone 371. (My22) Phone 4491-J. CHARIS REAL ESTATE WANTED st. N. | List your property for sale with us | for action, satisfaction and fast re- sults. Three reliable salesmen at your | service. Come in or phone today. W. McAULEY, Realtor 13 Prince Street Phone 5356 or 3510 Anytime (98f) 28--For Rent MAIN FLOOR APARTMENT, 2 rooms and kitchenette, very central, immediate possession. Phone 2736, Whitby. (101¢) 25--Real Estate For Sale ! day. Ev b; intment Phone 4569 or 4577R. (My1) 7--Optometrists A. E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST - Jury & Lovell - Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Phone 4164. (My1) EDWARD BIND, OPTOMETRIST, 22Y; Simcoe South, above Home Dairy. Phone 4221-W. Evenings by appointment, (My10) C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Phone 1516. (My1) 8--Building Trades EXPERIENCED CARPENTER FOR ! modern cupboards, remodelling and building. Phone 1058-J. (99¢c) SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED; also small cementing jobs done. For information phone 3434-W. (My27) BACKFILLING, GRADING, LOAD- ing, tractor and truck for hire. Phone 3690. (My25) CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry 'repairs. Gordon May. Phone 920W12. (My8) SPECIALIZING IN PLASTERING, stucco and repair work. Phone 1536. (My22) DECORATING, G, STRIPPING, RE- pairs, plaster, woodwork, paper- hanging. Attention small jobs. Call F. Van Horn, 4498M13. (My17) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT shingles, built-up roofing, and sid- ing. Work guaranteed. H. W. Tuck- er, 4392-J. (My8) SAND, GRAVEL, FILL, FOR IM- mediate delivery. Stake dump truck for hire. Phone 2135-W (My6) BUILDING CONTRACTOR, HOMES built to order, remodelling specialists. When quality counts, phone Thomas Gill, 1503J. (My5) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, black loam; immediate delivery. Dump trucks for hire. Cement mixer for rent. Phone D. R. Brown, 3744W5. (My1) HILLSIDE FLOOR SERVICE. Floors laid, sanded and finished, rubber and mastic tile. B, Mosier, 296 Hillside. Phone B54TM. (My27) BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING, decorating, paperbesaging. Harold Carter, 210 Ritson Rd. Phone 3378W. (My?) 200 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM: Ldnocleum of all kinds, felt base and ' and m Laying in available ley's, 40 King St. W. (A20tf) 12--Gardening & Supplies HAVE YOUR GARDEN PLOWED, none too large or small. Place or- ders early. Phone 1088R4. (My19) 13--Household Repairs RE- CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, covered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reascnable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebuilt Phone Oshawa Upholsterers, 3344. (My3tf) 200 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM: Linoleurh of all kinds, felt base and inlaids; C and R Laying service available at Brad- ley's, 40 King St. W. (A20tf) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- upholstéred. See our materials for recovering Bruce R. Dalton. 75 Charles. Phone 401. (My3) 14-- Instruction THE HARVEY DANCE 'ACADEMY ballet, toe, Thursday or House, Irerile Ss. at Saturday, Harvey, A.C.C.M. (Mys) LILLIAN MAE MAHSH, SCHOOL if Dancing. Ballet, Tap, Tos. Charuc : Studio Masonic emple, Centre days. My1) 8 OWNER OCCUPIED, CENTRE hall, 7-room rug brick. Hot water heated, hardwood throughout, chest- nut trim, modern bathroom. Living- room 11'x26'. 2 open fireplaces. Early possession. $12,000. Large down pay- ment. 3611-W, ao1f) | i 4ROOM BUNGALOW, 3- PIECE bath, hot and cold water. Garage. | Quick possession. Phone 6153-W. (101e) | 5-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, | HARD: | wood floors, chestnut trim, modern English tiled kitchen and rubber tile floor, three-piece bath, laundry tubs, | hot-air heating, jacket heater and | Brad- | tap. Register Wednesday, Adelaide | i hot water. A good buy. Immediate | possession. Call 201 Currie. (994) | | $4,200 DOWN, OWNER OCCUPIED, | | 8-room brick, hot water heated. Im- | mediate possession, Phone 3953-J. (99¢) 812,500 -- 10 ROOMS, ATHOL E., near Ritson Rd., brick, modern con- | veniences, best of condition. Ask for | terms. U. Jones, Broker, 62 Prince | St. (100b) 2-FAMILY BRICK DUPLEX, coR- | ner lot, attached garage, venetian | blinds, storm windows, 2 electric | ranges and refrigerators and wash-! ing machine included. Possession of | lower apartment 30 days. Apply 346 | TRG Simcoe S. Phone 6251. (100b MH $6 40000 "down, semi- -de- | ? tached 6 - room solid! brick. Finished attic. For further in- formation. PHONE 5147) (101c) If buying or selling a home or business your patronage will be appreciated at this office. No property too big nor too small. Make inquiries, perhaps we have what you are looking for. GORDON K. HARDY REAL ESTATE BROKER 18 Bond St. W. Phone 5380 Open evenings. (100b) Sturgeon Lake Ultra modern cottage, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, completely furnished, $20,000.00. For | particulars contact Mr. G.! Elshout, 131 The Kingsway, Toronto. Phone MU. 1460. Stary duplex, 43 $1 1,200 rooms on each floor, Immediate possession of complete residence, newly decorated. Terms can be arranged. This is your chance to buy a good income home. Contact A. E. MURDOCH Broker 122 Simcoe S. i Phone 2928 spacious grounds, turther (981) | €99c) $8 700 --King St. West. Very; ' cosy B-room brick bun-! Built just the way you would | Fully insulated, 4-pc. bath, nicely decorated throughout, large | kitchen. Includes many extras. Good | lot with lets of small fruits, garage. Terms, early possession. Properties large or small' urgently required. y galow. like it. W. E. HOLMES Broker Bond at Ontario Phone 5508) (100b) | terms. Phone 111-W Brooklin. | FURNISHED BEDROOM, GOOD location. Phone 1004-W. (101a) 2 LARGE ROOMS, PARTLY FUR- nished if desired, kitchen conveni- ences, hot and cold water, ground floor, child accepted, immediate pos- session. Phone 4612-R. (101b) LARGE "FURNISHED FRONT room, - suitable for two, for light housekeeping. Apply 163 Simcoe S. (101b) 3-ROOM APARTMENT WITH ALL conveniences including electric stove, Frigidaire, separate hot water tank, ! lots of cupboard space; very central. Immediate possession. Box 305, Times-Gazette. (101b) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing room, suit two, near Motors. Phone 1638-M. (100c) GENTLEMAN WILLING TO share room with twin beds, spring- ! filled mattress; breakfast optional. Phone 3205-M. (100c) LARGE FRONT ROOM, DOUBLE bed, spring-filled mattress, suit 2 gentlemen; breakfast optional. Phone 3205-M. (100c) TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with fridge and water, newly decorated, suit widow or business couple, abstainers. Phone 1159-J. (100c) 3 ROOM APARTMENT, HEATED, all. conveniences. Adults preferred. 95 Liberty St. North, Bowmanville. (99¢) | 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, CENTRAL- ly located; refrigerator, sink, gas stove. Abstainers only, business cou- ple preferred. Phone 765-M. (98c) SINGLE BEDROOM WITH BREAK- fast, close to Motors. Apply 178 Alice | St. (97t1) 29---Wanted to Rent A FARM NEAR OSHAWA, WITH option to buy, including implements and livestock, Apply Box 306, Times- Gazette. (101c) COTTAGE WANTED TO RENT with option to buy or rent only, Write R. McGugan, 119 King St, Port Hope, Ont. (98d) YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE DE- sire 2 large or 3 unfurnished rooms. Please reply Box 149, Times-Gazette. (99¢c) 30--Room and Board LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT two, girls of business couple. Cen- tral. Phone 4815-M. (101b) 31--Room & Board Wanted QUIET YOUNG MAN DESIRES room and board in private home. Please telephone 433-J after 5 p.m. (101c) OFFICE GIRL DESIRES ROOM & ! board. central, private home. Phone 3836-M, after 5:30. (99c) 32--Automobiles For Sale '3 OLDSMOBILE 8, GOOD CON- dition, $250 or best cash offer. Phone 6186-J or 387 Elgin East. (101c) '84 CHEV. STANDARD COUPE, heater and good tires, $225. Must be sold. - Phone 3377. (101a) '36 DODGE COACH, GOOD MOTOR, fair body, some extras, $300, cash or (100b) "43-45 HARLEY DAVIDSON MO- torcycle, excellent condition. 284 | Courcelette Ave. Phone 5489- J. "46 CHEV. SEDAN, NEW PAINT, | new tires. Apply 71 La Salle Ave. (100b) 37 FORD COACH, GOOD CONDI- tion, $400. Apply 350 Leslie St. (100c) '37 DODGE STAKE TRUCK, REAL good condition throughout; 4 new tires, new battery, sealed beam lights. Phone 1761W11. (99¢) "49 PONTIAC DELUXE OPERA coupe, light green, radio, heater and defroster; perfect condition. Low mileage. 65 Charles St. (99¢) (100c) | | 32--Automobiles For Sale | FOR THE BEST USED CAR DEAL j3na satisfaction in town, try Johnny Powell, at Powell Motors, | book. Let's discuss it today. '33 FORD "CONVERTIBLE, "CHEAP for quick sale. Phone 4275-J after 5. (99¢) | '47 CHEV. COACH, PERFECT , condition. 174 Church Street. (99c) | "57 WILLYS STATION WAGON, | heater--a_ real bly at $1,325. 160 | Park Rd. N. (971) Iv with Gerhard Heintzman). Phone | possession July 1st. No agents. Box! | BEFORE YOU PURCHASE YOUR 550R. used or new car, truck or tractor, | see Ted Watson at Powell Motors, , North Oshawa, for a better deal. (My20) | FOR A SQUARE DEAL, SEE Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors New and used cars. Phone 55605: eve- nings, 1463J. (My3) SELLING YOUR CAR? Belmont Motors will get you more money for your car, selling it on consignment. Cash buyers waiting. PHONE 4808 (99tf) LOOK Car Owners You can now have your car washed by an experienced man. Half hour service. Vacuumed with every wash. FRED BALL'S B.A. SERVICE STATION 136 King West Phne 2462 (100b) 33--Automobiles Wanted 100 GOOD CLEAN USED CARS. Chevs, from "39 up. Art's Car Mar- ket, King St. W., Bowmanville. Phone 2148. (971) MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR AT Dodds' Car Lot, 300 Park Road 3. Phone 4749. (My1) AUTO SAFETY GLASS INSTAL led while you wait. Andy Nagy's Body Shop. Phone 4437. (A28) SELLING YOUR CAR? Belmont Motors will get you more money for your car, selling it on consignment. Cash buyers waiting. PHONE 4808 WANTED '49-50 CHEVS. & PONTIACS Highest prices paid BELMONT MOTORS 133 King West (99tf) (99t1) 36--Pets and Livestcck POLICE DOG, 5 WEEKS OLDS. Phone 1004-W. (101a) REGISTERED BOSTON TERRIERS (males). Apply 48 Brock St. W. (100c) REGISTERED COCKER SPANIEL puppies, black and part-colours, also one black female spayed. Waubena Kennels, mile west Oshawa on new highway. (My8) REGISTERED PUPPIES, FOX terriers, (smooth) and samoyeds. Knowlion's Kennels, North Oshawa. Phone 1801W3. (My24) 37--Farmers' Column FOR SALE--COCKSHUTT SPREAD- er and mower, like new. M.H. Seed Drill; Binder; Roller; Int. Cultiva- tor. 1649W2. (98¢) BROWN SWISS HEIFER, DUE IN May. P. Hayes, Harmony Rd. North. Phone 862M1. (99c) 38--Wearing Apparel 3 SUITS FOR SALE, SIZE 181; For particulars, phone 5665. (100c) 39--Articles For Sale 14 FT. OUTBOARD RUNABOUT, semi V bottom, 59 in. beam. Price $250. 43 McMillan Drive. (101c) DRY PINE SLAB WOOD, 1-FT. lengths; also wood business and equipment for sale. Phone 5414-R. (My29) HARDWOOD CUTTINGS, FOR quick sale to clean factory, $5 or $3 lots, delivered. Phone 4793-W. (100c) North | Byron St. South, Whitby. (100b) | | Oshawa. Terms to suit your pocket- | ROLL" RIMMED PORCELAIN KIT- (My20) | | chen sink, 2 new chrome taps, "quality drapes. Addled-Ads ( From the Nation's Classified Columns) By Lutke CLIPPING Feo! HSA HARTWIG LOSANGELES CAL €opr. 1950. Sun and Times Co, All rights reserved Kitchen privileges near To Rent-- $30.00 month, furnished front room. ea We NPS an Ur) SOND SHIPS og NPAT Fox Studio. __(o5 Angeles 39--Articles For Sale MAN'S BLACK ROLLER SKATES, size 913, Division. (101b) PIANO FOR SALE. APPLY 619 (1012) Phone 5509-M. QUANTITY SECOND-HAND LUM- ber. Apply 882 Simcoe North. Phone 822-M. (101¢) Apply 256 Athol E. Phone 616-W. (101b) WHITE KITCHEN CABINET, POR- celain top. Phone 426. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC range, used 12 months, $70 less than new; large model with utility draw- ers and warming oven, like guaranteed. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe N. (101c) HORSE MANURE. PHONE 3560. (100c) APARTMENT SIZE PIANO, BEST reasonable offer. Phone 3276-R. (100) | NOW IS THE 'TIME TO SET fruit trees. Apple, 3 yrs. old, at $1; 2 yrs. old, @ 60c, and 1 yr., @ 45c. Pear, 3 yr., @ $1.60. John Pallock, Whitby. Phone 496. (991) WELDED 22 - GALLON WATER | gramophone cabinet | tank; Victor with 80 records. Phone 2578-W: assure you hot water during summer months when furnace is out, 2843-R. (99c) MASTER DELUXE SHELTON] permanent machine, 26 heaters, 3 pt. heat control--§125. Phone 5516. will (99¢c) | 200 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM: Linoleum of all kinds, felt base and inlaids. Congoleum and Rexoleum. Laying service avallable at Brad ley's, 40 King St. (A29t1) RENT A PORTABLE ELECTRIC | sewing machine in your own home, $6 per month. We deliver and pick | up. Singer Sewing Machine Com- pany, 14-16 Ontario St. Phone 696. (M.W.F.tf) COFFIELD WASHER, $29.50; RAN- gette, $14.50. Apply 408 Mary Phone 3072-W. (99¢) Phone 4061-J. (99c) APPLES: CHOICE SPYS, $2.75( bushel; good Cooking apples, $1.99 bushel. Free delivery. Phone 3234. (My18) ! RICH BLACK LOAM, GARDEN manure and cinders, sand and grav- el. Phone 3690. (My25) EASY WASHING MACHINES, with the exclusive vacuum cup principle; also see the famous Easy | Spin dry washer before you buy. | Meagher's, 92 Simcoe N. (My18) FOR GENUINE ELECTROLUX | parts and service in Electrolux floor polishers and cleaners, call Electro-| lux (Canada) Ltd.,, 26 Thomas St. Phone 423-W. RUGS, BEAUTIFUL REVERSIBLE broadloom, made from your old car pets; rags, woollens. Phone 4714- Li Dominion Rug Weaving. (My8) WESTINGHOUSE RANGES, WITH latest improvements, telon switches, automatic time clock, etc. Estimates given on your present range. No obligation. Meagher's Electric. (A29) AWNINGS OF ALL TYPES, prompt service, excellent range of stripes and solid colors. Phone 2497-W. 10 DIFFERENT OF OUR MOST beautiful perennial border flower plants, 1.50; forty mixed, $5, in- cluding new jet-black viola; double | Shasta Daisies (two varieties), each! assortment, 6 plants $2. Order early for best choice. Free delivery. Phone 4505-W. (My21) free few more orders for spring, for estimates. Tables and chairs rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (My3) GRAVEL, SAND, FILL, BLACK loam -- immediate delivery. Dump truck service. Phone W. F. Essery, 3470. (My18) FRESH OR WELL-ROTTED horse, cow, chicken or manure for gardens or lawns; also cinders. Phone 3234. (My1) WE DELIVER ANY PARCEL ANY lace at any time. Nothing too small. all Speedy Delivery 4538-M. (My4) | LIFE-FLEX VENETIAN JLINDS. The all-steel blind. New designs and colors, guaranteed 'to fit. Estimates free. Complete repair. service; wood slats replaced with steel. Merv. Tuck. 4674W, (A30 COMr ETE WINDOW SERVIC Canada's Finest Venettan Blinds by Met-Wo Industries Limited, tour- teen difterent colors, unconditionally guaranteed. Vree estimates and In- stallations - anywhere; also finest tracks, arms. 2 Ww. Melley. Phone 4101. Mys3) EAVESTROUGH YN "TO! put up; quick service. Free mates. Phone 4859-M. (My13tf) HARDWOOD KINDLING, 10 BAGS $4. Phone 6244. (A30) No perfect condition. Apply 346 | $15. | (101a) ! RANGETTE, GOOD CONDITION. | (101c¢) | new, | -- | est models, (99¢) | JACKET HEATER, REASONABLE. | MAN'S HEAVY C.C.M. BICYCLE. | (My22) | 50c, 6 for 2.50. Special rock garden | AWNINGS -- WE CAN ACCEPT A | mushroom | esti- | | 39--Articles For Sale SUNSHINE AND, McCLARY RAN-| gettes, newest dels, monthly instalments; also used ran- gettes, $19 up. Meagher's, 92 Sim- coe N., (My19) 11950 MODEL WESTINGHOUSE RE- frigerators with new Stor-Dor and economizor - mechanism. Trac: ins accepted as down payment; in convenient Meagher's E':ctric. (A29) | VENETIAN BLINDS, THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. 'I'he most starti- ing development in Venetian Blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats convenient | baance | monthly payments. | CROSSWORD - By Eugene Sheffer HORIZONTAL 51. grove 1. tea 52. lug . Season 53. match 4A J line 54. minute, ET T+ 14. kiln hin 15. ape 17. reward 18. footlike VERTICAL 1. a small fragment . ridges of drift 5-1 10. opposed to stoss outcome compact by pounding 20. calumniate 22. lighted coal} 24. town on Thames Indian peasant 2. part of harness . among, poetic . case . of a main channel . card game . novice . province . expose too long (Photo.) 11. 16. . simple . cubic decimeter . hit with open hand . exemption closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without obligation. George Reid. Phone 2144 66 Bond St. West. (A15) RECORD PLAYERS, VARIOUS | makes, single-speed 'and three-speed, automatic and portable. All the new- priced Meagher's, 5 King St. West. (Myl) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- fer rolls and belts for all makes of | washers. Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. Jd. Phone 3800W. (M25tf) ORNAMENTAL IRON | | give better and more gracetui en- | smithing, welding, repairs. Phone 6180. Free estimates, easy terms ar- ranged. 35 Bloor East. (My4) WEEDLESS MANURES, DIFFER- ent kinds. Rich black loam, for | lawns, gardens; also sand, gravel, cinders. Phone 4714-J. (My20) PAINT WITH SOLIDEX Do you want a good, ultra-flat, one | coat, oil base paint that is free from objectionable odor? Then Solidex is your answer! crete, brick, plywood, wallboard and wallpaper. No primer or size is necessary. NELSON'S PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Bond West Phone 841 | i i i (100f) Evinrude Outboard Motors | Sales and Service Canadian Canoe Boats, Michigan Propellers, and Seat Cushions. St. | Hannan Marine Sales 20 Ray St. -- Phone 4019W | (My13) |41--Articles Wanted | GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT- ed, ice- boxes, cook stoves, and heat- ers. 66 King West. Phone 3326. (My12) | casa PAID FOR GOOD USED | furniture, ice-box, Quebec heaters, | cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Ss | 37T66M. | HIGHEST PRICFS PAIL on ph | per, rags, mat'resses, tron metals. Local and out-of-town calls | picked up free. Phone 635. Cedardale [ton and Metals, 100 Annis St., east of C.N.R. Station. (My3) | (98f) | PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANO | | WM.S. will meet at the parsonage! | now. Wilson ana Lee, 79 Simcoe N | Phone 2388. (My16) 16) 1 42--Female Help Wanted | GIRL REQUIRED FOR LUNCH bar, experience unnecessary. Phone ! 4895- -W. (101a) | GENERAL GIRL FOR GENERAL | house work, must be fond of chil- dren. Phone 5591. (101c) SALESGIRL, ABLE TO MEET public, age 18 to 24. Apply by letter, | stating experience and wages ex- | pected. Box 304, Times-Gazette. | MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AS | housekeeper for elderly couple, coun- | try home. Phone 1615J12. (100c) GIRL FOR DOCTOR'S OFFICE. Apply stating qualifications to Box 250, Times-Gazette. EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL FOR part-time work. Apply Nesbitt's La- dies' Wear, 33 King East. (97tf) WANTED--GIRL TO SING WITH 5) | orchestra in local dance hall. Must be able to sing Western-type songs. Write Post Office Box 162, Oshawa. (100b) SALESGIRL, Z AGE 25-35--BE ABLE | to meet the public; must be thor- | oughly experienced in sewing and! understand patterns. Apply in own! | handwriting, giving qualifications, experience and education. Singer | Sewing Machine Co., 16 Ontario St. | (98tf) | | | NURSEMAID FOR 4-YEAR- -oLD | girl, other help kept. Live in. Good vages--Toronto. Apply to Box 238, | Times- Gazette. (971) | |43--viale Help Wanted | { DRIVER-SALESMAN FOR LARGE ! tractor trailer truck, High School | graduate preferred, age 25-30. Start- | ing salary $175 per month and good | opportunity for advancement for | | right type of man. Apply in own | | handwriting to Box 248, Times-Gaz- | | ette. (99¢) | ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN, WITH | | pleasing personality,,as driver sales- | man, and general store help. State age and wages expected. Must know | city, Box 303, Times-Gazette. : cn) from $14.95 up. | ) WORK, | | railings, fences, grills. General black- | Use it on plaster, con- | and | (101b) | (100c) | from punishment . constantly, poetic . cavalry arm . low . little organ of sensation . U. 8. coin . feature . cereal grain . scrutinize . ankle . foment . larch . cotton fabric Answer to Saturday's puzzle. Average time of solution: 27 minutes. Distributed by King Features Syndicate . dispatched . annealing- oven . embroidery material . request 32. bristle 35. conqueror 36. waxlike skin on bird's beak sweeten eft let it stand state of which spruce is State tree 45. dry 46. mountain | pasture land 47. gathering 49. taro paste 39. 41. 43. 44. 42--Female Help Wanted BE YOUR OWN BOSS! WITH] over 250 guaranteed household ne- | cessities. Give service in the Homes and you will be welcome anywhere. | With a Familex Agency you get re- | peat orders, a fine income and a lish a profitable business of your own in a short time--NO dull sea- son. A few territories open in your | county. No, investment required. | Write today for FREE details to FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Mon- | | treal. (1011) | | 46-- Employment Wanted | GIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK BY | day. Phone 1038-W. (101a) STORM WINDOWS REMOVED & | windows cleaned. ' Also chimneys | built and repaired. Phone 875R2. | (101¢) | REPAIRING TRILIGHTS, RA N- [ gettes, ranges, all househnid elec trical appliances. Frank Snudden | Phonc 919W. 107. Athol Kast | . (My18) YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE PART- time employment, 3 to 4 nights | weekly, age 24; available after 6 p-m. Phone 3194-J. (98e) 'Weekly News of Greenwood Area | MAY E. BROWN Correspondent | Greenwood, May 1--The Green- wood Circuit Auxiliary of the' |on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 | o'clock on May 4. This is a special | | twenty-fifth anniversary meeting | and all past members are invited' to be present. Hamplon were with Percy and Mrs. Clarke on Sunday. The Y.P.U. met at the home of Miss Glenna Minaker on Thursday # evening, Several ladies attended the 'Wo- yy men's Association Presbytery meete ing at Pickering on Wednesday. Rev. H. R. Monkman and Wm. A. Brown attended the Oshawa Pres- bytery meeting at Bowmanville on Wednesday. Classified ads are sure to pay, Phone 35 with yours today. . i AUCTION SALES! ® 29% For Real Estate ® 7.% For House Sales ® 12% For Farm Sales PHONE 1723R Day or Night! Cd JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT OELIVERY! 241 KING ST. EAST PHONE 1351 ASPHALT SHINGLES 53 Albert st. Phone 123 | 'The sympathy of the Sais] | is extended to Mrs. Sydney Wonna- | cott and family of Audley in the | sudden passing of a loving husband and father. | Clarence and Mrs. Perkin and children and Mrs. Stark of Toron-| to were guests of Mrs. W. G. Perkin and Mrs. John Johnson on Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hoskin and, | daughters of Mt. Zion called on| Mrs. F. W. Gibson on Sunday .af- | terncon. Hear the play, "Rebellion of) Youth" in the Greenwood Church | on Tuesday evening, May 2. It is, being sponsored by 'the Missionary | Department of the Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Cryderman of Stafiord Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and care- ful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of im- ported and domestic Granites and' Marbles in stock. = We PHONE 2497 4Z(FOR EVERY WINDOW f in your home -- and for the porch as well! durably tailored from sun-and-iain- proof cloth that is extremely service- able. The assortment offered includes ' @ varied array of attractive, colorful - striped effects, and solid colours, supply awnings for every window They are smartly-designed, For Further Information OSHAWA DEWILDE and PENHAL

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